Iraq Economic News and Points to Ponder Saturday Evening 3-9-24

Iraq Economic News and Points to Ponder Saturday Evening 3-9-24

Tlm724 Administrator Bondlady’s Corner

Integrity Announces The Recovery Of $1.5 Million, One Billion Dinars, And Gold Coins

Money  and business   Today, Saturday, the head of the Federal Integrity Commission, Haider Hanoun, announced the recovery of more than 1.5 million dollars and about one billion Iraqi dinars and gold coins, while revealing a draft agreement to coordinate work with the Integrity Commission in the Kurdistan region.

Hanoun said, in a statement followed by Al-Iqtisad News, that “the authority recovered some amounts in cash, some of them were prevented from being wasted, and others are in the process of being recovered,” pointing out that “some amounts are in Iraqi currency, and others are in dollars.”

He added, "During our annual conference tomorrow, Sunday, we will display a recovered amount of more than one and a half million US dollars, as well as amounts in Iraqi currency of up to one billion dinars, and other amounts, in addition to gold coins."

Iraq Economic News and Points to Ponder Saturday Evening 3-9-24

Tlm724 Administrator Bondlady’s Corner

Integrity Announces The Recovery Of $1.5 Million, One Billion Dinars, And Gold Coins

Money  and business   Today, Saturday, the head of the Federal Integrity Commission, Haider Hanoun, announced the recovery of more than 1.5 million dollars and about one billion Iraqi dinars and gold coins, while revealing a draft agreement to coordinate work with the Integrity Commission in the Kurdistan region.

Hanoun said, in a statement followed by Al-Iqtisad News, that “the authority recovered some amounts in cash, some of them were prevented from being wasted, and others are in the process of being recovered,” pointing out that “some amounts are in Iraqi currency, and others are in dollars.”

He added, "During our annual conference tomorrow, Sunday, we will display a recovered amount of more than one and a half million US dollars, as well as amounts in Iraqi currency of up to one billion dinars, and other amounts, in addition to gold coins."

He pointed out that "the Integrity Commission coordinates work with the Kurdistan Region Integrity Commission, and there is a draft agreement to coordinate joint work, and Integrity as a federal body supervises all governorates," stressing that "the financial disclosure of officials includes all Iraqi officials and employees."

Hanoun called on the Integrity Commission in the Kurdistan Region to “assist with arrest warrants and financial disclosures for officials, so that the Federal Authority can audit them like all officials,” stressing that “everyone is subject to the law.”  03/09/2024 -

Al-Rasheed Bank announces the launch of all types of credit grants

Economy | 10:12 - 09/03/2024  Mawazine News – Baghdad  Al-Rasheed Bank announced, on Saturday, the launch of all types of credit grants, while calling on citizens to visit its branches spread across Baghdad and the governorates to obtain advances.

The bank’s media office stated in a statement received by Mawazine News, that “all types of credit available to it have been launched,” calling on “citizens and employees who wish to obtain the specified (advances and loans) to review its branches spread in Baghdad and the governorates and begin promotion in accordance with the instructions and controls it has specified, or Through the bank’s application, which will be available during official working days only.”

He continued, "Citizens wishing to apply for (loan advances) can access the application from their place of work or residence without the need to visit the bank," warning "against dealing with fake pages and private offices that claim to be linked to the bank."

The bank stressed that “the customer’s dealings are direct with the bank and that there is no need for an intermediary or the use of external offices.”

Launching The Baghdad Alliance To Support The Private Sector... And The Founders Confirm: We Seek To Enhance Investment Opportunities In The Capital

Saturday 09, March 2024 21:57 | Economical Number of readings: 451  Baghdad / NINA / It was announced in the capital, Baghdad, today, Saturday, the launch of the “Baghdad Alliance to Support the Private Sector,” which includes a group of business owners, industrialists, civil organizations, and representatives of the private sector in Baghdad Governorate, in order to enhance participation between representatives of the private sector, the central government, the local government, and community organizations.

Al-Madani, with the aim of enhancing the business environment and improving investment opportunities within the capital, Baghdad.

The members participating in the coalition pointed out, through a press statement, that these groups have worked since mid-2023 to study the reality of the private sector, and to evaluate the steps that have been taken at the executive and legislative levels to support the market-oriented economy, “stressing the monitoring of real and serious steps from the governmental and local side to work.” To solve all the challenges facing the private sector.”

He added, "The Baghdad Alliance will work on a set of goals, including representing an advisory body for decision-makers that provides practical recommendations that contribute to formulating policies related to investment and development. The Alliance will also work to create an interactive environment between the allied decision-makers and the private sector to point out problems on the ground." reality and propose practical solutions to it.”

The coalition explained, “The coalition’s primary tasks are to strengthen strategic partnerships between the private sector, the government, and academic institutions to achieve sustainable development,” calling on all interested companies, institutions, and individuals to join the Baghdad Alliance to support the private sector, in order to build a prosperous and developed future./End 5

Oil Is Heading For A Weekly Loss Amid Concern About Demand In China

Saturday 09, March 2024 09:14 | Economical Number of readings: 350  Baghdad / NINA / Oil prices fell yesterday evening, Friday, heading to end the week on a decline, in light of continued market concern about Chinese demand for crude despite the OPEC+ extension of production cuts, which led to curbing supplies.

Brent crude futures fell 87 cents, or 1.04 percent, to $82.10 per barrel, and US West Texas Intermediate crude futures fell 96 cents, or 1.2 percent, to reach $77.98 per barrel.

Both benchmarks are heading towards recording a weekly decline, as Brent crude fell by 0.6 percent and West Texas Intermediate by 1.3 percent

“Slight Stability.” Al-Eqtisad News Publishes Exchange Rates On Local Stock Exchanges

Market   Al-Iqtisad News publishes the dollar exchange rates on Iraqi stock exchanges, during today’s trading, Saturday.

Exchange rates stabilized at 150,000 dinars per 100 dollars on the Baghdad and Basra stock exchanges.

As for the governorates of the Kurdistan region, exchange rates did not witness any increase and stabilized at the same level   Views 101 03/09/2024 -


To read more current and reliable Iraqi news please visit BondLady’s  Corner:  


Provoking Points to Ponder on Decisions 

Here's a rule I recommend. Never practice two vices at once.  - Tallulah Bankhead

You cannot serve God and Mammon.  - Bible

Between two stools one sits on the ground.  - French proverb

When you cannot make up your mind between two evenly balanced courses of action, choose the bolder.  - W. J. Slim

When confronted with two courses of action I jot down on a piece of paper all the arguments in favor of each one, then on the opposite side I write the arguments against each one. Then by weighing the arguments pro and con and cancelling them out, one against the other, I take the course indicated by what remains.  - Benjamin Franklin                            

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Economics, Gold and Silver, Goldilocks, News DINARRECAPS8 Economics, Gold and Silver, Goldilocks, News DINARRECAPS8

Goldilocks' Comments and Global Economic News Saturday Evening 3-9-24

Goldilocks' Comments and Global Economic News Saturday Evening 3-9-24
Good Evening Dinar Recaps,

"Senators Cynthia Lummis (Republican) and Kirsten Gillibrand are reported to be finalizing a Stablecoin Bill."

This Stablecoin Bill is moving through the House and Senate as we speak. It will provide the long awaited crypto clarity that we need to pay for the tokenized assets currently expanding and interfacing digital networks inside Protocol 20. 

As we have announced before in this room, 90% of the global economy will be tokenized by the end of the year. If you have been accumulating ISO 20022 tokens, you will be holding assets that are already beginning to move into their real value.

Remember, Stablecoins represent a country's currency. At some point, our Stablecoins will be given the green light to move forward. This will put price pressures on many of the currencies we hold.

Several countries have already migrated to the ISO 20022 messaging service that will provide an integrated and universal language service to explain transactions taking place on the QFS.

The back wall date for the ISO 20022 messaging service for countries is to be completed early next year, but the countries who have already migrated will be able to begin utilizing this service as more and more countries come on board.   Ledger Insights

© Goldilocks


Goldilocks' Comments and Global Economic News Saturday Evening 3-9-24
Good Evening Dinar Recaps,

"Senators Cynthia Lummis (Republican) and Kirsten Gillibrand are reported to be finalizing a Stablecoin Bill."
This Stablecoin Bill is moving through the House and Senate as we speak. It will provide the long awaited crypto clarity that we need to pay for the tokenized assets currently expanding and interfacing digital networks inside Protocol 20. 

As we have announced before in this room, 90% of the global economy will be tokenized by the end of the year. If you have been accumulating ISO 20022 tokens, you will be holding assets that are already beginning to move into their real value.

Remember, Stablecoins represent a country's currency. At some point, our Stablecoins will be given the green light to move forward. This will put price pressures on many of the currencies we hold.

Several countries have already migrated to the ISO 20022 messaging service that will provide an integrated and universal language service to explain transactions taking place on the QFS.

The back wall date for the ISO 20022 messaging service for countries is to be completed early next year, but the countries who have already migrated will be able to begin utilizing this service as more and more countries come on board.   Ledger Insights

© Goldilocks


Senate stablecoin bill in the works from Sens. Lummis and Gillibrand |  Axios

If you would like to read the full report on the Stablecoin Bill being presented in Congress, you can follow the link below to see where it stands at the present time and read the full report below it.

The full report explains exactly what is being presented to Congress, and how,the use of Stablecoins will be utilized going forward.

You will be able to read how values are determined for these Stablecoins, and many of the regulations that surround these coins to make them workable on the QFS.  Congress

© Goldilocks


Congress Bill


White House Executive Order to Establish New Cross-Border Sensitive Data Transfer Control Regime   JD Supra

The FedNow Service uses a variety of ISO message types, including for customer credit transfers, requests for payment and interbank liquidity transfers, as well as FedNow system and account reporting messages.   Explore FedNow


The FedNow Service is a new instant payment service offered by the Federal Reserve. Below are key facts that set the record straight on what the FedNow Service is, what it’s not and what the industry can expect in the months and years ahead.

Fact: The network of financial institutions participating in the FedNow Service will grow over time.

The Federal Reserve’s goal and expectation is that the FedNow Service will achieve broad reach over time, much like the Fedwire®    Explore FedNow


SOFR futures options show rising chance of no Fed rate cut this year | Nasdaq

👆 This could change as Protocol 20 expands digital networks together based on gold as a backing.


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"Tidbits From TNT" Saturday 3-9-2024


Tishwash:  A leader in Al-Fatah identifies the reasons for the continued American presence in Iraq

The leader of the Al-Fatah Alliance, Aed Al-Hilali, today, Saturday, identified the reasons for the continued American presence in Iraq, while stressing the importance of Washington’s commitment to its agreements with Iraq.

Al-Hilali told Al-Maalouma, “The American presence in Iraq is due to, among other things, Washington’s fear for its interests in the region,” expressing its conviction that “it will not abide by any commitment with the Iraqi government.”

He added, "The other issue revolves around the absence of unity in the discourse of the components in Iraq, which Washington is investing in to a very large extent."

Acting Speaker of the House of Representatives, Mohsen Al-Mandalawi, confirmed earlier that Parliament intends to legislate the law ending the American presence in the coming weeks. ink


Tishwash:  A leader in Al-Fatah identifies the reasons for the continued American presence in Iraq

The leader of the Al-Fatah Alliance, Aed Al-Hilali, today, Saturday, identified the reasons for the continued American presence in Iraq, while stressing the importance of Washington’s commitment to its agreements with Iraq.

Al-Hilali told Al-Maalouma, “The American presence in Iraq is due to, among other things, Washington’s fear for its interests in the region,” expressing its conviction that “it will not abide by any commitment with the Iraqi government.”

He added, "The other issue revolves around the absence of unity in the discourse of the components in Iraq, which Washington is investing in to a very large extent."

Acting Speaker of the House of Representatives, Mohsen Al-Mandalawi, confirmed earlier that Parliament intends to legislate the law ending the American presence in the coming weeks. ink

Tishwash:  Iraqi Militia Subsidiary signs MoU with Chinese Firm

A subsidiary of the Iran-backed Popular Mobilization Forces (PMF), described as "The General Engineering Company", signed a memorandum of understanding yesterday (Thursday) with the China Machinery Engineering Corporation (CMEC).

According to a press release from the PMF, the memorandum covers cooperation in various fields including construction engineering, trade, services, and energy projects, with the aim of establishing joint projects between the two sides. "Several projects across multiple provinces were included in the memorandum," it adds.

CMEC is a subsidiary of China National Machinery Industry Corporation (Sinomach), which, according to the PMF statement, reported revenues of $43 billion in 2020.

The "General Engineering Company" is understood to be the Muhandis General Company (Sharakat al-Muhandis al-Amma), a powerful new organisation thought to be modeled on Iran's famous Khatam al-Anbia.   link


Tishwash:  Head of the Media Commission discusses with the World Bank the information technology strategy in Iraq

The head of the Media and Communications Commission, Ali Al-Muayyad, discussed, today, Friday, the information technology strategy in Iraq with the Central Bank.

A statement by the authority stated, “The Chairman of the Media and Communications Authority, Ali Al-Muayyad, discussed with a high-ranking delegation of World Bank experts the communications and information technology strategy in Iraq and the support that the bank can provide in this field, as well as the efforts that Iraq is making to accelerate the pace of digital transformation and spread digitization in the joints.” Various government initiatives, which came on the sidelines of the 2024 World Bank Digital Summit in Washington.

He pointed out that "the World Bank Digital Summit 2024, held in Washington, hosts senior officials and ministers in governments and the private sector, with the aim of exploring opportunities, accelerating the pace of digital transformation, and reviewing the reality of development in countries of the world, as well as revealing the latest technologies and scientific visions in the field of innovation, communication, and digital transformation."  link


Tishwash:  No money, high prices: Kurdistan’s bazaars quiet ahead of Ramadan

Kurdistan Region’s bazaars are quiet ahead of Ramadan because of delays in payments of government salaries and increased prices for certain essential goods.

“There is no salary, nothing,” Iskandar Rahim, an Erbil resident, told Rudaw’s Horvan Rafat on Friday. “Everything has become so expensive and people do not dare to go to the market.”

Sdiq Ahmad, another resident of Erbil, commented on how quiet the market was when he went to do some shopping.

"If they have salaries, people would buy necessities such as meat, chicken, and other home necessities, but now people cannot afford them,” he said. “People are borrowing money for the month of Ramadan.”

Market vendors say that government delays in distributing salaries have slowed their business and many goods are priced beyond the reach of their customers.

Committees from Erbil’s governor’s office are actively overseeing market activity and plan to expand their monitoring during the holy month of Ramadan to more effectively curb price hikes. Shops are usually busy during Ramadan as people buy special foods for the holy month and clothing ahead of Eid. 

“A kilogram of meat has gone up to 20,000 [Iraqi dinars]. It is very expensive,” said Gaylan Maghdid, a butcher.

It has been 40 days since the Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG) last distributed salaries for its civil servants and pensioners.

The government has failed to pay its civil servants on time and in full for nearly a decade. The situation worsened over the past year after Turkey suspended the flow of Kurdish crude oil through the Iraq-Turkey pipeline to its Ceyhan port in March following a ruling from a Paris arbitration court, causing the KRG billions of dollars in losses.

Without the funds to meet its payroll, the KRG has turned to Baghdad, which is sending Erbil 618 billion dinars monthly.  ink

Mot: darn time change. I had to go around and fix all my clocks.

Mot: Soooooooo confusing!!! Year after Year 

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Militiaman, News Dinar Recaps 20 Militiaman, News Dinar Recaps 20

MilitiaMan: raqi Dinar -- IQD Dinar Update - Customs - Global Completion - Iraq Identity - Dinar Identity - $$$

Iraqi Dinar -- IQD Dinar Update - Customs - Global Completion - Iraq Identity - Dinar Identity - $$$

MilitiaMan and Crew:  3-8-2024

The Crew:  Samson, PompeyPeter, Petra, Angel1,  Daytrader, Sunkissed, GIGI and Militia Man

Be sure to listen to full video for all the news……..

Iraqi Dinar -- IQD Dinar Update - Customs - Global Completion - Iraq Identity - Dinar Identity - $$$

MilitiaMan and Crew:  3-8-2024

The Crew:  Samson, PompeyPeter, Petra,,  Daytrader, Sunkissed, GIGI and Militia Man

Be sure to listen to full video for all the news……..

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Economics, Gold and Silver, Goldilocks, News DINARRECAPS8 Economics, Gold and Silver, Goldilocks, News DINARRECAPS8

Goldilocks Comments and Global Economic News Friday Evening 3-8-24

Goldilocks Comments and Global Economic News Friday Evening 3-8-24

Good Evening Dinar Recaps,

Is XRP primed to become the world’s next reserve trading currency? That question remains to be seen as new partnerships are forming around the world.

Ripple does act as a liquidity coin between Nation's Central Banks, and it does have the potential to replace the Swift System as the new preferred Central Bank digital exchange processing system.

"Ripple has a product called On-Demand Liquidity that allows financial institutions to instead settle transactions instantly with the XRP cryptocurrency. On-Demand Liquidity works by allowing financial institutions to convert fiat to XRP and convert XRP coins into the destination currency using local crypto exchanges."

All of this is taking place at a time when Protocol 20 is currently moving into Phase 2 of the Stellar Network utilizing Soroban contracts.

Here, our new tokenized asset markets are beginning to form alliances between traditional assets and new global payment systems. The merging of these new digital economic worlds is forming the basis of our new economy.

Goldilocks Comments and Global Economic News Friday Evening 3-8-24

Good Evening Dinar Recaps,

Is XRP primed to become the world’s next reserve trading currency? That question remains to be seen as new partnerships are forming around the world.

Ripple does act as a liquidity coin between Nation's Central Banks, and it does have the potential to replace the Swift System as the new preferred Central Bank digital exchange processing system.

"Ripple has a product called On-Demand Liquidity that allows financial institutions to instead settle transactions instantly with the XRP cryptocurrency. On-Demand Liquidity works by allowing financial institutions to convert fiat to XRP and convert XRP coins into the destination currency using local crypto exchanges."

All of this is taking place at a time when Protocol 20 is currently moving into Phase 2 of the Stellar Network utilizing Soroban contracts.

Here, our new tokenized asset markets are beginning to form alliances between traditional assets and new global payment systems. The merging of these new digital economic worlds is forming the basis of our new economy.

These moves are coming at a time when crypto clarity, Treasury Market resiliency through gold (Basel 3) supporting each sector of the markets, and movement towards T+1 and soon to be instant settlements have recently been given the green light for regulations through the legislative to move forward.

© Goldilocks


Financial News London


Reps mull law to regulate cryptocurrency, digital assets transactions  | TheCable


To comply with DMA, WhatsApp and Messenger will become interoperable via Signal protocol |TechCrunch


Gasoline Demand Has a Long-Term Structural Problem in the US: Plunging Per-Capita Consumption | Wolf Street




US dollar, yields fall amid Fed Powell testimony as traders flock to gold, BTC | YouTube


Ethena Labs’ stablecoin has pocketed $4 million for its treasury with high yields derived from ether-future funding rates and staking ether to a validator.

The project has seen early success with a controversial concept, increasing its treasury to over $16 million and becoming the third-largest revenue generator in the crypto market. CoinDesk


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Iraq Economic News and Points to Ponder Friday Afternoon 3-8-24

Iraq Economic News and Points to Ponder Friday Afternoon 3-8-24

Tlm724 Administrator Bondlady’s Corner

Trade: We Are Close To Joining The World Trade Organization

Economical 03/06/2024   Baghdad: Al-Sabah  Undersecretary of the Minister of Commerce, Sattar Al-Jabri, said yesterday, Tuesday, that the issue of Iraq’s accession to the World Trade Organization is imminent, while he affirmed the current federal government’s efforts to achieve self-sufficiency and not depend on the importer.

Al-Jabri said that the governmental curriculum developed by the Iraqi government is based on a strategy to keep pace with the development taking place in the global economy, as the government signed bilateral international memorandums of understanding in the field of trade and economics. He stressed that "Iraq is seeking to enter the World Trade Organization and the issue is coming soon."

The Iraqi government official spoke about the issue of import and export, saying:

There is no trade balance between exported and imported materials, as the monetary mass was going to other countries, and

this is what the government is seeking to address. current by relying on self-sufficiency.

At the beginning of 2024, the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia announced its support for Iraq’s accession to the World Trade Organization, especially after the political obstacles that prevented it were removed.

Iraq Economic News and Points to Ponder Friday Afternoon 3-8-24

Tlm724 Administrator Bondlady’s Corner

Trade: We Are Close To Joining The World Trade Organization

Economical 03/06/2024   Baghdad: Al-Sabah  Undersecretary of the Minister of Commerce, Sattar Al-Jabri, said yesterday, Tuesday, that the issue of Iraq’s accession to the World Trade Organization is imminent, while he affirmed the current federal government’s efforts to achieve self-sufficiency and not depend on the importer.

Al-Jabri said that the governmental curriculum developed by the Iraqi government is based on a strategy to keep pace with the development taking place in the global economy, as the government signed bilateral international memorandums of understanding in the field of trade and economics. He stressed that "Iraq is seeking to enter the World Trade Organization and the issue is coming soon."

The Iraqi government official spoke about the issue of import and export, saying:

There is no trade balance between exported and imported materials, as the monetary mass was going to other countries, and

this is what the government is seeking to address. current by relying on self-sufficiency.

At the beginning of 2024, the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia announced its support for Iraq’s accession to the World Trade Organization, especially after the political obstacles that prevented it were removed.     

Experts: We Are Optimistic About The Country's Financial Situation

 The first 03/05/2024    Baghdad: Huda Al-Azzawi   Specialists in financial and economic affairs expressed their optimism about the future outlook for the country’s financial situation, and while they saw that  

Prime Minister Muhammad Shiaa Al-Sudani’s statement regarding this aspect and the overall economic file is correct and consistent with reality,

 they called for the continuation of steps to leave the unilateral rentier economy to a productive economy.

 Advisor to the Prime Minister for Financial and Economic Affairs, Dr. Mazhar Muhammad Salih, said in an interview with “Al-Sabah”:

 The basis comes from the strength of the foreign asset reserves that Iraq possesses, which exceeded 100 billion dollars, which is the cover of the national currency, which means that there is complete coverage of cash.

 The national source of foreign currency, which provides ideal stability for the exchange rate of the Iraqi dinar, in addition to the fact that these foreign reserves embody the commercial efficiency of Iraq, as these reserves cover more than 15 commercial months, while  the international standard is only three months.”’

 He added,  "We must not forget that the surplus in the current account of the balance of payments relative to the gross domestic product also did not fall below (positive 8%), which is a high indicator that reflects the strength of the external sector in the national economy, that is, its stability and growth."

 He pointed out that  "the real growth rate in Iraq's non-oil gross domestic product has touched (6%), and  it reflects the growth of the activities of important sectors, most notably the reconstruction, construction and housing movement, and the development of the transport and digital communications sector, and  there is a continuing movement in developing the agricultural sector thanks to government support for crops."   We expect Iraq’s grain production in the next few months to reach 6 million tons.”

The International Monetary Fund Recommends That Iraq Reduce Its Dependence On Oil

 Economy |03-3-2024, |Baghdad today - follow-up  Today, Sunday (March 3, 2024), the International Monetary Fund recommended that  Iraq     reduce dependence on oil,  work to increase non-oil revenues and    control public spending, in order to ensure the continuation of economic reforms and achieve sustainable growth.

The final statement of the Fund’s experts at the end of the 2024 Article IV consultation mission indicated that  “Iraq is expected to continue economic growth due to the expansion of public finances,”  but warned of “a significant increase in exposure to oil price fluctuations in the medium term.”

The IMF said,   “Greater declines in oil prices or extending OPEC+ cuts may affect Iraq’s financial and external accounts,” noting

 “the risks of escalating regional tensions and their potential impact in the event of an interruption to shipping routes or damage to the oil infrastructure, leading to losses.”

 “In oil production, the potential positive impact of a rise in oil prices outweighs the potential positive impact of a rise in oil prices.” He added,  "Iraq needs to  increase non-oil exports and government revenues, and    reduce the economy's exposure to oil price shocks."  ‘

The statement stated, "Iraq needs higher and more sustainable growth in the non-oil sector to accommodate the rapidly growing workforce." The IMF statement indicated that  "the growth of the non-oil sector in Iraq rebounded strongly in 2023, as estimates indicate that Iraq's real non-oil GDP will grow by 6 percent in 2023 after growth stopped in 2022."صندوق-النقد-الدولي-يوصي-العراق-بتقليل-اعتماده-على-النفط.html

Economists Urge Expanding Partnership With Europe

The first 03/05/2024    Baghdad: Shukran Al-Fatlawi  Specialists in economic and financial affairs called for expanding the country's openness to investments with the European side,  especially after the exit of European companies from long-term Russian agreements, indicating that the Prime Minister's recent visit to the Netherlands represents a gateway to this openness.

Economist Dr. Mustafa Hantoush told Al-Sabah:

There is a real opportunity for Iraq to partner with Europe, especially since the latter has had long partnerships with Russia and Ukraine in the field of energy. ‘

He pointed out that Europe is currently isolated due to recent events, noting that it is possible to exploit this partnership as an oil country and cooperate with European companies,

especially as they are looking for countries to market their products, including animal products and seeds. Hantoush pointed out that

most countries in Europe are looking for partnerships to market their products, especially with oil-producing countries, and

Iraq is one of those countries, as it has enormous oil wealth, and the country also needs their expertise in the field of livestock and seeds.

For his part, economic expert Safwan Qusay said that the recent visit of Prime Minister Muhammad Shiaa Al-Sudani to the Netherlands is a key to convincing the European investor to partner with Iraq.

President Of The Federal Court: Iraq Is Currently Taking Steady Steps To Build The State

 Politics |Yesterday, |Baghdad Today – Baghdad  The President of the Federal Supreme Court, Jassim Muhammad Aboud Al-Amiri, confirmed today, Thursday (March 7, 2024), that “Iraq is currently taking steady steps to build the state.”

 A statement by the Supreme Judiciary received by “Baghdad Today” stated that Al-Amiri met during his visit to Amman with Jordanian Prime Minister Bisher Al-Khasawneh and confirmed that  “Iraq achieved a great victory over terrorism,” adding that  “Iraq is currently taking steady steps to build the state.” He pointed out that

 "Iraq is very keen to build international relations with all countries of the world on the basis of mutual respect and common interests, with the exception of the Zionist entity that is usurping Palestine."

He pointed out that "the Federal Supreme Court in Iraq seeks to cooperate with all constitutional courts for the purpose of consolidating constitutional values." Al-Amiri noted  "discussing the mechanism of joint cooperation and exchanging legal expertise in order to achieve the interests of the two countries."

For his part, the Jordanian Prime Minister stressed "the special status of Iraq," stressing "the Kingdom's keenness to strengthen relations in various fields with Iraq."رئيس-المحكمة-الاتحادية-العراق-حالياً-يتجه-بخطوات-ثابتة-لبناء-الدولة.html

Al-Alaq: Supporters Of The Islamic Banking Sector

Economical 03/07/2024   Baghdad: Al-Sabah  The Governor of the Central Bank, Ali Al-Alaq,  expressed his support for the work of Islamic banks, and  stressed the progress of government steps to remove the obstacles that hinder the development of their work.

A press statement issued by the Association of Banks explained that Al-Alaq met with the delegation of the Iraqi Association of Islamic Banks within the framework of a serious approach and effective action to support banking work and the private sector.

He explained that the meeting included a discussion of ways to advance the vital Islamic banking sector to support the national economy, especially since many private banks were subject to the suspension of their transactions in the US dollar.

Al-Alaq indicated that the Central Bank is seeking by all means to support the banks, stressing that there are moves at a high level by the government to stop... On solutions, in addition to emphasizing professionalism and commitment to international standards.

In turn, the Executive Director of the Association, Ahmed Al-Rubaie, said:

The meeting was positive and fruitful, appreciating the efforts made by the Central Bank, especially since  there are steps confirmed by the results achieved through the move to open direct communication channels for banks. Local cooperation with its foreign counterpart in correspondence and commercial exchange to find outlets for dealing in currencies other than the dollar, including the Emirati dirham, the Turkish lira, the euro, and others.


To read more current and reliable Iraqi news please visit BondLady’s  Corner:  

Provoking Points to Ponder on Decisions 

 It is the characteristic excellence of the strong man that he can bring momentous issues to the fore and make a decision about them. The weak are always forced to decide between alternatives they have not chosen themselves.  - Dietrich Bonhoeffer

Alternatives, and particularly desirable alternatives, grow only on imaginary trees.  - Saul Bellow

The more one does and sees and feels, the more one is able to do, and the more genuine may be one's own appreciation of fundamental things like home, and love, and understanding companionship. - Amelia Earhart

Our danger is not too few, but too many options ... to be puzzled by innumerable alternatives. - Sir Richard Livingstone

The absence of alternatives clears the mind marvelously. - Henry Kissinger                            

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Economics, Gold and Silver, Goldilocks, News DINARRECAPS8 Economics, Gold and Silver, Goldilocks, News DINARRECAPS8

Goldilocks' Comments and Global Economic News Friday AM 3-8-24

Goldilocks' Comments and Global Economic News Friday AM 3-8-24

Good morning Dinar Recaps,

Starting today, China no longer trades the Yuan with the Dollar. Hong Kong launches their wholesale CBDC project to support digital tokenization and tokenized deposits. And, Hong Kong is advancing a privacy digital currency with Project Aurum 2.0.

As one door closes, another door opens. Hong Kong has a market capitalization of over 30 trillion dollars. While the United States has over 46 trillion dollars in market capitalization, the move to make trades in local currencies on a level playing field utilizing a gold standard protocol inside a digital economy backed by gold will go a long way in bringing more monetary value to the Eastern half of our world.

Goldilocks' Comments and Global Economic News Friday AM 3-8-24

Good morning Dinar Recaps,

Starting today, China no longer trades the Yuan with the Dollar. Hong Kong launches their wholesale CBDC project to support digital tokenization and tokenized deposits. And, Hong Kong is advancing a privacy digital currency with Project Aurum 2.0.

As one door closes, another door opens. Hong Kong has a market capitalization of over 30 trillion dollars. While the United States has over 46 trillion dollars in market capitalization, the move to make trades in local currencies on a level playing field utilizing a gold standard protocol inside a digital economy backed by gold will go a long way in bringing more monetary value to the Eastern half of our world.

Mainland China is Hong Kong's largest trading partner. The newly launched “HKD-RMB Dual Counter Model” will see an initial 24 companies start offering Yuan counters. This will allow investors in Hong Kong to trade in the Yuan.

The line in the sand has been drawn, and today, we are about to witness countries begin to cross them.

© Goldilocks
Digital Pound Foundation
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Ledger Insights


What Happens To Gold If China Backs The Yuan With It? (GLD). The simple answer is that it will rise.

Our new digital economy backed by commodities through tokenized assets is giving countries like China and opportunity to forge new pathways into countries like Hong Kong never seen before in history.

New Hopes and New Visions in the trading world is creating an entrepreneurial spirit. The realization that new paths can be formed through a new digital economy is inspiring new moves in Global Trade not seen before.

Digital Gold is the bridge into these new bilateral relationships countries are beginning to form on the Eastern half of our world.  Markets BusinessInsider   Finance Yahoo

All roads lead to gold, and gold will set us free.

© Goldilocks



We have an update on Stellar Soroban Phase 2 test. It is complete.

Protocol 20 is about to move into high gear at this point.

* Upgrade on Pubnet March 12th

* Validator vote March 19th

* If all goes well, everything will move to public use


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"Tidbits From TNT" Friday 3-8-2024


Tishwash:  For the first time in 17 years, inflation has decreased in Venezuela

The consumer price index recorded a slight decline in February in Venezuela, the first monthly decline in 17 years, according to a non-governmental observatory.

Consumer prices fell by 0.5 percent between January and February, according to the Venezuelan Financial Observatory, which has become a reference for public finance figures in light of the scarcity of official statistics and the discrepancy between them.

But annual inflation remained at 85 percent, which is one of the highest rates in the world.

The observatory explained that the decline in consumption was one of the reasons for the monthly decline in inflation in Venezuela, which has suffered in recent years from high levels of inflation and a severe economic crisis that led to widespread waves of migration.

He pointed out that food prices fell by 3.1 percent in February as stores reduced them in an effort to attract consumers.


Tishwash:  For the first time in 17 years, inflation has decreased in Venezuela

The consumer price index recorded a slight decline in February in Venezuela, the first monthly decline in 17 years, according to a non-governmental observatory.

Consumer prices fell by 0.5 percent between January and February, according to the Venezuelan Financial Observatory, which has become a reference for public finance figures in light of the scarcity of official statistics and the discrepancy between them.

But annual inflation remained at 85 percent, which is one of the highest rates in the world.

The observatory explained that the decline in consumption was one of the reasons for the monthly decline in inflation in Venezuela, which has suffered in recent years from high levels of inflation and a severe economic crisis that led to widespread waves of migration.

He pointed out that food prices fell by 3.1 percent in February as stores reduced them in an effort to attract consumers.

Other factors include a slight improvement in the value of the Venezuelan bolivar against the US dollar, the injection of foreign currencies into the economy by the central bank, and a decline in the printing of banknotes.

Venezuela is preparing for presidential elections on July 28, during which Nicolas Maduro is likely to seek a new term while excluding his most prominent opponents from running.
British action to support its former colony... and Venezuela: a provocation.
Washington lifted part of the economic sanctions it imposed on Caracas after the government and the opposition agreed to hold elections this year. This allowed the American company Chevron to resume limited oil extraction operations in an attempt to keep oil prices controlled globally at a time when Western countries imposed sanctions on Russia due to the war in Ukraine.

However, the exclusion of opposition leader Maria Corina Machado from running in the presidential elections prompted Washington to re-impose some punitive measures on the Maduro government. link


Tishwash:  Iraq seeks to achieve economic integration among the countries of the region

The Minister of Transport, Razzaq Muhaibas Al-Saadawi, confirmed today, Thursday, that Iraq seeks to achieve economic integration between the countries of the region.

The Ministry stated in a statement received by Al-Iqtisad News Agency, “The Minister of Transport headed a high-level government delegation to the United Arab Emirates to discuss the field experience in applying governance and digital systems to the process of transporting goods by the transit system.”

She added, "The Minister held a meeting with the Minister of Energy and Infrastructure of the United Arab Emirates, Suhail Al Mazrouei, the Minister of State for Foreign Trade, Thani bin Ahmed Al Zeyoudi, and Captain Mohammed Juma Al Shamsi - Managing Director and CEO of Abu Dhabi Ports Group, to discuss partnership, mutual cooperation, and areas of common interest." In the transportation sector.

She continued, "Al-Saadawi discussed with Emirati officials the field experience in applying governance and digital systems to the process of transporting goods via the transit system, and the merits of the Development Road Project and its economic importance to Iraq, the region, and the world."

Al-Saadawi reviewed, according to the statement, “the strategic projects undertaken by the Ministry of Transport, especially the development road project,” explaining that “the transport sector file tops the list of priorities of our Iraqi government,” as it constitutes a measure of the progress and renaissance of nations and societies, which has necessitated us to find plans. Strategy, policies and projects that allow the development of this vital sector, most notably the development road project, which will constitute a qualitative transition in the economic and commercial reality, and will transform Iraq into a major station for trade between Asia and Europe.”

He expressed, “The Ministry seeks, through the development path, to achieve economic integration between the countries of the region, by facilitating the movement of goods and services, and in a way that provides a favorable environment to achieve higher levels of productive and economic integration,” indicating that “the development path, with its various projects, will be a stone.” “The corner for a sustainable economy, through which we aspire to build a regional partnership that contributes to the success of this strategic project for the region and the world, by taking advantage of the distinguished geographical location of our country, which connects the Asian continent with the European continent.”

He noted that "the field experiences in working on this development road project put us in front of many challenges, which Iraq has come a long way in overcoming and meeting the requirements of this project."

He concluded his speech by saying, “We hope to advance the wheel of work, coordination and cooperation between the two brotherly countries towards achieving sustainable development and responding to the growing social, economic and environmental requirements.”

In turn, the Minister of Energy and Infrastructure said, according to the statement, “Our meetings with our brothers in the Republic of Iraq have always resulted in a strong desire to advance relations between the two sides to more distinguished levels. Our meeting represents an advanced step in strengthening the leadership of our two countries on the regional and global arenas, and reaching “The transport and logistics services sector will reach the highest levels of competitiveness and attractiveness, by enhancing the exchange of knowledge, experiences and best practices, which contributes to achieving progress and prosperity for the two brotherly peoples.”

While the UAE Minister of State for Foreign Trade stressed, “The leadership of the UAE attaches great importance to activating work with our brothers in the Republic of Iraq and enhancing economic openness between the two countries and cooperation in areas of joint work. There is no doubt that today’s meeting is of special importance, as more investment opportunities and ways to enhance Economic relations and increasing the volume of trade exchange between the UAE and Iraq   link


Tishwash:  Hanoun: We will unveil huge corruption files involving major figures

The head of the Integrity Commission, Haider Hanoun, confirmed today, Friday, that “the files at the Commission include major figures, indicating that the Commission is working on all corruption files.”

The head of the Integrity Commission, Haider Hanoun, said: “The Commission will present, next Sunday, its annual report on the Integrity Commission’s achievements for the year 2023, and each of the Commission’s directors will release the achievements of his department.”

 He pointed out that "the Integrity Commission is not only an investigations department, but rather multiple and large departments and specializations, and is responsible for combating corruption from beginning to end, including procedures, investigative files, prevention, financial disclosure of officials, transparency, and cooperation with investigative journalism."

He added, "The existing files include major figures, and the Commission is working on all corruption files," stressing, "Holding the corrupt to the fullest extent of accountability at this stage."

 He continued: “The Commission completes the corruption files and evidence and sends them to the judiciary, and the investigating judge takes over the file after the file turns into a criminal case supervised by the investigating judge, and then permission is taken from the investigating judge for arrest, referral, conviction, or recruitment, and all of them are judicial rulings that we work on.”   link

Mot: . Spring is Right round da Corner - It’s that time again sharpen those chain saws 

Mot:  ... Yah!!! - Sundays da Day!!!! 

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Goldilocks' Comments and Global Economic News Thursday Evening 3-7-24

Goldilocks' Comments and Global Economic News Thursday Evening 3-7-24

Good Evening Dinar Recaps,

Our Global Economy is in process of redefining and recalculating currency values. Specifically, we are undergoing pilot programs to determine regulations on the use and the amount needed to level the playing field in trade among countries.

These are measured in units of account in the banking world. Each unit of account currently has a digital value and a commodity value inside what we are currently calling a tokenized asset going forward.

These new pending prices are what many are calling a Global Currency Reset. This is why new laws have been coming into effect on our new digital economy the last two and almost a half years to solidify real values going forward.

Goldilocks' Comments and Global Economic News Thursday Evening 3-7-24

Good Evening Dinar Recaps,

Our Global Economy is in process of redefining and recalculating currency values. Specifically, we are undergoing pilot programs to determine regulations on the use and the amount needed to level the playing field in trade among countries.

These are measured in units of account in the banking world. Each unit of account currently has a digital value and a commodity value inside what we are currently calling a tokenized asset going forward.

These new pending prices are what many are calling a Global Currency Reset. This is why new laws have been coming into effect on our new digital economy the last two and almost a half years to solidify real values going forward.

Real values are necessary for the new Quantum Financial System to calculate with precision and speeds we have never seen before in history, and not, artificial values controlled and determined by a single country.

This is the year to determine these new values going forward that will affect our Global Economy for generations to come.   Finance Magnates

© Goldilocks


In the future, you will hold "units of account" for the currencies you hold or one single currency. Each of these units of account (currency) will be instilled with values that come from a digital asset.

Are you beginning to see how power will be given back to the people? You will literally be holding a real asset in your hand(s) going forward. You will own gold, and gold belongs to the people.

All roads lead to gold, and gold will set us free.

© Goldilocks


The dollar is transitioning into a secular Bear Market. Let's watch what happens to Gold.



Current restrictions in credit is beginning to affect Banking liquidity opportunities that creates even less money to the banking system.

Many small Banks are vacant and creating more and more stress on the commercial real estate market. Banks are consolidating, and some are going out of business.

As Banks transition from a client-centered operation to a trading centered operation, it will be a profitable movement of the new digital economy that will bring in more liquidity going forward.

Asset and liability management are quickly becoming the new roles of the banking system.

Asset Management is the acquiring, trading, and maintaining of assets inside a Bank that has potential growth.

Yes, the new digital economy is digitally based and maintained in and through the banking system. Clients will be seen as investors holding assets of potential growth such as digital assets backed by gold and other commodities.

These assets will grow over time and be encouraged to solidify their growth potential through portfolios run by AI and other means.

The world of banking, and the lifestyle shift of our new GLOBAL ECONOMY is and will change the way we live.    International Banker

© Goldilocks


President Putin's Advisor Announcement:

"Russian President Vladimir Putin’s advisor on foreign policy issues said, ‘Work will continue to develop the Contingent Reserve Arrangement, primarily regarding the use of currencies different from the US dollar’"

The BRICS Nations are in process of creating an independent payment system based on digital technologies & blockchain.

Their intentions are to create a trading coin backed by gold. Remember, 70% of (digital) trade is done on the water from country to country. It will provide more strength to currencies who have been utilizing the dollar instead of their own countries' currencies going forward.

This will significantly shift the role of the dollar, as well as, empower Eastern countries gaining strength in their local currencies through these measures.   First Post

Watch the water.

© Goldilocks


China is withdrawing from the US Stock Market by way of US dollar to Yuan trades on Forex. The Yuan will no longer be able to buy US Dollars on Forex.

If you look closely, the Depository Trust Company will be closing these trades on March the 8th, 2024.

Are they about to back their currency by gold? If not, will their gold token become more accessible in the world of trade? Either way, you can expect a major shift like this to have a backup plan.

© Goldilocks



Essential to keeping the market liquid, broker-dealers can be firms, banks or individual people. And as you may be able to guess from the hyphenated name, they serve two distinct roles.

What Is a Broker-Dealer, and What Do They Do? - SmartAsset


XRP Escrow: Foundation for XRP’s Transition to Global Reserve Currency, Experts Say |  Crypto News Flash


Instant Payments Regulation Announcement:

The Council of the European Union has, on the 26th of February of this year,  adopted a regulation aimed at promoting instant payments within the European Union (EU), in accordance with the Union’s initiative to foster a capital markets union. The Instant Payments Regulation will allow individuals to transfer funds to another EU member state as well as within the same country in just 10 seconds, at any time of day.


In November 2000, the SEC adopted Exchange Act Rule 11Ac1-5. Rule 11Ac1-5 is aimed at improving public disclosure of order execution quality.

New SEC Rule 605 (formerly 11Ac1-5) requires FINRA to make available certain order execution information, facilitating the uniform public disclosure of order execution information by all market centers.  SEC   FINRA  


European Central Bank Holds Interest Rates Steady...Ira’s Morning Flash Video for 3 7 2024 | YouTube


Arizona Senate considers Bitcoin and other digital asset ETFs for state pension investment | Crypto Briefing


President Biden will address a Joint Session of Congress at the United States Capitol on Thursday, March 7, 2024 at 9 PM ET. | Whitehouse


Qatar Central Bank is set to launch its new instant payment service this month as part of its Third Financial Sector strategy. | Fintech Futures


Repost Reminder:

Take a look at the top listing on Credit Bank of Iraq bank rate inside Iraq. It is important to note that the US dollar conversion rate still remains the same, but it is listed as a currency that can be exchanged with the dinar.

Scroll all the way to the far right of the dinar listing at Credit Bank of Iraq, and you will find that one US dollar still buys 1,300 dinar.

You might want to save this page with the below article link to refer back to when checking currency rates inside Iraq.    Credit Bank of Iraq

© Goldilocks

👆No changes yet.


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 Iraq Economic News and Points to Ponder Thursday Evening 3-7-24

 Iraq Economic News and Points to Ponder Thursday Evening 3-7-24

Tlm724 Administrator Bondlady’s Corner

Exposing The Reasons For The Failure Of Electronic Transformation In Financial Transactions

      Information/Private..  Today, Sunday, the economic expert, Safwan Qusay, revealed the reasons for not applying the electronic system in financial transactions,

while confirming that the Central Bank has concluded many contracts with international companies to automate financial transactions.

Qusay said in an interview with Al-Ma’louma Agency,  “K2 Company is working to coordinate with all local banks in order to implement the electronic system gradually,” noting that “according to the cumbersome procedures, it is still too early to talk about fully implementing the electronic system.”

 He continued, "The file requires the application of modern technical procedures in all institutions and places where the electronic financial system is implemented," pointing out that "the Central Bank has concluded many contracts with international companies to automate financial transactions."

 Iraq Economic News and Points to Ponder Thursday Evening 3-7-24

Tlm724 Administrator Bondlady’s Corner

Exposing The Reasons For The Failure Of Electronic Transformation In Financial Transactions

  Information/Private..  Today, Sunday, the economic expert, Safwan Qusay, revealed the reasons for not applying the electronic system in financial transactions,

while confirming that the Central Bank has concluded many contracts with international companies to automate financial transactions.

Qusay said in an interview with Al-Ma’louma Agency,  “K2 Company is working to coordinate with all local banks in order to implement the electronic system gradually,” noting that “according to the cumbersome procedures, it is still too early to talk about fully implementing the electronic system.”

 He continued, "The file requires the application of modern technical procedures in all institutions and places where the electronic financial system is implemented," pointing out that "the Central Bank has concluded many contracts with international companies to automate financial transactions."

 He added, "The process of fully disseminating electronic culture to individuals and companies requires a long time to implement all the points on the ground," noting that "the Central Bank continues to implement the steps of the electronic transformation program in financial transactions in general."

The Council of Ministers for the Economy had confirmed the activation of the electronic payment service, as the decision stipulated that the system enjoys a high level of protection and security, reduces time and effort, and  contributes to stimulating the movement of the economy, facilitating the procedures for granting a license to collect bank cards, and  exempting all electronic payment transactions (POS) from... Taxes. Ended 25/Jكشف-أسباب-تعثر-التحول-الإلكتروني-بالتعاملات-المالية

Accurate Government Detail On Three Benefits Of "ASYCUDA" In Iraq

Time: 03/07/2024 17:50:32 Read: 988 times   {Economic: Al-Furat News} The economic and financial advisor to the Prime Minister, Mazhar Muhammad Saleh, announced today, Thursday, three benefits of activating the “ASYCUDA” system in Iraq.

Saleh said {to Al-Furat News} that: “The ASYCUDA system will undoubtedly provide our country with three benefits. The first is reducing evasion of customs and tax duties. This is due to the availability of the ability and accuracy to know the details of imported materials and their conformity with the certificate of origin and purchase invoices, which maximizes public revenues, specifically customs revenues or so-called taxes.” indirect".

He added, "As for the second, it will lead to the availability of detailed information about the import content through the accuracy of the digital system in tracking and detection, which provides the required basic elements of qualitative and commodity control and avoiding the entry of prohibited goods into our country. The third is to limit human interference in the processes of control, evaluation, demarcation, and the consequences." It sometimes includes violations that contradict the legal system between the parties to the relationship.”

Saleh continued, "It also provides the digital system with a detailed statistical information base on our country's foreign trade in terms of quantity and quality with greater accuracy, in addition to providing speed in completing customs transactions and collecting fees after making estimates through the applications of the ESCODA system, which will reduce the costs of commercial transactions and reflect positively." To stabilize the value of goods and merchandise in our country’s markets.”

He added, "The staff of the General Authority for Customs and Border Ports have been qualified to operate the ASYCUDA system and the relevant annexed digital system in preparation for the automation of customs and border ports for all our countries."   LINK

The Rate Of Inward Investments Into Iraq Increased By 60% Within 3 Years

    March 2 12:05     Information/Baghdad  Representative and member of the Parliamentary Services Committee, Baqir Al-Saadi, confirmed on Saturday that the rate of incoming investments into Iraq has increased by 60% over the past three years. Al-Saadi told Al-Maalouma,

 “There are reasons that create successful investments, most notably  security and  political stability, and the provision of  attractive opportunities for capital with flexibility in dealing with procedures,” pointing out that “Iraq represents an important opportunity for many Arab and foreign investors.”

 He added,    “The rate Incoming investments, Arab or foreign, have increased by 60% in the past three years, amounting to hundreds of millions of dollars, especially in the housing sector.

He stressed the government’s efforts to “create pioneering investment contracts with the start of laying the foundation stone for the construction of several new cities.” He pointed out that   “investments It leads to  economic recovery and the provision of   job opportunities, noting that  "in the coming months, investments will be at higher levels with the start of implementation of the first phase of the strategic development path."

Several governorates witnessed an influx of Arab and foreign investments in various sectors, most notably housing, medicine, and industry.ارتفاع-معدل-الاستثمارات-الوافدة-للعراق-بنسبة-60-خلال-3-سنوات

Stability Of Dollar Exchange Rates In Local Markets

Economy |  03/07/2024  Mawazine News – Baghdad  The exchange rates of the dollar against the dinar recorded stability today, Thursday, in the local markets in the capital, Baghdad,

and the central Kifah and Harithiya stock exchanges recorded an exchange rate of 151,500 Iraqi dinars against 100 US dollars.

Dollar exchange rates in banking shops and local markets, where the selling price reached 152,500 dinars, while the purchasing price reached 150,500 dinars for every 100 dollars.

To read more current and reliable Iraqi news please visit BondLady’s  Corner:  

Provoking Points to Ponder on Decisions 

There comes a time when you've got to say, "Let's get off our *****and go ..." I have always found that if I move with 75 percent or more of the facts I usually never regret it. It's the guys who wait to have everything perfect that drive you crazy.  - Lee Iacocca

Conditions are never just right. People who delay action until all factors are favorable do nothing.  - William Feather

Common sense does not ask an impossible chessboard, but takes the one before it and plays the game. - Wendell Phillips

He who postpones the hour of living is like the rustic who waits for the river to run out before he crosses.  - Horace

If you wait for inspiration you'll be standing on the corner after the parade is a mile down the street. - Ben Nicholas

Nothing at all will be attempted if all possible objections must first be overcome. - Samuel Johnson                            

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Iraq Economic News and Points to Ponder Thursday Afternoon 3-7-24

Iraq Economic News and Points to Ponder Thursday Afternoon 3-7-24

Tlm724 Administrator Bondlady’s Corner

Government Efforts To Ease US Sanctions On Banks

Economy | 03/07/2024  Mawazine News - Baghdad,  an expert in financial affairs, Mahmoud Dagher, confirmed that the Iraqi government and the Central Bank are dissatisfied with the nature of the US Treasury’s dealings with Iraqi banks, pointing out that there is an effort to lift the sanctions in light of a difficult political framework and a more difficult regional atmosphere.

Dagher said in a televised interview followed by Mawazine News, “The current government administration and the Central Bank are dissatisfied with the nature of the Treasury’s dealings with Iraqi banks and are making an effort within a difficult political framework and a more difficult regional atmosphere,” noting that the Iraqi ambassador in Washington visited the US Treasury and there is work to resolve or Reducing the severity of sanctions.

Regarding the public sector’s control over projects, Dagher stated, “The largest government bank possesses a capital of 130 billion dinars and controls all state deposits, while the smallest bank in the private sector possesses a capital of 300 billion dinars in light of a clear government restriction on the expansion of the sector’s work.” private".

Iraq Economic News and Points to Ponder Thursday Afternoon 3-7-24

Tlm724 Administrator Bondlady’s Corner

Government Efforts To Ease US Sanctions On Banks

Economy | 03/07/2024  Mawazine News - Baghdad,  an expert in financial affairs, Mahmoud Dagher, confirmed that the Iraqi government and the Central Bank are dissatisfied with the nature of the US Treasury’s dealings with Iraqi banks, pointing out that there is an effort to lift the sanctions in light of a difficult political framework and a more difficult regional atmosphere.

Dagher said in a televised interview followed by Mawazine News, “The current government administration and the Central Bank are dissatisfied with the nature of the Treasury’s dealings with Iraqi banks and are making an effort within a difficult political framework and a more difficult regional atmosphere,” noting that the Iraqi ambassador in Washington visited the US Treasury and there is work to resolve or Reducing the severity of sanctions.

Regarding the public sector’s control over projects, Dagher stated, “The largest government bank possesses a capital of 130 billion dinars and controls all state deposits, while the smallest bank in the private sector possesses a capital of 300 billion dinars in light of a clear government restriction on the expansion of the sector’s work.” private".

The financial expert described the expansion of the public sector as “ownership, not performance,” noting that “the reason is due to the Ministry of Finance’s monopoly on the labor and investment market in the country.”

Dagher stated, “The public sector needs a sovereign fund, not a fund within the budget.”

An Analytical Vision Of The International Monetary Fund Regarding The Government And Central Bank’s Actions To Recover The Iraqi Economy

Samir Al-Nusairi  In light of the assessment by the experts of the International Monetary Fund mission of the measures taken by the government and the Central Bank, which contributed to preserving the transition of the Iraqi economy from a state of fragility to a gradual recovery during the second half of 2023, as it became clear that “growth in the non-oil sector rose strongly in the year 2023 by 6%.” % of the gross domestic product, with inflation declining to 4% after it was 7.5% at the beginning of the year.

This comes due to the Central Bank’s measures to control the general level of prices and reduce inflation, which is the most prominent monetary policy task that has been achieved, which is the lowest inflation rates achieved for the year 2023 in regional and Arab countries.

It was achieved due to the efforts made in organizing the financing of foreign trade and cooperation with the government in securing basic foodstuffs and providing... Ration card materials at subsidized prices.

The occurrence of these developments is due to the stability of the foreign exchange market and the safety and transparency of 95% of foreign transfers to traders and importers via the electronic platform and at the official rate, in addition to opening direct dealings with up to 30 foreign and Arab correspondent banks and opening dealings in the local currencies of countries with which Iraq has important trade exchanges, such as China, Turkey and the Emirates. And India.

After some interruptions following the implementation of new anti-money laundering and counter-terrorism financing controls on cross-border payments in November 2022, improved compliance with the new system and CBI initiatives to reduce transaction processing times led to a recovery in trade finance in the second half of 2023.

The IMF welcomed "the initial steps taken towards establishing the Treasury Single Account (TSA), which is a critical tool for improving cash liquidity management." It is necessary to point out here the “efforts made by the Central Bank aimed at getting rid of surplus liquidity.

The Central Bank increased the interest rate on monetary policy tools and raised mandatory reserve requirements. It also began issuing treasury bills with a maturity of 14 days last summer.”

Therefore, the Fund called for supporting the existing efforts of the Central Bank by consolidating unused government deposits in the unified treasury account, refraining from pro-cyclical financial policy, reducing dependence on monetary financing, and improving public debt management, and from an insightful view of the International Monetary Fund, it confirms

However, the steps taken by the government and the Central Bank to accelerate the digital transformation of the economy, reduce dependence on cash and enhance financial inclusion, which supports the plans to launch a financial inclusion strategy.

Official statistics indicate that 558 government agencies deployed electronic payment tools in 2023, compared to 12 government agencies in 2022. The number of employee salary localization cards reached 8,653,000 cards, the number of issued cards was 17,822,310 cards, and the value of the use of electronic payment tools in 2023 amounted to approximately 12 million dollars through 32,842 transactions.  202 views  03/07/2024 -

The Iraq Stock Exchange Announces Weekly Trading Indicators

Money  and business  Economy News – Baghdad  Today, Thursday, the Iraq Stock Exchange announced the weekly trading indicators.

“The Iraqi Stock Exchange organized five trading sessions during the first week of March 2024, from Sunday (March 3) to Thursday (March 7),” a statement received by “Talta News” said.

The statement added: “The following indicators were achieved during this week:

1. The number of shares traded during this week reached more than 18 billion shares.

2. The value of shares traded this week amounted to more than 15 billion dinars.

3. The market trading index closed for the first session of the week at (925.04) points, while the index closed at the end of the week at (933.85) points, achieving an increase of (0.94%) from its close at the first session.

4. During the week (3769) purchase and sale contracts were executed on the shares of companies listed in the market.”   Views 55 03/07/2024 -

A Slight Increase In Oil Prices Due To A Smaller-Than-Expected Increase In US Crude Inventories

Thursday 07, March 2024 09:06 | Economical Number of readings: 351

Baghdad / NINA / Oil prices rose about 1% due to a smaller-than-expected increase in US crude inventories and a decrease in distillate and gasoline inventories.

Brent crude futures rose 92 cents, or 1.1%, to $82.96 per barrel upon settlement, bringing Brent rose for the first time in five days.

US West Texas Intermediate crude futures also increased 98 cents, or 1.3%, to $79.13 per barrel.

The US Energy Information Administration said that crude inventories rose by 1.4 million barrels to 448.5 million in the week ending March 1, compared to analysts’ expectations in a Reuters poll for an increase of 2.1 million.

She indicated that gasoline stocks decreased by 4.5 million barrels to 239.7 million, compared to analysts’ expectations of a decrease of 1.6 million./ End


To read more current and reliable Iraqi news please visit BondLady’s  Corner:  


Provoking Points to Ponder on Decisions 

The moment a question comes to your mind, see yourself mentally taking hold of it and disposing of it. In that moment... you learn to become the decider and not the vacillator. Thus you build character.  - H. Van Anderson

So what do we do? Anything. Something. So long as we just don't sit there. If we screw it up, start over. Try something else. If we wait until we've satisfied all the uncertainties, it may be too late.  - Lee Iacocca

Often greater risk is involved in postponement than in making a wrong decision.  - Harry A. Hopf

Some persons are very decisive when it comes to avoiding decisions.  - Brendan Francis

Do not wait for ideal circumstances, nor the best opportunities; they will never come.  - Janet Erskine Stuart                            

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