Information Briefing #183   by whitehatauxiliaries

Information Briefing #183   by whitehatauxiliaries

February 15, 2023 

To Empower The Bold – To Explore Truth – To Accurately Inform About The World Global Settlements

Sic Transit Gloria Mundi

As Europe and the world was ever more divided, millions were dying in cruel, hostile conditions. None knowing why, and the mustard gas was yet to follow.

Like now, it needed a new season for reason and for the Souls of Humanity to stop this profanity.

As Germany, Sweden and Europe are being overrun by these mass-ignorant, crime-ridden, raping hoards, it’s time to unite and lead a common fight for each other. To keep our own nation’s humanities and hope alive. To work as one, to keep our homelands and motherlands.

Political incompetence has failed us all, and will. Truly evil forces manipulate us all behind the scenes, with a vested agenda to divide all, mass cross-breed chaos, and rule. Having bought our political orders and ruling all banking, they now seek to create their own mutant, subservient and dependent race under their own NWO false flag, where their elites take and rule all, as nations fall and bankers sequester. Never more did we, and the world, need a new Munich Agreement to save the souls of our nations, our heritage and our RIGHTS to be free.

Man, and we, need to unite and fight for good. We have no worthwhile leaders, just manipulative publicly funded suited bottom feeders. Munich II, it now needs you. We are at war for survival of our own kind. Mankind.

As ALL will go West to a multi-polar new world, have YOU yourself even thought it through? What it means for you long-term? It’s coming – enormous seismic changes towards the pending and complicated Global Settlements outcome. Most of the West are sadly just brain dead; clueless.

You cannot build a value-based democratic democracy based on greasy pole, non-achieving, inept political mediocrities. Just eight key Zionist Jewish families own the Federal Reserve, BIS, US Treasury and BOTH Houses for political control. Do you understand the battles coming?

The world you think you are in is just an illusion. Left to them, you will own nothing but just be owned by them. A Goyim Chattel. Believe it. Their way, you lose it all. Serfs! Taxation and Zios are taking it all.

The Zios are driving you all towards their melting pot of racial cross-breeding mud-people drones flooding Europe until it blows, to serve only their order. Borgs! They own America and the Governments. They own and manipulate both Houses stolen by stealth and fraud while you blindly did nothing.

You next? Will the public all only care when it’s too late. Thank the gods for the coming global split, and our chances to unite, rethink as independent human beings together, and stop what is unfolding. Rallying the nation’s carers and raising the bar!

Thank God for WHA, all of you worldwide united, and the radical unity we need when the GS comes. If we can stop the Rotts and Zio DC Cabal stealing the lot, all can rebuild. We need to swerve the US CBDC version. It’s a skunks chain for all to be taken at will. BRICS will help smash the global and WEF Zio plans. This they fear and with reason.

BRICS is our New World Order battleground, political as hell, but the basis for global change to suit a new emerging Human species. We will not become Zionist or WEF feces.

People, worldwide, given a chance, are good. Most of our problems are because of Zionist usury, global chicanery, political avarice, or Agency manipulation – the cause of most wars feeding the gross military industrial cabal. No NWO and no WEF. Feed need. Educate.

When will we learn, it’s all about nurturing souls. No one is “special”. Just be a good and humane being.  Not Goyim as slaves to the truly evil doctrinaire Zionist species scavenging the planet.

 To continue reading, please go to the original article here:


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