IQD CALLS Chat Sunday Night 12-1-19

IQD CALLS Chat Sunday Night 12-1-19

Loren   Being a optimist instead of a cynic, and also have spending ten years in Iraq. I am very optimistic about the possibility of Iraq Revaluing its currency. Here are the reasons why:

I spent 2years in Kuwait City meeting Kuwaiti's and discussing regional business at every opportunity. Quite often it would be with farmers in the area, they told me that if Iraq ever retook their position in agriculture, that they would not be able to compete with them, that they might as well push their corps into the ditch.

I use to fly between Kuwait City and Baghdad, over the irrigation network that now has dust in it. I believe that they became dry because the monster named Sadamn rerouted the river and made Southern Iraq dry so that the river would go around his palace.

 I believe that the river could be rerouted again returning water to the irrigation network. Returning Iraq to it's position of being the Middle East's bread basket.

Two oil: Oil is so abundant that you can see it oozing up threw ground in places. I am not a petro engineer, but I have also heard that the oil that pumped out of the ground requires less refining in order to make it into fuel. Making it less expensive to refine, thus making it more valuable.

Three tourism: Iraq has a biblical history that agroecologist's (sp?) and tourist's have been wanting to explore for years. Do I need to point out that Egypt's government depends on tourism?

Here is a question, if Iraq's Dinar can be devalued, why can't it be revalued. Especially when I have heard it stated that Iraq maybe one of the richest counties on earth in natural recourses .

I have always heard that it is assets that determine the value of currency? From what I have seen, Iraq is a gold mine waiting to be tapped and in order to return to the world community that their currency has to be revalued? And that the rest of the world will benefit from this event.

Loren   This is not the 1st time posting, however I respect your right not to not to post opposing opinions. I am just a visitor. I will not post again! Please excuse the ring.

Sparky   Dave ...did you happen to read Loren's post from this morning ?

Dave   With all the manufacturing of solar panels one would think silver should be worth much more

Doug_W   Silver:$17.11

Baxter   it needs to go down to 13... so I can buy some

Sparky   Dave ...TrinaSolar, 345 watts a piece...

Dave   Sparky silver has not kept pace with gold

Dave   yet silver is much more utilized

Dave   Baxter hope you missed that boat.....

Baxter   nah... lets have it come down some more

Sparky   Dave ... I m thinking silver is artificially held down...

Dave   Sparky yep..... big demand .....keep it affordable

Dave   strange as it sounds

Sparky   Dave ...I'm sure that there is a strategy, to which I am unaware...

Dave   in this day and age silver is as important as Air

Dave   how many ounces of silver in a solar panel?

Sparky   Dave ... silver is very important, for sure...

Dave   old solar panel reclaimation/recycling good

Baxter   Dave... if you have 10 ounces of silver and you want to sell it...what percent does it cost you to sell it back to a dealer..

Sparky   Dave ...not sure...but I will check it out...miniscule circuitry...but each panel weighs about 40 pounds...

Dave Baxter need to see 20.00 spot before i call

 Baxter   I know.. but what does it cost you to sell it

Doug_W   sell it on ebay which is FAR less than a dealers 20%

Dave   Baxter 10-15 % my guess off melt value

Baxter   ok..

Doug_W   set a min price and acution it off

Baxter   thats quite a bit

 Dave   Doug_W Not selling my MS 65s

 kevin311312   ANews@anewscomtr

The Iraqi parliament approved the resignation of Iraq's Prime Minister on Sunday following protester's pressure in demonstrations around the country.

Baxter have a link for that article

Sparky   ..I think Abadi / Sadr / Sistani are on the same page...and will act quickly this time...imo...

Sparky   ... still talking mid 2020...if we're lucky...


  Sparky   Dave ... I predict solar panel theft to be rising crime, if silver

 Sandyf   @Francis Albert CBI and so many others have all but said the Dinar is going up in value,

The "Dinar" is the monetary unit of Iraq, as opposed to the currency. A redenomination would increase the value of the "Dinar" and reduce the amount in circulation.

sandyf   I have referred in the past to 2 entities that I had dealings with that were outside the realm of dinarland. In the middle of last year both were shut down by the authorities.

One was revealed to be a scam and legal proceedings were initiated. The other however was given a clean bill of health and came back to life. They are now making encouraging noises about something happening later in the month with the outcome being visible in the new year.

People really should consider the possibility of 2 separate events rather than getting hung up on Iraq. The deletion of zeros is purely an Iraqi issue and could be a long time away.

Doug_W   Silver:  $16.97 down -0.14

chattels   sandyf I am involved in a number of groups. Does the viable entity referenced by you have a name ?


News, Rumors and Opinions Monday Morning 12-2-19


"Keep Believin' In the Unbelievable" by Dr. Dinar 12-1-19