Goldilocks' Comments and Global Economic News Thursday Evening 12-7-23

Goldilocks' Comments and Global Economic News Thursday Evening 12-7-23

Good Evening Dinar Recaps,

"Pidgin Partners With Modern Banking Systems to Bring Real-Time Payments to Small Banks"

The QFS and real-time payments are being onboarded to small Banks through Pidgin Technologies.

This includes The FedNow and The Clearing House Payments Co.’s Real-Time Payments network.

© Goldilocks
Digital Transactions Link


Iraq is moving from a consumer-driven Market to an Export-oriented economic model.

This is a trade and economic policy change designed to speed up the industrialization process in Iraq.

Through exporting goods to nations of comparative advantages, this gives Iraq a chance to grow organically and naturally inside a global market.

© Goldilocks
Iraq-BusinessNews Link


Nothing goes to the moon without a significant correction preceding it.

Watch gold.

© Goldilocks


Look for XRP and XLM to be one of the first movers in the new digital asset-based trading systems. 

© Goldilocks


Salty is preparing a room for us in case this telegram room goes down. It is not completely set up. There still needs to be a sign-up section to join it along with other little details, but here is an example of what it would look like from today's article. You can go ahead and join the Seeds of Wisdom room if you like in preparation for this transition.

© Goldilocks
Seeds of Wisdom Team Link


Press Briefing by Julie Kozack, Director, Communications Department, IMF


Wyoming legislators may have let the Wyoming Stable Token Commission off the hook when it comes to releasing a single digital stable token by the end of December to meet an arbitrary deadline, but that doesn’t necessarily mean Wyoming Stable Tokens aren’t already floating around in the ether.

In fact, at least one company says it has already created a Wyoming Stable Token for testing purposes on its Stellar Test Net and Future Net.

Louis Morgan, co-founder and chief technology officer of Block Time Financial, told commissioners during their most recent Wyoming Stable Token Commission meeting that his company created a test Wyoming Stable Token on Nov. 2 and has already been putting it to work virtually.


A US House of Representatives committee has unanimously approved a bill directing the Department of Commerce to support blockchain tech. Despite the bill passing through committee, approval by the House remains uncertain. Its best chance may be integration with other larger, must-pass legislation.


JUST IN: Fidelity's Spot Bitcoin ETF has been listed on the DTCC under ticker $FBTC.



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