IQD CALLS Chat Tuesday Evening 11-26-19

IQD CALLS Chat Tuesday Evening 11-26-19

Chattels   BAGHDAD / NINA / Parliamentary Finance Committee held a joint meeting this afternoon with the Governor of the Central Bank Ali al-Allaq and the Director General of the Tax Authority to discuss the mechanisms of auction currency sale.

chattels   BAGHDAD / NINA / The stability of the dollar exchange rates on the stock market struggle and local markets, on Tuesday (November 26, 2019).

The prices of the Stock Exchange struggle - Baghdad 120.650 dinars per 100 dollars.

Dave   thats bettter....seeing no enthusiasm regarding an eminate RV

Baxter   ARE YOU KIDDING.... PTR says we will be DONE by Dec 20th

Dave   even chattels....gosh... dumbstruck

Baxter   Looks like Im gonna lose my bet...

Dave   that still a good thing

Baxter   OH... I would LOVE to lose my bet

Dave   fingers rthere is some enthusiasm

Baxter   you betcha... Im counting on it

Dave   great

Dave   almost got busted.........wife asked what is this dinar stuff about

Baxter   HA... be careful

Dave   she has no idea

Baxter   your wife may put you away in a cell somewhere... mine thinks Im nuts

Dave   hardly ever enters my pit

Dave   thought I was going to surprise her 10 yrs ago with something special

Baxter   Dec 21st.. you can surprise her

Dave   me first......."WHERE DID YOU GET THAT?"

Baxter   get what?

Dave   new lexus

Zig   Baxter : Did PTR give out the rate?.....I am hoping it will be at least $3.00.....

Baxter they didnt

Dave   at the very least

Baxter   Oh... I get id Dave... it took me a minute

Dave   wanna contractor rate

Baxter   but they have always stated it would be more than what it was before....How that is possible.. I havent a clue

Baxter   a currency rate is basically based on the countries reserve amount and money supply... IMO..

Zig   Baxter : sound like

Dave   Baxter something aboot dropping 3 zeros, and restoring the IQD

Baxter   when it was over 3 dollars.. there was only 18 billion dinar in the world... now there is over 40 trillion

Dave   Baxter HEHE

Baxter   ZIG... I believe he is right on that part

Dave   Baxter Something aboot currency actions

Dave   4 trillion a month lately

Dave   Baxter with at least 50% of their work force working for the Govt.........thats alot of cash to stuff in envelopes when the monthly average salary is 50K as per our notable authority

Dave   fractional banking.....those poor folks are just all qued up writing mortgages

Doug_W   hey LARRY WB

Dave   as per last chat with our resident authority .......Importers must exchange through CBI......CBI now in the Import/export business? And importers need to pay to sell their goods,,,,,should it not be the other way around?

Dave    am so....CONFUSED...hoping for a GCR Dec 21st

Dave   have I missed yet another boat?

Doug_W   Dave does tat mean ur up the creek with NO paddle then?

Dave   pretty on an Island need a boat

Doug_W   oh well....

Dave   oh well what?

Doug_W   just "Oh well...."

Dave   deep subject ...yes

Doug_W   can B

Dave   1 dont float very well

Baxter   3 DEADLY Bomb Blasts in Baghdad today... killing many... final death toll still unknown...

Baxter   according to Fox News..just now

Baxter   300,000 still rioting in the streets...

Baxter   but oh... we gonna RV...... LOL.. OMG

Zig   From a "Frank26" conference call in late December....2011....Yes, 2011........"They are doing it now, Family!…They are releasing the new currency to the Iraqi citizens... They have told the citizens that the US dollar must be removed out of circulation immediately."

Doug_W   Silver:$17.19

futuremoney   who cares

JoeSchmoe   Doug_W so a little bird told me that the guys over at DP give this thing about an 80% chance of ever happening.....

JoeSchmoe   why don't they just sell what they have and leave their opinions on the curb?

Baxter   JOE....80% is pretty strong

JoeSchmoe   Baxter of NEVER happening

Baxter    well that aint so good

JoeSchmoe   NEVER....EVER same thing

JoeSchmoe   in the context of the phrase

Dave   JoeSchmoe DP stated that?

JoeSchmoe   Dave dinar perspectives

Baxter   Then we had better Hope... that the GCR Idea prevails

Dave   yes

JoeSchmoe   bobby cahill's group

Dave   JoeSchmoe never heard that from their calls

Doug_W   JoeSchmoe how long have U been in this?

JoeSchmoe   Doug_W 10 years

Doug_W   then U have heard "opinions" before

Dave   never heard 80% of ever happening

Dave   on a call

JoeSchmoe   Dave this little bird told me that they are and have been very down on this thing for quite some time

Dave   call

Doug_W   not that I have seen quite the opposite

JoeSchmoe   Doug_W well then I wonder where this little bird got his info, cuz i trust this guy

Baxter   what nonsense

Dave   JoeSchmoe have yet to see any bills ever passed......other than their traffic laws.....

Doug_W   Bobby himself comes in

Doug_W   as does Kaleigh

JoeSchmoe   Doug_W never seen them here

Doug_W   I think there is some mis info floating around IF they were as UR describing I would have left

JoeSchmoe   and for the record, I think Kaleigh is more upbeat on this

Doug_W   JoeSchmoe different names

JoeSchmoe   Doug_W so being from DP over there, can you say they never said this 80% chance of ever/never happening?

Dave   JoeSchmoe i have not

Doug_W   I can only say I have not heard nor seen that

JoeSchmoe   and I am sure it comes from frustrration......but if you are an admin of a dinar group.....I mean, cmon

Clay   13 Killed Sunday in One of ‘Worst’ Days of Iraqi Protests

Baxter   Had 3 huge bombings in Baghdad today Clay

Dave   DEC 21.........

JoeSchmoeis   ?

Young_SC   RENO!!!!

Dave   RV

JoeSchmoe   4 days before xmas

Baxter   shhh dave..... thats our secret... LOL

Dave   ooops


Baxter   I have been to RENO... aint much there

JoeSchmoe IS that time of the dinar year for all the santa predictions to come out

Baxter   JOE>. it sure is

JoeSchmoe   here we go, that little bird texted me this post from Bobby. interpret for yourselves....

JoeSchmoe  1st cup of coffee so here we go. I personally, first and foremost, look for things that are preventing this from happening. Once I know my position on that, I then take the positives that keep me thinking this could happen.

Once the positives catch up, or outweigh the negatives, I'll get excited about this. Right now we're at a 80% negative to a 20% positive. EVERYTHING about next year, or at least the 1st 6 months, will hinge on the Budget and that's a fact jack!

Today's Iraq is in a 69 Chevy with a 396, Fuelie heads and a Hurst on the floor(Springsteen) wide open heading for a brick wall. If they continue with the most current 45 day reform deadline, we're screwed.

 I could go on and on but I'd love for someone to change my mind. Again, I look for things/issues that stop this from happening but the 20% good is still out there

Doug_W   but the 20% good is still out there


More News, Rumors and Opinions Late Tuesday Night 11-26-19


Frank26 Video "The Plan" with Delta and KTFA Members News 11-26-19