Frank26 Video "The Plan" with Delta and KTFA Members News 11-26-19


DELTA: Parliamentary Finance discusses with the Central Bank Governor the mechanism of selling currency

Economy 02:14 - 26/11/2019

Baghdad - Mawazine News

A parliamentary source said Tuesday that the Parliamentary Finance Committee is hosting the Governor of the Central Bank Ali Alaq and the Director General of the tax.

The source told Mawazine News, "The parliamentary finance committee is hosting today, the central bank governor on the relationship and the director general of the tax to discuss the mechanisms of selling the currency."  (wink)



11th September 2012

The process of scrapping old dinars and deleting zeros from Iraq’s currency to replace it with more manageable numbers could cost the country billions, according to Ahmed Faizullah, the deputy chairman of the Parliamentary Finance Committee.

Redenominating is up to Iraq’s central bank, but it would cause chaos for government by redenominating after it has set an annual budget in the existing denomination.

That’s why no redenomination will take place in 2013 and maybe 2014 as well.

Removing zeroes makes it easier print money, read it and add it up, and reduces the need to cart around too many notes to pay for goods and services in a country that relies almost wholly on cash. Iraq puts just 1% of all its transactions on credit card.

Although cutting zeros adds to costs and confusion, Faizullah says: “It is basically the process of currency switching and common people will take some time to get used to it. That is all.” 

DavidWayne:  Does this mean mechanisms for selling IQD on Forex?



DELTA:  The Central Bank agrees to open a branch in Sulaymaniyah

2019/11/26 10:57:33

 Twilight News / The Central Bank of Iraq, on Tuesday, the opening of a branch of Sulaimaniya of the bank pending an official request to the Kurdistan Regional Government, while a number of Kurdish deputies asked the government of the region in this regard.

A statement by the deputies Ahmed Haji Rashid, Shiroan Mirza and Hoshyar Abdullah, Kurdish members of the Finance Committee in the Iraqi Council of Representatives, where they pointed out that the committee hosted on Tuesday the Governor of the Central Bank of the relationship, and held talks with him on a number of problems and obstacles in Iraqi monetary policy.

The statement pointed out that the meeting witnessed Kurdish MPs to the possibility of opening a branch of the Central Bank of Iraq in the city of Sulaimaniya, outside the framework of the main topic of the meeting, calling for clarifications on this file and where it arrived.

The three deputies also pointed out that the relationship confirmed that if they received an official request from the provincial government in this regard, the bank will open a branch in Sulaymaniyah and agree to open the branch.

The three deputies demanded the Kurdistan Regional Government to accelerate the submission of an official request in this regard to the Central Bank of Iraq.   


Samson:  The Minister of Finance reveals the details of the agreement with the region and the date of sending the budget to parliament

2019/11/25 19:05

Baghdad and the Kurdistan Region have reached an agreement and the delegation of the region will visit Baghdad next week to participate in the committee, which is the final draft of the draft budget law 2020.

Hussein told reporters today that "part of the talks for the agreement between the Kurdistan region and Baghdad has to do with the region's share in the draft budget for the year 2020, especially the issue of revenues and expenditures of the region." He added that the meeting between the province and Baghdad, the first of particular importance to the question of oil province delivery, "adding that" the two sides have reached an agreement that recognizes the Kurdistan region a day of 250 thousand barrels per day to SOMO."

Said Minister of Finance, said that "the delegation of the Kurdistan region will visit on Next Sunday again to Baghdad, where a special committee was formed to draft a draft law on the general budget, including a representative of the region and the committee will prepare on Sunday and Monday next draft final budget law 2020 and then sent to Prime Minister Adel Abdul Mahdi, who in turn will send it to the House of Representatives for ratification. 

Regarding sending the salaries of the martyrs by Baghdad, the Minister of Finance said that "fixing the salaries of martyrs and Anfal in the Kurdistan region in the budget law is part of the agreement."


Samson:  Barzani and al-Qaq stress the need to give Abdul-Mahdi a chance to implement the reform packages

2019/11/26 14:16

The head of the Kurdistan Regional Government, Masroor Barzani, on Tuesday, Director of the Middle East and North Africa at the British Foreign Office Stephanie al-Qaq and her delegation.

During the meeting, according to the statement of the media office of Barzani's office, which was attended by British Consul General in Erbil James Thornton, "discussed the latest developments in the Iraqi scene, and stressed that instability in the country is not in the interest of Iraqis in general and the region as a whole."

It was also stressed "the need to give the Iraqi prime minister an opportunity to respond to the legitimate and legal demands of the demonstrators and the implementation of reform packages."

During the meeting, "the British support for the reform program in the Kurdistan Regional Government, especially with regard to the Ministry of Peshmerga."    LINK


Samson:  Barzani announces a third visit to the delegation of the Kurdistan region to Baghdad next week

26th November, 2019

The head of the Kurdistan region, Nechirvan Barzani, said on Tuesday that the delegation of the regional government will hold a third visit to Baghdad next week in order to reach an agreement on oil exports and the federal budget.

This came in a press conference held after he put a crown of flowers on the grave of former Iraqi President and Secretary General of the Patriotic Union of Kurdistan Jalal Talabani in Sulaimaniyah.

Barzani said during the conference that "the relations of the Kurdistan region and Baghdad very good," adding that "the delegation of the Kurdistan Regional Government made two visits to Baghdad, and will visit again next week in order to reach an agreement on the issue of oil exports and the general budget."

"We are continuing to cooperate with Baghdad to overcome the current situation."  LINK

Samson:  Iraq holds talks with Iran and Kuwait on joint oil fields

08:47 - 26/11/2019

The Oil Ministry confirmed on Tuesday the continuation of talks with Iran and Kuwait on the joint fields, while disclosing a great way forward with them to develop and invest these fields.

The senior undersecretary of the ministry Fayyad Nehmeh Hassan said in a statement reported by the official newspaper "morning" and saw it (information), that  "Iraq has opened over the past few years, channels of dialogue with Kuwait and Iran to develop and invest common fields and cross-border with these countries, as there are many with Iran, like it with Kuwait, like the southern Rumaila and Zubair fields.

Hassan said, "The joint delegations of specialists in Iraq and the two countries, meet from time to time to activate the investment operations."

Hassan pointed to "the continuation of discussions in this aspect as there is an understanding to develop these fields by the two countries to reach a joint production is in accordance with international standards," stressing that "the talks have come a long way in the process of appointing an international consultant."

The Iraq and Kuwait had concluded a joint contract early last August with an international company to prepare special studies to invest optimal joint fields of border between the Butterball, as the contract provides for the company to prepare a technical and reservoir studies for the fields of border - producing joint which fields ( the Dome of Safwan -aelaidla), and ( Southern Rumaila - Rattaka - Al - Ritqa field), as a prelude to organizing, exploiting and investing in a way that guarantees the right of each party to it in addition to signing an agreement with the Iranian side in this regard.    LINK


Frank26:  11-26-19 THAT IS.......”THE PLAN”





IQD CALLS Chat Tuesday Evening 11-26-19


Don961 and Delta Tuesday PM "It's the Exchange Rate, Gentleman" 11-26-19