Holly, Fleming, MarkZ and more Wednesday AM 7-28-2021
Holly Wednesday Rv News:
There is so much disinformation out there intentionally or unintentionally. Your job as new earth human is to navigate the disinformation. To see what is true and what is not.
Your discernment must be so sharp to be able see what is false information. You must remain calm, cool and collected at all times and not allow the disinformation to disrupt your spirit.
This is what they want, to get you in fear and to give up. We are in a long distance marathon race and we will encounter many pitfalls along the way. Our job is to spot them and avoid them.
Where are we today:
1. We are still waiting for the F&P’s to be released to the recipients.
2. We are waiting for the bonds to be released for liquidity.
3. Adjudicated funds are still waiting for release.
4. The church groups have not gone yet. Everyone is in perpetual holding pattern and once the flood gates open all will go at once.
The projected timing is between now and the end of the month.
This is a transition not a transaction. Never, ever give up.
Once you sign your NDA be quiet.
Fleming Early Wednesday Morning RV Report:
Our military intel contact stated—
1) the top 5 Elders are working with DoD & UST releasing the RV shotgun start now this week still;
2) there have been massive arrests the past couple of days by Interpol & special forces in USA & Europe enough to get this released ;
3) keep watching for T4B notification emails still this week.
Courtesy of Dinar Guru
Breitling Be happy. You're fine. Everything is good - still in that window.
Tuesday Evening Update with MarkZ 7/27/2021
Iraqi Dinar update for 07/27/21 - Easter egg
Pimpy’s Investment Chat: Jul 27, 2021