IQD CALLS Chat Early Thursday 12-5-19

IQD CALLS Chat Early Thursday 12-5-19

larrykn   Official: death toll of Iraq protests rises to 460 people

larrykn   France reiterates support to find way out of Iraq crisis

Doug_W   OPEC to cut oil production by 1.3 Million barrels a day

larrykn   I wonder how much that would be for all of the ME

larrykn   I meant a breakdown to each country

Doug_W   IDK Larry

chattels   Baghdad lauds KRG cooperation as oil-for-budget deal talks reach conclusion

yesterday at 06:26

chattels   The deal between the Kurds and Baghdad was accepted by the Council of Ministers, and is expected to reach the parliament floor on Sunday for final approval.

chattels   Despite the near-two month delay on the bill’s introduction to parliament, Haji Rashid is optimistic the bill will pass next week without any serious challenges.

chattels   The deal’s finer details at provincial level have yet to be hammered out. Among those details is the percentage of revenue that border provinces would receive from customs duties, and how much petrodollar would be allocated to provinces where oilfields are located. According to Mirza, the Kurdistan Region provinces are to receive a “good share” from the budget.

chattels   Tueller, Talabani acknowledge obstacles to economic reconstruction at Ninewa Investment Forum

 Zane Wolfang

chattels   Wednesday, December 4, 2019   Number Of Displaced Returning In Iraq Takes Another Large Drop

chattels   This is the second time since 2003 that Iraq is facing a displacement crisis, and both look to be ending on the same note. After the civil war over one million people remained permanently displaced, and the same thing looks to be happening today. Both times, the government’s lack of will meant this problem was never resolved.

chattels   The number of displaced (IDPs) continued to decline, but at an ever decreasing pace. By September there were 1,552,914 displaced versus 1,607,148 in June

chattels   Today's agenda includes voting on the Electoral Commission Act

Thursday 05 December 15:32 2019

chattels   Sharp disputes over the distribution of provincial seats and quota representation in the election law of the House of Representatives prevent its inclusion in today's session

Thursday 05 December 16:43 2019

biff   Chattels have there been any guru thats been to Iraq?

biff   or middle east

chattels   biff DavidMWitty is sometimes listed as a guru and he fought in Iraq, but if you are talking about the typical guru(s) i do not think so.

biff   ok

biff   I have been checking where their intel is coming from

chattels   biff " Intel " is an curious word for what gurus have to offer. What they have to say appears to me to be anecdotal hearsay.

chattels   The source is typically anonymous and unaccountable.

chattels   There is no way to confirm or assess the intel other than to observe that the track record is unreliable.

chattels   Deputy: The task of the next government in the event of its formation is limited to early elections

Date: 2019/12/5 16:23 •

Chattels   The political forces had earlier adopted the demand to form an interim government to replace the government of Prime Minister Adel Abdul Mahdi, to prepare for early parliamentary elections, while parliament amends the laws and elections, where the leader of the National Wisdom Movement, Ammar al-Hakim, said that "the next government will be a government It is working to prepare for early elections in the light of the fair electoral law that is being legislated in the House of Representatives and the new commission, free of political influence. "

Biff   Im Back. Chattel I read Arab News Kuwaiti Times just to verify

biff   Verifying info from news sources that the gurus tell people about whats going on inIraq

biff   chattels my old site is back up

biff   Nov 3 2019 Based on the CBI’s decision no. (127) for the year 2019 that Al-Warkaa Investment Bank (BWAI) has resumed its activities and provides banking services

Based on the CBI’s decision no. (127) for the year 2019 that Al-Warkaa Investment Bank (BWAI) has resumed its activities and provides banking services such as issuing letters of guarantee and documentary credits for the purpose of working with the Bank through these activities and accepting the letters of guarantee issued by it.  News archive

Clay   biff which site is that

biff   Investors Iraq I joined it 2006

Andrewhatidid   Good morning everybody here I(WE)go......

Baxter   Good Morning Andre

Andrewhatidid   Remember I(WE)told you ThursdayI was coming here to laugh at Future money well I(WE)know we'veBeen right so far on everything I(WE)told youI(WE)could answer all of your doubts confusion and negativity with 5 postBut also ruin the deep state (The dems) with-out my intentions of doing so What you say to that?

Well this will give you an of estimate of what the rate going to be If you know how to do your math and also give you the date and day of the R.V.......Also how the deep state (The dems) lies and stole from you !!!That's why I(WE) kept telling you We give you the pieces of the puzzle and it's up to you to connect the dots.....It's not about just creating future millionaires/billionaires But also The great awakening

BECAUSE KNOWLEDGE IS POWER !!!!    Andrewhatidid   BTI 2018 | Iraq Country Report


MilitiaMan and KTFA Members Thursday PM 12-5-19


TNT, Bix Weir and more Thursday Afternoon 12-5-19