Iraq Economic News and Points to Ponder Thursday Afternoon 5-9-24

Iraq Economic News and Points to Ponder Thursday Afternoon 5-9-24

Why Jordanian National Bank And Gulf Banks? Economist Explains

 May 9, 2024  Baghdad/Iraq Observer  Economic expert Abdul Karim Al-Issawi said:

 “Today, foreign banks operating in Iraq, including banks owned by Jordanian shareholders, stand out for their confidence rooted in relations with international correspondent banks, and  this makes them work in a more serious banking manner.

 In contrast, Iraqi banks face... Local challenges in building relationships with correspondent banks due to their leadership that is unable to develop management professionally.”

 Al-Issawi told the Iraq Observer Agency:  “The leadership of Iraqi banks has affected the confidence of international bodies in them, in addition to concerns about their ownership and association with suspicious figures, which hinders their development and progress.”

 He continued:   “This was not limited to Jordanian banks only, as it revealed the adoption of other Emirati and Gulf banks in Iraq, and this reality will displace Iraqi banks because they are weak.”

Iraq Economic News and Points to Ponder Thursday Afternoon 5-9-24

Why Jordanian National Bank And Gulf Banks? Economist Explains

 May 9, 2024  Baghdad/Iraq Observer  Economic expert Abdul Karim Al-Issawi said:

 “Today, foreign banks operating in Iraq, including banks owned by Jordanian shareholders, stand out for their confidence rooted in relations with international correspondent banks, and  this makes them work in a more serious banking manner.

 In contrast, Iraqi banks face... Local challenges in building relationships with correspondent banks due to their leadership that is unable to develop management professionally.”

 Al-Issawi told the Iraq Observer Agency:  “The leadership of Iraqi banks has affected the confidence of international bodies in them, in addition to concerns about their ownership and association with suspicious figures, which hinders their development and progress.”

 He continued:   “This was not limited to Jordanian banks only, as it revealed the adoption of other Emirati and Gulf banks in Iraq, and this reality will displace Iraqi banks because they are weak.” 

He pointed out that: “The Iraqi banking reality may turn into an oligopolistic market.”

 But he stressed that the United States of America has not lifted the sanctions on government banks that were imposed on some of them because they were accused of dealing with Iran and Syria, which are subject to strict American sanctions.لماذا-الاهلي-الاردني-والمصارف-الخليج/   

The Governor Of The Central Bank And The French Ambassador Discuss Developments In The Banking Sector

 May 09, 2024  The Governor of the Central Bank and the French Ambassador discuss developments in the banking sector  His Excellency the Governor of the Central Bank of Iraq, Mr. Ali Mohsen Al-Alaq, received His Excellency the French Ambassador in Baghdad, Mr. Patrick Durel.

  The meeting discussed ways to strengthen banking relations between the two countries, and

 His Excellency the Governor gave a comprehensive explanation of the relations and economic conditions, as well as the government’s directions in consolidating the foundations of the national economy and diversifying it in light of the state of security stability achieved in Iraq,

 explaining the plan to restructure government banks that enjoys regular support and follow-up from Before the Prime Minister, indicating that this plan will change the map of the banking sector and its reality in Iraq.

 His Excellency also pointed to the rapid developments in organizing, monitoring and analyzing foreign transfer operations and covering foreign trade in accordance with best international practices and standards, which are receiving great praise and attention from international and regional organizations.

For his part, His Excellency the Ambassador expressed satisfaction with the developmental and economic developments he observed in Iraq, especially during his tour of the provinces,

 expressing his country's readiness to strengthen and develop banking relations with Iraq,

explaining that economic relations between the two countries are growing at the level of entry of French companies and the use of their expertise in investment projects.

 His Excellency the French Ambassador invited His Excellency the Governor of the Central Bank of Iraq, after making the necessary arrangements, to visit the financial and banking institutions in France, especially the Central Bank of France.    

It is noteworthy that the  Central Bank of Iraq owns deposits and accounts with the Central Bank of France, and  they have had distinguished cooperation relations over many years.

 Central Bank of Iraq  information Office May 9, 2024    


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 Provoking Points To Ponder On Chance and Fortune

I make the most of all that comes, And the least of all that goes. - Sara Teasdale

If you do not expect it, you will not find the unexpected, for it is hard to find and difficult. - Heraclitus

Two roads diverged in a wood and I - I took the one less travelled by, And that has made all the difference.  - Robert Frost

Unless a man has trained himself for his chance, the chance will only make him ridiculous.  - W. Matthews

Chance is always powerful. Let your hook be always cast. In the pool where you least expect it, will be a fish.  - Ovid

Chance is the pseudonym of God when he did not want to sign.  - Anatole France

The harder you work, the luckier you get.  - Gary Player

I think we consider too much the good luck of the early bird and not enough the bad luck of the early worm.  - Franklin D. Roosevelt

Fortune favours the bold.  - Terence

The luck of having talent is not enough; one must also have a talent for luck.  - Hector Berlioz

In the field of observation, chance favours the prepared mind.  - Louis Pasteur

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Chats and Rumors, MarkZ Dinar Recaps 20 Chats and Rumors, MarkZ Dinar Recaps 20

Thursday Night Chat with MarkZ 5-9-2024

Thursday Evening News with MarkZ

Some highlights by PDK-Not verbatim

MarkZ Disclaimer: Please consider everything on this call as my opinion. People who take notes do not catch everything and its best to watch the video so that you get everything in context.  Be sure to consult a professional for any financial decisions

Member: Good Thursday Evening…..this week is sure flying by!!!

Member: GE everyone. May the blessing rain down on us like a midwestern storm

Member: Mark are you under an NDA?

MZ: Years ago I deposited some with a group in Reno and signed an NDA about the rate then. I have not been paid from this group and I am being quiet because I agreed to be quiet to not jeopardize anyones safety  or finances.

MZ: Some of the stuff that I hear I will not share and put them in that position.

Thursday Evening News with MarkZ

Some highlights by PDK-Not verbatim

MarkZ Disclaimer: Please consider everything on this call as my opinion. People who take notes do not catch everything and its best to watch the video so that you get everything in context.  Be sure to consult a professional for any financial decisions

Member: Good Thursday Evening…..this week is sure flying by!!!

Member: GE everyone. May the blessing rain down on us like a midwestern storm

Member: Mark are you under an NDA?

MZ: Years ago I deposited some with a group in Reno and signed an NDA about the rate then. I have not been paid from this group and I am being quiet because I agreed to be quiet to not jeopardize anyones safety  or finances.

MZ: Some of the stuff that I hear I will not share and put them in that position.

Member: Mike Bara said he heard it was going public on Saturday the 11th

MZ: Nader did a video today on an article talking about the budget and having to send some things back to do the math because there is a budget shortfall. Meaning that the budget is greater than the money they have coming in so they need to make some adjustments. But, if the value were increased we would not have this problem. So a value change fixes all that. It also tells us how much money they have coming in from oil right now. About $280 million dollars per day.

Member: Nadar also  said we will continue to have bases in Iraq. Signed by the generals 2 weeks ago.

Member: Did Iraq join the WTO today?

MZ: Every article I found says they are preparing to ascend to the World Trade Organization. I have not found one yet that says they have already ascended.

Member: I will be going to Chase tomorrow to talk to a wealth manager

Member: it's so odd how some Chase managers will talk and others won't and can be rude!

Member: Mark, I received a call from PNC bank wanting me to come in so they can discuss how to better serve my needs!

MZ: I have a few bank stories that you all have sent me today.

MZ:  “ A few months ago I spoke with a few people from my local credit union. They had no knowledge of any RV and did not get involved with foreign currencies. I called this morning to try to take care of some outstanding debt and spoke with a loan officer- I made a joke about not needing it in a month, but had something pressing to take care of now. She asked what I meant about my statement and I mentioned the RV. She giggled and said 3 months ago my bank started doing system upgrades . They did approximately 4 upgrades. I asked if people in the branch did any training on foreign currency. She said Yes- but they will still have to send it out to be verified. Then I mentioned the timing between now and June. She smiled and would not say more except “We are ready for it”

MZ: You will like this one as well. I edited it a bit for security….“ 5-8-2024. My husband went into our bank in Arkansas. A female bank officer always waits on him She said oh, I can’t wait to retire. My husband asked her if she knew about the QFS and Nesara/Gesara?  She smiled real big and glanced around the room. Then she reached behind her , pulled out a book and opened the first page….There was the new USN $10 bill that read “United States Note” He asked if he could please take a picture of it….she told him no because of the cameras on them . He sid they look just like the photos I have seen circulating. She said the bank had finished their QFS training, and are standing by and ready to go.

MZ: We have had some great bank stories sent in by you all. And I had a talk with MilitiaMan today…..There are great expectations. We will get him in here soon so he can share them.

MZ: It’s fantastic to see these bank stories in the real world.   

Member: We are all on the same journey. We can walk together be we have to take the steps. I’m glad I chose you all to walk with

Member: Have a great evening and a good nights sleep to everyone.

Member: Thank You Mark have a Great Night everyone


Note from PDK: Please listen to the replay for all the details and entire stream….I do not transcribe political opinions, divisive social commentary,medical opinions or many guests on this stream……just RV/currency related topics.





Mod:  MarkZ "Back To Basics" Pre-Recorded Call" for Newbies 10-19-2022 )



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KTFA, News Dinar Recaps 20 KTFA, News Dinar Recaps 20

Some “Thursday News” Posted by Clare at KTFA 5-9-2024


Clare:  The House of Representatives adjourns its session

5/9/2024  Baghdad

Today, Thursday (May 9, 2024), the House of Representatives adjourned its 24th session, chaired by Al-Mandalawi and attended by 170 delegates.

The Council's Media Department stated in a statement, received by "Baghdad Today", that "First Deputy Speaker of Parliament Mohsen Al-Mandalawi adjourned the work of Session No. 24 of the fifth electoral session of the third legislative year/first legislative term, in the presence of 170 deputies."

The session culminated in a vote on the Iraqi National Security Law, in addition to a report and discussion of other laws, according to a previous statement.


Clare:  The House of Representatives adjourns its session

5/9/2024  Baghdad

Today, Thursday (May 9, 2024), the House of Representatives adjourned its 24th session, chaired by Al-Mandalawi and attended by 170 delegates.

The Council's Media Department stated in a statement, received by "Baghdad Today", that "First Deputy Speaker of Parliament Mohsen Al-Mandalawi adjourned the work of Session No. 24 of the fifth electoral session of the third legislative year/first legislative term, in the presence of 170 deputies."

The session culminated in a vote on the Iraqi National Security Law, in addition to a report and discussion of other laws, according to a previous statement.

He also completed the report and discussion of the draft law to return real estate to its owners, which is covered by some decisions of the (defunct) Revolutionary Command Council, in addition to completing the first reading of the law on the second amendment to the Independent High Electoral Commission Law No. (31) of 2019.    LINK

Suzie:  I can only assume by the "loud" silence, that nothing happened today with the WTO,  just IMO

Margarita:  a quick google search of iraq wto found this-

Will Iraq join the WTO?

 ABU DHABI, 27th February, 2024 (WAM) -- Atheer Daoud Al Ghurairi, Minister of Commerce of Iraq, has confirmed that Iraq has completed the requirements to join the World Trade Organisation (WTO) after completing economic reforms and improving the business environment.Feb 27, 2024


Clare:  Erbil receives the 27th branch of the International Development Bank


The International Development Bank announced on Tuesday the opening of its new branch in the city of Erbil in the Kurdistan Region, which is the twenty-seventh branch in the country. 

In his speech during the opening ceremony, the bank’s authorized director, Saad Faiq, said, “The opening of our new branch in Erbil reflects our commitment to providing innovative and advanced financial services that meet the needs of our customers,” noting that “this opening is part of our strategy to enhance the presence in vital areas and support development.” economic in Iraq.

Faeq praised what he called "the vital role played by the Central Bank of Iraq in supporting the bank's endeavors, which enables it to provide advanced financial solutions and enhance confidence between the bank and its customers."  

For his part, Director of the Marketing, Sales and Product Development Department, Wissam Al-Amri, said that this opening confirms the International Development Bank’s commitment to continuing innovation and development in the financial services sector, aiming to achieve excellence in performance and striving to fulfill the aspirations and needs of its customers everywhere.

The International Development Bank has the largest ATM network in Iraq, with 400 ATMs, 5,000 direct points of sale (POS) in all Iraqi governorates, and 7,000 POC outlets.

According to him, the bank has thus acquired a large market share in Iraq from the total commercial financing and comprehensive banking operations. 

He has significant and continuous contributions to supporting SMEs (medium, small and large companies), by financing a large number of huge projects in various economic sectors and granting loans and credit facilities. 

Its management says that the bank today has a wide network of correspondent banks around the world and in more than 20 countries, which supports commercial financing operations and foreign transfers for the bank’s customers.   LINK


Clare:  Sudanese announces the signing of an agreement with Japan to finance small and medium enterprises in Iraq

5/9/2024  Baghdad

Prime Minister Muhammad Shiaa Al-Sudani announced today, Thursday, the signing of a financing agreement with Japan to finance small and medium enterprises in Iraq.

This came in a speech conveyed by his media office on the sidelines of his visit to Babil Governorate and the inauguration of a number of projects there.

Al-Sudani pointed out, in his speech, that this development is a success story in the private sector, stressing the unlimited support from the government.

For the sake of more job opportunities, as it currently accommodates approximately 4,000 opportunities within the company’s activities, in addition to increasing production and providing its surplus in the future for export outside Iraq.

The Prime Minister called on businessmen and private sector companies to take advantage of the investment opportunities offered and the sovereign guarantees provided by the state through the three-year budget law.

Al-Sudani announced the signing of an agreement with Japan to finance small and medium enterprises, amounting to $300 million, which will contribute to revitalizing and establishing the national industry.  LINK

Clare:  The Association of Private Banks counts the percentage of shares traded on the stock market during a month 

5/9/2024 Baghdad

The representative of the Iraqi Banks Association, Ali Tariq, confirmed today, Thursday, that the Iraqi stock market relies heavily on the banking sector, while he counted the value of banking shares traded during the month of last April.

Tariq said, during a dialogue session, on the twentieth anniversary of the founding of the Securities Commission, under the slogan (The Importance of the Financial Services Sector in Supporting the Iraqi Economy) and attended by the “Al-Iqtisad News” correspondent, that “the profitability of private sector companies is the first motivator for every investor, and the strength of the market and the growing movement Trading comes from companies' profitability and revenues."

He added, "The market relies heavily on the banking sector, which traded during last April 17.6 billion shares out of 21.6 billion shares in the entire market, which constitutes 81% of the total trading in the month." 

He explained that "the banking sector is considered the most important in the stock market," pointing out that "the citizen is able to use the mobile phone to trade and view share prices, and the need to focus on reaching the citizen at his home and workplace."

Tariq stated, “All private banks are listed in the Iraq Stock Exchange according to the instructions of the Central Bank of Iraq,” stressing that “preventing some banks from dealing in dollars directly affected the market and the prices of their contributions in the market.”LINK


Clare:  Government Advisor: The Securities Commission represents the governance base for promoting financial market reform

 5/9/2024  Baghdad

Today, Thursday, Advisor to the Prime Minister for Financial Affairs, Mazhar Muhammad Salih, summarized the importance of the Securities Commission and its tasks, while noting that the Commission represents the governance base in promoting financial market reform, and is responsible for supervising the correct rules in the Iraqi market.

Saleh said, in his speech during the twentieth anniversary of the founding of the Securities Commission, under the slogan (The Importance of the Financial Services Sector in Supporting the Iraqi Economy), “In the name of Prime Minister Muhammad Shiaa Al-Sudani, we extend to the Securities Commission, its Chairman and its staff, our warmest congratulations on the occasion of the twentieth anniversary of the founding of this edifice.” The important financial supervisory authority that assumed the duties of regulating the Iraqi Stock Exchange securities, which is the basis for ensuring high, stable, organized and growing financial markets through the application of regulations designed to protect the rights of users and maintain the integrity of the financial market.

He added, "The Securities Commission, with its regulatory, supervisory, and auditing apparatus, constitutes the central body responsible for supervising the correct rules, monitoring irregular activities, and investigating market violations."

He continued: “The Securities Commission also represents the governance base in promoting transparency and reform in the work of the financial market, and the important role of the Securities Commission is evident in regulating broker-dealers and other market participants by supervising the depository center and updating the data of persons associated with brokerage companies.”

He added: “There is no secret of the important role played by the Securities Commission in coordination with international securities organizations and bodies, especially in adopting standards in the field of strengthening the efficiency of financial markets and communicating with international organizations related to financial markets, which has strengthened the role of the Securities Commission and the Iraqi Stock Exchange.”

 Finance in preparing Iraq for the World Trade Organization, which is the international organization that essentially emerged from the system of financial globalization, as the trade in financial services became an integral part of global trade.   LINK


Clare: Al-Sudani launches a package of new service projects in Babylon


Today, Thursday, Prime Minister Muhammad Shiaa Al-Sudani launched a package of new service projects in Babil Governorate worth (1,276,740,000,000) dinars.

Al-Sudani’s media office said in a statement received by {Al-Furat News}, “Prime Minister Muhammad Shia’ al-Sudani, during his visit to Babil Governorate, today, launched a package of new service projects worth (1,276,740,000,000) dinars.”

He added, "The projects include:

-Integrated projects for sewage, sewage, and rainwater in (Al-Qasim, Al-Hashimiyeh, and Al-Madhatiya districts), with a total amount of (364,500,000,000) dinars.

-An integrated project for sewage, sewage and rainwater networks for Al-Kifl district, amounting to 134.2 billion dinars.

-A link road with the highway (Basra - Baghdad), via the Imam - Anana district - to Al-Ibrahimiya in the Hindiyah district, at a cost of 320 billion dinars.

-Management and operation of Imam al-Sadiq Hospital (peace be upon him), by a specialized foreign company for $60 million.

- Referring the large Hilla sewer project/second phase to implementation at a cost of $287 million.   LINK

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Chats and Rumors, Video, Vn Dong DINARRECAPS8 Chats and Rumors, Video, Vn Dong DINARRECAPS8

Iraqi Dinar Video Update Thursday Afternoon  5-9-24

Iraqi Dinar Video Update Thursday Afternoon  5-9-24

This is Massive Good News Coming Out From Iraq – 3:15

Iraqi Dinar Big Massive RV – 3:56

Al Sudani Big Statement About IQD Exchange Rate – 4:15

WOW It's Massive WTO Big Statement About IQD – 3:15

Iraqi Dinar Video Update Thursday Afternoon  5-9-24

This is Massive Good News Coming Out From Iraq – 3:15

Iraqi Dinar Big Massive RV – 3:56

Al Sudani Big Statement About IQD Exchange Rate – 4:15

WOW It's Massive WTO Big Statement About IQD – 3:15

This is Massive Good News Coming Out From Iraq – 3:15

Iraqi Dinar Big Massive RV – 3:56

Al Sudani Big Statement About IQD Exchange Rate – 4:15

WOW It's Massive WTO Big Statement About IQD – 3:15

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Advice, Personal Finance DINARRECAPS8 Advice, Personal Finance DINARRECAPS8

5 Money Moves To Keep Financially Ahead

High Inflation May Be Here To Stay: 5 Money Moves To Keep Financially Ahead

Cynthia Measom    Tue, May 7, 2024

Inflation is still high and not likely to come down anytime soon, as reported by USA Today. But instead of risking falling behind, what if you could turn this economic challenge into an opportunity to keep (or get) financially ahead?

From tapping into the best budgeting tools to smart investment moves and even bringing in extra income, here are ways to not just cope, but potentially thrive in today’s economy.

Establish and Follow a Budget

If you don’t have a clear budget you’re following, now’s a great time to establish one so you can save money even as costs remain high,” said Todd Stearn, founder and CEO of The Money Manual. “If the idea is overwhelming or you just aren’t sure where to start, budgeting apps like Rocket Money, Simplifi and YNAB can help.”

Stearn said you can use these apps to track your progress, including how much you’re saving toward goals. “It’s likely to be more than you expected, which is fantastic motivation to continue,” he said.

High Inflation May Be Here To Stay: 5 Money Moves To Keep Financially Ahead

Cynthia Measom    Tue, May 7, 2024

Inflation is still high and not likely to come down anytime soon, as reported by USA Today. But instead of risking falling behind, what if you could turn this economic challenge into an opportunity to keep (or get) financially ahead?

From tapping into the best budgeting tools to smart investment moves and even bringing in extra income, here are ways to not just cope, but potentially thrive in today’s economy.

Establish and Follow a Budget

If you don’t have a clear budget you’re following, now’s a great time to establish one so you can save money even as costs remain high,” said Todd Stearn, founder and CEO of The Money Manual. “If the idea is overwhelming or you just aren’t sure where to start, budgeting apps like Rocket Money, Simplifi and YNAB can help.”

Stearn said you can use these apps to track your progress, including how much you’re saving toward goals. “It’s likely to be more than you expected, which is fantastic motivation to continue,” he said.

Invest In CDs

Stearn recommends shopping around for the best rates. He said the top CDs with terms around one year are offering rates of over 5%. He explained that over 5% is a great rate to lock in if interest rates do drop during the term.

“One year is also a short enough term that you’re unlikely to see rates rise while you’re locked in to the point where you’re losing money with these CDs,” he said. “This is especially true considering that the Federal Reserve just indicated that a rate hike anytime soon is unlikely.”

Transfer Your Credit Card Balance

“As interest rates remain high amid inflation, carrying a credit card balance is costlier than ever thanks to interest rates hovering around 25%,” said Andrea Woroch, a consumer and money-saving expert. “As these fees pile up, debt grows and becomes harder to pay off.”

Woroch suggested saving money by transferring your balance to a zero balance transfer card. She said to look for the longest no-interest period — some offer up to 21 months —  which will give you more time to pay down your balances with no interest.

Get a Side Hustle

Woroch said that increasing your income is the best way to survive inflation and afford a higher cost of living without digging yourself into debt.

“Though getting a raise or better paying job may not be options at the moment, you can find flexible side hustles that allow you to work as much or as little as you can each month, allowing you to boost your cash flow to pay higher bills,” she said. “Plus, many you can do right from home.

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Chats and Rumors, Economics Dinar Recaps 20 Chats and Rumors, Economics Dinar Recaps 20

More News, Rumors and Opinions Thursday Afternoon 5-9-2024


Tishwash:  The Iraqi Parliament enters its legislative recess and requires holding an “extraordinary” session on two matters

A member of the Iraqi Parliament announced, on Thursday, that the House of Representatives will enter its legislative recess, starting tomorrow, Friday.

Member of the Parliamentary Legal Committee, Raed Al-Maliki, told Shafaq News Agency, “Today, Thursday, the House of Representatives ended the first legislative term of the third legislative year, and starting tomorrow, Friday, the House will enjoy the legislative recess until next June.”

He explained, "The second legislative term will begin next June 9, and therefore the House of Representatives will enjoy the legislative recess for only one month."

He pointed out, "If the position of Speaker of the House of Representatives is agreed upon or the budget tables are sent to the House, Parliament will hold an extraordinary or emergency session to discuss any important event during the legislative recess."


Tishwash:  The Iraqi Parliament enters its legislative recess and requires holding an “extraordinary” session on two matters

A member of the Iraqi Parliament announced, on Thursday, that the House of Representatives will enter its legislative recess, starting tomorrow, Friday.

Member of the Parliamentary Legal Committee, Raed Al-Maliki, told Shafaq News Agency, “Today, Thursday, the House of Representatives ended the first legislative term of the third legislative year, and starting tomorrow, Friday, the House will enjoy the legislative recess until next June.”

He explained, "The second legislative term will begin next June 9, and therefore the House of Representatives will enjoy the legislative recess for only one month."

He pointed out, "If the position of Speaker of the House of Representatives is agreed upon or the budget tables are sent to the House, Parliament will hold an extraordinary or emergency session to discuss any important event during the legislative recess."

The Shiite coordinating framework announced, after a meeting in Maliki’s office on Monday, its intention to hold a session dedicated to choosing a speaker for Parliament after the expiry of a deadline it set (one week), at a time when three Sunni alliances announced their support for the framework’s position.  link

Tishwash:  The European Union and Iraq agree to increase cooperation between them

 The European Union Ambassador to Iraq, Thomas Seiler, revealed that he agreed a few days ago with the Iraqi Prime Minister, Muhammad Shiaa Al-Sudani, to increase and intensify cooperation.

Siler said on the “X” platform (formerly Twitter), on Thursday, on the occasion of European Integration Day, that the European Union is working with Iraq within a democratic framework that guarantees equal opportunities for all.

He added that this comes within the framework of private sector development, job creation, social protection and education, and combating corruption.

Siler stressed Iraq's support in the civilian security sector with the police and judiciary, as well as work in the fields of human rights and civil society, noting that all of this is for the benefit of the Iraqis without ignoring their customs and traditions.

The European Union ambassador to Iraq noted that "three days ago he agreed with the Sudanese to increase and intensify cooperation."

Iraq has previously expressed its need for the support of the European Union, in order to carry out political reforms and economic rehabilitation, while the European Union expressed its readiness to cooperate with the Iraqi government to strengthen the banking sector in the country. link


Tishwash:  The Iraqi Central Bank informs France of the plan to restructure government banks

The Central Bank of Iraq confirmed, on Thursday, that the plan to restructure government banks will change the map and reality of the banking sector in Iraq.

A statement from the bank received by Shafaq News Agency stated, “The Governor of the Central Bank of Iraq, Ali Mohsen Al-Alaq, received the French Ambassador to Baghdad, Patrick Durel, and the meeting dealt with ways to strengthen banking relations between the two countries, and His Excellency the Governor gave a comprehensive explanation of the relations and economic conditions, as well as the government’s directions.”

 “In consolidating the foundations of the national economy and diversifying it in light of the state of security stability achieved in Iraq.”

The meeting also clarified "the plan to restructure government banks, which enjoys support and regular follow-up by the Prime Minister, indicating that this plan will change the map of the banking sector and its reality in Iraq."

The Governor of the Central Bank also pointed to "the rapid developments in organizing, monitoring and analyzing foreign transfer operations and covering foreign trade in accordance with best international practices and standards, which are receiving great praise and attention from international and regional organizations."

For his part, the French ambassador expressed satisfaction with the developmental and economic developments he observed in Iraq, especially during his tour of the provinces, expressing his country's readiness to strengthen and develop banking relations with Iraq.

The ambassador explained that the economic relations between the two countries are growing at the level of entry of French companies and the use of their expertise in investment projects.

The French ambassador invited the Governor of the Central Bank of Iraq, after making the necessary arrangements, to visit the financial and banking institutions in France, especially the Central Bank of France.

It is noteworthy that the Central Bank of Iraq owns deposits and accounts with the Central Bank of France, and they have had distinguished cooperation relations over many years.  link


Courtesy of Dinar Guru:

Militia Man  If they were going to have a budget based off the exchange rate of 1310 why would you be keeping it close to your chest so long?  Why would you be waiting and waiting and waiting and waiting and waiting?  You wouldn't.  

Frank26   Who tells the CBI they can raise the value of their currency?  IMF...The US Treasury has its own problems.  It's called the American dollar.  The CBI works with the IMF.  Go to the IMF website and look up the Iraqi dinar.  It's going to tell you the Iraqi dinar is going through a reevaluation and a reinstatement adding value to its currency.

What US Bankers Never Told Us About Iraq's Banking System

Edu Matrix:  5-9-2024

What US Bankers Never Told Us About Iraq's Banking System. Why US bankers believed the IQD would not readjust. How Iraq fooled those who doubted.

SHOCKING Video of the Top US Economic Advisor Reveals the Truth

Lena Petrova:  5-9-2024

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Economics, News Dinar Recaps 20 Economics, News Dinar Recaps 20

“Tidbits From TNT” Thursday 5-9-2024


Tishwash:  JP Morgan forecasts an increase in the oil capacity of Iraq and other countries in 2025

 JP Morgan believes that there are three main countries in the oil alliance that deserve to upgrade their supplies for the year 2025.

Natasha Caneva, an analyst at JP Morgan, said in a recent report that the United Arab Emirates, Kazakhstan and Iraq intend to increase their total capacity by more than 300,000 barrels per day starting next year, but the planned expansions may represent risks to the cohesion of the alliance and oil prices in general. .

Caneva said: “The main issue for OPEC lies in 2025. Even if the alliance keeps supply restrictions as they are this year, it “does not address the imbalances in 2025.”

The price of Brent crude is expected to remain in the range of $75-90 per barrel in most scenarios, with average prices reaching $82 per barrel in 2025, according to Goldman Sachs. link


Tishwash:  JP Morgan forecasts an increase in the oil capacity of Iraq and other countries in 2025

 JP Morgan believes that there are three main countries in the oil alliance that deserve to upgrade their supplies for the year 2025.

Natasha Caneva, an analyst at JP Morgan, said in a recent report that the United Arab Emirates, Kazakhstan and Iraq intend to increase their total capacity by more than 300,000 barrels per day starting next year, but the planned expansions may represent risks to the cohesion of the alliance and oil prices in general. .

Caneva said: “The main issue for OPEC lies in 2025. Even if the alliance keeps supply restrictions as they are this year, it “does not address the imbalances in 2025.”

The price of Brent crude is expected to remain in the range of $75-90 per barrel in most scenarios, with average prices reaching $82 per barrel in 2025, according to Goldman Sachs. link

Tishwash:  Sudanese announces the signing of an agreement with Japan to finance small and medium enterprises in Iraq

Sudanese announces the signing of an agreement with Japan to finance small and medium enterprises in Iraq 

The Prime Minister, Mr. Muhammad Shiaa Al-Sudani, announced this morning, Thursday, the signing of an agreement with Japan to finance small and medium enterprises, amounting to $300 million, which will contribute to revitalizing and establishing the national industry.

 This morning, Al-Sudani launched work on the Al-Ittihad Mills Project, in the city of Al-Madhatiya in Babil Governorate, one of the private sector projects, to produce zero-grade flour locally, with a production capacity of one million tons. 

He also opened the sugar factory expansion project at Al-Ittihad Company, after adding new production lines for sugar production, raising the factory’s production capacity from (4,200) tons per day to (6,000) tons per day.

He also opened a vegetable oil extraction plant, a plant feed production plant, and a premix plant in the company.

Al-Sudani pointed out, in his speech, that this development is a success story in the private sector, stressing the unlimited support from the government. For the sake of more job opportunities, as it currently accommodates approximately 4,000 opportunities within the company’s activities, in addition to increasing production and providing its surplus in the future for export outside Iraq.

He called on businessmen and private sector companies to take advantage of the investment opportunities offered and the sovereign guarantees provided by the state through the three-year budget law.

Al-Ittihad Food Industries Company Limited in Babil Governorate is one of the largest industrial companies in Iraq, and includes six factories: Sugar refining plant, vegetable oil refining plant, vegetable feed production plant, soybean meal extraction plant, premix production plant, and yellow corn crushing and drying plant.  link


Cutebwoy:  NY Times article from 1991 reporting the revaluation of the Kuwaiti dinar

Jul 19, 2013

When Iraq invaded Kuwait in August of 1990, the value of the Kuwaiti dinar dropped to about 5 cents. In other words, it took 20 Kuwaiti dinars to buy one dollar.

In February of 1991 Iraq was expelled from Kuwait, and a month later, the banks revalued their currency to $3.47, the highest valued currency in the world. When this occurred, the New York Times reported the event on March 25, 1991.

It still has no water and little electricity or food, but Kuwait revived its banking system today, introducing a new currency.

Banks reopened for the first time since Iraqi occupation forces shut them down in December. Thousands of people lined up to exchange their old Kuwaiti dinars for crisp new ones and to withdraw a limited amount of money….

All other old dinars can be exchanged for new ones on a one-to-one rate until May 7, when the old dinars become invalid. The new official exchange rate is 3.47 American dollars for one new Kuwaiti dinar.

At the same time, the UN put Iraq under trade sanctions, crashing the value of the Iraqi dinar (IQD) from $3.22 to about 4000 to the dollar. Their currency could only be spent in Iraq itself, and people had to carry around wads of 25,000 dinar notes to buy groceries.

Then in 2003 coalition forces invaded Iraq and overthrew Saddam Hussein. By 2004 we gave them a new currency without Saddam’s picture on it. The value soon doubled and went up to 2000 to the dollar. A few years ago the Central Bank of Iraq managed to stabilize the value at 1166 per dollar.

On June 27, 2013 the UN removed Iraq from Chapter VII sanctions, allowing Iraq to regain control of close to $80 Billion in frozen funds that had been sitting in western banks since 1990. This also allowed Iraq to be reinstated on the world’s banking network, as soon as they are ready. At the same time many expect to see the IQD revalued at or near its former position

Mot: .. I Say!!! -- I Say!!! -- I Say!!! –

Mot:  and You Thought You were Busy!!!!.................

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Chats and Rumors, MarkZ Dinar Recaps 20 Chats and Rumors, MarkZ Dinar Recaps 20

Coffee with MarkZ, Mr. Cottrell and Andy Schectman. 05/09/2024

Thank you MarkZ for all your time, and encouragement daily….. PDK

MarkZ  Update- Some highlights by PDK-Not verbatim

MarkZ Disclaimer: Please consider everything on this call as my opinion. People who take notes do not catch everything and its best to watch the video so that you get everything in context.  Be sure to consult a professional for any financial decisions

MZ:  A packed morning with Mr. Cottrell joining first and then the illustrious Andy joining at about the 1-hour mark.

Member:  Good morning, y’all. It’s Thursday! It’s May 9th. Mr.C is on a day early. Prayers we cross the finish, so we can start!

Member: Today was rumored to be when Iraq ascends to a full member of the WTO?  Hope its true.

Member:  Good morning everyone…..Happy Thursday

​​Member: one thing that would make Mothers Day just a bit better is a RV AMEN

Thank you MarkZ for all your time, and encouragement daily….. PDK

MarkZ  Update- Some highlights by PDK-Not verbatim

MarkZ Disclaimer: Please consider everything on this call as my opinion. People who take notes do not catch everything and its best to watch the video so that you get everything in context.  Be sure to consult a professional for any financial decisions

MZ:  A packed morning with Mr. Cottrell joining first and then the illustrious Andy joining at about the 1-hour mark.

Member:  Good morning, y’all. It’s Thursday! It’s May 9th. Mr.C is on a day early. Prayers we cross the finish, so we can start!

Member: Today was rumored to be when Iraq ascends to a full member of the WTO?  Hope its true.

Member:  Good morning everyone…..Happy Thursday

​​Member: one thing that would make Mothers Day just a bit better is a RV AMEN

Member: Praying Mark has exciting news for us today

MZ: Let’s start with a banking story.  From a member:  “So I went to BOA to close an account yesterday. I signed in with the hostess , sat down and waited and casually looked around at the offices- taking note of the personnel while I waited. A loan officer/banker came out of his office and asked what I needed. I said to close an account. He asked if I wanted to sign up for a loan or line of credit? I said no . I said no, not until the currency revalues will I be doing anything.

MZ: He said (without skipping a beat) JUNE. Why don’t you go into my office and I will be right in. I walked in and sat down. He knew about the RV, foreign currency trainings, what is happening in the markets….I asked him if his Merrill Lynch guy was up to speed?  He said yes.

MZ: That is the crux of it…..I love these stories

Member: A lady in MilitiaMans chat said she got a call from JP Morgan/Chase to make an appointment and come in.

MZ: That does not surprise me. They are chomping at the bit and know it’s at any moment. They don’t want customers to go somewhere else.

MZ: The bond side is very quiet for me….Iraq is fairly quiet.

MZ: There have been a few humdingers from banking sources this week. Mostly banking people who used to tell me I was nuts to believe in the RV- are now training for exchanges. They tell me “all those years and you were right”  which does make me feel good.

Member: I sure am looking forward to hearing that from my friends and family. They still think I am nuts for believing.

Mark, How confident are we that the RC (redemption center)  rate on the Dinar may or may not be the same as the street/forex rate?

MZ: I am pretty confident…but it will be what ist going to be ….and whatever it is- will be a blessing.

Member: I will take whatever is offered and be thankful

Member: So are we waiting until June now?

MZ: Not necessarily- Most of my bankers think we will be done by June. So we would start in May. Most of my banking contacts think we will start in the month of May.

Member: How long do you think we will have to get to a RV center?

Member: At last report we may have 10 days to make appointments and at least 30 to exchange. Unless that has changed like everything else has.

Member: I hope there will still be exchanges on military bases…for safety and security

Member: Does the VND have a contract rate?

MZ: I wouldn’t call it a contract rate – more like a pre-negotiated fee/whatever for a maximum rate. The reason there is a contract rate on the IQD is the dinar for oil program …allowing them (US Treasury?) to exchange dinar for oil over time instead of all at once.

Member: MarkZ do you know if the multicurrency accounts are attached to the regular account or a QFS Acct.?

MZ: The QFS does not exist yet…until they flip the switch…..but its my  understanding that every account will change to a QFS account once this goes.

Member: Does anyone know how many different currencies the bankers are being trained for?

Member: Mark said yesterday – all the currencies we hold.

Member: IMO we are definitely going to get a reset we have to pray that it's the good reset

Member: ALso keep praying for Okie he is doing well after his hand surgery but still need prayer

Member: The Titanic was built by professionals it sank. The Ark was built by an amateur and it didn't sink. Go figure that one out. May God richly bless you all.

Mr. Cottrell and Andy Schectman from Miles Franklin join the stream today. Please listen to the replay for their information and opinions.




Mod:  MarkZ "Back To Basics" Pre-Recorded Call" for Newbies 10-19-2022 )




Note from PDK: Please listen to the replay for all the details and entire stream….I do not transcribe political opinions, divisive social commentary, medical opinions or many guests on this stream……just RV/currency related topics.



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Chats and Rumors, Economics Dinar Recaps 20 Chats and Rumors, Economics Dinar Recaps 20

News, Rumors and Opinions Thursday AM 5-9-2024

Note: All intel should be considered as "Rumors" until we receive official announcements ...and “Rates and Dates” could change anytime until we get to the banks/redemption centers.

RV Excerpts from the Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of Thurs. 9 May 2024 Compiled Thurs. 9 May 2024 12:01 am EST by Judy Byington

Judy Note: Things were warming up: Our Global Financial System that was packed with fiat monies, was on the verge of collapse, so on Wed. 1 May 2024, the gold/asset-backed Global Currency Reset of 209 countries began to roll out to save the system.

Global Currency Reset: (RUMORS)

Tues. 7 May Bruce: The Military gave the green light to release the monies on Mon. 29 April. Wells Fargo gave the green light on Mon 6 April. Tier 4 a,b notification could come out anywhere from 2 pm Wed. 8 May to 10:30 am on Thurs. 9 May.

Note: All intel should be considered as "Rumors" until we receive official announcements ...and “Rates and Dates” could change anytime until we get to the banks/redemption centers.

RV Excerpts from the Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of Thurs. 9 May 2024

Compiled Thurs. 9 May 2024 12:01 am EST by Judy Byington

Judy Note: Things were warming up: Our Global Financial System that was packed with fiat monies, was on the verge of collapse, so on Wed. 1 May 2024, the gold/asset-backed Global Currency Reset of 209 countries began to roll out to save the system.

Global Currency Reset: (RUMORS)

Tues. 7 May Bruce: The Military gave the green light to release the monies on Mon. 29 April. Wells Fargo gave the green light on Mon 6 April. Tier 4 a,b notification could come out anywhere from 2 pm Wed. 8 May to 10:30 am on Thurs. 9 May.

The Gazetteller reported that as of Wed. 1 May the Latin American nations of Colombia, Brazil, and Chile became the first to exchange foreign currency in the Global Currency Reset. The U.S. was expected to lag behind by three weeks but this delay was strategic. It allowed potential security flaws to be patched up before the RV reached American soil.

Wed. 8 May Banker:  “Well folks, a banker was provided with a specific date where he would have his trained exchange specialists in position to begin the currency exchanges.  This means a window of scheduling appointments will commence prior to having his staff being in position.  While he could not provide me the date he did indicate without any unforeseen issues that could delay it will occur this month. Well Folks, we may in fact enjoy the most memorable Mother’s Day in history. Say your prayers.”

Tues. 7 May Wolverine: “I have been told to shut up and I can accept that. What I can tell you is that they said that this will be a Golden Week. I don’t want to be a part of anything that would disturb the process. At the moment it is all good. I’m very confident that this is the week that we have been waiting for. Have a beautiful, beautiful day.”

Mon. 6 May 2024 Wolverine: “It has started. It has started. It has started. It has started. It has started. It has started. It has started. It has started. What I can tell you is that we are liquid. The money is actually available. It’s just a matter of time in order for the Green Light to be given. Exchanges have started. I’ve been told not to say anything more. I can’t give you a date. Remember, it’s a military operation, but we are defiantly close. Take care. Have a beautiful day. Wolverine.”

Mon. 6 May 2024 MarkZ: “I absolutely know this has started. I know people who now have dollars. According to my best contacts in the group, there was an interesting movement of money over the weekend. It’s clearly positioned to go, but I’m not sure we’ll see it today. Wolverine says 1,000% it will go today. We’ve seen a lot of money movement over the weekend so it could go today. I’m not quite certain, though there’s certainly a potential.”

Wed. 8 May 2024: Awakening Giants: Vietnam and Zimbabwe Forge Ahead in the Global RV Movement and Redemption Center – BOOM! The Intrigue of the $100T Zim Bonds! – American Media Group (

Wed. 8 May 2024 Breaking News: A Stock Market Crash Like No Other Is Coming In May As Major Threats Pile On – Epic Economist Video – American Media Group (


Wed. 8 May 2024 Ginger’s Liberty Lounge on Telegram:

Very encouraging fact that Iraq is going to such extreme lengths to educate their citizens, even their youth, on preparing for massive economic inclusion.

Remember, they are expecting their financial windfall to come, and it’s not only from their increase in the IQD international exchange rate. But the citizens also will receive monetary stipends coming from sales from oil. This is a very exciting time for Iraq!! I’m super happy for them!!

Also, let’s remember the fact how Al Sudani had educated Iraqis on the fact that their  currency shall be much more valuable than the USD, therefore more desirable to hold. They’ve been given Q cards and moved to a digital banking system and highly encouraged to utilize the banking system to prepare them for this transition.

Prior to these educational efforts, 70% of Iraq citizens had never used a bank. Now, currently, only 20% – 30% are still transitioning over and are learning the benefit of getting away from USD. Using IQD is required inside country borders. The progress they’ve made has been fantastic.

Read full post here:


Courtesy of Dinar Guru:

Frank26  No one knows how much time you're going to have in order to trade in the 3 zero notes.  But the IMF  does regulate all central banks and forces them to give a time frame.  That last time this happened with the Iraq dinar was about  10 years ago.  The 50 note.  The CBI came out and said we cancel it...They gave everybody 3 months.  Now they're all null and void.  You can't exchange for anything.   

Wolverine  [via Judy Byington] “I have been told to shut up and I can accept that. What I can tell you is that they said that this will be a Golden Week. I don’t want to be a part of anything that would disturb the process. At the moment it is all good. I’m very confident that this is the week that we have been waiting for. Have a beautiful, beautiful day.”

Salah fixing the money

Nader: 5-8-2024


Greg Mannarino:  5-8-2024

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Militiaman, News Dinar Recaps 20 Militiaman, News Dinar Recaps 20

MilitiaMan: PM - Al-Sudani - Golden Opportunity - Private Sector - Contracts - Development Road – Implementation

PM - Al-Sudani - Golden Opportunity - Private Sector - Contracts - Development Road – Implementation

The Crew:  Samson, PompeyPeter, Petra, Daytrader, Sunkissed, GIGI and Militia Man

Be sure to listen to full video for all the news……..

MilitiaMan and Crew:  5-8-2024

PM - Al-Sudani - Golden Opportunity - Private Sector - Contracts - Development Road – Implementation

The Crew:  Samson, PompeyPeter, Petra, Daytrader, Sunkissed, GIGI and Militia Man

Be sure to listen to full video for all the news……..

MilitiaMan and Crew:  5-8-2024

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Iraq Economic News and Points to Ponder Late Wednesday Evening 5-8-24

Iraq Economic News and Points to Ponder Late Wednesday Evening 5-8-24

The US Dollar Is Rising Again, And The Iraqi Dinar Is Crying Out For Help

Economy |  05/08/2024  Mawazine News – Baghdad   The exchange rates of the US dollar witnessed an increase today, Wednesday, in the capital, Baghdad, and Erbil, the capital of the Kurdistan Region, with the closure.

Dollar prices rose with the closure of the Al-Kifah and Al-Harithiya stock exchanges in Baghdad, recording 145,750 dinars, as prices had recorded 145,500 dinars for every 100 dollars this morning.

Regarding the selling prices in the exchange shops in the local markets in Baghdad, they increased, as the selling price reached 146,750 dinars, while the purchasing price reached 144,750 dinars for every 100 dollars. 

Iraq Economic News and Points to Ponder Late Wednesday Evening 5-8-24

The US Dollar Is Rising Again, And The Iraqi Dinar Is Crying Out For Help

Economy |  05/08/2024  Mawazine News – Baghdad   The exchange rates of the US dollar witnessed an increase today, Wednesday, in the capital, Baghdad, and Erbil, the capital of the Kurdistan Region, with the closure.

Dollar prices rose with the closure of the Al-Kifah and Al-Harithiya stock exchanges in Baghdad, recording 145,750 dinars, as prices had recorded 145,500 dinars for every 100 dollars this morning.

Regarding the selling prices in the exchange shops in the local markets in Baghdad, they increased, as the selling price reached 146,750 dinars, while the purchasing price reached 144,750 dinars for every 100 dollars.

Holding Meetings Of The Third Session Of The Trade And Investment Framework Agreement Between Iraq And The United States

The Ministry of Commerce announced the holding of the meetings of the third session of the Trade and Investment Framework Agreement between Iraq and the United States of America in Washington, D.C., after a break of more than nine years. It was chaired by the Economic Agent on the Iraqi side, Ghassan Farhan Hamid, and on the American side by the Commercial Representation Office.

The economic agent confirmed, according to the ministry’s statement, that the meeting discussed many topics, the most important of which were the agricultural sector, standardization and quality control, the financial system, customs, company registration, intellectual property rights, Iraq’s accession to the World Trade Organization, the health sector, and government contracts.

He added, during the meetings, it was confirmed that the Iraqi government is open to all parties and that economic reform and diversification of the economy are considered among the priorities that are being worked on, and that Iraq is ready to discuss any proposal that leads to strengthening relations between the two countries.

For its part, the American side expressed its great interest in the issues raised and its appreciation for the reform measures undertaken by the Iraqi government.

Finance Confirms The Iraqi Government's Desire To Benefit From The Expertise Of French Companies

Money  and business  Economy News – Baghdad   Today, Wednesday, Finance Minister Taif Sami confirmed the Iraqi government’s desire to benefit from the expertise of French companies.

A statement from the ministry received by “Al-Eqtisad News” stated, “Minister of Finance, Taif Sami, received the French Ambassador to Baghdad, Patrick Durel, and the Director of the French Development Agency, Serge Senris, and at the beginning of the meeting, the Minister congratulated the Ambassador on the occasion of assuming his new duties.”

He added, "Areas of cooperation were discussed between Iraq and the agency, especially with regard to the financial sector, investment and technical support. Comprehensive economic and development relations and ways to strengthen them were also discussed."

The Minister of Finance praised the level of fruitful cooperation with the French Development Agency in many areas that are the top priorities of sustainable development plans, especially in the field of contributing to infrastructure reconstruction projects, technical assistance, and technical support.

Views 101   Added 05/08/2024 -

Al-Sudani Chairs The Seventh Meeting Of The Supreme Committee For Reconstruction And Investment

Economy |  05/08/2024  Mawazine News – Baghdad  Today, Wednesday, Prime Minister Muhammad Shiaa Al-Sudani chaired the seventh meeting of the Supreme Committee for Reconstruction and Investment.

The Prime Minister's Media Office said in a statement received by Mozaine News, "Prime Minister Muhammad Shiaa Al-Sudani chaired the seventh meeting of the Supreme Committee for Reconstruction and Investment."

Oil Declines As US Inventories Increase

Wednesday 08, May 2024 08:13 | Economical Number of readings: 175  Baghdad / NINA / Oil prices fell in early Asian trading on Wednesday, at a time when sector data showed a rise in crude and fuel inventories in the United States, indicating a possible weakness in demand, and caution prevailed in supply expectations before a meeting of the OPEC + bloc next month.

Brent crude futures fell 30 cents, or 0.36 percent, to $82.86 per barrel by 0348 GMT, and US West Texas Intermediate crude futures fell 25 cents, or 0.32 percent, to $78.13 per barrel.

The two crude oil prices witnessed a limited decline in the last session due to indications of a decline in supply scarcity and weak global demand for oil after an International Energy Agency forecast report issued on Tuesday.

US crude inventories increased by 509,000 barrels in the week ending May 3, according to market sources citing American Petroleum Institute figures. She added that gasoline and distillate stocks also rose.

Official government data on crude and fuel inventories in the United States is scheduled to be released at 1430 GMT. Analysts polled by Reuters expected US crude inventories to decline by about 1.1 million barrels last week.

Cautious expectations about supply cuts from the Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries and its allies in the OPEC+ bloc before a policy meeting on June 1 also weighed on the markets.

Analysts from ING said, “Oil prices have been subjected to additional pressure due to the increasing commotion surrounding OPEC+ production policy, and expectations are that member states will extend the additional voluntary reduction in supplies beyond the second quarter of this year.”

Hopes of reaching a ceasefire in the Gaza Strip also put additional pressure on oil prices in the previous few sessions./End 9

The Central Bank Sells More Than $275 Million At Auction Today

Economy | 05/08/2024   Mawazine News – Baghdad  The Central Bank of Iraq announced, on Wednesday, its sales of hard currency, amounting to more than 275 million dollars in today’s transactions, according to the official rate of 1310.

The bank’s data showed that the total internal cash withdrawals amounted to 13,480,000 dollars, while the total amounts of transfers Abroad, which includes transfers and credits, amounted to $262,059,423, while the total sale amounted to $275,539,423.


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Provoking Thoughts and Points to Ponder on Wealth

I have no complex about wealth. I have worked hard for my money, producing things people need. I believe that the able industrial leader who creates wealth and employment is more worthy of historical notice than politicians or soldiers.  - Paul Getty

I was born into it and there was nothing I could do about it. It was there, like air or food, or any other element. The only question with wealth is what you do with it.  - John D. Rockefeller

I wish to become rich, so that I can instruct the people and glorify honest poverty a little, like those kind-hearted, fat, benevolent people do.  - Mark Twain

Ordinary riches can be stolen, real riches cannot. In your soul are infinitely precious things that cannot be taken from you.  - Oscar Wilde

'Let us not get so busy or live so fast that we can't listen to the music of the meadow or the symphony that glorifies the forest. Some things in the world are far more important than wealth; one of them is the ability to enjoy simple things.  - Dale Carnegie

The rich man is not one who is in possession of much, but one who gives much. - Saint John Chrysostom

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