Chats and Rumors, Economics Dinar Recaps 20 Chats and Rumors, Economics Dinar Recaps 20

More News, Rumors and Opinions Sunday Evening 4-28-2024



Prime Minister’s Advisor: We will see the dollar fall on the black market soon

4/27/2024   Baghdad

The political advisor to the Prime Minister, Fadi Al-Shammari, confirmed today, Saturday, that the demand for the official dollar has increased, while he expected it to decrease on the black market in the coming period.

Al-Shammari said in a press statement received by Al-Maalouma, that “the classification of financial institutions in Iraq according to World Bank reports is positive, and the Central Bank’s classification is A++ and exceeds the Emirati classification.”

He added, “Iraq wants to join the international banking system, and on this basis the government has taken positive measures in this regard.”



Prime Minister’s Advisor: We will see the dollar fall on the black market soon

4/27/2024   Baghdad

The political advisor to the Prime Minister, Fadi Al-Shammari, confirmed today, Saturday, that the demand for the official dollar has increased, while he expected it to decrease on the black market in the coming period.

Al-Shammari said in a press statement received by Al-Maalouma, that “the classification of financial institutions in Iraq according to World Bank reports is positive, and the Central Bank’s classification is A++ and exceeds the Emirati classification.”

He added, “Iraq wants to join the international banking system, and on this basis the government has taken positive measures in this regard.”

He confirmed, “The increasing percentage of merchants joining the platform rose from 28% to 78%,” noting that “the demand for the official dollar has increased, and we will witness its decline on the black market in the coming period.”

He pointed out that Iraq agreed “with the US Treasury on a road map that includes a third party represented by an international consulting company to audit the procedures of the sanctioned banks, and its decisions are binding on the US Treasury.”   LINK



 Al-Awadi explains the importance of the Prime Minister’s participation in the World Economic Forum in Saudi Arabia

4/27/2024   Baghdad - 

The government spokesman, Bassem Al-Awadi, explained the importance of Prime Minister Muhammad Shiaa Al-Sudani’s expected participation in the World Economic Forum, which will be held on 28-29 in the Saudi capital, Riyadh, while he stressed the government’s work to inform the world of the reality of the situation in Iraq to attract investments and transform the country’s economy from Rent-seeking to the market economy, instead of the blurry image being promoted, revealed a leap in relations between Iraq and Saudi Arabia that raised the volume of trade exchange to unprecedented extents.

Al-Awadi told the Iraqi News Agency (INA): “The Prime Minister’s visit to Saudi Arabia will be to attend the special meeting of the World Economic Forum that will be hosted by Riyadh, which is one of the largest forums and is equivalent in importance to the Davos Forum in Switzerland. The first title of this conference is international cooperation, growth and the energy sector from For development.

He added, "More than a thousand important and influential figures will attend the forum held in Saudi Arabia, including a president, a leader, a political decision-maker, heads of major economic companies, thinkers and opinion makers in the governmental and private sectors around the world."

He continued, "Therefore, this is a great opportunity for important, high-level meetings for the Prime Minister to be held with world leaders and idea and policy makers in which Iraq's current image, stability, and openness to investment and great investment opportunities in the country will be clarified. We are a country moving toward stability and need to know ourselves during... The Prime Minister’s visits, which he spoke about in Washington, showed the true picture of Iraq in response to the blurry picture that some media outlets are trying to spread.”

He pointed out, "There is confusion about the Iraqi situation, and many believe that Iraq is unstable and the situation is chaotic, and this is contrary to reality. The true position must be clarified and correct relations with the outside must be built. Officials of brotherly and friendly countries are invited to visit Iraq to get to know its situation closely and in the true form that actually exists." We tell them to visit Iraq from south to north and see the truth of the situation for yourselves and make sure that Iraq is stable and its doors are open to investment.”

Al-Awadi pointed out that "Iraq needs investments to exploit its wealth, as well as to develop the industrial and agricultural sectors, so that we can move from a rentier economy to a market economy, support the private sector, and provide more jobs in the private sector. During the Prime Minister’s visit to Washington, there was a delegation of businessmen in support of this trend." .

Regarding the relations between Baghdad and Riyadh, Al-Awadi explained, “Iraqi-Saudi relations are in continuous development and growth, and there was a leap last year under the government of Prime Minister Muhammad Shia’ al-Sudani, as trade exchange between the two countries jumped between one billion to one billion five hundred million dollars last year.” In the years before that, it was limited to $300 million or half a billion dollars.”

He pointed out, "We consider this leap in relations and cooperation a beginning, and the government is keen to expand commercial cooperation and other sectors to broader extents LINK

Courtesy of Dinar Guru:

Frank26  [Iraq boots-on-the-ground report]   FIREFLY: We know who the crooks are and they're mad about the concept of floating.  They came out yesterday and they told us if the Iraqi dinar starts to float that would be very dangerous, it would be a bad thing for us Iraqi citizens...I guess this float is extremely serious and very important and something they're about to tell us because parliament hates it.  They're a bunch of crooks...

Breitling  When I did the evaluation [of the dinar] it was against countries and currencies that had lopped.  I had the same questions as you guys when I invested.  Where is this going?  How can this work?  I found out the value was in a policy based inflation, they want to add value to it, they injected US dollars into the economy, devalued the dinar.  The
dinar you and I have has nothing to do with hyper-inflation, major market problems or anything like that...Yes, they can add value to currencies that have a lot of zeros behind it.  Iraqi dinar is stable.  They can and are going to add value to it.


There is rumors with the 3-0’s be deleted tomorrow from Forex

Nader:  4-28-2024

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Economics, Gold and Silver, Goldilocks, News DINARRECAPS8 Economics, Gold and Silver, Goldilocks, News DINARRECAPS8

Goldilocks' Comments and Global Economic News Sunday Evening 4-28-24

Goldilocks' Comments and Global Economic News Sunday Evening 4-28-24

Good Evening Dinar Recaps,

Evidence Suggests Stablecoins Are Emerging as a Worldwide Asset Class | Globe Echo 

Stablecoin adoption is rapidly increasing, with research firm reporting a 15% increase in the number of addresses holding both dollar and crypto-pegged stablecoins in 2024. Chainalysis also found that stablecoins are becoming more prominent in overall on-chain transaction activity, with increasing importance in various nations and regions.

Stablecoins, cryptocurrencies with values pegged to an external reference like the U.S. dollar, have represented over half of all on-chain transaction volume, highlighting their growing importance in the cryptocurrency market.

The adoption of stablecoins is being propelled by their ability to provide anyone with an internet connection access to the U.S. dollar, unlocking new pathways for financial inclusion. The U.S. leads in stablecoin purchases, but global demand is high, with over $40 billion purchased in March alone across diverse nations and regions.

 Stablecoins are serving as a critical bridge between traditional finance and cryptocurrency, with the stablecoin market currently valued at around $150 billion and expected to exceed $2.8 trillion by 2028.

Goldilocks' Comments and Global Economic News Sunday Evening 4-28-24

Good Evening Dinar Recaps,

Evidence Suggests Stablecoins Are Emerging as a Worldwide Asset Class | Globe Echo 

Stablecoin adoption is rapidly increasing, with research firm reporting a 15% increase in the number of addresses holding both dollar and crypto-pegged stablecoins in 2024. Chainalysis also found that stablecoins are becoming more prominent in overall on-chain transaction activity, with increasing importance in various nations and regions.

Stablecoins, cryptocurrencies with values pegged to an external reference like the U.S. dollar, have represented over half of all on-chain transaction volume, highlighting their growing importance in the cryptocurrency market.

The adoption of stablecoins is being propelled by their ability to provide anyone with an internet connection access to the U.S. dollar, unlocking new pathways for financial inclusion. The U.S. leads in stablecoin purchases, but global demand is high, with over $40 billion purchased in March alone across diverse nations and regions.

 Stablecoins are serving as a critical bridge between traditional finance and cryptocurrency, with the stablecoin market currently valued at around $150 billion and expected to exceed $2.8 trillion by 2028.

The stablecoin market has become more competitive, with Ripple announcing plans to launch a USD-backed stablecoin on the XRP Ledger. This move is expected to generate more use cases, liquidity, and opportunities for developers, as well as provide additional crypto liquidity to service cross-border payments demand.

Stablecoins like PYUSD and Tether are being used for cross-border payments, remittances, and facilitating transactions in regions such as Latin America and the Caribbean, promoting dollar dominance and increasing access to U.S. dollars.

The growing demand for stablecoins has prompted lawmakers to focus on stablecoin legislation, with proposed regulatory frameworks aimed at maintaining the U.S. dollar’s dominance, promoting responsible innovation, protecting consumers, and combating money laundering and illicit finance. Legislation such as The Lummis-Gillibrand Payment Stablecoin Act seeks to establish a regulatory framework for payment stablecoins, requiring issuers to maintain one-to-one reserves and prohibiting unbacked, algorithmic stablecoins.

 This legislation, if passed, could accelerate institutional blockchain innovation and drive stablecoin adoption.

Despite the potential impact of stablecoin legislation on adoption, experts believe that stablecoins will continue to rise as a global asset regardless of regulations. Stablecoins provide a crucial solution for individuals in countries facing currency volatility, offering stability and facilitating commerce.

While regulations may provide more comfort for institutions using stablecoins and potentially bring banks into the stablecoin market, stablecoins have already surpassed all other types of cryptocurrencies in usage and represent over half of all transaction volume in recent months.

Overall, the adoption of stablecoins is on the rise globally, driven by their ability to provide access to the U.S. dollar, promote financial inclusion, and facilitate cross-border payments. Stablecoins are becoming increasingly important in the cryptocurrency market, with their market value expected to grow significantly in the coming years.

While stablecoin legislation may influence adoption in certain regions, experts believe that stablecoins will continue to play a crucial role in the cryptocurrency ecosystem and serve as a bridge between traditional finance and digital assets.

How China is fueling gold’s record rally with unrelenting demand, Central Bank’s buying spree | Upstox


Vietnam expected to become e-commerce powerhouse in Southeast Asia | Nhan Dan Online


A SHORT STORY ABOUT TRUTH - an inspirational video | Youtube


TRANSFORMING "E-COMMERCE with #tokenization | Twitter


The Central Bank of Iraq's $600 Million Troubles IQD VND Rates & News | Youtube



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Iraq Economic News and Points to Ponder Sunday Afternoon 4-28-24

Iraq Economic News and Points to Ponder Sunday Afternoon 4-28-24

Will the agreements signed with the US Treasury reflect positively on the exchange rates?

Money  and business  Economy News – Baghdad   Today, Thursday, economic expert Abdul Rahman Al-Mashhadani stated the possibility of Iraqi getting a green light to contract with Iranian companies that are not sanctioned by the United States, while anticipating the impact of the Central Bank’s agreement with the US Treasury on exchange rates.

Al-Mashhadani said, in an interview with Al-Iqtisad News,  “The visit of the Prime Minister, Muhammad Shiaa Al-Sudani, to America is very positive, but so far the results of what was agreed upon in Washington have not appeared.” He added:   “It is hoped that the Central Bank of Iraq will announce the measures that were agreed upon in Washington, which could have a positive impact on the exchange rate,” pointing out that  “the real problem of exchange rates has not yet been solved, which is dealing in trade with banned countries.”. 

The economic expert explained,  “The economic aspect was the main focus of Sudanese’s visit to Washington, and  it became clear through the meetings and discussions held by the Central Bank of Iraq, with the US Treasury regarding the sanctions imposed on Iraqi banks or even the issue of financial transfers to Iran, in addition to the required investments, which "It is possible to sign in the energy field."

Iraq Economic News and Points to Ponder Sunday Afternoon 4-28-24

Will the agreements signed with the US Treasury reflect positively on the exchange rates?

Money  and business  Economy News – Baghdad   Today, Thursday, economic expert Abdul Rahman Al-Mashhadani stated the possibility of Iraqi getting a green light to contract with Iranian companies that are not sanctioned by the United States, while anticipating the impact of the Central Bank’s agreement with the US Treasury on exchange rates.

Al-Mashhadani said, in an interview with Al-Iqtisad News,  “The visit of the Prime Minister, Muhammad Shiaa Al-Sudani, to America is very positive, but so far the results of what was agreed upon in Washington have not appeared.” He added:   “It is hoped that the Central Bank of Iraq will announce the measures that were agreed upon in Washington, which could have a positive impact on the exchange rate,” pointing out that  “the real problem of exchange rates has not yet been solved, which is dealing in trade with banned countries.”. 

The economic expert explained,  “The economic aspect was the main focus of Sudanese’s visit to Washington, and  it became clear through the meetings and discussions held by the Central Bank of Iraq, with the US Treasury regarding the sanctions imposed on Iraqi banks or even the issue of financial transfers to Iran, in addition to the required investments, which "It is possible to sign in the energy field."

He stressed,  "Iraq got the other light by contracting with unsanctioned Iranian companies, which allowed the Ministry of Electricity to sign a contract to recover Iranian gas for a period of five years,

 at a time when the government is heading to end this file after 3 years, according to what was announced.  312 views  04/25/2024 -   

Parliamentary Integrity: Iraq Can Track Money Laundering Crimes Even Abroad

 Politics/Security |Today, 16:40 |Baghdad today – Baghdad   The Parliamentary Integrity Committee confirmed today, Sunday (April 28, 2024), that Iraq can track money laundering crimes, through its supervisory bodies, even outside the country.

Committee member Duraid Jamil Ishou told “Baghdad Today” that “Iraq, through its competent oversight bodies in the Integrity Commission as well as its competent security agencies from the Intelligence Service and others, can track all money laundering crimes,” noting that  “Iraq has achieved success in this file during the last period".

Ishua stated, “Some of the movements of these agencies in this file are secret to ensure the success of the tracking operations, and there is coordination with the country in which the money is being moved, in addition to tracking the fleeing corrupt people in coordination and cooperation with the international police,” noting that   “Iraq’s foreign relations are good with all countries.”

 This contributed to achieving success in pursuing the fleeing corrupt people and recovering Iraq’s smuggled money.”

The Integrity Commission had announced that international arrest warrants had reached 19, and the number of requests for legal assistance related to seizing smuggled funds outside Iraq had reached 17 requests, while smuggled funds and their financial transfers amounting to 400,000 US dollars, 22 real estate, 8 shares in companies, 9 bank accounts, and one wheel were followed.

 While the value of corruption funds smuggled outside Iraq amounted to 1,400,500 US dollars, and 10 real estate properties in one investigative case, according to the Integrity Report for 2023 activities.النزاهة-النيابية-العراق-يستطيع-تتبع-جرائم-غسيل-الأموال-حتى-في-الخارج.html   

Press Release On The Occasion Of Arab Financial Inclusion Day - April 26, 2024

 April 28, 2024  A press release issued by: The Secretariat of the Council of Governors of Central Banks and Arab Monetary Institutions (Arab Financial Inclusion Day - April 26, 2024) under the slogan: “Towards encouraging saving to enhance financial inclusion”..    

To view, click here

 approximate and incomplete translation of:]

 Press release issued by:  Secretariat of the Board of Governors of Central Banks and Arab Monetary Institutions

 Arab Financial Inclusion Day - 26 April 2024

Under the slogan: “Towards encouraging savings to enhance financial inclusion”

The issue of financial inclusion receives great attention from the Board of Governors of Central Banks and Monetary Institutions Arabic.

 Recognizing the potential and significant opportunities that can be realized by enhancing access to services Finance in Arab countries to support comprehensive and sustainable economic development.

 There is no doubt that saving is one of the most important Financial services play an important role in promoting financial inclusion, economic stability and development in general.”

 Studies have shown that economies and economic groups with good levels of saving are more stable Economically, stable growth rates and ability to withstand shocks.

Hence, the authorities in the Arab region have given special attention to encouraging savings by supporting the development of tools New savings that suit individuals’ needs: improving financial infrastructure and expanding access to services Financial services for all sectors of society through digital financial services, which contributes to comprehensive development And sustainable.

 Accordingly, the Arab Financial Inclusion Day for the year 2024 is commemorated under the slogan “Towards encouraging savings to enhance... “Financial inclusion.”

 In this context, it is important for the regulatory authorities to establish regulatory frameworks that provide justice and protection For the financial saver in order to enhance saving and the financial and banking sector initiative to promote the culture of saving and raise awareness of its importance

“In providing financial independence to individuals” and developing innovative financial products that suit the needs of all segments of society It encourages them to save.

 World Bank statistics for the year 2021 indicate that the percentage of the adult population in the Arab region who saves in... 

Formal financial institutions have risen on average from 6 percent in 2011 to 10 percent in 2021

 Despite the progress made.

 Opportunities are still great, especially for financial and banking institutions. To improve Accessing savings products in Arab societies and targeting deprived sectors and promising areas through Adopting appropriate policies.

Within the framework of its strategy, the Arab Monetary Fund pays great attention to developing the financial sector, especially at the level of...

Promoting financial inclusion with the aim of achieving comprehensive and sustainable development and financial stability in Arab countries. in

In this regard, the Fund works in cooperation with Arab central banks to identify obstacles and challenges

Which prevents the promotion of savings among all segments of society” and supports the encouragement of the development of savings products and accounts

 It provides attractive returns and motivates these groups to save, in addition to enhancing the use of modern financial technologies to facilitate... Access to savings accounts.

 Arab central banks also work to issue laws and regulations

Which enhances fairness and transparency in savings products and how financial institutions deal with individual savers.

 On this occasion, His Excellency Dr. Fahd bin Mohammed Al Turki, Director General and Chairman of the Board of Directors of the International Monetary Fund, confirmed

Al-Arabi stressed the importance and role of financial inclusion in facing economic challenges that affect economic growth “Economic development” by mobilizing the necessary resources to increase savings and investment rates and create job opportunitiesNew.

 His Excellency also noted the efforts of Arab central banks in giving the necessary importance to issues of enhancing inclusion “Financial within the framework of the economic policies adopted” and supporting them to benefit from modern financial technologies in providing Financial services.

 Finally, His Excellency thanked the central banks, financial and banking institutions, and unions

And banking associations in Arab countries for their efforts in launching activities and events on the occasion of Arab Inclusion Day “Financial” and the importance it represents in achieving the desired purpose of this occasion.   

 To view, click here
 [approximate and incomplete translation of]

To read more current and reliable Iraqi news please visit :


 Provoking Points To Ponder on Failures and Mistakes

Apparent failure may hold in its rough shell the germs of a success that will blossom in time, and bear fruit throughout eternity.- Frances Ellen Watkins Harper

The causes of mistakes are "I didn't know"; "I didn't think"; and "I didn't care."- Henry H. Buckley

Failures are divided into two classes: those who thought and never did, and those who did and never thought.- John Charles Salak

A failure establishes only this, that our determination to succeed was not strong enough.- Christian Bovee

Self-distrust is the cause of most of our failures. They are the weakest, however strong, who have no faith in themselves or their own powers.- Christian Bovee

Defeat is a thing of weariness, of incoherence, of boredom.- Antoine de Saint-Exupery

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Chats and Rumors, Video, Vn Dong DINARRECAPS8 Chats and Rumors, Video, Vn Dong DINARRECAPS8

Iraqi Dinar Video Update Sunday AM 4-28-24

Iraqi Dinar Video Update Sunday AM 4-28-24

WOW Congrats It's Time To Change IQD Rate – 3:14

Iraqi Dinar RV Latest Update – 3:01

CBI Announced Iraqi Dinar New Rate – 3:06

Iraqi Dinar Massive Revaluation Update – 3:02

Iraqi Dinar Video Update Sunday AM 4-28-24

WOW Congrats It's Time To Change IQD Rate – 3:14

Iraqi Dinar RV Latest Update – 3:01

CBI Announced Iraqi Dinar New Rate – 3:06

Iraqi Dinar Massive Revaluation Update – 3:02

WOW Congrats It's Time To Change IQD Rate – 3:14

Iraqi Dinar RV Latest Update – 3:01

 CBI Announced Iraqi Dinar New Rate – 3:06

Iraqi Dinar Massive Revaluation Update – 3:02

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Economics, News Dinar Recaps 20 Economics, News Dinar Recaps 20

“Tidbits From TNT” Sunday 4-28-2024


Tishwash:  Al-Sudani arrives in Riyadh to participate in the World Economic Forum

Prime Minister Muhammad Shiaa Al-Sudani arrived this Sunday morning in the Saudi capital, Riyadh, to participate in the World Economic Forum, at the invitation of Crown Prince Muhammad bin Salman bin Abdulaziz.

Al-Sudani will hold, according to a statement from his office, a copy of which {Al-Furat News} received, “on the sidelines of the forum, which is hosted by the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia under the slogan {International Cooperation, Growth, and Energy for Development,” a series of meetings with a number of leaders of countries, and with heads and representatives of major international companies specialized in The field of energy and digital technology.

The forum aims to support global dialogue and find solutions to common global challenges, and will witness the presence of a number of heads of state, and the broad participation of international experts and thinkers, from the governmental and private sectors, international organizations and academic institutions from 92 countries. link


Tishwash:  Al-Sudani arrives in Riyadh to participate in the World Economic Forum

Prime Minister Muhammad Shiaa Al-Sudani arrived this Sunday morning in the Saudi capital, Riyadh, to participate in the World Economic Forum, at the invitation of Crown Prince Muhammad bin Salman bin Abdulaziz.

Al-Sudani will hold, according to a statement from his office, a copy of which {Al-Furat News} received, “on the sidelines of the forum, which is hosted by the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia under the slogan {International Cooperation, Growth, and Energy for Development,” a series of meetings with a number of leaders of countries, and with heads and representatives of major international companies specialized in The field of energy and digital technology.

The forum aims to support global dialogue and find solutions to common global challenges, and will witness the presence of a number of heads of state, and the broad participation of international experts and thinkers, from the governmental and private sectors, international organizations and academic institutions from 92 countries. link

Tishwash:  Al-Awadi: The World Economic Forum in Saudi Arabia is equal in importance to the Davos Forum

Government spokesman Bassem Al-Awadi explained that the World Economic Forum in Saudi Arabia is equivalent in importance to the Davos Forum in Switzerland, while stressing the importance of Prime Minister Muhammad Shiaa Al-Sudani’s expected participation in the World Economic Forum, which will be held on 28-29 in the Saudi capital, Riyadh.

Al-Awadi said in a press statement followed by Iraq Observer: “The Prime Minister’s visit to Saudi Arabia will be to attend the special meeting of the World Economic Forum that will be hosted by Riyadh, which is one of the largest forums and is equal in importance to the Davos Forum in Switzerland. The first title of this conference is international cooperation, growth and the energy sector from For development.”

He added, “More than a thousand important and influential figures will attend the forum held in Saudi Arabia, including a president, a leader, a political decision-maker, heads of major economic companies, thinkers and opinion makers in the governmental and private sectors around the world.”

He continued, “Therefore, this is a great opportunity for the Prime Minister to hold important, high-level meetings with world leaders and idea and policy makers in which Iraq’s current image, stability, and openness to investment and great investment opportunities in the country will be clarified. We are a country moving toward stability and need to know ourselves during The Prime Minister’s visits, which he spoke about in Washington, showed the true picture of Iraq in response to the blurry picture that some media outlets are trying to spread.”

He pointed out, “There is confusion about the Iraqi situation, and many believe that Iraq is unstable and the situation is chaotic, and this is contrary to reality. The true position must be clarified and correct relations with the outside must be built. Officials of brotherly and friendly countries are invited to visit Iraq to get to know its situation closely and in the true form that actually exists.” We tell them to visit Iraq from south to north and see the truth of the situation for yourselves and make sure that Iraq is stable and its doors are open to investment.”

Al-Awadi pointed out that “Iraq needs investments; To exploit its wealth, as well as to develop the industrial and agricultural sectors, to move from a rentier economy to a market economy, support the private sector, and provide more jobs in the private sector. During the Prime Minister’s visit to Washington, there was a delegation of businessmen in support of this trend.”

Regarding the relations between Baghdad and Riyadh, Al-Awadi explained, “Iraqi-Saudi relations are in continuous development and growth, and there was a leap last year under the government of Prime Minister Muhammad Shia’ al-Sudani, as trade exchange between the two countries jumped between one billion to one billion five hundred million dollars last year.” In the years before that, it was limited to $300 million or half a billion dollars.”

He stated, “We consider this leap in relations and cooperation a beginning, and the government is keen to expand commercial cooperation and other sectors to broader extents.”  link


CandyKisses:  The Cabinet Secretariat suspends official working hours for next Wednesday

Baghdad today - Baghdad

Today, Sunday (April 28, 2024), the General Secretariat of the Council of Ministers decided to suspend official working hours next Wednesday in all ministries and institutions, coinciding with International Labor Day.

The secretariat said in a statement received by "Baghdad Today" that "it was decided to suspend official working hours on Wednesday, corresponding to May 1, 2024, in all ministries and institutions, coinciding with International Labor Day."

May 1 is International Workers' Day, an occasion in which the world's workers celebrate and demand their rights.

The story of International Labor Day began in Australia, where workers began to go out in demonstrations on April 21, 1856 to demand the limitation of 8 hours a day for work, and then demonstrations continued every year from that day in order to achieve this demand .

On May 1, 1886, more than 340,000 Americans quit work and begin a strike, and workers' protests were attacked by police forces on May 4 in Haymarket, resulting in many workers losing their lives.

In 1889, the World Workers' Congress was held, with 400 delegates attending, and a decision was made to limit 8 hours a day to work.

The Congress approved the proposal of the representative of the workers of the French city of Bordeaux Lavigen to designate May 1 as International Workers' Day, and this day began to be celebrated from 1890 to the present day.

This day has become part of the culture of all countries of the world.


Tishwash:  Sudanese Advisor: The 2024 budget has entered into force... and there is no need to send its schedules to Parliament - urgent

 Today, Sunday (April 28, 2024), the financial and economic advisor to the Prime Minister, Mazhar Muhammad Saleh, commented on the implementation of the 2024 budget without its schedules being approved by Parliament.

Saleh said, to “Baghdad Today,” that “the experience of the tripartite public budgets approved under the Federal General Budget Law No. 13 of 2023 (the tripartite budget) has become a binding law to be applied regularly and in an annual hierarchy without interruption and in accordance with public finance applications in implementing the details of the general budget itself.”

In both its operational and investment aspects, and because the application of the three-year budget experience as a medium-term financial plan has been approved in our country for the first time, in accordance with a text contained in the amended Federal Financial Management Law No. 6 of 2019.”

He stated that “the general budget for the year 2024 has become obligatory to implement since the country entered its new fiscal year and in accordance with the laws and financial and economic data contained in the texts of Law No. 13 of 2023 mentioned above, including operational expenses and investment expenses for current and new investment projects, as long as they occur.” Within the general budget constants No. 13 above.

Saleh stressed, “The text stated in the Tripartite Budget Law that the executive authority submits tables related to expenditures, revenues, and the estimated deficit for the current fiscal year 2024 is a constitutional and supervisory context and falls within the duties of the legislative authority.

Based on the above, working with the constants of the Federal General Budget Law ( The tripartite budget does not conflict with the progress in implementing the requirements of the national development program, especially in implementing new projects whose allocations are approved within the law, and that this executive mechanism is the basis on which the tripartite budget philosophy was based, which provided legal flexibility in advancing the wheels of economic development projects without time delays and loss of time opportunities.

 Therefore, presenting the expenditure and revenue schedules for the fiscal year 2024 is a context undertaken by the legislative authority within its constitutional oversight duties to ensure the progress of implementation of the federal tripartite budget law  link

Mot: . UH OH!!!! --- Getting Payback!!!! 

Mot: ... Hoping fer a Darwin Award!!! 

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Chats and Rumors, Video, Vn Dong DINARRECAPS8 Chats and Rumors, Video, Vn Dong DINARRECAPS8

Currency Insider Iraqi Dinar – Dong Late Saturday Evening 4-27-24

Currency Insider Iraqi Dinar – Dong Late Saturday Evening 4-27-24

Iraqi Dinar 25000 Notes New Rate On Bank Screen – 2:49

Iraqi Dinar Official New Rate Released – 2:40

Vietnam Dong rate massive increase today – 1:21

Iraqi dinar time for cash big today surprise – 2:45

Currency Insider Iraqi Dinar – Dong Late Saturday Evening 4-27-24

Iraqi Dinar 25000 Notes New Rate On Bank Screen – 2:49

Iraqi Dinar Official New Rate Released – 2:40

Vietnam Dong rate massive increase today – 1:21

Iraqi dinar time for cash big today surprise – 2:45

 Iraqi Dinar 25000 Notes New Rate On Bank Screen – 2:49

Iraqi Dinar Official New Rate Released – 2:40

Vietnam Dong rate massive increase today – 1:21

Iraqi dinar time for cash big today surprise – 2:45        

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Chats and Rumors, Economics Dinar Recaps 20 Chats and Rumors, Economics Dinar Recaps 20

News, Rumors and Opinions Sunday 4-28-2024

Note: All intel should be considered as "Rumors" until we receive official announcements ...and “Rates and Dates” could change anytime until we get to the banks/redemption centers.

RV Excerpts from the Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of Sun. 28 April 2024 Compiled Sun. 28 April 2024 12:01 am EST by Judy Byington

Sat. 27 April Wolverine: Something monumental is brewing in Brazil’s financial corridors, a change so significant, but shrouded in clandestine maneuvers, that it seems almost surreal.

On Tues. 23 April an announcement was made on the official website of the Central Bank of Brazil about the advent of a new “international banking” system scheduled to launch on May 2, 2024.

What appears to be a routine update to banking infrastructure is, in fact, a veil for something much deeper. The complexities of these banking systems may escape the layman’s understanding, but the implications are clear: Brazil is on the verge of a banking revolution. This is a seismic change in the way global financial operations will interact with Brazilian mechanisms.

Note: All intel should be considered as "Rumors" until we receive official announcements ...and “Rates and Dates” could change anytime until we get to the banks/redemption centers.

RV Excerpts from the Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of Sun. 28 April 2024

Compiled Sun. 28 April 2024 12:01 am EST by Judy Byington

Sat. 27 April Wolverine: Something monumental is brewing in Brazil’s financial corridors, a change so significant, but shrouded in clandestine maneuvers, that it seems almost surreal.

On Tues. 23 April an announcement was made on the official website of the Central Bank of Brazil about the advent of a new “international banking” system scheduled to launch on May 2, 2024.

What appears to be a routine update to banking infrastructure is, in fact, a veil for something much deeper. The complexities of these banking systems may escape the layman’s understanding, but the implications are clear: Brazil is on the verge of a banking revolution. This is a seismic change in the way global financial operations will interact with Brazilian mechanisms.

Our securities and financial transactions, which lie beyond Brazil’s borders, seem protected from this upheaval. They will continue uninterruptedly. This assurance was intended to calm nerves, but instead it raises questions. What is so transformative about this new system that other global transactions remain unchanged? Is this just a refinement of the process or are we looking at preparing for a bigger play in global financial theater?

Let’s delve deeper. A conversation that suggested an unexpected delay attributed to a possible spy infiltrating a crucial meeting. Think about it: a spy? This suggests that the risks are greater than anyone will publicly admit. Why the need for so much secrecy and intrigue unless there is a huge power play at hand?

Skye’s observation about spying inside the closed doors of the banking sector is downright ominous. It paints a vivid picture of a battlefield, where financial titans and shadowy entities face off behind the smokescreen of bureaucratic announcements.

A hearing is scheduled for the Tier4B group on Thurs. 2 May. This is a calculated move in this game of chess, a moment that could decide the fate of many. The expectation of this day is to prepare for impact.

Let’s talk about the reliability of these communications. I’m in contact with a source directly from Portugal, a source that promises unfiltered and first-hand news. This is as straightforward as it gets. The promise of “green light news” hangs over us, hinting at imminent developments that could change everything.

Consider the rapidity of the revaluation of the Kuwaiti dinar – a historical precedent that illustrates how quickly fortunes can change when conditions are right. Could Brazil’s new banking system trigger a similar event? The official narrative dismisses such possibilities, but history teaches us to look beyond the facade.

The silence of entities like the IMF and the US Treasury in the face of these imminent changes is deafening. Why the lack of confirmation or denial? Their silence could very well be an admission that something significant is on the horizon, something that could redefine power structures in global financial markets.

Now, as we approach May 2, the tension is palpable. It’s a matter of preparation. How will we respond to the changes that will come? How will the global financial community react when the full scope of Brazil’s plans becomes apparent? We must also consider the human element in this grand scheme. Carpathia’s note serves as a poignant reminder: “Believe in your dreams – never, ever give up.” This is a rallying cry for everyone caught up in these tides of change. Our dreams and our visions for the future are intertwined with these monumental shifts in power and politics.

We are on the cusp of something huge, a moment that will define the next era of global finance. The pieces are moving, the players are in position, and the game is about to change. Get ready. May 2nd is the beginning of a new battlefield

Global Financial Crisis:

China Dumps $74,000,000,000 in US Treasuries in One Year As Two BRICS Nations Say They’ve Abandoned Dollar in Mutual Trade

900 Bankers Dragged from Secret Meeting to GITMO – Surveillance and Swift Arrests Unleash Justice!

JP Morgan Chase and Bank of America suffer $4,500,000,000 in losses as unrecoverable debt soars.

Judy Note:  It’s only wise to have at least a three-week supply of food, water, cash, fuel, medicine and essential items on hand for yourself and to help others in case of a disaster.

Read full post here:


Courtesy of Dinar Guru:

Bruce   [via WiserNow]  Iraq is going to enter the World Trade Organization...They have qualified to become a full fledge member of the WTO on May 8th...

Walkingstick  The new exchange rate is determined by the CBI on behalf of the GOI...  

Frank26   [Iraq boots-on-the-ground report]  FIREFLY:  The new shipping cards [MasterCard], banks are giving this to all of us Iraqi citizens.  It's for buying fuel and for merchandising and stores and online shopping.  This is all on the television...obviously they're setting us up to give us a new exchange rate... FRANK:  Those that I told you to pay attention to are telling you, due to the trip to Washington DC your national currency, your dinar, will return to its price.  It will be reinstated back to what it was...

The Central Bank of Iraq's $600 Million Troubles IQD VND Rates & News

Edu Matrix:  4-27-2024

The Central Bank of Iraq's $600 Million Troubles IQD VND Rates & News - Ghost Travelers; The IMF Tax Reform for Iraq and Vietnam Opportunity for VND Investors.

 The US Gov is not amused by Iraq's latest corruption, even if it is funny. We are not yet sure of the final fallout of such a scheme.

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Militiaman, News Dinar Recaps 20 Militiaman, News Dinar Recaps 20

MilitiaMan: Iraq Dinar - IQD - Banks - Merge Regionally - Water - Labor -Jobs - Dinar Value Gradual - Increase

Iraq Dinar - IQD - Banks - Merge Regionally - Water - Labor -Jobs - Dinar Value Gradual - Increase

MilitiaMan and Crew:  4-27-2024

The Crew:  Samson, PompeyPeter, Petra, Daytrader, Sunkissed, GIGI and Militia Man

Be sure to listen to full video for all the news……..

Iraq Dinar - IQD - Banks - Merge Regionally - Water - Labor -Jobs - Dinar Value Gradual - Increase

MilitiaMan and Crew:  4-27-2024

The Crew:  Samson, PompeyPeter, Petra, Daytrader, Sunkissed, GIGI and Militia Man

Be sure to listen to full video for all the news……..

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Iraq Economic News and Points to Ponder Saturday Afternoon 4-27-24

Iraq Economic News and Points to Ponder Saturday Afternoon 4-27-24

Washington Condemns The Attacks On The Kurdistan Region And Affirms Its Support For Achieving Security And Stability In Iraq

Saturday 27, April 2024 18:44 | Political Number of readings: 71 Baghdad / NINA / The US State Department on Saturday strongly condemned the attacks on civilians and energy infrastructure in the Kurdistan region.

The Ministry stated in a statement that it "strongly condemns the attacks on civilians and the energy infrastructure in the Kurdistan region. Our condolences to the families of the victims and wish a speedy recovery to the wounded.

The Ministry affirmed that such attacks affect the sovereignty of Iraq. We encourage the authorities to investigate and bring those responsible to justice."

The US State Department continued. Washington will continue to support the government of Iraq and Kurdistan to achieve Iraqi security and sovereignty./End 8

Iraq Economic News and Points to Ponder Saturday Afternoon 4-27-24

Washington Condemns The Attacks On The Kurdistan Region And Affirms Its Support For Achieving Security And Stability In Iraq

Saturday 27, April 2024 18:44 | Political Number of readings: 71 Baghdad / NINA / The US State Department on Saturday strongly condemned the attacks on civilians and energy infrastructure in the Kurdistan region.

The Ministry stated in a statement that it "strongly condemns the attacks on civilians and the energy infrastructure in the Kurdistan region. Our condolences to the families of the victims and wish a speedy recovery to the wounded.

The Ministry affirmed that such attacks affect the sovereignty of Iraq. We encourage the authorities to investigate and bring those responsible to justice."

The US State Department continued. Washington will continue to support the government of Iraq and Kurdistan to achieve Iraqi security and sovereignty./End 8

Parliamentary Efforts To Transform Iraq Into A Global Market For Transferring Internet Capacities

Money  and business  Economy News – Baghdad  Today, Saturday, the Parliamentary Finance Committee confirmed that there are efforts to transform Iraq into a global market for transferring Internet capacities.

A statement from the committee, received by “Al-Iqtisad News,” stated that “The Parliamentary Finance Committee, headed by Atwan Al-Atwani, and in the presence of its members, hosted the Minister of Communications, Hiam Al-Yasiri, to discuss ways to advance the reality of the communications sector in Iraq and raise the level of services provided to citizens, because of its direct impact on economic development.” ".

The statement added, "The meeting discussed the most prominent problems facing the ministry's work and the possibility of providing it with the necessary support in order to implement the provisions of the government program related to the communications sector."

Al-Atwani stressed, “the necessity of advancing the communications sector and developing electronic services,” stressing, “the Parliamentary Finance Committee’s keenness to review what has been implemented, as stipulated in Paragraph 17 of the Federal Budget Law (2023-2025), regarding increasing communications revenues and improving the quality of services.”

He added, “We rely a lot on the Ministry of Communications, to be the second financial resource for the state after oil.”

Al-Atwani stressed, “The necessity of digital transformation in all sectors, including customs and ports, and this requires securing and improving Internet service, continuously and without interruption, in a manner that is consistent with the government’s endeavor to automate these sectors and undermine the outlets for corruption.”

He warned, "The hosting also comes to identify the ministry's needs, in preparation for including them in the 2024 budget schedules, the schedules of which are expected to reach the Finance Committee next week."

Al-Atwani pledged to “adopt the demands and proposals put forward by the Minister before the Finance Committee, including providing the necessary financial allocations to develop communications infrastructure, ensuring the expansion of port gates in light of the increasing demand for this service, in addition to purchasing advanced devices to block websites targeting Iraqi society, as well as By giving the Ministry the authority to collect fees for commercial advertisements on social media sites and to prosecute violators.

The Chairman of the Finance Committee stressed, "The necessity of completing the steps to transform Iraq into a global market for transferring Internet capacities by attracting customers, after the submarine cable service entered the commercial operation phase, which brings significant revenues to the state."  Views 54  04/27/2024 -

More Than A Billion Dollars In Sales From The Iraqi Central Bank Within A Week

Money  and business   Economy News – Baghdad  The Central Bank of Iraq's total sales of hard currency for the US dollar during the last week in which the auction was opened amounted to more than one billion dollars.

During the past week, the Central Bank sold one billion and 348 million and 235 thousand and 509 dollars, at a daily rate of 276 million and 847 thousand and 19 dollars, lower than what it recorded last week, which amounted to one billion and 354 million 297 thousand and 9 dollars.

The highest dollar sales were for Wednesday of last week, when sales amounted to 282 million, 624 thousand and 465 dollars, while the lowest sales were for Sunday of the week, when sales amounted to 270 million, 897 thousand and 422 dollars.

Foreign remittance sales during the past week amounted to 1,317,475,000 dollars, an increase of 95% compared to cash sales, which amounted to 66,760,000 dollars. 864 views 04/27/2024 -

Dollar Prices Are Witnessing A Slight Decline In Baghdad Markets

Economy | 11:49 - 04/27/2024  Mawazine News – Baghdad  The exchange rates of the dollar against the dinar recorded a slight decrease today, Saturday, in the local markets in the capital, Baghdad.

The main Kifah and Harithiya stock exchanges opened in Baghdad, recording a price of 146,250 dinars for every 100 dollars.

As for “selling prices in exchange shops in the local markets in Baghdad decreased, as the selling price reached 147,250 dinars, while the purchase price reached 145,250 dinars for every 100 dollars.”

To read more current and reliable Iraqi news please visit :


 Provoking Points To Ponder on Failures and Mistakes

Failure at a task may be the result of having tackled it at the wrong time.- Brendan Francis

We fail more often by timidity than by over-daring.- David Grayson

Failure is more frequently from want of energy than want of capital.- Daniel Webster

Losers have tons of variety. Champions take pride in just learning to hit the same old boring winners.- Vic Braden

Lack of will power has caused more failures than lack of intelligence or ability.- Flower A. Newhouse

The word fate ... is the refuge of every self-confessed failure.- Andrew Soutar

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Economics, Gold and Silver, Goldilocks, News DINARRECAPS8 Economics, Gold and Silver, Goldilocks, News DINARRECAPS8

Goldilocks' Comments and Global Economic News Saturday Evening 4-27-24

Goldilocks' Comments and Global Economic News Saturday Evening 4-27-24

Good Evening Dinar Recaps,

CFTC to Hold a Commission Open Meeting April 29. On April 22, Chairman Rostin Behnam announced the Commission will hold an open meeting on Monday, April 29 at 9:30 a.m. (EDT) at the CFTC’s Washington, D.C. headquarters. The Commission will consider Final Rule “Capital and Financial Reporting Requirements for Swap Dealers and Major Swap Participants” and Final Rule “Adopting Amendments to the Large Trader Reporting Rules for Futures and Options.” 👆The above meeting has been canceled, and the CFTC has decided to speed up the process in moving this through the system inside a  Commission’s seriatim process. The Commission's seriatim process is the process by which the Commission takes collective action without convening a meeting of the Commissioners. So, the capital and reporting requirements for swap dealers and participants along with adopting amendments to the large trader reporting rules for Futures and Options have been moved to the Final Rule.

Goldilocks' Comments and Global Economic News Saturday Evening 4-27-24

Good Evening Dinar Recaps,

CFTC to Hold a Commission Open Meeting April 29. On April 22, Chairman Rostin Behnam announced the Commission will hold an open meeting on Monday, April 29 at 9:30 a.m. (EDT) at the CFTC’s Washington, D.C. headquarters. The Commission will consider Final Rule “Capital and Financial Reporting Requirements for Swap Dealers and Major Swap Participants” and Final Rule “Adopting Amendments to the Large Trader Reporting Rules for Futures and Options.”

👆The above meeting has been canceled, and the CFTC has decided to speed up the process in moving this through the system inside a  Commission’s seriatim process.

The Commission's seriatim process is the process by which the Commission takes collective action without convening a meeting of the Commissioners.

So, the capital and reporting requirements for swap dealers and participants along with adopting amendments to the large trader reporting rules for Futures and Options have been moved to the Final Rule.

Final Rule is the implementation phase of the legislative process, so it doesn't look like we're going to wait until May 13th for this to move into the implementation stage.  CFTC  Gibson Dunn   SEC

Yes, this is regarding our ability to exchange Foreign Currency.

© Goldilocks

"Temenos (SIX: TEMN) today announced that National Bank of Iraq (NBI), part of the Capital Bank Group, has successfully gone live with Temenos core banking and payments."

National Bank of Iraq and Temenos have partnered together to transition the Iraqi Banks from Legacy Systems to a Unified Core Banking and Payments Platform.

Core Banking is the back-end processing of transactions including deposits, loans, and credit processing.

This integration will streamline operations and accelerate product development for customers across the Capital Bank Group. The Capital Bank Group globally connects Iraqi banking systems.

Temenos digital products are adaptable and scalable that will allow them to work inside an Open Banking System. This new upgrade will allow Iraq to trade with Global Financial Institutions around the world.   Fintech Global   HCL Tech    Temenos

© Goldilocks

When Gold & Commodities Explode, Currencies Implode w/ Bill Holter | Youtube

When gold and other commodities explode to the upside, currencies begin to collapse within themselves.

This is when credit valuations begin to be measured and implemented based on new price patterns developing on the market. It is a result of old calculations and correlations falling apart.

Here, we will see currency interventions take place after the de-dollarization process provides a bridge to the new digital gold standard economy.

© Goldilocks

The Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation on Friday said that Republic First Bank has been closed by Pennsylvania state regulators, in what the FDIC said was the first US bank failure this year. | CNN


Air Zimbabwe Embraces ZiG Currency | Pindula


House and Senate race to approve stablecoin legislation as interest rises | Kitco   


Chinese Investment Gold Demand Soars - Numismatic News


HKMA Proposes Revisions to E-banking Risk Management Requirements | РИСК-АКАДЕМИЯ - АНО ДПО ИСАР |  Regulation Asia


WASHINGTON — The G7 Cyber Expert Group completed a cross-border coordination exercise on 17 April 2024. G7 authorities routinely exercise to ensure they can effectively coordinate and communicate their response in the event of a widespread cyber incident affecting the financial system. | Treasury Press Release

👆  Goldilocks pointed to this article

Spot Crypto ETFs Set To Begin Trading in Hong Kong Next Week: Report | Daily Hodl


4/27/2024 MissiOkie's husband Charlie passed. He was in peace and so is MissiOkie. Please pray for MissiOkie and the family. God Bless

MissiOkie is the Seeds of Wisdom Team Coordinator!
Seeds of Wisdom Team Prayer Room 


Basel Committee on Banking Supervision Announcement:

"BCBS will also publish new proposed guidelines for banks in the coming week on counterparty credit risk management."   Capital

😔 More on this tomorrow...

© Goldilocks


The IMF's Warning to the United States- How US Overspending Affects Gold & Crypto  | Youtube

👆 Do you see how inflation is pushing people like you and me into gold and crypto adoption?


👆 more on this tomorrow ...


Taxing Unrealized Gains Would Obliterate The U.S. Economy | ZeroHedge


Franklin Templeton launches Ethereum ETF, listed on DTCC | CoinTelegraph


DTCC rules out collateral for Bitcoin-linked ETFs | CoinTelegraph


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Chats and Rumors, Video, Vn Dong DINARRECAPS8 Chats and Rumors, Video, Vn Dong DINARRECAPS8

Iraqi Dinar Today Video Updates Saturday Afternoon 4-27-24

Iraqi Dinar Today Video Updates Saturday Afternoon 4-27-24

Its, Time To Exchange Your Vietnam Dong, Zimbabwe Zim & Iraqi Dinar – 2:43 

WOW CBI Announced IQD RV And New Exchange Rate – 4:13

Chase Bank Showing Up IQD New Exchange Rate On Screen – 3:40

Finally Dinar Current RV Exchange Your Iraqi Dinar Old 25,000 Notes – 3:46

Iraqi Dinar Today Video Updates Saturday Afternoon 4-27-24

Its, Time To Exchange Your Vietnam Dong, Zimbabwe Zim & Iraqi Dinar – 2:43 

WOW CBI Announced IQD RV And New Exchange Rate – 4:13

Chase Bank Showing Up IQD New Exchange Rate On Screen – 3:40

Finally Dinar Current RV Exchange Your Iraqi Dinar Old 25,000 Notes – 3:46

 Its, Time To Exchange Your Vietnam Dong, Zimbabwe Zim & Iraqi Dinar – 2:43 

WOW CBI Announced IQD RV And New Exchange Rate – 4:13

Chase Bank Showing Up IQD New Exchange Rate On Screen – 3:40

Finally Dinar Current RV Exchange Your Iraqi Dinar Old 25,000 Notes – 3:46

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