Dinar Recaps, Special Dinar Recaps Dinar Recaps, Special Dinar Recaps

​Happy 4th of July

​Happy 4th of July

The Dinar Recaps Team wishes everyone a happy and safe 4th of July.

Due to the holiday, we will NOT have a 10pm (ET) email Newsletter Monday night.

Please check our BLOG page for any new postings throughout the day and evening.

​Happy 4th of July

The Dinar Recaps Team wishes everyone a happy and safe 4th of July.

Due to the holiday, we will NOT have a 10pm (ET) email Newsletter Tuesday night.

Please check our BLOG page for any new postings throughout the day and evening.

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Dinar Recaps Dinar Recaps 20 Dinar Recaps Dinar Recaps 20

Note From Dinar Recaps 5-18-2023

Dinar Recaps note:

As many of our readers know, we have been covering GCR/RV related news, rumors and opinions for over 10 years now.

We have always said we will not post political, controversial content, or negative bashing of any intel providers.

So, if any intel provider is posting or commenting on political or controversial news we are not going to post it. That includes pictures and social commentary.

We want to focus on RV/GCR news and not individual political opinions and agendas.

Thank you so much for understanding. We hope all our dreams come true very soon.

The Dinar Recaps Team

Dinar Recaps note:

As many of our readers know, we have been covering GCR/RV related news, rumors and opinions for over 10 years now.

We have always said we will not post political, controversial content, or negative bashing of any intel providers.

So, if any intel provider is posting or commenting on political or controversial news we are not going to post it. That includes pictures and social commentary.

We want to focus on RV/GCR news and not individual political opinions and agendas.

Thank you so much for understanding. We hope all our dreams come true very soon.

The Dinar Recaps Team

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April 6, 2023 · by The Escape Artist ·

“Dr Anna Lembke MD points out that recovered addicts are heros because they managed to successfully navigate dopamine dynamics— which is something that almost everyone else, addict or not, grapples with in our modern world & we don’t even realize.”

Professor Andrew Huberman

I’ve been reading a bunch of Quit Lit (books about recovery and addiction) recently and I tell you…those guys are onto something.  The recovered addict has a hard-won wisdom that eludes the rest of us.

Recovered addicts are an edge case for negotiating and taming desire. Recovered addicts have learned to be okay…no, better than okay…with less. Recovering addicts have chosen minimalism and it has saved their life.


April 6, 2023 · by The Escape Artist ·

“Dr Anna Lembke MD points out that recovered addicts are heros because they managed to successfully navigate dopamine dynamics— which is something that almost everyone else, addict or not, grapples with in our modern world & we don’t even realize.”

Professor Andrew Huberman

I’ve been reading a bunch of Quit Lit (books about recovery and addiction) recently and I tell you…those guys are onto something.  The recovered addict has a hard-won wisdom that eludes the rest of us.

Recovered addicts are an edge case for negotiating and taming desire. Recovered addicts have learned to be okay…no, better than okay…with less. Recovering addicts have chosen minimalism and it has saved their life.

The recovered addict takes nothing for granted. The recovered addict has looked deep into The Abyss and stepped back from the brink. They know how close they came in the past and how close they may come again in the future.

You’re worried about “giving up your treats”?? You don’t think there is any scope to cut out any spending / distractions / addictions / behaviours from your life??

The recovered addict has thought deeper about the trade-offs in spending and consumption than any of the rest of us mortals.

The recovered addict has learnt the hard way that sometimes our “treats” are a trap. They learned that their favourite habit was quietly killing them (or perhaps it was the obstacle that was stopping them getting to the next level?).

Quit Lit is an oasis of wisdom (and this book is my personal favourite).

In a world of internet clickbait and information overload, wisdom becomes the scarcest and most valuable commodity. Wisdom is the key to long term survival and staying in the money game.

Let’s be honest…we are cheating a little bit here because we are observing the world of hardcore addiction from a safe distance. When lived up close and personal the world of the (unrecovered) addict is not wise, not glamorous and probably not much fun whatsoever.

They say we should learn from our mistakes – and that’s true – but what if we could learn from other people’s mistakes as well?

The Nerd reads endless books but takes no action. The recovered addict has internalised their learning and acted upon it. They have not just read about Monk Mode, they have seen the hearse get backed up and they have smelt the roses. The recovered addict has changed their life.

The recovered addict lives in the present: they are no longer trapped in their past. They made a clean break and the years in their life will forever be marked BC / AD (before crisis and after addiction??).

The recovered addict takes pleasure in getting through each day, one at a time. They no longer obsess about a future that is beyond their controllable time horizon.

The recovered addict does not fret about The News. They do not fret about whether their portfolio went up or down today because they know (and I mean they truly know) the difference between what they can control and what they can not.

To continue reading, please go to the original article here:


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Dinar Recaps Deb Aspinwall Dinar Recaps Deb Aspinwall

Note From Dinar Recaps

Note From Dinar Recaps

We at Dinar Recaps hope you all had a wonderful holiday season.

Once again there are many rumors from many sources that the day we are waiting for could be close. Please consider all intel as “rumors”  until we are officially notified.…..

And a reminder: Dinar Recaps posts what others are saying, nothing is from us at Dinar Recaps.

Some of you may be new…..and some of you may have forgotten that we have many Exchange Tips and Post RV ideas you may wish to revisit at this time.

At the top of our blog page click on the Categories tab and then go to The Dinar Recaps Archives or Post RV Info categories for our past posts on history of past RV’s, exchange tips, security and other valuable information.

Note From Dinar Recaps

We at Dinar Recaps hope you all had a wonderful holiday season.

Once again there are many rumors from many sources that the day we are waiting for could be close. Please consider all intel as “rumors”  until we are officially notified.…..

And a reminder: Dinar Recaps posts what others are saying, nothing is from us at Dinar Recaps.

Some of you may be new…..and some of you may have forgotten that we have many Exchange Tips and Post RV ideas you may wish to revisit at this time.

At the top of our blog page click on the Categories tab and then go to The Dinar Recaps Archives or Post RV Info categories for our past posts on history of past RV’s, exchange tips, security and other valuable information.

Many of these past articles may be helpful for you at our exchange appointments and post RV.

Not all information may apply to you and your personal situation…..Take what you like and leave the rest:  Some tips and articles you may wish to save for your own personal records!

As always, it is YOUR responsibility to do your own due diligence. You should seek and rely on the advice of licensed and registered financial, legal and tax advisers of your choice.

If or when the time comes we will post what Exchange information, links and numbers that we are allowed to.

At this moment, however, we do NOT have any further information. Do NOT email Dinar Recaps for more information…everything we have we post online on our Blog Page or in our daily email newsletter(s).

If the Dinar Recaps Team need to sign NDA’s (Non-Disclosure Agreements)  …It is very possible that our site will close down at that point.  Nothing is certain as of now. Best to be prepared for every contingency.

If or when a RV happens, our plan is to change the top picture of our website to a fireworks picture and send out a email to all our current email newsletter subscribers.

ANOTHER reminder: Dinar Recaps posts what others are saying, nothing is from us at Dinar Recaps.

Thank you to all our loyal readers….and may this New Year be our best year ever.

Sincerely, The Dinar Recaps Team

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Dinar Recaps Dinar Recaps Dinar Recaps Dinar Recaps

Happy New Year from Dinar Recaps

All of us at Dinar Recaps wish all of our readers a

Happy, Healthy and Safe New Year.

May all your dreams and wishes come true in the new year.

Due to the holiday, we plan to have new posts off and on Saturday and Sunday. Please check our BLOG PAGE for all new posts.

On New Years Eve we plan to have 11am and 6pm (ET) email Newsletters.

On Sunday New Years Day, we plan to have a 11am (ET) and 6pm email Newsletters.

Please scroll down for new posts.

All of us at Dinar Recaps wish all of our readers a 

Happy, Healthy and Safe New Year.

May all your dreams and wishes come true in the new year.

Due to the holiday, we plan to have new posts off and on Saturday and Sunday. Please check our  BLOG PAGE  for all new posts. 

On New Years Eve we plan to have 11am and 6pm (ET) email Newsletters..

On Sunday New Years Day, we plan to have a 11am (ET) and 6pm email Newsletters.

Please scroll down for new posts.

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Dinar Recaps, Special Dinar Recaps Dinar Recaps, Special Dinar Recaps

Merry Christmas from The Dinar Recaps Team

Please scroll down for new posts.

All of us at Dinar Recaps would like to wish all our Readers a Very Merry Christmas.

We wish that all your dreams and wishes come true this coming year.

Due to the holiday, we plan to have new posts off and on all day Sunday. Please check our BLOG PAGE for all new posts.

On Christmas Day we plan to have 11am and 6pm (ET) email Newsletters.

Have a happy and safe holiday. The Dinar Recaps Team

Please scroll down for new posts.

All of us at Dinar Recaps would like to wish all our Readers a Very Merry Christmas. 

We wish that all your dreams and wishes come true this coming year. 

Due to the holiday, we plan to have new posts off and on all day Sunday. Please check our  BLOG PAGE  for all new posts. 

On Christmas Day we plan to have 11am and 6pm (ET) email Newsletters. 

Have a happy and safe holiday.  The Dinar Recaps Team

Picture from Viktor Hanacek at Picjumbo.com

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Dinar Recaps, Special Dinar Recaps Dinar Recaps, Special Dinar Recaps

Happy Thanksgiving from Dinar Recaps

All of us at Dinar Recaps wishes all our readers a Happy Thanksgiving. Stay safe and healthy.

Note: we will not be doing a 10pm ET email Newsletter today, Thursday.

Our 6pm Newsletter will likely be sent around 7pm (ET).

Please check our BLOG PAGE throughout the day for any new posts.

All of us at Dinar Recaps wishes all our readers a Happy Thanksgiving. Stay safe and healthy.

Note: we will not be doing a 10pm ET email Newsletter on Thursday.

Our 6pm Newsletter will likely be sent around 7pm (ET).

Please check our BLOG PAGE throughout the day for any new posts.

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Dinar Recaps, Special Dinar Recaps Dinar Recaps, Special Dinar Recaps

​Happy 4th of July

​Happy 4th of July

The Dinar Recaps Team wishes everyone a happy and safe 4th of July.

Due to the holiday, we will NOT have a 10pm (ET) email Newsletter Monday night.

Please check our BLOG page for any new postings throughout the day and evening.

​Happy 4th of July

The Dinar Recaps Team wishes everyone a happy and safe 4th of July.

Due to the holiday, we will NOT have a 10pm (ET) email Newsletter Monday night.

Please check our BLOG page for any new postings throughout the day and evening.

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Dinar Recaps, Special Dinar Recaps Dinar Recaps, Special Dinar Recaps

Happy New Year from Dinar Recaps 2022

All of us at Dinar Recaps wish all of our readers a

Happy and Healthy New Year.

May all your dreams and wishes come true in the New Year.

Due to the holiday, we plan to have new posts off and on Friday and Saturday. Please check our BLOG PAGE for any new posts.

On New Years Eve (Friday) we plan to have 10am and 6pm (ET) email Newsletters.

On Saturday New Years Day, we plan to have a 11am (ET) and 6pm email Newsletter.

Please scroll down for new posts.

All of us at Dinar Recaps wish all of our readers a 

Happy and Healthy New Year.

May all your dreams and wishes come true in the New Year.

Due to the holiday, we plan to have new posts off and on Friday and Saturday. Please check our  BLOG PAGE  for any new posts. 

On New Years Eve we plan to have 10am and 6pm (ET) email Newsletters.

On Saturday New Years Day, we plan to have a 11am (ET) and 6pm email Newsletter.

Please scroll down for new posts.

Picture from https://www.happynewyearall.com/

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Dinar Recaps Dinar Recaps Dinar Recaps Dinar Recaps

Note from Dinar Recaps about a website issue

Note from Dinar Recaps

It has come to our attention that there are possible technical issues with Readers who are currently using Chrome and are not able to see our most current posts.

We are looking into the situation.

We at Dinar Recaps make 12+ posts a day during a normal weekday, and 8+ posts on a normal weekend day. So if your Blog page is not showing you new posts, please try the below things.

You can try the following:

  • Close out the tab or window you have our website now. Then open a new tab, and go to our website dinarrecaps .com , and then go to the blog page.

  • Try a Incognito window in Chrome to see if this helps (in Chrome, right click on a link such as BLOG PAGE, and push “Open link in incognito window”)

Note from Dinar Recaps

It has come to our attention that there are possible technical issues with Readers who are currently using Chrome and are not able to see our most current posts.

We are looking into the situation.

We at Dinar Recaps make 12+ posts a day during a normal weekday, and 8+ posts on a normal weekend day. So if your Blog page is not showing you new posts, please try the below things.

You can try the following:

  • Close out the tab or window you have our website now. Then open a new tab, and go to our website dinarrecaps .com , and then go to the blog page.

  • Try a Incognito window in Chrome to see if this helps (in Chrome, right click on a link such as BLOG PAGE, and push “Open link in incognito window”)

  • You might try another browser (such as Firefox)

  • Try rebooting or restarting your computer or a hard close of your phone

  • Additionally, you can go to our ARCHIVE page online, and pull up our recent email newsletters with all our new posts.

Hopefully this will be resolved very soon.

If any of our Readers have a solution for this, please leave a comment below in our comment section. Thank you.

Your Dinar Recaps Team

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Dinar Recaps, Special Dinar Recaps Dinar Recaps, Special Dinar Recaps

Merry Christmas from The Dinar Recaps Team

Please scroll down for new posts.

All of us at Dinar Recaps would like to wish all our Readers a Very Merry Christmas.

We wish that all your dreams and wishes come true this coming year.

Due to the holiday, we plan to have new posts off and on Friday and Saturday. Please check our BLOG PAGE for all new posts.

On Christmas Day we plan to have 11am and 6pm (ET) email Newsletters.

Have a happy and safe holiday. The Dinar Recaps Team

Please scroll down for new posts.

All of us at Dinar Recaps would like to wish all our Readers a Very Merry Christmas. 

We wish that all your dreams and wishes come true this coming year. 

Due to the holiday, we plan to have new posts off and on Friday and Saturday. Please check our  BLOG PAGE  for all new posts. 

On Christmas Day we plan to have 11am and 6pm (ET) email Newsletters. 

Have a happy and safe holiday.  The Dinar Recaps Team

Picture from Viktor Hanacek at Picjumbo.com

Picture from Viktor Hanacek at Picjumbo.com

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