TNT, Bix Weir and more Thursday Afternoon 12-5-19


Tada:  Does anyone know what day of week Kuwait RVed?

Jambie67:  March 25, 1991, the NYT wrote an article about the revalue of the Kuwaiti dinar. 03/25/91 fell on a Monday, but the currency likely revalued a day or two before the article was released.

Jambie67:  Those approximated days of the week (sat/sun/mon) Kuwait dinar revalued don't coincide with the predicted days for the IQD to revalue since we tend to look at Tuesdays, Thursdays and Fridays. Personally, I don't feel it matters at all what day of the week, or even what time. I believe it could pop as easily smack dab in the middle of a trading weekday as it could under the cloak of a holiday down time or weekend.

Jambie67:  The specified timing for the IQD to revalue, according to its lengthy history, has slid on the scale so many times, those in-the-know don't really know, depending on the circumstances of the day. We just know it WILL eventually happen, hopefully sooner rather than later. Keep believing, and hang tough…… not-a-guru here! Only a eleven year spectator!

Yada:  Considering the events that have halted Iraq’s progress over the years, we are witnessing the transition of a sectarian country The change by the CBI in halting interest for new loans for 30 days is another indicator the RI of their currency effects the interest rates they charged on their contracts and loans. Not for long because that is a source of revenue. We are about to see this release now.

RVAlready:  It finally took a bunch of protestors to pry open the fists of a bunch of self-serving politicians - possibly on both sides of the Atlantic. To me, there are parallels to great revolutions of the past (US, French, etc). The people of Iraq are taking over control of their nation….. A lot of people had to be willing to die to get this one. Not an easy transition.

Briona:  I guess it had to get to a point where their future is more important than past traditions and religious dogma.

Phantom809:  Briona -- I get the feeling that the whole middle east region in general is backward looking.....this could be a turning point.

Briona:  Once the people of other countries see how well the Iraqi's are after the revaluation and decreasing the corruption, I would think they will want the same. We can already see it in Iran protests going on.

Eccle519:  I think the biggest threat to GOI, CBI leaders is they are being watched by the world and if they want to do business with the world they need to do the right thing. All their bank accounts are now being monitored by US Treasury with threats of personal sanctions to thieves

Ify:  Kuwait Revaluation Article -​but-kuwait-reopens-its-banks.html

Harambe:  BBC News: Iran developing nuclear-capable missiles, European powers warn UN

Tishwash:  America: New sanctions on Iraqi politicians cooperating with Soleimani

The US State Department says it supports political reform in Iraq , while politicians cooperating with Iranian General Qasem Soleimani have vowed sanctions.

 Said Deputy Assistant Secretary of State # US for the Office of the Joy of Near Eastern Affairs Hood, in testimony before members of the US Senate, said that « the commander of the Qods Force # Iranian Qassem Soleimani is the source of # terrorism , because it put pressure on Iraqi politicians through various means, so America will not hesitate to impose sanctions "Any politician who cooperates with him, represses the people and loot his money."

Hood said that «his country has provided more than two billion dollars in aid to Iraq since 2004, and after all these years and money it is important for America to make a real political reform in Iraq that meets the aspirations of the people».

US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo said earlier that the administration would not stand idly by "while we see corrupt officials making the Iraqi people suffer."

He stressed that the United States will impose sanctions on corrupt figures who steal the wealth of the Iraqi people , stressing that «the protests in Iraq do not distinguish between # communities and ethnicities, but wants to get rid of Iranian interference».  link


Courtesy of Dinar Guru

Angel1 (KTFA Video)  ...we are in an incredible window.  Why?  Why are my people so excited?  Because the banks of Iraq are in unity.  Guess who's leading them?  The CBI...unity brings power...purchasing power.  And that's what's gonna happen.  The accounting adjustment that was made was absolutely powerful...every bank is is time...America and the US Treasury are ready.  Pence went and delivered the rider for the budget. 

Bix Weir: 

ALERT! Fed Secretly Increasing Bailout...$355B Tonight!!

RoadtoRoota:  Dec 5, 2019

The Fed had to add to their planned bailouts just weeks after announcing their schedule...THE BANKS ARE GOING DOWN!

Bix Weir

ALERT: Who at JP Morgan Rigs the SILVER Prices?!

RoadtoRoota:  Dec 5, 2019

When it comes to JPM's Silver Rigging personnel the List is Long...but when will the RIGGING BOSSES see RICO charges?!



IQD CALLS Chat Early Thursday 12-5-19


Who Knew 2 Cents Could Go So Far?