Goldilocks' Comments and Global Economic News Monday Afternoon 6-17-24

Goldilocks' Comments and Global Economic News Monday Afternoon 6-17-24

Good Evening Dinar Recaps,

EBA Announcement:

The European Banking Authority (EBA) has launched their comprehensive technical standards. This is for their Markets in Crypto Assets (MiCA) regulations, and it has been completed ahead of the July deadline.

These guidelines will provide financial and technical safety in the Web3 sector within the European Union (EU).  

Web 3.0 is the next phase of the internet built on blockchain technology. It will take our banking system into a Decentralized Financial System that is an open bank data system allowing for third-party connections and much safer to use. It gives the user more control over their finances.

These new published standards will serve as guidelines going forward in the following areas:
* liquidity requirements,
* stress testing programs,
* asset reserves,
* and recovery plans.

"The EBA’s guidelines also encompass regulatory oversight on asset-referenced tokens (ARTs) and e-money tokens (EMTs). ARTs maintain stable value by linking to other assets or fiat currencies, while EMTs represent digital versions of traditional fiat currencies, including central bank digital currencies (CBDCs)."

With this announcement, the European Banking Authority is now able to move forward with their fully regulated Markets in Crypto Assets.

The new Digital Asset Based Trading System in Europe has just taken its first step into the new Quantum Financial System. This new regulated Digital Financial System is now the model going forward for the rest of our countries around the world.

We're still waiting for these regulations to become law on June 30th, 2024. Our world is changing financially and personally. Europe took the first step into this brand new world. Many will follow. Coin Trust

Congratulations Europe!

© Goldilocks


BOJ Announcement:

"The Bank of Japan on Friday said it would trim its vast hoard of government bonds as it cautiously steps away from its long-running ultra-loose monetary policy."

As you can see, several countries are beginning to pull back on bond buying and use of the US dollar.

This decrease in the use of the dollar and increase in local currencies around the world will begin the process of leveling the playing field in the currency markets.

New demands on local currencies that have not been used in years will begin to surface new price actions.    Barrons

Stay tuned!

© Goldilocks


Open Banking | Youtube


Web 3 | Youtube


Dollar Dominance in the International Reserve System: An Update | IMF


BRICS Gold Backed Currency Announcement:

"BRICS Plans Gold-Backed Currency Launch by September: Potential Boost for Bitcoin and XRP"

Saudi Arabia will sell oil in local currencies, moving away from the US dollar after 50 years.

The decision could drive Bitcoin and XRP prices to new highs, impacting global financial markets.

Crypto News Flash


This New S&P 500 Artificial Intelligence (AI) Stock Is Growing 5 Times Faster Than Its Industry | The Motley Fool


XRP Announcement:

A reliable currency-converting resource lists XRP as a currency alongside Bitcoin (BTC) and Ethereum (ETH), stirring discussions within the community. | 
The Crypto Basic


"Don't Buy Into This Crap", Catherine Austin Fitts Warns "AI Is Digital Control" | ZeroHedge


There’s a fake petrodollar news story doing the rounds that Saudi Arabia and the U.S. had a 50-year contract in which Saudi agreed to settle all its oil sales in U.S. dollars. Supposedly, this is meant to foreshadow the end of dollar dominance and is good for cryptocurrency prices. Except there was no such deal. | Ledger Insights


👆The dollar is being used less and less. I just wanted to update you on a news story that was found to be fake.

© Goldilocks


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