Holly, Judy, Lynette and more.....Saturday Morning 5-14-2022

Saturday Thoughts From Holly

Good morning roomies!

We are all told to be quiet and not talk or say anything. Everyone is gaged involved in this.

Intel providers need to be quiet now and stop giving dates and timeframes.

Let’s let this roll out without any Interference from people in the know.

 Silence is golden. Have a great weekend.

Relax and enjoy and do something fun. -Holly


Hi guys :  I want to re affirmed on what Holly said. We are now in critical stage now and we have been asked not to post any Intel in the rooms as all of us need to remain silent until they give us the GO sign. 

I will not be posting any videos till now guys.

We are really close that’s all I can tell you.

Enjoy your weekend everyone and stay off the internet for a while and enjoy life.

God bless everyone


Courtesy of Dinar Guru

Frank26  Article:  "Is it time to delete zeros? Economist commented"   MR. ECONOMIST YOU KNOW VERY WELL IT'S TIME... OR YOU WOULDN'T CONTINUE TO BRING UP THE SUBJECT

Deepwoodz  Article: "Al-Maliki's coalition "questions" the legitimacy of the Al-Kazemi government and "reserves" the Food Security LawThey can and will do whatever is necessary to run the government until further notice...they have a government. Until there is a replacement. There is no vacuum left in place of the government.  The only ones hollering are Maliki and his cronies because they are being left out. Since yesterday it appears everyone else is on board. imo


RV Excerpt for the Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of Sat. 14 May 2022

Compiled Sat. 14 May 2022 12:01 am EST by Judy Byington

Judy Note: “Noah looked like an idiot, until it started to rain,” as Quantum Stellar Initiative pointed out today on Telegram.  That’s likely the way many of us feel by now. We “idiots” have gone through a heck of a lot of heckling and criticism by friends, family, even complete strangers, just for trying to find the right path through all the lies and deception on both sides of our road to the Global Currency Reset and Restored Republics of the world.

It’s tempting to fight back by blaming Intel providers for the frustration. I’ve personally heard a lot of that, but as my dear friend Bonnie B pointed out to me today, “Even though that’s an attractively baited hook, chose not to bite. In the game of Ping Pong if you put your paddle down, the game can’t continue.” 

So, I’m taking that wise advice.

Global Currency Reset:

Judy Reminder: No one, and I mean NO ONE, knows the exact time and date that the codes will be entered for notification of Tier 4B (us, the Internet Group) to set redemption/ exchange appointments. That would be decided from calculations by the Military Quantum Computer and based on concerns for safety of The People. Trust the Plan.

As of Tues. 10 May the Gold-backed Chinese Yaun had replaced the fiat US Dollar as the World’s Reserve Currency.

Janet Yellen did not release the main Iraqi bank from sanctions as ordered, which dragged out the GCR process – and made it too late to go this week according to Bruce.

On Sun. 15 May the new Operational Rates would (allegedly)  be published for 28 countries including Iraq’s new Dinar Rate.

By Mon. 16 May all currencies (allegedly) would be trading on the new Quantum Financial System.

The Department of Defense mandated that all Banks across the globe would fully integrate the Global Currency Reset Funds Release Security Codes by Thurs, 12 May, but it did not happen because of Janet Yellen not doing as ordered. Now that the problem has been resolved, GCR Funds release would likely happen early next week, perhaps on Mon. 16 May.(Rumor)

At that time all Reno subgroups would have 100% access to new ISO 20022 USN accounts for immediate payout, while the Wells Fargo Group (formerly General 64) and Abbott Downing private invitations could possibly start, along with Tier4B notification and appointment scheduling at 7,000 Redemption Centers.(Rumor)

Redemption Center Staff say next week will be a great week for all of us.

The General Public would probably start around a week after Tier4B exchanges begin, according to Bruce.

NESARA zeros out all credit card, mortgage, and other bank debt due to illegal banking and government activities. This is the Federal Reserve’s worst nightmare: https://t.me/GESARAandNESARA/9239

Read full post here:  https://dinarchronicles.com/2022/05/14/restored-republic-via-a-gcr-update-as-of-may-14-2022/

BLACK HOLE: Is The Stock Market ABOUT TO CRATER! Or Is The WORST OVER? Important Updates.

Greg Mannarino:  5-13-2022


No Governing Body Has Our Self Interests at Mind | Jay Martin & Lynette Zang


I’m so excited to have Jay Martin on today, who’s the CEO of Cambridge House and has posted some of the largest investment conferences in North America.

 Which gives him the opportunity of talking to some of the most important thought leaders from all over the world.

Today we’re going to discuss civil discourse, personal sovereignty, precious metals, and the importance of community. I know all my viewers will enjoy this interview as much as I did.


0:00 Video Overview

1:45 The Motivation Behind the Business

10:52 Personal Sovereignty

26:48 The Importance of Community

33:32 The Great Reset

43:16 Counterparty Risk

55:42 Outro



Early Saturday Morning Iraq News Highlights 5-14-22


Bruce’s Big Call Intel Thursday 5-12-22