News, Rumors and Opinions Monday Morning 12-2-19

Operation Disclosure Intel Alert (12-2-19): "Synopsis"


 Operation Disclosure

RV/INTELLIGENCE ALERT - December 2, 2019

(Disclaimer: The following is an overview of the current situation of the world based on intelligence received from several sources which may or may not be accurate or truthful.)

According to sources, a major financial correction/transition is about to occur.

The Fiat Financial System is on course to collapse and implode.

The Central Banking System is showing signs of failure as multiple banks in China begin to fail.

HSBC recently made a big financial deployment by moving from paper to blockchain.

BRICS is joining together to dethrone the Petrodollar which creates the possibility a US Dollar collapse and therefore gives reason to adopt a new monetary system.

The timing of the FISA report release is essential in allowing the public to connect the dots.

The release of the FISA report will lead to further investigations which will lead to implications connected to other investigations such as the Epstein investigation.

Eventually, these investigations will lead into the financial world and will explain why the Fiat Financial System is imploding.

Worldwide corruption of the Khazarian Crime Syndicate is being exposed.

Rumors are becoming fact as everything begins to surface.

The plan continues, Holidays or not.


JSL:  How many times has the World seen things Change immediately. Change comes Suddenly. I believe this will be a Suddenly event, leave your Head Spinning. IMHO

RVAlready:  Mahdi is gone now. The CBI should be able to do the RV. Then the new election law can be enacted, and the government replaced…. I think this will happen quickly, for the protests demand it.

Locofelipe:  I am going to come out of the lurkers box for about ten seconds.... lol. I truly belive that there is going to be some incredible news tomorrow(Monday) . I am truly excited. As our fearless leader says.... time will tell all

JSL:  It Really doesn't matter what we think or feel. It is what it is. It will happen suddenly. hope we will be able to hold on to that Time. Loco could be right as far as I am concerned.


TishwashThe arrival of a Kurdish delegation to hold a final meeting with the government of Abdul-Mahdi and the signing of a final agreement

A Kurdish source has arrived in Baghdad to sign a final agreement on oil and the budget The source said in an interview (Baghdad today), "The Kurdish delegation arrived in Baghdad this ".day, in order to sign a final agreement on the topics of oil and budget

He added, "The members of the delegation are, Awat Sheikh Janab, Minister of Finance, and Khalid Shwani, Minister of the Territory, and Dara Rashid, Minister of Planning, Omid Sabah, Chief of the ".Cabinet, and Amang Rahim, Secretary of the Council of Ministers

The Kurdish media talked, earlier in the day, a visit to the delegation of the Kurdistan region to Baghdad, to sign a final agreement on the budget and oil, noting that "the region, where demands, to ".increase its share of the budget set by 15% to 17%

In turn, the head of the Kurdistan Democratic Party bloc in the Iraqi parliament, Vian Sabri, in a press statement, that "the results of the past meetings were positive, and today the delegation returns to resolve this file in the hope of reaching a solid agreement concrete . "

She explained, "The Iraqi Constitution did not address the proportion of the share of the Kurdistan region in the budget, but pointed to a fair distribution of wealth ." She stressed: "So far the budget has not reached the parliament and still to the Council of Ministers, but the preparation is about to end and remained only with regard to the share of the Kurdistan region and hope to reach an agreement to be sent to the ".parliament soon   link


HSBC Moves $20 Billion From Paper to Blockchain In One Of The Biggest Financial Deployments

Darryn Pollock Contributor

Nov 29, 2019

Blockchain and banking continue to push new boundaries with the relatively untested technology offering lots of promise and potential, but not finding too many direct uses, as of yet. HSBC, one of the largest banking and financial services organizations in the world, headquartered in London, is planning on making a bold $20 billion step.

The bank will be shifting $20 billion worth of assets to a new blockchain-based custody platform by March. This is a vast improvement of the previous system as the HSBC platform will digitize paper-based records of private placements.

Private placements are typically held on paper and lack standardization which not only makes accessing them difficult and inefficient but also points towards an archaic and out-dated system.

Using blockchain to reduce the time it takes investors to make checks or queries on holdings, the new HSBC platform, known as Digital Vault, will give investors real-time access to records of securities bought on private markets.

Currently, the bank looks after up to $50 billion worth of the assets, so it is taking a big leap of faith by putting 40 percent of this onto the blockchain platform.

Read full post here:​llion-from-paper-to-blockchain-in-one-of-the-biggest-financial-deploym​ents

Empty Stores On Black Friday 2019, And Leading Indicators Suggest Massive Job Losses Ahead

Silver Report Uncut:  Dec 2, 2019

Economic collapse news December 2, 2019. First we look at some leading Indicators for job growth and various other early indicators that suggest we could be heading for mass job cuts.

We look also at CEO confidence to consumer confidence this in itself is at a historic divergence.

Next we look at this year's black friday turn out and shopping habits that reveal this year's black friday was not at all as good as suggested. The money just changed hands to online retailers.

Granted most of these retailers have an online presence but is it enough to compete with the ease of Amazon and Walmart.

We also see that foot traffic increased on Thursday which also suggests that Walmart had a good move moving to black Thursdays.


Financial Reset Wipeout! Prepare ‘Perfect Storm’" 100%Trump Could “Reboot” Dollar By 2020?

Economic Predictions 2019 :




Restored Republic via a GCR- Rumors as of Dec. 2, 2019


IQD CALLS Chat Sunday Night 12-1-19