David Wilcock: What’s Really Going On? Part 1 of 2

David Wilcock: What’s Really Going On?

The Great Pandemic Part 2 with Slides 3-23-20

From Dinar Chronicles Transcribed by Kat at 10:39 AM EDT on March 24, 2020

David Wilcock: What’s Really Going On? Part 2 with Slides 3-23-20

A little about David Wilcock—his IQ puts him in the genius category, which gives him the ability to retain massive amounts of information.

David can remember every bit of everything he’s ever read or heard. He has an unparalleled grasp on the history of the illuminati, and he connects the dots for us in this masterful video that is a little over 5 hours. He takes us from the gold that was stolen in WWII, through many of the heroes of the resistance—Eisenhower and JFK—to Meg Anon and then Q.

Like Steve Beckow, I recommend EVERYONE listen to this master class dissertation on the cabal.


We have to remain at home anyway, so we have the time. It should be required listening for those of us envisioning a beautiful Nova Gaia, a world that works for everyone: Pristine planet, Peace, Health, Wealth, Happiness, Immortality, Cities of Light, all good and wondrous things.

For those of us who have a particular interest in the Global Currency Reset aspect of this Operation Freedom, David verifies that is one of the essential elements of the shift. David reports that on 10-9-17, a Pentagon Insider explained that the “storm” would be mass arrests, the issuance of a new currency, and the launch of a global currency reset.”


In a channeling of Adama of Telos, via Asara Adams on March 21, 2020, Adama says: “It has begun. The great shift that so many of you have been asking for has begun. First, there is an entire reset of all systems on planet Earth necessary. This is the state you are in right now.”


I put one of my favorite David rants at the start of my transcription notes below because it is EXACTLY how I feel and have been feeling for years. I suspect BILLIONS of us feel this way. We may not have known it was the same group of people/cabal destroying everything and everyone over and over again, but we know it now.

Thank God, or All There Is, or however you call your Higher Power, and thank you President Trump and the Alliance—that these people—the cabal / illuminati / new world order / Luciferians / are, as I write this, being arrested and removed from all aspects of New Earth. Hallelujah!

I agree with David 100%—enough is enough is enough!!

FYI, David’s bio: https://divinecosmos.com/about-david/

“1:47:35 You guys (cabal) have done enough! It’s time to go home, it’s time to stop… If you want to surrender the Alliance is allowing you to surrender but enough is enough with this cr*p, this Luciferian cr*p:

Killing people, threatening people, assassinations, targeted murders, false flag events, fake wars, fake pandemics, fake economic collapses that cause real damage to real people, and you’re keeping everybody in poverty, and you’re not allowing us to expand into Space, you’re hiding technology that’s going to do that.

1:48:12 I’ve had it, we’ve had it, enough is enough! We are done with this cr*p, we’re moving on, we’re taking the planet back, can you feel the freedom? Can you feel what’s happening with Defender Europe-20?

1:48:25 Do you understand that I’ve been telling you for 11 years that there was a group in the US Military and the International community that are going to arrest these people in a mass event, the last holdouts, OK?

1:48:40 Do you understand that’s what’s happening in Europe and that’s what’s happening in America? And we told you everybody was going to be home when this was happening. We told you, you needed to have food in your house. We told you that you weren’t going to want to go outside. It’s (Covid-19) the perfect cover.

The Alliance didn’t do this, they’re defending us against this attack, but now they can get in there and get things done” ~ David Wilcock


 “The great pandemic.” I am not freaking out about this thing… this is not the bug out. In fact, the virus always has a bell curve, what they’ve already seen in S. Korea and China, it peaks and then falls off.

China was quarantined in January, as of March 11 or 18, there are no new cases… everybody is going back to work in China. Yet in USA media [Newsweek, etc.] is saying in might be 18 months… trying to stoke up paranoia…

This is not some epic End of the World as some are thinking…

3:08 I want you to understand what the heck is going on:

3:20 2 days before China, in the Wuhan province, went on lockdown… a Harvard professor named Charles Lieber, was arrested, along with 2 of his students… if you read the DOJ complaint.. it says they were caught trying to smuggle 21 vials of biological samples into China… He was replicating the research of one of his colleagues and had grown this on his own…

The place he was going was Wuhan… they say vials had brown liquid.. had Covid-19 in the vials… wait a minute? Isn’t that just some random virus that showed up from nowhere?

5:40 Don’t freak out… but this is a man-made virus… and it’s worse for Chinese men than anyone else… 5-times worse for Asian men than for any other race…

6:40 Male favoritism is so extreme it’s 80%... fatalities trending strongly male… 5-times more likely to hit Chinese men… 49% of Chinese men over the age of 15 in China are cigarette smokers (49%)… whereas only 2% of women smoke in China… also there’s extreme air pollution so everyone’s lungs are already damaged… they all use public drinking fountains…

8:00 The people who are Asian 5 X more likely to get this… and 80% of the people dying are men… why would “someone” make this virus to go after Chinese males… there is an economic war going on between the “deep state” and China… I do NOT support the deep state, the new world order, the cabal, illuminati… I have been a great proponent of defeating them… there has been a great deal of trauma in my physical life, death threats, as a result of taking this on…

10:38 The facial similarities between me and Edgar Cayce… Edgar Cayce did 14,000 medical readings… (Fascinating chat on Cayce…)

13:07 I spent all of last year working on my book THE GREAT AWAKENING… I took some big gambles…I said in the book that by the time this book comes out I expect that major, major changes in Society will have already taken place that will lead to the arrest and the defeat of the illuminati / cabal / deep state / new world order… the last day I could edit my book was January 23rd, the exact day Wuhan, China went into lockdown… so the book is prophetic.

14:02 Slides begin – What is really going on? Biblical… respect Social Distancing… This is NOT the end of the world…


 17:14 This is the culmination of a fight to the death between the current US Administration and the deep state… you’ve seen this… you know some crazy thing is going on between POTUS and the media…. It verges on 100% negative towards Trump…

22:35 The deep state folks… 6 major media conglomerates… the media is controlled by a centralized group that doesn’t have our best interest in mind… a lot of fear has been seeded in… MK Ultra is real… mind control is real… they do want you to be a afraid…. they do want you to have a panic response in a situation like this… they want you to be freaking out…

23:28 But look at what’s happening… the Federal Reserve is bailing out too big to fail banks @$1 trillion dollar a day… the full nature of the 2008 economic attack has yet to be understood… then it was $29 trillion dollars… but $1 trillion dollars a day to the end of the month… this is where the misdirection is… another bailout for the banks… these guys are stealing another 10 years of money to keep their zombie banks going…

25:19 Economic study… looking to see if there were hidden tentacles… all the world’s corporations… they found out that out of 48,060 transnational corporations there was a super-entity of 101 corporations through hidden info… 151 companies actually are earing 80% of the money in the world… they are run by one single thing… 2/3 of the things on that list are financial institutions including all the too big to fail banks…

26:51 Different corporations appear to be in competition with each other, but they’re really not…

27:30 We’re looking for a Global Financial Reset in which trillions and trillions of stolen dollars will be freed up for the planet… I am expecting this thing to be very positive… very few people really dying… the number of deaths in America is a ridiculously small percentage of our population… they’re not going to keep this thing going… I look at this as a Global Time Out…

30:38 The Chinese Administration is in a war with the deep state… there are 16 Intelligence Agencies in America and… most of them are doing the right thing, working for the positive, as is the US Military… so the deep state has lost its control over the power in America…

But there is a corporate part where a battle is being fought… so this corporate part is always putting out disinformation… like impeach Trump… and they ignore all other news…

33:38 All this stuff going on right now… I don’t want you to be afraid… I’m not afraid…

34:34 3-books from college… Ford Motor Co. built Hitler’s tanks… WALL STREET AND THE RISE OF HITLER by Anthony C. Sutton… treasonous idea that Wall Street itself with British Bankers actually created Hitler and Hitler is the illegitimate son of British Royalty… Kaiser Wilhelm.. Hitler was a Brit., changed his name, sent him to Germany…

AMERICAN SWASTIKA by Charles Higham…Boeing manufactured Hitler’s bombers… Hitler couldn’t have done what he did without American help, total treason of an unimaginable scale…

TRADING WITH THE ENEMY by Charles Higham, the Nazi American money plot from 1933-1949… IN 1933 merica goes off of the gold standard… made it illegal to have gold… they literally went into people’s Safety Deposit Box and took your gold… American corporations financed Hitler…

38: WWI and WWII was a sham… 90% of the guns were made by the Remington Gun Company, owned by Samuel Bush, father of George Bush Senior… Prescott Bush… Samuel Bush running Remington gun company…

39: This is not a random thing… it is not an accident that this happened… this is intentional to scare people… while $1-trillion dollars a day are going to banks… which is more than the 2008 bailout…

41:03 Deep state… there it is… I’ve shown you 3-books… Is the world being run by some secret industrialist cabal? Absolutely yes… They created WWI, WWII they own both sides… they create the problem, then they have a reaction, then they offer you a solution… in this case would be, OMG there’s a big pandemic the solution is… let’s just slip $1 trillion dollars a day to the banks…

41:38 Please do not fall for the authoritative media… if you haven’t figures out that the MSM is totally compromised… and seen the interconnectedness of this thing…

43: The deep state folks… this is real…. Back to Samuel Bush, Remington gun company, making 90% of the money on all gun sales in WWI… Prescott Bush is GHWBush’s father… Prescott Bush was Hitler’s banker… there’s a lot more we could do with that… get familiar with the idea that this deep state… oily men.. oily because they’re literally oil men… they took us off of the gold standard… took us off of currency being based on collateral something that’s physically tangible… and put it into the magical Babylonian printing press where you print money out of thin air… the Federal Reserve was started in 1913… the dollar had 99% more purchasing value than it does now…

44:16 I don’t think the economy will be in tatters for long… we’re looking at an Economic Reset the other countries involved in that Economic Reset have already signed off on it… we had another insider Woody… Woody was found face down dead in his house the day after he had signed off on the new Financial System with the Chinese Dragon Family… where they have an enormous amount of gold in private collections… much more than has been reported in the world… gold is supposed to be “scarce”… Asians had way the more gold than the cabal, so the cabal had to do a whole lot of stuff to take over the world, new world order…

46: Asians had a lot more gold than the world… (Discussion and history of gold—important)…

50: Every time Hitler invaded a country the first thing they did was go right to the gold… in exchange for “paper” bonds… had to do WWI and WWII in order to get people off of gold…

51:38 Everybody fell for the scam of getting rid of gold in order to “save the world…” buried gold in SE Asia… Much gold has been given to Extraterrestrials… in exchange for technology… we still have a lot… gold will be reinstated that is part of the Currency Reset… gold will destroy the Fed as has been said by Q-anon…

53:40 After WWII over and Nazi’s lose… they wanted to bring Germany into the new banking that was being created and a lot of people had problems with that… we’re going to print money out of thin air… Basel III accords, Bretton-Woods 1944... just started printing money out of thin air…

And then in 1971 Nixon takes us off of gold… they were selling off silver from US Treasury… Kennedy tried to stop that, and that’s one of the things that got him killed… Kennedy was going to issue Silver Certificates that were backed by actual Silver but it was US Currency not Federal Reserve notes… one of the things that got Kennedy taken out of the game…

54:40 We’re going to talk about the Alliance and all the people that was formed to stop this, it’s a major coalition…

55: This gold, this stolen money, is how these people (cabal) were able to literally control the whole planet 80%...

56:38 If you try to say anything good about POTUS they won’t let you… what does that tell you? They’re really afraid of something… The best chance we have is all the INTEL I’m sharing with you, when you put the pieces together, it might blow your mind…

57:20 Do I agree with everything Trump says? Heck no… sometimes he says things that are incendiary and pisses people off… but understand something… Trump didn’t want to run… we had multiple meetings that there was going to be a Military overthrow by the good guys of the US Government during the Obama administration… steal the planet back from this centralized group that you could call the illuminati who are really nasty folks, they want to kill everybody on the planet… they want to get population down to 250 million people… they want to destroy 6.7 billion they want to be destroyed…

1:00 The media fear-porn is at an all-time high… they’re just jammin’ this thing...

1:02 China reports no new cases of coronavirus after 3 months…

But… we have power, water, sewage, gas all available… doctors, restaurants, grocery stores…. All that stuff is available… The Alliance, the good guys, will not allow the mega-banks to destroy the flow of currency…

1:03 This is NOT the end of the world… you’re not going to see America descend into chaos… you’re not going to have zombies walking down the streets… they want you to be freaking out…



1:07 Think about the gravity of that statement… remove or eliminate every obstacle… what they can do under the Stafford Act is declare Social Media critical infrastructure… as well as pharmaceuticals… so everybody gets the medicine they need… pharmaceuticals, media, high finance, banking, 80% of the money in the world, and the 20% is probably China..  so China and the deep state are going head to head

1:08 There was a deadline sometime in February 16th or 19th… where China was no longer was going to give us, the Corporate Deep State US… not the Trump administration… it would not be allowed to buy anything with the fake hot air funny money that they print out of thin air by stealing everybody’s gold after WWII… and then creating the oil-dollar... after 1971 Nixon abolished of gold and now we’re on a petro-dollar… which means they can run the printing press and make as much money as they want… because gold is safely stowed away in Southeast Asia…. It really is true…

1:09 This deep state has got into everything but now the Military turned away from them, and the Intelligence community turned away from them… not just the US… most of the world has joined this Alliance.. it started as BRICS… Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa (joined in 2010)… but it has now gone way beyond that… and that is what Defender Freedom Europe-20 is all about

1:10 Very strong likelihood that Mass Arrests are already happening… US already sent 30,000 troops to Europe where most of these guys running the illuminati live in their strongholds… Most of those troops have gone in the last 2 weeks…


1:11  Very important… flanked by rest of the International community in NATO… not just Trump going crazy… it’s the largest US troop deployment in Europe in 25 years but you never hear about it… what the heck are all those soldiers doing over there?

1:15:53 Defender Europe-20 could very well be going into the Vatican… they have lot of tanks, lot of soldiers, 37,000… 3,000 war materials.. this is how we get our planet back… 18 countries are involved… 3,000 pieces of equipment is probably tanks and jets…

1:20 This is the mass arrests we’ve been hearing about… lot of cabal is surrendering… this is an International effort… a lot of countries pulling together to get rid of the deep state including Saudi Arabia… Saudis collapsed price of oil to bankrupt the cabal… a lot of their money is from oil…

So Saudi Arabia is participating, happily, in the defeating them… prices at the gas pump might to .99 cents which is a big problem for the deep state…


1:23 Defender Freedom started in January… when everybody’s home… most people are too afraid to leave their house… that’s when you can do all kinds of special operations… even though virus is below 1%... here’s this war going on between deep state and China… this is all happening for a reason1:24 Google searches no longer being censored…


1:24:35 Bill Gates did step down on March 13, that is fascinating in light of what we now know… stepped down from Microsoft, Berkshire Hathaway, and his own Gates Foundation… why would he do that?

1:28:32 They want you to be very afraid… why are people hating on Bill Gates exactly… and the vaccines?… Why is it called “Windows” ? Because there’s so many darn windows that Bill Gates built into that thing to hack your computer and spy on you… and the endless updates as the hackers keep finding the windows… built hundreds and hundreds of holes in this thing… Q Anon revealed Big Tech are using cabal symbols to create suicide, sadness…


1:31:42 Classic quote from Prince Phillip in 1988… they start to look like Sith Lords… Prince Phillip… “In the event that I am reincarnated, I would like to return as a deadly virus, to contribute something to solving overpopulation.” OMG.

1:33 This is the Queen’s husband… not just some guy…

1:34 This is going to blow your mind… think we’re safe, they’re arresting these guys… it’s 18 countries… here we go… May 24th 2009, MSM… billionaire club in bid to curb overpopulation… convened on the initiative of Bill Gates…


1:37 Have to go back to 2011 to find this article… deleted just after Oct. 6, 2011

1:38:20 … should be called “The Lucifer Club…” but OK if you want to call it The Good Club.. I am not making this up… Guess who’s in it? David Rockefeller Jr., Warren Buffet, George Soros, Michael Bloomberg (didn’t he just try to become POTUS and attach Hilary Clinton as his VP? Yup.)… the stuff we know on the inside about Biden is not good… and the media moguls Ted Turner and Oprah Winfrey…

Oprah did go but when she found out what they were up to she staggered out of the meeting and threw up… this is a Satanic cult… it’s very real… I do not for one minute believe that Oprah believes in this or supports this… she’s one of the good people…

1:43 They got to try their end of the world pandemic… it’s going to be OK…

1:44:10 There’s a financial reset coming… the currency gets rebooted… there’s been various plans in place on how much money everyone’s going to get… don’t worry about your business at this point… don’t think this is the end of the world… don’t think you’re going to get screwed… things are going to get set right… that’s a big reason why I’m doing this show

1:47:35 You guys (cabal) have done enough! It’s time to go home, it’s time to stop… If you want to surrender the Alliance is allowing you to surrender but enough is enough with this cr*p, this Luciferian cr*p:

Killing people, threatening people, assassinations, targeted murders, false flag events, fake wars, fake pandemics, fake economic collapses that cause real damage to real people, and you’re keeping everybody in poverty, and you’re not allowing us to expand into Space, you’re hiding technology that’s going to do that.

1:48:12 I’ve had it, we’ve had it, enough is enough! We are done with this cr*p, we’re moving on, we’re taking the planet back, can you feel the freedom? Can you feel what’s happening with Defender Europe-20?

1:48:25 Do you understand that I’ve been telling you for 11 years that there was a group in the US Military and the International community that are going to arrest these people in a mass event, the last holdouts, OK?

1:48:40 Do you understand that’s what’s happening in Europe and that’s what’s happening in America? And we told you everybody was going to be home when this was happening. We told you you needed to have food in your house. We told you that you weren’t going to want to go outside. It’s (Covid-19) the perfect cover.

The Alliance didn’t do this, they’re defending us against this attack, but now they can get in there and get things done.

1:49 I’ve just showed you with absolute proof, in writing, that’s the rules, I told you that’s the rules, they have to tell you what they’re doing. They did tell you in the 2009 Sunday Times that they’re planning on de-populating the planet… with Bill Gates who’s doing the vaccines… they wanted to get it down to 250 million people which are easier to control… you can enslave them

1:50 Bill Gates puts out $10 billion dollar pledge for vaccines… gigantic amount of money, to develop and deliver new vaccines to children in the developing world… if the children survive the population will go up… but didn’t he just say he wanted to population to go down… the vaccine IS the problem.. the vaccine HAS the problem…

1:51 $15 billion dollars has been spent… “Billionaires’ Plan For World Genocide Exposed…” Warren Buffet pledged $31 billion dollars… and David Rockefeller…

1:53 Total of $46 billion dollars of research money on a frickin’ vaccine…..

2:20 Bill Gates leaves Microsoft board…


Restored Republic via a GCR- Rumors as of March 25, 2020


News, Rumors and Opinions Wednesday Morning 3-25-2020