Economics, News Dinar Recaps 20 Economics, News Dinar Recaps 20

"Tidbits From TNT" Monday 1-29-2024


Tishwash:  A Sudanese meeting recommends structuring government companies and reforming them financially and economically

A meeting held by Prime Minister Muhammad Shiaa Al-Sudani, on Sunday, came out with decisions to carry out comprehensive reforms to government companies and structure them to strengthen the Iraqi economy.

The Sudanese media office stated in a statement received by Shafaq News Agency, that the latter chaired the second meeting to follow up on the process of structuring and organizing government companies.

At the beginning of the meeting, Al-Sudani pointed out the importance of this process and the role it represents in the essence of economic reform, subjecting companies to correct economic foundations and standards, stressing that this step lies at the core of the strategic goal of increasing the contribution of non-oil revenues to national output and income.


Tishwash:  A Sudanese meeting recommends structuring government companies and reforming them financially and economically

A meeting held by Prime Minister Muhammad Shiaa Al-Sudani, on Sunday, came out with decisions to carry out comprehensive reforms to government companies and structure them to strengthen the Iraqi economy.

The Sudanese media office stated in a statement received by Shafaq News Agency, that the latter chaired the second meeting to follow up on the process of structuring and organizing government companies.

At the beginning of the meeting, Al-Sudani pointed out the importance of this process and the role it represents in the essence of economic reform, subjecting companies to correct economic foundations and standards, stressing that this step lies at the core of the strategic goal of increasing the contribution of non-oil revenues to national output and income.

The meeting came up with a number of decisions that included general principles for proceeding with the financial and economic reform and structuring of companies, in a way that strengthens the national economy and its stability. link

Tishwash:  Parliamentary Oil: Kurdish obstacles prevent the resolution of the “Oil and Gas” law

Kazem Al-Touki, a member of the Parliamentary Oil and Gas Committee, confirmed on Monday that the Kurds have placed obstacles to resolving and ending the oil and gas law and handing it over to Parliament for reading and voting on it.

Al-Touki told Al-Maalouma, “Members of the Oil and Gas Committee communicated and moved towards the political parties and heads of blocs in order to end the problems of the Oil and Gas Law and ensure its passage in Parliament.”

He added, "Prime Minister Muhammad Shiaa Al-Sudani continues to move to end the aforementioned law, and to reach a consensus formula agreed upon by everyone in order to resolve the law and vote on it, especially since the government program focused on this file."

He stated that "the Kurds do not have the seriousness to resolve the oil and gas law, and obstacles have been placed in front of this law, which now needs political consensus before it is sent to the House of Representatives for the purpose of reading and voting on it."  link


Tishwash: Communications discusses the implementation of issuing biometric identity to employees of government departments

Minister of Communications, Hiyam Al-Yasiri, chaired the meeting of the executive team to issue biometric identification for employees of government departments, in the presence of a number of officials in ministries and government institutions.

The Ministry stated in a statement: “The meeting included a discussion of the possible steps and the next stages that will be finally approved, in order to prepare the approved standards for implementation. The material and technical capabilities available to the government agencies charged with issuing the identity to be a government identifier were also discussed.”

It is noteworthy that the project is currently in the process of completing the organizational and administrative procedures and submitting the recommendations proposed by the executive team to be presented to higher authorities for approval.   link


CandyKisses:  Resources: 27 projects to be initiated in 2024

Economy News _ Baghdad

The Ministry of Water Resources has started 16 projects for the current year, revealing that it has completed 11 other projects last year.

Minister Aoun Diab Abdullah said in an interview with "Al-Sabah" followed by "Economy News", that the ministry owns within the government program, 27 projects, 11 of which were completed during the past year, while the competent technical and engineering staff began implementing the remaining 16 at the beginning of this year, which he noted that some of them achieved varying completion rates in previous times before stopping for several reasons.

He pointed out that the 11 projects completed during the past year are reclamation operations for each of the lands of Suwaihiyah in Muthanna, a section of Hor Najm, part of the lands of the Shafi'i Diwaniya, part of the lands of Bani Hassan, ten thousand dunums in Husseiniya, and part of the lands of Ramadi, in addition to the rehabilitation of part of the first phase of the northern island irrigation project, in addition to the establishment of Nazim Sadr Al-Shatra in the district of Shatrah, with the preparation of electrical and mechanical equipment to install a pumping station in Hor Najm, in addition to the completion of From the northern part of the water channel to the Shatt al-Arab.

Regarding the 16 projects that began work at the beginning of 2024, Abdullah explained that they include the reclamation of 20,000 dunums as a fourth phase in the Saad River project and will be completed by the end of 2024,

In addition to the reclamation of 15,000 dunums, in addition to 20,000 dunums in the Saad River, which has already completed 86% of its work, in addition to the reclamation of seven thousand dunums of Husseiniya lands and will be completed during the next month, in addition to large numbers of projects in Dhi Qar Governorate with an area of 14,200. Dunums, as well as the start of the critical area works for the Basra water project, and the reclamation of 36,000 dunums for the (Diwaniyah-Shafi'i) project, 77 percent of which was previously completed, while it will be completely completed during the current year.

Mot:  and Yet Another ""Marital Tip"" frum ole Mot!!!

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Iraq Economic News and Points to Ponder Sunday Evening 1-28-24

Iraq Economic News and Points to Ponder Sunday Evening 1-28-24

Tlm724 Administrator Bondlady’s Corner

The Iraqi Central Bank Transfers More Than 200 Million Dollars Abroad

Economy | 01/28/2024   Mawazine News – Baghdad  External remittances rose at the Central Bank auction, today, Sunday, at the expense of cash sales, to reach $205 million.

The Central Bank Issues Guidance On Enhancing The Balances Of Correspondents Abroad
Economy |Baghdad today – Baghdad  The Central Bank of Iraq issued a directive regarding enhancing the balances of correspondents abroad.
According to documents issued by the bank on January 25 of this month and obtained by “Baghdad Today”,  “with the aim of supporting the work of banks by finding the necessary financial channels to meet customer requests, and  for the purpose of organizing financing operations for requests to enhance the external balances received by this bank,  it was decided to work with the requirements and mechanisms.” Shown in the documents below

Iraq Economic News and Points to Ponder Sunday Evening 1-28-24

Tlm724 Administrator Bondlady’s Corner

The Iraqi Central Bank Transfers More Than 200 Million Dollars Abroad

Economy | 01/28/2024   Mawazine News – Baghdad  External remittances rose at the Central Bank auction, today, Sunday, at the expense of cash sales, to reach $205 million.

The Central Bank Issues Guidance On Enhancing The Balances Of Correspondents Abroad
Economy |Baghdad today – Baghdad  The Central Bank of Iraq issued a directive regarding enhancing the balances of correspondents abroad.
According to documents issued by the bank on January 25 of this month and obtained by “Baghdad Today”,  “with the aim of supporting the work of banks by finding the necessary financial channels to meet customer requests, and  for the purpose of organizing financing operations for requests to enhance the external balances received by this bank,  it was decided to work with the requirements and mechanisms.” 

Shown in the documents below:البنك-المركزي-يصدر-توجيهًا-بشأن-تعزيز-أرصدة-المراسلين-بالخارج.html


Evening Dollar Bulletin In Iraq

Economy News – Baghdad   Al-Iqtisad News publishes the dollar bulletin until 4:30 pm Baghdad time, and it is as follows:

Baghdad $100: 151.100   Basra $100: 151,400   Erbil $100: 151.100   Sulaymaniyah $100: 151.250

Duhok $100: 151.100   145 views   01/28/2024

The Central Bank of Iraq decides to restore the mechanism for financing Iraq's foreign trade, starting next March

The Central Bank said in a letter addressed to the banks, which Al-Iqtisad News reviewed, that for the purpose of organizing financing operations for requests to enhance external balances, it was decided to implement the new requirements and mechanisms starting from March 1, 2024.

He added that banks wishing to enhance their balance with correspondent banks in all currencies should appoint an external auditor for the purposes of reviewing transfers in advance of the process of sending transfers. Banks wishing to enhance the balance must provide us with information about the names of the companies they wish to contract with within a maximum period of February 29, 2024.

He stressed that requests to strengthen the dollar are for banks that have correspondent accounts with an American bank exclusively, at a price of 1310.

He stated that strengthening other currencies other than the dollar will accept applications at the banks of the currency country, provided that the classification of these banks is either the same as the country’s classification or only one rank lower than it, in a way that is consistent with Iraq’s import requirements from those countries.  01/28/2024

The Iraqi Stock Exchange Opens The Week Higher

Market   The Iraqi Stock Exchange opened at the beginning of the week at an increase of 0.19% after most of the leading company stocks rose as a result of the entry of foreign investments.

Shares traded amounted to 2.5 billion shares, worth 1.5 billion dinars, including shares of 48 companies.

Ashur Hotel achieved a significant increase, reaching 20%, as the stock closed at 16.8 dinars, followed by Al-Mansour Hotels, with 6%, and the Construction Materials Industry, with 4.8%.

The most traded stocks were Sumer Commercial Bank, 1.2 billion shares, Assyria Bank, 702 million shares, and Mosul Bank, 115 million shares.

Foreign investors pumped liquidity into the banking sector, as they bought from the Commercial Bank of Iraq, the Bank of Baghdad, the Gulf Commercial Bank, and the Al-Mansour Investment Bank.

140 views    01/28/2024 - 2:19 PM

Oil: Export Revenues Amounted To $8 Billion Last Month

Economy | 01/28/2024  Mawazine News – Baghdad  The Ministry of Oil announced on Sunday that the final statistical revenues for exported quantities amounted to more than $8 billion for the month of December.

The Ministry stated in a statement received by Mawazine News, that “the amount of crude oil exports for the month of December last, according to the final statistics issued by the Iraqi Oil Marketing Company (SOMO), amounted to (108) million and (56) thousand and (590) barrels.” With revenues amounting to (Cool billion (311) million (34) thousand dollars.

She added that "the total quantities of crude oil exported for the month of December from the oil fields in central and southern Iraq amounted to (107) million and (592) thousand and (532) barrels, while exports to Jordan were (464) thousand and (58) barrels." ", noting that "the average price of one barrel reached (76,914) dollars."

She continued, "The exported quantities were loaded by (44) international companies of several nationalities, from the ports of Basra, Khor Al-Zubair, and the mono-buoys, and from the Turkish port of Ceyhan and the modern Kirkuk warehouse, by tanker trucks."

She pointed out that "the Ministry, through its belief in keeping the people informed about export operations and the revenues generated from them, took this monthly measure."

The US-Iraqi Supreme Military Committee Is Conducting An Assessment Of 3 Factors

Yesterday, Saturday, the US-Iraqi Supreme Military Committee announced the launch of the work of several committees to work on assessing Iraqi military capabilities.

The committee stated in a statement, “Today represents the first step in establishing this Supreme Military Council to enable leaders in the coalition forces and in the Iraqi armed forces to contribute to a series of working groups and mutual agreement to conduct assessments regarding three threat factors posed by ISIS, operational and environmental requirements, as well as the capabilities of the armed forces.” "Iraqiya."

The statement added: “The Supreme Military Committee, during the dialogue period, is working to determine the necessary conditions for the joint task forces of Operation Inherent Resolve during the necessary conditions to transfer the mission from Iraq.”

The statement indicated that, “In August of last year, in Washington, D.C., the US Department of State, the US Department of Defense, the Iraqi Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Iraqi Ministry of Defense participated in the inaugural Joint Security Cooperation Dialogue between America and Iraq, affirming their shared commitment to security cooperation and their common interest for the stability of the region during the cooperation dialogue.”

 Joint Security The parties agreed to hold military-to-military talks, under the name of the Supreme Military Committee (HMC), to evaluate the progress made in the coalition’s primary mission, which is to defeat ISIS, as well as discuss future amendments to the coalition’s mission and presence in Iraq.

Reuters: The Number Of American Soldiers Injured In The Drone Attack Has Risen To 34

01/28/2024  Mawazine News – Baghdad  The death toll from the attack by drones on American forces in the Al-Tanf area on the Iraqi-Syrian border rose to three dead and 34 soldiers wounded.

Reuters quoted an American official as saying, "The number of soldiers injured in the drone attack has risen to 34."

US President Joe Biden had accused the armed factions in Iraq and Syria of being behind the attack, which targeted a base in northeastern Jordan, and led to the death of 3 American soldiers and the injury of 25 others.


 To read more current and reliable Iraqi news please visit BondLady’s Corner:

Top 100 Inspirational Quotes  Compiled By Kevin Kruse 

 Inspirational quotes and motivational quotes have the power to get us through a bad week, and can even  give us the courage to pursue our life’s dreams.  In my book, 4 Keys to Happiness and Fulfillment at Work, By Kevin Kruse, I share surprising research into the true triggers of workplace motivation.

 So in the spirit of self motivation, here are 100 inspirational quotes.

47. Fall seven times and stand up eight. – Japanese Proverb

48. When one door of happiness closes, another opens, but often we look so long at the closed door that we do not see the one that has been opened for us. – Helen Keller

49. Everything has beauty, but not everyone can see. – Confucius

50. How wonderful it is that nobody need wait a single moment before starting to improve the world. –Anne Frank

51. When I let go of what I am, I become what I might be. – Lao Tzu

52. Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but by the moments that take our breath away. – Maya Angelou

53. Happiness is not something readymade.  It comes from your own actions. – Dalai Lama

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Iraqi News Highlights and Points to Ponder Sunday AM 1-28-24

Iraqi News Highlights and Points to Ponder Sunday AM 1-28-24

The Dollar Fluctuates In The Iraqi Stock Exchanges.. And An Economist Shows: There Are 10 Influential People Who Control The Parallel Market

Posted On01-28-2024 By Sotaliraq    The dollar exchange rates throughout Iraq witnessed a slight decline and fluctuation at descending levels for a week, which left impressions on the Iraqi street and doubts about controlling the rise in the dollar exchange rates.

On Friday evening, the exchange rates of the US dollar remained near the level of 151,000 dinars per $100 note on the main stock exchanges in Baghdad, with slight differences in the offices of exchange companies from one region to another. While dollar prices recorded a decline in Baghdad yesterday, Thursday, on the Baghdad stock exchanges, recording 151,500 Iraqi dinars for every 100 dollars.

The Central Bank of Iraq has relied on the dollar auction for years, as one of the tools to adjust the exchange rate of the Iraqi dollar and prevent speculation in it. However, with the arrival of the government of Prime Minister Muhammad Shia al-Sudani, financial revenues improved due to the significant rise in oil prices, and with the Russian-Ukrainian war entering its second year, a crisis emerged. The rise in dollar prices, which agitated all sectors of society and led to an unprecedented increase in commodity prices.

 Iraqi News Highlights and Points to Ponder Sunday AM 1-28-24

The Dollar Fluctuates In The Iraqi Stock Exchanges.. And An Economist Shows: There Are 10 Influential People Who Control The Parallel Market

Posted On01-28-2024 By Sotaliraq    The dollar exchange rates throughout Iraq witnessed a slight decline and fluctuation at descending levels for a week, which left impressions on the Iraqi street and doubts about controlling the rise in the dollar exchange rates.

On Friday evening, the exchange rates of the US dollar remained near the level of 151,000 dinars per $100 note on the main stock exchanges in Baghdad, with slight differences in the offices of exchange companies from one region to another. While dollar prices recorded a decline in Baghdad yesterday, Thursday, on the Baghdad stock exchanges, recording 151,500 Iraqi dinars for every 100 dollars.

The Central Bank of Iraq has relied on the dollar auction for years, as one of the tools to adjust the exchange rate of the Iraqi dollar and prevent speculation in it. However, with the arrival of the government of Prime Minister Muhammad Shia al-Sudani, financial revenues improved due to the significant rise in oil prices, and with the Russian-Ukrainian war entering its second year, a crisis emerged. The rise in dollar prices, which agitated all sectors of society and led to an unprecedented increase in commodity prices.

Creating a parallel market

Despite the fact that Iraq sells its oil smoothly to global markets, and receives its value in dollars. Then the journey of converting the dollar into the Iraqi dinar begins towards the local markets, but experts confirm that there is a depletion of hard currency, and it can be compensated for with more modern measures to preserve the value of the local currency and control the official price of the dollar.

Member of the Parliamentary Finance Committee, Mustafa Al-Karaawi, explains, “There is no official decline, according to the financial releases that occur.” Noting that, “If the dollar is available, its price will decrease, but if there are amendments to the procedures by the government, it will return to an increase.”

Al-Karaawi added in an exclusive interview with Al-Mada: “The Central Bank must be serious about implementing a plan to control the dollar exchange rate, as its plans have not yet reached the level of ambition.”

He continues, “If correct mechanisms are applied and the exchange outlets are controlled, as well as control over imported goods and foreign remittances, the government can control the exchange rate of the dollar, as it will have special uses, which will make there a lack of demand for the dollar.” Continuing his speech, he said, “The lack of an electronic system that facilitates the financial transfer process made companies and merchants resort to using the so-called (parallel market).”

Financial Currency Balance

Specialists confirmed that speculation occurs in the parallel market with the publication of inaccurate information that leads to raising or lowering the price of the dollar, and they pointed out that lowering the price moved the solid dollar among individuals and pushed them to sell it for fear of its continued decline.

While economic expert Abdul Salam Hassan explained, “The dollar will remain a moving market due to the lack of a stable basis for it.” Pointing out, “The hard currency in Iraq is unstable, and in the next few days the dollar exchange rate will return to rising, because we do not have a balance for the financial currency, and there is no definition of a correct mechanism for trading.”

Hassan added in his interview with (Al-Mada), “If I had 100,000 US dollars, through which I would be able to control the market, what about the influential people in the market who have many interests, as the number of these influential people does not exceed 10 people and they are the ones who control the currency market in Iraq?”

The economic expert continues his speech by saying, “The control of the parallel market over financial transactions in the country is due to the absence of a parallel market for it in the local currency, and this is what makes solutions non-existent. We, as specialists, have been given a fixed mechanism for Iraqi financial liquidity through which the dollar exchange rate is controlled, and the exchange rate of the dollar has been determined.” A date to consider this proposal by the Council of Ministers, but private interests are the ones who created the parallel market that destroyed the country’s economy.”

It is noteworthy that for more than a year, and specifically since the start of the Central Bank’s work on the electronic platform and the international financial transfer system “SWIFT”, the dollar exchange rates in Iraq have not witnessed stability despite the attempts of the government and the Central Bank to control the exchange rate in the parallel markets.  LINK

Iraq Ranks First With The Cheapest Gasoline Prices In The World

Energy   Economy News _ Baghdad   Iraq moved up one place in the list of the cheapest countries in the world with gasoline prices, reaching 13th place, while Iran topped the countries with the cheapest price, reaching $0.029 per liter.

Al-Eqtisad News reviewed data from the Global Petroleum Press website, which also showed that Libya came in second place with $0.031 per liter, then Venezuela with $0.035 per liter, and Kuwait came fourth with $0.341 per liter.

According to these data, Iraq ranked 13th with a price of $0.572 per liter, while Qatar ranked 14th with a price of $0.577 per liter, while Oman ranked 17th with a price of $0.621 per liter, while Colombia ranked 42nd with a price that reached $1.052 per litre.

Monaco And Hong Kong Ranked Last With The Cheapest Gasoline Prices In The World.

Views 39  Added 01/28/2024 - 11:20 AM

Evening Dollar Bulletin In Iraq

Economy News – Baghdad   Al-Iqtisad News publishes the dollar bulletin until 4:30 pm Baghdad time, and it is as follows:

Baghdad $100: 151.100   Basra $100: 151,400   Erbil $100: 151.100   Sulaymaniyah $100: 151.250

Duhok $100: 151.100    01/28/2024 - 4:44 PM

Trade: Iraqi Merchants Were Affected By The Rise In Maritime Transport Prices

A map showing the location of the Red Sea   Money   and business  Economy News – Baghdad   The Ministry of Commerce announced that it seeks to reduce the harm caused to Iraqi merchants as a result of the rise in transportation prices due to security developments in the Red Sea.

The official spokesman for the Iraqi Ministry of Commerce, Muhammad Hanoun, said, “Everything that affects the world in terms of security and political developments affects Iraq. With regard to the Ministry of Commerce, we have worked for some time to provide a strategic stock related to the ration card system that the government distributes to citizens, and we have achieved a good stock in all stores.” Baghdad and the governorates.

He added, "We seek to reduce the harm caused to Iraqi merchants as a result of the rise in transport prices across the seas and the Red Sea in particular."

It is noteworthy that Bab al-Mandab is witnessing security tension, with the Houthis targeting commercial ships transporting goods from east to west.

Views 77   Added 01/28/2024 -

Oil: Export Revenues Amounted To $8 Billion Last Month

Economy | 01:11 - 01/28/2024

Iraq Seeks To Strengthen Its Naval Fleet With 13 Ships

Economy - 01/27/2024  Mawazine News – Baghdad  The Ministry of Transport confirmed today, Saturday, its endeavor to keep pace with the development road and Al-Faw port projects by strengthening its naval fleet with new ships and vessels, confirming an approach to the Ministry of Planning in order to begin manufacturing 13 of them, while pointing out that the maritime transport company has obtained an entry permit to all the world’s ports. .

The Ministry’s media office said in a statement received by Mawazine News: “The Ministry is keen to strengthen its naval fleet with new ships and ships, and the Ministry of Planning was approached regarding the manufacture of 13 ships for the General Maritime Transport Company’s fleet, six of which are within the investment budget, two for operational and five for the loan.” "Japanese."

He added, "We own six ships, three of which have a capacity of 14,000 tons, one of which has a capacity of 10,000, and two of different tonnage."

He pointed out, "The Ministry is in the process of holding new discussions to strengthen its fleet to keep pace with the Development Road and Al-Faw Port projects, as well as Umm Qasr, and the General Maritime Transport Company has obtained entry permission to all ports of the world."

4 Billion Dinars Were Wasted On Rehabilitating Berths In Khor Al-Zubair Port In Basra

January 28, 2024 Baghdad/Al-Masala Al-Hadath: The Federal Integrity Commission announced that it had detected a waste of (4) billion dinars of public money in Basra Governorate.

The authority stated in a statement received by Al-Masala, that the Basra Investigation Directorate’s work team, which moved to the General Company for Iraqi Ports, monitored the existence of a waste of public money after seizing a disbursement document worth (4,000,000,000) billion dinars, noting that the amount was disbursed to one of the companies working in the project. Rehabilitation of docks in Khor Al-Zubair Port despite the lack of economic feasibility of the project.

She added, in the customs of the Grand Welcome Yard in the port of Umm Qasr, (57) containers were seized that had not been inspected or demarcated, and they were content with preparing a fake statement to evade customs duties that amounted to more than (110,000,000) million dinars, explaining that the inspection and completion of transactions were carried out despite Although some containers were still on board the ship.

She confirmed that the Real Estate Registration Directorate seized the property's priors after transferring its ownership from the Ministry of Finance, following the discovery of irregularities in the transfer process.

She continued, that the team that moved to the Zubair Municipality Directorate and the Real Estate Registry Supervisory Office seized the properties of a property, after noticing the existence of a violation and possession by a person of the property that belongs to the municipality.

Top 100 Inspirational Quotes  Compiled By Kevin Kruse 

 Inspirational quotes and motivational quotes have the power to get us through a bad week, and can even  give us the courage to pursue our life’s dreams.  In my book, 4 Keys to Happiness and Fulfillment at Work, By Kevin Kruse, I share surprising research into the true triggers of workplace motivation.

 So in the spirit of self motivation, here are 100 inspirational quotes.

42. Everything you’ve ever wanted is on the other side of fear. – George Addair

43. We can easily forgive a child who is afraid of the dark; the real tragedy of life is when men are afraid of the light. – Plato

44. Teach thy tongue to say, “I do not know,” and thous shalt progress. – Maimonides

45. Start where you are. Use what you have.  Do what you can. – Arthur Ashe

46. When I was 5 years old, my mother always told me that happiness was the key to life.  When I went to school, they asked me what I wanted to be when I grew up.  I wrote down ‘happy’.  They told me I didn’t understand the assignment, and I told them they didn’t understand life. – John Lennon

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Economics, News Dinar Recaps 20 Economics, News Dinar Recaps 20

"Tidbits From TNT" Sunday 1-28-2024


Tishwash:  Trade: Opening two marketing centers in Baghdad and a plan to establish marketing centers in all governorates

The General Company for Foodstuff Trade in the Ministry of Commerce announced today, Sunday, the opening date of two marketing centers in Baghdad, which will be opened during the holy month of Ramadan. It is expected that these two centers will be “hypermarkets,” and their locations will be determined on the Karkh and Rusafa sides of the capital.

The company's general manager, Lama Al-Moussawi, in an interview with the official agency, followed by NRT Arabia, indicated that a plan has been drawn up to establish marketing centers in all governorates, which will be opened successively, and that at least one marketing center will be opened in each governorate.

She explained that the number of food marketing centers in Baghdad will reach 4, while the number of central markets will reach 3, indicating that a series of marketing markets will be opened during the year 2024 in Baghdad and the governorates, respectively. link


Tishwash:  Trade: Opening two marketing centers in Baghdad and a plan to establish marketing centers in all governorates

The General Company for Foodstuff Trade in the Ministry of Commerce announced today, Sunday, the opening date of two marketing centers in Baghdad, which will be opened during the holy month of Ramadan. It is expected that these two centers will be “hypermarkets,” and their locations will be determined on the Karkh and Rusafa sides of the capital.

The company's general manager, Lama Al-Moussawi, in an interview with the official agency, followed by NRT Arabia, indicated that a plan has been drawn up to establish marketing centers in all governorates, which will be opened successively, and that at least one marketing center will be opened in each governorate.

She explained that the number of food marketing centers in Baghdad will reach 4, while the number of central markets will reach 3, indicating that a series of marketing markets will be opened during the year 2024 in Baghdad and the governorates, respectively. link

Tishwash:  Al-Sudani directs that the official working hours end at two o’clock in the afternoon tomorrow, Monday

To support the national team...a government decision to reduce official working hours tomorrow

 The Prime Minister, Muhammad Shiaa Al-Sudani, decided today, Sunday, to end the official working hours in all official institutions tomorrow, Monday, at 2 p.m., with the aim of giving employees the opportunity to support the national team in its match against the brotherly Jordanian team in the Asian Nations Cup.

The General Secretariat of the Council of Ministers stated in a statement, a copy of which was received by NRT Arabic, that the Iraqi Prime Minister issued this decision with the aim of encouraging employees to support the national team and participate in supporting it during its important match in the continental championship, announcing that the end of work will be at two o’clock in the afternoon.

The statement concluded with the Prime Minister's wishes for the national team to achieve success in its match, expressing his hope that the team will continue to shine and achieve victory in its journey in the tournament until the end.  link


Tishwash:  Baghdad hosts the Iraqi-Jordanian Economic Integration Forum

The Ministry of Commerce announced, on Saturday, the completion of procedures for hosting the activities of the Iraqi-Jordanian Economic Forum next Monday and Tuesday, in the presence of economists, businessmen, industrialists, and Iraqi and Jordanian government institutions.

 The ministry’s official spokesman, Muhammad Hanoun, said in a statement, a copy of which was received by {Al-Furat News}, that “the capital, Baghdad, will host the activities of the Iraqi-Jordanian Economic Forum next Monday and Tuesday in the presence of economists, businessmen, industrialists, and Iraqi and Jordanian government institutions, to discuss ways to advance cooperation and economic integration between the two countries.” “In order to enhance economic relations and achieve integration and cooperation in various fields.”

He added, "The forum, which is being held under the auspices of the Minister of Commerce, Atheer Daoud Al-Ghurairi, and is attended by Iraqi and Jordanian economic figures representing the public and private sectors in the two countries, aims to strengthen economic relations between the two countries, address business obstacles, and develop treatments and solutions for them in a way that strengthens relations and achieves integration between these institutions to achieve" Cooperation and increasing the volume of trade and economic exchange.” link


Tishwash:  Operating the first phase of the integrated Arab trade line between Egypt, Jordan and Iraq

The Egyptian Ministry of Transport has operated the first phase of the Arab Integrated Multimodal Logistics Trade Line between Egypt, Jordan and Iraq, to ​​serve the transport of goods in the Gulf countries to the ports of European and American countries.

The goods pass through the link between the ports of Aqaba and Nuweiba on the Gulf of Aqaba, and from there by land - currently - through Sinai through the Nuweiba Tunnel Road, and from there to the ports of Al-Arish, East Port Said, Damietta and Alexandria Al-Kabeer, which is the route that represents the land part of the Taba Al-Arish logistical corridor, in order to be exploited for services.

Direct sea ports between Egyptian, European and American ports, through the Egyptian Ministry of Transport in cooperation with the Iraqi and Jordanian Ministries of Transport.

The goods are transported via trucks from Iraq and Jordan to the port of Aqaba in Jordan, then the trucks cross by sea inside ships to the port of Nuweiba, then by land through the Nuweiba tunnel road passing through Sinai to reach the ports of East Port Said, Damietta, and Alexandria, then they are shipped on ships to European and American ports.

The Taba-Arish-Bir al-Abd-Al-Fardan railway line, with a length of 500 km, is being constructed to increase the volume of goods intended to be transported from the Gulf, Iraq and Jordan to Europe and America within the second phase of the integrated Arab trade line. Trucks in the ports of Nuweiba and Taba will be replaced by railway trains. This increases the volume of goods via railway lines, which connect with all Egyptian ports.

It was put into operation at the beginning of January 2024, as Egypt amended all the necessary customs legislation to facilitate and increase direct international transit movement through the Egyptian state through the infrastructure of ports, road and railway networks, and the Egyptian Ministry of Transport also joined the “TIR” and “VINA 1968” agreements. Which facilitates the entry of foreign trucks to cross within Egyptian territory in the shortest possible time.

The line is considered the fastest in arrival time, the least expensive, and the easiest in procedures and opportunities. It also contributed to linking Jordan, Iraq, and the Gulf states, through the Nuweiba sea port to the Egyptian ports overlooking the Mediterranean Sea and from there to the European market.

For his part, the Egyptian Minister of Transport, Lieutenant General Kamel Al-Wazir, confirmed, according to the Egyptian Youm Al-Sabea, that the operation of this line came based on coordination between the Egyptian Ministry of Transport and the Jordanian and Iraqi Ministries of Transport through the strategic partnership with the Arab Bridge Navigation Company, and its operation also comes in light of the directives of President Abdel Fattah El-Sisi.

The President of the Republic transformed Egypt into a center for global trade and logistics, and the Ministry of Transport implemented an integrated plan to develop international multimodal transport hubs (land - rail - river - sea) and within the framework of the Taba - Al-Arish logistical corridor, which is currently being implemented within a number of 7 integrated international development logistical corridors     link

Mot:  Follow me for more house cleaning tips.

Mot: . ole ""Earl"" is Great - Anytime of the Year!!!

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Economics, Goldilocks, Gold and Silver, News DINARRECAPS8 Economics, Goldilocks, Gold and Silver, News DINARRECAPS8

 Goldilocks' Comments and Global Economic News Saturday Evening 1-27-24

 Goldilocks' Comments and Global Economic News Saturday Evening 1-27-24

Good Evening Dinar Recaps,

Easing of sanctions against Venezuela boosts marine and energy sectors

"Since June, the US Treasury’s Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC) has issued seven general licenses authorizing certain business activities or transactions with Venezuela, including those relating to the export of liquefied petroleum gas (General License 40B), gas sector operations (General License 44), the state-run mining company Minerven (General License 43) and the state-run airline Conviasa (General License 45A)."

This releasing of sanctions is creating opportunities for traders on the market that once were prohibited. The country's control of the largest crude oil Market makes this country's Energy and Marine sector of the markets very appealing.

This will create new demands on the Venezuela Bolivar as this year progresses. These demands will create opportunities for people in the Forex Market to capitalize on price pressures pushing new volumes and new values going forward.  

© Goldilocks


 Goldilocks' Comments and Global Economic News Saturday Evening 1-27-24

Good Evening Dinar Recaps,

Easing of sanctions against Venezuela boosts marine and energy sectors

"Since June, the US Treasury’s Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC) has issued seven general licenses authorizing certain business activities or transactions with Venezuela, including those relating to the export of liquefied petroleum gas (General License 40B), gas sector operations (General License 44), the state-run mining company Minerven (General License 43) and the state-run airline Conviasa (General License 45A)."

This releasing of sanctions is creating opportunities for traders on the market that once were prohibited. The country's control of the largest crude oil Market makes this country's Energy and Marine sector of the markets very appealing.

This will create new demands on the Venezuela Bolivar as this year progresses. These demands will create opportunities for people in the Forex Market to capitalize on price pressures pushing new volumes and new values going forward.   Clyde Co

© Goldilocks


Let's take a closer look today on what's happening in March and on March the 11th, 2024 in particular.

We already know that the Feds are doing away with the Bank Term Funding Program in March. This will deplete liquidity availability for the banking system going forward.

There is the option of lowering interest rates that will give our money more purchasing power at that time. Lowering interest rates would provide more cash flow, but will it be enough? With the amount of debt that the US owes, economists across the board say the answer to that question is no.

So, we are left with two more options. One is to use up the rest of our Repo Market liquidity program that is expected to run out by the end of this year.

This leaves us with one other option. To increase the price of gold and other commodities that are being used to back our new tokenized asset based system.

March is a turning point, a reversal point, and a pivotal point in our Global Economy. Gold has always been the bridge into new economies, and it is our pathway into the road ahead.

The use of gold in liquidating the new economy will create the acceleration and adoption of a new digital economy backed by the commodity market across all sectors of the market.

Look for new ETFs on several digital asset classes to be accelerated during this time.  Movement into the new digital asset-based trading system will synchronize our banking system with our markets.

This will give us new Digital Network Protocols that are standardized and regulated under the support of gold inside our new digital economy.

All roads lead to gold, and gold will set us free.

© Goldilocks
Blue Prism
Brookings Edu
Federal Reserve 1
Federal Reserve 2


It is important for us to watch what happens in Texas. Governor Abbott was in India this past week talking about trade deals between Texas and India.

Texas has its own shipping port capabilities that will allow them to trade Globally with the rest of the world.  Texas has 29 official ports of entry into the Global Economy. They literally have the capability of being a self-sustaining Financial System within their own state.

If these new trade deals are successful and Texas begins to move into the new Digital Asset-Based Trading System utilizing the UPI or Unified Payment Interface mechanism in trade, we will literally be witnessing the first state in the US to move into our new Global Economy.

Watch the water.

© Goldilocks

Abbott travels to India as his national profile is growing | Houston Chronicle
Why Gov. Greg Abbott is visiting India | Axios
Texas: A Major Player in Global E-Commerce Shipping and Logistics | Cube Work


Republican governors rally behind Texas in border showdown after Supreme Court ruling |


Border standoff between Texas, feds intensifies as governor defies Supreme Court ruling |


Governor: Texas can defend itself against border 'invasion |


After hearing the concerns expressed by various participants in the Stellar ecosystem — including contract developers, wallet developers, validators, and tools builders — the SDF has decided to disarm our validators to prevent them from voting to upgrade the network to Protocol 20 on January 30. As the network introduces the biggest protocol change to date, it's important to have broad consensus at the vote, but also in the lead-up to it — everyone needs to be ready.

On January 25, 2024, we notified the ecosystem of a  that was discovered in Stellar Core v20.1.0 that could impact applications and services that use fee bumps for Soroban transactions if or when the Mainnet upgrades to Protocol 20. We noted that we (the ecosystem and particularly network validators) had a choice to continue with the Protocol 20 upgrade vote on January 30 or to delay it.

We at SDF spent time with the bug, saw its potential impacts and decided that the bug posed little risk given the phased rollout plan along with the implementation of best practices. But we are not an ecosystem of one.

Upgrading the network is not something SDF does alone, and to inform the decision about whether to move forward given the bug, we opened threads on the Stellar Dev Discord and our developer mailing list, and encouraged the ecosystem to weigh in. Ultimately, the robust feedback and discussions regarding this choice caused us to change our approach.   Stellar Blog

👆 Will keep you updated!

"...we will coordinate to determine a future vote date once a new version of Stellar Core that contains a bug fix is released. That release should be available within the next two weeks.".  SDF


Key Fed Inflation Rate's Slide Puts March Rate Cut In Play; S&P 500 Wavers | Investors

The primary Federal Reserve inflation rate, the core PCE price index, showed that price pressures cooled more than expected in December, keeping a March rate cut on the table. The S&P 500 fell slightly on Friday afternoon, following another record closing high on Thursday.


IRS to launch free online filing system pilot in March | The Hill


‼️ ALERT – Civil War Update Texas: Massive military deployment of forces from the National Guard of Republican states to the state of Texas,

This step comes out in defiance to the administration of President Joe Biden and federal forces, to combat the increasing waves of migrants on the border between the United States and Mexico, coinciding with escalating tensions between Greg Abbott, Governor of Texas, and the Biden administration.

See video here:


BIS Announces Tokenization Project Among Six Initiatives for 2024 |  Kryptomoney


CBDCs, Green Finance Among BIS Innovation Hub Projects Announced for 2024 | Fintech Singapore


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Iraq Economic News and Points to Ponder Saturday Afternoon 1-27-24

Iraq Economic News and Points to Ponder Saturday Afternoon 1-27-24

Tlm724 Administrator Bondlady’s Corner

The Dollar Exceeds 152 Thousand Dinars In The Local Market

Time: 01/27/2024 Read: 858 times  {Economic: Al-Furat News} The main Kifah and Harthiya stock exchanges in Baghdad were closed today, Saturday, due to the decline of the dollar against the Iraqi dinar.  The price of the dollar reached 151,250 Iraqi dinars against 100 dollars at the close in Baghdad.

Selling prices in banking shops in local markets recorded 152,250 dinars for 100 dollars, while this morning they reached 152,500 Iraqi dinars.  LINK

The “Merchant” Card...A Practical Step To Limit The Rise Of The Dollar

Economical 01/25/2024   Baghdad: Haider Falih Al-Rubaie    The government has intensified its moves aimed at eliminating the rise in exchange rates in the parallel market, which has greatly affected the movement of buying and selling goods and materials in local markets.

Following a package of decisions that contributed to bridging the gap that occurred earlier between the official and parallel dollars, a government source revealed the day before yesterday, About issuing electronic cards to small merchants with a ceiling of $100,000 per month.

Iraq Economic News and Points to Ponder Saturday Afternoon 1-27-24

Tlm724 Administrator Bondlady’s Corner

The Dollar Exceeds 152 Thousand Dinars In The Local Market

Time: 01/27/2024 Read: 858 times  {Economic: Al-Furat News} The main Kifah and Harthiya stock exchanges in Baghdad were closed today, Saturday, due to the decline of the dollar against the Iraqi dinar.  The price of the dollar reached 151,250 Iraqi dinars against 100 dollars at the close in Baghdad.

Selling prices in banking shops in local markets recorded 152,250 dinars for 100 dollars, while this morning they reached 152,500 Iraqi dinars.  LINK

The “Merchant” Card...A Practical Step To Limit The Rise Of The Dollar

Economical 01/25/2024   Baghdad: Haider Falih Al-Rubaie    The government has intensified its moves aimed at eliminating the rise in exchange rates in the parallel market, which has greatly affected the movement of buying and selling goods and materials in local markets.

Following a package of decisions that contributed to bridging the gap that occurred earlier between the official and parallel dollars, a government source revealed the day before yesterday, About issuing electronic cards to small merchants with a ceiling of $100,000 per month.

The new government step was met with economic welcome that emphasized the importance of this measure in  eliminating the significant rise in parallel exchange rates and  reducing the jumps in the green currency, in addition to  its importance in covering the prices of imported goods at the official dollar rate, thus achieving great stability in the local markets.

A government source stated to the Iraqi News Agency (INA), that “based on the directives of the Prime Minister, Muhammad Shiaa Al-Sudani, and in light of the discussions that took place between the government, the central bank and electronic payment companies for more than two months, a mechanism for issuing electronic cards to small merchants was approved, with a ceiling. It amounts to $100,000 per month to implement payment operations for import purposes, ensuring a reduction in the demand for cash dollars by real merchants.” The source added, 

 “The new mechanism is subject to five important conditions, including payment companies submitting a request to the Central Bank to obtain approval to develop this product and launch the (merchant) card, as well as specifying the uses of the cards to be for small merchants in line with the external transfer controls issued by the Central Bank for the year 2023, according to the statement.

The ceiling of these cards should not exceed (100) thousand dollars per month, with the possibility of raising the ceiling in the future in light of the results of the actual implementation.”

The source added that among the requirements for issuing this card is that  it “be used for the purposes of purchasing goods and services from known suppliers according to pre-defined white lists, and that  the company must bear its duty in accordance with basic requirements, the most important of which are the main international ban lists of the United Nations, the Office of Foreign Assets Control and the European Union.”

Pointing out that the final condition for issuing a merchant card is that  “the funds of small merchants be deposited in the branches of various Iraqi banks in Iraqi dinars.”

Immediately after the issuance of these instructions, specialists expressed their opinions regarding this step, which the  researcher specializing in economic affairs, Nabil Jabbar Al-Ali, during his interview with “Al-Sabah” saw as positive and could undermine the parallel dollar.

Al-Ali pointed out that  “the step is very correct, and will contribute to the ability of small merchants to access transfer tools away from the platform and its requirements,” stressing that this government measure will truly contribute to “ending the phenomenon of smuggling cards with simple transfer capabilities, and the  new mechanism will work to reduce the price and influence it.” clearly".

Contrary to the previous opinion, the economic expert, Manaf Al-Sayegh, confirmed that  this matter represents nothing but “measures that are not based on sound foundations of what must be dealt with to address the parallel and government exchange rate.” According to Al-Sayegh, during his talk to “Al-Sabah,”

 “The problem of solving the dollar is not achieved through measures, but rather by following monetary policies and in accordance with what is internationally accepted, and not measures that represent reactions, as he said.” Al-Sayegh also believes that these cards may not contribute significantly to addressing the rise in the parallel exchange rate, indicating that

large merchants are still suffering from difficulties in obtaining cash financing from the dollar to finance their trade due to the complexities of the Central Bank’s sales platform, in addition to similar difficulties facing travelers.

 Al-Sayegh pointed out that  the reasons for the rise in the parallel exchange rate are the heavy reliance on importing goods and services and  not manufacturing them at home, and the failure to activate industries that can meet consumer requirements.

Al-Sayegh believes it is necessary to stop financing many imports, especially luxury ones, which cause Iraq to lose huge sums of money annually, revive industry and agriculture in the country, and   strictly prevent the import of locally produced goods.

Tomorrow, Baghdad Will Host The First Oil And Gas Conference In The Arab World

Friday 26, January 2024 18:36 | Economical Number of readings: 183  Baghdad / NINA / The Union of Arab Engineers, in cooperation with the Iraqi Engineers Syndicate, will organize tomorrow the first conference on oil and gas in the Arab world and its future prospects under the slogan (Hydrocarbon wealth is a guarantee for a smooth transition towards renewable energy).

Engineer Ali Faraj, head of the oil department at the Iraqi Engineers Syndicate, said that the conference will discuss several Research and studies on the reality and future of Arab oil, the optimal exploitation of energy sources in the Arab world, the impact of shale fuel on the Iraqi economy, the role of renewable energy in the coming years, the rationalization of fossil energy using renewable energies, as well as the manufacture of crude oil in the world with the aim of maximizing its value.

The conference will be attended by experts . Arabs in the field of oil and gas, members of the Iraqi Engineers Syndicate specialized in the field of chemistry and oil, and a number of officials from the Ministry of Oil./End

Oil Stabilizes At Its Highest Levels In 8 Weeks

Saturday 27, January 2024 08:45 | Economical Number of readings: 397

Baghdad / NINA / Oil prices rose for the second week in a row, and stabilized at their highest levels in about two months, as positive American economic growth and indications of Chinese stimulus boosted demand expectations, while concerns about supplies in the Middle East boosted demand expectations.

Brent crude futures rose $1.12, equivalent to 1.4%, with the settlement price set at $83.55 per barrel, the highest closing level since November 30.

West Texas Intermediate crude rose 65 cents, equivalent to 0.8%, to $78.01, which is also the highest closing level since November.

Both crude oils achieved weekly gains of more than 6%, recording their largest weekly increase since the week ending October 13 after the start of the war in Gaza.

Private Sector Council: A Real Approach From The Government To Support The Expansion Of Projects

Projects   Economy News – Baghdad  The Private Sector Development Council confirmed on Friday that it will be an essential support for the government in achieving development and construction, indicating that there is a real intention from the government to support the expansion of projects.

The expert in the Private Sector Development Council, Rahma Shaker Al-Kubaisi, said in a statement reported by the official news agency, and seen by Al-Iqtisad News, that “there is a state trend towards the private sector and truly supporting it to move towards expansion of projects as is found in developed countries.”

She added, "The private sector throughout Iraq must have a real effective role," stating, "The first founding meeting of the permanent Private Sector Development Council will be the gateway for investors and businessmen and businesswomen."

She added, "Women have come to represent many competent authorities, and therefore their presence within the private sector is important," noting that "ideas allow women to participate in the private sector more than in the government sector." 01/26/2024


 To read more current and reliable Iraqi news please visit BondLady’s Corner:

Top 100 Inspirational Quotes  Compiled By Kevin Kruse 

 Inspirational quotes and motivational quotes have the power to get us through a bad week, and can even  give us the courage to pursue our life’s dreams.  In my book, 4 Keys to Happiness and Fulfillment at Work, By Kevin Kruse, I share surprising research into the true triggers of workplace motivation.

 So in the spirit of self motivation, here are 100 inspirational quotes.

37. Go confidently in the direction of your dreams.  Live the life you have imagined. – Henry David Thoreau

 38. When I stand before God at the end of my life, I would hope that I would not have a single bit of talent left and could say, I used everything you gave me. – Erma Bombeck

 39. Few things can help an individual more than to place responsibility on him, and to let him know that you trust him.  – Booker T. Washington

 40. Certain things catch your eye, but pursue only those that capture the heart. – Ancient Indian Proverb

 41. Believe you can and you’re halfway there. –Theodore Roosevelt

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Economics, News Dinar Recaps 20 Economics, News Dinar Recaps 20

"Tidbits From TNT" Saturday 1-27-2024


CandyKisses:  UN: We will not participate in Iraqi-US negotiations

Mawazine News – Baghdad

The spokesman for the UN Secretary-General, Stephane Dujarric, confirmed that the United Nations will not participate in negotiations between Washington and Baghdad on the fate of US and international coalition forces in Iraq.

“It is good for them to negotiate on the subject, but it will not affect the mission of our envoy in Iraq,” the spokesman for the UN Secretary-General said.

He noted that “the United Nations has not shown any support or opposition to the remaining forces in Iraq.

Tensions in Iraq have increased since the Gaza war, and U.S. and coalition forces have been targeted with at least 60 drone and missile attacks by armed groups.


CandyKisses:  UN: We will not participate in Iraqi-US negotiations

Mawazine News – Baghdad

The spokesman for the UN Secretary-General, Stephane Dujarric, confirmed that the United Nations will not participate in negotiations between Washington and Baghdad on the fate of US and international coalition forces in Iraq.

“It is good for them to negotiate on the subject, but it will not affect the mission of our envoy in Iraq,” the spokesman for the UN Secretary-General said.

He noted that “the United Nations has not shown any support or opposition to the remaining forces in Iraq.

Tensions in Iraq have increased since the Gaza war, and U.S. and coalition forces have been targeted with at least 60 drone and missile attacks by armed groups.

On Thursday, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs announced the success of the negotiations between the Iraqi and American governments, which began in August 2023, in order to formulate a timetable that determines the duration of the presence of the advisers of the international coalition in Iraq, the end of the military mission of the coalition against ISIS, and the transition to comprehensive bilateral relations with the coalition countries, political, economic, cultural, security and military consistent with the vision of the Iraqi government.

The United Nations Assistance Mission for Iraq (UNAMI) has been in Iraq since 2003 to provide humanitarian, development and reconciliation assistance.


CandyKisses:  Sudani sponsors the launch of the first round of bilateral dialogue to end the mission of the international coalition in Iraq

{Political: Al-Furat News} Prime Minister Mohammed Shia Al-Sudani sponsored today, Saturday, the launch of the first round of bilateral dialogue between Iraq and the United States, to end the mission of the international coalition in Iraq.

The Sudanese media office said in a statement received by {Euphrates News} that "Prime Minister Mohammed Shia Al-Sudani sponsored the launch of the first round of bilateral dialogue between Iraq and the United States of America to end the mission of the international coalition in Iraq."

Baghdad and Washington agreed on Thursday to launch working groups within the framework of the "Supreme Military Committee", to study the future of the coalition in light of the "danger" posed by ISIS, and the capabilities of the Iraqi security forces.

The Foreign Ministry said the working groups will “formulate a specific and clear timetable, outlining the duration of the presence of the international coalition’s advisers in Iraq, and directing the deliberate phase-down of its advisers on Iraqi soil.”

In Washington, Deputy Defense Department spokeswoman Sabrina Singh said the size of U.S. military power in Iraq “will certainly be part of the discussions as things progress.”

A Pentagon official said in a press statement that a military committee "will conduct an assessment to reshape the relationship with Baghdad," noting that "there is no imminent withdrawal of US forces from Iraq."

Defense Minister Thabet al-Abbasi said on Thursday that his country's forces "are fully ready to withdraw the coalition forces and hold the security file in the country in full, especially after the experience they have gained in the past years and their dealing with security threats and their elimination."

He added in a statement, "The timings of the withdrawal of the coalition forces will be determined, and the building of joint cooperation relations between Iraq, the United States and the coalition countries in various political, economic, cultural, security and military fields, in line with the vision of the Iraqi government."

Prime Minister Mohammed Shia Al-Sudani said recently that "the end of the mission of the international coalition is a necessity for Iraq's security and stability, and it is also a necessity to maintain constructive bilateral relations between Iraq and the coalition countries."

Al-Sudani considered that "there is no longer any justification for the existence of the international coalition," saying: "Today the security situation, with the testimony of all specialists in Iraq, and friends, is that ISIS does not represent a threat to the Iraqi state."

There are about 2,500 American troops in Iraq, while about 900 American soldiers are deployed in Syria, within the framework of the international coalition launched by Washington in 2014.


CandyKisses:  Washington’s message to Baghdad: Economic support will fade after withdrawal, no negotiations before attacks stop

Mawazine News – Baghdad

Reliable sources revealed the content of a letter handed over by US authorities to the Iraqi government regarding the arrangements for the withdrawal of the international coalition forces.

The letter included "the method of withdrawal and its timetable," along with "the obligations on the Iraqi side," stressing that this withdrawal, if it happens, will not be without a price and "will not stop the deterrent attacks of armed groups loyal to Iran."

The Iraqi Foreign Ministry said on Wednesday night that an "important letter" had been received from Washington, and that Prime Minister Mohammed Shia'a Al-Sudani would study it carefully.

The sources explained to Asharq Al-Awsat that "Washington does not mind the transition to a new stage of bilateral relations, but the withdrawal of forces (by any way) will not stop the deterrent attacks of the activity of armed groups loyal to Iran, as long as they contribute to destabilizing the security and stability of the region."\

The Sudanese shared "important aspects" in the American message with leaders in the "Coordination Framework" coalition, including "confirmation that US strikes will not stop against the factions," according to the sources. “The upcoming technical negotiations to arrange the withdrawal will not be easy and quick, and will take the time necessary to ensure that all files associated with this presence are settled,” the letter hinted.

According to the sources, “Washington encouraged Baghdad during the letter to understand and understand the consequences of the withdrawal, including the financial and economic obligations that bind the two countries.”

Iraq has been depositing its oil revenues in a bank account controlled by the US Treasury Department since 2003, pursuant to UN Security Council Resolution 1483, which was intended to “help Iraq manage its resources in a transparent manner.”

Since the American message arrived at the government offices in Baghdad, political forces have been active in intensive dialogues, trying to understand the appropriate way to deal with “this sudden step.” Three informed sources told Al-Sharq Al-Awsat that "an influential Shiite party within the (coordination framework) is now trying to convince the factions involved in the field escalation against the Americans to retreat a little."

The Islamic Resistance in Iraq confirmed yesterday, Friday, that the request of the United States of America to the Iraqi government to hold talks to arrange the status of its forces, is "except an attempt to mix the cards, turn the table on the resistance, and gain time, to carry out more crimes and demonic schemes to harm our people and nation.

Mot:  Ya Just Never Knows What they Will Come up With!!!  Nelson looks like Earl

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Iraq Economic News and Points to Ponder Friday Evening 1-26-24

Iraq Economic News and Points to Ponder Friday Evening 1-26-24

Tlm724 Administrator Bondlady’s Corner

Parliamentary Finance: We Are Close To Ending The Phenomenon Of “Parallel Markets” And Prices Are Heading To Decline

 Economy |01-24-2024, Baghdad today – Baghdad  The Parliamentary Finance Committee confirmed today, Wednesday (January 24, 2024), that  Iraq is close to resolving the crisis of the high dollar exchange rate and ending the phenomenon of “parallel markets.”

Committee member Moeen Al-Kazemi said, in an interview with “Baghdad Today,” that “the Iraqi government and the central bank were able to truly control the exchange rate of the dollar and prevent its rise, after taking various steps and decisions over the past months that led to the gradual decline of the dollar in the parallel markets.”

He added, "Work is currently underway to end the so-called (parallel markets) and we are approaching that.  The dollar will not be exchanged except at the rate approved by the Central Bank of Iraq, and this matter requires a short time," pointing out that "the decline in the parallel markets "It will continue gradually over the coming days."

Iraq Economic News and Points to Ponder Friday Evening 1-26-24

Tlm724 Administrator Bondlady’s Corner

Parliamentary Finance: We Are Close To Ending The Phenomenon Of “Parallel Markets” And Prices Are Heading To Decline

 Economy |01-24-2024, Baghdad today – Baghdad  The Parliamentary Finance Committee confirmed today, Wednesday (January 24, 2024), that  Iraq is close to resolving the crisis of the high dollar exchange rate and ending the phenomenon of “parallel markets.”

Committee member Moeen Al-Kazemi said, in an interview with “Baghdad Today,” that “the Iraqi government and the central bank were able to truly control the exchange rate of the dollar and prevent its rise, after taking various steps and decisions over the past months that led to the gradual decline of the dollar in the parallel markets.”

He added, "Work is currently underway to end the so-called (parallel markets) and we are approaching that.  The dollar will not be exchanged except at the rate approved by the Central Bank of Iraq, and this matter requires a short time," pointing out that "the decline in the parallel markets "It will continue gradually over the coming days."

Earlier, the Central Bank of Iraq announced in a statement that, as of this January, it had decided to “limit all commercial and other transactions to the Iraqi dinar instead of the dollar” inside the country, in an attempt to control exchange rates in parallel markets.

Yesterday, Tuesday (January 23, 2024), a member of the Parliamentary Economics Committee, Representative Briar Rashid, monitored the danger of the “parallel market” in Iraq. Rashid said in an interview with “Baghdad Today,” that

 “many factors contributed to creating the parallel market for dollar exchange in Iraq, which is currently far from the official price set by the Central Bank at about 20 thousand dinars for every 100 dollars (the official price is 132 thousand dinars for every 100 dollars). $)".

 Rashid pointed out that  “the continuing gap between the parallel and the official is putting strong pressure on the markets and increasing the rate of price rise,” stressing that

“his committee will hold a series of sessions with the Central Bank starting next week in order to coordinate towards supporting the markets and responding to the requirements of companies and traders in order to reduce prices as much as possible.” Possibility.

He explained that "supporting banks and openness in the labor market and production is a priority during the next stage," stressing that  "increasing national production will reduce the demand for hard currency and lead to reducing the parallel market, and this is what we are seeking to achieve at the present time."المالية-النيابية-نقترب-من-انهاء-ظاهرة-الاسواق-الموازية-والاسعار-متجهة-للإنخفاض.html

In 2023... Fines From The Iraqi Central Bank On Banks And Banking Companies Amounting To Approximately 141 Billion Dinars

Economy     Central Bank of Iraq     fines  2024-01-24 00:51   Shafaq News/ The Central Bank of Iraq revealed, on Wednesday, that it had imposed financial fines on banks and banking companies exceeding 140 billion dinars during the past year 2023.

 A bank table, seen by Shafaq News Agency, showed that the fines imposed on banks and financial companies during the past 12 months amounted to 140 billion, 924 million, 318 thousand and 901 dinars. He stated that  "the fines also included 402 administrative penalties for these banks and non-banking institutions, distributed between warnings, warnings, and grace periods."

According to the table, last April witnessed the highest rate of fines for banks and non-financial institutions, amounting to 17 billion, 440 million, 383 thousand and 447 dinars, with administrative penalties amounting to 17 penalties, while last November witnessed the lowest rate of fines, amounting to 8 billion, 337 million. And 645 thousand and 628 dinars with 8 administrative penalties.

 The table did not show the names of the banks on which fines and administrative penalties were imposed.

In early June, the Iraqi Stock Exchange Investors Association criticized the Central Bank of Iraq's increase in fines on banks, noting that it would affect the profitability of investors in the shares of these banks.اقتصـاد/في-2023-غرامات-المركزي-العراقي-على-مصارف-وشركات-صيرفة-تقارب-141-مليار-دينار

The Central Bank Refers A Number Of Electronic Cards To The Judiciary

 Thursday, January 25, 2024 3:11 PM  Baghdad/National News Center  Today, Thursday, the Central Bank of Iraq decided to refer a number of electronic cards to the judiciary due to misuse outside Iraq. The bank stated in a statement received by the National News Centre, that

“based on the supervisory and regulatory role of this bank, the misuse of electronic cards outside Iraq and during short periods has recently been observed, which affects and harms the financial and banking sector and its customers in the Republic of Iraq.”

He added,  “This came after what was revealed by the reports of the competent security authorities and the supervisory procedures of this bank and the Anti-Money Laundering and Combating the Financing of Terrorism Office, and  the reports showed the use of employees’ nationalized salaries cards and retirees’ and social welfare cards,” noting that

“a number of cards were referred to the Supreme Judicial Council for the purpose of taking measures.” Legal in accordance with the Anti-Money Laundering and Terrorist Financing Law No. (39) of 2015 and the instructions issued pursuant thereto, and referring public sector employees to the Integrity Commission for the purpose of taking the necessary action on their part.” According to the statement, the bank warned

 “those who benefit from electronic payment services from the fake pages that have spread recently and which lure citizens (taking advantage of the citizen’s lack of awareness) to obtain their card information in exchange for their promises to provide services that are not true, and that

obtaining the services is through the official and private applications of the entity.” The card issuer (the bank, the electronic payment company) exclusively.” He stressed his  “strong keenness to provide all appropriate tools for the purpose of facilitating financial operations for citizens, which preserve the integrity of the financial operations of the Iraqi financial sector.”

The Credit Bank Of Iraq Achieves A Profit Of 17.5 Billion Dinars During The Year 2023

The Credit Bank of Iraq achieved a profit of 17.5 billion dinars during the year 2023.

The bank announced its financial budget for the year 2023. Its assets rose to 507.7 billion dinars, while it was 406.7 billion dinars in the year 2022, a growth rate of 24.8%.

The bank's revenues amounted to 27.1 billion dinars, divided into 18.3 billion dinars resulting from banking interest revenues and 3.7 billion dinars through banking commission revenues, in addition to revenues from the dollar and capital platform.

The bank's profits grew by 63.5% during the year 2023 compared to the year 2022, which reached 10.7 billion dinars.   Views 74 01/26/2024 -

Oil Prices Stabilize At Their Highest Levels Since December

Economy | 09:42 - 01/26/2024  Mawazine News – Baghdad  Oil prices closed higher by about 3%, settling at their highest levels since December, driven by strong economic data in the United States that showed faster-than-expected growth in the last quarter, with the continued impact of tension in the Red Sea on global trade.

Brent crude futures rose $2.39, or 2.99%, to $82.43 per barrel. US West Texas Intermediate crude also increased $2.27, or 3.02%, to $77.36 per barrel.

The focus remains on geopolitical tensions in the Middle East and the disruption of shipping traffic in the Red Sea.

We are reducing the volume of trade through the Suez Canal, which is suffering as a result of Houthi attacks in the Red Sea, by 42% during the past two months, according to what the United Nations announced.

Jan Hoffmann, an official at the United Nations Trade and Development Organization (UNCTAD), said in a press conference, “We are very concerned about attacks against shipping in the Red Sea (...) which increase trade disruptions linked to geopolitics and climate change.”

Maersk, the giant shipping company, said that nearby explosions forced two ships operated by its unit in the United States and carrying American military supplies to turn back when they were crossing the Bab al-Mandeb Strait towards the north, accompanied by pieces of the American Navy.

This came as the leader of the Houthis in Yemen announced that they would continue targeting ships linked to Israel until aid reaches the Palestinian people in Gaza.

In the United States, the US Energy Information Administration said that US crude inventories fell by 9.2 million barrels last week, more than analysts expected in a Reuters poll.

Oil prices also received support from hopes for economic recovery in China after the central bank announced a significant reduction in banks’ reserve requirements, while the European Central Bank on Thursday kept interest rates at four percent without indicating any possibility of monetary easing soon.


 To read more current and reliable Iraqi news please visit BondLady’s Corner:

Top 100 Inspirational Quotes  Compiled By Kevin Kruse 

 Inspirational quotes and motivational quotes have the power to get us through a bad week, and can even  give us the courage to pursue our life’s dreams.  In my book, 4 Keys to Happiness and Fulfillment at Work, By Kevin Kruse, I share surprising research into the true triggers of workplace motivation.

 So in the spirit of self motivation, here are 100 inspirational quotes.

32. Life shrinks or expands in proportion to one’s courage. – Anais Nin

33. If you hear a voice within you say “you cannot paint,” then by all means paint and that voice will be silenced. – Vincent Van Gogh

34. There is only one way to avoid criticism: do nothing, say nothing, and be nothing. – Aristotle

 35. Ask and it will be given to you; search, and you will find; knock and the door will be opened for you. –Jesus

36. The only person you are destined to become is the person you decide to be. – Ralph Waldo Emerson

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Economics, Goldilocks, News DINARRECAPS8 Economics, Goldilocks, News DINARRECAPS8

Goldilocks' Comments and Global Economic News Friday Evening 1-26-24

Goldilocks' Comments and Global Economic News Friday Evening 1-26-24

Good evening Dinar Recaps,

The World Trade Organization has been working on reforms for some time. In the past, it has been believed that this organization has favored the larger countries. Attempts have been made to reconcile some of the mechanisms to create a "More Level Playing Field" among the smaller countries.

In 2024, a renewed mechanism is at play to settle some disputes among countries feeling the need to call into question certain trades that have been favored towards larger countries over their own.

With the upcoming 13th Ministerial Conference (MC13) in February, a meeting with several representatives from around the world to talk and implement a new mechanism put into place called the "appellate mechanism."

The appellate mechanism is governed by seven people who will make decisions on disputes that are called into question. Last year, I shared with you how foreign exchange rates were being reformed within the WTO. Now, we are witnessing many trade products being brought to the table for adjustments throughout this year.

Goldilocks' Comments and Global Economic News Friday Evening 1-26-24

Good evening Dinar Recaps,

The World Trade Organization has been working on reforms for some time. In the past, it has been believed that this organization has favored the larger countries. Attempts have been made to reconcile some of the mechanisms to create a "More Level Playing Field" among the smaller countries.

In 2024, a renewed mechanism is at play to settle some disputes among countries feeling the need to call into question certain trades that have been favored towards larger countries over their own.

With the upcoming 13th Ministerial Conference (MC13) in February, a meeting with several representatives from around the world to talk and implement a new mechanism put into place called the "appellate mechanism."

The appellate mechanism is governed by seven people who will make decisions on disputes that are called into question. Last year, I shared with you how foreign exchange rates were being reformed within the WTO. Now, we are witnessing many trade products being brought to the table for adjustments throughout this year.

These adjustments to trading prices and foreign currency exchange rates are coming at a time whereby the new rules and regulations inside the banking system that are coming into play on March the 11th, 2024 are timely.   JD Supra    WTO

© Goldilocks

You might want to start trying to understand what a "unit of measure" and "storer of value" is in gold. Our new currency values will be determined by these references.

The term "unit of value" was recently used on the Debt Clock, and it is giving us a clue as to how our new monetary system is going to measure monetary values going forward that will give us a Global Currency Reset based on these new values.

Each week, "Freedom Fighter" opens up a room for discussion utilizing the Debt Clock as a source for topics giving us clues about the new monetary system. The symbol or coins above was on the last discussion and gives us an idea of where the powers that be are taking us inside the new monetary system.

© Goldilocks

US Debt Clock
Congress Link 1
Congress Link 2

25 JAN, 18:50   Russia, Ukraine show readiness to cooperate IAEA

The diplomatic engagement continues, Grossi added

The governments of Russia and Ukraine demonstrate readiness to cooperate with the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), the organization’s Director General Rafael Grossi said after a UN Security Council briefing on the Zaporozhye Nuclear Power Plant (ZNPP).

"Yes, I would say by and large, yes," the IAEA chief said when asked whether the IAEA was getting the cooperation it needs from the Russian and the Ukrainian authorities.

"Of course, there are moments of frustration, mine and theirs, I guess, because sometimes, when I say things they don’t appreciate, or they would prefer me to say differently. There is tension there, but this is a little bit what the IAEA is all about," the official continued.

However, the diplomatic engagement continues, Grossi added. "I think, this is what we need. We need diplomacy," he said.


Will the bank term funding program be extended?
The Federal Reserve is likely to allow its Bank Term Funding Program to expire on March 11, 2024, rather than renew the banking crisis-era lending program, according to commentary from Wrightson ICAP.   Dec 26, 2023  Seeking Alpha


What is bank term funding program?

Program: To provide liquidity to U.S. depository institutions, each Federal Reserve Bank would make advances to eligible borrowers, taking as collateral certain types of securities.   2 days ago
Federal Reserve


What is the band term funding program?

The Bank Term Funding Program (BTFP) was created to support American businesses and households by making additional funding available to eligible depository institutions to help assure banks have the ability to meet the needs of all their depositors.    Federal Reserve


Now, let's take a look at why the "Bank Term Funding Program" that's going away providing liquidity to our banks is so important. We have talked about this over two weeks ago, but I have yet to hear many people explain the importance of this in moving towards the new system.

Will it be easy? No, but it will be worth it.

On March 11th, 2024, this will be a shift in capital requirements to sustain our banking system going forward from BTFP to Basel 3. It will put a tremendous stress on gold in making this shift.

Let's put some of the pieces together. By that time, we will have tokenized assets that are backed by gold and other commodities already on the market trading in the new Digital Asset-Based Trading System.

This will create a demand for gold to go into a real value and our tokenized assets across all sectors of the market to move into their new prices because of it. It includes the Forex Market where you and I hold many of our currencies from around the world.

Since our assets across all Market sectors have been inflated for such a long time, it will require value adjustments to take place shifting our financial system from a stock market to a commodity Market led system. 

Here, our stock market and banking system will be synchronized and coordinated by our new Basel 3 requirements. It won't take place all in one day, but the process will begin. Federal Reserve

© Goldilocks

CFTC Customer Advisory Cautions the Public to Beware of Artificial Intelligence Scams |  CFTC


CFTC Staff Releases Request for Comment on the Use of Artificial Intelligence in CFTC-Regulated Markets |  CFTC


Prices of New Houses Drop to 2-Year Low |  Wolf Street


This is why XRP kills swift 😳 #crypto #xrp  #bitcoin #shorts


Plaid is Everywhere in Fintech Today |  Fintech Nexus


Release No.: IC-35117  <-SEC pdf file Date: Jan. 26, 2024 

Details: Notice of Applications for Deregistration under Section 8(f) of the Investment Company Act of 1940

BNY Mellon International Securities Funds, Inc.  811-07502

Corbin Multi-Strategy Fund, LLC  811-22517

EQ Premier VIP Trust

Fiera Capital Series Trust   811-23220

JPMorgan Insurance Trust  811-07874

Strategas Trust  811-23608


Tucker Carlson Interviews Governor Greg Abbot on the Border Crisis in Texas

Confirmed: 10 states have sent NG or other law enforcement to protect our border!

"There have been about 10 [states] so far that have sent National Guard or other law enforcement. They now are joined together with us and this is a fight for the future of America," Abbott said.


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Iraq Economic News and Points to Ponder Friday Afternoon 1-26-24

Iraq Economic News and Points to Ponder Friday Afternoon 1-26-24

Tlm724 Administrator Bondlady’s Corner

Instead Of Romanski, Biden Nominates An Extraordinary “New” American Ambassador To Iraq

 Politics     Iraq     breaking     Biden     nomination     Ambassador extraordinaire

2024-01-25 12:07  Shafaq News/ US President Joe Biden announced on Thursday his intention to nominate Tracy Ann Jacobson for the position of Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the United States of America to the Republic of Iraq, replacing Elena Romanski.

And Tracy Jacobson, Senior Career Member of the Diplomatic Service, Career Minister category, most recently served as Chargé d'Affairs at the U.S. Embassy in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.

Over the course of her distinguished career, she served as U.S. Ambassador on three occasions – to Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, and Kosovo, and as Deputy Chief of Mission at the U.S. Embassy in Riga, Latvia.

In addition to senior leadership roles overseas, Jacobson served as Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary of State in the Department of State's Bureau of International Organization Affairs and Dean of the National Foreign Affairs Training Center (FSI) for the College of Professional and Area Studies. At the National Security Council, Jacobson was Deputy Executive Secretary and Senior Director For anagement.

 Iraq Economic News and Points to Ponder Friday Afternoon 1-26-24

Tlm724 Administrator Bondlady’s Corner

Instead Of Romanski, Biden Nominates An Extraordinary “New” American Ambassador To Iraq

 Politics     Iraq     breaking     Biden     nomination     Ambassador extraordinaire

2024-01-25 12:07  Shafaq News/ US President Joe Biden announced on Thursday his intention to nominate Tracy Ann Jacobson for the position of Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the United States of America to the Republic of Iraq, replacing Elena Romanski.

And Tracy Jacobson, Senior Career Member of the Diplomatic Service, Career Minister category, most recently served as Chargé d'Affairs at the U.S. Embassy in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.

Over the course of her distinguished career, she served as U.S. Ambassador on three occasions – to Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, and Kosovo, and as Deputy Chief of Mission at the U.S. Embassy in Riga, Latvia.

In addition to senior leadership roles overseas, Jacobson served as Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary of State in the Department of State's Bureau of International Organization Affairs and Dean of the National Foreign Affairs Training Center (FSI) for the College of Professional and Area Studies. At the National Security Council, Jacobson was Deputy Executive Secretary and Senior Director For anagement.

Jacobson earned her bachelor's degree. She holds a bachelor's degree from Johns Hopkins University and a master's degree from the School of Advanced International Studies, also at Johns Hopkins University. She has received numerous awards from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, two Presidential Class Awards, and the Medal for Peace, Democracy and Humanity “Ibrahim Rugova” (Kosovo).سیاسة/بايدن-يرشح-سفيرة-فوق-العادة-ل-مريكا-لدى-العراق

Compliance Monitor Report

January 25, 2024     :diamonds: For regulatory and supervisory purposes and in view of the expansion in the work of all licensed electronic payment companies, it was decided as follows...For more click here   


[incomplete and approximate translation]   

All licensed electronic payment companies

M/Compliance Monitor Report

For regulatory and supervisory purposes and in view of the expansion of your companies’ business; Decide

The following:-

1- Cancellation of our Circular No. 5/9/1101 on 4/151/417.

1 - Your companies’ adoption of the new Compliance Monitor Report Form (a copy of which is attached

(b) and provide this bank with it semi-annually and within a period of (10) days from the dateAttention mid-year and in the event that we are not provided with the aforementioned report within the aforementioned period A late fine of (62:00010) dinars (seventy-five thousand) will be imposed.

Dinar) for each working day until you provide us with the report.

“The aforementioned report is sent to the Directorate of Supervision of Non-Banking Financial Institutions/Department Compliance review and a copy thereof to the Electronic Payment Service Providers Monitoring Department at the same time

The aforementioned directorate on CD (60) or (1/16170197 21358) in addition to sending it to Misuse of electronic payment cards   

January 25, 2024   Based on the supervisory and regulatory role of this bank, it has recently been observed that the misuse of electronic cards outside Iraq and during short periods, which affects and harms the financial and banking sector and its customers in the Republic of Iraq, was revealed by the reports of the competent security authorities and the supervisory procedures of this bank and the Anti-Money Laundering and Counter-Terrorism Financing Office.

The reports showed the use of employees’ nationalized salaries cards, retirees’ cards, and social care.

A number of cards were referred to the Supreme Judicial Council for the purpose of taking legal measures in accordance with the Anti-Money Laundering and Terrorist Financing Law No. (39) of 2015 and the instructions issued pursuant thereto, and referring public sector employees to the Integrity Commission. For the purpose of taking the necessary action by them.

     This bank also warns beneficiaries of electronic payment services of the fake pages that have spread recently that lure citizens (taking advantage of the citizen’s lack of awareness) to obtain their card information in exchange for their promises to provide services that are not true, and that obtaining services is through the official applications of the issuing authority. For the card (bank, electronic payment company) exclusively.

     From the above, this bank confirms its keenness to provide all appropriate tools for the purpose of facilitating financial operations for citizens, which maintain the integrity of the financial operations of the Iraqi financial sector.   Central Bank of Iraq  information Office

The Government Reveals That It Has Received 60 Applications To Establish Pharmaceutical Laboratories

 Economy  ,  01/26/2024 Number of readings : 222  Baghdad - Iraq Today:  Advisor to the Prime Minister for Industry Affairs and Private Sector Development, Hamoudi Al-Lami, revealed today, Friday, a movement to complete pharmaceutical factories in Iraq, while indicating that the file of localization of the pharmaceutical industry has yielded results that exceed the plan.

He confirmed the presence of 56 requests to establish new factories. Al-Lami said, according to the official agency, that “there are 56 requests to establish new pharmaceutical factories in Iraq,”

 indicating that “there are two pharmaceutical factories that have been fully completed, and now we are in the process of completing the approvals to start production, given that the pharmaceutical industry differs from the rest of the goods, so the first three must be produced.”

Meals are supervised and approved by the pharmaceutical control, and then allowed to begin production.”

 He added:  “We have a factory for producing syringes in the Kurdistan region, and a factory for intravenous solutions in Diwaniyah Governorate, as it is the first pharmaceutical factory in the southern regions,” pointing out that “there is a factory in Baghdad whose completion rates have reached 98%, and it is hoped that Production will begin during the next three months, in addition to two other factories whose completion stages have reached 75% in Baghdad, and the Al-Najaf Al-Ashraf factory, which is 60% complete, which is special for producing medicines.

He stated that  “the intravenous solutions production plant in Baghdad has reached 90% completion stages,” stressing that  “the localization of the pharmaceutical industry has yielded great results that exceed the plan.”الحكومة-تكشف-عن-تلقيها-60-طلبا-لإنشاء-معامل-أدوية

Private Sector Council: A Real Approach From The Government To Support The Expansion Of Projects

Economy   Baghdad - INA - Hassan Al-Fawaz   The Private Sector Development Council confirmed today, Friday, that it will be a fundamental support for the government in achieving development and construction, indicating that there is a real trend from the government to support the expansion of projects.

An expert in the Private Sector Development Council, Rahma Shaker Al-Kubaisi, told the Iraqi News Agency (INA):

“There is a state trend towards the private sector and truly supporting it to move towards expansion of projects as is found in developed countries.” She added, "The private sector throughout Iraq must have a real effective role," stating,

"The first founding meeting of the permanent Private Sector Development Council will be the gateway for investors and businessmen and businesswomen." She added, "Women have come to represent many competent authorities, and  therefore their presence within the private sector is important," noting that  "ideas allow women to participate in the private sector more than in the government sector."

For his part, the head of the Iraqi and Arab Contractors Union, Ali Fakher Sanafi, told the Iraqi News Agency (INA):

“The Private Sector Development Council will be an essential support for the government in development and construction.” He added,  "The private sector has suffered a lot in recent years, so the presence of this council will contribute to supporting the sector, especially since it receives the attention of Prime Minister Muhammad Shiaa Al-Sudani," noting,  "The council is a strong tributary and the right hand for developing the private sector."

Developing A Road Map To Revive The Oldest Railway Transport Lines In Iraq

    January 25 11:26 Information / Baghdad..  On Thursday, member of the Security and Services Committee, Baqir Al-Saadi, revealed a road map to revive the oldest railway transport lines in Iraq. Al-Saadi said in an interview with Al-Maalouma,

 “Railways ensure a reduction in the cost of transporting goods by no less than 60% and perhaps more, in addition to being safer, more dynamic and more flexible in transport under various conditions, including air, unlike other means of transport.”

He added, "In light of the government's vision, there is a broad road map in order to revive the oldest railway transportation routes in Iraq, whether in the eastern or southern part, and identify the existing lines and attempt to connect the border crossings with the capital, Baghdad, all the way to the ports of Basra, to be part of the strategic development road."’

 He pointed out that "creating new lines is an important step that will be worked on through a feasibility study and its importance in the economic dimension, especially since transport lines are effective not in the goods sector, but in the passenger sector."

Iraq currently includes a wide network of railway transport lines, but some of them are suspended and others were canceled in the seventies and eighties of the last century.ضع-خارطة-طريق-لإحياء-أقدم-خطوط-النقل-لسكك-الحديد-في-العراق

 To read more current and reliable Iraqi news please visit BondLady’s Corner:

Top 100 Inspirational Quotes  Compiled By Kevin Kruse 

 Inspirational quotes and motivational quotes have the power to get us through a bad week, and can even  give us the courage to pursue our life’s dreams.  In my book, 4 Keys to Happiness and Fulfillment at Work, By Kevin Kruse, I share surprising research into the true triggers of workplace motivation.

 So in the spirit of self motivation, here are 100 inspirational quotes.

27. Whether you think you can or you think you can’t, you’re right. – Henry Ford

28. The two most important days in your life are the day you are born and the day you find out why. –Mark Twain

 29. Whatever you can do, or dream you can, begin it.  Boldness has genius, power and magic in it. – Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

30. The best revenge is massive success. – Frank Sinatra

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Economics, News Dinar Recaps 20 Economics, News Dinar Recaps 20

"Tidbits From TNT" Friday Morning 1-26-2024


CandyKisses:  Al-Fatlawi: Iraqi policy is continuing to remove the occupation forces from the country

Information / Baghdad.

Ali al-Fatlawi, a member of the Fatah Alliance, said that Iraq is on the way to removing the combat forces of the US occupation, while maintaining diplomatic cooperation like other countries that work on this principle.

Al-Fatlawi told Al-Maalouma that "Iraq's policy is proceeding on the right real track to end the US presence in the country and remove the occupation forces from military bases."

He added that "the removal of the occupation forces from Iraq opens the door to the continuation of diplomatic cooperation, as any Arab or foreign regional country does, provided that the combat presence of US forces inside Iraq is ended." TNT:

CandyKisses:  Al-Fatlawi: Iraqi policy is continuing to remove the occupation forces from the country

Information / Baghdad.

Ali al-Fatlawi, a member of the Fatah Alliance, said that Iraq is on the way to removing the combat forces of the US occupation, while maintaining diplomatic cooperation like other countries that work on this principle.

Al-Fatlawi told Al-Maalouma that "Iraq's policy is proceeding on the right real track to end the US presence in the country and remove the occupation forces from military bases."

He added that "the removal of the occupation forces from Iraq opens the door to the continuation of diplomatic cooperation, as any Arab or foreign regional country does, provided that the combat presence of US forces inside Iraq is ended."


CandyKisses:  Al-Fatlawi: Iraqi policy is continuing to remove the occupation forces from the country

Information / Baghdad.

Ali al-Fatlawi, a member of the Fatah Alliance, said that Iraq is on the way to removing the combat forces of the US occupation, while maintaining diplomatic cooperation like other countries that work on this principle.

Al-Fatlawi told Al-Maalouma that "Iraq's policy is proceeding on the right real track to end the US presence in the country and remove the occupation forces from military bases."

He added that "the removal of the occupation forces from Iraq opens the door to the continuation of diplomatic cooperation, as any Arab or foreign regional country does, provided that the combat presence of US forces inside Iraq is ended."

He pointed out that "America has cards to play against countries that oppose its path and project in the region, and Iraq has taken a decision to remove the occupying forces from the country, where it works through its cards to exert pressure to ensure the achievement of its goals, but the matter cannot pass on the Iraqis as they will not obey any pressure exerted by Washington towards them." 

Tishwash:  Russia: Baghdad informed us of Washington's readiness to withdraw its forces from Iraq

The special envoy of the Russian President for the Syrian settlement, Alexander Lavrentiev, said that Iraq informed the Russian side of the United States’ readiness to withdraw its forces from Iraq.

In an interview with Novosti, Lavrentiev said that the question now is how long this will take and how the process of withdrawing American military personnel will take place.

He added, "Our Iraqi colleagues told us about this matter, and they informed us that the American ambassador in Baghdad announced his country's readiness to implement this measure - to meet the request of the Iraqi side, which was confirmed by a parliamentary decision. For my part, I asked our Iraqi friends in particular whether their request had been rejected, and they answered that the United States agreed." .

According to the Russian envoy, the Iraqi side confirmed that it is ready to maintain order throughout Iraq practically, and does not need external military support.

Regarding the American withdrawal, Lavrentiev said: “This could happen within a month or two, as happened in Afghanistan, or it could extend for years, and it could be done in a way in which military units are withdrawn and security forces from private companies are deployed in their place. Thus, it will seem that there is no "There are foreign military units, but there will be a foreign military presence." link


CandyKisses:  Parliamentary Finance: We are close to ending the phenomenon of "parallel markets" and prices are heading down

Baghdad today - Baghdad

The Parliamentary Finance Committee confirmed today, Wednesday (January 24, 2024), that Iraq is close to resolving the crisis of the high dollar exchange rate and ending the phenomenon of "parallel markets."

Committee member Moeen Al-Kazemi said, in an interview with "Baghdad Today," that "the Iraqi government and the central bank were able to truly control the exchange rate of the dollar and prevent its rise, after taking various steps and decisions over the past months that led to the gradual decline of the dollar in the parallel markets." .

He added, "Work is currently underway to end the so-called (parallel markets) and we are approaching that. The dollar will not be exchanged except at the rate approved by the Central Bank of Iraq, and this matter requires a short time," pointing out that "the decline in the parallel markets "It will continue gradually over the coming days."

Earlier, the Central Bank of Iraq announced in a statement that it had decided as of January to "limit all commercial and other transactions to Iraqi dinars instead of dollars" inside the country, in an attempt to control exchange rates in parallel markets.

Yesterday, Tuesday (January 23, 2024), a member of the Parliamentary Economy Committee, MP Periar Rashid, monitored the danger of the "parallel market" in Iraq.

Rashid said in an interview with "Baghdad Today" that "many factors contributed to the creation of the parallel market for the exchange of the dollar in Iraq, which is currently far from the official rate set by the Central Bank at about 20,000 dinars per $ 100 (the official rate is 132,000 dinars per $100)."

Rashid pointed out that "the gap between the parallel and the official puts strong pressure on the markets and increases the rate of price rise," stressing that "his committee will hold a series of sessions with the Central Bank starting next week in order to coordinate towards supporting the markets and responding to the requirements of companies and traders in order to reduce prices as much as possible."

He explained that "supporting banks and openness in the labor market and production is a priority during the next stage," stressing that "increasing national production will reduce the demand for hard currency and push to reduce the parallel market, and this is what we are seeking to achieve at the present time."

Mot: ... its a Marital Thingy - I Thinks!!! 

Mot: .. soooo - How Long as It been???

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