Iraqi News Highlights and Points to Ponder Friday AM 12-8-23

Iraqi News Highlights and Points to Ponder Friday AM 12-8-23

A Deputy Reveals The Loss Of 35 Trillion Dinars And Determines The Extent Of Smuggling

Special Sumeria  2023-12-07 | Source: Alsumaria News  1,377 views  Today, Thursday, a member of the Parliamentary Finance Committee, MP Muhammad Al-Nouri, revealed the loss of 35 trillion Iraqi dinars in print, while noting that the volume of smuggling reached 60-70% and cannot be controlled.

Iraqi News Highlights and Points to Ponder Friday AM 12-8-23

A Deputy Reveals The Loss Of 35 Trillion Dinars And Determines The Extent Of Smuggling

Special Sumeria  2023-12-07 | Source: Alsumaria News  1,377 views  Today, Thursday, a member of the Parliamentary Finance Committee, MP Muhammad Al-Nouri, revealed the loss of 35 trillion Iraqi dinars in print, while noting that the volume of smuggling reached 60-70% and cannot be controlled.

Al-Nouri said during his speech to the program (Openly), broadcast by Al-Sumaria satellite channel, that “more than 35 trillion printed Iraqi dinars do not exist inside Iraq, knowing that there are only two neighboring countries that deal with Iraq in dinars, and more than 3 months ago, 4 trillion Iraqi dinars were entered from the category of Iraqi dinars.” The (50),” pointing out that “Finance and the Central Bank raised the issue of bonds to control the issue of the Iraqi dinar, and they only collected one trillion.”

He added, “The control of the parties and the existing quotas within the financial system is what established the failure of the Iraqi economy, and there is no country so far that relies on paper accounts, and there are no final accounts in banks, no electronic automation, and more than 73 private banks except Iraq,” noting that “the system "The financial system must be independent in order to achieve economic balance within the country."

He continued, “Government banks are shackled by the Ministry of Finance and the Prime Minister,” noting that “the Central Bank is a failure and does not aim for real management, and the control of some parties over its decisions affected the price of the dollar, and its biggest mistake was pricing the dollar in the budget at 132 thousand compared to 100 dollars because Iraq lost more than 9 trillion, and the difference between it and the market became high.”

Al-Nouri noted that “the American Federal Reserve is responsible for monetary policy in Iraq and does not give money except with American approval, and whoever imagines that Iraq is in economic control is dreaming.”

He pointed out that "Iraq has become a source of narcotic drugs under the framework government, and the volume of smuggling has reached 60-70%, and more than 20 outlets in northern Iraq are not controlled, and the import of (cigarettes, gold, mobile phones, and alcohol) does not benefit Iraq because of this matter," indicating that " The volume of dollars actually sold inside Iraq does not cover the country’s needs due to smuggling, and these operations must be limited by controlling open ports and some ports controlled by parties.”

He pointed out that "the loss of the Iraqi dinar caused a lot of damage and as a result many small projects and construction advances stopped," stressing that "the Iraqi economy is completely linked to the United States and we were receiving 3 payments of the dollar now only one, and the US Federal Reserve sanctions caused an explosion in the exchange rate." He deals with us according to the missiles that fall on the  Ain al-Assad base and the embassy.”

Al-Nouri continued, "The government has no solutions and no bold decision to manage the crisis. The Central Bank must open the horizon to the rest of the banks and merchants and deal with the countries from which Iraq imports their currency, such as Iran, Turkey, China and others, and move away from absolute dependence on the dollar."

Regarding the government electronic transformation, a member of the Finance Committee confirmed that “the government does not have a database through which it can transform to the electronic system,” explaining that it “failed to control the ports because they are outside the borders of the state and under the control of some neighboring countries and armed factions.”  LINK

Baghdad Is A Cash Cow...And The Regional Government Steals The Camel With What It Carries

Today 19:59  Information/Exclusive:  The suffering of Kurdish employees continues as the regional government, which is controlled by the Barzani family, enjoys the good things of the southern governorates, amid a sharp rise in poverty rates as a result of; The Kurdistan government is stubborn in releasing employee salaries and not explaining the main reasons for this crisis, despite the continued seizure of oil export revenues and border crossings.

Otherwise, the central government in Baghdad decided to send money to the region, in clear violation of the law, in order to solve the crisis of employees’ salaries, whose voices reached the capital in massive demonstrations demanding their financial entitlements, which the Kurdistan government seized, according to observers.

*Continuing violations.

Speaking about this file, Member of the House of Representatives, Jassim Al-Moussawi, accuses the Kurdistan Region of not adhering to the decisions and controls of the central government so far, while he stressed that the salaries crisis is a defect within the Kurdistan government and Baghdad has no relationship with it.

Al-Moussawi said in an interview with the Maalouma Agency, “The crisis is not new today, but has been present for ten years until now,” noting that, “With the full money being sent to the region during the last period, we noticed the continuation of the crisis of employees not receiving their salaries.”

He continues, "The Kurdistan government bears responsibility for not finding appropriate solutions to the crisis despite its continuation for many years," pointing out that "the salaries crisis is a defect within the regional government and the Baghdad government has nothing to do with it."

He explains that "one of the reasons for the crisis is the failure to give salaries at the correct timing to employees," adding that "the Kurdistan region continues to not adhere to the decisions and controls of the central government until now."

*Clear and scandalous takeover!

For his part, political analyst Sabah Al-Ukaili wonders about the legal and constitutional basis on which the government continues to send money to the Kurdistan government, while he stressed that despite sending money to the region, the crisis of non-delivery of employee salaries continues until now.

Al-Ugaili said in an interview with the Maalouma Agency, “There are many unresolved financial problems with the regional government,” noting that “Kurdistan has not committed to implementing the budget provisions and the new government’s controls regarding controlling oil revenues and border crossings.”

He continues, "Continuing to send money to the region without reaching final solutions to the financial problems between the two parties is a great risk to the government," pointing out that "sending money in light of the region's non-compliance with government controls is another violation of the provisions of the general budget."

He added, "Despite the numerous meetings, the data indicate a lack of transparency in the negotiations with the region," adding that "despite sending money to the region, the crisis of non-delivery of employee salaries continues until now."

It should be noted that the Kurdistan government continues to refrain from performing its duties by refraining from handing over the salaries of the region’s employees under the pretext of not sending them from the central government, while it still continues to illegally seize oil export funds, as well as revenues from border crossings, and despite the government sending The federal government received more than 2 trillion Iraqi dinars in payments in the previous period. Ended/25/Y  LINK

Iraq.. Online Food Delivery Will Generate $845 Million In 2023

Economy  2023-12-08 | 714 views  Al-Sumaria News – Economy  The online food delivery market in Iraq is expected to achieve revenues of 845 million US dollars during 2023.

According to the statistics website Statista, with an estimated annual growth rate of 19.40%, the market size is expected to reach more than 2 billion US dollars by 2028, that is, five years from now.

The statistic indicates that “in the grocery delivery market, it is expected to witness...IraqRevenue growth of 26.2% in 2024, and market size to reach US$825.90 million by 2023.

Compared to other countries, China is expected to generate the highest revenues in the online food delivery market, reaching US$395.90 billion in 2023.

The statistics show that the user penetration rate in the grocery delivery market is expected to reach 13.2% in 2023, and despite the challenges facing the country, online food delivery services inIraqIt is quickly gaining popularity and becoming a convenient choice for consumers.  LINK

With A New Decision.. How Will Iraq Lose 6% Of Its Oil Exports?

Economy  2023-12-08 | 2,403 views  Alsumaria News – Economy  Figures and statistics related to the voluntary reduction of oil reveal that the Iraqi reduction of oil was the largest among all OPEC+ countries.

The total reductions agreed upon by the OPEC Plus coalition amounted to 2.2 million barrels per day, but 1.3 million barrels per day was in fact an extension of previous reductions by Saudi Arabia and Russia, and the new reduction did not exceed 900 thousand barrels per day, and the reduction wasIraqIt is the largest with 210 thousand throws per day.

It is expected that this reduction will have a negative impact on the shareIraqThe new production capacity has become only 4 million barrels, and this reduction may have a negative impact on the volume of oil exports and thus the volume of oil revenues, especially in light of the significant decline in global oil prices.

Among the 1.3 million barrels per day that OPEC+ decided to reduce until the end of this year wasIraqAt that time, he reduced 210,000 barrels per day, but with new cuts increasing by 900,000 barrels per day, he decidedIraqAn additional reduction of 210 thousand barrels per day as well, bringing the total reduction to more than 420 thousand barrels per day.

And while he repeatsIraqMore than 700 thousand barrels per day in the refineries, he will only have 3.3 million barrels per day left to export, which is a smaller amount than the number fixed in the budget of 3.5 million barrels per day, which indicates the possibility of losing.IraqMore than 6% of its oil exports.

The new voluntary reduction will continue until the end of the first quarter of next year, that is, until the end of March of next year 2024.  LINK

Provoking Points to Ponder on Exaggeration:

Never speak by superlatives; for in so doing you will be likely to wound either truth or prudence -- Exaggeration is neither thoughtful, wise, nor safe -- It is a proof of the weakness of the understanding, or the want of discernment of him that utters it, so that even when he speaks the truth, he soon finds it is received with partial, or even utter unbelief -- Hume 

 There is a sort of harmless liars, frequently to be met with in company, who deal much in the marvelous -- Their usual intention is to please and entertain: but as men are most delighted with what they conceive to be truth, these people mistake the means of pleasing, and incur universal blame -- Hume

The habit of exaggeration becomes, in time, a slavish necessity, and they who practice it pass their lives in a kind of mental telescope through whose magnifying medium they look upon themselves and everything around them -- J B Owen 

Perfectly truthful men of vivid imagination and great force of sentiment often feel so warmly, and express themselves so strongly, as to give what they say a disagreeable air of exaggeration and almost falsehood -- J F Boyes

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Economics, Goldilocks, News DINARRECAPS8 Economics, Goldilocks, News DINARRECAPS8

Goldilocks' Comments and Global Economic News Thursday Evening 12-7-23

Goldilocks' Comments and Global Economic News Thursday Evening 12-7-23

Good Evening Dinar Recaps,

"Pidgin Partners With Modern Banking Systems to Bring Real-Time Payments to Small Banks"

The QFS and real-time payments are being onboarded to small Banks through Pidgin Technologies.

This includes The FedNow and The Clearing House Payments Co.’s Real-Time Payments network.

Goldilocks' Comments and Global Economic News Thursday Evening 12-7-23

Good Evening Dinar Recaps,

"Pidgin Partners With Modern Banking Systems to Bring Real-Time Payments to Small Banks"

The QFS and real-time payments are being onboarded to small Banks through Pidgin Technologies.

This includes The FedNow and The Clearing House Payments Co.’s Real-Time Payments network.

© Goldilocks
Digital Transactions Link


Iraq is moving from a consumer-driven Market to an Export-oriented economic model.

This is a trade and economic policy change designed to speed up the industrialization process in Iraq.

Through exporting goods to nations of comparative advantages, this gives Iraq a chance to grow organically and naturally inside a global market.

© Goldilocks
Iraq-BusinessNews Link


Nothing goes to the moon without a significant correction preceding it.

Watch gold.

© Goldilocks


Look for XRP and XLM to be one of the first movers in the new digital asset-based trading systems. 

© Goldilocks


Salty is preparing a room for us in case this telegram room goes down. It is not completely set up. There still needs to be a sign-up section to join it along with other little details, but here is an example of what it would look like from today's article. You can go ahead and join the Seeds of Wisdom room if you like in preparation for this transition.

© Goldilocks
Seeds of Wisdom Team Link


Press Briefing by Julie Kozack, Director, Communications Department, IMF


Wyoming legislators may have let the Wyoming Stable Token Commission off the hook when it comes to releasing a single digital stable token by the end of December to meet an arbitrary deadline, but that doesn’t necessarily mean Wyoming Stable Tokens aren’t already floating around in the ether.

In fact, at least one company says it has already created a Wyoming Stable Token for testing purposes on its Stellar Test Net and Future Net.

Louis Morgan, co-founder and chief technology officer of Block Time Financial, told commissioners during their most recent Wyoming Stable Token Commission meeting that his company created a test Wyoming Stable Token on Nov. 2 and has already been putting it to work virtually.


A US House of Representatives committee has unanimously approved a bill directing the Department of Commerce to support blockchain tech. Despite the bill passing through committee, approval by the House remains uncertain. Its best chance may be integration with other larger, must-pass legislation.


JUST IN: Fidelity's Spot Bitcoin ETF has been listed on the DTCC under ticker $FBTC.



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Iraq Economic News and Points to Ponder Thursday Evening 12-7-23

Iraq Economic News and Points to Ponder Thursday Evening 12-7-23

Tlm724 Administrator Bondlady’s Corner

The Dollar Exceeds 158 Thousand Dinars At The End Of The Week

Time: 12/07/2023 Read: 1,170 times   {Economic: Al-Furat News} The main stock market in Baghdad was closed this evening, Thursday, due to the decline in the price of the dollar against the Iraqi dinar.

Selling prices in exchange shops in local markets in Baghdad recorded 158,250 Iraqi dinars for 100 dollars, while purchasing prices reached 156,250 dinars for 100 dollars.

The selling price this morning was 158,500 Iraqi dinars, and the buying price was 156,500 dinars for every 100 dollars. 

Iraq Economic News and Points to Ponder Thursday Evening 12-7-23

Tlm724 Administrator Bondlady’s Corner

The Dollar Exceeds 158 Thousand Dinars At The End Of The Week

Time: 12/07/2023 Read: 1,170 times   {Economic: Al-Furat News} The main stock market in Baghdad was closed this evening, Thursday, due to the decline in the price of the dollar against the Iraqi dinar.

Selling prices in exchange shops in local markets in Baghdad recorded 158,250 Iraqi dinars for 100 dollars, while purchasing prices reached 156,250 dinars for 100 dollars.

The selling price this morning was 158,500 Iraqi dinars, and the buying price was 156,500 dinars for every 100 dollars.   LINK

Government Source: New Shipments Of Dollar Supplies Arrive In Iraq

Economy | 02:42 - 07/12/2023   Baghdad - Mawazine News   A government source revealed, today, Thursday, the arrival of shipments of dollars to the Trade Bank of Iraq.

The source said: “Shipments of millions of dollars arrived through the Trade Bank of Iraq (TBI), as part of the bank’s plan to supply dollars.”

He added, "This came to meet customers' requests," noting that "other shipments are scheduled to arrive during the next few days."

Federation of Arab Stock Exchanges: The Iraqi Stock Exchange accounted for 61% of November trading

Market   Economy News – Baghdad   On Thursday, the Arab Federation of Stock Exchanges issued its report for last November.

The report, which Al-Iqtisad News reviewed, showed that “the Iraqi Stock Exchange acquired 61% of the total trading volume (number of shares traded) for the month of November in the Arab world compared to the previous month.”

The Egyptian Stock Exchange also achieved, according to the report, the best performance for the third month in a row in the EGX30 price index with a rate of 9.7%, followed by the Iraq Stock Exchange for the ISX60 price index with a rate of 9%. In the month of November compared to the previous month.

The Iraq Stock Exchange ranked sixth in the Arab world in terms of the number of listed joint-stock companies.  70 views  12/07/2023 -

Iraq And 4 Arab Countries Possess More Than One Million Tons Of Global Gold Reserves

Gold bullion in Munich. "Reuters"money and business   Economy News – Baghdad   The World Gold Council announced on Thursday that Iraq and four Arab countries possess more than one million tons of global gold reserves.

The Council said in its latest schedule for the month of December 2023, viewed by Shafaq News Agency, that “Iraq, Algeria, Egypt, Lebanon, and Saudi Arabia have reached one million and 28 thousand and 4 tons of precious metal.”

He added, "Iraq maintained its ranking of 30th globally out of the 100 countries listed in the table with the largest gold reserves, as it has not purchased gold since May, bringing its gold possessions to 132.7 tons, which represents 7.7% of the rest of its other reserves."

He pointed out that "the United States of America sits on the throne of the rest of the countries with the largest possession of gold in the world at 8,133.5 thousand tons, followed by Germany with 3,352.6 thousand tons, then Italy came with 2,451.8 thousand tons, while Suriname ranked 99th with 1.5 thousand tons." tons, followed by Papua Guinea with the same amount at 1.5 thousand tons.”

The Council stated, “Iraq announced on June 27, 2022, the purchase of new quantities of gold amounting to approximately (34) tons, an increase of 35% over what was in its possession, while it announced in the month of May that it had purchased 2.3 tons of gold.”

It is noteworthy that the World Gold Council is based in the United Kingdom and has extensive experience and deep knowledge of the factors causing market change, and its members consist of the largest and most advanced gold mining companies in the world.

Views 73  12/07/2023 -

German "Siemens" Signs A Contract To Establish 5 Stations To Strengthen The Iraqi Electrical Network

The Ministry of Electricity announced that it had awarded the German energy company Siemens a contract to establish five high-voltage substations.

The ministry said in a statement, “The signing of the contract comes to keep pace with the increasing demand for electrical energy transmission in Iraq and to secure the electricity needs of more than 2.5 million homes.”

This announcement, according to the statement, comes in conjunction with the Iraqi government’s efforts to strengthen the national electrical energy infrastructure and deliver electricity to all governorates of Iraq.

The Ministry also said that this contract represents the second phase of the “Energy Agenda in Iraq - Phase II” agreement projects that was signed in Berlin at the beginning of this year between the Iraqi Ministry of Electricity and Siemens Energy.

Under the contract, these five stations with a capacity of 400 kilovolts will be established in various cities of Iraq, in the capital, Baghdad, Diyala, Najaf, Karbala, and Basra, where each will have a capacity of 1,500 megawatts, and work on establishing these stations will begin at the beginning of 2024.

The majority of the project will be financed. By the export credit agency Allianz Trade Trust, formerly known as Euler Hermes, in cooperation with the Iraqi Ministry of Finance.

The statement quoted the Minister of Electricity, Ziad Ali Fadel, as saying, “Energy is considered one of the most important foundations for the growth and prosperity of countries, and we are proud to continue our strong partnership with Siemens Energy to achieve the objectives of the projects of the “Energy Agenda in Iraq - Phase Two” agreement, as we are confident that this The project will enhance the capacity of the national electricity grid and transmit it to various parts of the country. It will also support various national sectors and contribute to their growth.”

According to the statement, Siemens Energy will build the substations, including engineering consulting, construction and building operations. The contract includes the production, processing and delivery of the latest high-voltage products such as gas-insulated electrical equipment for the main voltage levels of 400 kV and 132 kV as well as super-power transformers for power transmission, each with a capacity of 250 MW.


To read more current and reliable Iraqi news please visit BondLady’s Corner:


Provoking Points To Ponder on Dreaming and Believing:

Go confidently in the direction of your dreams! Live the life you've imagined - As you simplify your life, the laws of the universe will be simpler; solitude will not be solitude, poverty will not be poverty, nor weakness weakness - Henry David Thoreau 

The most powerful thing you can do to change the world, is to change your own beliefs about the nature of life, people, reality, to something more positive.... and to begin to act accordingly - Shakti Gawain- Creative Visualisation 

Ask and it shall be given you; seek - and ye shall find; knock - and it shall be opened unto you -- For every one that asketh - receiveth; and he that seeketh - findeth; and to him that knocketh - it shall be opened - Matthew 7: 7,8

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Economics, Goldilocks, News DINARRECAPS8 Economics, Goldilocks, News DINARRECAPS8

Goldilocks' Comments and Global Economic News Thursday AM 12-7-23

Goldilocks' Comments and Global Economic News Thursday AM 12-7-23

Good Morning Dinar Recaps,

After several months of cutting oil production by several OPEC+ countries, the production indicators finally dropped in November after cutting back since July.  This has the tendency to raise the price of crude oil. It will increase transportation costs here in America as we are one of the highest consumers of OPEC+ oil. 

Look for transportation of goods and services to slow down as a result. The current agreement is to slow production for the first quarter of 2024.

Goldilocks' Comments and Global Economic News Thursday AM 12-7-23

Good Morning Dinar Recaps,

After several months of cutting oil production by several OPEC+ countries, the production indicators finally dropped in November after cutting back since July.  This has the tendency to raise the price of crude oil. It will increase transportation costs here in America as we are one of the highest consumers of OPEC+ oil. 

Look for transportation of goods and services to slow down as a result. The current agreement is to slow production for the first quarter of 2024.

 This will shift the money supply from the West to the East and increase values and demand for local currencies coming into play in the East. 

© Goldilocks

OilPrice Link
Investopedia Link


After This, The Dollar Collapses | Rafi Farber


IMF Director Just HINTED On How USDC Will Use XRP To Get "Extensive Reach" On Cross Border Payments!


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Thank you Dinar Recaps  -

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Iraqi News Highlights and Points to Ponder Thursday AM 12-7-23

Iraqi News Highlights and Points to Ponder Thursday AM 12-7-23

3Government Source: New Shipments Of Dollar Supplies Arrive In Iraq

Economy | 07/12/2023  Baghdad - Mawazine News  A government source revealed, today, Thursday, the arrival of shipments of dollars to the Trade Bank of Iraq.  The source said: "Shipments of millions of dollars arrived through the Trade Bank of Iraq (TBI), as part of the bank's plan to supply dollars."

He added, "This came to meet customer requests," noting that "other shipments are scheduled to arrive during the next few days."  

Iraqi News Highlights and Points to Ponder Thursday AM 12-7-23

3Government Source: New Shipments Of Dollar Supplies Arrive In Iraq

Economy | 07/12/2023  Baghdad - Mawazine News  A government source revealed, today, Thursday, the arrival of shipments of dollars to the Trade Bank of Iraq.  The source said: "Shipments of millions of dollars arrived through the Trade Bank of Iraq (TBI), as part of the bank's plan to supply dollars."

He added, "This came to meet customer requests," noting that "other shipments are scheduled to arrive during the next few days."

Iraq And 4 Arab Countries Possess More Than One Million Tons Of Global Gold Reserves

Gold bullion in Munich. "Reuters"   Money  and business  Economy News – Baghdad  The World Gold Council announced on Thursday that Iraq and four Arab countries possess more than one million tons of global gold reserves.

The Council said in its latest schedule for the month of December 2023, viewed by Shafaq News Agency, that “Iraq, Algeria, Egypt, Lebanon, and Saudi Arabia have reached one million, 28,040 tons of precious metal.”

He added, "Iraq maintained its ranking of 30th globally out of the 100 countries listed in the table with the largest gold reserves, as it has not purchased gold since the month of May, bringing its gold possessions to 132.7 tons, which represents 7.7% of the rest of its other reserves."

He pointed out that “the United States of America sits on the throne of the rest of the countries with the largest possession of gold in the world at 8,133.5 thousand tons, followed by Germany with 3,352.6 thousand tons, then Italy came with 2,451.8 thousand tons, while Suriname ranked 99th with 1.5 thousand tons.” tons, followed by Papua Guinea with the same amount at 1.5 thousand tons.”

The Council stated, “Iraq announced on June 27, 2022, the purchase of new quantities of gold amounting to approximately (34) tons, an increase of 35% over what was in its possession, while in the month of May it announced the purchase of 2.3 tons of gold.”

It is noteworthy that the World Gold Council is based in the United Kingdom and has extensive experience and deep knowledge of the factors causing market change, and its members consist of the largest and most advanced gold mining companies in the world.

Views 15 12/07/2023 -

The Iraqi Central Bank Sells More Than $200 Million At Auction On Thursday

Baghdad today – Baghdad  Today, Thursday (December 7, 2023), the Central Bank’s sales amounted to more than $206 million during its auction to buy and sell the US dollar.

According to the bank’s list, its total sales today amounted to 206 million and 144 thousand and 114 dollars, which the bank covered at a base exchange rate of 1,305 dinars per dollar for documentary credits and international settlements for electronic cards, at a rate of 1,310 dinars per dollar for external transfers, and at a rate of 1,310 dinars per dollar in cash.

According to the table provided to “Baghdad Today,” “most of the dollar sales went to strengthen balances abroad in the form of (transfers, credits), amounting to 194 million and 924 thousand and 114 dollars, while the rest, amounting to 11 million and 78 thousand dollars, went in the form of cash sales.”


Iraq's Exports Of Oil And Its Products To America Exceed 70 Million Barrels Within 7 Months

Money  and business  Economy News-Follow-up  The US Energy Information Administration announced on Thursday that crude oil exports to the United States amounted to more than 70 million barrels during seven months of 2023.

The administration said in its schedule that Iraq exported 70.230 million barrels of crude oil and its products to America from March until September.

She added that Iraq's exports of oil and its derivatives in September amounted to 9,843 million barrels, 62,000 barrels lower than what they recorded in August, when they reached 9,905 million barrels, and 436,000 barrels higher than in July, when exports reached 9,407 million barrels.

The US Energy Information Administration stated that OPEC's exports of crude oil and its products to America during the seven months amounted to 306,086 million barrels, with Saudi Arabia having the highest rate of exports to America, reaching 14,166.47 million barrels during the same time period.

Views 23 12/07/2023

The Regional Government Calls For Amending The Budget Law

12/06/2023 Read: 13 times  {Politics: Al-Furat News} Today, Wednesday, the Kurdistan Regional Council of Ministers held its regular weekly meeting, headed by Prime Minister Masrour Barzani and in the presence of his deputy, Prime Minister Qubad Talabani, and discussed a number of topics on its agenda.

At the beginning of the meeting, the Prime Minister, on behalf of the Council, welcomed the return of Peshmerga Minister Shorsh Ismail to the Council of Ministers meetings and the resumption of his work and duties.

In the first paragraph of the agenda, the concerned ministers presented the latest developments related to the budget share and salaries of the Kurdistan Region in light of the discussions held by the region’s negotiating delegation, during its recent visit to Baghdad last week.

The negotiating delegation also presented the necessary clarifications to the Council of Ministers, indicating that despite reaching a common understanding in Baghdad stipulating that the entitlements of salary recipients must be separated from political differences and obligations, it emphasized the disbursement of the region’s salary allocations according to the tables attached to the budget law without applying the actual spending standard. And not linking employee financial benefits to political differences.

The negotiating delegation indicated that the recent negotiations, and what was presented to the region’s negotiating delegation, do not radically resolve this issue and do not address the problem of the entitlements of all of the region’s salary recipients, which amount to 944 billion dinars per month, and more than 11 trillion dinars annually, which was reviewed and audited by the audit team.

 The joint Federal Financial Supervision Bureau and the region, and therefore what the federal government is practicing is a clear, explicit and unjustified violation of the constitutionally guaranteed rights of the citizens of Kurdistan,” according to a statement by the regional government.

The Kurdistan Council of Ministers called on the federal government to prepare a draft law amending the federal general budget law in the Council of Ministers as soon as possible and approve it, and then refer it to the House of Representatives with the aim of securing the entitlements of salary recipients in the region as stated in the tables of the budget law,

far from the standard of actual spending and disputes, and At the political level, all political parties that formed the cabinet of Federal Prime Minister Muhammad Shiaa al-Sudani must support the draft law amending the budget law, so that salary recipients in the region can receive their salaries on time without delay, like their peers in the rest of Iraq’s regions, towards achieving the justice embodied in the Constitution in The principle of equality of citizens before the law, and that financial benefits are sent to the Kurdistan Region within the framework of the signed agreements and the budget law, so that the Kurdistan Region Ministry of Finance can distribute them to those entitled to them.   LINK

9 Million Iraqis Live In Baghdad

Posted On2023-12-07 By Sotaliraq  Yesterday, Wednesday, the Ministry of Planning revealed its estimates of the population of Iraq for the year 2023, indicating that the number has reached 43 million people, while indicating that Baghdad is the most populous according to population projections based on annual estimates.

The official spokesman for the ministry, Abdul Zahra Al-Hindawi, said in a press statement that “the number of people in Iraq for the year 2023 reached 43 million people,” noting that “Baghdad is the most populous, with 9 million people, representing 23% of the other governorates.” .

Al-Hindawi added, “The city of Mosul came second in number of people in Iraq, with a population of 4 million people, followed by Basra third, with an estimated population of 3 million people. The city of Muthanna, with an estimated population of 950 thousand to one million, came second.”

He pointed out that “the percentage of males in Iraq is slightly higher than that of females, as the percentage of males reached 50.5% while the percentage of females reached 49.5%.”

He explained that “population growth in Iraq is 2.5 per year, which is a lower rate than ten years ago, which was more than 3%, but there is an accumulated increase in the population amounting to one million people per year.”

Al-Hindawi stated that “the age group from zero to 15 years is 40%, the age group from 16 to 63 years is 56%, and the age group from 64 years and above is 3.4%.”   LINK

The Sudanese Government Sends 700 Billion To The Region Again

Economy   12/07/2023 Number of readings: 270  Baghdad - Iraq Today:  The Iraqi Kurdistan Regional Government announced the arrival of 700 billion dinars from Baghdad to pay employees' salaries.

Regional government spokesman Peshwa Hawrami said in a press statement, “700 billion dinars arrived from Baghdad.”

Hawrami pointed out that "the money arriving from Baghdad will distribute salaries to the region's employees."LINK

Provoking Points to Ponder on Exaggeration:

Some persons are exaggerators by temperament -- They do not mean untruth, but their feelings are strong, and their imaginations vivid, so that their statements are largely discounted by those of calm judgment and cooler temperament  -- They do not realize that "we always weaken what we exaggerate"  Tryon Edwards 

Exaggeration is a blood relation to falsehood, and nearly as blameable -- H Ballou 

Exaggeration as to rhetoric, is using a vast force to lift a feather; as to morals and character, it is using falsehood to lift one's self out of the confidence of his fellowmen -- Paget 

There are some persons who would not for their lives tell a direct and willful lie, but who so exaggerate that it seems as if for their lives they could not tell the exact truth -- Paget 

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Chats and Rumors, News Dinar Recaps 20 Chats and Rumors, News Dinar Recaps 20

"Tidbits From TNT" Thursday Morning 12-7-2023


Tishwash:  The Issue of a Homeland"... a campaign to support the Iraqi dinar and make it the gateway to building the country

Encouraging the local currency and dealing with it in light of the current economic conditions that the country is experiencing is an important issue, especially with the government’s intention to “strengthen” the Iraqi dinar against other hard currencies, especially the dollar, as well as seeking to present it first in order for it to be a “homeland issue” in a way. Real.

In the government’s will to encourage dealing in the dinar in all daily transactions, the call emerges for it to be a gateway to building the country again, and to strive to strengthen and advance the Iraqi economy, and to reduce dependence on other foreign currencies, so that according to government directives, it is constant and the rest are variables, so that the dinar is a gateway to sustainable development. And prosperity at all levels.

 here is a pdf file  of an image   link


Tishwash:  The Issue of a Homeland"... a campaign to support the Iraqi dinar and make it the gateway to building the country

Encouraging the local currency and dealing with it in light of the current economic conditions that the country is experiencing is an important issue, especially with the government’s intention to “strengthen” the Iraqi dinar against other hard currencies, especially the dollar, as well as seeking to present it first in order for it to be a “homeland issue” in a way. Real.

In the government’s will to encourage dealing in the dinar in all daily transactions, the call emerges for it to be a gateway to building the country again, and to strive to strengthen and advance the Iraqi economy, and to reduce dependence on other foreign currencies, so that according to government directives, it is constant and the rest are variables, so that the dinar is a gateway to sustainable development. And prosperity at all levels.

 here is a pdf file  of an image   link

CandyKisses:  A matter of a homeland.” A campaign to support the Iraqi dinar and make it the gateway to build the country

Shafaq News / Encouraging and dealing with the local currency under the current economic conditions in the country is an important issue, especially with the government's tendency to "strengthen" the Iraqi dinar against other hard currencies, especially the dollar, as well as seeking to present it first in order to be a "issue of a homeland" in a real way.

In the government's will to encourage dealing in the dinar in all daily transactions, the call to be a door to build the country again, and seek to strengthen and promote the Iraqi economy, and reduce dependence on other foreign currencies, so that according to government trends is fixed and the rest are variables, so that the dinar is a gateway to sustainable development and prosperity at all levels.


CcandyKisses:  Iraq and 4 Arab countries have more than one million tons of global gold reserves

Shafaq News / The World Gold Council announced on Thursday that Iraq and 4 Arab countries have more than one million tons of global gold reserves.

"Iraq, Algeria, Egypt, Lebanon and Saudi Arabia have reached their global gold reserves of one million, 28 thousand and four tons of precious metal," the council said in its latest schedule for the month of December 2023, seen by Shafaq News Agency.

He added that "Iraq maintained its 30th position globally out of 100 countries on the table with the largest gold reserve, as it has not bought gold since May, reaching its holding of gold for 132.7 tons, which represents 7.7% of the rest of its other reserves."

He pointed out that "the United States of America is on the throne of the rest of the countries with the largest gold possession in the world by 8.133.5 thousand tons, followed by Germany with 3.352.6 tons, and then Italy came 2.451.8 thousand tons, while Suriname ranked 99th and 1.5 thousand tons, followed by Papua Guinea with the same amount by 1.5 thousand tons."

The council stated that "Iraq announced on June 27, 2022 the purchase of new quantities of gold by approximately (34) tons, an increase of 35% over what was in its possession, while in May it announced the purchase of 2.3 tons of gold."

The World Gold Council is based in the UK and has extensive experience and deep knowledge of the factors causing the change in the market and its members are made up of the world’s largest and most advanced gold mining companies.


Tishwash:  Iraq is at the top of the 5 largest oil deals within a month

The top 5 oil deals in November (2023) witnessed a strong presence from Iraq and Algeria, with increasing development and investment work in the oil sectors in both countries.

A report by the specialized energy platform stated that the importance of oil is increasing with the escalation of the global energy crisis, at a time when the markets are witnessing a state of confusion, due to the continued implementation of the voluntary reduction in oil production.

Iraq came at the top of the five largest oil deals in November, through major agreements related to investment, production and development in the “West Qurna 1” and “West Qurna 2” fields by international companies.

Iraq topped the list of the five largest oil deals after announcing that it granted the Chinese company Petro China the right to become the main operator of the West Qurna 1 field, instead of Exxon Mobil, which withdrew from it. This deal came under a settlement agreement conducted by the Ministry of Oil. Iraq with the giant American energy company, with the aim of putting the final touches on its exit from this field.

Iraq strengthened its presence at the top of the list of the five largest oil deals, by concluding a new agreement with the Russian company Luk Oil, to develop the West Qurna 2 oil field.

The Russian company announced that it had signed the agreement to improve conditions in the Iraqi field, and to extend the services contract with the Ministry of Oil responsible for the field for another 10 years, stressing that the agreement will lead to gradually doubling the field’s capacity  link

Mot: .. the ""Special Trick"" tp being a Great Grandpa!!!  Great grandpa and collecting thoughts

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Iraq Economic News and Points to Ponder Wednesday Evening 12-6-23

Iraq Economic News and Points to Ponder Wednesday Evening 12-6-23

Tlm724 Administrator Bondlady’s Corner

Al-Sudani: Tax Reform Represents An Important Message To Local And Foreign Investors About The Government’s Seriousness In Restoring The Business Environment / Expanded

Wednesday 06, December 2023 | Political     Number of readings: 131  Baghdad ( NINA) - Under the patronage of Prime Minister Muhammad Shiaa Al-Sudani, the conference on reforming the tax system in Iraq began this Wednesday morning.

In his speech, Al-Sudani welcomed those responsible for preparing this important and qualitative conference devoted to tax reform.

Iraq Economic News and Points to Ponder Wednesday Evening 12-6-23

Tlm724 Administrator Bondlady’s Corner

Al-Sudani: Tax Reform Represents An Important Message To Local And Foreign Investors About The Government’s Seriousness In Restoring The Business Environment / Expanded

Wednesday 06, December 2023 | Political     Number of readings: 131  Baghdad ( NINA) - Under the patronage of Prime Minister Muhammad Shiaa Al-Sudani, the conference on reforming the tax system in Iraq began this Wednesday morning.

In his speech, Al-Sudani welcomed those responsible for preparing this important and qualitative conference devoted to tax reform.

He also praised the research papers presented by the relevant officials, businessmen and international organizations, stressing that economic reform, which was identified as a basic priority in the government programme, was not a slogan, but rather a slogan. An interim goal that came from a realistic reading and inevitable result of the problems and challenges facing Iraqi society, most of which have economic roots.

Al-Sudani explained that tax reform represents an important message to local and foreign investors, companies and international organizations, regarding the government’s seriousness in restoring the business environment, reforming regulations and legislation, and rehabilitating institutional building. To be more attractive for investment, production and operation.

He stressed that  tax reform was present in all meetings with businessmen and local and foreign investors, noting that  implementing the reform requires persistence, determination, diagnosing the defect, and making bold decisions.

He added that  despite the difficulties that appear on the medium and long-term level, we will reach a stage where the producer, consumer and investor will feel a state of acceptance and satisfaction, after justice has been achieved.

 He continued: We hope that the conference’s recommendations will support legislation and infrastructure, and adopt a controlled and automated system that will eliminate extortion.  

He stressed that  the phenomenon of extortion represents one of the factors that deter taxpayers from fulfilling their tax obligations, pointing out that the concept of tax needs work, awareness and education. He added that

tax revenues should be reflected in service projects that improve the living conditions of citizens, and make taxpayers feel that they are contributors to development, stressing that

a large part of the problems of banking and financial reforms is represented by the evasion and fraud of some merchants and businessmen from the tax system.

He explained that businessmen go to the illegal market for foreign currency, and leave the official price and the electronic platform in order to avoid the tax, pointing out that

some of the reasons for tax evasion are related to the origin of the tax system and its legislation, and some are related to the tax culture and the spread of evasion.

He announced that the total imports, according to data from the Ministry of Planning, indicate imports worth 42 billion dollars, of machinery, goods and products. Data from the Central Bureau of Statistics also indicate imports worth 16 billion dollars, which means that 26 billion dollars were not subject to customs duties and taxes.

 He stressed that tax evasion has disastrous effects on industry and trade, and hinders development projects. Al-Sudani explained:

We have taken practical steps in banking and financial reform, land administration, electronic payment systems, and support for industrial cities, which is an integrated package that requires reform of the tax system. He concluded:

We hope that the House of Representatives will prioritize legislation related to the tax sector based on the outcomes of this conference. /

Integrity Announces The Inclusion Of Party Leaders And Founders In The Campaign “Where Did You Get This From?”

Political| 05/12/2023  Mawazine News – Baghdad  The head of the Integrity Commission, Haider Hanoun, announced today, Tuesday, the creation of the “Inspection Department” in the ministries, while indicating that  the second amendment to the Integrity Law will combat corruption by 90 percent, and the  campaign (Where did you get this from?) will include the heads and founders of parties.

Hanoun said, in an interview followed by Mawazine News, that  “there is a second amendment that will be presented to the Integrity and Illicit Gain Commission law, in a conference that will be held soon,” indicating that

“the amendment will include the establishment of a new department called (the Inspection Department), which includes inspection and research in ministries before "The crime occurs." 

He pointed out, "The authority supports the legislation related to access to information, as it was voted on in the Council of Ministers, as well as the law on recovering the proceeds of corruption."  Hanoun confirmed,

“The Integrity Commission proposed legislation for the second amendment to the Integrity and Illegal Gain Commission Law, which is supported by the Council of Ministers.

If implemented, it will give the Integrity Commission the ability to combat corruption by 90 percent, as it will go toward recovering the money that was stolen from Iraq since 2003 and returning it to the people.”.

 He also pointed out that "the application of the campaign (Where did you get this from?) on illegal gain will not only apply to employees and officials, but will include the heads and founders of parties, governmental and non-governmental organizations, and civil society organizations." 

He continued, "Some of the non-governmental organizations work with international organizations and receive grants," noting that "the Commission will address international organizations to reveal these funds paid."

Government Recommendations Regarding Procedures For Tracking The Entry Of Imported Goods Into Local Markets

 Economy| 08:34 - 04/12/2023  Mawazine News – Baghdad  The Ministerial Council for Economy recommended, today, Monday, studying procedures for tracking the entry of imported goods into local markets.

 The media office of the Ministerial Council for the Economy stated in a statement received by Mawazine News, that,

 “Today, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs, Fawad Hussein, chaired the thirty-seventh session of the Ministerial Council for the Economy, in the presence of the Deputy Prime Minister, Minister of Planning, the Ministers of Trade, Agriculture, Industry, Labor, and Social Affairs, and the Secretary-General of the Council.” Ministers, the Prime Minister’s Advisor for Legal Affairs, and the Undersecretary of the Ministry of Oil, and the Council discussed the items on its agenda and took the appropriate decisions regarding them.” 

He added,  "The Council discussed the recommendations of the Import Policy Implementation Committee and executive procedures, including studying mechanisms and procedures for tracking and

 controlling the entry of imported goods into local markets and obligating importers and producers to have a tracking system for goods covered by the decisions of the Central Agency for Standardization and Quality Control (pre-inspection certificate) and

obtaining an enhanced Iraqi quality mark certificate." using a bar code, organizing the standard specifications (name of the importer, distributor, agent, label and all product details) and determining the materials included in the import trade according to a well-thought-out plan.   

The Council also decided to increase the cost of the infrastructure implementation project in the New Mishraq district in Basra Governorate.”

Conclusion Of The Course On Personal Skills And The Art Of Dealing With Others - Soft Skills

December 06, 2023       In the presence of the Director General of the Erbil Branch, today, December 5, 2023, the Development and Training Department of the Central Bank of Iraq concluded the training course on (Personal Skills and the Art of Dealing with Others - Soft Skills) for employees of the Central Bank of Iraq, Kurdistan Region Branch in Erbil.

    The General Manager of the Branch stressed the importance of holding training courses on an ongoing basis for Central Bank employees with the aim of raising the level of employees and building their capabilities and the importance of communication that helps in providing distinguished service due to the nature of work in the bank.

     The course included several training topics, including understanding the rules of human behavior and its impact on building human relationships, and the art of dealing with others - Soft Skills.

The concept of the art of etiquette and job work and its importance in the field of work and how to manage the art of communication and communication, as well as clarifying the importance of dealing with various situations and developing conflict management skills within the field of work and job.

  In conclusion, certificates of appreciation were distributed to the course participants.

Decrease In The Dollar Exchange Rate In Baghdad

Economy  Wednesday, December 6, 2023 Baghdad/National News Center   Dollar prices fell today, Wednesday, against the Iraqi dinar in Baghdad markets.  The Kifah and Harithiya central stock exchanges recorded an exchange rate of 157,000 Iraqi dinars for 100 US dollars.

While the dollar exchange rates in banking shops and local markets recorded the selling price at 158,000 dinars, while the purchasing price reached 156,000 dinars for every 100 dollars.

The Iraqi Stock Exchange Closed Up By 1.11%

Market  Economy News – Baghdad  The Iraqi Stock Exchange closed today, Wednesday, up by 1.11%.

The session traded shares of 28 companies, with the number of shares traded reaching more than 1.2 billion shares, with a value of more than 2.1 billion dinars.  Al-Mansour Bank shares rose by 12.6%, followed by Sumer Bank by 7.1%, and Modern Tailoring by 7.1%.  Al-Mansour Hotel shares fell by 5.3%, followed by Al-Iqtisad Bank by 5.2%.  12/06/2023

To read more current and reliable Iraqi news please visit BondLady’s Corner:


Provoking Points To Ponder on Difficulty:

Difficulties show men what they are  - In case of any difficulty God has pitted you against a rough antagonist that you may be a conqueror, and this cannot  be without toil -- Epictetus 

Our energy is in proportion to the resistance it meets -- We attempt nothing great but from a sense of the difficulties we have to encounter; we preserve in nothing great but from a pride in overcoming them -- Hazlitt

There are difficulties in your path - Be thankful  for them -- they will test your capabilities of resistance; you will be impelled to  persevere from the very energy of the opposition -- But what of him that fails?  - what  does he  gain? Strength for life -- the  real merit is not in the  success but  in the  endeavor and win or lose -- he will be honored and crowned -- W M Punshon

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Iraq Economic News and Points to Ponder Wednesday Afternoon 12-6-23

Iraq Economic News and Points to Ponder Wednesday Afternoon 12-6-23

Tlm724 Administrator Bondlady’s Corner

Iraq And Saudi Arabia Sign A Partnership Agreement In The Field Of Industrial Investments For The Private Sector

Wednesday 06, December 2023 | Economical Number of readings: 401  Baghdad / NINA / Iraq and Saudi Arabia signed, today, Wednesday, a partnership agreement in the field of industrial investments for the private sector.  The official agency stated: “The head of the Iraq Fund for Development signed today the partnership agreement between Iraq and Saudi Arabia in the field of industrial investments for the Iraqi and Saudi private sectors.”

Iraq Economic News and Points to Ponder Wednesday Afternoon 12-6-23

Tlm724 Administrator Bondlady’s Corner

Iraq And Saudi Arabia Sign A Partnership Agreement In The Field Of Industrial Investments For The Private Sector

Wednesday 06, December 2023 | Economical Number of readings: 401  Baghdad / NINA / Iraq and Saudi Arabia signed, today, Wednesday, a partnership agreement in the field of industrial investments for the private sector.  The official agency stated: “The head of the Iraq Fund for Development signed today the partnership agreement between Iraq and Saudi Arabia in the field of industrial investments for the Iraqi and Saudi private sectors.”/End 9

Investors: The Iraqi Market Is Promising And Its Investment Environment Is Excellent

Money  and business  Economy News – Baghdad  The agreement signed between the Iraqi and Saudi sides in the field of industrial investments for the private sector is considered an important partnership and a stimulating initiative that will raise the level of services in the Iraqi market.

The Director Commissioner of the Iraqi Diar Company, Salman Dawoud Salman, said, “Under the sponsorship of the Iraqi Fund for Development, the Iraqi and Saudi sides participated in the private sector for the first time.”

He explained, "Al-Diyar Company acquired 49 percent of the investments of the Saudi Northern Factory in Iraq," noting that "the company is considered one of the important companies in the industrial field."

He added, "The industrial city is considered one of the strategic projects with an area of ​​6,000 dunams and is located in the Al-Najaf Governorate," noting that "there are 6 factories under construction in the industrial city and work is proceeding at a continuous pace."

For his part, the director of the Northern Cement Company in Saudi Arabia, Saud Al-Arifi, expressed his “happiness at signing a partnership agreement in the field of industrial investments for the private sector,” noting that it “is the first real investment partnership in the sector at this level.”

He continued, "We hope that this initiative will motivate other investors to take the same approach and create joint and beneficial investments for everyone," noting that "the investment environment is excellent, the opportunities are available, and the Iraqi market is promising in all respects."

He added, "The government is working to support and facilitate procedures," calling on "all investors in the Gulf countries to take the initiative and seize the distinctive opportunities that will raise the level of services and construction in the Iraqi market."

He added, "Many projects will see the light soon." 

Source: Iraqi News Agency (INA)  Views 30  12/06/2023 -

Al-Nusairi: The Central Bank Has Achieved An Important Step To Finance Trade With Türkiye In The Euro

Advisor to the Iraqi Private Banks Association, Samir Al-Nusairi   Money  and business  Economy News – Baghdad  Samir Al-Nusairi, advisor to the Iraqi Private Banks Association, confirmed on Wednesday that the Central Bank completed an important step last week to finance trade with Turkey in the euro currency in the tens of millions as an initial payment to cover retailers’ imports from Turkey, as “the implementation of the banking understanding agreement with Turkey began last Sunday.” ".

Al-Nusairi noted that “this came through Iraqi merchants paying in Iraqi dinars and the Central Bank strengthening them in euros,” pointing out that “after that, settlement is made with Turkish merchants in Turkish lira.”

The advisor to the Iraqi Private Banks Association, Samir Al-Nusairi, previously announced, “An Iraqi delegation went to Turkey to agree with Turkish banks to enhance balances in euros or Turkish lira.”

He pointed out that the Central Bank continues to hold periodic agreed-upon meetings with the US Federal Reserve and other banks that were agreed with last month as part of a series of negotiations in order to reach more agreements to regulate trade financing and enhance balances of various currencies in correspondent banks, and thus control speculation in the dollar. On the black market, maintaining exchange rate stability.   Views 35 12/06/2023 -

Central Bank Sales Exceed $214 Million Today

Wednesday 06, December 2023 | Economical Number of readings: 263  Baghdad / NINA / The Central Bank of Iraq announced, today, Wednesday, its total sales of foreign currency through the electronic window.

The window recorded the total amounts of transfers abroad (remittances, credits) of $199,798,795, while the total amount of cash sales amounted to $14,590,000, and the total amount of sales amounted to $214,388,795.

The cash sale price was set at 1,305 dinars per dollar, while bond credits, international electronic card settlements, and foreign transfers were set at 1,310 dinars per dollar. /End 11

Al-Sudani: We Have Made Important Strides In Banking Reform, Land Management, Agriculture, And Residential Cities

Economy   Wednesday, December 6, 2023 Baghdad/National News Center  Today, Wednesday, Prime Minister Muhammad Shiaa Al-Sudani called on the House of Representatives to prioritize legislation related to tax system reform, noting that this “reform” represents an “important message” to foreign investors and companies.

Al-Sudani said in a speech he delivered during the tax system reform conference held today in Baghdad: “Within a year of the government’s life, we identified one of its priorities, which is economic reform, because it is a mission that has many dimensions.”

Al-Sudani added, “In all our meetings with investors, the goal was tax reform,” pointing out that “tax reform represents an important message to foreign investors and companies.”

He continued, “The government is serious about restoring the environment for doing business, and our problem is related to the tax reality,” stressing that the government “has made important strides in banking reform, land management, agriculture, and residential cities.”

He added, “We hope that the House of Representatives will prioritize legislation related to reforming the tax system.”

Prime Minister: The Task Of Economic Reform Has Many Dimensions

Prime Minister Muhammad Shiaa Al-Sudani confirmed on Wednesday that tax reform represents an important message to foreign investors and companies, while indicating that the government is serious about restoring the business environment.

The Prime Minister said in his speech during the conference (Reforming the Tax System in Iraq) that, “Within a year of the government’s life, we identified one of the government’s priorities, which is economic reform.”

He explained, "The task of economic reform has many dimensions," noting that "the meetings with investors were aimed at tax reform."

He added, "Tax reform represents an important message to foreign investors and companies," stressing that "the government is serious about restoring the business environment."

He pointed out that "the problem is related to the tax reality," noting that "an important step has been made in banking reform and the management of agricultural lands and residential cities."

He called on the House of Representatives to prioritize legislation related to reforming the tax system.

Oil Prices Remain Stable Due To Increased Supply

Economy | 06/12/2023  Baghdad - Mawazine News  Oil prices stabilized after a four-day decline, as a flood of US exports and doubts about whether the OPEC+ alliance would be able to implement planned production cuts raised fears of oversupply.

Brent crude oil traded above $77 a barrel after falling more than 7% over the previous four sessions, while West Texas Intermediate crude remained above $72. US crude shipments are approaching a record level of 6 million barrels per day, according to estimates by ship tracking companies.

The decline in crude oil since the Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries and its allies announced deeper production cuts last Thursday shows that the market is skeptical about the extent of commitment to voluntary cuts.

Futures have fallen by about a quarter from their late-September peak on concern that increased production from outside the group will outpace demand growth.

In another sign of recovering supplies, the American Petroleum Institute said that inventories across the United States and at the oil storage center in Cushing, Oklahoma, rose last week, according to people familiar with the numbers.

Official data is scheduled to be issued later on Wednesday.

Technical signals show that the recent decline may have gone too far, too fast. Weak liquidity is also likely to exacerbate price movements, according to Vandana Hari, founder of Vanda Insights in Singapore. “Crude oil has been oversold,” she said.

She added: “It is difficult to imagine that prices are still suffering from the shock of the OPEC+ decision.”

Meanwhile, Russian Deputy Prime Minister Alexander Novak said that OPEC+ could take further action if last week's agreement is not enough to balance the market. Novak spoke a day before he joined President Vladimir Putin on a visit to the United Arab Emirates and Saudi Arabia.

Reflecting weak markets, Saudi Arabia cut its official selling prices for Asia by the largest amount since February.

The price cuts represent a concession to market weakness in the near term, amid rising supply from non-OPEC+ producers, with low-sulfur crudes trading at particularly cheap prices, thanks in part to strong exports from the United States.

At the same time, Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro ordered the country's state oil and mineral companies to begin granting licenses to invest in the disputed region with Guyana known as "Essequibo," and also asked foreign oil companies to withdraw from the region. This could escalate tensions with the United States, which lifted restrictions on the Venezuelan oil sector in October.


To read more current and reliable Iraqi news please visit BondLady’s Corner:


Provoking Points To Ponder on Difficulty:

It is not every calamity that is a curse - and early adversity is often a blessing - Surmounted difficulties not only teach, but hearten us in our future struggles -- Sharp

Difficulty is the soil in which all manly and womanly qualities best flourish; and the true worker, in any sphere; is continually coping with difficulties -- His very failures, throwing him upon his own resources, cultivate energy and resolution; his hardships teach him fortitude; his successes inspire self-reliance -- W Matthews

It cannot be too often repeated that it is not helps, but obstacles, not facilities, but difficulties that make men -- W Matthews

Difficulties strengthen the  mind, as labor  does  the body -- Seneca

There is no merit where there is no trial; and till experience stamps the mark of strength, cowards may pass for heroes, and faith for falsehood -- A Hill

The  greater the obstacle, the more glory we have in overcoming it; the  difficulties with which we are met are the maids of honor which set off virtue -- Moliere

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Economics, Goldilocks, News DINARRECAPS8 Economics, Goldilocks, News DINARRECAPS8

Goldilocks' Comments and Global Economic News Wednesday Evening 12-6-23

Goldilocks' Comments and Global Economic News Wednesday Evening 12-6-23

Good Evening Dinar Recaps,

Societe Generale announced Monday that it issued its first green bond on the Ethereum blockchain

The transaction — which took place in late November — amounts to 10 million euros, or roughly $10.8 million, and has a maturity of three years.   The tokenized bonds, France’s third largest bank wrote, will ensure “increased transparency and traceability as well as improved fluidity and speed in transactions and settlements.”

Goldilocks' Comments and Global Economic News Wednesday Evening 12-6-23

Good Evening Dinar Recaps,

Societe Generale announced Monday that it issued its first green bond on the Ethereum blockchain

The transaction — which took place in late November — amounts to 10 million euros, or roughly $10.8 million, and has a maturity of three years.   The tokenized bonds, France’s third largest bank wrote, will ensure “increased transparency and traceability as well as improved fluidity and speed in transactions and settlements.”

According to a press release (, SocGen aims to enable more transparency on ESG by using the blockchain as a “data repository and certification tool for issuers and investors.”

The smart contract of the bond includes carbon footprint information, and is available for anyone to access. 

Societe Generale-FORGE, the bank’s crypto team, released a report focused on the lifecycle of security tokens back in November.


"A total of 10 financial sectors in the U.S. will be affected if BRICS uses local currencies and not the U.S. dollar. The sectors include banking, trade, forex, and tourism, among others. 

Global Financial System
Banking and Finance
Energy and Commodity Markets
International Trade and Investment
Capital Markets
Consumer Goods and Retail
Production and Consumption
Technology and Fintech
Government and Policy
Travel and Tourism

All the 10 sectors are closely linked to the U.S. economy and could have complications if the dollar loses demand. The banking sector could take the first hit that might eventually spill over to the markets.

Once the financial markets are hit, the domino effect could roll over to all sectors leading to a financial catastrophe. In conclusion, if the U.S. fails to fund its deficit, prices of all commodities could skyrocket or even reach hyperinflation."


"(Bloomberg) -- US Bank is issuing $2.5 billion of credit-linked notes tied to a pool of auto loans.

It’s the first time US Bank has sold this type of securitization, according to a preliminary ratings report by Moody’s Investors Service. The notes effectively allow the issuer to transfer credit risk tied to the underlying loans over to investors.

Credit-linked notes have grown in popularity recently as new capital rules set to be imposed as part of forthcoming Basel III regulations prompt banks to look for ways to optimize their balance sheets. As part of the deal, US Bank, which finances vehicle purchases across the country through a network of dealerships, is transferring the credit risk on a pool of more than 97,000 auto loans while still keeping them on its balance sheet. The debut deal is selling approximately $289 million of bonds to investors."


At the IBM Quantum Summit Monday in New York, IBM launched IBM Quantum Heron, a 133-qubit processor that it said offers up to a five-fold improvement in error reduction over its predecessor.

The new processor powers IBM Quantum System Two, which was also unveiled at the event. The company’s first modular quantum computer, IBM said it is the cornerstone of IBM’s quantum-centric supercomputing architecture. The first unit, powered by three IBM Heron processors, is in operation at IBM’s Yorktown Heights, N.Y. facility.

ITWorldCanada Link


London, New York, Singapore, Dec. 05, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Planixs, the leading provider of real-time, intraday cash, collateral and liquidity management solutions, has today announced the launch of Realiti® Insights. The new offering is the first to provide easily accessible and actionable data and analytics, delivering unparalleled risk, revenue, regulatory and business resiliency insights. It also acts as an early warning system for financial institutions, as well as a platform to identify potential new revenue streams.  

Insights will enable banks, buy-side firms, and intermediaries to focus on delivering enhanced value opportunities by liberating true value from historically disparate and undervalued data sources. An intuitive UI will enable senior stakeholders, as well as wider teams, to interrogate and derive real-time insights from data that has typically resided in silos within the organisation, where its existence is often disregarded or its cumulative power left unharnessed. 



The U.S. Treasury Department is asking Congress to give it more authority to go after illicit actors in the digital asset industry, a top official said on Wednesday.

The Treasury Department sent recommendations to lawmakers, including one for new sanctions tools, according to prepared remarks from Deputy Treasury Secretary Wally Adeyemo ahead of the Blockchain Association's Policy Summit. 

TheBlock Link


Singapore Exchange (SGX Group) is pleased to announce the concurrent listing of two new exchange traded funds (ETF) with combined assets under management (AUM) of S$56 million. This is the first pair of ETFs launched under the product link between SGX Group and Shanghai Stock Exchange, a landmark initiative established this year to promote stock market connectivity between Singapore and China.


ETFs or "exchange-traded funds" are exactly as the name implies: funds that trade on exchanges, generally tracking a specific index. When you invest in an ETF, you get a bundle of assets you can buy and sell during market hours—potentially lowering your risk and exposure, while helping to diversify your portfolio.

Schwab Link  What is an ETF (Exchange-Traded Fund)? - Charles Schwab 


Because there are so many variables, the number of stocks held by an ETF can range from less than 25 to over 7,000.

Schwab Link   Types of ETFs: Choosing ETFs for Your Portfolio | Charles Schwab 


The Global Market focus is turning towards ETFs and digitizing many assets along the way wrapped into these ETFs with Real-World assets and Real World prices.

An ETF allows you to hold many assets inside one offering. Newly tokenized assets can easily be attached to an ETF.

This will transform our markets into a digital based economy synchronizing our Banking Systems with our Market Financial sectors, as well as, digital bills of lading that record and synchronize efforts in our shipping ports creating exchange rate prices on goods and services coming and going from country to country.

We will see many changes and transformations in January 2024.

Get ready. This month will begin the process of integration into our new economy.

These Market shifts will determine new prices across all Market sectors going forward. Look for a great deal of volatility in January and the months following as these new tokenized assets find new price patterns and equilibrium within a new Financial system.

© Goldilocks


Protocol 20 will allow developers to come in and interface their digital networks into the overall Quantum Financial system.  

Once protocol 20 is approved on January the 30th 2024, we will see many changes begin to take place in the Market, Banking, and Shipping Industry.  

The digitization of these three entities will begin the process of creating real values on a Global scale.

© Goldilocks




👆 Please watch and listen to this video. We have been talking about this for weeks, and he puts it into a very concise format.

He's talking about the transition into the Soroban network, Protocol 20, and how it will affect our new economy.

@ Goldilocks


BRICS Will Have Biggest Impact on Your Money Within 3 Years, More Than Any Other Event in History


Container Shipping Rates Drop 90% Since Early 2022

Pymnts Link

👆  Goldilocks pointed to this article


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Some "Wednesday News" Posted by Clare at KTFA 12-6-2023


Clare:  Al-Sudani: The challenges facing Iraqi society are mostly economically rooted

12/6/2023  Baghdad

On Wednesday, Prime Minister Muhammad Shiaa Al-Sudani considered that most of the challenges and problems facing Iraqi society have economic roots, stressing the necessity of adhering to the duties and taxes imposed and not circumventing them to support local products.

This came in a speech he delivered during the launch of the conference on reforming the tax system in Iraq.

Al-Sudani said in his speech, “Within a year of the life of the current Iraqi government, we identified one of the five priorities, which is economic reform. We did not set this word as a slogan or a temporary goal, but rather it came from a realistic reading and inevitable result of the problems and challenges facing Iraqi society, most of which have economic roots.” ". LINK


Clare:  Al-Sudani: The challenges facing Iraqi society are mostly economically rooted

12/6/2023  Baghdad

On Wednesday, Prime Minister Muhammad Shiaa Al-Sudani considered that most of the challenges and problems facing Iraqi society have economic roots, stressing the necessity of adhering to the duties and taxes imposed and not circumventing them to support local products.

This came in a speech he delivered during the launch of the conference on reforming the tax system in Iraq.

Al-Sudani said in his speech, “Within a year of the life of the current Iraqi government, we identified one of the five priorities, which is economic reform. We did not set this word as a slogan or a temporary goal, but rather it came from a realistic reading and inevitable result of the problems and challenges facing Iraqi society, most of which have economic roots.” ". LINK

Clare: Minister of Oil: The government has succeeded in implementing gas investment contracts


The Deputy Prime Minister for Energy Affairs and Minister of Oil, Hayyan Abdul Ghani, confirmed today, Wednesday, that the government has succeeded in implementing gas investment contracts.

Abdul Ghani said in his speech during the opening of the Iraq Oil and Gas Conference, which was followed by the Iraqi News Agency (INA): “Government support and the follow-up of Prime Minister Muhammad Shiaa Al-Sudani have contributed to accelerating and expediting the implementation of associated gas investment projects,” indicating that “the government and the ministry have succeeded.”

In implementing gas investment contracts with Total International with a capacity of 600 mqmq, Al-Halfaya in Maysan with a capacity of 300 mqmq, and Dhi Qar 200 mqmq, in addition to gas investment in the Bin Omar field in Basra with a capacity of 150 mqmq.

He added, "The Basra Gas Company is implementing its promising plans to invest gas from three oil fields, and has achieved approximately 1,000 megaqqm, and 200 megaqqm have been added after the opening of the gas investment station in the Rumaila field, and it is hoped that the amount of 200 megaqqm will be added at the end of the first quarter of next year." “After operating the second station within the project.”

He stated that "the Basra Gas Company contributes to stopping the burning of thousands of tons of pollutants annually, and Iraq is committed to the Paris Agreement, and achieved its commitment within the required commitment ceiling," pointing out that "the project to offer carbon bonds in the Central Oil Company is a promising and unique experience in the region." .
He continued, "Licensing rounds are promising projects to enhance national production of oil and gas."    LINK


Clare:  Investors: The Iraqi market is promising and its investment environment is excellent

12/6/2023  Baghdad

The agreement signed between the Iraqi and Saudi sides in the field of industrial investments for the private sector is considered an important partnership and a stimulating initiative that will raise the level of services in the Iraqi market.

The Director Commissioner of the Iraqi Diar Company, Salman Dawoud Salman, said, “Under the sponsorship of the Iraqi Fund for Development, the Iraqi and Saudi sides participated in the private sector for the first time.”

He explained, "Al-Diyar Company acquired 49 percent of the investments of the Saudi Northern Factory in Iraq," noting that "the company is considered one of the important companies in the industrial field."

He added, "The industrial city is considered one of the strategic projects with an area of ​​6,000 dunams and is located in the Al-Najaf Governorate," noting that "there are 6 factories under construction in the industrial city and work is proceeding at a continuous pace."

For his part, the director of the Northern Cement Company in Saudi Arabia, Saud Al-Arifi, expressed his “happiness at signing a partnership agreement in the field of industrial investments for the private sector,” noting that it “is the first real investment partnership in the sector at this level.”

He continued, "We hope that this initiative will motivate other investors to take the same approach and create joint and beneficial investments for everyone," noting that "the investment environment is excellent, the opportunities are available, and the Iraqi market is promising in all respects."

He added, "The government is working to support and facilitate procedures," calling on "all investors in the Gulf countries to take the initiative and seize the distinctive opportunities that will raise the level of services and construction in the Iraqi market."

He added, "Many projects will see the light soon."

Source: Iraqi News Agency (INA)   LINK

Clare:  Al-Nusairi: The Central Bank has achieved an important step to finance trade with Türkiye in the euro

12/6/2023   Baghdad

Samir Al-Nusairi, advisor to the Iraqi Private Banks Association, confirmed on Wednesday that the Central Bank completed an important step last week to finance trade with Turkey in the euro currency in the tens of millions as an initial payment to cover retailers’ imports from Turkey, as “the implementation of the banking understanding agreement with Turkey began last Sunday.” ".

Al-Nusairi noted that “this came through Iraqi merchants paying in Iraqi dinars and the Central Bank strengthening them in euros,” pointing out that “after that, settlement is made with Turkish merchants in Turkish lira.”

The advisor to the Iraqi Private Banks Association, Samir Al-Nusairi, previously announced, “An Iraqi delegation went to Turkey to agree with Turkish banks to enhance balances in euros or Turkish lira.”

He pointed out that the Central Bank continues to hold periodic agreed-upon meetings with the US Federal Reserve and other banks that were agreed with last month as part of a series of negotiations in order to reach more agreements to regulate trade financing and enhance balances of various currencies in correspondent banks, and thus control speculation in the dollar. On the black market, maintaining exchange rate stability.    LINK


Clare: Northern Cement signs a partnership agreement with Iraqi Diyar worth $44 million

Economy News - follow-up

The Northern Province Cement Company announced, on Wednesday, the signing of a partnership agreement with the Iraqi Diyar Investments Company through the Iraqi Diyar Investments Company’s access to 49% of the company’s investments in Iraq.

The company explained in a statement, seen by Al-Iqtisad News, that the value of the deal is $43.9 million, and details the use of proceeds from the sale of the asset to be pumped into foreign investments with promising opportunities and to repay a portion of high-cost loans in light of the current high financing cost rates.

She added that the aim of the deal is to enter into strategic partnerships that enable the company to expand investment in promising markets.   LINK


Clare:  Al-Mandalawi: The Iraqi Parliament is in the process of amending the law on recovery of proceeds of corruption


Mohsen Al-Mandalawi, Acting Speaker of the House of Representatives, announced on Wednesday that the House is working to amend the law on the recovery of proceeds of financial corruption in order to establish a solid legal base that enables institutions to combat this scourge to exercise their role in the country.

This came in a speech he delivered, during his participation in the conference to commemorate the International Anti-Corruption Day and the launch of the annual Integrity Week, which was held by the Federal Integrity Commission under the slogan (With the love of Iraq, we fight corruption and rebuild the country).

Al-Mandalawi said in his speech that the fight against corruption requires close cooperation between the three authorities to pave the way for the Integrity Commission to exercise its effective role, stressing the prevention of any infringement or obstruction of its work by any party, as there are no red lines after today before the force of law and judicial decisions.

He announced that the Presidency of the House of Representatives fully supports the efforts of the Federal Integrity Commission, and is ready with the parliamentary committees to coordinate and cooperate in exercising the supervisory role, legislating the necessary laws to combat corruption, and amending what exists among them, such as the draft law on recovering the proceeds of corruption, whose legislation the Council is working to complete in the best possible way. In order to establish a solid legal base that enables anti-corruption institutions to exercise their role and protect those in charge of them and those working in them.

Al-Mandalawi continued by saying that the Council is keen to work within its relations with the world’s parliaments within the framework of parliamentary diplomacy, to conclude memorandums of understanding that focus on combating corruption and recovering wanted persons.  LINK

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Economics, Goldilocks, News DINARRECAPS8 Economics, Goldilocks, News DINARRECAPS8

Goldilocks' Comments and Global Economic News Wednesday AM 12-6-23

Goldilocks' Comments and Global Economic News Wednesday AM 12-6-23

Good Morning Dinar Recaps,

Finally, the US SEC adopts Final Rules on Security-Based Swap Execution Facilities. This includes foreign currency exchanges.

On November the 2nd, 2023, the final rules have finally been accepted to move forward with banks and other redemption centers.  The implementation date for these security swap facilities are 60 days after Federal registration for them to do so takes place.

This means that early January 2024 will be the earliest date for exchange facilities to become a possibility.

Goldilocks' Comments and Global Economic News Wednesday AM 12-6-23

Good Morning Dinar Recaps,

Finally, the US SEC adopts Final Rules on Security-Based Swap Execution Facilities. This includes foreign currency exchanges.

On November the 2nd, 2023, the final rules have finally been accepted to move forward with banks and other redemption centers.  The implementation date for these security swap facilities are 60 days after Federal registration for them to do so takes place.

This means that early January 2024 will be the earliest date for exchange facilities to become a possibility.

We still have other dates in January such as Protocol 20 and Basel 3 final rules to be approved.

January is shaping up to be a very important month on so many levels.

© Goldilocks


"BlackRock (BLK) revealed that it received $100,000 as “seed capital” for its proposed bitcoin (BTC) ( exchange-traded fund, the investment giant disclosed in a fresh application with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC).

“The seed capital investor agreed to purchase $100,000 in shares on October 27, 2023, and on October 27, 2023 took delivery of 4,000 shares at a per-share price of $25.00 (the “seed shares”),” the filing said (

Seed capital represents the initial funding that allows an ETF to fund the creation units underlying the ETF so that shares can be offered and traded in the open market.

BlackRock’s proposed “iShares Bitcoin Trust” will invest in bitcoin rather than futures tied to the leading cryptocurrency and is one among the 13 applications awaiting regulatory approval.

The SEC is widely expected to greenlight one or more spot ETFs early next year, with Bloomberg analysts putting the probability of an approval in January at 90%."

* This will solidly place Bitcoin inside the markets as a commodity based asset supporting underlying assets wrapped or connected to it in digital financing options for market growth.

This is a significant well placed liquidity option asset that will turn many sectors of the market into a digital asset based trading system.

As the market continues to be tokenized by digital assets supported by commodities, this will clearly engage real world assets with real world prices through standard protocols controlled through artificial intelligence and smart contracts.

2024 is shaping up to be a series of events happening in January that will transform every aspect of our global economy.

© Goldilocks


The Global Market focus is turning towards ETFs and digitizing many assets along the way wrapped into these ETFs with Real-World assets and Real World prices.

An ETF allows you to hold many assets inside one offering. Newly tokenized assets can easily be attached to an ETF.

This will transform our markets into a digital based economy synchronizing our Banking Systems with our Market Financial sectors, as well as, digital bills of lading that record and synchronize efforts in our shipping ports creating exchange rate prices on goods and services coming and going from country to country.

We will see many changes and transformations in January 2024.

Get ready. This month will begin the process of integration into our new economy.

These Market shifts will determine new prices across all Market sectors going forward. Look for a great deal of volatility in January and the months following as these new tokenized assets find new price patterns and equilibrium within a new Financial system.

© Goldilocks


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