A Helpful Guide to Becoming Unbusy
A Helpful Guide to Becoming Unbusy
Written By Joshua Becker · 132 Comments
“Those who are wise won’t be busy, and those who are too busy can’t be wise.” ― Lin Yutang
It was in this video from Jeff Shinabarger that I first heard the phrase, “‘Busy’ has become the new ‘Fine’.” As in, when you ask somebody how they were doing, they used to answer, “Fine.” But nowadays, everybody answers, “Busy.”
Seemingly, busy has become the default state for too many of our lives.
A Helpful Guide to Becoming Unbusy
Written By Joshua Becker · 132 Comments
“Those who are wise won’t be busy, and those who are too busy can’t be wise.” ― Lin Yutang
It was in this video from Jeff Shinabarger that I first heard the phrase, “‘Busy’ has become the new ‘Fine’.” As in, when you ask somebody how they were doing, they used to answer, “Fine.” But nowadays, everybody answers, “Busy.”
Seemingly, busy has become the default state for too many of our lives.
But is the state of busy really improving our lives? Certainly not. Statistics indicate 75% of parents are too busy to read to their children at night. There is a rising number of children being placed in day cares and after-school activities. Americans are having a hard time finding opportunity for vacations these days. 33% of Americans are living with extreme stress daily. And nearly 50% of Americans say they regularly lie awake at night because of stress. This is a problem. We have become too busy.
But it doesn’t have to be this way. Busy is not inevitable. (tweet that)
Each of us can take intentional steps to unbusy our lives.
Consider this Helpful Guide to Becoming Unbusy:
1. Realize that being busy is a choice. It is a decision we make. We are never forced into a lifestyle of busyness. The first, and most important, step to becoming less busy is to simply realize that our schedules are determined by us. We do have a choice in the matter. We don’t have to live busy lives.
2. Stop the glorification of busy. Busy, in and of itself, is not a badge of honor. In fact, directed at the wrong pursuits, it is actually a limiting factor to our full potential. It is okay to not be busy. Repeat this with me: It is okay to not be busy.
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April 6, 2023 · by The Escape Artist ·
“Dr Anna Lembke MD points out that recovered addicts are heros because they managed to successfully navigate dopamine dynamics— which is something that almost everyone else, addict or not, grapples with in our modern world & we don’t even realize.”
Professor Andrew Huberman
I’ve been reading a bunch of Quit Lit (books about recovery and addiction) recently and I tell you…those guys are onto something. The recovered addict has a hard-won wisdom that eludes the rest of us.
Recovered addicts are an edge case for negotiating and taming desire. Recovered addicts have learned to be okay…no, better than okay…with less. Recovering addicts have chosen minimalism and it has saved their life.
April 6, 2023 · by The Escape Artist ·
“Dr Anna Lembke MD points out that recovered addicts are heros because they managed to successfully navigate dopamine dynamics— which is something that almost everyone else, addict or not, grapples with in our modern world & we don’t even realize.”
Professor Andrew Huberman
I’ve been reading a bunch of Quit Lit (books about recovery and addiction) recently and I tell you…those guys are onto something. The recovered addict has a hard-won wisdom that eludes the rest of us.
Recovered addicts are an edge case for negotiating and taming desire. Recovered addicts have learned to be okay…no, better than okay…with less. Recovering addicts have chosen minimalism and it has saved their life.
The recovered addict takes nothing for granted. The recovered addict has looked deep into The Abyss and stepped back from the brink. They know how close they came in the past and how close they may come again in the future.
You’re worried about “giving up your treats”?? You don’t think there is any scope to cut out any spending / distractions / addictions / behaviours from your life??
The recovered addict has thought deeper about the trade-offs in spending and consumption than any of the rest of us mortals.
The recovered addict has learnt the hard way that sometimes our “treats” are a trap. They learned that their favourite habit was quietly killing them (or perhaps it was the obstacle that was stopping them getting to the next level?).
Quit Lit is an oasis of wisdom (and this book is my personal favourite).
In a world of internet clickbait and information overload, wisdom becomes the scarcest and most valuable commodity. Wisdom is the key to long term survival and staying in the money game.
Let’s be honest…we are cheating a little bit here because we are observing the world of hardcore addiction from a safe distance. When lived up close and personal the world of the (unrecovered) addict is not wise, not glamorous and probably not much fun whatsoever.
They say we should learn from our mistakes – and that’s true – but what if we could learn from other people’s mistakes as well?
The Nerd reads endless books but takes no action. The recovered addict has internalised their learning and acted upon it. They have not just read about Monk Mode, they have seen the hearse get backed up and they have smelt the roses. The recovered addict has changed their life.
The recovered addict lives in the present: they are no longer trapped in their past. They made a clean break and the years in their life will forever be marked BC / AD (before crisis and after addiction??).
The recovered addict takes pleasure in getting through each day, one at a time. They no longer obsess about a future that is beyond their controllable time horizon.
The recovered addict does not fret about The News. They do not fret about whether their portfolio went up or down today because they know (and I mean they truly know) the difference between what they can control and what they can not.
To continue reading, please go to the original article here:
About That “No One Is Above The Law” Nonsense...
About That “No One Is Above The Law” Nonsense...
April 5, 2023 Simon Black Sovereign Man
In late 1999, I was speeding along Interstate 88 in upstate New York, in a big hurry to go see my girlfriend at the time, when I saw flashing red-and-blue lights in my rearview mirror. My heart sank as I pulled over, knowing that the speeding ticket I was about to receive would be financially devastating.
But I was extremely lucky.
The New York State Trooper who pulled me over noticed my short hair, my youth, and military ID, and he asked me if I was a West Point cadet. I was. And then, for some reason I still don't understand to this day, he let me off with just a warning.
About That “No One Is Above The Law” Nonsense...
April 5, 2023 Simon Black Sovereign Man
In late 1999, I was speeding along Interstate 88 in upstate New York, in a big hurry to go see my girlfriend at the time, when I saw flashing red-and-blue lights in my rearview mirror. My heart sank as I pulled over, knowing that the speeding ticket I was about to receive would be financially devastating.
But I was extremely lucky.
The New York State Trooper who pulled me over noticed my short hair, my youth, and military ID, and he asked me if I was a West Point cadet. I was. And then, for some reason I still don't understand to this day, he let me off with just a warning.
I couldn't believe it; I was driving way too fast, so he absolutely should have written me a ticket. But he didn't.
I hadn't thought about that encounter in years... right up until yesterday afternoon when I saw a number of deranged lunatics and progressive media outlets gleefully cheering the indictment of a former President, under the guise that "no one is above the law."
This made me reflect on my experience as a speedy young cadet being let off with a warning. Did that mean I was "above the law" back in 1999?
It made me realize that, in a sense, EVERYONE is “above the law” to a certain degree. Think about it: in the Land of the Free, the 'Code of Federal Regulations' runs nearly 200,000 pages. And that doesn't even include the mountain of state and local rules that exist.
This means that most people are almost certainly in violation of a whole host of laws and regulations, most of which we've never heard of.
For example, because of poorly worded language contained in section 1030 of Title 18 of the US Code, even connecting to an open WiFi network can be a violation of federal law and carry a sentence of up to 10 years in prison. I'll come back to this.
But let's be honest-- there are other laws that we know about yet choose to ignore. Inviting your friends over to the house to play poker is technically illegal in many states (if you play for money). But people still do it. People drive while texting every single day, even though this is illegal in almost every state.
Naturally, most people get away with such activities. Doesn't that mean that virtually everyone is above the law in some capacity?
Even district attorneys now selectively ignore the law when deciding whether to bring charges against criminal suspects. San Francisco famously decided to stop prosecuting shoplifters. And there are alarming cases across the country where violent criminals, whose charges have been dropped by progressive prosecutors, go out and kill innocent people.
One tragedy that stands out took place on November 21, 2021 in Waukesha, Wisconsin, a suburb of Milwaukee.
On that day, a crazy-eyed psychopath drove his SUV into a local Christmas parade, killing six people and injuring 62. The perpetrator was a known, violent criminal, plus a registered sex offender. And only days before, he had been arrested for attempting to run a woman over with his car... but released on an insignificant bail.
That's because the local prosecutor, District Attorney John Chisolm, intentionally set a policy of releasing violent criminals onto the streets in the name of 'social justice'.
In a 2007 interview with the local press, in fact, Chisolm even predicted tragedy by saying "Is there going to be an individual I divert, or I put into treatment program, who's going to go out and kill somebody? You bet. Guaranteed. It's guaranteed to happen."
So apparently these violent criminals who benefit from the generous clemency of District Attorney John Chisolm (and countless other progressive prosecutors just like him) are also "above the law".
To continue reading, please go to the original article here:
The 8 Most Eye-Opening Money Attractions in the U.S.
The 8 Most Eye-Opening Money Attractions in the U.S.
By Dr Penny Pincher
Some of my most memorable vacations have centered around money — and didn't require spending much of it at all. I had my photo taken next to a $1 million stack of bills at Binion's on a recent trip to Las Vegas. Another memorable experience was visiting the Bureau of Engraving and Printing in Washington, D.C. to see millions of dollars of being printed on the production floor.
If you get excited about money, check out these unique attractions across the U.S.
The 8 Most Eye-Opening Money Attractions in the U.S.
By Dr Penny Pincher
Some of my most memorable vacations have centered around money — and didn't require spending much of it at all. I had my photo taken next to a $1 million stack of bills at Binion's on a recent trip to Las Vegas. Another memorable experience was visiting the Bureau of Engraving and Printing in Washington, D.C. to see millions of dollars of being printed on the production floor.
If you get excited about money, check out these unique attractions across the U.S.
1. U.S. Mint
See the coin manufacturing process up close by taking a free tour at the Philadelphia and Denver facilities of the U.S. Mint. Learn about the process of minting coins from the design to the striking of coins. You'll be able to see how billions of coins are produced each year, and learn the history of coin-making. (See also: Where Are They Now? The Forgotten Dollar Bills (and Coins))
2. Binion's Gambling Hall and Hotel
Get a free souvenir photo of yourself standing next to $1 million in cash at Binion's Gambling Hall and Hotel in Las Vegas. Stop by to have your photo taken and come back about an hour later to pick up your free printed copy. It's pretty incredible to see that much cash up close.
3. U.S. Treasury
The main building of U.S. Treasury is the third oldest building in Washington, D.C. and has been renovated to preserve its impressive Greek Revival architecture. Some historical highlights at the U.S. Treasury include the offices of Salmon P. Chase, Secretary of the Treasury during the Civil War, and the offices used by President Andrew Johnson following Abraham Lincoln's assassination. The stately marble Cash Room has been restored to appear as it was at Ulysses S. Grant's inaugural reception in 1869. You can tour all of these sites by setting up a reservation ahead of your visit.
4. Wall Street
If your travels take you to New York City, check out the attractions of Wall Street, an area of New York City that has been focused on finance for over 200 years. Highlights include:
New York Stock Exchange: On the corner of Wall Street and Broad Street
Federal Hall National Memorial: On the corner of Wall Street and Broad Street
Museum of American Finance: Located at 48 Wall Street
You can take self-guided tours on foot, or there are other tour options available for free or under $40. (See also: 6 Confidence-Inspiring Facts About the Stock Market)
To continue reading, please go to the original article here:
Why Governments Seek to Eliminate Cash
Why Governments Seek to Eliminate Cash
By Adam Hayes Updated March 23, 2023
Reviewed by Erika Rasure Fact Checked By Suzanne Kvilhaug
Why Eliminate Cash?
Cash can play a role in criminal activities such as money laundering and allow for tax evasion. Digital transactions or electronic money create an audit trail for law enforcement and financial institutions and can aid governments in economic policymaking. Transactions using digital money reduce costs and create transparency in an individual's spending and savings habits.
Why Governments Seek to Eliminate Cash
By Adam Hayes Updated March 23, 2023
Reviewed by Erika Rasure Fact Checked By Suzanne Kvilhaug
Why Eliminate Cash?
Cash can play a role in criminal activities such as money laundering and allow for tax evasion. Digital transactions or electronic money create an audit trail for law enforcement and financial institutions and can aid governments in economic policymaking. Transactions using digital money reduce costs and create transparency in an individual's spending and savings habits.
Cash can play a role in criminal activities such as money laundering and allow for tax evasion.
Using digital money prevents the transfer of physical money and all transactions are handled by computers and the internet.
In the United States, any financial institution that receives a cash deposit of more than $10,000 must report it to the IRS, making tracking and tracing illegal activity easier.
The Federal Reserve has been exploring the use of a Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC).
The "War on Cash"
In 2016, the European Central Bank (ECB) eliminated minting €500 notes to curb fraud and money laundering. The note was the second-largest denomination across the euro currency zone, and the ECB claimed that it was the banknote of choice among criminals. At the time of the ECB's announcement, 500 euro bills in circulation represented one-third of all the euro-denominated cash outstanding.
Since 2016, global policies have been implemented to thwart the use of cash in favor of digital currency transactions. In the United States, any financial institution that receives a cash deposit of more than $10,000 must report it to the IRS, making tracing illegal activity easier.
Promoting and tracking digital transactions amounts to a war on cash. The use of digital money avoids the use of cash as transactions are handled by computers and the internet. Critics argue that limiting the use of cash and forcing individuals to pay through banks or credit card companies compromise financial privacy, prevent interest accumulation on saved cash, and limit profits of small business owners who often rely on cash sales.
Limiting Cash Savings
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Being Poor vs. Feeling Poor
Being Poor vs. Feeling Poor
By Lawrence Yeo
Growing up, I knew our family didn’t have much money. Our apartment was small, my mom prepared food for a tiny catering company, and my dad was abroad trying to get his small business off the ground. By all financial measures, we were poor.
But here’s the thing: I never felt poor.
Part of the reason was that I never got sucked into the comparison game of material wealth. Many of my friends lived in large homes, but to me, that was a source of joy rather than jealousy. I figured that my friends having large houses just meant that we would have a lot of fun hanging out there. And when it was time to go home, it was simply a return to the warm space that I shared with my family.
Being Poor vs. Feeling Poor
By Lawrence Yeo
Growing up, I knew our family didn’t have much money. Our apartment was small, my mom prepared food for a tiny catering company, and my dad was abroad trying to get his small business off the ground. By all financial measures, we were poor.
But here’s the thing: I never felt poor.
Part of the reason was that I never got sucked into the comparison game of material wealth. Many of my friends lived in large homes, but to me, that was a source of joy rather than jealousy. I figured that my friends having large houses just meant that we would have a lot of fun hanging out there. And when it was time to go home, it was simply a return to the warm space that I shared with my family.
The other reason was the neighborhood I lived in. Many of my neighbors also worked in the same catering company as my mom, which meant that there was an aura of familiarity that connected us all. My mom’s friends had kids that were roughly around the same age as I was, so we hung out all the time. We went to play basketball at the nearby park, we would watch movies at each other’s places, and would enjoy Korean BBQ dinners together on various nights.
When I think back on this time, I recall it with fondness. Even though we were under financial stress, my parents and my neighborhood never made it feel like we were. I had everything I needed and wanted. I had all the resources I required to do well at school too, so I never felt underprivileged there either.
This highlights the distinction between being poor and feeling poor. One is a factual claim that could be made using a number and its relationship to the poverty line. The other is something that can’t be quantified in any rational way, and is entirely dependent on one’s state of mind and its connection with others.
One interesting phenomenon that’s been occurring in the United States is that poverty has been decreasing while incomes amongst the wealthiest have been increasing. At first glance, this may seem like a win-win. If more people are escaping poverty and the wealthy are earning more, doesn’t that seem like a non-zero-sum game?
Well, the answer is no, and there are two reasons for this.
The first reason is obvious: the gap between the rich and poor has never been higher, so it doesn’t matter if the poorest are earning more. Wealth is rarely defined in absolute terms; it’s always relative. If you make $10 more each day but the person next to you is earning $100 more, then you will feel poor, irrespective of the fact that you’re making more.
The second reason is not-so-obvious, but plays according to the same dynamics as the first one. It turns out that that wealth disparities among the top 5% of richest Americans has never been higher either. In essence, the gap between the merely rich and the filthy rich has widened to an alarming extent. So if you were making $100,000 more each day but the person next to you is earning $1,000,000 more, then you will feel poor, irrespective of the fact that you’re still making a ton of money.
In this situation, it doesn’t matter that you’re not poor in any absolute sense. No one with a sound mind would say that a person making $100,000 a day is poor. But if you’re making that much and doing so next to someone making 10x that amount, then you will feel poor. In other words, the difference between being and feeling is all about environmental context.
The psychologist Nico Frijda made an interesting distinction between emotions and feelings. He said that emotions were the unconscious processing of events, whereas feelings are the conscious interpretation of them. An example of an emotion might be fear, whereas a feeling may be withdrawal.
This maps pretty well onto the being vs. feeling delineation I was making. To be something is to accept the facts of what is, similar to how an emotion is simply the unconscious processing of an event. If you make a million dollars a year, you’re rich. If you lose your eyesight, you’re blind. And so on.
But to feel something is to overlay the facts with your interpretation of them. This is how a millionaire can feel poor instead of rich, and a blind person can feel empowered instead of depressed. The way you feel about something is the result of your conditioning, your values, and perhaps most importantly, your framing of the situation.
Much of what I write about money is informed by this realization. We often view the problems of money through the lens of data and numbers, but the reality is that they’re driven by the narratives we tell ourselves. “Who is making what? How much do I need to attain that goal? What will money accomplish for me in the first place?”
What seems like a “money” question is actually a “story” question. And like any story, there are obstacles to overcome, characters to meet, and realizations to have. It’s the marriage of these three things that form the foundation of your narrative, and the way they interlink will reveal how you’ll feel about money.
In my case, the obstacle in my story was that my family was poor. The characters in my story were my neighbors and friends, all of whom formed a warm community that fulfilled my emotional needs. The realization was that I already had everything I wanted, despite a bank account balance that might suggest otherwise. All this wove together to form the conclusion that there’s a difference between being poor and feeling poor, and it was ultimately up to me to choose the right frame.
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Why Does Not Iraq Re-Adopt The Coin?
Why Does Not Iraq Re-Adopt The Coin?
Rami Al-Salihi 17-March-2023
With the increase in inflation in the local markets, the discussion returned in economic circles about the reasons why Iraq did not resort to issuing coins with the aim of restoring the value of the small currency, which has become worthless in daily transactions.
Economists believe that coins facilitate many of the daily banking transactions
The Central Bank is the only one responsible for supplying the country with its banknotes and coins, while Iraq stopped its dealings with "coin" years ago, despite the continuation of its work after 2003.
Why Does Not Iraq Re-Adopt The Coin?
Rami Al-Salihi 17-March-2023
Why does not Iraq re-adopt the coin?
With the increase in inflation in the local markets, the discussion returned in economic circles about the reasons why Iraq did not resort to issuing coins with the aim of restoring the value of the small currency, which has become worthless in daily transactions.
Economists believe that coins facilitate many of the daily banking transactions
The Central Bank is the only one responsible for supplying the country with its banknotes and coins, while Iraq stopped its dealings with "coin" years ago, despite the continuation of its work after 2003.
Not long ago, the Finance Committee in the Iraqi Parliament called on the central bank to reintroduce the "metal currency", justifying that "this gave strength to the economy of countries in the Middle East."
Why does not Iraq re-adopt the coin? GettyImages-159064923Gold coins found in an archaeological site in Wasit Governorate, dating back 1,500 years
Reasons not to deal with it
Jalil al-Lami, an expert in economic and financial affairs, says that the metallic currency is considered one of the most important features of the economic and financial system in the world, but that Iraq "is missing it today, although its circulation was great in the last century."
According to Al-Lami, small coins facilitate many daily banking transactions, as "the use of metal denominations and their circulation will give the currency a legal value."
According to Al-Lami's interview with Ultra Iraq, most of the neighboring countries find that "the exchange rates of their local currency are very high against the dollar, and they basically own a coin through which they work to preserve the currency and not need to request more banknotes, especially in small denominations." .
Also read:
Why does not Iraq re-adopt the coin? GettyImages-159064923
Photo | From the Ottoman era to now.. The chronology of the Iraqi currency LINK
The reason for the neglect of the coin in Iraq is due to "the high cost of minting the coin, which costs more than the paper currency, in addition to the difficulty of carrying it for citizens," Al-Lami points out.
And after the inflation occurring in the economy - and speaking to the illiterate - it became difficult to mint coins and make them circulated among citizens, so "the step of deleting zeros is supposed to precede the coin minting process so that there is value for small denominations against large ones, and then resort to minting coins."
Iraq witnessed the issuance of the first new currency during the year 1931 , and it consisted of bronze coins.
Why does not Iraq re-adopt the coin?
No coins effect
However, there are those who believe that the non-use of this currency is due to a technical or procedural reason and is not related in any way to inflation, according to the economist, Hussein Jaber, who justifies this by saying that "if the thousand dinars paper or metal denomination is used, if any, then this does not cause any change in the level." price, as it is a means of exchange and transfer of value between the seller and the consumer.
And the inflation in prices that most people feel is in the inflation of the number and not the value, because the Iraqi dinar - according to Jaber - is still legally "equal to 1,000 fils, and because of the excessive cash issuance, it has become equal to 1,000 dinars, which in reality is one dinar," confirming "then There is no effect of using the coin."
Jaber told Ultra Iraq, "The coins are used for small denominations of the currency as small parts that give greater flexibility in dealing and achieve a measure of justice for the benefit of consumers. As for large coins, they are not replaced with coins for technical considerations."
Important pluses
However, Jaber acknowledges that the coin has advantages that are reflected in the income of consumers and those with limited incomes, such as employees, retirees, and others.
He explains that “coins, being small denominations and forming parts of the large currency, can cover price differences in a flexible manner without loss to the consumer or the seller, and limit the exceptional profits that sellers achieve by selling their cheap goods at higher prices that are compatible with the available currency denominations, for example:
The price of a small bottle of water is 135 dinars in wholesale, its price with profit is 175 dinars, but the sale price to the consumer will be 250 dinars, as there is no category smaller than 250 dinars to return to the consumer, so he has to accept this price with one bottle or buy three bottles for 500 dinars even if he is not need it.”
Why does not Iraq re-adopt the coin?
And about the high prices of its production, Jaber adds that "the cost of making it is less than the cost of paper, and also the banknotes that are perishable, burning, tearing, and so on, are not quickly damaged."
Economists saw that the elimination of inflation in Iraq is in the digital automation of currencies
As for the negative aspects of the coin, it is almost non-existent, as it cannot be used for commercial transactions and is limited to individual transactions, according to the vision of the economic expert, Hussein Jaber.
Expensive coins
Shortly after the US invasion of Iraq , the Central Bank of Iraq announced that it offered coins in denominations of 25, 50 and 100 dinars for circulation for the first time after they were canceled by Saddam Hussein's regime after the Gulf War in 1991.
Why does not Iraq re-adopt the coin? 2004
However, the continuous inflation in the local markets, with its internal and external causes, devoured the small Iraqi currencies, and they have no material value, according to the economist, Nabil Al-Tamimi.
Al-Tamimi told Ultra Iraq, "The issuance of cash costs the central bank's treasury a lot of money," considering that "the best solution to eliminate economic inflation in Iraq is to automate currencies digitally."
He explains that "transferring currency trading digitally will restore the value of small currencies, especially since most of the world's economically developed countries no longer depend on cash transactions." LINK
Understanding The Global Settlements By Seeing Beyond The Masks
Understanding The Global Settlements By Seeing Beyond The Masks
Information Briefing #184 by whitehatauxiliaries March 14, 2023
To Empower The Bold – To Explore Truth – To Accurately Inform About The World Global Settlements
For comprehending the Global Settlements, first understand its background and real issues before you look for answers. Don’t bite on the disinformation hooks. Fake information is fallow ground. Also, it’s not happening as portrayed by the Plebs and Rednecks.
Understanding The Global Settlements By Seeing Beyond The Masks
Information Briefing #184 by whitehatauxiliaries March 14, 2023
To Empower The Bold – To Explore Truth – To Accurately Inform About The World Global Settlements
For comprehending the Global Settlements, first understand its background and real issues before you look for answers. Don’t bite on the disinformation hooks. Fake information is fallow ground. Also, it’s not happening as portrayed by the Plebs and Rednecks.
Start by understanding the subjective, real-world judgment calls we have to make to protect our interests and nations. Raise your own consciousness reality awareness. The GS reality versus the mythological broker version which is not going to happen.
Future American control is delusional. Hegemony is ending. Perhaps with a blast for the whores of wars.
A taxing dilemma for us in the settlement process is having a clear tacit agreement. In December of 2021, we were insistent that Elders did not sign off on anything less than a phased table top distribution where only 20% per tranche could be completed at each stage limiting the Fed’s ability to syphon off and steal the assets (as the Fed did when intercepting and syphoning of a multibillion ACAT wire transfer sent by SWIFT to Tropos, but misappropriated at the bank by Yellen’s team).
No one has ever been paid out, ranging from Marcos, the M1 Principle in Indonesia, Ryadi and many more. Wild West rules – they steal everything – which is an alarm bell to continue with the US process.
Then, we did not have BRICS and yet still refused them. Now, we do. A major new alternative, and we have increased beneficial use terms to deal with us, encompassing a strong ethical agenda. Allowing the cabal and Zio Jews access to sequestrate funds again, that is anathema to us, and an issue we watch with care. They can not help themselves and yet always help themselves. That is the endless dilemma.
With BRICS we can have autocratic ethical oversight control. With the US, it’s on a par with being sealed naked within a sack of avaricious sewer rats. If we are able to achieve a sensible BRICS solution, it enables us to allocate funds by choice to service good US causes and projects.
Directly to pre-cleared good people of approved standing. A varmint check. We are focused on helping Americans. But even more focused on stopping the US Jewish banking mafia helping themselves.
BRICS will change the world and end Fed tyranny. Britain’s arming of Ukraine to kill Russians is not helping our process; our own knee jerk politicos. But, if done, all nations will line up for benefits. Money greases wheels. Intense dialogue continues daily; it’s a multi-party process keeping the weevils out.
The entire world is now separating into new trading hemisphere zones, as the dollar and US hegemony are being ever more contested and rejected. Asia is breaking away, as is China and Russia. Hemispheres are polarizing, leaving the US as incursers and predatory Zionists up in lights.
Jewish hegemony usury banking has enslaved the world, to become totally subordinated to their predatory usury schemes, and the true fiscal consequences of allowing this rodent species to take hold of the world’s money supply is now under global separation hemisphere reviews. The split is coming as c5 billion people will leave the US hegemony umbrella. BRICS will break America. Eurasia IS coming with BRICS and vast markets.
It will be forced to choose – or bankrupted. Look at Germany, straddled with costly NATO bases which won’t last 48 hours but will kill vast numbers of innocent Germans in US inspired hegemony conflict. Now they freeze to death. Some partnership. Body bags for DC.
Even Eisenhower forewarned of what was coming down if not checked. Zionist forces sit like carrion with Washington’s Military Industrial Cabal and its Agencies, encouraging them to squander evermore with reckless abandon. Every turn, the Jews earn from your own avaricious recklessness. Goyim! A nation now owned by the Zionists and Israeli ringmasters are gaming you all.
Like Soros, all are loathsome. They are gaming America blind. This species has form. Millennials of it. To achieve anything, where is the money coming from to pay you out first? Show me the real Money! They never give back, only sequestrate and take. Users run usury banking! They do NOT have the money.
Why would the Far East, Asia, Russia, South America and Africa want to be paid in USD when these monies can be sequestrated at any time? They are re-planning hemispheres and cutting America out and off. Alarm for the Fed and Zionists. They face losing their gaming board. Losing a lot.
Same carrion, same games. Goyim never learn. Understand the past to see them in operation now, same games played over 5,000 years.
It was estimated by Josephus that the Romans slaughtered or sold into Slavery c100,000 Jews in the early years of record to contain these volatile itinerant Gypsies’ dogs. By c70 AD there were so many Jewish uprisings, forcing them to adopt ghetto tactics to divide and rule. Just look at Palestine today.
How they sequestrate everything in sight as they have done with America. They seek a Greater Israel and now Jewkraine. Tapeworms loose. The concept of an enlarged Jewish Khazarian homeland encamped on Russia and Europe’s borders is anathema to all.
Nuclear missiles delivered by Israel, Khazarian Mafia flooding in along with America’s worst Zio/Jewish Crime families. A country 4 times the size of the UK and the size of Texas, vastly rich in minerals, and farming capacity.
If then crooked Ukraine is absorbed by a Greater Israel, it would be a giant carbuncle on the backside of mankind. Money laundering, drug trafficking, people trafficking, child trafficking, and arms trading loose under their control. Crime Inc., unleashed. OUT of control.
Now we are refocused on Russia, realizing the greater good is for them to win in Ukraine and to clear this land mass of US Black Operations Labs, corruption and Jews. Clear out the lot. We cannot realign the new nations as trading blocks leaving this mass corrupt cow patty in the center. France and Germany aligned with the US, lied to and deceived Russia.
Any trust has gone. The UK arms and weaponizes Ukraine killing ever more Russians and antagonizing Moscow. Every indication is that we could have WWIII within 3 to 4 years, with truly dreadful consequences.
The world today parallels the old Roman/Judaic conflicts with never ending Jewish incursions, temple money changers, and their endless rabblerousing. From 132 to 136 CE, the Bar Kokhba revolt brought mass Roman anger. Emperor Hadrian, between 117 to 128 had endless revolts and just lost it with them.
He booted all Judaic Jews out of Jerusalem, with Roman legions effecting brutal mass genocide, where hundreds of thousands died, and this viral species were slaughtered by Rome suffering their anger and frustration. Others left alive were dispersed throughout the Middle East and across into Europe or Asia. Like HIV or weeds, they spread and mutate. Egypt and the Romans found it was an uncontrollable blight on humanity. They are!
“50 of [the Jews’] most important outposts and 985 of their most famous villages were razed to the ground. 580,000 men were slain in the various raids and battles, and the number of those that perished by famine, disease and fire was past finding out. Thus nearly the whole of Judaea was made desolate.”
Assessing that, how can we have a GS underwritten by worthless American dollars, led by predatory Jewish bankers with a known sequestration trait? No enlightened nations seek a new usury hook, or currencies backed by nothing but hype.
Look at Europe today and America. They infiltrate, sequester and dominate. Almost all Russian Oligarchs running from the law are Jewish. They stole, defrauded and looted Russia blind. As with Ukraine. China is deeply immersed in strategizing new BRICS hemisphere structures, and conceiving a free landmass with no US hegemony warfare bases in Japan. Taiwan, South Korea and Australia, are all under review.
As are NATO bases which cannot contain a Russian assault for more than 2 days. If we are polarizing, as is, why do we need America at any level? BRICS, if endowed then with c$15T of Elders AU, can bank leverage that 10 fold, and underwrite a whole new economy.
The US can’t fund a GS. We can.
Polarization of the East/West territories now needs the new incoming BRICS currency to fund the split. Or have America cut off the money supply.
The EU will fail and needs to realign with Eurasia. All Middle Eastern energy will then be sold to the Far East, Asia and Europe. America is already being circumvented. Without hegemony, the entire incestual US Military industrial cabal, will fail.
The key now is to redesign a full stage phased Eurasia as its own fully integrated trading and economic block, free of DC and Zionist usury fake moneys. Europe must face East to markets exceeding 5 Billions, and let the US go West.
Can a new Paul Revere wake up America? The dream has gone West. Now, it’s the whole world marching down on you. Karma and angry gremlins. Stealing the world is now over. Like Rome, the world is coming home. Self-sufficient Eurasia is coming.
Unleash innovation to save this once great nation.
So, the key takeaway here is: Don’t fall for false and highly embellished “intel” about what the valid Global Settlements are going to be. Such is often falsely sold as “mass debt forgiveness”… “dinar or other currency millions from public revaluations”… “NESARA”… “galactic intercessions”… “a world which will instantly be free of problems”… “one or more blogging bums in a shanty or rented apartment is going to be handed trillions to save you”, etc., and;
The real-world necessities for the GS will be addressed with real-world solutions based on real-world agreements that avoid the very problems that were brought on by the current cartels. There will be no room, nor funds, for indulging indolent megalomania, or something-for-nothing profiteering by freeloaders. The future multi-polar world will now demand far more skilled contributory value to maintain past living standards. There are now new “players” on the block.
As outlined above, the changes ahead may not be easy for many. We must also not ignore the unknown or the unpredictable.
So…be ready for anything. More when possible. WHA S*P*Q*R
"Advice From An Old Farmer" Posted by Mot at TNT
Mot: Advice from An Old Farmer
Your fences need to be horse-high, pig-tight and bull-strong.
Keep skunks and bankers at a distance.
Life is simpler when you plow around the stump.
A bumble bee is considerably faster than a John Deere tractor.
Words that soak into your ears are whispered… not yelled.
Meanness don’t jes’ happen overnight.
Forgive your enemies; it messes up their heads.
Mot: Advice from An Old Farmer
Your fences need to be horse-high, pig-tight and bull-strong.
Keep skunks and bankers at a distance.
Life is simpler when you plow around the stump.
A bumble bee is considerably faster than a John Deere tractor.
Words that soak into your ears are whispered… not yelled.
Meanness don’t jes’ happen overnight.
Forgive your enemies; it messes up their heads.
Do not corner something that you know is meaner than you.
It don’t take a very big person to carry a grudge.
You cannot unsay a cruel word.
Every path has a few puddles.
When you wallow with pigs, expect to get dirty.
The best sermons are lived, not preached.
Most of the stuff people worry about ain’t never gonna happen anyway.
Don’t judge folks by their relatives.
Remember that silence is sometimes the best answer.
Live a good, honorable life… Then when you get older and think back, you’ll enjoy it a second time.
Don‘t interfere with somethin’ that ain’t bothering you none.
Timing has a lot to do with the outcome of a rain dance.
If you find yourself in a hole, the first thing to do is stop diggin’.
Sometimes you get, and sometimes you get got.
The biggest troublemaker you’ll probably ever have to deal with, watches you from the mirror every mornin’.
Always drink upstream from the herd.
Good judgment comes from experience, and a lotta that comes from bad judgment.
Lettin’ the cat outta the bag is a whole lot easier than puttin’ it back in.
If you get to thinkin’ you’re a person of some influence, try orderin’ somebody else’s dog around.
Live simply. Love generously. Care deeply. Speak kindly. Leave the rest to God.
Most times, it just gets down to common sense.
Information Briefing #183 by whitehatauxiliaries
Information Briefing #183 by whitehatauxiliaries
February 15, 2023
To Empower The Bold – To Explore Truth – To Accurately Inform About The World Global Settlements
Sic Transit Gloria Mundi
As Europe and the world was ever more divided, millions were dying in cruel, hostile conditions. None knowing why, and the mustard gas was yet to follow.
Like now, it needed a new season for reason and for the Souls of Humanity to stop this profanity.
As Germany, Sweden and Europe are being overrun by these mass-ignorant, crime-ridden, raping hoards, it’s time to unite and lead a common fight for each other. To keep our own nation’s humanities and hope alive. To work as one, to keep our homelands and motherlands.
Information Briefing #183 by whitehatauxiliaries
February 15, 2023
To Empower The Bold – To Explore Truth – To Accurately Inform About The World Global Settlements
Sic Transit Gloria Mundi
As Europe and the world was ever more divided, millions were dying in cruel, hostile conditions. None knowing why, and the mustard gas was yet to follow.
Like now, it needed a new season for reason and for the Souls of Humanity to stop this profanity.
As Germany, Sweden and Europe are being overrun by these mass-ignorant, crime-ridden, raping hoards, it’s time to unite and lead a common fight for each other. To keep our own nation’s humanities and hope alive. To work as one, to keep our homelands and motherlands.
Political incompetence has failed us all, and will. Truly evil forces manipulate us all behind the scenes, with a vested agenda to divide all, mass cross-breed chaos, and rule. Having bought our political orders and ruling all banking, they now seek to create their own mutant, subservient and dependent race under their own NWO false flag, where their elites take and rule all, as nations fall and bankers sequester. Never more did we, and the world, need a new Munich Agreement to save the souls of our nations, our heritage and our RIGHTS to be free.
Man, and we, need to unite and fight for good. We have no worthwhile leaders, just manipulative publicly funded suited bottom feeders. Munich II, it now needs you. We are at war for survival of our own kind. Mankind.
As ALL will go West to a multi-polar new world, have YOU yourself even thought it through? What it means for you long-term? It’s coming – enormous seismic changes towards the pending and complicated Global Settlements outcome. Most of the West are sadly just brain dead; clueless.
You cannot build a value-based democratic democracy based on greasy pole, non-achieving, inept political mediocrities. Just eight key Zionist Jewish families own the Federal Reserve, BIS, US Treasury and BOTH Houses for political control. Do you understand the battles coming?
The world you think you are in is just an illusion. Left to them, you will own nothing but just be owned by them. A Goyim Chattel. Believe it. Their way, you lose it all. Serfs! Taxation and Zios are taking it all.
The Zios are driving you all towards their melting pot of racial cross-breeding mud-people drones flooding Europe until it blows, to serve only their order. Borgs! They own America and the Governments. They own and manipulate both Houses stolen by stealth and fraud while you blindly did nothing.
You next? Will the public all only care when it’s too late. Thank the gods for the coming global split, and our chances to unite, rethink as independent human beings together, and stop what is unfolding. Rallying the nation’s carers and raising the bar!
Thank God for WHA, all of you worldwide united, and the radical unity we need when the GS comes. If we can stop the Rotts and Zio DC Cabal stealing the lot, all can rebuild. We need to swerve the US CBDC version. It’s a skunks chain for all to be taken at will. BRICS will help smash the global and WEF Zio plans. This they fear and with reason.
BRICS is our New World Order battleground, political as hell, but the basis for global change to suit a new emerging Human species. We will not become Zionist or WEF feces.
People, worldwide, given a chance, are good. Most of our problems are because of Zionist usury, global chicanery, political avarice, or Agency manipulation – the cause of most wars feeding the gross military industrial cabal. No NWO and no WEF. Feed need. Educate.
When will we learn, it’s all about nurturing souls. No one is “special”. Just be a good and humane being. Not Goyim as slaves to the truly evil doctrinaire Zionist species scavenging the planet.
To continue reading, please go to the original article here:
United States Gold Bullion Depository Fort Knox Kentucky
United States Gold Bullion Depository Fort Knox Kentucky
By Doug Whiteman Jan. 05, 2023
America's golden parachute: Fort Knox securely stores billions of dollars of gold 'just in case we need it.' But the vault is home to other priceless treasures — and secrets America's gold stockpile has fueled curiosity and conspiracy theories. How much do we know? We adhere to strict standards of editorial integrity to help you make decisions with confidence. Please be aware that some (or all) products and services linked in this article are from our sponsors.
You may be aware of Fort Knox from the James Bond movie Goldfinger, or from the old cartoon where Bugs Bunny tricks Yosemite Sam into digging up some of the gold bars and getting arrested.
United States Gold Bullion Depository Fort Knox Kentucky
By Doug Whiteman Jan. 05, 2023
America's golden parachute: Fort Knox securely stores billions of dollars of gold 'just in case we need it.' But the vault is home to other priceless treasures — and secrets America's gold stockpile has fueled curiosity and conspiracy theories. How much do we know? We adhere to strict standards of editorial integrity to help you make decisions with confidence. Please be aware that some (or all) products and services linked in this article are from our sponsors.
You may be aware of Fort Knox from the James Bond movie Goldfinger, or from the old cartoon where Bugs Bunny tricks Yosemite Sam into digging up some of the gold bars and getting arrested.
But what do you really know about the U.S. bullion bunker in Kentucky?
United States Gold Bullion Depository Fort Knox Kentucky Michael Vadon / Flickr
The Fort Knox gold vault is one of the most secure and secret places in America. Because few people have ever gotten inside, the gold depository is a subject of fascination and speculation.
Here are 10 things we know — and maybe don't know.
1. It holds tons of gold — literally
Fort Knox currently houses 147.3 million ounces of gold. The government says the bullion has a "book value" of $6.22 billion.
However, that's based on a fixed price that officials set in 1973. Based on the current market value of gold, the reserves at Fort Knox are worth a far more impressive $273.7 billion, roughly speaking.
Much of the gold in the vault is in the form of 27-pound bars, while a percentage is in gold coins.
At one time, the point of having all of that gold was to provide backing for U.S. currency — but the dollar was taken off the gold standard in 1971.
MORE: How to invest in gold
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2. Is the gold really in there?
So why does the U.S. hang onto its gold stash?
"Just in case we need it," is the explanation a former Federal Reserve Board chairman reportedly gave.
Conspiracy theorists have insisted that the government secretly sold off the gold and that the gold bars are actually tungsten bricks painted to look like the precious metal.
There's no way for outsiders to say with absolute certainty if there's really bullion — or if it's all bull. Over the years, there have been few audits to test the gold, or inventories to count it.
3. Outsiders rarely get inside
In 2017, Treasury Secretary Steve Mnuchin led a rare visit by outsiders to peek at the gold reserves inside the Fort Knox vault.
He was accompanied by Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, and the two of them were photographed holding gold bars.
Afterward, Mnuchin had an answer for the conspiracy mongers. "Glad gold is safe!" he tweeted.
The last time Fort Knox had opened its vault to civilians was more than 40 years earlier.
During her tenure as Director of the U.S. Mint, Mary Brooks led a tour of the vault for members of Congress and the news media in 1974. U.S Treasury Secretary William E. Simon allowed the visit in an effort to quell rumors that all the gold had been removed from the vaults.
4. Only one US president ever got inside
To continue reading, please go to the original article here:
What's Really Inside Fort Knox?
The Truth Behind Why Fort Knox Is Among The Most Heavily Guarded And Secretive Places In The World