Bix Weir, PIR and X22 with Bob Kudla Thursday 3-19-2020

Bix Weir: 

Silver! Cryptos! Markets in Chaos! JOIN the "Good Guy" FIGHT!!

RoadToRoota:  Mar 19, 2020

I'm once again FULLY ENGAGED on the side for the Good Guys. NO MORE FEAR! Demand Truth and Honesty from both sides! "Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness" needs to be FOUGHT FOR!!

Engage in the movement.

Patriot Intel Report

PIR 03 19 20

The Global economy is going down….This is a controlled take down of the entire global economic system.

It’s also a take-down of the deep state. Be advised we are looking for changes now.

Regarding the US economic stimulus. It passed the Senate and the President will be signing it. They are saying that for qualifying individuals in the US, they will each get $2000. In 2 payments of $1000.  This should begin April 1st.

Other nations are also doing things to help their citizens.  There are a lot of measures being taken all around the world.

The Great Economic Transition Is Now Upon Us, WW:  Bob Kudla

X22 Report Spotlight:  Mar 19, 2020


KTFA Members Thursday Afternoon -Strictly a "What If" 3-19-2020


IQD CALLS Chat Early Thursday 3-19-20