Economics, News Dinar Recaps 20 Economics, News Dinar Recaps 20

"Tidbits From TNT" Wednesday Morning 2-14-2024


CandyKisses:  Rights: The Iraqi economy is in the hands of America

Information / Baghdad.. 

On Wednesday, the head of the Parliamentary Rights Bloc, Saud Al-Saadi, accused the United States of America of besieging Iraq economically. 

Al-Saadi told Al-Maalouma, "The recovery of the Iraqi economy requires bold decisions to stop American hegemony over Iraq's sovereignty."

He added, "America prevents Iraq's openness to the Belt and Road Initiative and other development projects, violates sovereignty, and controls all aspects of political and economic life."

He explained, "America made the dollar and energy files a pretext to seize Iraqi funds after selling oil, and made the local economy captive in its hand. 


CandyKisses:  Rights: The Iraqi economy is in the hands of America

Information / Baghdad.. 

On Wednesday, the head of the Parliamentary Rights Bloc, Saud Al-Saadi, accused the United States of America of besieging Iraq economically. 

Al-Saadi told Al-Maalouma, "The recovery of the Iraqi economy requires bold decisions to stop American hegemony over Iraq's sovereignty."

He added, "America prevents Iraq's openness to the Belt and Road Initiative and other development projects, violates sovereignty, and controls all aspects of political and economic life."

He explained, "America made the dollar and energy files a pretext to seize Iraqi funds after selling oil, and made the local economy captive in its hand. 

Tishwash: An economist warns of the US Treasury's policy with Iraq

Today, Wednesday, the economic expert, Nabil Jabbar Al-Ali, warned of the policy of the US Treasury Department and the measures it took against Iraqi private banks.

Al-Ali told Al-Maalouma, “Depriving Iraqi private banks from dealing in dollars will affect the commercial movement represented by import and export through a decrease in foreign transfers granted by the Central Bank.” 

He added, "Any sanctions from the US Treasury on Iraqi private banks will affect the exchange rate of the dollar against the dinar."

Al-Ali pointed to "continuous American controls and pressure on private private banks inside Iraq."

At the beginning of this month, the Central Bank announced a new list of banks that will be prohibited from dealing in dollars, as the list included the names of eight banks that were not previously on the list.

While the Economy, Industry and Trade Committee intends to hold a meeting with representatives of the Iraqi Private Banks Association and the banks that were included in the US sanctions list. link


Tishwash:  Al-Mandalawi: The coming weeks will witness the legislation of the law ending the American presence in Iraq

Acting Speaker of the House of Representatives, Mohsen Al-Mandalawi, announced on Wednesday that “the coming weeks will witness the legislation of the law ending the American presence” in Iraq, with Baghdad and Washington resuming talks on scheduling the withdrawal of international coalition forces from the country and ending their presence there.

A statement from the office of the First Deputy Speaker of Parliament, a copy of which {Al-Furat News} received, stated that Al-Mandalawi “received, today, Wednesday, the head of the Iranian judiciary, Gholam Hossein Ejei, and his accompanying delegation, in the presence of a number of representatives and the Iranian ambassador to Iraq, Muhammad Al-Sadiq.”

Al-Mandalawi stressed that “the repeated American attacks on Iraqi sites and figures are in violation of international law and would disturb relations between the two countries,” expressing the House of Representatives’ keenness to implement its previous decision to remove foreign forces from the country, while stating that the coming period will witness the enactment of a law to completely end their presence, and that Iraq is a country A strong person who does not need foreign forces to protect him, calling at the same time on Arab and Islamic parliaments to enact laws to hold the Zionist entity and the countries that support it accountable and to criminalize relations with them.”

 Al-Mandalawi said, “The legislative authority is keen to strengthen relations with all countries of the region and neighborhood, and it believes in cooperation and integration with the Iraqi executive and judicial authorities, and supports bilateral agreements and treaties in the field of judicial and legal cooperation between the judicial authorities of the two countries, stressing that Iraq’s role is consistent with Palestine’s, The international system and the countries of the region in particular are responsible for stopping the brutal Zionist aggression in Gaza.”

For his part, the Iranian judiciary chief praised the role of the Iraqi Parliament, describing it as exceptional, as it was the first parliament to enact a law criminalizing normalization with the Zionist entity. This is an honorable position and one to be credited with, stressing that the Iraqi people can manage their country in the way they see fit, while calling for "More cooperation between the parliaments of the two countries on regional issues, especially since Iraq's position is influential and effective."  link

Mot: . Ur Kidding !!! -- Right!!!!

Mot: ..... the Doggie!! -- Yeppers! - the Doggie!!!

Mot:  . and then the 7 Dwarves!!! Of valantines day

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Iraq Economic News and Points to Ponder Tuesday Afternoon 2-13-24

Iraq Economic News and Points to Ponder Tuesday Afternoon 2-13-24

Tlm724 Administrator Bondlady’s Corner

An Economic Expert Reveals A New Desire By The Central Bank To Reduce The Dollar... But On One Condition

Time: 02/13/2024 23:43:20 Read: 1,105 times  {Economic: Al-Furat News} The economic expert, Safwan Qusay, revealed a new desire by the Central Bank of Iraq to reduce the dollar after zeroing out internal debts.

Qusay said: For the {Free Speech} program broadcast by Al-Furat satellite channel this evening, it said: “The budget making process is still based on items and does not depend on clear scientific foundations in the estimation process, and the actual spending in the 2022 budget is currently being repeated with the addition of a certain percentage.

There are tensions that may be Among decision makers regarding the process of increasing the share of a particular ministry at the expense of another ministry or introducing appointments.”

Iraq Economic News and Points to Ponder Tuesday Afternoon 2-13-24

Tlm724 Administrator Bondlady’s Corner

An Economic Expert Reveals A New Desire By The Central Bank To Reduce The Dollar... But On One Condition

Time: 02/13/2024 23:43:20 Read: 1,105 times  {Economic: Al-Furat News} The economic expert, Safwan Qusay, revealed a new desire by the Central Bank of Iraq to reduce the dollar after zeroing out internal debts.

Qusay said: For the {Free Speech} program broadcast by Al-Furat satellite channel this evening, it said: “The budget making process is still based on items and does not depend on clear scientific foundations in the estimation process, and the actual spending in the 2022 budget is currently being repeated with the addition of a certain percentage.

There are tensions that may be Among decision makers regarding the process of increasing the share of a particular ministry at the expense of another ministry or introducing appointments.”

He added, "The program of the government of Muhammad Shiaa Al-Sudani came with a set of goals and was achieved through financial funding and funding sources from the Ministry of Finance, which pledged to prepare a program budget according to priorities."

Qusay pointed out, “Until now, the governmental or unified system is unable to calculate the costs of the programs, and in order to isolate the process of disputes from making the number, which is subject to environmental variables, some of which are local and some are international, and therefore it is necessary to reconsider some sections in a way that is consistent with the priorities.

The process of re-estimating according to science is based on Basis for programs and standards. When the Ministry of Finance presents estimates, it must discuss the scientific basis regarding the cost of each program.

He continued, "The Sudanese government is proceeding to amend the terms, and the Council of Ministers has added new financial allocations to some projects. The current problem is not in oil prices, but in quantities. Iraq has pledged to reduce exports, and this reduces financial revenues, as well as the problem of the cessation of Ceyhan oil," referring to "diverting oil exports from Kirkuk." And the region to southern oil causes Iraq to lose about $3 per barrel.”

Qusay confirmed, “The fluctuation in financing is what prompted the government to approve a tripartite budget, and in the event of an increase in oil prices, 30% goes to the governorates and 70% goes to fill the deficit, and the final account shows this issue, and the World Bank indicated an increase in the percentage of appointments in Iraq to more than 4 million.” employee".

He acknowledged, "The presence of safety buffers away from oil means, at the level of the Central Bank's reserves, collecting revenues from the Ministry of Electricity and other ministries increases financial resources; but non-oil imports are ineffective, some of which go into the pockets of the poor, and in practice we have to track the movement of goods and impose control."

He noted, "The Central Bank of Iraq's desire to return the dollar to its previous status, but not before the internal debts are zeroed out. Finance has alternatives to settle these debts, including transferring some state shares, and the Rafidain Bank can also fulfill the Central Bank's dues."

Qusay concluded with "real support for the dinar in the diversification of economic resources, and Iraq can cover its financial needs without the need for hard currency. Iraqi banks that are currently restricted are thinking about offering a variety of products in the local environment, and I believe that they will achieve higher profits than they used to obtain from the dollar."  LINK

In Today's Auction, The Iraqi Central Bank Sold More Than $240 Million

Economy News – Baghdad  The Central Bank of Iraq announced, on Tuesday, its sales of hard currency, amounting to more than 241 million dollars in today’s transactions, according to the official rate of 1310.

The bank's data showed that the total cash withdrawals amounted to $21,980,000, while the total amounts of transfers abroad, which include remittances and credits, amounted to $219,830,397, while the total sale amounted to $241,810,397. 110 views 02/13/2024 -

Oil Prices Recorded Stability In Early Trading 

Economy | 08:36 - 02/13/2024  Mawazine News – Baghdad  Today, Tuesday, oil prices recorded stability for the second day in a row, as uncertainty about the pace of possible cuts in US interest rates and their impact on fuel demand, and concerns about tensions in the Middle East that may disrupt supplies, were dispelled.

Brent crude futures fell one cent to $81.99 per barrel, and US West Texas Intermediate crude rose one cent to $76.93 per barrel.

Oil prices were close to stability in Monday's trading as well. After rising 6% last week.

The Federal Reserve Bank of New York stated that “its consumer expectations survey conducted in January showed that inflation expectations did not change above the Federal Reserve’s target rate of 2%.”

If concerns about inflation delay interest rate cuts by the Federal Reserve. This may lead to a decrease in demand for oil. By slowing economic growth.

Stability Of Dollar Exchange Rates In Iraq

Economy  Tuesday, February 13, 2024 Baghdad/National News Center   The exchange rates of the US dollar against the Iraqi dinar stabilized today, Tuesday, with the opening of the Al-Kifah and Al-Harithiya stock exchanges in Baghdad, where they recorded 152,250 Iraqi dinars against 100 dollars, which are the same prices that were recorded yesterday, Monday.

The selling price in money exchange shops in local markets in Baghdad reached 153,250 Iraqi dinars, while the purchasing price reached 152,250 dinars per 100 dollars.


To read more current and reliable Iraqi news please visit BondLady’s Corner: 


Points To Ponder on Anxiety about the Future

One of the marks of a gift is to have the courage of it.  - Katherine Anne Porter

Part of being a champ is acting like a champ. You have to learn how to win and not run away when you lose. Everyone has bad stretches and real successes.  - Nancy Kerrigan

Fear of success can also be tied into the idea that success means someone else's loss. Some people are unconsciously guilty because they believe their victories are coming at the expense of another.  - Joan C. Harvey

Most people are afraid of failing. I think there's nothing wrong in failing.  - Mark N. Cohen

True success is overcoming the fear of being unsuccessful. - Paul Sweeney

I'm afraid of being lazy and complacent. I'm afraid of taking myself too seriously.  - Barbara Hershey 

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Economics, Gold and Silver, Goldilocks, News DINARRECAPS8 Economics, Gold and Silver, Goldilocks, News DINARRECAPS8

Goldilocks' Comments and Global Economic News Tuesday Evening 2-13-24

Goldilocks' Comments and Global Economic News Tuesday Evening 2-13-24

Good Evening Dinar Recaps,

"Over 44 Million Contracts Deployed to Ethereum Since Genesis: Research." This is on the Ethereum platform alone. These numbers were accumulated back in 2022, and many have been employed since that time on several other platforms.

Remember, smart contracts secure agreements being capable of fulfillment on both sides of a trade. Just recently, Cardano has already added over 5,000 contracts just this month. These smart contracts are continuing to expand as we approach Protocol 20 where Quantum Technologies from around the world will begin to populate their Networks and interface tokenized assets.

These tokenized assets will need payment systems such as stablecoins to pay for their use. These stablecoins will create money velocity adding value to a country's currencies being exchanged on the QFS.

As of last September, over 200 different stablecoins have been minted. Many of these are in process of being regulated at this time.

Goldilocks' Comments and Global Economic News Tuesday Evening 2-13-24

Good Evening Dinar Recaps,

"Over 44 Million Contracts Deployed to Ethereum Since Genesis: Research." This is on the Ethereum platform alone. These numbers were accumulated back in 2022, and many have been employed since that time on several other platforms.

Remember, smart contracts secure agreements being capable of fulfillment on both sides of a trade. Just recently, Cardano has already added over 5,000 contracts just this month. These smart contracts are continuing to expand as we approach Protocol 20 where Quantum Technologies from around the world will begin to populate their Networks and interface tokenized assets.

These tokenized assets will need payment systems such as stablecoins to pay for their use. These stablecoins will create money velocity adding value to a country's currencies being exchanged on the QFS.

As of last September, over 200 different stablecoins have been minted. Many of these are in process of being regulated at this time.

From many of the reports I have read, the housing market is expected to put a squeeze on liquidity in March and going forward. It will begin to create price pressures on gold that backs the tokens being minted on the QFS.

The timing of the old system leaving and the new one coming into play is uncanny. This synchronized event will create much volatility in the coming months. Don't forget, we will all be going through this transition together.

© Goldilocks


"UAE now among top 3 global hubs for finance, Standard Chartered CEO tells World Governments Summit in Dubai.

Dubai’s connector role is crucial when trade flows are fundamentally changing. The trade flow between Asia to South Asia and the Middle East, including China, becomes critically important,” said Winters while speaking on the first day of the Summit."

The rerouting of trade flows which comprise 70% of trades that happen in the world are becoming hot topics of opportunity and growth in the Eastern half of our world.

The ability to foster trade relations utilizing local currencies between nations building digital foundations in the area of finance is formulating new bilateral trade relationships involving exchange rate pressures on currencies not utilized in a long time.   Gulf News

Watch the water.

© Goldilocks


"The Markets in Crypto-Assets (MiCA) regulation is a landmark framework created by the European Commission (EC) that focuses on maintaining financial stability."

The European Commission is currently in process of classifying stablecoins. A paper is being proposed that will outline and protect certain criteria to inform banking systems they trade with of the dangers and benefits of moving forward with this new digital product.

Stablecoins are currently in review and looking to be regulated in the near term among many nations around the world. Some of these stablecoins will require more support than others at the beginning stages of this process.

Working to achieve a Level Playing Field is the purpose of this proposal, but outlining a process is a start into a new direction we have not reached until this point. Digitizing the Forex Market is an idea whose time has come.   Ledger Insights   Investopedia

© Goldilocks

The Vote

On the day of the vote, the network's validators will cast their votes, and if they approve the upgrade, the Stellar network will immediately switch from Protocol 19 to Protocol 20.

After more than two years of technical discussions, hundreds of thousands of lines of code, and over 150 projects (that we know of) deployed on Testnet, the upgrade will mark the era of a new Stellar smart contracts tech stack, one that delivers productivity through a batteries-included developer experience built to scale.

However, unlike an immediate zero to 100 rollout, validators are opting to increase capacity for Soroban transactions on Mainnet through a phased approach. The limited capacity for Soroban transactions on Mainnet means that Soroban dapps won’t be ready for use at scale until later phases.

This deliberate strategy will allow network participants to monitor smart contract functionality's impact on network performance, security, and stability. As we progress through the phases, ledger limits for Soroban transactions will increase, ultimately building up to full capacity worthy of builders and users alike.

To be clear, these phases and the accompanying limits apply to smart contract functionality only. Limits on transactions that make use of existing Stellar operations won't be impacted, which means existing applications will continue uninterrupted.   Stellar


Crypto is decoupling from the markets. Usually crypto goes down with the markets to the same percentage levels.

Today, crypto did not go down nearly as far as the markets did when they dropped.

This is an indicator of where money is going and who is creating support levels for the two sets of markets that are currently integrating themselves together.

© Goldilocks


Crypto Announcement:

The demand for Bitcoin is currently outpacing supply. This is an indicator regarding price pressures that are about to be put on the crypto markets. When demand outpaces supply, you have rising prices for the asset not able to keep up with demand.   Coindesk

© Goldilocks


Great potential for Vietnam – UK future cooperation: Ambassador Iain Frew |  Vov VN


Venezuela increasingly becoming immune to US sanctions | Al Mayadeen 


How many smart contracts on Ethereum? How do Ethereum smart contracts work? - Bitkan


Rising Sales of Electric Vehicles and Growing Emphasis on Safety to Surge Brake System Market at 5.4% CAGR by 2034 | Future Market Insights, Inc. |  ForexTV


Instant Debit Payments: The Next Phase of Real-Time Payments - PaymentsJournal


Fednow Banking Announcement:

Local banks and credit unions are beginning to implement FedNow, a service provided by the Federal Reserve Bank of the United States to allow the transfer of funds from one institution to another in a matter of seconds. |  BizJournals

India's Forex Announcement:

India’s forex reserves jumped $5.736 billion to $622.469 billion for the week ended February 2, according to the latest RBI data. In the previous week, the overall reserves had increased by $591 million to $616.733 billion.   Office Newz


Estate Planning: Monitoring and Protecting Assets Online - TechBullion


Senate passed $95 billion foreign aid overnight for U-kran, IS-RA-EL, Ti-wan.

Markets are adjusting...


Watch Out!! New CBDC System Could End The US Dollar! | YouTube


Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDCs) are being explored by several countries and central banks for potential use on the Ethereum blockchain platform. Using Ethereum for CBDCs offers benefits such as enhanced security, transparency, efficient cross-border transactions, and programmable money.   Oct 6, 2023 -- Doubloin

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Economics, News Dinar Recaps 20 Economics, News Dinar Recaps 20

"Tidbits From TNT" Tuesday 2-13-2024


Tishwash:  With a value of 500 billion dollars.. Iraq offers new investment opportunities to stimulate the economy in the country

The investment graph in Iraq has recently increased to reach $300 billion thanks to new legal amendments aimed at expanding the roles of productive sectors in accordance with the national development plan extending from the year 2024 to the year 2028 for the purpose of reducing dependence on oil revenues to support the country’s general financial budget.

The investment law in Iraq offers some advantages, the most notable of which is that the investor owns government real estate as well as leasing the project lands for 50 years, with tax and customs exemptions and the freedom to transfer money in addition to the possibility of trading in the Iraqi stock market.  link


Tishwash:  With a value of 500 billion dollars.. Iraq offers new investment opportunities to stimulate the economy in the country

The investment graph in Iraq has recently increased to reach $300 billion thanks to new legal amendments aimed at expanding the roles of productive sectors in accordance with the national development plan extending from the year 2024 to the year 2028 for the purpose of reducing dependence on oil revenues to support the country’s general financial budget.

The investment law in Iraq offers some advantages, the most notable of which is that the investor owns government real estate as well as leasing the project lands for 50 years, with tax and customs exemptions and the freedom to transfer money in addition to the possibility of trading in the Iraqi stock market.  link

CandyKisses:  Sudanese: We Are Facing A Merit To End The Existence Of The International Coalition

Prime Minister Mohammed Shia al-Sudani confirmed on Thursday that there is a merit to end the presence of the international coalition in Iraq.

Al-Sudani said in a speech during his visit to the strategic Wadi al-Tharthar line, extending from the Salah al-Din desert to western Nineveh, and followed by Earth News: "We are facing an entitlement to end the presence of the international coalition, and after the completion of the tasks of the international coalition, the possibility must be provided to address the kinks, if any."

He added: "All outlets that the terrorist thinks of causing a security disruption must be cut off."

The Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces, Mohammed Shia al-Sudani, had issued directives on Monday during his visit to military units.


CandyKisses:  Al-Sudani's Advisor Talks About The Post-Coalition Phase. This Is What He Revealed

The media adviser to the prime minister spoke very briefly about the resumption of negotiations between Baghdad and Washington on the future of the military presence, and says that Iraq is ready for this stage, especially since the "body language" of the Iraqi fighter shows a "great readiness" to fill the vacuum.

Hussein Allawi said in a televised interview followed by Earth News, "What is said about the international coalition will leave a vacuum, this is not true, we have relations with NATO and relations with the quadripartite alliance, and what we will do is return the state to the stage before the fall of Mosul, any normal relations, governed by bilateral relations, whether with America or Britain, and with all the countries of the international coalition in light of strategic agreements, whether the strategic framework agreement or an agreement with the United Kingdom."

He added: "This is what we witnessed two sessions of the Council of Ministers, as the Foreign Minister was authorized to develop an agreement with the United Kingdom for strategic cooperation in various fields, including defense," noting that "the military committee evaluates 3 basic technical and military points, namely assessing the terrorist threat of ISIS, discussing the combat readiness of the Iraqi armed forces, and setting a timetable for ending the presence of the international coalition in Iraqi territory."

He continued: We are now moving to the process of organizing the Iraqi armed forces, in a normal way and focusing on readiness and combat readiness, and this is what the Sudanese will work on, and this is related to 3 issues.

1. Armament level.

2. Level of spending.

3. Morale level.

Today, you notice that the body language of the Iraqi fighter in all our forces shows a high readiness to confront terrorism, crime and security challenges."


Tishwash:  The French ambassador informs the Sudanese of Macron's desire to visit Iraq as soon as possible

Today, Tuesday, Prime Minister Muhammad Shiaa Al-Sudani discussed with the new French Ambassador to Iraq, Patrick Durel, aspects of bilateral relations, ways to develop them, and means of strengthening the partnership between the two friendly countries.

Al-Sudani described, according to a statement from his office, a copy of which {Al-Furat News} received, "relations with France as distinguished," pointing to "a number of important economic contracts in the oil and defense fields, which constitute an important foundation for moving forward on the path of bilateral cooperation."

The Prime Minister reiterated Iraq's position on the presence of the international coalition on Iraqi soil, as well as the development and improvement in the capabilities of the Iraqi forces, and the disappearance of the threat posed by ISIS remnants to security, explaining Iraq's desire to move to a bilateral relationship with the member states of the coalition.

Al-Sudani touched on the continued aggression in Gaza and the threat it poses to security and stability throughout the Middle East and the region, indicating the need for France, the major powers and the international community to take a firm and responsible stance to protect the Palestinian people, who are being subjected to inhumane genocide.

For his part, the French ambassador conveyed to the Sudanese the greetings of President Emmanuel Macron, his desire to visit Iraq as soon as possible, and the French government’s confirmation of working to strengthen memorandums of understanding with Iraq and bilateral coordination with regard to the work of the French advisors and their mission in support of the Iraqi security forces.   link

Mot:  .. dang!!! -- that was Fast

Mot:  ... Wrote a Special Poem

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Iraqi News Highlights and Points to Ponder Tuesday AM 2-13-24

Iraqi News Highlights and Points to Ponder Tuesday AM 2-13-24

The Finance Committee Sets The Date For The 2024 Budget Schedules To Reach Parliament

Economy News – Baghdad  The Parliamentary Finance Committee announced on Tuesday that the government will send amendments to the 2014 budget schedules to Parliament within a period not exceeding ten days, stressing that it will study these amendments as soon as they reach the committee with the aim of submitting them for approval by the House of Representatives.

Committee member, Moeen Al-Kazemi, said in an interview followed by Al-Eqtisad News, “The government is currently putting the final touches to the amendments it made to the budget schedules through an increase in ration allocations, oil production costs, and an increase in social welfare allocations and others.”

He added, "The government will send the amendments to the 2024 budget schedules to Parliament within a period not exceeding ten days," noting that "the Finance Committee will study these amendments as soon as they reach the committee, with the aim of submitting them for approval by the House of Representatives."

Iraqi News Highlights and Points to Ponder Tuesday AM 2-13-24

The Finance Committee Sets The Date For The 2024 Budget Schedules To Reach Parliament

Economy News – Baghdad  The Parliamentary Finance Committee announced on Tuesday that the government will send amendments to the 2014 budget schedules to Parliament within a period not exceeding ten days, stressing that it will study these amendments as soon as they reach the committee with the aim of submitting them for approval by the House of Representatives.

Committee member, Moeen Al-Kazemi, said in an interview followed by Al-Eqtisad News, “The government is currently putting the final touches to the amendments it made to the budget schedules through an increase in ration allocations, oil production costs, and an increase in social welfare allocations and others.”

He added, "The government will send the amendments to the 2024 budget schedules to Parliament within a period not exceeding ten days," noting that "the Finance Committee will study these amendments as soon as they reach the committee, with the aim of submitting them for approval by the House of Representatives."

It is noteworthy that the Finance Committee discussed with the Minister of Finance, Taif Sami, earlier, and the committee heard the problems facing the ministry in preparing the budget schedules for the year 2024, and the plan prepared to fill the deficit, and the interventions of the Finance Committee members included the allocations for governorate projects and how to include them in the 2024 budget schedules.  Views 41 02/13/2024 -

Expected Amendments To The Federal Budget...Appointments And Confirmations In Accordance With This Principle

Baghdad today - Tuesday (February 13, 2024), Member of Parliament Ahmed Taha Al-Rubaie revealed new details related to the amendments expected to occur in the financial budget for the current year, while noting that they include job grades and confirmation of contractors.

Al-Rubaie told "Baghdad Today", "The ministries have begun preparing the tables that they want to be included in the 2024 budget for the purpose of continuing to include them on the agenda for passage," indicating that "the budget needs an amendment appendix through texts and tables."

Al-Rubaie explained that “the deletion of job grades may be stopped in order to create appointments according to the grades of deletion and creation, in addition to continuing to confirm those who have completed two years of work as a contract, following the example of those who were previously confirmed.”

On (February 1, 2024), the Parliamentary Finance Committee revealed the latest developments in the financial budget for the year 2024, while indicating that it would rise to 206 trillion dinars instead of 199 trillion dinars .

Committee member Mustafa Al-Karaawi told the official agency, “Article 77/Second of the Tripartite Federal Budget Law for the years 2023, 2024, and 2025 stipulates that the House of Representatives will be provided with updated tables for the 2024 budget in order to discuss the file of increase or decrease in the file of financial allocations according to expected revenues and according to the price of oil.” Installer " .

He added, "The schedules are still being prepared in the Council of Ministers in preparation for approval, and the House of Representatives will begin discussing the budget after it arrives from the government. We believe that transmission must be accelerated because the delay may restrict the disbursement of operational and investment budgets in the coming days," noting, "Disbursement is now limited to salaries." employees and their benefits directly .  ”

Al-Karaawi stressed that “the issue of updating the tables depends on the oil market and the quantities exported, on the basis of which the expected revenues will be calculated, and it is based on the size of expenditures and the percentage of the deficit,” pointing out that “there is a point of view that occurred in the 2023 budget according to the quantities that were spent and how to deal with it.”

The deficit and revenues achieved, and it is assumed that there will be a growth in expenditures given that there is a growth in the operating budget, and there are contracts concluded in 2023 that have not been disbursed yet and must be added in the next budget .  ”

Regarding the appointments, he explained that they “may include contracts, firsts, holders of advanced degrees, and governorate contracts for the 150,000 degrees that have not been implemented yet and which were transferred to the 2024 budget.”  LINK

Won By A Kuwaiti Company.. An International Lawsuit Fines The Kurdistan Region Nearly 500 Million Dollars

Arab and international  Economy News – Baghdad  The Nullification Committee of the International Arbitration Tribunal of the International Center for Settlement of Investment Disputes supported, by a majority, Agility’s appeal of the original arbitration decision while partially invalidating it, which confirms “Agility’s” right to file a claim again against the Iraqi government.

The disqualification panel agreed with Agility's defense that the original arbitration panel had wrongly shielded the actions of the Government of Iraq from scrutiny, and therefore did not consider whether the actions and omissions of the Government of Iraq violated the terms of protection afforded to Agility under the Kuwaiti Bilateral Investment Agreement. And Iraq.

Accordingly, and as a result of the original arbitral tribunal's failure to state the reasons on which it based its decision, it had committed a voidable error pursuant to Article 52 (1) (b), as well as Article 52 (1) (e) of the International Center for Settlement Convention. Investment disputes.

The committee stated that: “By focusing only on confiscation claims that arise solely as a result of the faithful implementation of the CMC order, the arbitral tribunal has failed to address or examine the manner in which the Government of Iraq has implemented the CMC order and, therefore, has grossly exceeded its authority.” "Superior."

The Committee commented helpfully with the following: “The Committee considers that this finding is reinforced by the fact that the failure to exercise jurisdiction to determine consistency with the provisions of the Kuwait-Iraq Bilateral Investment Agreement in relation to the expropriation claims also had multiplier effects on the other claims brought by the Company ( Agility, which ultimately led to none of them being resolved.”

As a result of this decision, Agility will now have the opportunity to re-file its claims before a newly formed arbitration panel at the International Center for Settlement of Investment Disputes that will determine Agility’s claims related to Iraq’s expropriation of the company’s investments, and its failure to grant Agility fair and equitable treatment. And its failure to give the company full protection and guarantee as required under the bilateral investment agreement between Kuwait and Iraq.

Following the issuance of the final annulment decision, Agility reported: “Three years ago, it was clear that the ICSID Arbitration Tribunal had failed. It has protected the actions of the Government of Iraq from any audit procedures, which clearly violates the basic guarantees against confiscation and unfair and inequitable behavior stipulated in the Bilateral Investment Agreement between Kuwait and Iraq, protection from which Agility benefited.

We are aware that less than 5 percent of arbitration awards related to the Kuwait-Iraq Bilateral Investment Agreement have been invalidated, and we are very grateful to Professor Ricardo Ramirez (Chair) and Professor Hai Tak Shin for their courage in invalidating this false patent.”

Assignment of an expert

On the other hand, Alcazar Capital Partners, a subsidiary of Lagility, filed suit No. 8228/21 Commercial Total 5, the subject of which is the assignment of an expert to settle the account regarding a sovereign guarantee issued in its favor by the Government of Kurdistan, on the basis of the statement that it was dated September 11, 2007. The Kurdistan Regional Government of Iraq provided Alcazar Capital Partners with a guarantee to guarantee a loan worth $250 million (about 75 million dinars), plus interest at 7 percent annually, which Alcazar Capital Partners provided to Korek Telecom, to be used for the purpose stated in the guarantee.

This is to finance the payment of the second installment of the price of the national mobile phone license covering Iraqi territory, which the aforementioned company won.

It is stated in the core of the guarantee provided by the Kurdistan Regional Government of Iraq that the guarantee provided by it, individually or jointly with “Korek Telecom”, gives the absolute right to “Alcazar Capital Partners” to have recourse against the Kurdistan Regional Government of Iraq individually, and it is alone with the company that guaranteed it under the guarantee. As stated above, as long as it is agreed at the core of the guarantee to return to the guarantor alone.

“Agility” requested its entry before the Court of Appeal with “Alcazar Capital Partners,” joining its request from the court to oblige the first respondent (the Kurdistan Regional Government) to pay to the appellant (Alcazar Capital Partners) the amount of $490.077 million, the value of the loan and the legal interest from the date of the loan and the letter of guarantee.

Sovereignty dated September 11, 2007, obligating it to pay any new interest at the rate of 7 percent until full payment, while obligating it to pay expenses and 200 dinars in exchange for the actual attorney’s fees for the two levels of litigation. “Agility” reported that the decision of the Court of Appeal came in favor of “Alcazar Capital Partners,” as The text of the appeal ruling, as issued by the court, is as follows:

First: Accepting the appeal in form.

Second: Accepting Agility’s intervention in public warehouses in form.

Third: Regarding the subject of the appeal, canceling the appealed ruling (the ruling of the first instance, which ruled to reject the case and obligating the plaintiff company “Alcazar Capital Partners” to pay its expenses, and 10 dinars for attorney’s fees), and obliging the first respondent (the Kurdistan Regional Government) to pay the appellant (Alcazar Capital Partners) The amount of $490.077 million (about 149.4 million dinars), the value of the loan and the legal interest from the date of the loan and the sovereign guarantee letter dated September 11, 2007, obligating it to pay any new interest at the rate of 7 percent until full payment, while obligating it to pay expenses and 200 dinars for the actual attorney’s fees for the two levels of litigation. .

Agility noted that “the Court of Cassation recently issued its ruling in favor of Alcazar Capital Partners by rejecting the appeal filed by the Kurdistan Regional Government against the appeal ruling, and thus the ruling became final in favor of Alcazar Capital Partners.”

In addition, Alcazar Capital Partners, a subsidiary of Agility, filed a lawsuit to settle the account regarding a sovereign guarantee issued in its favor by the Kurdistan Government, based on the statement that on 9/11/2007, the Kurdistan Regional Government of Iraq submitted to Alcazar Company Capital Partners is a guarantee to guarantee a loan worth two hundred and fifty million dollars, plus interest at the rate of 7% annually, provided by Alcazar Capital Partners to Korek Telecom, a company established in accordance with the laws of the State of Iraq and registered in the Kurdistan region, to be used for the purpose stated in the text.

The guarantee is to finance the payment of the second installment of the price of the national mobile phone license covering Iraqi territory, which was won by the aforementioned company.

It is stated in the core of the guarantee provided by the Iraqi Kurdistan Regional Government that the guarantee is provided by it alone or jointly with Korek Telecom, and this gives Alcazar Capital Partners the absolute right to have recourse against the Iraqi Kurdistan Regional Government individually.

Alcazar Capital Partners requested that the Experts Department at the Ministry of Justice assign one of its specialized experts to review the case file and the documents it contains and to report on the value of the amounts owed to the company by the Iraqi Kurdistan Regional Government, which is the principal of the loan and its accumulated interest at the fixed interest rate in the body of the surety bond of the lawsuit, from the date of Granting the loan and guarantee obtained on September 11, 2007 until full payment, in addition to fees, expenses, and actual attorney’s fees.

Agility requested its entry before the Court of Appeal with Alcazar Capital Partners, joining its request from the court to oblige the first respondent (the Kurdistan Regional Government) to pay the appellant (Alcazar Capital Partners) an amount of $490,077 million and the legal interest from the date of the loan and the sovereign guarantee letter dated 11 /9/2007 and obligating it to pay any new interest at the rate of 7% until full payment, while obligating it to pay expenses and two hundred Kuwaiti dinars in exchange for the actual attorney’s fees for the two levels of litigation. 227 views 02/13/2024 -

Due To The Rise In Exchange Rates...A Parliamentary Movement To Speed Up The Approval Of The “Salary Scale”

Economy News – Baghdad  Independent MP Nazem Al-Shibli stressed today, Tuesday, the necessity of accelerating the approval of the new salary scale to address fluctuations in prices due to the continuous rise in the exchange rate of the dollar against the local currency.

Al-Shibli said in an interview followed by Al-Iqtisad News, “There is a parliamentary move to accelerate the completion and approval of the new salary scale to raise the salaries of those with lower grades, improve their living conditions, and confront fluctuations in market prices.”

He added, "The government must explain the steps it has taken regarding amending the salary scale for state employees, which will contribute to achieving social justice."

Al-Shibli pointed out that "there is a large disparity in salaries within the same category in state ministries, despite the similarity of working hours."

Most employees in state departments are still awaiting a decision from the government regarding the new salary scale, especially after many parliamentary requests to prepare the scale to achieve justice among employees in various ministries.

The Presidency's Media Department denied what was broadcast by one of the channels about President Abdel Latif Gamal Rachid submitting a request to visit America, describing the widespread information as "misleading", stressing that it has nothing to do with reality.

Views 81 02/13/2024 -

Points To Ponder on Anxiety about the Future:

Needless fear and panic over disease or misfortune that seldom materialize are simply bad habits. By proper ventilation and illumination of the mind it is possible to cultivate tolerance, poise and real courage.- Elie Metchnikoff

Nothing in life is to be feared. It is only to be understood. - Marie Curie

We have to start teaching ourselves not to be afraid.  - William Faulkner

Victory over fear is the first spiritual duty of man. - Nicholas Berdyaev

I am not afraid of storms, for I am learning how to sail my ship.  - Louisa May Alcott

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Militiaman, News Dinar Recaps 20 Militiaman, News Dinar Recaps 20

MilitiaMan: Iraqi Dinar Update - Iraqi Currency - World 2024 Summit - Al-Sudani - At home - The Peoples Man

Iraqi Dinar Update - Iraqi Currency - World 2024 Summit - Al-Sudani - At home - The Peoples Man

MilitiaMan and Crew:  2-12-2024

The Crew:  Samson, PompeyPeter, Petra, Angel1,  Daytrader, Sunkissed, GIGI and Militia Man

Be sure to listen to full video for all the news……..

Iraqi Dinar Update - Iraqi Currency - World 2024 Summit - Al-Sudani - At home - The Peoples Man

MilitiaMan and Crew:  2-12-2024

The Crew:  Samson, PompeyPeter, Petra, Angel1,  Daytrader, Sunkissed, GIGI and Militia Man

Be sure to listen to full video for all the news…….


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Economics, Gold and Silver, Goldilocks, News DINARRECAPS8 Economics, Gold and Silver, Goldilocks, News DINARRECAPS8

Goldilocks' Comments and Global Economic News Monday Evening 2-12-24

Goldilocks' Comments and Global Economic News Monday Evening 2-12-24

Good Evening Dinar Recaps,

Viet Nam’s exports surge 42% in January

"Việt Nam’s exports reached nearly US$33.6 billion in January, a 42 percent surge over the same period last year and the highest level since April 2022.

According to a report by the Ministry of Industry and Trade, Việt Nam’s total imports and exports of goods in the first month they surpassed $64 billion, up 38 percent year-on-year.

The surge in exports was mainly driven by the agriculture-forestry-fisheries, and processing industries, which increased nearly 97 percent and 38 percent, respectively."

These numbers are significant increases, but the one number that is the most encouraging is coming from their "process industry."

Companies that extract, transport, and process raw materials for manufacturing semi-finished or high-quality end products such as physical, mechanical, and/or chemical processes are classified as process industries.

This significant increase in demand for this particular industry indicates an ongoing service that can be provided to the Global economy. The increase in their goods and services will begin to increase price pressures on their currency to meet these demands through digitized payment systems.

© Goldilocks

Source: VNA/SGT/VNS/VOV/Dtinews/SGGP/VGP/Hanoitimes


Goldilocks' Comments and Global Economic News Monday Evening 2-12-24

Good Evening Dinar Recaps,

Viet Nam’s exports surge 42% in January

"Việt Nam’s exports reached nearly US$33.6 billion in January, a 42 percent surge over the same period last year and the highest level since April 2022.

According to a report by the Ministry of Industry and Trade, Việt Nam’s total imports and exports of goods in the first month they surpassed $64 billion, up 38 percent year-on-year.

The surge in exports was mainly driven by the agriculture-forestry-fisheries, and processing industries, which increased nearly 97 percent and 38 percent, respectively."

These numbers are significant increases, but the one number that is the most encouraging is coming from their "process industry."

Companies that extract, transport, and process raw materials for manufacturing semi-finished or high-quality end products such as physical, mechanical, and/or chemical processes are classified as process industries.

This significant increase in demand for this particular industry indicates an ongoing service that can be provided to the Global economy. The increase in their goods and services will begin to increase price pressures on their currency to meet these demands through digitized payment systems.

© Goldilocks

Source: VNA/SGT/VNS/VOV/Dtinews/SGGP/VGP/Hanoitimes


12:58 Baghdad – 964 The Securities Commission announced on Monday that the acceptance of cash payments is through electronic payment methods only, while revealing a trend to list electronic payment companies on the stock market.   Search 4 Dinar


It is the future demand for US Treasuries being used as a debt instrument by other countries that is the concern for the US dollar going forward.

The lower demand for the US dollar to be used as a World Reserve Asset will force the Federal Reserve to engage in quantitative easing or the lowering of interest rates to produce more purchasing power on our currency.

Current price distortions between the US dollar and other currencies utilizing their own resources and purchasing power through the use of their own local currencies will begin the process of leveling the playing field in a Global Currency Reset.

Through the use of tokenized assets utilizing gold/local currency opportunities for countries around the world will establish new demands inside the new digital asset-based trading system. 

It is a process that is currently underway and about to shift into much higher gear as we approach the end of this month.   WTOP Radio

© Goldilocks


"The renewables bubble has burst | The Spectator"

The movement from oil to solar power and electronic vehicles has begun. This transition has redirected much monetary supply into new directions and towards clean energy.

This transition is ongoing, and it will take some time. It is causing distortions in oil prices and the redirecting of new local currencies aligning themselves with this transition is causing new speculation prices on oil and energy.

Look for free-floating rates to begin as we transition from oil to solar power and other energy sectors of the market paving the way into new developments inside a digital economy.

© Goldilocks


A Goldilocks Economy represents an idea whose time has come. We are currently adjusting Payment Systems and Global Economies seeking out price patterns that will allow us to move into the future with systematic digital protocols that will align our Global Economy with numbers we can grow from going forward.

Just like the story of Goldilocks and the Three Bears, we are looking for value adjustments that are "just right." Our entire Financial System around the Globe is just simply looking for a home. As we journey through this transition, the place we live will be determined by real values and real numbers paved with streets of gold.

© Goldilocks


The Chinese Yuan just replaced the US Dollar in foreign currency trades for Russia.
In just the last 2 years, the Yuan was used less than 1% to now over 34%.

© Goldilocks


The world needs more copper.
This will be one of the biggest stories in the years ahead.


👆  Goldilocks pointed to this article




Here it comes…
It always starts with one.



Zimbabwe’s Government Considers Using Gold to Back Its Currency | Bloomberg


Zimbabwe to link exchange rate to hard assets which includes gold.

People laugh at the country but don't grasp the blueprint.
It is starting…



Ripple says it’s planning to expand its payments business in the U.S.
Right now, 90% of the blockchain company’s business is based outside the U.S., Ripple senior director and head of product marketing, W. Oliver Segovia, said on LinkedIn last week.

“After being relatively quiet for the past 3 years in the US for Ripple Payments, we’re geared up to announce new product updates powered by our money transmitter licenses (MTLs) that cover the majority of US states,” Segovia wrote.   Pymnts


Is a Recession Imminent? The Fed's Leading Indicator, Which Hasn't Been Wrong Since 1966, Offers a Clear Answer. | Fool Investing


The $2 Trillion in Goods the US Exported in 2023: Led by Energy Products, Capital Goods, Pharmaceuticals, and Automotive | Wolf Street


Even Banks in Asia-Pacific (APAC) on the Hook for US Office CRE: Fitch | Wolf Street


Acting Comptroller Discusses Bank Mergers  | YouTube 


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Iraq Economic News and Points to Ponder Monday Afternoon 2-12-24

 Iraq Economic News and Points to Ponder Monday Afternoon 2-12-24

Tlm724 Administrator Bondlady’s Corner

Saleh: Iraq Is Experiencing High Price Stability And The Decline Of Parallel Market Noise

Time: 02/12/2024 15:02:46 Read: 949 times  {Economic: Al-Furat News} The financial advisor to the Prime Minister, Mazhar Muhammad Salih, confirmed that Iraq “is experiencing a state of price stability.”

Saleh told Al-Furat News Agency: “The country is experiencing a high state of stability at all price levels, whether in terms of the general level of prices and low inflation growth rates, or in terms of the broad influence of the central exchange market and the foreign currency window in stabilizing the commodity supply prices of goods imported into the country and integrating “The capabilities of the official central exchange market in providing broad financing to the private sector at the fixed exchange rate for foreign trade of 1,320 dinars per dollar.”

He pointed to "high flexibility, whether in applying compliance procedures or in methods of external transfer in various currencies, which has begun to affect the decline of the parallel market and reduce the level of price noise that it previously caused on price stability."   LINK

 Iraq Economic News and Points to Ponder Monday Afternoon 2-12-24

Tlm724 Administrator Bondlady’s Corner

Saleh: Iraq Is Experiencing High Price Stability And The Decline Of Parallel Market Noise

Time: 02/12/2024 15:02:46 Read: 949 times  {Economic: Al-Furat News} The financial advisor to the Prime Minister, Mazhar Muhammad Salih, confirmed that Iraq “is experiencing a state of price stability.”

Saleh told Al-Furat News Agency: “The country is experiencing a high state of stability at all price levels, whether in terms of the general level of prices and low inflation growth rates, or in terms of the broad influence of the central exchange market and the foreign currency window in stabilizing the commodity supply prices of goods imported into the country and integrating “The capabilities of the official central exchange market in providing broad financing to the private sector at the fixed exchange rate for foreign trade of 1,320 dinars per dollar.”

He pointed to "high flexibility, whether in applying compliance procedures or in methods of external transfer in various currencies, which has begun to affect the decline of the parallel market and reduce the level of price noise that it previously caused on price stability."   LINK

Economist: The Window For Selling The Currency Ends In 2024, And The Central Bank Will Devote Itself To Supervision

Time: 02/12/2024 20:44:48 Read: 234 times  {Economic: Al-Furat News} The economic expert, Abdul Rahman Al-Sheikhli, confirmed today, Monday, the end of the window for selling the currency during 2024, and the Central Bank will devote itself to supervision.

Al-Sheikhli said {to Al-Furat News} that: “The window for selling the currency is about to end during the year 2024, and cash sales are now few in relation to remittances, and there are more than 200 million dollars transferred for the purposes of importing goods from abroad according to the method of documentary credits, and this process excludes many problems.”

He added, "The Central Bank of Iraq decided to end the currency window process and adopt correspondent banks as an alternative. There will be a new mechanism to provide currency for transfers without returning to the currency window or the electronic platform." 

Al-Sheikhly believes, “This mechanism will save a lot of effort and external relations. Therefore, the Central Bank will devote itself to the role of supervision and auditing and not enhancing the balances. It will also absolve itself of responsibility for the import process according to its law.”

He added, "There will be more than one external correspondent bank in different currencies according to the trade imported from the source. This will eliminate the problems, the most prominent of which is the process of leakage of funds from the Central Bank and banks to prohibited parties."  LINK

Dollar Exchange Rates Recorded A Slight Decline In Baghdad, Basra And Erbil

Monday 12, February 2024 11:26 | Economical Number of readings: 389  Baghdad / NINA / The exchange rates of the dollar against the dinar recorded a slight decrease on Monday morning in Baghdad, Basra and Erbil.  Below is a list of the dollar selling price:

$100 = 152,100 Baghdad

$100 = 152,350 Basra

$100 = 151,800 Erbil./End 9

An Economic Expert Expects The Dollar To Rise Before Ramadan

Time: 02/12/2024 16:33:00 Read: 1,118 times   {Economic: Al-Furat News} The economic expert, Ali Karim Idhib, expected today, Monday, that the dollar will rise before the holy month of Ramadan.

Idhib said {to Al-Furat News} that: “Despite the government measures and the Central Bank of Iraq to support the national currency, the reality is still different, as the exchange rates in the parallel market amount to 153 thousand dinars for every 100 dollars, while the official exchange rate is 132 thousand dinars.” ".

He added, "Which means there is a price difference of more than 20 thousand dinars. The reason for this lies in the limited supply of the US dollar and the difficulty of obtaining it by individuals or small merchants. This is what Baghdad seeks in a step to prevent smuggling and money laundering."

Idhib pointed out, "This step, despite its effectiveness, is somewhat harmful and has caused, as I said, a major shortage in the supply of the dollar, and the demand for it is increasing, especially with the demand of citizens during this period that is witnessing the disruption of official working hours and the departure of many Iraqis to travel to regions inside and outside Iraq."

He added, "In addition to the increase in purchasing power for shopping, as we are approaching the month of Ramadan, the market depends by up to 90 percent on imported dollars."

Idhib called for "implementing the policies adopted by the government of Muhammad Shiaa Al-Sudani, while liberalizing the factors for obtaining the dollar smoothly and according to certain ceilings for all citizens."

Selling prices in exchange shops in local markets in Baghdad today, Monday, reached 153,250 dinars, while purchasing prices reached 152,250 dinars.   LINK

Securities Commission: Accepting Cash Payments Exclusively Through Electronic Payment Methods

Money  and business  Economy News _ Baghdad  The Iraqi Securities Commission announced today, Monday, that cash payments are accepted through electronic payment methods, while revealing a trend to list electronic payment companies on the stock market.

The head of the authority, Faisal Al-Haims, said in an interview with the Iraqi News Agency, followed by Al-Iqtisad News, that “the authority represents supervisory bodies for the Iraqi securities market, and since the beginning of the Prime Minister’s directive to take steps to automate electronic payment and ongoing operations in the market in general, the authority has been working on Forming a working group to support this file.”

Al-Haims added, “The Authority has now stopped accepting cash payments except through electronic payment methods as revenues from the Securities Authority.”

He pointed out that "the market is currently heading to use this mechanism through intermediaries working in the Iraq Stock Exchange," noting that "electronic payment companies are not traded in the Iraq Stock Exchange, but there are companies in various other sectors, including banks, present in trading in the Iraq Stock Exchange." ".

He stressed that "there is a trend to list electronic payment companies on the Iraqi Stock Exchange during the current year."  Views 101 02/12/2024 -

To read more current and reliable Iraqi news please visit BondLady’s Corner: 


Points To Ponder on Anxiety about the Future

The thing we fear we bring to pass. - Elbert Hubbard

How often the fear of one evil leads into a worse.- Nicolas Bouleau-Despreaux

Fears are educated into us, and can, if we wish, be educated out.- Dr. Karl Menninger

Love is what we are born with. Fear is what we learn.- Marianne Williamson

Human beings are born with just two basic fears. One is the fear of loud noises. The other is the fear of falling. All other fears must be learned. - Ronald Rood

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Economics, News Dinar Recaps 20 Economics, News Dinar Recaps 20

"Tidbits From TNT" Monday 2-12-2024


Tishwash:  Iraqi ports participate in the Breakbulk Middle East 2024 exhibition in Dubai

The General Company for Iraqi Ports is participating in the (Break Bulk) Middle East 2024 exhibition, in Dubai, which continues until tomorrow, Tuesday.

The General Company for Ports stated in a statement: “The participation came with the aim of opening up to international companies, presenting investment opportunities in the Iraqi shipping sector, as well as introducing the large port of Al-Faw, and searching for competent international operators to cooperate in the field of shipping and unloading.”

She added: “The Breakbulk Middle East Exhibition is one of the most important occasions that brings together decision-makers and businessmen in the shipping and logistics services sector. It is a unique opportunity to communicate with major parties in the Middle East, East Asia and Africa and build cooperative relationships that support business growth.” .


Tishwash:  Iraqi ports participate in the Breakbulk Middle East 2024 exhibition in Dubai

The General Company for Iraqi Ports is participating in the (Break Bulk) Middle East 2024 exhibition, in Dubai, which continues until tomorrow, Tuesday.

The General Company for Ports stated in a statement: “The participation came with the aim of opening up to international companies, presenting investment opportunities in the Iraqi shipping sector, as well as introducing the large port of Al-Faw, and searching for competent international operators to cooperate in the field of shipping and unloading.”

She added: “The Breakbulk Middle East Exhibition is one of the most important occasions that brings together decision-makers and businessmen in the shipping and logistics services sector. It is a unique opportunity to communicate with major parties in the Middle East, East Asia and Africa and build cooperative relationships that support business growth.”

.She pointed out: “The exhibition will include discussion sessions and studies presented by the most prominent experts and regional and international companies in this sector.”  link

CandyKisses:  With the participation of 180 local and international companies. Launch of the "Energy of Iraq Nine" exhibition

Baghdad Today - Baghdad

Today, Monday (February 12, 2024), the activities of the Ninth Iraq Energy International Exhibition and Conference were launched on the grounds of the Baghdad International Fair with the participation of 180 local and international companies.

The media of the Ministry of Electricity said in a statement received by "Baghdad Today" that "in the presence of a high official, the activities of the ninth Iraq International Energy Exhibition and Conference were launched today on the grounds of the Baghdad International Fair, under the patronage of His Excellency Prime Minister Muhammad Shia Al-Sudani, and under the supervision of His Excellency Minister of Electricity Ziad Ali Fadel."

He explained that "more than 180 local and international companies specialized in energy affairs are participating in the exhibition, which will continue for the period from (12-14 / February / 2024).

He pointed out that "the Minister of Electricity, Ziad Ali Fadel, welcomed the companies participating in the exhibition in its ninth edition, and valued the efforts of those in charge of it," stressing "the Iraqi government's endeavor to build sustainable and reliable energy systems that take into account appropriate environmental standards."

According to the statement, the Minister of Electricity "presented a presentation of the Ministry's plans and projects within the government curriculum to raise the rates of electrical energy production by adding new production units, the efficiency of gas generating stations by switching from simple cycle to combined cycle, as well as improving the efficiency of the performance of gas stations by adding cooling systems, rehabilitation and long-term maintenance, as well as introducing renewable energy into the energy mix produced."

Fadel revealed "the Ministry's upcoming projects, the most important of which are the smart transformation in the electrical system, the application of smart networks and meters, and electronic payment systems for electricity use bills," noting that "the Ministry succeeded in achieving the highest production of electrical energy in its history during last summer, reaching (26,050) megawatts, and our technical teams are making great efforts to increase production during the next summer in the event that the stability of the required fuel supply is achieved."

The minister expressed his "optimism in completing the ministry's plans with the support and patronage of the Prime Minister, the rest of the ministries and cooperation with the national and foreign private sector."


Tishwash:  For fear of sanctions”.. Iraq wants the Americans to leave “calmly”, and the Sudanese is eager to authorize the blocs and factions

 Member of the House of Representatives, Ali Al-Lami, said today, Monday (February 12, 2024), that a comprehensive war is far from Iraq’s atmosphere at the present time, while indicating that containing the situation must include a consensus between the political blocs and the resistance factions to remove foreign forces.

Al-Lami explained to “Baghdad Today” that “the attacks launched by the armed factions on American targets in Iraq will not lead to a comprehensive war according to our vision, despite the presence of a reaction from time to time,” pointing out that “the events in Gaza have direct repercussions on the general situation, and the examples are not many.” In our country and other regions."

He added, "Our view of containing the situation includes a main point, which is the agreement of the political blocs and resistance factions in handing over the file of removing foreign forces, including American forces, to Prime Minister Muhammad Shiaa al-Sudani and authorizing him to proceed with implementing the agreement according to calm principles that preserve Iraq's sovereignty without any escalation."

Al-Lami pointed out that “the Sudanese has the ability to manage negotiations and succeed in ending tension, protecting the country’s sovereignty, and coming up with outcomes that serve Iraq and its prestige,” noting that “Washington has influence in Iraq and possesses many pressure cards, including economic ones, which it may resort to if its interests are directly targeted.” This is what we must pay attention to and strive to remove its forces according to paths through the government.”

Yesterday, Sunday (February 11, 2024), the spokesman for the Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces, Major General Yahya Rasoul, revealed that the Supreme Iraqi Military Committee had resumed its meetings with the international coalition forces.

Rasoul said in a statement received by "Baghdad Today", "The Iraqi Supreme Military Committee resumed its meetings with the international coalition forces in Baghdad today, Sunday, to assess the military situation, the level of danger, the operational environment, and the capabilities of the Iraqi armed forces."

He stated, "Based on these meetings, a timetable will be formulated for a deliberate and gradual reduction, leading to the end of the mission of the international coalition forces to fight ISIS and the transition to a bilateral relationship."

Rasoul noted that "as long as nothing disturbs the peace of the talks, the meetings will occur periodically to complete the committee's work as quickly as possible."

A source familiar with the Iraqi-American military negotiations reported earlier on Sunday to “Baghdad Today” that 3 committees had been formed between Baghdad and Washington to complete the withdrawal of the coalition from Iraq during the round of negotiations held today between the two countries.

The source said, "The second round of negotiations between Baghdad and Washington regarding the withdrawal of the international coalition from Iraq ended this evening, after agreeing to continue meetings between Baghdad and Washington during the next two weeks link

Mot:  hee hee hee - They wont see it coming ~~~

Mot:  Loving Quietly! ~~~

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Economics, Gold and Silver, Goldilocks, News DINARRECAPS8 Economics, Gold and Silver, Goldilocks, News DINARRECAPS8

Goldilocks' Comments and Global Economic News Monday AM 2-12-24

Goldilocks' Comments and Global Economic News Monday AM 2-12-24

Good morning Dinar Recaps,

"The changes to operations in the country’s FX market imply that Nigeria has eased its control of the Naira, allowing the local currency to float freely."

Nigeria is moving to a free-floating exchange rate. In other words, Nigeria is allowing their currency to be determined by supply and demand inside the market.

Here, the Central Bank will not be influencing the external value of their currencies' exchange rate.

© Goldilocks

Goldilocks' Comments and Global Economic News Monday AM 2-12-24

Good morning Dinar Recaps,

"The changes to operations in the country’s FX market imply that Nigeria has eased its control of the Naira, allowing the local currency to float freely."

Nigeria is moving to a free-floating exchange rate. In other words, Nigeria is allowing their currency to be determined by supply and demand inside the market.

Here, the Central Bank will not be influencing the external value of their currencies' exchange rate.

© Goldilocks
Gatekeepers News

Investing in Gold: Is Gold Still a Good Inflation Hedge in a Recession? | Bloomberg 


1. Stocks are trading like the Fed already cut rates

2. Bonds are trading like rate cuts aren't happening

3. Gold is trading like we are on track for a "soft landing"

4. Oil prices are trading like we are entering a recession

5. Housing markets are trading like nothing is happening

Nothing adds up here.



MC Explains: All you need to know about programmability and offline functionality proposed in CBDC pilot. | Moneycontrol 

During monetary policy review, Reserve Bank of India (RBI) Governor Shaktikanta Das on February 8 proposed additional use cases for central bank digital currency (CBDC) pilot projects.

To make it attractive and increase the adoption of CBDC, Das said that the digital currency would be programmed to help cater to specific end uses and also make it usable in areas with poor or no internet.

15 Strongest Currencies in the World in 2024 - Insider Monkey


Bidenomics is failing, the people know it now. The farmers are now feeling the pain. When Trump was in the WH he gave the tariffs to the farmers to help them. Now the farmers are in trouble. Putin is now letting everyone know the world is moving away from the Federal Reserve note. |  X22report


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Iraq Economic News and Points to Ponder Late Sunday Evening 2-11-24


Iraq Economic News and Points to Ponder Late Sunday Evening 2-11-24

Tlm724 Administrator Bondlady’s Corner

Experts: The Dollar Crisis Will Only Be Solved Through The Private Banking Sector And Moving The Wheel Of Industry

Economy | 02/11/2024   Mawazine News – Baghdad  Economic affairs specialists have identified a number of factors that would control the exchange rate of the parallel dollar, stressing that granting the private industrial sector financial and administrative facilities could lead to moving the wheel of production and reducing imports that are financed with the parallel dollar from the black market, stressing The importance of doubling loans that would establish a production base capable of meeting the local market’s requirements for goods and materials.

Economic calls have increased remarkably, demanding that loans and credit facilities granted by banks to the private sector be directed towards activating and increasing production processes, indicating that these facilities exceeded 50 trillion dinars last year 2023, but they did not contribute to increasing gross domestic product rates, stressing at the time He stressed the importance of building more bridges of trust between investors, businessmen and companies with government and private banks with the aim of facilitating the granting of loans directed towards increasing local production.

 Iraq Economic News and Points to Ponder Late Sunday Evening 2-11-24

Tlm724 Administrator Bondlady’s Corner

Experts: The Dollar Crisis Will Only Be Solved Through The Private Banking Sector And Moving The Wheel Of Industry

Economy | 02/11/2024   Mawazine News – Baghdad  Economic affairs specialists have identified a number of factors that would control the exchange rate of the parallel dollar, stressing that granting the private industrial sector financial and administrative facilities could lead to moving the wheel of production and reducing imports that are financed with the parallel dollar from the black market, stressing The importance of doubling loans that would establish a production base capable of meeting the local market’s requirements for goods and materials.

Economic calls have increased remarkably, demanding that loans and credit facilities granted by banks to the private sector be directed towards activating and increasing production processes, indicating that these facilities exceeded 50 trillion dinars last year 2023, but they did not contribute to increasing gross domestic product rates, stressing at the time He stressed the importance of building more bridges of trust between investors, businessmen and companies with government and private banks with the aim of facilitating the granting of loans directed towards increasing local production.

The specialists' calls come at a time when the government has intensified its efforts to eliminate the rise in exchange rates in the parallel market, which has greatly affected the movement of buying and selling goods and materials in the local markets.

Following a package of decisions that contributed to closing the gap that occurred earlier between the official and the parallel dollar, A government source revealed earlier that electronic cards were issued to small merchants with a ceiling of $100,000 per month.

The new government step was met with economic welcome, which emphasized the importance of this measure in eliminating the significant rise in parallel exchange rates and reducing the jumps in the green currency, in addition to its importance in covering the prices of imported goods at the official dollar rate, thus achieving great stability in the local markets.

Economist Manaf Al-Sayegh believes that “a large part of the solution lies in establishing a large production base capable of meeting the requirements of local markets and blocking the path to import operations that require huge sums of money from the dollar,” pointing out the necessity of “developing a strategic plan that begins in the form of stages that include the advancement “The high quality of the industrial and agricultural sectors, which constitute the backbone of the national economy.”

Al-Sayegh also urged “the importance of the strategy including real steps to reform the banking and financial system in the country, and adapting it in a way that can be parallel to what developed countries have achieved in banking transactions, as well as moving towards reforms related to the trade balance, which can stimulate the movement of local production and exports.” National economy, thus significantly reducing the demand for the parallel dollar, pointing out that creating a balance between exports and imports is an important step to revitalize the national economy and enable it to achieve growth in all its sectors, thus diversifying sources and significantly reducing dependence on the oil sector.

In turn, the economic expert, Nabil Al-Marsoumi, explained that the decline of the dollar index against the Iraqi dinar is on its way to decline, pointing to the seriousness of the monetary authority in diversifying currency reserves, as well as expanding the circle of payments from other currencies, not to mention simplifying and concise access to the electronic platform. .

Al-Marsoumi stressed "the importance of resolving problems related to trade with neighboring countries, by finding other ways to trade with those countries in order to find a close price between the official and the parallel dollar."

The Governor of the Central Bank had confirmed that “the indicator of the success of any country’s monetary policy is controlling the general level of prices and reducing inflation,” explaining that “inflation has now decreased significantly compared to the beginning of 2023, which indicates that foreign trade is covered by the price.” And that foreign financing operations are taking place smoothly, and all importers and traders can obtain the dollar at the official rate and control it.”

Al-Alaq pointed out that “the Central Bank’s adherence to the rules and principles of external transfer in accordance with the conditions and requirements it set and its insistence on implementing them has prompted many hesitant merchants to enter the platform for selling foreign currency, especially since its use is easy and safe and it provides them with the dollar at the official rate.”

Al-Alaq pointed out that “the Central Bank confirms the possibility of meeting all requests for the dollar, whether personal, commercial, or any kind, as long as they are valid and legitimate.”

The Joint Meeting Between Baghdad And Washington To Discuss The Future Of The Alliance Ended Without Announcing The Details

Political | 08:26 - 02/11/2024  Mawazine News – Baghdad  Political sources reported, today, Monday, the end of the political security meeting between America and Iraq within the Green Zone to discuss the foreign presence in Iraq.

According to sources told Al-Mawazine News, “The meeting in which the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, joint operations commanders from Iraq, the American embassy, ​​and representatives of the international coalition participated, ended a short while ago.”

She added, "The official statement about the details of the meeting may not be announced in detail due to the embarrassment of the government's political position regarding the foreign presence."

She pointed out that “amending the Sufi Agreement (SFA), known as the Framework, was the most prominent thing that was proposed, as well as the details of the military presence of the international coalition and military cooperation.”

The Iraqi Embassy In Washington Signs An Agreement For Communication And Lobbying In Light Of Regional Tensions

Iraq  Sunday, February 11, 2024 3:38 PM   Follow-up/National News Center   The American newspaper “Politico” reported in a report published today, Sunday, that the Iraqi embassy in Washington had signed an agreement with the “Squire Patton Boggs” legal consulting and law firm to provide assistance in lobby activities inside the United States, and to enhance its efforts, the embassy also renewed its contract with another company.

According to the report, this comes in the context of escalating tensions in the Middle East as a result of the conflict between Israel and Hamas, in addition to the recent American military campaign in response to an attack that killed 3 American soldiers.

The report confirmed that the agreement between the Iraqi embassy and “Squire Patton Boggs” company extends for a year, with an estimated value of about 800 thousand dollars, with the aim of providing political advice and strengthening bilateral political and commercial relations between the two countries.

The report indicated that this agreement was signed before the American drone raid in Baghdad, which resulted in the killing of the leader of the Iraqi Hezbollah Brigades, Abu Baqir al-Saadi. The newspaper indicated that this raid sparked condemnation from Iraqi leaders, which may lead to increased pressure to expel the US-led coalition forces.

In another context, the Iraqi embassy hired another lawyer, Michael Sarafa, from the Butzel Long Law Firm in Michigan, to help Iraq establish relations with Iraqi-American communities in Michigan and Illinois, in addition to strengthening communication with the Iraqi-American business community and members of Congress.

Iraq's Oil Exports To America Fell To Zero

Energy  Economy News _ Baghdad  The US Energy Information Administration announced on Sunday that Iraq did not export any quantity of oil to America during the past week.

The administration said in a table seen by Al-Iqtisad News, “The average US imports of crude oil during the past week from 7 major countries amounted to 5.459 million barrels per day, an increase of 519 thousand barrels per day compared to the previous week, which amounted to 4.940 million barrels per day.”

She added, "America did not import crude oil from Iraq during the past week after it imported an amount of 205 thousand barrels per day during the previous week."

The administration indicated that "most of America's oil revenues during the past week came from Canada at an average of 3.539 million barrels per day, followed by Mexico with an average of 661 thousand barrels per day, and oil revenues from Colombia amounted to an average of 415 thousand barrels per day, and then Saudi Arabia at an average of 353 thousand barrels per day." .

According to the table, “the amount of American imports of crude oil, from Brazil, was at a rate of 338 thousand barrels per day, from Nigeria at a rate of 81 thousand barrels per day, and from Ecuador at a rate of 72 thousand barrels per day.”

While it did not import any quantity from Libya or Russia.

Views 95 02/11/2024 -


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Points To Ponder on Anxiety about the Future

 We are terrified by the idea of being terrified.- Friedrich Nietzsche

That fear of missing out on things makes you miss out on everything.- Etty Hillesum

He who fears being conquered is sure of defeat.  - Napoleon Bonaparte

What we fear comes to pass more speedily than what we hope.- Publilius Syrus

The greatest mistake you can make is to be continually fearing you will make one.- Elbert Hubbard

The mere apprehension of a coming evil has put many into a situation of the utmost danger.  - Lucan

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