Goldilocks' Comments and Global Economic News Tuesday Evening 12-19-23

Goldilocks' Comments and Global Economic News Tuesday Evening 12-19-23

Good Evening Dinar Recaps,

SHANGHAI, Dec 14 (Reuters) - "The stock exchange in China's city of Shenzhen and the Abu Dhabi securities exchange agreed to promote cross-border investment and listings in the latest flurry of co-operation between institutions in countries looking to cut reliance on the West."

Depository Trust & Clearing Corporation has a new listing. Ark 21 Shares Spot Bitcoin ETF is now listed on the DTCC. It's going through the system.  Now, we have the Middle East, Asian, and US economies on their way to trading commodities on their markets.

We are about to see gold and silver begin to move into their real values.

© Goldilocks

Binance Link
Reuters Link
ADX Link


The central banks of China and Saudi Arabia have agreed on their first currency swap to foster bilateral commerce denominated in the yuan and the riyal, opening the way for more trade to flourish in local currencies.



Washington, D.C. — "The Commodity Futures Trading Commission at its open meeting on December 13 approved the following proposed rules and a DCO application."

If you have any foreign currency to swap, you are going to enjoy what you are about to read. These four rules have been accepted and approved to move forward:

"Proposed Rule: Operational Resilience Framework for Futures Commission Merchants, Swap Dealers, and Major Swap Participants

Proposed Rule: Capital and Financial Reporting Requirements for Swap Dealers and Major Swap Participants

Proposed Rule: Protection of Clearing Member Funds Held by Derivatives Clearing Organizations

Amended Application of Bitnomial Clearinghouse, LLC for Registration as a Derivatives Clearing Organization

Proposed Rule: Amendments to Swap Data Recordkeeping and Reporting Requirements"

January 2024 continues to be a month whereby many of the structural components needed to allow us to begin converting our investments are being finalized.

© Goldilocks


"The final SEC ruling on mandatory clearing will cause a shake-up in the repo market

The market has been slow to automate, but is now moving to adapt

The Common Domain Model (CDM) holds promise for standardisation"

The Common Domain Model (CDM) is a standardized, machine-readable and machine-executable mechanism.

This mechanism is what will move the financial products through electronic trades designed to complete transactions on both sides of a trade.

The CDM is being implemented early 2024 to automate trades and clearing them through electronic measures designed to move transactions inside new Quantum Technologies.

It is move from paper and pen to automatic computations run on the QFS.

The Repo Market is a repurchase agreement that fills 1 to 2 trillion dollars worth of trades each and every day. These are short-term executions of trade often done for government securities, but many banks can often use it in making investment conversions from a centralized location or electronic mechanism that is capable of handling trades between institutions.

The Repo Market has been slow to comply to the standardization process of the QFS. Now, they have been given the green light to move forward with these new changes.

© Goldilocks

The Banker Link
ICMA Group Link

$30 Trillion Unlocked & $290 Trillion Expected Value!


SA needs a universal basic income to combat unemployment

Daily Maverick Link


Harvard law expert says ‘prescribing cash’ to low-income families improves health outcomes   

Harvard Law School


St. Paul gave $500 each month to 150 people: Here’s what happened


JUST IN: Galaxy Digital CEO says a Spot Bitcoin ETF will be approved before January 10th.



The IMF just recently ended their latest consultation with Iraq. They have been given a year-long assessment of their findings and follow-up procedures regarding their new economic reforms enacted earlier this year of 2023.

At this time, they have been given the green light to do the following:

"passthrough from the exchange rate revaluation"

Let's take a closer view as to what this means. "Exchange-rate pass-through (ERPT) is a measure of how responsive international prices are to changes in exchange rates. Formally, exchange-rate pass-through is the elasticity of local-currency import prices with respect to the local-currency price of foreign currency."

Let's put this in more simple terms. Iraq is about to allow the markets to determine their new exchange rates. And, they are about to execute this new declaration beginning the first of January in 2024 in the use of Dinar currency only in International trade.

Watch the water.  

© Goldilocks
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