Wednesday Night X22 Reports 1-15-2020

Phase 1 Completed, Next Move Coming, Watch How The Transition Takes Shape - Episode 2071a

X22 Report:  Jan 15, 2020

The global economy is breaking down, the [CB] are exposed and the world is going to watch how a [CB] driving economy implodes.

The [CB] are not managing the economies for the people they are managing it for themselves, to enrich themselves and to enslave a people.

Trump has just signed the phase 1 trade deal with China, this is just the beginning.

*Senate Was The Key, Patriots Turn, It’s All About To Be Exposed - Episode 2071b 

X22 Report:  Jan 15, 2020

The [DS] has now pushed their agenda forward in regards to the fake impeachment, the patriots have the [DS] /Ds exactly where they want them, the Senate was the key, it is now the patriots turn.

SP has now rescinded Flynn's guilty plea, everything is about to change, she wants 30 day continuance which brings us to Feb 27.

Trump during his rally mention [LL], the tarmac, he did this on purpose, it all about to be exposed.



IQD CALLS Chat Wednesday Evening 1-15-20


.Uncle Sam Just Used Its Financial Nuclear Weapon Again