IQD CALLS Chat Thursday Evening 4-9-20
IQD CALLS Chat Thursday Evening 4-8-20
tman23 Kaperoni 10 years solid research that concludes with floating the currency and opening of a market economy which in turn will increase the value of the currency ,THE OLE SAMMY BALLSUM AFFECT....
Let’s evaluate .... very very poor existing infrastructure and lacking future infrastructure anytime soon. Very weak labor force that lacks skilled laborers. A very poor logistics network with sub par roadways for national transportation. Skilled laborers who were from Egypt and India that Iraq government stiffed as laborers fled home during uprisings vow never to ever return to Iraq to work .
That being said with 134 days out of the work year being holidays off work. And 10 years of intense research by a Michael Kaperoni concludes that the opening of the Iraq economy and floating the currency sets him into a position to make handsome returns on his investment .
Not to mention the IMF and 2% floating currency value cap rules.... Anyone see the issues or problems here? It is way to obvious that best case scenario of success of an Iraqi open market economy is somewhere in “THE COMING DAYS”. Lol..... so what the heck is the economic self educated intern
tman23 I just posted facts about Iraq work force and infrastructure... all required for a SUCCESSFUL market economy.... no response because the 10 year research of floating to success is proven a losing concept ....
so why the 24/7 continuous monitoring of chat rooms followed up with the floating theory that has no gains or very low gains because Iraq is poor in work force and infrastructure....
Doug_W Silver:$15.70 +0.59
Baxter i Had a friend of mine call me today.... yesterday... he flew out of Washington DC... to Dayton ohio on a Delta Flight.. it was a Boeing 777 he was on... Get this.. the plane had Five passengers... it holds close to 300 people..
Dave social distancing........
Doug_W they showed TIA this am NO one in the concourse at all Tampa International Airport
Baxter Its gonna take a long.. long time to recover from this...
Doug_W Baxter what ya gonna do with ur 1200 bucks?
Dave Baxter Americans are invincible ?
Doug_W Dave right and don't 4 get it
Baxter Doug_W pay my lot rent for six months which I wont even be there
Baxter 6.6 million more filed for unemployment
Dave 200 million to go...... ish?
Baxter 15000 deaths now in U S
Dave Only..... not near 250k 2 deaths on my Island....still cant golf
xyz Biden: "Coronavirus Is Helping My Numbers"
Sue Scamdemic - Dr Scott Jensen On Covid 19 Death Count Guidelines & Financial Incentives
Clay was turned down for unemployment
Baxter wonder why
Clay they want a w2 or 1099 I file a 1040 i think I never ever luck out story of my life
Baxter if you are self employed.. I dont think you will have a w2
Clay I wont
Baxter cant you just show them your last tax returen
futuremoney Clay if you dont have a w-2 then you prolly didnt pay un-employment taxes
Baxter I dont think you pay unemployment taxes if you are self employed... I never did
futuremoney imself employed , however im also a corp. so I do..but i still cant get it either..I would have to lock the doors...not even get the order to get it
Clay Baxter I sent it in
Baxter oh.ok
Clay futuremoney supposently supposed to pay sole proprietors with no 1099s or w2s
Clay like you and me
futuremoney Clay my accountant says they have no idea what they are doing and no one is getting money
futuremoney as far as concerning the loan from sba
Clay mine too they are clueless but just got a message today that people like you and I will be eligible for unemployment I wont wait
Wilder Its a friggin mess. My business is going down. Dark days are coming.
Clay me too getting worse by the day only seeing 5 patients/day now cut hours way way back
Wilder 2 estimates and they want me to carry them month to month. Both layed off.
Doug_W Wilder what do U do?
Clay things suk and for no reason to shut down the economy
Clay all politics which is gonna crush our economy just so the dems can try once again to rid Trump
Wilder 2 more years i was hoping to be able to retire. Not with this crap going on.
Wilder Sweden's Relaxed Approach to the Coronavirus Is Already Be Backfiring.
Clay is it? didnt hear
Wilder Yes So they say.
Clay time will tell
Doug_W everybody left
Clay guess so
Sparky ...amazing how life as we know it, can flip on a dime...
Sparky ...still hopeful of prospering...GCR appears to be in play...
Baxter its in the works.... soon
Sparky ...11% of jobs lost in three weeks...
Baxter it will get worse.. lots worse
Sparky ...yup...
Baxter we have a milk processing facility near here... showed on our news today... milk tanker trucks dumping farmers milk in fields.. no way to process it
Patty Baxter I thought milk processing was pretty much all automatic anymore.
Baxter I dont know a thing about it...
Baxter its gonna take a long time to come back from this
Baxter saw pix today of 11000 airliners parked... not being used
Baxter parked in the desert of arizona.. kansas... illinois... everywhere
Sparky Baxter ...Yes, but we will come through a new least for a while...
Baxter I have a friend who flew from D C to Tampa yesterday on a Boeing 777 which carries 300 people... there was five passengers on it
Baxter he said you could shoot a shotgun in either airport...and hit nobody
Sparky ...gonna take a while to get back to normal...
Baxter years
Sparky ...I'm hoping 6 months...
Baxter lets hope
Sparky ..yeah, I'm being optimistic...
Baxter nothing wrong with that
Wilder All because of this virus?
Baxter I guess
Sparky ...I see a lot of reforms on the,
Sparky ...this illuminated a lot of flaws in our system...
Baxter sure did
Wilder And the flaws. Greedy politicians. COVID Symptom Tracker Covid-19 Coronavirus Pandemic Stats