13 Top Tips To Prevent Identity Theft

13 Top Tips To Prevent Identity Theft

Protecting your sensitive personal information from thieves is getting harder than ever, thanks to a combination of the growth and sophistication of organized crime, and the lack of initiative on the part of banks and legislators to do anything meaningful to combat it.

Ways To Beat Identity Theft

What follows is a list of the most basic things you can do to prevent your identity from being stolen. While some of them are pretty obvious, its best to take nothing for granted:

Invest in a good paper shredder. Some, like the Fellowes Powershred are less than 100 dollars.

Watch out for so-called "shoulder surfers". Often people will try to get a glimpse of you entering your PIN number into an ATM machine or checkout card reader. Be wary even of the most harmless looking person.

Watch out for the store clerk double swiping your debit card in two places.

Use your credit card. Instead of using a bank debit card, which is likely not insured, use your credit card instead - and pay off the balance each month on time. You see unlike bank debit cards, you are only liable for the first $50 dollars.

Watch what you carry. Never carry certain pieces of ID, such as your Social Security Card it you can help it. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bC8pjXn-sWM

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