Friday Night X22 Reports 4-10-2020

It’s Not The People’s Fault, The Economy Was Hit By The Invisible Enemy - Episode 2145a

X22 Report:  Apr 10, 2020

The economy is prepared and ready, Trump is now in control of the Fed.

UK and US trade has been postponed, this is what the [CB] wanted, this will fail.

Trump is now making a move to put the economy back on track, China injected a huge amount of credit into the system and Trump is ready to do the same thing, people losing their jobs, their businesses is not their fault, it is the invisible enemy.

Game Theory, Events Unlock, [Evil] Has Been Allowed To Flourish, Pain - Episode 2145b

X22 Report:  Apr 10, 2020

The eye of the storm has arrived, the first part of the storm was the [DS], the second part of the storm is the patriots, it will be stronger and it will hit harder.

Events will unlock, information will be revealed, the evil that was allowed to flourish will be forced out into the light.


Bruce’s Big Call Intel Thursday Night 4- 9-2020


Humor While We Wait!!!