IQD CALLS Chat Early Thursday 3-19-20

IQD CALLS Chat Early Thursday 3-19-20

Chattels   In Iraq, PM nominee Adnan Zurufi begins work to form cabinet. Those aligned with Iran push back: Hadi Ameri of Fatah, Nori Maliki of State of Law, Falih Fayyahd of PMF (Hashd), & Amar Hakim of Hikma. LINK

chattels   Maliki, Ameri and others who think #Iraq president Barham Salih acted unconstitutionally when naming al-Zurfi as PM designate could have complained in the past when he didn't designate their "biggest bloc" candidate, but on 2nd try those objections have less constitutional basis. In retrospect, the tactical error of the most pro-Iranian parties in Iraq was the way they handled the initial nomination of Muhammad Tawfiq Allawi as #Iraq PM designate, supporting it & going along with it for a while without protest before changing their mind much later.


chattels   Why is the Chief Justice attending a political meeting between bloc leaders and MTA to negotiate government formation? Now that Zaydan has inserted himself directly into the debate over the nomination of the next PM, this question seems a lot more relevant than it did a week ago:

chattels   Chief Justice Zaydan with another attack on the Supreme Court. Says he disagrees with their interpretation of Article 76 on procedures for nominating PM. His position basically validates Fateh/SoL’s opposition to Barham’s designation of Zurfi.

chattels   Iraq faces financial calamity after crude crash

chattels   " Between plummeting oil prices, political deadlock and reduced global appetite for a bail-out, Iraq is on the cusp of financial calamity that could force austerity measures and renew anti-government protests. But officials appear remarkably optimistic, a view experts described as being "in denial" given forecast oil crashes would cost Iraq two-thirds of its net income this year."

chattels   " Iraq is the second-biggest crude producer in the OPEC oil cartel, and typically exports around 3.5 million barrels per day. Its draft 2020 budget was based on a projected price of $56 per barrel. Brent oil prices tanked this week to $26 per barrel ............."

chattels   " With prices slashed to $ 30 / barrel, Iraq's net income would drop 65 percent in 2020 compared to last year, incurring a monthly deficit of $4 billion just to pay salaries and keep the government running."

chattels   "There is some anxiety, but it's not acute," CBI governor Ali Allaq told AFP. "Oil prices will not stay at this level. We don't expect them to go up a lot, but enough to secure the required amount," he said.

Doug_W   Silver:$12.17

chattels   Iraq military: US handover of al-Qaim base is ‘first step of withdrawal’

chattels   US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo told the House Foreign Affairs Committee in Washington on February 28 that although the Trump administration has worked hard to eliminate Iran-backed groups, it has failed to contain the threat.

“The continued problem and presence of the Shia militias, PMF [Popular Mobilization Forces] in Nineveh region is something we have worked hard on to eliminate...we have all worked very diligently on that but we have not succeeded,” Pompeo said.

chattels   Oil rally loses steam as ECB move fails to calm markets

Analysts predict oil prices have further to fall.

chattels   “With a global recession upon us with an indeterminate end, and a price war in full cry by oil producers, the world should probably be preparing itself (for) sub-$20 oil sooner rather than later,” said Jeffrey Halley, senior market analyst at OANDA.

Doug_W   wow all over panic

chattels   American Bank: The increase in oil supplies will drop at the price of a barrel to less than $ 20

Wednesday 18, March 2020

futuremoney   they have found a cure for the this will end

chattels   "Al-Zrafi came biased towards the American side and not to find a balance in the relationship between Washington and Tehran," describing the tweet of the US Secretary of State regarding Al-Zorfi's assignment as "a blatant interference."

chattels   futuremoney Say more please.

futuremoney   its been on the news..sporadically..chloroquine and hydrocloroquin kills the virus in 6 days 99.99percent of the time. its a RA and malaria drug

futuremoney   think the media is trying to hid this to extend this panic

chattels   futuremoney I have heard and read about it.

chattels   It was on Fox for the past couple of days.

Doug_W   suposedly it works in test animals not yet tested on humans


Chattels   Doug_W According to a guest on Tucker Carlson, there is empirical evidence of it's effectiveness.

Futuremoney   6 days, virus dead...every time

chattels   There are some " limitations" with other drugs. For instance there are issues if you take amiodorone for afib.

futuremoney   its actually amazing...most drugs aren't that effective

Doug_W   better buy ur silver NOW then

chattels   futuremoney 100% according to Tucker Carlson's guest.

Doug_W   Gold:$1,470.68 -20.76

Futuremoney   the article I saw said the test showed .002 percent neg...which is unheard of..

futuremoney   i put the video link up yesterday if you want to see it

futuremoney   hopefully Trump sees this and moves on it..i wouldn't put it past the media to try and hid this

Chattels   An ounce of prevention or precaution is worth a pound of cure or remedy is my approach to the virus.

Baxter   Oil is now... get this... 19 dollars a barrel   June of 2008... it was 128 dollars a barrel

eman4u55   wow gas $1.65 a gallon here in Miami and toilet paper $ 2.50 a roll

futuremoney   1.51 here

Baxter   its gonna get cheaper.... oil is at 20 a barrel this morning

Baxter   .. is there anyplace where you can buy silver the going rate\   I want to buy it for ten bucks

Baxter   Oil prices plunged yet again on Wednesday, shedding as much as 26% and falling to an 18-year low. The losses came as the resource battles a coronavirus-driven demand slowdown, as well as the continued escalation of a global price war between Saudi Arabia and Russia.

West Texas Intermediate crude fell as much as 26%, to $20.06 per barrel.

Dave  Covid made it into my community....wonder how long before neighbours get it?

Dave   have 3 para medics as neighbors......they are getting paranoid

Clay why are they getting paranoid

Clay   mine that are patients arent they are instructed to call hospital units if someone has a fever instead of them handling them

Dave   getting tired of sanitizing everything ?

Clay  I get that   (chiropractor  NC )

Dave (Canada)  13 cancellations yesterday  a person returned from Hawaii.....did not isolate and complained of cold like symptoms......   that killed it for me

Clay   got ya

Dave   I aint catching it and spreading it

Clay   I'm not worried I dont believe in all the hype   just another strain of the flu

Doug_W   AMEN Clay

Clay   flu kills 35,000 Americans every year   we arent even close   70 deaths maybe

Dave   Swine flu killed 20000 in the USA in less than 1 month

Clay   yes it did

Dave   2009

Clay   still not worried too much hype

Sam I Am   Clay, the problem is COVID-19 is highly contagious and we have no vaccine. If we don't slow it down until the vaccine is ready hundreds of thousands will die.

Clay   clean hands be well

Dave   Vaccine.....hehe

Clay   Sam I Am still dont buy it   and my family will never take vaccines

Dave   Clay until someone sneezes on you from 2 inches away?

Dave   Vaccine 1 yr out

Clay   someone sneezes I wont see them

Sam I Am   Clay, I didn't either at first, but we've already seen 30 people in a nursing home in Washington die from COVID-19

Doug_W   I am a true believer in vaccines 100%

Clay   Sam I Am I know sad

Sam I Am   The models show the numbers increasing exponentially

Clay   but all underlying health problems

Sam I Am   among those in higher risk groups

Clay   right

Baxter   Stock Market is up 450..

Sam I Am   it's called a dead cat bounce

Sam I Am   I expect the DOW to hit 16,000 before it's over

Sam I Am   They're saying that this will go on through the summer

Sam I Am   I don't think our economy can survive that

Dave   China killed that curve in a few weeks

Sam I Am   About 6 weeks in we'll reach the breaking point

Dave   very few cases remain

Clay   lets hope same happens here real soon

Dave   before they impose Martial law

Wilder   2 yr old tested positive here Franklin Ohio. Bummer.

Clay   wow

Dave   Huge Dental Conference in Vancouver last week attended by several thousand ....6 cases from that....Now most dentists are closed

Clay   around the country here were ordered to close except for emergencies

Dave   just concerned that we may make Italy look like a picnic in comparison

Clay   no way

Dave   our Govt promising insurance to stay home.........Promising?


Bix Weir, PIR and X22 with Bob Kudla Thursday 3-19-2020


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