Bruce’s Big Call Intel Tuesday Night 12-22-20

.Bruce’s Big Call Intel Tuesday Night 12-22-20

Call Transcribed by WiserNow Emailed to Recaps

Welcome everybody to the Big Call tonight - it is Tuesday December 22nd - three days from Christmas and we want to welcome you to the Big Call - thanks for tuning in – happy winter solstice yesterday and now we can look forward to gaining one minute of light every day until next year (laughing)

Ok it’s time for that all important intel segment – so let’s talk about it – Now I was of the understanding that we were getting ready to get started this week – meaning – yesterday – and today actually – There were some thangs that happened that set us back a day or two – for sure -

So here’s what happened – I am going to put this as delicately as I can –

Bruce’s Big Call Intel Tuesday Night 12-22-20

Call Transcribed by WiserNow Emailed to Recaps

Welcome everybody to the Big Call tonight - it is Tuesday December 22nd  - three days from Christmas and we want to welcome you to the Big Call  - thanks for tuning in –  happy winter solstice yesterday  and now we can look forward to gaining one minute of light every day until next year (laughing)

Ok it’s time for that all important intel segment – so let’s talk about it – Now I was of the understanding that we were getting ready to get started this week – meaning – yesterday – and today actually – There were some thangs that happened that set us back a day or two – for sure -

So here’s what happened – I am going to put this as delicately as I can –

There were a handful of bankers that were doing some illegal things with a certain large country that starts with a “C” – and that large country – their particular government was involved in sending funds to these individuals that were tracked – this was tracked – the Quantum Financial System as able to allow some pretty famous people to track what was going on – this activity –

Well – it ends up that those 5 individuals were extricated from 2 main banks – that we all know the names of – and they were – arrested and taken out – ok – now – evidently they had a little bit of a network for some additional people – over 21 at one  bank and 50 at another  bank - that were connected to them – that were there to sort of continue in this should something happen to those original 5 – and what happened was they were caught – found out – and subsequently  also removed and that too place all the way into early this morning –

So we were slowed down by this activity – at least a day – and it looks like maybe more than a day – now – because we thought we would be off and running today  but we weren’t -  then we find out that really what’s happening is the bond transactions were still going on at least through yesterday – they may not have finished even now – and we have heard there is a lot of liquidity  (in the bond transactions)in cities like Hong Kong – Zurich – Reno – and Miami -  that is where the hubs are for a lot of the bond transactions –

So – that liquidity is supposed to be payable – let’s call it available – to those righteous bond holders tomorrow and Thursday – and maybe it goes beyond that – but we know that for at least the next 2 days Wed & Thurs – the bond holders funds – that liquidity – should be available – to them – to some extent – now realize – we are talking a “percentage” 1 – 1 ½ % of the total –

So this process is rolling out so very slowly – I have heard other sources talk about  us getting started – we thought by today – for sure – but now I’m not so sure we’re going to get anything for us - tier 4B – in the way of notifications and the start of our exchanges – before Christmas

There are a few sources that are talking about getting started here tomorrow and up and through Christmas – but the information I have from 2 sources – are saying  the information is - we are starting either the 1st or 2nd or the 3rd day after Christmas – Christmas is on Friday this year -  the first day after would be Saturday – 2nd Sunday and the 3rd Monday –

So one of those 3 days should – based on the information I have – be the start of our notifications and the start of our exchanges which would take us all the way up to and through the 4th day of January 

In other words – whenever we get started - we would take it all the way up to/through the 4th of January – The Public – tier 5 – is scheduled to start on the 5th of January –

This is not what I wanted to hear or what I wanted to bring to you  for Christmas – so what I’m going to do on Thursday is have another Big Call -  on Christmas Eve –  in the way of new intel and maybe refine what we have at that time – we are not going to go super long – it will just be Sue and I -  I am excited about that – however – I am disappointed – and you know I am – it was the President’s goal – to get this out -  at least get it started -  before Christmas -  now it looks doubtful – Could we get faked out? Could we get surprised?  I suppose so – maybe so –

We know those bonds are going to pay out – and or some other adjudicated settlements – and some additional government type contracts that need to be paid out – before we start – so they have done what I would consider a slow roll out but hopefully / ultimately we’re still going to get this and it is still coming – I wish it would have come so we would all have more to celebrate over Christmas – but don’t lose faith – don’t lose hope -  the timing has just not quite been there – like we had anticipated – and like we were told -  I don’t make anything up – I tell you what I hear – I tell you exactly what I hear (laugh)  as much as I can –

Now -  we do know – the Iraqi Dinar rate did change – and it was supposed to change on Sunday morning – Iraq time – I know there are Iraqi Americans in this country – that have brand new bank cards – with one computer chip in it – instead iof the 2 it had before -  and I know they still have to use finger prints and meters to activate those – as well as a pin number –

We know that there is a very good rate inherent in those new cards – and the rate is very very close – a little below – but not much – a little below what Dr Shabibbi said that the Iraqi Dinar could support – and you remember we talked about that several times – here on the Big Call – that statement he made all the way back at the National Chamber of Commerce meeting in Washington DC – and I believe that was in 2012

So 8 years ago the head of the Central Bank of Iraq at the time – made a claim on what the value of the Iraqi dinar rate could sustain – in US dollars – the rate that is on the cards right now is just about there –

Now that is very encouraging for us – because we – you know we’re significant in the war time effort with all the troops – limbs and lives that were lost – all the expenses involved - and all of that – but I know that the United States will be rewarded for their effort in those years –

So everything is still on track – it’s just that the train has slowed down a little bit for us – I am happy for the bond holders and those people that have exchanged those bonds and made all that work for them - lot of those guys were tier 3 people as well – so things are going to be moving forward for us –

Thanks everyone for listening and we will see you on Thursday same time same place


Bruce’s Big Call Replay LINK  Intel Begins:  1:02:40

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Bruce’s Big Call Intel Thursday Night 12-17-20

.Bruce’s Big Call Intel Thursday Night 12-17-20

Call Transcribed by WiserNow Emailed to Recaps

Welcome everybody to the Big Call tonight - it is Thursday December 17th and you’re listening to the Big Call - thanks for tuning in yet again everybody – we welcome you to another pre Christmas Big Call tonight

Let’s talk a little bit about intel that so far – has not produced our result – we know that we had the impression that we were going to start yesterday or today - We got word yesterday (Wed) from one of the top banks in the country – in fact the lead bank for exchanges and redemption – and this is the high, high end level – because there were key arrests – that were taking place – as well as subpoenas going out – and the fact that the bonds were still being paid out –

The bond holders were getting run through the various aspects of the bond activation (buying and selling bonds) – and the tier 3 / SKR’s were still being handled with what was being called the “stragglers” – this is tier 3/SKR’s where they had to check out the genealogy of the people in the tier 3 that were getting paid to make sure their heirs / genealogy / connections from the family would be people worthy and good to receive these great numbers of funds – not being siphoned off and put into ANTIFA or BLM causes – or anything like that –

Bruce’s Big Call Intel Thursday Night 12-17-20

Call Transcribed by WiserNow Emailed to Recaps

Welcome everybody to the Big Call tonight - it is Thursday December 17th  and you’re listening to the Big Call - thanks for tuning in yet again everybody – we welcome you to another pre Christmas Big Call tonight

Let’s talk a little bit about intel that so far – has not produced our result – we know that we had the impression that we were going to start yesterday or today -  We got word yesterday (Wed) from one of the top banks in the country – in fact the lead bank for exchanges and redemption – and this is the high, high end level – because there were key arrests – that were taking place – as well as subpoenas going out – and the fact that the bonds were still being paid out –

The bond holders were getting run through the various aspects of the bond activation (buying and selling bonds) – and the tier 3 / SKR’s were still being handled with what was being called the “stragglers” – this is tier 3/SKR’s where they had to check out the genealogy of the people in the tier 3 that were getting paid to make sure their heirs / genealogy / connections from the family would be people worthy and good to receive these great numbers of funds – not being siphoned off and put into ANTIFA or BLM causes – or anything like that –

This was the reason that I was given for us not starting yet –

Now let’s talk about where we are now and where we think we’re going to go –

The ending of the bonds being paid and the tier 3’s are probably just about done – they may take through tomorrow (Wed) – bonds could maybe longer – possibly through the weekend - that’s ok –

We know that there’s a synchronization of events taking place – we know that we have a major move happening either tomorrow or over the weekend – that will be interesting for us to follow – but what is coming through now is that President Trump does want us to get started with our tier 4B exchanges – in fact all of tier 4 prior to Christmas –

Now that doesn’t mean that were all going to get done prior to Christmas – but what it means is we will at least have the time to get appointments and probably a percentage of us in tier 4B go in for our exchanges – and redemption of Zim –

The most recent timeframe that I received today – again a very high east coast banking source – was we should look for notifications – this particular source was saying Saturday – Sunday – Monday – possibly Tuesday -  but thinking probably start by Monday –

So I don’t want to totally write off Friday – other people have suggested the possibility of Friday / Saturday  or Monday / Tuesday -  it’s very possible – the latest I’ve got from top notch lead #1 bank source is Saturday/Sunday/Monday – and if not starting Monday – then Tuesday – although his impression was we would get started – in his opinion - Monday –

So let’s say that happens – and we get notified – by  Saturday or Sunday – and we actually start Monday -  we have Monday Tuesday – Wednesday  and Thursday – ok by 5 PM Christmas Eve – to get some exchanges and redemptions done - That might get 50  - 70 % of the people in tier 4B through – it could very well get that many through - because obviously – there’s no question – they want to get zim holders in and out – and they don’t want second appointments – so I think President Trump wants us to have money for Christmas which we should have –

Some sources are saying we should have money on Monday – that would mean we would have to start on Monday - or before – so don’t write the weekend off – just because its Thursday tonight – do not write even tomorrow off – because it is possible that we could get notified tomorrow – it’s just a little more likely that it’s more like over the weekend for a Monday/Tuesday start

Now – did the snow have an effect on this? I was told it didn’t – but my opinion – just me personally – I believe it did have an effect – by a day or two – because it would have been very difficult to get exchanges done in some areas of the country with this huge snow storm – I don’[t think it’s going to be much of a factor though beyond tomorrow – so did it really have an effect? It’s hard to say – we didn’t have the numbers so it really doesn’t matter –

For those of you in Binghamton New York – who are shoveling out of 40 inches of snow – I wish I had my bobcat so I could shovel you out myself – but I’m not there so it wouldn’t matter

I would say – what is important for us is to be prepared – when we receive the emails that are coming from the Wells Fargo servers and also  keep in mind we’re planning to send out emails to people have registered – as soon as I get the number

We do expect Wells Fargo to have two 800 numbers in that email – one number is for zim holders and the other is for non zim holders but other currencies -  We do not know exactly what will be in the wells Fargo emails -  we have not gotten a clue – as to what it looks like when it comes in – but do check your spam folder – just in case -  We will post the numbers on the website -


Bruce’s Big Call Replay LINK   Intel Begins:   57:57

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Bruce’s Big Call Intel Tuesday Night 12-15-20

.Bruce’s Big Call Intel Tuesday Night 12-15-20

Call Transcribed by WiserNow Emailed to Recaps

Welcome Everybody - it is Tuesday December 15th and you’re listening to what we hope to be the final Big Call - so thanks for listening tonight – we’re going to have a really cool call tonight and I’m going to give you a little heads up – a couple times through this call – and the first heads up is ….. that the intel portion is going to be very fun tonight – I am going to give you some basic information about the intel and then Sue and I are going to talk about the exchange process and sort of act out the various steps of it from the minute you walk in the door of the redemption center all the way to when you walk out the door – and head back home –

It’s now time to bring Sue back in and in just a moment Sue we are going to do sort of what we talked about as a roll play event for the redemption center experience – and let’s talk a little bit – there is not a whole lot of intel - but there are a few things - let’s talk about that and then Sue is going to come in and work with me to give you the best picture of what to expect from everything she has heard and I have heard about the redemption center – and what to expect for us –

Bruce’s Big Call Intel Tuesday Night 12-15-20

Call Transcribed by WiserNow Emailed to Recaps

Welcome Everybody - it is Tuesday December 15th  and you’re listening to what we hope to be the final Big Call - so thanks for listening tonight – we’re going to have a really cool call tonight and I’m going to give you a little heads up – a couple times through this call – and the first heads up is ….. that the intel portion is going to be very fun tonight – I am going to give you some basic information about the intel and then Sue and I are going to talk about the exchange process and sort of act out the various steps of it from the minute you walk in the door of the redemption center all the way to when you walk out the door – and head back home –

It’s now time to bring Sue back in and in just a moment Sue we are going to do sort of what we talked about as a roll play event for the redemption center experience – and let’s talk a little bit – there is not a whole lot of intel - but there are a few things - let’s talk about that and then Sue is going to come in and work with me to give you the best picture of what to expect from everything she has heard and I have heard about the redemption center – and what to expect for us –

So – let’s talk about – first of all  we’re still in the zone that we thought we would be in like last Thursday and even though we’re still waiting to receive the toll free numbers by email or by us putting it out on our website – I want to let you know we have information from redemption centers that indicate the scheduling that they are on – and it’s very interesting because we have situation where some of these redemption centers may alter this – based on their location - some states will actually have redemption centers close a lot sooner than others – Florida – forget it – Florida has the greatest number of Zim holders by a long shot – even though Texas has the greatest amount of Zim in the country – less people – but more zim

But here’s the thing – schedules were set for today – for 1:30 PM til 8:30 PM – they made it til 4 PM and had a very short meeting lasted about 20 minutes – and then everyone headed home about 4:30 – What went on in that 20 minute meeting we really don’t know – the only thing we know of – the schedule was set for the next 9 days for 8:30 AM til 8:30 PM – 12 hours per day – all the way to the 23rd  and then the 24th which is Christmas Eve – would be 8:30 AM til 5 PM –

Every other day  - yes every day – Sunday too - 8:30 AM til 8:30 PM -  now tomorrow – however – there may be an adjustment – it could be earlier or later – we don’t know which it is but we are anticipating to receive the toll free numbers sometime tomorrow (Wednesday 16th )

Now I am trying my best not to “Call It” – I am telling you what I’ve heard – I am telling you what we expect – but we anticipate – and I am trying not to get ahead of where we are today – this information is all the new intel that I have – all that I could bring tonight – It’s not that much - but we’re in the zone and we are in the “realm” of this happening very very soon –

I am excited that they wanted - President Trump wanted this to be done prior to Christmas – it looks like we’re going to have  9 days if we start tomorrow – if you do the math and count on your fingers it works – through the 24th and then we’re all going to have – maybe the best – the most different Christmas we’ve ever had

So I am highly anticipatory that we are right where we need to be and allowing this to come through for us – let this blessing come in and truly bless us -  and I’m excited that Sue and I are going to be able to give you some information – maybe some of you know it already – but some of  you probably don’t  and have not heard this aspect - 

We have talked about various aspects of the redemption process in the past but we haven’t done anything recently – and so what I would like to do – knowing roughly what our schedules are between tomorrow and the 24th  we are highly expecting something to go down –

Sue – if you are still there -  come on in – and tell us what to expect from your perspective when we get there to the redemption center  - we are going to say that we have – not only our currencies to exchange but we have zim bonds to redeem – that is going to be our premise of what we’re going to say –

Alright – we’ve set our appointment – we’re going in – we’re no more than 10 minutes early – we’re not in the parking lot -  we’re excited and just about to walk into the redemption center –

Sue – take it from there – and I will pick up where we talked about –

Sue speaking now: Ok so you’re at the redemption center and you’re walking up the stairs – and you’re going to sense that they are happy you are there but there will be a formality to it – so everybody be prepared for that –

When you walk in there will be a greeter – and again there will be some people around the greeter and they will probably say something like this – and remember this is extrapolated but it’s coming from the insight that we have – “Oh good morning – you must be our 11 o’clock  - you must be Bruce – could we see some identification “– so that is when you present your driver’s license – your second form of picture ID – and proof of where you live -  which could be electric bill – something sent to your house / residence -  you know – you / resident are at this place –

And now we are going into an area that’s been sketchy for a number of months and so we’re going to put a question over this -  but we’re going to cover it – you may be taken in to see a film for a few minutes and then you’ll be taken out – so when you are watching the film – as it comes to an end – just say to yourself -  5 – 4 – 3 – 2 – 1 inside your head and that is so you can sort of shake off the energy and connection to the film and you can be ready to be articulate and be clear – 5 -4 -3 -2 -1  that will shake off that experience - 

And then a Martial may come and say “follow me” -  originally we had thought you were going to be taken in a room and asked questions about your personal debt or where did you purchase  your currency -  we do not think that is going to happen – we think that has all been covered  and we’ve been “checked out” –

So what’s going to happen next is you will be taken to a room - there might be a second person behind you - maybe 2 people depending on the amount of zim you have – it could be a wealth manager - it could be somebody that studies your body language - or psychoanalysis - people that are looking at y our character and they are just making sure that you are a person capable of handling the zim –

So if there is any feeling that i comes up when I just said that – go to what I said last week and imagine that they were really seeing the best in you and they were supporting you  and another tip that I realized – you’re walking to this room - where you’re going to make your presentation – and they count your zim – and a Martial is leading you – right before you go into the room – this is a great acting and presentation tip – if you get intimidated – picture them in their underwear – it makes them more vulnerable and it makes them not have such big energy – you can do that –

The Martial will be standing outside the office and you will be looking into the office and this is what you’re going to see - a desk top – a desk – a blank computer screen – and 2 people that are friendly – and wave you in and say something like this – Come in – Come in Bruce - Hi my name is ____________  and my name is __________ nice to meet you – they motion for you to sit down –

You have  your currency and your presentation -  they are going to say – Bruce we understand you have bonds – and currencies – is that correct -  and Bruce says yes -  and they may say – could we start with your zim please -  would you please bring it up so we can count and verify it – you want to take your currencies out of the sleeves and have in envelopes -  and how much is in each envelope – you will hand over to them – and the delarue machine counts 100 bonds in 30 seconds – they will count and then they will acknowledge how much you have –

They will ask what are your plans - what do you want to do with the zim – and this is when (interruption)

Bruce Speaking now – I want to say this  - it is possible that we could try to get our currency counted first – we know that the zim is the big fish - I am going to see if they will do the currency first - that’s just me – I don’t know what they are going to want to do –

Sue speaking – so they are going to ask what your plans are – and you are going to say you have great humanitarian projects planned for the zim – high impact – multi generational and if it applies – national and international projects –

High impact means that you have the insight to know that high impact philanthropy is researched based and data based - it means you’re sophisticated enough to use those words and know that your team is going to be researching that - they are going to know that you are competent - on top of the trend –

Then you are going to say – here are our team projects - and you present them with your copy and ask if they would like for you to go over them - (more info on the call )


Bruce’s Big Call Replay LINK  Intel Begins 1:13:13

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Bruce’s Big Call Intel Thursday Night 12-10-20

.Bruce’s Big Call Intel Thursday Night 12-10-20

Call Transcribed by WiserNow Emailed to Recaps

Hello Everybody - it is Thursday December 10th 2020 and you’re listening to the Big Call – we look forward to having a good call - I guess we will go into the intel side now – and this is an interesting – interesting day for information

We’ve got …… gosh I don’t even know where to start --- let’s start with what’s been happening in Miami with the bonds being activated or traded or sold – bought and sold – basically bought and sold - they’ve been bought and now sold to new buyers – now – these bonds have been going on in Miami for a couple of weeks – maybe longer – but we know they concentrated on taking care of the bonds in Miami at the Wells Fargo to centralize where they were being handled –

So they weren’t being handled in other cities that they were previously – so for the US that is the city – the location – now – what’s happened is – we’re down to almost the last couple of days – this morning we had just 3 more days to go – I believe included today – I believe Thursday – Friday – Saturday – from what I’ve heard will probably take care of all of the bonds other than zim of course - which we take in – to the redemption centers –

Bruce’s Big Call Intel Thursday Night 12-10-20

Call Transcribed by WiserNow Emailed to Recaps

Hello Everybody - it is Thursday December 10th  2020 and you’re listening to the Big Call – we look forward to having a good call - I guess we will go into the intel side now – and this is an interesting – interesting day for information 

We’ve got …… gosh I don’t even know where to start --- let’s start with what’s been happening in Miami with the bonds being activated or traded or sold – bought and sold – basically bought and sold - they’ve been bought and now sold to new buyers – now – these bonds have been going on in Miami for a couple of weeks – maybe longer – but we know they concentrated on taking care of the bonds in Miami at the Wells Fargo to centralize where they were being handled –

So they weren’t being handled in other cities that they were previously – so for the US that is the city – the location – now – what’s happened is – we’re down to almost the last couple of days – this morning we had just 3 more days to go – I believe included today – I believe Thursday – Friday – Saturday – from what I’ve heard will probably take care of all of the bonds other than zim of course - which we take in – to the redemption centers –

Now – that is what’s happened – and we know that the maximum that the bond holders will actually get right now is at 1% - of the total “value” – so they are letting the money out – if you will a little bit at a time – like they’ve done before with the groups and the SKR’s – they’ve let out about 1% and we know of people that have had those done even finished up yesterday or today – and they have received knowledge that they will get that up to 1% either on Saturday or Sunday -  that is moving on pretty quickly – So – I am looking for those to complete by Saturday in Miami –

Now – what is happening on the other side of the country we talked about Tuesday night – in Reno – and that is SKR’s – they have been completed – SKR’s I believe were a part of tier 3 and maybe some additional Whales – those guys have all been paid out – according to my information – NOT tier 4A  - obviously not us – not the Core group – none of those  yet – it is very positive though  that those are complete – and that the bonds are almost complete because guess what??  Guess who’s next?? Tier 4A and tier 4B – that’s right – virtually – a shotgun start –

Now let’s bring out a couple of things that will give you an idea of this timeline – first of all – we’ve got some information about Friday – tomorrow – we know that the supreme court is in the process of hearing this case which was brought up by Texas and the number of states that have joined in on that has risen all the way up to 22 states including today Pennsylvania was added in - (More political info from Bruce but not included here)

Going further to our timeline – what we have heard is – remember – tier 3 out of the way – bonds out of the way – finishing up I think by Saturday – and that brings us to what we have heard –

Let’s start from the end and go back to the beginning – the end of redemptions and exchanges at the redemption centers is scheduled for our group tier 4B – to be on Christmas Eve Day 5:30 PM Dec 24th -

They would like us to be able to have 8-10 days to exchange our currency and redeem our zim bonds at the redemption centers – look at the end before the beginning – scheduled to be before Christmas – on Christmas Eve – let’s back it up – if you back it up 10 days it would have a starting time on the 15th of Dec which is next Tuesday – let that sink in for a minute –

You have a window which I believe is to be the window of exchange – in addition yesterday at 11 am – 1 pm there was a conference call between Abbott Downing – Wells Fargo – and some other banks and – so here’s the thing – that is the window that has been set up – I believe –

They had that conference call yesterday 11-1 – and they are having a follow up video conference call tomorrow between 3 pm and 5:30 pm - 2 ½ hours - that call is supposed to determine our start day and time for notifications for our group tier 4B and when we get to start exchanges –

We could be looking at a Mon-Tues meaning Monday for numbers & emails to be sent out and Tuesday for start of exchanges – or it could all come in on Tuesday – we don’t know that - they are supposed to determine that – tomorrow’s call is with US Treasury – Homeland Security – Abbott Downing – and all tier 1 and tier 2 banks –

That is happening to determine the “WHEN” – so there is a lot going on tomorrow – it could be a huge day for us as we move into this – they want to get this done before Christmas – and that is the intention and I believe they have the plan to do that – it’s possible we would start Tuesday – or possibly Wednesday – 15th or 16th -

Either way – we will get it done by 5:30 pm on Christmas Eve Day –

Remember I am the messenger and I’m bringing you what I am hearing – just remember that - (laughing) – don’t worry about rates – rates are fine – they are very good – and you’re not going to be disappointed at all in that- it’s all good – you just need to be prepared if you are going to do projects –

I believe we are at a very important time frame – right now – for this to go – and I’m looking at they want to get the election result / case that’s been brought to the Supreme Court completed this week then they want to bring out tier 4B notifications and exchanges next week –

I have given you the timeline that I’ve heard and I believe we should adhere to – let’s pray that in and believe for that and this could very well be our last call – you know that – if we get the numbers there will not be a call Tuesday – so this is Bruce signing off -


Bruce’s Big Call Replay LINK   Intel Begins   1:07:57

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Bruce’s Big Call Intel Tuesday Night 12-8-20

.Bruce’s Big Call Intel Tuesday Night 12-8-20

Call Transcribed by WiserNow Emailed to Recaps

Hello Everybody - it is Tuesday December 8th 2020 and you’re listening to the Big Call – Thanks for tuning in I’m going to tell you what I am getting from an intel point of view – Of course on our last call 5 days ago - we thought we would be here pretty much by now - we had toward he weekend information about Monday and Tuesday – today is Tuesday and today of course we are getting different information and it’s so strange because some of the contacts that we have just gone dark – They’re under either GAG orders or what they call “blackout” - communication blackout – we talked about that on Thursday’s call a little bit –

What has been happening over the last week or so – is that bonds are being activated or traded in one location in Miami – and it’s been done to absolutely make sure that the vetting of the bond holders has been legitimized by the provenance of those bonds and when they’re being checked out/ vetted – everything is legit – they don’t want anyone to take advantage of transacting these bonds that are not the true owners- because a lot of times these bonds – the railroad bonds – Chinese bonds – various bonds have been handed down through wills and trusts – etc - the people that are transacting these need to prove the fact that they are the rightful owners – and then take the provenance of these bonds all the way back to the issuer – and that is probably a tedious process – that is continuing to happen on an ongoing basis – still –

Bruce’s Big Call Intel Tuesday Night 12-8-20

Call Transcribed by WiserNow Emailed to Recaps

Hello Everybody - it is Tuesday December 8th  2020 and you’re listening to the Big Call – Thanks for tuning in I’m going to tell you what I am getting from an intel point of view – Of course on our last call 5 days ago - we thought we would be here pretty much by now -  we had toward he weekend information about Monday and Tuesday – today is Tuesday and today of course we are getting different information and it’s so strange because some of the contacts that we have just gone dark – They’re under either GAG orders or what they call “blackout” - communication blackout – we talked about that on Thursday’s call a little bit –

What has been happening over the last week or so – is that bonds are being activated or traded in one location in Miami – and it’s been done to absolutely make sure that the vetting of the  bond holders has been legitimized by the provenance of those bonds and when they’re being checked out/ vetted – everything is legit – they don’t want anyone to take advantage of transacting these bonds that are not the true owners- because a lot of times these bonds – the railroad bonds – Chinese bonds – various bonds have been handed down through wills and trusts – etc - the people that are transacting these need to prove the fact that they are the rightful owners – and then take the provenance of these bonds all the way back to the issuer – and that is probably a tedious process – that is continuing  to happen on an ongoing basis – still –

At the same time – that is happening in Miami – you have on the West portion of the country what I primarily think are tier 3 and Whales SKR’s being made liquid – or being paid out – we sometimes call it –

So what’s happening with the bonds as people get access to funds for the bonds – the bond holders initial payment is 1% of the total value of the bond - 1% -

Now to draw parallel – we transact our zim bonds at the redemption center or redeem those bonds – that is why we call it a redemption center – when we redeem our zim - we will get access to up to 20% of them relatively immediately

Now while we are on that topic – when it comes to currency – we’re drawing a parallel – excuse me – we are drawing a distinction between the currency and zim bonds –

The currency – Dinar – Iraqi Dinar – Vietnamese Dong – all the other currencies -  those currencies we will exchange as opposed to “redeem” - and we will get 100% of that exchange value available to us – we are talking about USN – the new term for our NEW US dollar – these are USTN – United States Treasury Notes – our new money – new paper currency – is backed by gold / precious metals and other assets -  so we use the term “asset backed” to describe the new USN

So those currencies will convert as you exchange into USTN or USN’s digitally and would be showing up as a “balance” available to you on Day 1 of the exchange – unless they have to settle for 24 hrs in your account - there is sometimes a “settlement” period in the account – it could take 24 hours – but my understanding is you will have plenty of funds that you will have access to immediately - that is exciting

Remember the bond holders are only getting access to 1% initially – of their transaction – and then they will get access to up to another 9% - a total of 10% in a matter of time – maybe they have to wait until we go and get started before that additional payout to the bondholders takes place – I am not sure about that –

So – that is what is currently happening – now – that is going to continue and we have some other factors that have come in for us before we get started – so let’s talk about that – then we will get back to our timeline –

I wondered for weeks whether or not the election had a direct tie in to our start for our exchanges and redemption - was there a tie?  A connection?  A quid pro quo? Was there something that had to happen from the election point of view before we got started? I’m going to say even though I’ve been told – not really - there is a connection – and I think there might be a need to wait for some result from the election – and I want to shed some light on that – from what I’ve heard over the last couple of days – and most specifically today – when the Supreme Court was hearing at least one case at 9 am this morning about the election and election results and so on from Pennsylvania - and you know that has been highly controversial – and quite a discussion as far as a number of states with voter fraud - 

(More voter fraud info not included in notes) You folks know that I have tried not to be very political on the Big Call – I have had opportunities to say things but I will say this I think President Trump will get this done for us – the plan is extensive – and it will happen – and Lord willing – this will happen before – not only the end of this month but I think well before that – and I have a new timeline that I want to give you –

Now – to go further we did get some pretty specific information out of two major Canadian banks today and paymasters at those 2 banks – that indicated that we in tier 4B could be looking at receiving our notifications as soon as 9:30 in the morning Eastern time – on Thursday – all the way up to Tuesday Dec 15th to include – not meaning leap frogging to that day but somewhere in between Thursday and Tuesday Dec 15th - a week from today –

That is what they are saying and we got some additional information from them but we also have about 3 other points of view from different sources that put our timing for notification (emails & 800 #) coming out anywhere from the next 3-4 days - Now I would say that would start Wednesday – Saturday - those are two separate sources -  the other source is indicating (out of Canada) sometime Thursday morning – all the way up to the 15th –

Now I don’t know which it is going to be – obviously we’d love to have it yesterday – right? – but it didn’t happen yesterday – so we have to hang in there and see when it does come through for us -  I do believe we will get started – we will have 8-10 days at least to exchange and they want to have us to use the zim and redeem that at the redemption centers and have that done by the 22nd  or 23rd of December – so that end time is coming up – the 22nd would be 2 weeks from tonight – am I right?  Yes – I believe so - that is the “end time” to it to occur

Now – the public will probably start after Christmas meaning tier 5 – and who knows exactly when that will start - ?? Would they wait until the New Year?  It would not surprise me – but let’s say they go and start at least after Christmas – with tier 5 the public – most everyone that listens to the Big Call of course is not tier 5

We are looking forward to getting this thing going – I am excited about where we are – and yes it’s hard to nail this down – this is a moving target – as you know by now – just when we think we’re ready to start – we are looking for something else – or we’re waiting for this to happen – or that to happen – maybe we’re waiting for the election results to conclude – or maybe not - ??  We don’t absolutely know – looks like that may be the case – in any event be prepared for this possibility 

Thanks everyone for listening – I think we are obviously closer than we’ve ever been – we do know that – but I am excited because we are getting some pretty cool stuff and I.m very excited about the Supreme Court hearing these cases starting this morning –


Bruce’s Big Call Replay LINK – Intel Begins  1:07:57

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Bruce’s Big Call Intel Thursday Night 12-3-20

.Bruce’s Big Call Intel Thursday Night 12-3-20

Call Transcribed by WiserNow Emailed to Recaps

Hello Everybody - it is Thursday December 3rd 2020 and you’re listening to the Big Call – I’m excited about what I have to share tonight with everybody –

Let’s see what we want to talk about tonight – Now – here’s the situation – what we have received about windows – we had a 48 hr window – that would have been completed by yesterday (Wed) – and we had a 36 hr window that would have been completed today – then we had a 5 day window that would complete on Sunday –

These windows keep opening and closing on us – opening and closing – and where I like hearing some definition in the timeline – and sometimes we get what seems to be a very accurate timeline – and then for some reason we are not in it - we are not part of it – it is not to us yet – that is sort of where we are now

Bruce’s Big Call Intel Thursday Night 12-3-20

Call Transcribed by WiserNow Emailed to Recaps

Hello Everybody - it is Thursday December 3rd 2020 and you’re listening to the Big Call – I’m excited about what I have to share tonight with everybody –

Let’s see what we want to talk about tonight – Now – here’s the situation – what we have received about windows – we had a 48 hr window – that would have been completed by yesterday (Wed) – and we had a 36 hr window that would have been completed today – then we had a 5 day window that would complete on Sunday –

These windows keep opening and closing on us – opening and closing – and where I like hearing some definition in the timeline – and sometimes we get what seems to be a very accurate timeline – and then for some reason we are not in it - we are not part of it – it is not to us yet – that is sort of where we are now

We’ve got things happening – things moving – that I will tell  you about in a minute – which lends  us to believe – hey this is a way different time – than anything else before – this is different because _________ fill in the blank –

What is hard to pin down is the actual start for us – but I can tell you this – things are happening that are pushing us along – moving us forward – it’s just that the windows – and I am going to give you a window today – I am going to give you what I believe we can expect – for us tier 4b the internet group –

Now – so far we have been pushed along and everything goes further out and further out – for example – we thought for sure we would be done by the 15th of December – now our new date appears to be the 22nd of December – so they have opened us up a little wider opportunity for our exchanges and redemption

So let’s go back and compare what we have heard even today – remember we get stuff every day and some of it is compounded – for example – today – we know that they are very actively working on SKR’s fulfillment in Reno – and flights are coming in – it’s like Grand Central Station of airports - that’s happening

We also know that the bonds are being hypothecated – in or transacted in Miami – both at Wells Fargo – so that is showing and that is really where they want to do it – If you’ve got bonds and by that I mean the yellow dragon bonds - railroad bonds – whatever type of bonds – if you are the true owner they want to handle those right there in Miami –

Now if you have bonds other than the zim – and you are the rightful owner – and can prove it - you can bring those in – to a redemption center – but you need to tell them when you call to set your appointment – that you have them – in addition to your currency – your zim bonds – railroad bonds – been passed down to you from grandfather – you need to learn about them – and get provenance about them – so  you can present them as the rightful owner – and those are fixed rate things - non negotiable - they are something that  you would transact – at the time of your redemption –

So you have something out West – something East happening – as a result of that and all of the funds that are moving in these accounts that are being transacted – especially I would say not only these bonds but also the SKR’s – I’m thinking they are tier 3 SKR’s – I don’t think we are at tier 4 or Core’s yet – but we’ve got to be close for that –

Now what has happened is – earlier today there is a voluntary black out for people that worked in the banks and the redemption centers - not to use their cell phone – not to text – not to email – not to go on social media – do you follow me ??  basically a total blackout – it went from voluntary to mandatory – at 1 PM this afternoon – for at least 24 hours – as these transactions are taking place - so that would take us to 1 PM tomorrow (Friday) – at least – it may go beyond that – and that was primarily because of the money that is moving in these transactions – that they want to keep it quiet

Remember – we are on the QF System – we are finally off the SWIFT as of Nov 30th  - as of Dec 1 Tues night – that’s when the QF System was used so that now a wire that you send (we call a ledger to ledger transfer) can be sent across the country bank to bank – in less than a minute – and you can see your funds - that is totally new and it’s a good thing –

Money moving is really important and it’s really crucial for us as we move funds for our projects – so that is what is going on there –

Beyond that the activity that is taking place with bond transactions and so on – should complete by the weekend – what we’re hearing is that – well before we heard – we’ve got an opportunity to get something to come out tomorrow afternoon after markets close – and then it’s possible we start Friday Sat Sun blah blah blah ----

It’s not what I’m hearing now – they are saying no – we are not going to be notified – but watch it happen -  but we are supposed to be notified this weekend -  which would mean from now till Sunday -  the latest information I got – prior to the call tonight – saying that it looks like we would get notified Monday or Tuesday –

You know what’s interesting about Tuesday? That’s right – it’s December “8” – and 8 is a very special number to the Chinese - and that may be – “may be” the day that we are released to start our appointments – we could theoretically set them if we get our numbers Monday – we could start setting appointments starting on Tuesday for exchanges – and redemption of zim - I don’t know – that’s just something got me to thinking today without the possibility of the 8th

But this is moving through - yes I believe Pres Trump wants this to happen so that we have an unusually strong Christmas -- now the other piece is --- let’s talk a little bit about the package they’re thinking might have enough legs to stand on in the House of Representatives - and that is the 908 billion stimulus package for the china virus –

And I believe I’m hearing that has a very good shot going through and if so our direct deposits of stimulus funds to our individual people and family could start as early at the 14th or 15th of December – the checks might start to go out at the same time but it would take longer because of the mail - and the Christmas mail - I just hope they do a lot more deposits than they do snail mail – Mail is good and okay but still a lot better to get direct deposit –

Now here’s the cool thing that might be coming with that – I am hearing – or my understanding is that those next checks and direct deposits – that we would receive would be for 7 months – going back retroactively to May – so May – June _ July – August – September – October – November – would be 7 months – and then you do the math of $1200 – they use that same number $1200 a month for individuals times 7 = $8400 – if married and both working you would have times 2 = $16,800 – that would give almost anybody “Christmas” –

So what I am thinking is – if we get started like we think – let’s say for example – the 8th and then we get our stimulus package money starting the 14th or 15th - then everybody is getting something – as we receive our amazing blessing –

So I think that is something they actually want to happen – now when it comes to something regarding our redemption appointments – my understanding is “yes” they do want a summary presentation of no more than 3-5 pages – but they will take and scan through the computers when you leave it behind so they can run an algorithm to check for other projects that are virtually the same or duplicated – they do not want too many duplicated projects -  

Your rates will be different – the rates that you can negotiate - especially on the zim will depend on  your presentation which is on your 5-8 minute  segment – it could be a little longer – if you really have something to say – but generally they want 5-8 minutes on  your projects and then you’ll leave behind the outline

Yeah I know – we thought it was happening this week – I did too - I sure did – I thought we would be there by tonight -  but we’re not – and we think we know why -  there’s one other reason – we talked about what was going on with the bonds – and the SKR’s being made liquid – they only want to introduce so much money at any one time into the economy  - they don’t want it to overheat – and that’s one reason we’ve got a slow roll out for  us - 

The other reason is there are a number of hot spots in the country and they had 18 hot spots – down to 10 this afternoon and we want to get the hot spots – I am talking about places where you might have possible flare ups – ok – we want to get that down to zero – before we get started – that should take until Sunday to complete –

So there is stuff still going on out there – there are some other things I can’t really say  that I know that are behind the scenes – and that is dealing with the pickup and drop off of individuals and so on – called clean up on aisle 3 - that is ongoing – in a big way – a very big way  

So all of that has to happen – they want as much of that out of the way before we start – they do not want any interference and anybody messing with us while we get started - we’ve got the John Q Public – but I do not know how they are going to be phased in now – I have a feeling the Public will go at least until the end of this year – and that might be it – I know they are planning on the redemption centers not being open past the 22nd  - so anything beyond that  would use tier 1 & tier 2 banks for exchanges –

If you know anyone that has zim you better make sure they get the toll free number to call – there are 2 numbers – one for zim holders and one for anybody else  that are not zim holders –

I am excited -  you all have now what I have – remain in faith – be bold and be loving how you deal with people -


Bruce’s Big Call Replay LINK   Intel Begins  58:48

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Bruce’s Big Call Intel Tuesday Night 12-1-20

.Bruce’s Big Call Intel Tuesday Night 12-1-20

Call Transcribed by WiserNow Emailed to Recaps

Hello Everybody - Welcome to The Big Call tonight – It’s good to have you in – it is Tuesday December 1st 2020 the year that most would just as soon forget- however – the year is not over yet – I think we are going to make a good year out of it – ok – so that is a little teaser – a little idea that the intel may portray later - so welcome everybody you’re listening to the Big Call – I have not talked to you for a week now because of Thanksgiving – we did take Thursday off – I hope everyone got the memo – and hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving

Now we are looking forward to moving forward into the Christmas and Hanukah season – there will be some really cool things happening – now what would really put us in the mood would be to have the where with all to freely give to others - as it has been freely given to us – that is the whole deal behind the blessing that we are expecting -

Bruce’s Big Call Intel Tuesday Night 12-1-20

Call Transcribed by WiserNow Emailed to Recaps

Hello Everybody - Welcome to The Big Call tonight – It’s good to have you in – it is Tuesday December 1st  2020  the year that most would just as soon forget- however – the year is not over yet – I think we are going to make a good year out of it – ok – so that is a little teaser – a little idea that the intel may portray later - so welcome everybody  you’re listening to the Big Call – I have not talked to you for a week now because of Thanksgiving – we did take Thursday off – I hope everyone got the memo – and hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving

Now we are looking forward to moving forward into the Christmas and Hanukah season – there will be some really cool things happening – now what would really put us in the mood would be to have the where with all to freely give to others - as it has been freely given to us – that is the whole deal behind the blessing that we are expecting -

Now – the timing is a strange thing – we have reason to believe that some green light so to speak have been lit already and we know that as time is moving on we are expecting things to happen in a relatively short period of time for us and intel is interesting on how it comes in waves – and I got a nice wave of it this afternoon and even later – right before the call tonight – and so let’s call this – some of these pieces of the puzzle are coming together – and even though they are coming from 4 or 5 or 6 sources – they are lining us very well –

For example – the information we’re getting out of Iraq is that the ATM machines that are loaded in Iraq with the lower denominations of the new Iraqi Dinar are to be switched on and finally turned on either tomorrow (Wed) or Thursday – and of course Iraq is 8 hours ahead of us the East Coast – I believe that is correct – so that would essentially mean if it’s tomorrow (Wed) they could be lining up about now –

If it is for Thursday – they will probably light up late tomorrow night Eastern Time – because of the time difference -  so that’s cool – the fact that is happening – and even though we are looking for Iraq to put out an international rate I believe they will end up doing that probably tomorrow or Thursday – and that would coincide with the turning on of the ATM machines in their country –

There are some areas of the United States which will also have – due to the Iraqi/American population will also have ATM’s that may also have new Iraqi Dinar lower denominations inside of them as well as our US Dollar - towns like Dearborn Michigan – and other places – I have heard of four – in the United States – could have the same exact thing happen – and those would turn on at the same time as those in Iraq - Interesting – Ok that is just one small piece – now – I think a very significant piece – of our puzzle – that keeps increasing in size every day –

The other things are that with redemption center staff on schedules that are basically 12 hour days – starting before 9 – let’s say 8:30 AM going to 8:30 PM - that is really a very good thing because it lets you know they are planning to be there to do redemption of zim and also to do exchanges of these currencies that we have – so that – what I understand is – that started yesterday – and even though if the redemption center staff go home early as was the case yesterday -  and today – the possibility to receive the toll free numbers and get the emails released – would be the main reason for them to be there to set the appointments at the redemption center level – at that place for zim holders –

So that is why they might have gone to a certain time at noon or 2 o’clock and thought ok we are not going to get that – it’s not going to happen – but there has been an occasion like today when they might have been called back in this evening for that very same possibility – 

So – they ae always on call to make a return visit within an hour – if they were let out early - that is interesting – so that schedule – that 12 hour day schedule is set up to go not only this week and next week as well – taking us all the way through the 14th of December – so that tells us they are really prepared and looking forward to this going

The latest information is telling us that certain banks - our sources for this – from the high end corporate level – that we are in a very narrow window right now – in fact – from 4 separate sources I am getting a within 36 hour window – from 8 o’clock Eastern – tonight –

Now – we’ve been told by some people we cannot tell you the day or time but that I think is a very narrow window - we have had windows before – we have had 72 hour - 96 hour – we’ve had a discussion of 48 hours – this is a little tighter than that – but – it does give us the impression that this is serious and this is ready to get underway  - and listen – nobody has been told more than me how close we are – how this is going – that is happening – you’re going to get called – this will be the last call – I don’t want anyone to tell me this is going to be  your last call – I hope this is my last call tonight – right now – but the minute we say it (laughing)  we put the jinx on it – just kidding –

What’s really cool is that the timing for the release – as I understand it – from a very interesting and qualified source – this could be a very – depending on what time zone you’re in - very late at night or very early morning event for us –

Now whether everything is released and things get started with the Core group and the 120 paymaster groups – that is sort of what I am anticipating and then I’m looking for the release of the emails on the Wells Fargo servers to go out and also the 800 numbers coming to me – one for zim holders and one for non zim holders – to activate and be able to put those out – on the big call website – I am excited because this is a great opportunity for everybody -

Every source that I’ve talked to or that have had to pay attention to here today especially is pointing to the same time frame and the one that was the most appreciated was the fact that it was a fairly narrow range of 36 hours from about 8 PM tonight - Eastern time – I’m excited – more than I’ve ever been – the fact that it really does appear this is coming to a distinctly beautiful ending for us –


Bruce’s Big Call Replay LINK  Intel Begins:   51:50

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Bruce’s Big Call Intel Tuesday Night 11-24-20

.Bruce’s Big Call Intel Tuesday Night 11-24-20

Call Transcribed by WiserNow Emailed to Recaps

Hello Everybody - Welcome to The Big Call tonight – It’s good to have you in – it is Tuesday November 24th and you’re listening to the Big Call – Welcome everybody – yet again for tuning in this Tuesday night and listening to us and we are excited that you’re here – I think we’re going to have a really good call – I hope we don’t go too long tonight – but we’re going to have a good call and I think everybody is going to enjoy it –

Now ….. let’s talk a little bit about where we are – you know a lot of people are under NDA’s – we’ve heard a lot of different things – things are brought to me which I weigh in on - opinionate on – depending on what it is and who it is from – and I get a lot of that stuff - I of course do have my own sources – and this is where 99% of the intel that I bring you comes from - does not come from anybody else –

Bruce’s Big Call Intel Tuesday Night 11-24-20

Call Transcribed by WiserNow Emailed to Recaps

Hello Everybody - Welcome to The Big Call tonight – It’s good to have you in – it is Tuesday November 24th and you’re listening to the Big Call – Welcome everybody – yet again for tuning in this Tuesday night and listening to us and we are excited that you’re here – I think we’re going to have a really  good call – I hope we don’t go too long tonight – but we’re going to have a good call and I think everybody is going to enjoy it –

Now ….. let’s talk a little bit about where we are – you know a lot of people are under NDA’s – we’ve heard a lot of different things – things are brought to me which I weigh in on - opinionate on – depending on what it is and who it is from – and I get a lot of that stuff - I of course do have my own sources – and this is where 99% of the intel that I bring you comes from - does not come from anybody else –

So…. What I’ve got tonight is very interesting – and I am a little bit on the fence myself – because – here’s what we know – one thing we know – we do have communication with redemption center staff from time to time – and we know that that they were on a conference call yesterday with a bank conference call which included banks and redemption centers -  that started at 11:30  am eastern – and was set to go till 2 PM but went 4 hrs and 19 mins – so you do the math and see when the call actually ended  (3:49PM)

Now the previous day – Sunday - there was a call in the similar time frame 11:30 AM to after 2 PM that was set up for bond holders – bond traders – bond principals – bond trading platforms etc - but yesterday’s call  was about banks – bank leaders in the redemption centers and so on –

What we don’t know exactly is what was said but we do believe that the schedules have been set already for us to go in and start – so let’s talk about that –

Obviously we have  Thanksgiving coming in 2 days – we know that the intention – as far as we knew – for us to start and get in the redemption centers and the tier 1 banks before Thanksgiving - at least get started before Thanksgiving – Now we come to find out that does not appear to be likely – it seems that working with the bond holders and bond traders has taken priority and is sort of the order of things – once to get these dragon bonds paid out and other bonds – railroad bonds – and so on – paid out – prior to the currency people like us going in -  that’s okay – that’s fine –

So…. That’s what’s been happening – the bond traders have been getting their deals complete – the bond platforms have been set up and all of that is about ready to pay out – in fact – it might be that even overnight tonight is what I am hearing – bond paymasters – will intake funds for 4 hours as in put or intake – and I’m not sure if there is a gap of time but then 4 hours will be dedicated to out go – or output of the funds to recipients and this may be more than just bond holders – this could be SKR holders – this could be people already ponied up funds sometime overnight funds will be paid to paymasters for 4 hours and then 4 hours of output will take place to go from paymasters to individual recipients

Now that is an interesting 8 hour segment – now – is there a gap of time between the 2- the first 4 and second 4 hrs happening overnight? Possibly so maybe - it could be quick - so – that we don’t know – but we know that activity is planned for overnight tonight –

We are looking for funds to be transferred at which time – we’re looking for the USD to convert to a gold back / asset backed currency  we know as the USN – that is a transition that takes place – should take place in this overnight time frame –

Beyond that … we know that redemption centers staff is off on Thanksgiving Day – we know they have continually been on an hour call that was shortened to a 40 minute call / response time to a call or email to be at the redemption center seated at their desk ready to go –

My understanding is staff is off for thanksgiving – tier 1 banks are closed – tier 2 banks closed – there has been some chatter and continues to be a belief that we could get notified Wednesday evening – and some people are giving a 50/50 chance of that happening – I personally do not see that happening – because I have other information that is pointing us to starting right after Thanksgiving which is coming from very strong sources and pointing to Friday -  and then another source echoed that and said 800 numbers – notification for us tier 4b the internet group on Friday –

So….. could we receive notifications tomorrow evening and set appointments – which would be for Friday? Possibly –I give it a little lower than 50/50 chance -  but that’s possible – Friday looks more likely – to get the 800 numbers / notifications from emails - to set the appointments and to go in for redemptions and currency exchanges –

There have been a few things that have slowed down the bond redemptions – I know that we have a number of arrests – that are taking place around the bond holders due to checks on providences and so on – I believe they were thinking they had 14 arrests and 3 to go – so - That was earlier today – so that may be continuing – but what they are trying to do is to be very careful to make sure that anybody that is claiming to be a bond holder is ligament and the rightful owner of those bonds - so that has been going on – and realistically we are just about at the end of the ride –

As you know we have calls Tuesday and Thursday nights – We have made a decision to not do a call Thursday night – no #1 we believe we would get notified Friday morning and no #2 – we believe that everybody is entitled to spend quality time over Thanksgiving with their families and that we do not necessarily need to do a call Thursday night

Because of that this could very well be our last call – I want everybody to understand that and I know a lot of us have come together for years since I have been doing the Big Call – we appreciate all of you that are listening –

We know there is a lot expected to happen overnight – whether that includes the individual Admirals groups being notified or not is uncertain – it could be just bond holders but it could be other people that are waiting to be paid out as well – we will see –

I want to thank everybody for listening and want to extend a very warm and hardy Happy Thanksgiving from The Big Call


Bruce’s Big Call Replay LINK   Intel Begins:  57:42

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Bruce’s Big Call Intel Thursday Night 11-19-20

.Bruce’s Big Call Intel Thursday Night 11-19-20

Call Transcribed by WiserNow Emailed to Recaps

Hello Everybody - Welcome to The Big Call tonight – It’s good to have you in – it is Thursday November 19th and you’re listening to the Big Call - thanks for listening everybody – thanks for tuning in – we’re glad to have you here and hoping this will be a great call

This is really a very interesting time – we have had periods where it has been quiet – it has been – you know slight to know intel sometimes on a daily basis – that was the case until later this afternoon – for me - we’ve got people that have been on Non Disclosure Agreements – we had one contact that was put on a NDA today – was not really able to share because of that –very much if anything – and then one of our bank contacts that we had not heard from in several months got in touch and we were able to learn a little bit more – so I will try to share with you the information as I see it based on the fact that things are quiet –

Now if we look at the redemption centers we know that in at least some cases they are going to be receiving a new schedule for us tier 4B – internet group to be used for the redemption center staff – they are going to be receiving that before the close of business tomorrow – and I am going to determine close of business being 5 PM Eastern –

Bruce’s Big Call Intel Thursday Night 11-19-20

Call Transcribed by WiserNow Emailed to Recaps

Hello Everybody - Welcome to The Big Call tonight – It’s good to have you in – it is Thursday November 19th  and you’re listening to the Big Call - thanks for listening everybody – thanks for tuning in – we’re glad to have you here and hoping this will be a great call

This is really a very interesting time – we have had periods where it has been quiet – it has been – you know slight to know intel sometimes on a daily basis – that was the case until later this afternoon – for me - we’ve got people that have been on Non Disclosure Agreements – we had one contact that was put on a NDA today – was not really able to share because of that –very much if anything – and then one of our bank contacts that we had not heard from in several months got in touch and we were able to learn a little bit more – so I will try to share with you the information as I see it based on the fact that things are quiet –

Now if we look at the redemption centers we know that in at least some cases they are going to be receiving a new schedule for us tier 4B – internet group to be used for the redemption center staff – they are going to be receiving that before the close of business tomorrow – and I am going to determine close of business being 5 PM Eastern –

so that is a good thing – to have a schedule – meaning the schedule of the days we will start and do our exchanges – at redemption centers and also tier 1 and tier 2 banks – for some people – especially if you’re guided in that direction  when you call in to set your appointment – if you’re not a zim holder you may be guided to a tier 1 bank -  that is very possible based on your currency –

Now I have told you we are going to get 2 toll free numbers – we’ll assume they will start with 800 – but they are toll free numbers – and one is going to be as I mentioned on Tuesdays call – for those that have ONLY other currencies other than zim - 

Those that have zim bonds and other currencies would use another number -  or if you only have zim bonds – if you were gifted zim and  you never bought any other currency – you would use the zim number – be very clear as to which one is the one you are to use –

So we know when the schedules are going to be completed that means the design of the schedules - tomorrow close of business Eastern time –

So – what else do we know?? We know that we are in a very slow roll out of this RV – but it has started – it started last week – and what it amounts to now is – the people that are in tier 1 tier 2 and tier 3 are referred to as level 1 by some overseas bankers - and those 3 tiers as we know them – have liquidity and now have access to funds and my understanding is they are able to use those funds ad move around and have access to them –

Now that leaves pretty much the Core group – tier 4A which are the Admirals group – and 4B the internet group and there is also a tier 5 which we refer to as the John Q Public group –

So where do we stand in the timeline?? I would appear that bond holders have not yet had access to their funds – they know how much they are going to receive and they know and can possibly see that in their account already but they did not have access to those bond funds to which they are allocated – they did not get access to them today - does that mean tomorrow? Friday?  Could it be the day bond holders get access to their accounts – and the liquidity - could be - I would think it was quite possible - 

We also know that the global collateral accounts are about to be paid which in at least one or more circumstances will take what we’ve known all along as the USD or US Fiat Dollar – and convert that - digitally convert – into USN and that should be done at the time that those global collateral accounts are released downstream –

So that puts it a situation where the groups would be next after the bond holders get access to their funds – the groups and you know I talk about these groups in terms of the groups out west – you know what I am referring to – those groups would be paid where the upper paymasters have already or about to pay downstream to the lower paymasters who will get the instruction to pay down or downstream funds to those individual group participants – including the Core and tier 4A

I would look for that to happen between sometime tomorrow (Friday) and the weekend -  I would look for it to happen then – and I have been given reason to believe that we would have a wonderful and maybe a most beautiful Thanksgiving – And that I’m told is because we are to get started with tier 4B early next week –

You ask – how could they possibly do that?? Because Thanksgiving is …….. I know --- Thanksgiving is a week away – and where we thought we would be complete by Thanksgiving meaning Wednesday – the night before - I do not believe that is possible now – I believe we will possibly doing some limited exchanges on next Thursday possibly – or they will keep it closed - redemption centers closed – Holiday Time – and we just go around it and continue beyond Thursday to Friday – Saturday – Sunday etc etc –

Now – I have reason to believe that is the final plan for us in receiving the emails – from secured servers of Wells Fargo – and the toll free numbers – that I’m supposed to get to give to people who do not get the emails – I believe possibly very early next week –

So – I’m excited that the rough idea of the timeline – I believe we will go around Thanksgiving at this point we could do something but as of right now I think we will get started before hand and I think we will go continue after Thanksgiving and go beyond – to whatever time is needed – usually 8-10 days of redemption for zim holders and exchange of our currencies –

Now at some point – again because this was changed and moved again – we don’t know when John Q Public Tier 5 would start – it’s hard to say right now when that would be – I don’t believe there would be enough time to start on the first or second of December but it might start on the 5th of December for example – for the public at large to start – It is hard to say –

We just know that the rates that the exchange centers and redemption centers are going to have on the front screen will probably change from what we get – and the back screen rate would go away – that is why – even if you had gifted a currency to somebody you need to make sure they get the toll free number so they can go in even though they are not prepared – most of them are not prepared – if they have been gifted – not necessarily listening to the Big Call – they have not had the info and you are going to have to bring them up to speed – if you have gifted someone try to get them caught up over the weekend – and make that your goal to bring them in -


Bruce’s Big Call replay LINK  Intel Begins   59:35

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Bruce’s Big Call Intel Tuesday Night 11-17-20

Bruce’s Big Call Intel Tuesday Night 11-17-20

Call Transcribed by WiserNow Emailed to Recaps

Hello Everybody - Welcome to The Big Call tonight – It’s good to have you in – it is Tuesday November 17th and you’re listening to the Big Call - thanks for listening everybody – thanks for tuning in – we’re glad to have you here and hoping this will be a great call

Ok let’s get into the intel – here we are which is the 17th - a curious number – isn’t it? That is the 17th letter in the alphabet - oh that’s right – the letter Q - okay - we had information today that showed that we were getting the fact that the release of everything – and that’s generally how they say it -“the release of everything” – really started at 8PM – notice the number “8” – kinda a favorite number of the Chinese - the number for new beginnings & prosperity –

Bruce’s Big Call Intel Tuesday Night 11-17-20

Call Transcribed by WiserNow Emailed to Recaps

Hello Everybody - Welcome to The Big Call tonight – It’s good to have you in – it is Tuesday November 17th and you’re listening to the Big Call - thanks for listening everybody – thanks for tuning in – we’re glad to have you here and hoping this will be a great call

Ok let’s get into the intel – here we are which is the 17th - a curious number – isn’t it? That is the 17th letter in the alphabet - oh that’s right – the letter Q - okay - we had information today that showed that we were getting the fact that the release of everything – and that’s generally how they say it -“the release of everything” – really started at 8PM – notice the number “8” – kinda a favorite number of the Chinese - the number for new beginnings & prosperity –

Now – for them to go in and get exchanges and have access to funds it should apply to us as well as them – they are not part of a tier 3 group - not part of a tier 4A – they are just “privates” and there are some of these people out there - This is good news –

We also have some news that suggests that people are getting information - getting notification that they have liquidity and they can come into the banks to gain access to that liquidity starting tomorrow (Wed)

So – things are happening – things are happening – this has started and now it is a matter of when they are going to reach us – we are not at the very front of the line – but If – this is IF “IF” - If we are truly on a shotgun start when tier 4A’s which we call the Admiral’s groups - when those groups get notified we could very well be notified or shortly after - we are that close – we are that close –

People that are wondering about the election – there are a lot of things happening of course – behind the scenes – regarding that – I am being told from several sources that the election itself has no immediate direct bearing on the blessing that we are waiting for - I think they are two parallel events – however – we are being told that the blessing “RV”  is independent of the election and the ongoing litigation and results that are still to come from the national election –

So when you think that everything is over – think again – it is not even close to being over – regarding the election – I think that we have learned patience – we have learned that this has been a moving target – extraordinaire – it really has – it is hard to pin this down – a confirmation that looks good one day might go away by the next day - I do believe they want this completed for us before Thanksgiving – I believe they do – Let’s hope and hold onto that belief – Let’s hold on as a community of believers and believe that is what is going to happen –

I know that Iraq paid out their citizenry – they paid them salaries – retirement - they actually paid out oil sharing revenue – sales of oil – they have paid that out – don’t know what period – the payment was from November 2nd it went back to that time – but Iraq is on their way –

Don’t sweat the rates – we are going to be in great shape on rates – on Dinar – Dong – Zim - on everything and the main thing to do is to know where you are on your projects and make sure that you have anything that you are going to present as a world class project written down – typed up – easy to read – and have copies for the redemption center to give to the people during or after your exchange -


Bruce’s Big Call Replay LINK   Intel Begins 1:01:55

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Bruce’s Big Call Intel Thursday Night 11-12-20

.Bruce’s Big Call Intel Thursday Night 11-12-20

Call Transcribed by WiserNow Emailed to Recaps

Hello Everybody - Welcome to The Big Call tonight – It’s good to have you in – it is Thursday November 12th and you’re listening to the Big Call - thanks for listening everybody – thanks for tuning in – we’re glad to have you here and hoping this will be a great call

I want to talk a little bit about where we are from an intel point of view I did get a call during the Big Call tonight which did give me a little bit of a heads up – so – I’m going to try to put this in context – we heard that the Investment Law for Iraq – which have the actual new Iraqi Dinar rate – I am going to call it the in country rate – for the Iraqi dinar was in that Investment Law - for anybody who could get to that or see that Investment Law printed out would have the rate – they would know it –

Now my understanding that Investment Law was passed about 6 am this morning - Iraq time – remember they are 8-9 hours ahead of the east coast - I believe it is 8 hours – so that means that 6 am would have been 10 or 11 pm last night our time - eastern time – so – that is a very positive step forward – to have that done –

Bruce’s Big Call Intel Thursday Night 11-12-20

Call Transcribed by WiserNow Emailed to Recaps

Hello Everybody - Welcome to The Big Call tonight – It’s good to have you in – it is Thursday November 12th and you’re listening to the Big Call - thanks for listening everybody – thanks for tuning in – we’re glad to have you here and hoping this will be a great call

I want to talk a little bit about where we are from an intel point of view I did get a call during the Big Call tonight which did give me a little bit of a heads up – so – I’m going to try to put this in context – we heard that the Investment Law for Iraq – which have the actual new Iraqi Dinar rate – I am going to call it the in country rate – for the Iraqi dinar was in that Investment Law - for anybody who could get to that or see that  Investment Law printed out would have the rate – they would know it –

Now my understanding that Investment Law was passed about 6 am this morning - Iraq time – remember they are 8-9 hours ahead of the east coast - I believe it is 8 hours – so that means that 6 am would have been 10 or 11 pm last night our time - eastern time – so – that is a very positive step forward – to have that done –

I understand that since Sunday is the first actual business day for Iraq – we also heard that Iraq is supposed to pay out with a raise between 30-40 % to some of their citizens their new Qi card - salaries and pension funds – let’s call it retirement funds - and their payroll - it may go back and include back pay – which I believe it probably will - that will be paid to their Qi card – that’s what’s happening on Sunday –

The good news is that we understand that this process – remember we talked Tuesday that Wed would be our Christmas Eve and that Thursday might be our Christmas Day – Well it is Christmas Day for some people - because tiers 1 -2 and 3 have been paid and have liquidity – from what we understand and some of the groups are supposed to have been paid tonight and have access to funds tomorrow

We – what I call tier 4B – as we know the internet group – those that are listening to the call are part of the internet group - and it’s quite a large group – I think it is somewhere in the 5-6 million person range – maybe bigger than that now - I don’t know – but we are supposed to be on a notice – at least – let me put it this way – I have been called tonight during the Big Call and I have been put on notice to receive notifications –

I do not know exactly when but the urgency which I was told lends me to believe that it could / possibly could be later tonight or tomorrow - now this is something that is never known exactly until it happens – and just so you know – it hasn’t happened yet – but I have been notified with toll free numbers or that our tier 4B – internet group has not received emails yet –

However – I’m going to suggest that we might want to keep an eye on those emails tomorrow to see if that’s exactly what does happen – because earlier when I spoke to sources based out west – the indication was that we should receive notifications quite possibly tomorrow or tomorrow late afternoon with the exchanges starting appropriately late tomorrow afternoon or possibly Saturday

Now – the information I had since then might possibly ??  might move it up slightly ahead – tonight would be Christmas night if for us – if the notifications did come out still tonight or for us Christmas might be pushed another day or so – but we know some people have been paid and are being paid – and that process is moving towards us – That process of those funds moving is moving towards us –

I believe that with what’s happened in Iraq – I believe that we have the movement that is pushing us along to where we should see this I am going to say between now and the weekend – and in a very real sense – the weekend starts tomorrow - So – let’s see how that goes

I don’t want anybody to get overly excited for this – I believe it’s very good news - but we’ve had good news before and but we’ve not received the notifications that we’re looking for - to be fair we haven’t got them yet - we know that when we get the notifications – it’s game over - because we set our appointments and usually we can go the same day or the next - and that will be the plan –

We know that the redemption center staff were in today for about 3 ½ hours – left early afternoon - but we also know that they got moved to a 40 minute notice on call time - from 1 hour to 40 minutes – so even if they are not in the redemption center – staff once they receive notification – they would still come in and be seated at their desk ready to go within 40 minutes – so that urgency is there for them –

Now – we’re just going to have to see what comes – my understanding is that Pres Trump made an announcement by his twitter account that mentioned about the Iraqi Dinar – I have not seen it – I have not heard that announcement – but that is what I heard took place tonight – We’ll have to see if that was in fact what happened – and also whether or not we’re going to start right behind that announcement in a sense  - we know that major funds in the way of tranches going hot and heavy for the last several days – large tranches of funds – we know the collateral accounts are supposed to be funded tonight and we also know that the USN is supposed to be there with to gold back currency for our dollar – quite possibly Sunday night or Monday –

Now if it were to happen Sunday night it could happen prior to the trading on that currency the USN  prior to Monday morning here in the US - but rather Sunday night here is Monday morning g  in the far east – so it is quite possible  that the USN gets put out Sunday which is the 15th  and also the day the UN operational rate and the IMF rates are to update – so it might tie all that into not only the new Iraqi Dinar rate being on the Forex and tradeable – internationally -  starting Sunday – but also the USN - and who knows maybe some other currencies may update with their new rates at that time so that is a question mark 

But I do believe that we should have – when we get the USN as a gold backed currency announced as such we have the first fruits of NESARA – the National Economic Strategic and Recovery Act - The National Economic Security Recovery Act -  and then GESARA  is global economic security and recovery act – the other countries around the world –

We’re concerned here with NESARA and it goes way back and its being brought forward and we’ll see what actually transpires -  I believe NESARA will be let out slowly -  meaning this aspect and the next aspect – and then so on and so on – I don’t think it’s going to be put out all at one time – I think there is too much and would be overwhelming – for most of us – to have it all at once -  but I believe the first part is going to be in the announcement of the gold backed and asset backed dollar known as the USN and the new currency that we will have in the banks which is the USTN – United States Treasury Note – no longer a Federal Reserve Note –

Remember the Federal Reserve and the IRS are being pulled into as part of the US Treasury and they are both being minimized - the Fed and the IRS are being minimized because as part of NESARA the Federal and State Income Tax as we understand it based on the law – will go away - don’t know how soon – possibly on the start of Jan 1 2021 we hope –

Just be open to hear that and then we would go to a consumption tax similar to value added tax like in Europe but it’s called a consumption tax 14 ½ to 17 % collected at the state level – certain % would go to the state and certain % go to the Treasury - 

That is all I wanted to say about that it is in the law the NESARA – so we’ll see how it manifests and how quickly the rest of the aspects of NESARA come out


Bruce’s Big Call Replay Link – Intel Begins  1:18:18

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