Are You A Cheap Person? Or Are You Being Frugal?

Are You A Cheap Person? Or Are You Being Frugal?

ByTodd Kunsman

Saving money and finding ways to make your dollars stretch farther is not necessarily a bad thing by any means. After all, not everyone can live lavishly all the time or never worry about their finances.  However, sometimes your money saving ways puts you in a category of being a cheap person.  This means you are becoming too obsessed with money, savings, and looking for ways to never spend. The problem is others start to notice and you may begin alienating yourself from friends and family.  Instead, you want to practice being frugal and scale back on being cheap.

But what is being cheap about? What are the signs of being a cheapskate? And how can you tell if you are being frugal or cheap? Don’t worry, I’ll explore all these questions below!

What Does It Mean to Be A Cheap Person?

A cheap person is someone who always buys items at the lowest possible price. People who are cheap do not care about the quality of an item and try to spend as little money as possible.

They often buy items just because they are on sale, and will still use them years after they’re worn out.

Cheap people hate spending money in general, and are willing to sacrifice time in order to find good deals. In general, a cheap person will only focus on price and believes that the best value is always the cheapest.

Being Cheap Is A Mindset

Being cheap is generally a harmful mindset, but depending on your situation it might have some short term benefits.

For example, if you are trying to pay off debt or live within your means for a specific amount of time, being cheap will help you get there faster.  However, in the long term, being a cheap person actually does more harm than good. That’s because people who are cheap are usually only thinking of short-term benefits rather than looking at the bigger picture.

Sometimes it’s better to spend more on higher quality items, such as a good mattress or high quality jeans.  Not only that, but being cheap can also be seen as unkind or selfish; if you’re always trying to get a free ride, or “forget” your wallet, people will think twice before being generous with you and it could even cost you some friendships.

Being cheap is a mentality that focuses more on the present rather than the future; if you’re seriously struggling with money, this may be helpful.  But in general, you want to be able to gain an overall perspective over your spending and not only focus on the price.  

Signs You Are Being a Cheapskate

Often being cheap or just a frugal person can sometimes have similarities.


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