Bix Weir, Mike Maloney and PIR Tuesday 3-10-2020

Bix Weir:

ALERT! Stocks Fall as Money Printing CAN'T Solve a Supply Problem!

RoadToRoota:  Mar 10, 2020

The response of Trump and the Fed was predictable...THROW MONEY AT A FALLING STOCK MARKET!! But this is not a Demand problem.

No amount of money can fill the shelves with product or create an automobile that's missing parts to build!

This is a SUPPLY problem that con only be fix with Global Supply Rush back to normal....and that's IMPOSSIBLE in the near future!

There is no such thing as a smooth landing

*Gold: The Road Ahead - Mike Maloney

Premiered 12 hours ago

Today the DOW dropped over 2000 points, oil was slammed, and millions of people were left with decimated portfolios wondering what had just happened. Join Mike Maloney as he examines the recent market action, and shares the document that enabled him to predict the ‘big picture’ many years ago.

Patriot Intel Report:

PIR 03 10 20

This is a controlled burn…..This is the controlled take down of the existing system. Death of the Petro dollar. This is why we are seeing so much going on in the oil markets.

We are rolling into major economic changes with much going on behind the scenes.


IQD CALLS Early Tuesday 3-10-20


"Coffee with MarkZ" Tuesday Morning Chat 3-10-2020