Bruce’s Big Call Intel Tuesday Night 11-17-20

Bruce’s Big Call Intel Tuesday Night 11-17-20

Call Transcribed by WiserNow Emailed to Recaps

Hello Everybody - Welcome to The Big Call tonight – It’s good to have you in – it is Tuesday November 17th and you’re listening to the Big Call - thanks for listening everybody – thanks for tuning in – we’re glad to have you here and hoping this will be a great call

Ok let’s get into the intel – here we are which is the 17th - a curious number – isn’t it? That is the 17th letter in the alphabet - oh that’s right – the letter Q - okay - we had information today that showed that we were getting the fact that the release of everything – and that’s generally how they say it -“the release of everything” – really started at 8PM – notice the number “8” – kinda a favorite number of the Chinese - the number for new beginnings & prosperity –

Now – for them to go in and get exchanges and have access to funds it should apply to us as well as them – they are not part of a tier 3 group - not part of a tier 4A – they are just “privates” and there are some of these people out there - This is good news –

We also have some news that suggests that people are getting information - getting notification that they have liquidity and they can come into the banks to gain access to that liquidity starting tomorrow (Wed)

So – things are happening – things are happening – this has started and now it is a matter of when they are going to reach us – we are not at the very front of the line – but If – this is IF “IF” - If we are truly on a shotgun start when tier 4A’s which we call the Admiral’s groups - when those groups get notified we could very well be notified or shortly after - we are that close – we are that close –

People that are wondering about the election – there are a lot of things happening of course – behind the scenes – regarding that – I am being told from several sources that the election itself has no immediate direct bearing on the blessing that we are waiting for - I think they are two parallel events – however – we are being told that the blessing “RV”  is independent of the election and the ongoing litigation and results that are still to come from the national election –

So when you think that everything is over – think again – it is not even close to being over – regarding the election – I think that we have learned patience – we have learned that this has been a moving target – extraordinaire – it really has – it is hard to pin this down – a confirmation that looks good one day might go away by the next day - I do believe they want this completed for us before Thanksgiving – I believe they do – Let’s hope and hold onto that belief – Let’s hold on as a community of believers and believe that is what is going to happen –

I know that Iraq paid out their citizenry – they paid them salaries – retirement - they actually paid out oil sharing revenue – sales of oil – they have paid that out – don’t know what period – the payment was from November 2nd it went back to that time – but Iraq is on their way –

Don’t sweat the rates – we are going to be in great shape on rates – on Dinar – Dong – Zim - on everything and the main thing to do is to know where you are on your projects and make sure that you have anything that you are going to present as a world class project written down – typed up – easy to read – and have copies for the redemption center to give to the people during or after your exchange -


Bruce’s Big Call Replay LINK   Intel Begins 1:01:55


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