13 Personality Traits That Lead to Money Success

13 Personality Traits That Lead to Money Success

Personality. We all have one, some more than others. Personality is defined as “the combination of characteristics or qualities that form an individual’s distinctive character.”

There is only one of you. It is the unique combination of traits that make the individual who they are, and the facets that make up our personalities play a significant role in our lives.

In fact, your personality traits will likely significantly impact the outcomes of your life, either helping or hindering your ability to succeed in various areas.

One big area impacted by personality characteristics is money and personal finance, where you may find that some of your personality traits are more desirable than others.

Tawnya here, and I’m one of those lucky enough to possess several personality traits conducive to good money management. What this means is that the makeup of my personality is such that it’s easier for me to make good decisions when it comes to money.

This doesn’t mean that it will be impossible for you to be good with money if you don’t possess all of the traits I’m about to discuss, just that it may be more difficult for you if don’t have at least some of these traits. Even if you don’t see yourself reflected in these traits, there’s a light at the end of the article (so keep reading!). Personality plays a big role in your money management, and you’re about to find out why.

Here are 13 personality traits that lead to money success.  


This one is probably pretty obvious, but one personality trait that is especially conducive to good money management is whether you’re a saver or a spender.  Like all the traits we’ll be discussing, being a saver or a spender is a combination of natural-born tendencies and environmental factors.

I’m a saver, and although I grew up in a household comprised of spenders (environment), my natural tendency has always been to save. I was also heavily influenced by my grandparents, who are savers.  Just as the name suggests, savers prefer to save money. Savers also fall on a continuum, from those who avoid spending money at all costs to those who generally save but who also won’t shy away from spending on things they feel are valuable.

To continue reading, please go to the original article here:



What Your Relationship with Money Reveals About You


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