A Mothers Beatitudes

A Mothers Beatitudes

Author unknown

Blessed is the mother who understands her child, for she will inherit a kingdom of memories.

Blessed is the mother who knows how to comfort, for she shall possess a child of devotion.

Blessed is the mother who guides by the path of righteousness for she shall be proud of her children

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 Blessed is the mother who is never shocked, for she will receive and know confidence and security.

Blessed is the mother who teaches respect, for she shall be respected.

Blessed is the mother who looks for the good in things and minimizes the bad, for in like manner the child shall make evaluations.

Blessed is the mother who answers questions honestly for she shall be trusted

Blessed is the mother who treats her child as she would be treated, for her home shall always be filled with happiness.

Blessed is the mother who has character strong enough to withstand the thoughtless remarks and resentment of the growing child, for again in due time she shall be honored.

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