Bruce’s Big Call Intel Thursday Night 4- 9-2020

.Bruce’s Big Call Intel Thursday Night 4- 9-2020

Call Transcribed by WiserNow Emailed to Recaps

Welcome everybody to The Big Call tonight – it’s Thursday April 9th and you’re listening to The Big Call – Thanks for tuning in everybody - all over the globe

This is an interesting time to be in – yes – because we are coming up on resurrection Sunday and I’m going to say this – this time – some people refer to it as Easter – and that’s fine I guess - this Sunday I think is going to be a turning point for us-

What I’m getting – Let’s start with the stimulus funding coming by way of direct deposits and physical checks that will be going out – and we’ll tie all of this in - I think I talked a little bit about this on Tuesday –

Here’s the thing – We do not see anything happening in that regard on those checks – we’re talking $1210 per adult if earning under $75,000 – That is Universal Basic Income (UBI) - they are not calling it that yet but they will – That UBI – let’s say you’re married and each of you not exceeding $75,000 in income you’d be looking at $1210 X 2 = $2420 – and if you have kids up to age 16 you get $500 per child –

Bruce’s Big Call Intel Thursday Night 4- 9-2020

Call Transcribed by WiserNow Emailed to Recaps

Welcome everybody to The Big Call tonight – it’s Thursday April 9th and you’re listening to The Big Call – Thanks for tuning in everybody - all over the globe

This is an interesting time to be in – yes – because we are coming up on resurrection Sunday and I’m going to say this – this time – some people refer to it as Easter – and that’s fine I guess - this Sunday I think is going to be a turning point for us-

What I’m getting – Let’s start with the stimulus funding coming by way of direct deposits and physical checks that will be going out – and we’ll tie all of this in - I think I talked a little bit about this on Tuesday –

Here’s the thing – We do not see anything happening in that regard on those checks – we’re talking $1210 per adult if earning under $75,000 – That is Universal Basic Income (UBI) - they are not calling it that yet but they will – That UBI – let’s say you’re married and each of you not exceeding $75,000 in income you’d be looking at $1210 X 2 = $2420 – and if you have kids up to age 16 you get $500 per child –

This is a monthly allowance – a monthly basic income – I cannot speak for the children component to it but that still stays in the mix but your Universal Basic Income will never go below the $1210 for one person

I think it’s interesting that I found that out today – Now, when is it coming? We’ve got two things we’re talking about - this UBI in the way of a direct deposit for those who they already have their banking information from Soc Sec – or some other reason – they will get those starting Monday or Tuesday –

Let’s say you don’t have that but are entitled to get a check – your check is going to come out starting Thursday the 16th a week from today - These were not so immediate as we had hoped but they are coming out next week –

Now that is not something so directly related to our blessing in terms of the RV – but let’s put it in perspective – President Trump – from what I understand wants this started – I mean for us Tier 4 B – our exchanges started by the 17th which is next Friday –

The banker sources I referred to on Tuesday’s call are still in line for us to start with exchanges Tuesday or Wednesday - I’m not calling it - just giving you what I’m hearing  -  next Tues or Wed after Easter Sunday – Resurrection Sunday

Alright, let’s talk about what else is going on – You’ve heard of the 3 Days of Darkness – I’ve mentioned it several times – the 3 days of darkness where the phone service and internet was all questionable – right? Well, guess what – we already went through our 3 days of darkness – meaning those of us who are not part of the deep state - We went through it last Saturday – Sunday & Monday at Midnight –

We have been through it - They made the adjustments for us – on the internet – they made the adjustments for us in terms of any cell service – which for the most part was fine – it stayed intact – maybe a glitch here and there  but overall we are golden –

Speaking of golden – there’s one thing that China wants and the elders want is for President Trump to acknowledge in a speech and that is the gold backed USN dollar – our new gold backed dollars – with that   by extension perhaps there will be mention of the  gold standard returning – I hope it will be done in the same announcement

The Chinese want that – they are good on the arrest count – they are good on the other things but they need to have an acknowledgement of the gold backed dollar – the USN – or USTN because it is a United States Treasury Note – not a Federal Reserve Note – That is important and needs to come out

President Trump tonight on his update on the corona virus – what he said was that tomorrow we are looking for some pretty cool announcements – he did show his hand because he did refer to the fact that Saudi Arabia and Russia are getting together on reducing the amount of oil per day in millions of barrels

The early estimate was that the total between the two which was a 2 million barrel reduction for Russia and 4 million barrels per day reduction for Saudi – those two totaling 6 million barrels per day reduction in oil production is not really as high as President Trump was looking for

He was looking for 10-15 million barrels reduced per day – So far they are talking about 6 – I think he had them to go back to the drawing board and try to come up with a better number –

We will find out because he plans to announce that tomorrow – during the briefing – there may be something else that gets announced tomorrow as well - so I think tomorrow could be a pretty good – being a Friday it will be interesting to see what comes out by the afternoon –

We are looking for additional announcements from the President on Saturday and Easter Sunday – We have heard things have been put in code – Q said some things – I think some other things have been posted about the idea of a miracle resurrection Sunday

I am not quite sure – I have an idea what the miracle might be but will leave it up to the President to bring that out on Sunday – to see what that is –

It looks like everything is going to start – on Sunday especially if miracle Sunday comes with what we think it might be and then goes all the way through the rest of the week – with our stimulus check – loan dollars for small businesses - and large businesses – charitable organizations – all of that – churches – it is supposed to happen next week

I think what we’ve got guys is we have all of that stimulus and loan money going out and us going “in” to the redemption center at approximately the same time – we expect to go in possibly Tues or Wed – and I told you that these direct deposits were to start Monday or Tuesday – they are giving themselves a lot of things that are going to move a lot of funds around during next week

Now, where do we stand on the so called intermediates? – these are the fines and penalties – adjudicated settlements – Indian claims – farm claims – etc etc – That has been set to begin paying out as early as today or tomorrow – Will it? We will have to wait and see –

I know that the people that are watching this specifically are saying that the funds have been allocated and are there in place to begin those payouts

Those organizations – the intermediates – those sovereign accounts – I believe need to be activated and paid before we go – and even before Tier 4A goes – which is our counterpart – the groups based out west  and then us who are part of Tier 4B still call us Tier 4 will still probably go and virtually at the same time –

Now when it comes to the public – remember we are golden - we know we are going to do exchanges at least through the 21st of April with our redemption centers – They are prepared to go through the 21st –

Will they go beyond that?  I don’t know – depends on when we get started maybe – I think that will cover us – if we get all the way up to and including the 21st we are golden

Now, the so called Joe Public – the Tier 5 as I refer to it – the last group of the public – they will go starting sometime in the first week of May as we understand –

One thing that we know is – the only reason that the public is any different than us is that they have not been paying attention to calls like The Big Call – and they don’t understand or maybe don’t know about the fact that they need to set an appointment – using the 800 number to set an appointment to go in to do their redemption of Zim

They are not going to be able to do much with that if they do not have an appointment – If they do have an appointment – they are basically rolled into Tier 4B – our group - but if they don’t know about it they are on their own and work with whatever they can get at the Tier 2 and Tier 2 banks –

I believe we are completely set up with the Fincen system – fully integrated now into the Quantum Financial System (QFS) and the Real Time Payment System – which will allow bank wires / ledger to ledger transfers to occur in real time – literally under 1 minute – around the globe –

This is a real positive thing when it comes to sending money – and it is completely safe – cannot be messed with by certain individuals in certain banks that want to HOLD onto your money – remember all the way up to 13 days for international wires sometimes to go through – it’s ridiculous - all of that is gone – it’s dead –

You should find much – much higher level of cooperation with our banks – not the adversarial relationship that many of us have experienced – the bigger the bank the tougher the relationship – and I hope the banks get it together for small businesses right away – most of them are inundated with applications –

SBA is not set  up to handle this volume and let’s hope that bottleneck gets opened up where they can knock out a bunch of these loans – and let’s hope that Congress gets their act together so they can approve the additional 251 billion dollars which is needed for the small business loans – those guaranteed loans –

There is still a partisanship going on something that should be a very simple addition to go through Congress –

 Here’s another thing - When it comes to the so called 3 days of darkness – like I said – those of us who are not a part of the deep state or affiliate – are in the clear – those that are not are still looking at clean up on aisle 3 – and those people are the ones that are going to have the interrupted service for phone & internet – not us - just want to make that clear –

Now that you have the straight scoop on that you can live in faith and not in fear – here’s the other part of that – this could start Monday and really – it should – Some of you in the New York area may have seen something on TV late last night around 2 AM - 2:20 AM – and that was regarding the Emergency Broadcasting System being utilized to starting the 13th of April –

Just a small little window that was in the upper right corner of the screen – as I understood it – and what this told me was that they are planning to operate the 10-12 days of disclosure possibly starting on Monday – those were to follow the 3 days of darkness – so can anyone do the math on that?  What about starting 1 minute before midnight tonight?

Let’s say that occurs and I expect it will and then Monday we might get those 8 hour segments played 3 times a day for 10-12 days – this is going to be 10-12 days of enlightenment – following the 3 days of darkness

This is very possible because we’re going to be under a lot of good information that’s going to blow the socks off most of you – those of us that have been following this 10 yrs or more -  somethings may not surprise us but others may be shocking – so be prepared for that –

Sit back and enjoy the show – I think it will be riveting – Could start as early as Monday – just saying – it’s up to the President – General Dunford – and Admiral ?? I can’t remember his last name – to decide the exact start – but I believe there’s a good chance that yes – it could start Monday –

I think that is giving you pretty much everything I meant to bring tonight – I want everybody to be in a great attitude of prayer – I want everybody to be in an attitude of gratitude – and have a beautiful resurrection weekend starting tomorrow – and finishing up on resurrection Sunday – this Sunday – the 12th  That is going to be an amazing time – a time of new beginnings- an actual milestone that we go by taking us into a new paradigm – beautiful time

Thanks everybody for listening  


Bruce’s Big Call Replay LINK  Intel Begins  1:18:44 Min mark

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Bruce’s Big Call Intel Tuesday Night 4-7-2020

.Bruce’s Big Call Intel Tuesday Night 4-7-2020

Call Transcribed by WiserNow Emailed to Recaps

Welcome everybody to The Big Call tonight – it’s Tuesday April 7th and you’re listening to The Big Call – Thanks for tuning in everybody - all over the globe

Okay, let’s talk a little bit about where we are from an intel perspective because this is one of those calls where we’re funneling information in from a number of different sources and everything that I have heard that has been out there –

You have to take some of it in consideration and see how it holds up with the direct information (the direct so called intel) that I would get – and you measure it against what you seem to know - It is not easy – this is a tough time guys – we are in a very interesting time while we wait for this blessing to manifest

I can just tell you that there is some information – lets go back and say it this way – Have you guys noticed how we had the paycheck protection program – which would be done through the SBA but works through your local banks – small community banks – and all the way up to the big Tier 1 banks

Bruce’s Big Call Intel Tuesday Night 4-7-2020

Call Transcribed by WiserNow Emailed to Recaps

Welcome everybody to The Big Call tonight – it’s Tuesday April 7th and you’re listening to The Big Call – Thanks for tuning in everybody - all over the globe

Okay, let’s talk a little bit about where we are from an intel perspective because this is one of those calls where we’re funneling information in from a number of different sources and everything that I have heard that has been out there –

You have to take some of it in consideration and see how it holds up with the direct information (the direct so called intel) that I would get – and you measure it against what you seem to know - It is not easy – this is a tough time guys – we are in a very interesting time while we wait for this blessing to manifest

I can just tell you that there is some information – lets go back and say it this way – Have  you guys noticed how we had the paycheck protection program – which would be done through the SBA but works through your local banks – small community banks – and all the way up to the big Tier 1 banks

There is a bottleneck with that - at least two levels – a bottleneck at the bank level because they are being inundated with applications and there’s also a bottleneck with the SBA that is not really set up to handle this volume of applications – there is something there

Now, notice how from a forgivable loan aspect on the one hand and then you have our $1200 for an adult making less than $75,000 a year -- $2400 for a married couple and 500 additional for each child under 18 - so there is an opportunity and I don’t know if that maxes out at a number 2-3-4 kids - I don’t know what that is –

The point is you’ve got that program and you also have the loan program and you also have another program which is based a little more on an immediate need - $10,000 – there are at least 3 different programs right now –

You notice that nobody seems to have any money from any of the yet - no one has received a check - no one has received a direct deposit and we were told a couple weeks ago (maybe even longer than that) that these checks would be coming – I thought we would get direct deposit within about a week - but obviously we did not –

Here’s what I think is going on – I know those are coming – I know they will get through some SBA loans and will put those funds out – I’ve been told about another week to two weeks to get those out – there is a huge stack of applications ready to be processed that may have been processed but the funding has not taken place –

Now, the same thing is true for our $1200 stimulus check or direct deposits – and it’s interesting to me that both of these are sort of in process but nothing has happened to get the funds out yet –

I think – and this is only a theory – my theory is that those funds will go out as we are getting started setting out appointments or going in to our exchanges - I feel that they may be that closely tied together

Now, here’s what I understand – the Tier 1 group - which is governments - is supposed to being paid monies by Dubai 1 and that is a number of boxes of bonds – bonds that have been hypothecated in Dubai and supposed to pay out to at least Tier 1- maybe other Tiers – but at least Tier 1

That I believe needs to take place before all of those government funds come out – but it could also be that our exchanges kicked that off - because just from a very few - let’s say you can count the zim exchanges on two hands – 10 or less zim exchanges with what is created from that is enough to fund these programs

So, I just think there is something tied to that – we’ll see – I may be wrong but I just have a feeling that we are tied to it more than we think –

The other thing is that we have heard that CMKX was supposed to pay out Monday the 13th of April and a Treasury source that we have said they have moved it up  - they were going to move it up to Friday and now we’re hearing it’s moved up to tomorrow (wed 8th)

Now, if that were to happen and CMKX does get funded tomorrow then I think that moves us up along a little quicker – We’ve got a window that seems to be from tomorrow all the way through following Wednesday which would be the 15th of April - and IF IF – If the CMKX is paid that should trigger the rest of the intermediate groups to be paid and therefore move us along a little sooner

A Tier 1 banking source told us yesterday that our first crack at this would be tomorrow (Wednesday) – that means our first crack at getting notifications and getting started – the 8th – that makes sense –

China loves the number 8 – we thought something could have happened today but it looks like maybe tomorrow – ok we can all make it – we can make it till Wednesday -

And then, that same source - the same Tier 1 bank source – today – is saying 2-3 days after Easter -- Easter is the 12th Tuesday is the 14th - 3 days would be the 15th -  so that could push us to the 14th / 15th – That is as far as I have – anybody putting it out – That is as far out as I have it –

A possibility of something starting tomorrow – which I think will be more likely to be the CMKX and maybe some of the groups getting started – the intermediates that is – and then maybe we do after Easter in the 14th 15th range -

Now, something miraculous is supposed to happen Easter Sunday – Something BIG – We don’t quite know what it is – we guess it could be this – it could be that - we don’t really know but seemingly something is geared around Easter –

We know that – let me say this – my source – my main source – is telling me that we finished the 3 days of darkness last night at midnight – In other words it started Saturday – Sunday - Monday – and finished last night (Monday) at midnight

I do not have that verified by anybody else yet – we’re trying but that’s all we have – one verification of that – normally I don’t bring that up but this is important –

So where do we stand on that whole concept of the 3 days of darkness and then bringing in shortly thereafter the 8 hours of light / broadcast/ television on the emergency broadcast network which would be segments of 8 hours 3 times a day in 24 hours -- for 10 days duration –

They would not be the same thing I believe but they would be bringing out the disclosure of what we have been through ever since we at least were born – and probably a little before then and certain things that have happened throughout the years that were said one way but were something else –

I think there’s going to be a lot to it – I am very excited about that – I am not sure exactly when that’s going to start of course – but we’ll find out - it will be something to stay tuned with –

So my opinion is – even though there’s a lot of stuff out there that goes against my thought – my opinion is we will not have to face the internet being down or cell phones cut off – I am being told from my sources that we do not have to endure that – it’s not for us – so we’ll see –

Now will they be tuning up the internet – will they be going on – yes – what they are going to be doing is getting on and taking down the Dark Web – the Dark Sites – they will be doing that – I don’t know when that will have started – maybe it’s already started – but I think that will continue and they may somewhat sterilize the internet - we’ll see –

In any case I don’t see that going down for us – It could slow down a little bit as they do what they do but I don’t see it going down and us not being able to go on line – at least that is what I am being told – we’ll see

The timing that we’ve got is something could trigger as early as tomorrow but I am thinking it is more for CMKX and maybe some of the other intermediates – and then there’s us – and the latest information I got tonight was for 2-3 days after Easter which would be the 14th / 15th

So, there’s a lot that has to come out – we know at some point the gold back dollar will be brought out – we know there will be discussion about gold backed currencies – not just here but globally – and there will be more disclosure about clean up on aisle 3 – but – what is sufficient? What is actually sufficient before we go?? That is the big question we have to find the answer to –

I feel like some of the things I’ve heard out there or read have not been accurate – I cannot believe some of the things that have been put out as true – but you know – all we can do is literally wait and stay positive because we know we’re in the zone for this to come out –

We are in that period of time where we really do expect this to come forward pretty quickly – I have no idea of anything that would have to drag way beyond where we are now in this time frame of around Easter –

We also understand this St Germaine Trust is to be opened every year between either Easter time or Christmas – and I believe the St Germaine’s Trust will be used for funding something as well – not sure at this point what it’s going to fund but it could be prosperity packages –

I don’t know guys – so much out there – I just find it unusual that the funds that are coming from the SBA loans and the stimulus checks – direct deposits that we are looking for are bottlenecked right now –

They seem to be in a holding pattern and I know the President wanted us to start at least I understood that he wanted this to start  between now and Friday –but I just don’t know if we’re going to see that – I don’t know – maybe we will  - I just have to look at it this way - 

I am excited about where we are I ‘m just a little unsure of course when our start time is going to be – you see a lot of things out there – I suggest you enjoy this time even though it is tough sometimes to be at home – sheltering in place – but this is a good time to get outside and get some sun – eat right – exercise – meditate – pray – get in shape – get everything lined up so you can be as strong as you possibly be at this time -

We will see how all of this unfolds before – during and after Easter – everybody have a great night – thank  you for listening

 Bruce’s Big Call Replay LINK  Intel begins at 57:30 min mark

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Bruce’s Big Call Intel Thursday Night 4- 2-2020

.Bruce’s Big Call Intel Thursday Night 4- 2-2020

Call Transcribed by WiserNow Emailed to Recaps

Welcome everybody to The Big Call tonight – it’s Thursday April 2 and you’re listening to The Big Call – Thanks for tuning in everybody - all over the globe

I don’t think we’ve got a whole lot to talk about in the way of intel but you know how I get – let’s just get started – this is two days since our last call – we had our last call on Tuesday and we had a lot of good things I brought out that we should consider –

There’s not a whole lot of new – other than the fact that most of our intel sources have all but dried up – they have gotten really quiet – I could take that as a good thing because less is more sometimes – in this particular case we’re always curious as to what is going on – do we have anything new? What should I bring to the listeners – I have a few things but not a lot –

Bruce’s Big Call Intel Thursday Night 4- 2-2020

Call Transcribed by WiserNow Emailed to Recaps

Welcome everybody to The Big Call tonight – it’s Thursday April 2 and you’re listening to The Big Call – Thanks for tuning in everybody - all over the globe

I don’t think we’ve got a whole lot to talk about in the way of intel but you know how I get – let’s just get started – this is two days since our last call – we had our last call on Tuesday and we had a lot of good things I brought out that we should consider –

There’s not a whole lot of new – other than the fact that most of our intel sources have all but dried up – they have gotten really quiet – I could take that as a good thing because less is more sometimes – in this particular case we’re always curious as to what is going on – do we have anything new? What should I bring to the listeners – I have a few things but not a lot –

Let’s look at it this way – the pay outs of the Tiers 1 - 2 -3 - I know you guys don’t care about this but in order to tell you sort of what’s going on – they did sort of cherry pick over 600 in Tier 3 and pay them their 1% - but they did not pay out the bulk as far as we know – yet –

The bulk of those Tier 3’s we were looking to have been paid out – I don’t know whether they have or not – I know they were cherry picking some and paying them so that’s an interesting prospect – is when will the rest of those and when will the intermediates actually be paid out - we heard that they were all ready to do – ready to be paid – but for some reason they have not been released –

It may be that what they are trying to do is to let the majority of those – even those in the mediate groups get paid out essentially when we get started – it’s possible they’re waiting until that time – it seems a little hard for me to imagine – the groups – as you know we are group 4B- the internet group – 4A regarding the groups that are based out west – the cores – and the rest of the other groups have always been considered as 4A  but because they’re fixed rate group – some people have ruled them into Tier 3 – I haven’t really done that – in my mind they‘re still Tier 4A -  but I think Tier 4 which is them and us will probably pretty much go together – they may get a little head start but I do not think it will be much

Now as far as the email that is going to go out from the Wells Fargo servers and I think just now over 500,000 emails in that group of emails to go out – this does not mean it’s the Wells Fargo group from years ago – they might have some of those emails that are still good but this is everybody else that has currency through a dealer or someone that has asked for your email - so if so they have your email

Those emails are supposed to come with an attachment – and my understanding is and I have had this confirmed through other sources – that when you print this email out there will be something that you can take with you – as  you are driving to the redemption center – in case  you were  pulled over – you will have that piece of paper to show the officer to verify your appointment and that you are authorized to go to the redemption center – If you do not have a printer then just have the email on your phone accessible – I do not think this will be a big deal but will be sent out with the emails –

As far as – let’s just talk briefly – my understanding is that the…. And I have given up on trying to find out the Dinar Rates – it supposedly has already reinstated – it will revalue and I understand that the value it comes out at may not be as high as we thought initially - it could be in the mid $4’s and what they are saying is - it will escalate over a period of 10 or more days to a much higher rate – possibly 2 – 2 ½ times higher –

So if you’re only a dinar and dong holder you may want to consider setting your appointment - it’s hard to do -- slightly later than sooner – it’s possible the rate if you are just a currency holder the rate could be higher for you a little later in the game rather than sooner - this is not a new concept - coming out possibly 6 – 8 years ago – maybe longer – a concept that the rates would go up – It’s a game – that you would be playing – do you want to get in and get out – and go? Yes you do!

If you are just holding Dinar and especially if you are not holding very much,  and it’s just dinar and dong -  you might want to consider when  you go in for your appointment – based on these rates – the thing about rates is – one moment it’s this – the next moment it changes – it’s very hard to predict exactly where they’re going to be on any given day – just to let you know – it’s very difficult – for a very long time we had nothing on certain rates and then all of a sudden we get a rate or see what they anticipate the rate to be – it is still a very inexact science – believe me – when it comes to us trying to predict what we’re going to be looking at

I gave you pretty much the run down and what to expect at the redemption center – I don’t think anything has changed – as far as I know since Tuesday night’s call – I believe that was pretty much laid out for us – I would say as far as the timing what I’m hearing – you remember we talked a little bit briefly about the 3 days of darkness – and we talked about it in terms of it NOT affecting us – it is designed for the Deep State and their affiliates –

I believe that we will be in the clear when it comes to that and immediately after the 3 days of darkness we should have days and days of disclosure which should bring us a lot of truth that we have missed out on –in a lot of different things that have happened in our history and are continuing to happen –

These are to be on 8 hr segments that would be – I believe – televised  or at least the audio portion put out on the Emergency Alert Broadcasting System – I hope there is video and on television – we will see –

The plan is to have one 8 hr segment 3 times a day for 12 days – the idea is so everyone will catch it – to be up to speed on what has been happening – many of us know some of it but a lot of us do not know enough of it – this could be really, really interesting disclosure

That is supposed to happen immediately after the 3 days of darkness – I don’t know when the 3 days of darkness will start but I can tell you when I believe ( I cannot tell you that I absolutely know it) – right now my understanding is that for the 7th  8th and 9th of April

What does this mean as far as us and our start for exchanges and redemption of Zim?

I believe what I’ve been told and I have 3-4 different sources that are agreeing with this that we are to start on the first day of that disclosure – without getting too deep into it – and like I said it is not absolute -  I believe that is their plan – so we will wait and see how the plan unfolds

Otherwise this is a great time to work on  your project presentation – I think you guys that there’s not a whole lot of new information other than the new time frame that I’ve given you and the fact that the dinar rate starting at a mid rate and going  up over the next 10 days or so whenever we get started –

And understand about the 3 days of darkness and what that’s about - should not affect us - not designed to affect us – some companies and other telecoms have already done some things to change the system that we are on now and to update to move us along – that should not be an issue

I feel like we are the calm before the storm – so take advantage of this time especially if you are staying home – I think our direct deposits might start going out as early as tomorrow (Friday) we may start seeing the direct deposits of the $1200 in our accounts – I’ve been told as early as tomorrow – I don’t’ know if that is real or not but I know the SBA loan qualifications are very simple and will start tomorrow –

I think there were a couple of more things to happen before we could start – who knows what they actually are – but there seems to always be something behind the scenes that has delayed us a bit – but we are still in great shape – I want everybody to take care of themselves and their families – Thank you for listening -

Bruce’s Big Call Replay LINK ---- Intel begins at 58:18 min mark

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Bruce’s Big Call Intel Tuesday Night 3- 31-2020

.Bruce’s Big Call Intel Tuesday Night 3- 31-2020

Call Transcribed by WiserNow Emailed to Recaps

Welcome everybody to The Big Call tonight – it’s Tuesday March 31 – the last day of March and you’re listening to The Big Call – Thanks for tuning in everybody - all over the globe

I am excited about the month of April – we are going to see a lot of things happen and I think it is a very good time for us

Here we are about to start a whole new quarter a whole new month and we’ve got another 30 days to more or less stay at home – remain in place – and it could be interesting to see what it’s going to do for us – we are not going to be inhibited by our redemptions – so don’t worry about that - doesn’t mean you can’t go to the bank or redemption center – of course they are allowing for that – so don’t worry about that at all –

I’ve got some clarifications to make on a few things that I’ve heard that are out there on the blogs and I want to clarify a few things –

Bruce’s Big Call Intel Tuesday Night 3- 31-2020

Call Transcribed by WiserNow Emailed to Recaps

Welcome everybody to The Big Call tonight – it’s Tuesday March 31 – the last day of March and you’re listening to The Big Call – Thanks for tuning in everybody - all over the globe

I am excited about the month of April – we are going to see a lot of things happen and I think it is a very good time for us

Here we are about to start a whole new quarter a whole new month and we’ve got another 30 days to more or less stay at home – remain in place – and it could be interesting to see what it’s going to do for us – we are not going to be inhibited by our redemptions – so don’t worry about that - doesn’t mean you can’t go to the bank or redemption center – of course they are allowing for that – so don’t worry about that at all –

I’ve got some clarifications to make on a few things that I’ve heard that are out there on the blogs and I want to clarify a few things –

There has been some information put out about the idea of a Three Days of Darkness – That is a true thing – however – if you have read Judy or listened to David Wilcock you are aware of this – however, as much as I have listened to David and like him and as much as I have heard really good things read from Judy over all – I am going to say they are missing one little point –

There has been some discussion about internet going down - cell service going down – I want you to know today in President Trump’s speech – about the covid-19 virus – I heard the entire speech – all the questions – and the one thing that was said that I really caught on to was the fact that he mentioned a number of telecoms – cell phone companies – internet providers – he listed about seven of those -  ATT – Verizon – Sprint – etc etc –

What he said was yes they were under a lot of stress – with a lot more  usage from home however,  all of this usage would not be interrupted -  they have the ability to maintain the service –

My understanding was that President Trump had a discussion with all of these companies today on a call where he was very adamant about that staying on – without interruption all the way through – no problem or there might be consequences for those providers -

I took that to mean that’s  very positive for  us – I also found out that if there are interruptions at all over that 3 days of darkness  - it’s not for us -  it could be for a few other people – if you can understand my drift -  it does not affect us – it could affect some other people –

If you can’t figure that out – don’t worry about it

Now, let’s keep going for what is important for us – There are a lot of things that have happened – We had NESARA to officially start a week ago yesterday (Monday a week ago) – Yesterday morning at 9 am Sec Mnuchin signed off on a mortgage debt relief program – yesterday we had 188,000 mortgages forgiven plus another 450,000 in the evening – and is ongoing – so that’s 638,000 mortgages forgiven yesterday and more today and so on and so on –

This is part of NESARA – part of the debt jubilee – the debt forgiveness – we’ve talked about on The Big Call – many of you know about it some of you are new to that concept - but the good news is that the mortgage forgiveness program is happening and we expect it to be complete by the end of April

So in a month’s time or so that should be complete nationwide – don’t know where these are occurring  or who they are – I just know they have started – going on everyday  -

The other thing that has happened is – we’ve all heard about the stimulus check that are coming out – First of all let me say that US Treasury is in the process of absorbing the IRS and the Federal Reserve – we talked about this on  last Thursday’s call I believe – if we didn’t I will mention it now – 

The Federal Reserve position is inside the Treasury with fewer employees involved and Steven Mnuchin is over that aspect of it and the President is over the treasury - that is all under the new Restored Republic

Now the IRS is actually involved – the checks are being cut by the Treasury and sent out by the IRS – that is a joint effort on those – and guess what? We have a total of 638,000 checks gone out so far and more going out all the time – that is the number of stimulus checks that have already been issued – starting yesterday (Monday)

Now, the direct deposits should occur – from what I’m hearing - either tomorrow or Thursday - the mortgage forgiveness was more like 23,000 in two days –

We have mortgage debt forgiveness – student loan forgiveness – a lot of things that are very positive over 100 different types of loans – will be forgiven and the interest paid on those loans will be refunded to you

That is going to be interesting to see - I told you guys a long time ago  maybe 2-3 weeks that these checks we are getting of $1200 if you earned $75,000 or less - if married and both working and both earning less than $150,000 you are entitled to $2400 and I think up to – not sure how many kids they are allowing for -  2-3 maybe more $500 per child – do the math and add that up and that is what you should be receiving

I don’t believe that is going to be for just 2 months – if it is I’m wrong – but I do believe that is the precursor to the Universal Basic Income – a monthly income – of some amount – adjusted after the first 2 months as they refine their data base and make sure that only US citizens are eligible for – and they are being very careful that only US citizens get these checks –

Another thing they will be watching -when we go into the redemption centers we are going to have a 90 day non disclosure agreement – 3 months - after those 3 months you will be tracked by NSA for another 3 months – tracked on your phone – social media – anything they can listen to – emails – if you do or say anything that is not right they will probably come after you –

I want you to be aware that even though you are under a NDA for 3 months – in your mind and my mind I want you to think of it as 6 months – just figure you are going to stay quiet and not disclose any of these things – please read it and make sure you understand it – and do not violate it – or you could be in trouble

They do not want these things mentioned or out there so be sure to keep quiet for at least 6 months and the NSA tracking will not be an issue for you

Another thing about going into the redemption center – you might see people sitting around wearing masks – you are not to go in with that necessarily but if you go to the door of the redemption center – President Trump mentioned today you could use a scarf to help block your contagion and infecting someone else – I don’t know how effective it’s going to be for you getting something from someone else – but it should help in protecting others from getting something from you –

You can wear the scarf like a bandana  (if you were a bad guy) or use a mask – just take it off when you get to the door and let them know when you call that you might be wearing that – it is just a suggestion that the President was making that I think might work for us –

Also you may want to wear some form of camouflage in terms of sun glasses – something over the bridge of your nose – something so that you cannot be facially recognized with facial recognition software – primarily when you would come out of the redemption center –

Also be considering the type of security that you are going to want – whether it’s a driver – body guard and driver - whatever -- you want to look into that – I’m sure they will mention that to you at the redemption center – you should already be considering it - especially if you are married – have children -  grand children -  - I think you know where I’m going with that – so be very diligent about looking into your own security as we move forward –

The latest I’ve heard about where we are in this process is that the intermediates I was told would be paid starting at 6 pm again tonight – Eastern daylight time - I cannot confirm if that has happened yet but we know that they had paid out select tier 3’s a couple of days ago – and some were not able to keep those funds – if you know what I mean  - the bulk of the tier 3’s were to have been paid yesterday and today – so that’s great – good for them –

Now, where do we stand? They’re considering Tier 4A and 4B and should be notified at the same time and all I can tell you is we are supposed to be in a crescendo in the next 48 hours and that started at 10 am Tuesday -  the next 48 hrs should prove to be a crescendo for us

So we take that – we know what 2 days are from this morning – and we look at that and say ok alright maybe that’s something for us tomorrow or Thursday – and I believe either one we would take at this point

I did hear some rates yesterday and they were higher than what we had anticipated on dinar and dong should be running right alongside – maybe not the same as but not too far from the dinar-

As far as the Zim is concerned – we don’t talk much about the rates – we mentioned a default rate before – I think when you give your presentation in a beautiful way you will probably have that rate move upward from the default rate based on how well you are doing on your presentation –

Yes there is an opportunity if you are not happy I highly recommend everybody take the rate that is offered to them and they don’t want us to come back and renegotiate or negotiate that rate so I’m just going to say lets see what they offer and if you do feel it should be higher you are going to be able to make your case at the second appointment –

This will not be at the redemption center – but at a Tier 1 bank which has your mother lode account – that’s how it’s set up – you can go back if you want – I think I’m going to be pleased with the rate they offer – and do not anticipate that –

The whole thing about contract rates are the other currencies – the contract rates on the dinar and dong only apply if you are not a Zim holder –

If you have NO Zim – only Dinar & Dong – based on your projects you could ask for the contract rate but they will see you as greedy if you try to negotiate a contract rate on your currency if you have already been negotiated on your Zim – regardless of what the rate is – because you know the Zim has great intrinsic value

Be happy with the front screen rates or whatever rate -- they could offer you more than the front screen rate – just see what they offer – you will be sitting across from two people who will be deciding that for you as your currency is counted and verified

One other thing – they will check your temperature when  you get there and when you leave and they will give you a swab to self swab your nasal passage which you will then put in a vial and they will be able to tell you if you are positive  or negative for the coronavirus –

They may provide a mask and they will provide silicone gloves to handle your currency –

I was told yesterday – let’s say you have a bale of currency – a lot of currency – then yes they will extend your appointment time

You will first go in – do the temp and nasal swab - then KYC – know your customer -- next - while you watch the 4 min video – they are verifying your identification info - next – your presentation 5-8 mins  - then counting and verifying currency – then setting up 1-2 accounts - talking about credit / debit cards -  possibly doing a wire – ledger to ledger – next get 2-3 proof of funds letters - perk sheets – setting second and future appointments  - cash to take with you – up to $14,000 check temp on way out –

For right now our celebration will be quiet - but that’s okay - still honor the social distancing and be safe -


Bruce’s Big Call Replay Link -- Intel begins at 55:45 min mark

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Chats and Rumors, Calls Dinar Recaps 20 Chats and Rumors, Calls Dinar Recaps 20

Sunday Night Miracles CC 3-29-2020 6PM PST/ 9 PM EST

.Sunday Night Miracles Conference Call 3-29-2020


The most extraordinary events in both American and world history continue to unfold in the most dramatic fashion we have ever seen!

And it is vitally important to realize what is REALLY going with the Coronavirus pandemic as it relates to what both the Bible and “Q” have referred to as — THE GREAT AWAKENING.

In fact, the entire Earth, along with the human race, are shifting from the dark into the light, from a fake reality into an authentic reality, and from an old paradigm into an entirely new paradigm. And this is very much a spiritual evolutionary event of epic proportions.

Sunday Night Miracles Conference Call 3-29-2020


The most extraordinary events in both American and world history continue to unfold in the most dramatic fashion we have ever seen!

 And it is vitally important to realize what is REALLY going with the Coronavirus pandemic as it relates to what both the Bible and “Q” have referred to as — THE GREAT AWAKENING.

 In fact, the entire Earth, along with the human race, are shifting from the dark into the light, from a fake reality into an authentic reality, and from an old paradigm into an entirely new paradigm. And this is very much a spiritual evolutionary event of epic proportions. 

 On a number of occasions over the last 10 years, we warned you this transition into this new world was going to be at times rather rocky, and sometimes rather frightening. And indeed, it has lived up to that billing already. Nonetheless, you can rest assured it will all be worth it in the end as you are about to discover in the most magnificent ways imaginable. 

 So many gigantic, systemic changes are now being put into place on so many levels, the world is going to begin to look a whole lot different very, very soon if not already. Massive changes are coming to: the global economic systems, the banking industry; the American healthcare system; medicines and medical technology; the global supply chain; the Chinese Communist Party; Hollywood; the Fake News media; and the very structure of the U.S. government; and on and on and on. 

 It is truly breathtaking what we are witnessing right now, to say the least. 

 • On, Saturday, March 28, on the Jesse Watter’s program on Fox News, former White House advisor Steve Bannon was the special guest. Steve Bannon was asked about President Trump’s daily press briefings which are conducted at the White House along with the Coronavirus Task Force, and his response was extremely revealing: “He's (President Trump) a wartime President. We are at war against one of the most dangerous enemies the country has ever had.”

 • Time and time again over the last two weeks, President Trump has also talked about “the invisible enemy” ravaging the world at this time. The “invisible enemy" is actually a veiled reference to the global Satanic network on planet Earth which is now coming under the most extreme attack ever by the U.S. Military, other nation’s militaries, the Earth Alliance and the Patriots in at least 151 countries. 

 • On Tuesday, March 24, President Trump conducted a Town Hall event on Fox News from the White House, which was followed later in the afternoon by his daily press conference at the Press Briefing Room. During these two televised events, President Trump and the Coronavirus Task Force dropped a NUMBER of massive clues of what is really going on behind the scenes. We will decode many of the hidden messages given out on that day.

 • The U.S. Senate and House of Representatives finally passed a massive $2 Trillion Stimulus Bill on Friday, March 27, which President Trump has signed into law. One of the major components of the Stimulus Bill will be to send many Americans monthly payments of at least  $1,200 beginning in April 2020. Realize, this is only just the beginning of a massive wealth redistribution back to the American people from what has been stolen from our country.

• Fox News also reported on March 24, a rather significant clue of what is actually happening as the Coronavirus ravages the nation of Italy with the following headline: "Coronavirus in Italy takes its toll on organized crime”. No wonder the entire country of Italy is in total lockdown snd there are rumors of as many as 8,000 arrests may have already been carried out.

 • “Q” has also returned this week with many new drops about current events, including a bombshell regarding the revised status of the Federal Reserve.

 • It is possible, the code has been cracked for the whole purpose and the timeline of the THE STORM, plus THE GREAT AWAKENING, which we will be sharing with you on our upcoming Miracles Intel Conference Call. And it is really, REALLY amazing!

 • And finally, we ask of you once more, please keep all of these great, GREAT people of the U.S. Military, the Earth Alliance and President Donald Trump in your prayers. IN GOD WE TRUST AND GOD BLESS AMERICA. 

 Once again, we will have A LOT of breaking news to cover on this very important conference call. We really encourage you to join us this Sunday night!!

 Our conference call line is:

 Dial-in number (US): (712) 770-4598  Access code: 767664#

International dial-in numbers:

Online meeting ID: scottm6975

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Replay Number: 712-770-5402 Access code:  767664# / followed by # again

 Backup Number: 425-535-9162

 We will likely have a RECORD number of people coming to our Miracles Intel Conference Calls. If you encounter any issues with our Miracles Intel Conference Call lines and recordings please call Free Conference Call support: 844-844-1322



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Bruce’s Big Call Intel Tuesday Night 3- 24-2020

.Bruce’s Big Call Intel Tuesday Night 3- 24-2020

Call Transcribed by WiserNow Emailed to Recaps

Welcome everybody to The Big Call tonight – it’s Tuesday March 24th and you’re listening to The Big Call – All systems are go – Welcome from wherever you are listening all over this beautiful globe of ours – We are excited to give you the best information that we can tonight – I look forward to it

Everyone should be cranking their health up so they can be totally ready for when this thing goes – not only for that but for the life you’re going to lead afterwards – we are entering a new paradigm and this blessing we’ve called it – this total global reset – global currency reset – GCR – this thing is the trigger for all of it – the new technology – medicines – energy – travel – anti-gravity - all kinds of things are coming that have been latent that are about to be revealed and I’m excited for all of us to take full advantage of what has been repressed and get ready to receive it – and add to it with our project

We are in the cat bird’s seat – we are in a great place and I’m going to try to bring this out to you now in the intel - I will let you know kinda where we are - and what I anticipate happening

Bruce’s Big Call Intel Tuesday Night 3- 24-2020

Call Transcribed by WiserNow Emailed to Recaps  

Welcome everybody to The Big Call tonight – it’s Tuesday March 24th  and you’re listening to The Big Call – All systems are go – Welcome from wherever you are listening  all over this beautiful globe of ours – We are excited to give you the best information that we can tonight – I look forward to it

Everyone should be cranking their health up so they can be totally ready for when this thing goes – not only for that but for the life you’re going to lead afterwards – we are entering a new paradigm and this blessing we’ve called it – this total global reset – global currency reset – GCR – this thing is the trigger for all of it – the new technology – medicines – energy – travel – anti-gravity - all kinds of things are coming that have been latent that are about to be revealed and I’m excited for all of us to take full advantage of what has been repressed and get ready to receive it – and add to it with our project

We are in the cat bird’s seat – we are in a great place and I’m going to try to bring this out to you now in the intel - I will let you know kinda where we are - and what I anticipate happening

First of all we got to talk about what’s going on with the congress – we know we have a bill that should have been passed today – we were on the 2 yard line this morning and somehow we are still on the 2 yard line I think – we did not – to my knowledge at the time of The Big Call - we did not get it passed –

You guys may have a TV on – you may see that it has passed but I don’t know that it will until tomorrow – it should pass tomorrow – I would think if not the President will take over and do an executive order and make it pass – in other words – put an order out on a finished product – a finished Bill - he has that right – he wants the government to work together – he wants congress to work together – but we’ve got a lot of resistance from the Democratic side in the Senate with Nancy Pelosi holding up the whole thing –

It seems she’s not really – she doesn’t care that people are needing what is in that Bill “now” and have needed it for weeks – hopefully she will come to her senses and allow the Democratic Senate votes to go through – we do need it to be a bipartisan effort – to get it done –

I believe we are going to be in good shape for that to happen tomorrow without a whole lot of extra fluff and ridiculous requests that have been put in that Bill

Beyond that – and yes yes it does have something to do with our start – it does - I will say this – you guys remember the groups that we’ve talked about – Tier 1 Tier 2 Tier 3 and Tier 4 which we generally break up into A & B – A for the Admiral’s group and B for the internet group which is us - 

They see Tier 4 as once continuous group and that’s ok – that’s fine – more than fine – but there is a group that we’ve discussed with the sovereign groups – the Farm claims – the Indians – CMKX – adjudicated  settlements – Fines & Penalties – etc - these groups fall into a category known as the “Intermediates” – these are between the true Tier 3’s and the Tier 4’s –

We have heard forever that these had started or were in some process of completion – had finished – We have heard it all!! I have put it out as I have heard it - and you have heard it on this call – So what I am about to tell you is - those intermediate groups were to be paid out today starting at 4 pm Pacific or 7 pm Eastern Daylight time - that is the latest information we got –

This came because President Trump spoke with President Chie yesterday – back and forth I believe on 3 different occasions and it was decided that the intermediates would go on Tuesday – that’s today –  this afternoon -

There was a decision agreed to about the rest of the country – this case the Tier 4’s starting after that - However newer information that I received today clarifies that somewhat – and I’m going to let you have that – that is what President Trump has been doing to try to get this party started – and he wants this done and you guys know this will go during this COVID-19 situation

Some of our listeners are elderly – and some are  young  in their 70’s and 80’s - I am not too far from that group – I’m going to say that there are fears  out there that we don’t hold - we operated by faith – not fear and I know you do too –

There are situations where people in their 70’s and 80’s that will go to exchange – putting themselves out there – now, when you go – if you have a little bit of a cold – have a sneeze or anything that sounds like a cough – you still can go - they will check your temperature when you start to go in and when you go out

If you have anything like that – anything that sounds like a cold – you let the first person you greet know - hey I’ve got a little cold – I’ve got a little something – don’t know what it is – whatever – they will let you exchange but when  you’ve told them that  they will put on a mask – several people that you come in contact with will put on a mask – they will give you a pair of gloves to use while taking your money out of envelopes – assuming you have them in envelopes -  you pull the currency out of the envelopes and hand it over to 2 different people that are sitting beside or across from you with a delarue machine –  the counting and verification machine in the redemption centers

You will have your silicon gloves on- they will have theirs on and you will hand them your currency to run through the delarue machine

Now, here’s the thing – they will also be putting a saran wrap over the keyboard so it does not retain anything – after every person they process they have a protocol to remove the saran wrap – your gloves - their gloves and put in a disposable bag which will be picked up later by CDC – it will be disposed of properly as toxic waste

Here’s the thing – this is something that you don’t know – haven’t heard yet – The CDC – Center For Disease Control in Atlanta – put out about 25,000 + representatives to go to all of the redemption centers – Tier 1 banks – and now Tier 2 banks as well – there were about 600 Tier 2 banks added over the last day to do redemptions - these are banks that had not been part of it before –

The CDC sent out reps to visit those banks all the Tier 1 redemption centers – Tier 1 banks and tier 2’s – they started on Saturday from 10 am - 6 pm at night and they were doing a massive cleanup and sterilization of all surfaces in the redemption centers and banks – They were teaching the protocol on how to do everything to the redemption center staff –

So picture everybody working to clean up and to learn how to do this – for us – with the addition of the Tier 2 banks they changed the protocol yesterday slightly because they had – they were going to use on representatives from CDC on Monday to go back through and do final inspection – and updates on protocol and pass the redemption centers and banks with their approval on inspection

Because of the addition of these Tier 2 banks – my understanding is that did not occur yesterday (Monday)as we thought it would but rather because of the additional banks and protocol and clean up and tomorrow between 9 and 11 the final inspections will occur –

That is excellent and designed for – guess whom? You and me – that whole protocol with the CDC and the banks and redemption centers is designed to keep us safe – if you are elderly and concerned about going out – being in public – just realize this is not a prayer meeting – this is getting the exchange done in 20-25 minutes and getting the heck out of there

This is your first appointment – I’m going to start telling you a few things about it – what you’re expected and how you carry yourself - You go in – you’re going to meet someone – taken to a room – see a video for about 4 mins - after you have done the KYC - proof of ID etc –

It appears that we don’t know whether they are going to give us that video that we talked about getting if you’re a multi currency holder – we still not sure if they will give to us before the appointment – meaning sending us a link by email

Pause ?? error??? Connection error??

Ok so here we are back – so you are going to go from that room and have 2 people across from you with the delarue machine that will take your currency as I explained and count and verify – During that process you may be discussing the concept of your project/s - you may get into rates a little bit -  and here’s what I’m going to tell you - the presentation that you give is going to be taken very seriously – they want you to be calm but have good energy - they want you to be centered – make eye contact – and obviously due to this COVID-19 you are not going to be shaking hands – fist bumping - but acknowledge them with a nod – keep a safe distance – finish your presentation in 5-8 mins

they want to offer you a rate – on Zim first – they will see from your presentation and will make you an offer – we talked in the past about a default rate – however, my understanding is they do want to work with these people that have really good projects but they do not want you to be greedy

Consider what they offer you for your Zim and if you think it is way below what you want or are worthy of then you can slightly negotiate that at that time

I am going to say this though – if they sense greed you are going to get D-queued – and your rate will be maybe half of what they offered –

Let’s say you get a decent rate on your Zim and you’re pretty happy and you have some other currency – my recommendation to me was take what they offer you on the other currency – in other words don’t get to where you’re looking greedy for asking for a contract rate on Dinar or Dong – just take the rate they offer you - it might be front screen – it might be better than front screen –

I am giving you the advice that I was given and I’m doing what I am telling you guys right now – if you have any bit of greed put it in your back pocket and button it up – they do not want to see it and I don’t want you to be “it” – I want you to be happy – excited and a good thoughtful person – wise - they will be looking for “qualities” – integrity – to see what you are made of

Ok lets keep going a little bit more – you’ve ponied up your currency  - you’ve discussed rates – you’ve set up 1 maybe 2 accounts or you had 1-2 new accounts that  you could  use – you talked about Trusts -  you get a debit and or credit card – made right there on the spot – tied to one of your accounts – you let them know how much money you will need in the first 90 days -  for projects and personal use – to be put in a spill-over account – the motherlode account is the one that earns the interest  and gets poured into the spill over account –

Here’s the other thing – once you’ve done that – you could ask for a few cashiers checks – maybe get a wire or two – that’s a lot to do in 20-25 minutes and we have not even talked about perks or a second visit in 5-10 days -  you do need to make that second appointment to talk about security – perks – etc

I think I have covered everything in the way of intel that I wanted to share – we are looking very good based on the information – there is a possibility of going tomorrow afternoon with notifications to our group – but there is just about an equal possibility of going on Thursday

So whereas the Chinese wanted us to start tomorrow it might not happen – we have this Bill to get knocked out in the morning from the Senate and we also have the inspections from CDC in the redemption center from 9-11 that is probably when we would have been notified – now I’m thinking we’ve got a possibility of getting notified in the afternoon but more than likely situation for Thursday – that is the latest update I have received

As I have always said – I always get more info after the call than I do before – but that is enough for us to roll with for now – ok that’s it for tonight everybody – stay tuned we’re almost home - 

Bruce’s Bill Call Replay LINK  intel begins at 56:32 minute mark

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Calls, Chats and Rumors Dinar Recaps 20 Calls, Chats and Rumors Dinar Recaps 20

Miracles Intel CC Tonight at 6 PM PST/ 9 PM EST

.The next Miracles Intel Conference Call

SUNDAY NIGHT, MARCH 22, 2020 beginning approximately6 PM PT/9PM ET.

We continue to have a massive amount of new listeners coming to ourSunday nightConference Call and we greatly appreciate your support with your donations. You will find links below to offer your support.

Although it may appear the world has gone absolutely bonkers at this time, we can assure you this is DEFINITELY NOT THE CASE. Rather, it is vitally important to realize there is a magnificent miracle unfolding before our eyes as we are witnessing the collapse of an old, decrepit paradigm.

The Coronavirus pandemic has presented THE MOST PERFECT OPPORTUNITY EVER to make massive, fundamental changes to: the global economic systems; the American healthcare systems; the pharmaceutical industry; American manufacturing and retail companies; the global supply chain; the US relationship with China; and even the structure of U.S. Government itself — and so much, MUCH more!!

The next Miracles Intel Conference Call

SUNDAY NIGHT, MARCH 22, 2020 beginning approximately6 PM PT/9PM ET.

We continue to have a massive amount of new listeners coming to ourSunday nightConference Call and we greatly appreciate your support with your donations. You will find links below to offer your support.

Although it may appear the world has gone absolutely bonkers at this time, we can assure you this is DEFINITELY NOT THE CASE. Rather, it is vitally important to realize there is a magnificent miracle unfolding before our eyes as we are witnessing the collapse of an old, decrepit paradigm. 

The Coronavirus pandemic has presented THE MOST PERFECT OPPORTUNITY EVER to make massive, fundamental changes to: the global economic systems; the American healthcare systems; the pharmaceutical industry; American manufacturing and retail companies; the global supply chain; the US relationship with China; and even the structure of U.S. Government itself — and so much, MUCH more!!

Even more importantly, the Corona virus has offered the most ideal cover for the U.S. Military/Q Military Intelligence to launch the greatest operation in world history known as — THE STORM — across the entire planet. THE STORM is an integral part of the MILITARY ACTION PLAN (MAP) which has been many, many years in the planning in order to takedown the global Satanic elite network. 

We are in fact witnessing nothing-less-than the greatest transformation of Planet Earth -- in coordination with the Divine Plan -- in order to save the human race from annihilation and elevate the entire human race into a higher state consciousness known as THE GREAT AWAKENING. Yes, we cannot overstate how amazing and how profound these times we are living in. 

• This week, we learned President Trump, Treasury Secretary Steve Mnuchin and the U.S. Congress are working on ways to distribute a large amount of funds directly into the hands of the people. 

• We have been reporting for over a year, the White Hat Patriots/Earth Alliance were intending to give $1,200/month to the American people, and indeed, that is precisely what is being proposed at this time. President Trump has indicated he wants these funds to be made available to the American people beginning in April 2020.

• This process will mark only just the beginning of a MASSIVE REDISTRIBUTION of wealth back to the people from what has been stolen by the New World Order Cabal gang from America over the last 150 years, or more. And this is all coming together right now under the guise of a number of Coronavirus Stimulus Bills currently being formulated in the U.S. Senate.

• In addition, this week the price of oil began dropping like a rock, and in fact, gasoline prices in some states were reported to be as low as .99 cents/gallon. These lower oil prices will very likely in turn, begin to drop the prices of many goods and services in America in the coming months.

• There have been a number of rumors and reports circulating a nationwide quarantine is about to be instituted by President Trump and the National Guard at any time. Yet, the White House and the Commander of the National Guard, General Joseph Lengyel, have both officially denied this possible scenario. Stay tuned.

 • Meanwhile, other HUGE events are happening all over the world as the U.S. Military, in coordination with militaries from many, many other nations, are conducting a GIGANTIC cleanup operation all over the globe, which may begin to accelerate around April 1, 2020, or perhaps even sooner. 

 • On Thursday, March 19 during his daily press conference, President Trump indicated there is now an effective treatment for the Coronavirus called “Chloroquine” and he is preparing to fast track of this drug into the American health care system. Chloroquine has already been successfully used in the treatment of Malaria many years ago. The availability of an effective treatment for Coronavirus, (though not a vaccine), will begin to lower the fear and hysteria surrounding this global pandemic very, very soon

 • In conclusion, we must learn to TRUST THE PLAN and prevent ourselves from falling into a state of fear, anxiety and despair. This is the time to sit back, hunker down, relax for a few weeks and allow the great Patriots, the U.S. Military, the Earth Alliance and President Donald Trump to do their jobs they have been preparing for, for many years now. 

 •Please keep all of these great, GREAT people in your prayers. IN GOD WE TRUST AND GOD BLESS AMERICA.

 Once again, we will have A LOT of breaking news to cover on this very important conference call. We really encourage you to join us this Sunday night!!

Our conference call line is:

Dial-in Number: 712-770-4598  Access Code: 767664#

 Replay Number: 712-770-5402  Access Code: 767664#/ followed by # again

 Backup Number:425-535-9162

Scott M.

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Bruce’s Big Call Intel Thursday Night 3- 19-2020

.Bruce’s Big Call Intel Thursday Night 3- 19-2020

Call Transcribed by WiserNow Emailed to Recaps

Welcome everybody to The Big Call tonight – it’s Thursday March 19th and you’re listening to The Big Call – Thanks for tuning in everybody - all over the globe – Happy first day of Spring – We do have a little technical issue continuing from Tuesday’s call - we hope you’re hearing it live better and on the replay maybe better – This appears to be a technical issue within - We apologize if we sound like we are all under water but that is sort of what we are experiencing right now –

AS far as where we are now I’ve got some things I need to bring to you – in a way I am almost glad that we have a call tonight and that we’re not quite ready to start – We are hearing that the sovereign groups are all lined out and should be paying out or have started paying out – we know some of them have started paying out – these are the larger groups we talked about before – including CMKX – fines and penalties – adjudicated settlements - the Mormon Church group - the Indian claims – the farm claims - those larger groups – we term them “sovereign” groups –

Bruce’s Big Call Intel Thursday Night 3- 19-2020

Call Transcribed by WiserNow Emailed to Recaps

Welcome everybody to The Big Call tonight – it’s Thursday March 19th and you’re listening to The Big Call – Thanks for tuning in everybody - all over the globe – Happy first day of Spring – We do have a little technical issue continuing from Tuesday’s call - we hope  you’re hearing it live better and on the replay maybe better – This appears to be a technical issue within - We apologize if we sound like we are all under water but that is sort of what we are experiencing right now –

AS far as where we are now I’ve got some things I need to bring to you – in a way I am almost glad that we have a call tonight and that we’re not quite ready to start – We are hearing that the sovereign groups are all lined out and should be paying out or have started paying out – we know some of them have started paying out – these are the larger groups we talked about before – including CMKX – fines and penalties – adjudicated settlements -  the Mormon Church group - the Indian claims – the farm claims - those larger groups – we term them “sovereign” groups –

We understand they are poised and some have been paid out and I don’t know that all have been paid but have been positioned to go – they are ready to go and the reason is, last night at 11 oclock we had – the President Trump- had spoken with President Chi – the finance minister was on the line as well as Steven Mnuchin - they had determined to let it go – and “let it go” referred to the Global Collateral Accounts – they were to be released at 11 oclock last night – which sort of got this party started –

Now, also, yesterday, we got word that we did go to level 4 of Martial Law – in the United States at about 2 PM yesterday afternoon (Wednesday) - What does that look like? - We’ll get back to the other in a minute

What it amounts to is I think it is a very positive thing – this means that certain of our armed forces have been stationed and mustered to be available – it means that our reserve military have been based or stationed at the state level all over the country but they are primarily in place to guard against looting and other vandalism things that could happen during this time – especially against looting of stores – retail locations and so forth that are closed –

That is a very positive thing they have done for our protection it’s also something that we have that will be in a sense an added security force for us going – so that we are far less likely to encounter an issue or problem while going to our exchanges or coming out of our exchanges and redemption centers –

I see it as a very positive thing – I hope you guys see it that way as well – it is there to protect us and the businesses from looting –

Now, where I see us going is that there is a possibility that 6 pm at the start of The Big Call tonight we have action going on for Tier 4A –I still use that term Tier 4A to note the core group and the Admiral’s groups – Those may have started – or are ready to start approximately at the start of the call tonight –

This is what we’ve heard from a couple of different sources that are in banking - I cannot tell you absolutely that is the case – but I think they are positioned to begin –

Now, what is happening as  a result or as a part of the Martial Law – which I never thought we would get to Level 4 but we are there – what is happening is not just our Tier 1  Tier 2  but ALL banks are closed for four days starting tomorrow (Friday)  - they will reopen on Tuesday at regular times –

This is to give the banks adequate time to connect to the new banking system – The Quantum Financial System – and in conjunction with that the Real Time Payment System - which is a part of QFS –

So that is why for the next 4 days Fri Sat Sun Mon – our banks will be closed – what else is being closed – which by the way – yesterday – I know of some banks – not all – closed early- yesterday – they closed an hour and half early – so that extra time was used as a way to connect to the system – here’s the thing – Tier 1 banks were all connected to QFS but the branches – the individual branches were not – this gave an opportunity for some of those Tier 1 branches to connect to the QFS during that time –

What else is closed after tomorrow at 4 pm is the stock markets in the US will close on Monday - so that actually means they are closed after 4 PM on Friday – sort of like the banks - it sort of make sense that with the markets closed the banks will also be closed for that time – this is part of what we are going through right now –

Beyond that I think I’ve told you everything else that we had learned – you know the banks already have at least a temporary currency that symbolizes the gold backing – with the different numbers on the notes – the 100 50 20 and the 10 and even the 5 designated with usually the number in the lower right corner of the bill is in gold- you can look at that and see if that’s the case with your money

Using this money temporarily I think until the US Treasury Notes are issued – we are going to have an opportunity at the redemption centers – up to $14,000 in cash money but it’s going to be the same money I’m describing – with the gold colored numbers in lower right corner

Now as far as knowing beyond that as to what is happening we just don’t know whether or not our – we are poised to go – the crazy thing about - with all of the protection that is set up for us right now it would actually be a good time for us to get started for Tier 4B  because we have a great smoke screen out there with all of this guidance and protection / troops  and everything deployed and staged and ready to go for us – it’s a great cover for us to get started

I have heard different things about when we’re going to get started – I have heard from a treasury source that we could - a kick off day would be Saturday – I’ve heard the possibility of going tomorrow or Saturday – I’ve heard that we might not start until after the banks reopen on Tuesday – it’s hard to say right now- which it is –

Let’s talk a little bit about Universal Basic Income – UBI – we’ve talked about that for the last week or so and we did get confirmation that they are looking to sending out checks in the amount of $1200 for people earning $75,000 or less – who are ligament legal US citizens – naturally born – Now they’re calling them tax payers but I don’t know exactly if you haven’t paid taxes in a while whether you will still get that check or not – it’s not 100% clear - you are still a US citizen and naturalized so you should be able to get those checks when they start coming out –

 We’ve got 2 dates they have talked about for this – the first would be on or about April 6th and the second is dated for May 18th

Now, is that UBI on a monthly basis? I think so – we’ll find out – Is it possible that some people will be paid before then? My understanding is – and I can’t prove it but from 2 different sources that they may go out on direct deposit for those people that are already getting social security checks or SSDI checks from the government – they are in the system – those direct deposits could start as early as Friday or Saturday – we shall see - it may be – that’s what I am hearing – not holding my breath but we will see if it comes through

My understanding is if you are making more than $75,000 a y ear as an individual the amount of check will go down – If you are making a million dollars a year in income you will get no check – there is a sliding scale on that all the way up to that million dollar mark – My understanding is that the $75,000 - $100,000 - $200,000 etc all the way up to the million – We do not have those numbers so it is hard to predict – just be aware that is what has been discussed and I believe it will happen as UBI

We also understand that a typical family of 4 earning $75,000 or less with 2 children would get approximately $3400 a month – 2 adults and 2 children – this whole thing I’m sure is laid out and will come out and be much clearer in the future – this is the first fruits of NESARA from our perspective – that is BIG!

Now, time to talk about our expansion from our first appointment to our second appointment - remember when we said – about a week ago – that the time for our appointments has been dramatically reduced from 55 -75 mins to 20-25 mins  on our first appointment – here’s why –

Picture yourself going in – getting temperature checked at the door – and again when you leave – they are planning to have silicone gloves for you to use to remove the currency from your envelopes and they are going to use silicone gloves to take the currency and count it –

They are also going to put cellophane sort of like a saran wrap on top of the keyboard to protect from germs – after they finish typing everything in they will take that piece of saran wrap off and with your gloves and their gloves put in a disposable bag to get rid of

When we first go in we will be escorted to a room where we do KYC – know your customer information – you give them your license / passport / electric bill – to verify home address and personal identity info –

From that point to where you bring out your currency and they will count it – usually 2 people doing that and you will be talking to them about the rate that you are looking to receive for the currency – now here’s one particular note of importance – if you are a Zim holder and you have other currencies – let’s say you have Zim and Dinar and Dong – if  you have Zim  you will not be able to get a contract rate on the Dinar or Dong – there is no back screen rate for Dinar & Dong if you are a Zim holder –

They know you have so much value in the Zim that they’re not willing to give you a contract rate on any other currency –

If you do not have Zim but do have Dinar & Dong and rupiah – you go in for exchange of that currency you can ask for a contract rate – which would be a back screen rate on those currencies not on Zim

So once you do that you are talking about rate – you talk about a structured pay out you are talking about a timeline and you are allowing them to offer you an APR / annual percentage rate – of interest on your structured payout – they should offer you something in the vicinity of 5-7.5% - I would be thrilled with anything in that range –

Now, as far as I know the info I gave you about the 80/20 rule – 80% humanitarian and 20% personal has NOT been substantiated - it may not be true – we don’t know what their percentages are if any – not going to find that out and they don’t want us to know that until we go in -  so be open to what that looks like – and what that’s going to be for us  - I have to say the 80/20 may have been something just in error –

Now comes to the time we talk about specifics of the Zim – we are going to have an opportunity in the very beginning when we do bring our Zim into the redemption center – they will offer us a default rate – the default rate could be 11 cents –

If you have a bunch of Zim – a lot – more than just a few notes – you could have a dramatically reduced rate of your default rate – down to 3-5 cents – but here’s the good news – let’s say you get a default rate of 5 cents 10 cents – it could go up to 25 cents or so –

What I’m saying is there would be a second opportunity at your second appointment if you feel like you can substantiate more than the default rate than you received- you can ask for a higher rate – You can make a case for that and essentially that’s when you really get into your projects – your presentation and the value that you tend to bring to those projects and why you feel that your default rate is not adequate for you

You want to be very calm – centered on the idea of asking for a higher rate but you may – some people – and this is what they are counting on – some will take the rate they get and they are done - if you feel like that rate is not what you had in mind you can lobby for a higher rate when you go back for your second appointment – and that second appt will be in a Tier 1 or Tier 2 bank- not at the redemption center

You will still be meeting with private bankers – or people that can make that decision to increase the rate – It will depend on you and your projects – there may be plenty of liquidity there for you at the default rate – do the math – see what it turns into and see if you are satisfied with it – If you feel like you are getting low balled and you think you can get a little higher rate, then by all means feel free to do that

It looks like we may have a little time yet before we go – we could get faked out we could get a Saturday start – I am hearing from people that know that are saying late this weekend into Monday and Tuesday is how it was put – and then we are off - we are off and running – late this weekend and Monday and Tuesday – that is a wide open range – Sunday Monday Tuesday - that is coming from a recent good source that should have a handle on it –

I would say that regardless of whenever it is - when our start is – you have some time to get prepared – We are right there – we don’t know for sure if Tier 4A groups have started or whether they are just positioned to start – but whenever that is we should be going – we could go at the same time – they may get a little head start on us – the latest we’ve had in the last couple of weeks is us going at the same time of Tier 4A – Let’s just see how it rolls out

In the meantime stay safe stay isolated keep social distancing – wash your hands and thank you for continuing to listen to the call – We will see you next Tuesday if we have a call – that is still up in the air -

 Bruce’s Big Call Replay LINK   Intel begins at 42:42 min mark

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Bruce’s Big Call Intel Tuesday Night 3- 17-2020

.Bruce’s Big Call Intel Tuesday Night 3- 17-2020

Call Transcribed by WiserNow Emailed to Recaps

Welcome everybody to The Big Call tonight – it’s Tuesday March 17th and you’re listening to The Big Call – Happy St. Patrick’s Day and thanks for tuning in everybody - all over the globe

We are in a really interesting time right now because I’ve been in this thing going on my 16th year – I’ve been involved in the currencies and this is the 9th year on The Big Call – I think it’s interesting that – I know many of you don’t go back that far – many of you are in this a year – 2 years – 3 years – 5 years – whatever – and it seems like a long time – and it is - but you got to realize that some of us “old timers” and I know some of them that have been in for a long time – some people have posted in the past –

The point is – this thing has evolved – this whole thing has moved forward finally to where we are seeing things happen that we didn’t use to see in the past -

We heard certain things would happen – we actually heard certain things would happen at this time that are taking place – right now as we speak – and that is a very positive way to look at it –

Bruce’s Big Call Intel Tuesday Night 3- 17-2020

Call Transcribed by WiserNow Emailed to Recaps

Welcome everybody to The Big Call tonight – it’s Tuesday March 17th and you’re listening to The Big Call – Happy St. Patrick’s Day and thanks for tuning in everybody - all over the globe

We are in a really interesting time right now  because I’ve been in this thing going on my 16th year – I’ve been involved in the currencies and this is the 9th year on The Big Call – I think it’s interesting that – I know many of you don’t go back that far – many of you are in this a year – 2 years – 3 years – 5 years – whatever – and it seems like a long time – and it is - but you got to realize that some of us “old timers”  and I know some of them  that have been in for a long time – some people have posted in the past –

The point is – this thing has evolved – this whole thing has moved forward finally to where we are seeing things happen that we didn’t use to see in the past - 

We heard certain things would happen – we actually heard certain things would happen at this time that are taking place – right now as we speak – and that is a very positive way to look at it –

I know that we are all in situations where we might be feeling a little bit of anxiety – you cannot tune in the news without hearing something that sounds negative – that sounds like doom and gloom scenarios –

Even some of the guys I like to listen to – I’m getting some of that doom and gloom – so I just want to say that try not to take it all so literally – try to realize that even I push away from the news – even I realize that it’s important to get outside – walk – listen to the birds – appreciate God’s beautiful creation – and enjoy that – at a time like this you need to take a deep breath – pray – meditate – be confident of that very thing that we are looking forward to –

Many of you have the gift of discernment – I feel like I have a pretty good gift of discernment – I can tell and take a look at something and hear something and tell if it is true and factual – see if it is something I want to share on the call – I have had that opportunity for 9 years now to be able to do that - that has not changed – I still have that capability – to take what I’m hearing and glean the truth from it –

Now, does it make it happen any faster?  No – Does it mean that Bruce is right all of the time? No I’m not because occasionally something I get is factual and happened but sometimes the prediction of if then statement – if this – if then – if that  statements don’t work out  -

We’ve been told for weeks that the core or sovereign groups were paid or being paid and so on and yet we have no evidence of it - no evidence it occurred - 

Today it is slightly different – it’s quite a bit different because certain things that have been promised to happen are finally happening and I am glad to be able to report that to you

For example at 3pm eastern time today the sovereign groups were to have started paying out and this would include CMKX – prosperity packages starting – and some of the other sovereign groups like the Indian claims - Farm claims – fines and penalties – adjudicated settlements etc

What we do have evidence of so far is that CMKX by now is over halfway complete – that is a very positive thing – we did not have that – we actually had a percentage – it’s close to half and that was a couple hours ago – so things are moving along in that regard –

Now, let’s go back for a minute – at 2 oclock eastern time tonight there’s to be an information blackout -  let’s call it even a total blackout – from at least 2-6 oclock eastern – now has that continued? I don’t think so – but I know that during that blackout time that was an opportunity for the start of these groups – sovereign groups – ect etc etc - to start being paid – I can’t tell you if there’s evidence for those groups that are based out west – whether they have started or not - but they were supposed to be included in those that would have started –

Now that would fall under Tier 4A so they may be positioned to start and have not received their verification but those groups are to receive either 1 or 2% of their overall funds - depending on the deal as soon as they are notified and can go to reference their accounts and see those - they will have access to those funds

Now, that is moving this thing forward – again by the time of this call tonight I do not have absolute verification that those groups have started but they were to start – so we will have to wait and see what develops over tonight and tomorrow as far as that goes

Where do we stand in the mix? We are positioned to go either with Tier 4A groups of which there are many - or to go immediately after – and that was going to be a result of emails going out to notify those groups and emails from the Wells Fargo Server and it’s like more than 422, 016 (estimate) on the WF server that were to go out with the toll free number

We are hearing they should go out tomorrow - that does not mean I am calling it – it means that is what I am hearing – from good sources that are tied to Wells Fargo – we will see if that is the case

All I can say is the information is good and it's moving and pointing toward things happening for us in the next couple of days - I am very encouraged by that – we are transitioning now

First of all  we are in level 3 of Martial Law – there are 4 levels to it –things are tightening up a bit and there’s been the discussion about restaurants closing for dining in – bars closing – restaurants doing drive in only –

My whole point is we are in that level 3 right now – Level 4 is more of lockdown mode – more of a curfew/lockdown situation - like what is going on in New Rochelle –

Are we going to go to that?  My sources say NO – there is no need to - we don’t have to get to level 4 - we can hang out in level 3 – social distancing - but able to go outside – go to stores - banks are open and my sources say they do not have to close –

The reason is – what’s going on now we are in “transition” from the fiat dollar to the gold backed dollar – in transition to the gold standard - but it might not complete until April 1-2 - maybe before then – somewhere  in the vicinity of  29th /30th of March

So we are in transition – we’re going through this whole thing as the banks are transitioning as well - completely over to the QF System –

Here are 3 things I have heard today - the banks are NOT originating any mortgages until Monday –

They are not originating any loans – like car loans – until Monday –

They are making those transitions out of fiat currency –

The other thing is they are not giving proof of funds letters until Monday - that means for purchasing a house or another large ticket item that proof of funds letter would not be valid because being based of fiat currency instead of the new  USN currency that is about to come out

Now, a lot of what we are going to be doing is digital – we know that - all of the funds that we’re transitioning for except for a little cash at the redemption center will be digital – that’s cool –

Now, the dollars that we get at the redemption center may still be our fiat money – but I know they’ve printed the new USN or USTN - they’ve printed them all the way from the 100 - 50 - 20 10 and 5 – they have those - printed and at the banks is my understanding  and verified from one bank

Now, when is that going to come out? I would say when this was announced – when the gold backed currency is announced – and when the new dollar the new USTN is announced etc - that may still be later in the month or could be even sooner - I don’t know how quickly that’s going to come out –

Now, that does not really matter to us – our fiat currency will spend just fine – don’t get too much at the redemption center – you can get up to 14,000 but I don’t know of a real need to get that much – you are going to have a debit/credit card which you can put quite a few dollars on I think up to 15 million – you can have on that black card – and you can also have a line of credit

Let’s talk about the exchange for a minute - as we’re transitioning the banks are transitioning to complete rollover to the Quantum Financial system and the Real Time Payment System –

Here’s what’s happening at the redemption center – when you go - 2 things – when you call for your appointment – if you are a Zim + other currency holder – they will probably – even if you’re not a Zim holder - offer to send you a LINK either by text or email which most will take by email – or by twitter the LINK to the DVD video we’ve talked about – this is to bring you up to speed on what’s going on with the banks –

Now, most of the listeners of the Big Call know this stuff but it is something you’re going to want to watch once or even twice before your appointment – they will send that to you by text or email as you are setting up appointments – they will send to you so that you can preview before your appointment – consider yourself watching a 12-15 min video if you are a Zim holder or other currencies you will have the full video

Make sure you watch it and understand – it will prepare you better for going in to the redemption – now when you go you may want to be about 10 mins before your scheduled time – our appointments are only supposed to go about 20-25 mins –

You will make a second appt to meet with private bankers in 5 days maybe 10 – that’s kinda up in the air – you will find out when you get there and you will have follow up appt to go into other things like security – private banking - etc – It will not be at the redemption center but at a Tier 1 bank or with at wealth management for the Tier 1 bank

Now, here’s what they are going to do before you walk through those doors into the bank – they are going to check your temperature – not sure which technique they will use – but will check before and as you go out after appointment - They will be using a type of silicone glove while they are counting the money – and they will offer us gloves

We will do our apt – know your customer verification – pony up money for counting and verification through delarue machine - then you will do your presentation for your projects with 8-10 mins allowed – while including negotiating rates - then talking about setting up new accounts - then you can get up to 3 cashier checks – maybe do a bank wire or two – then get perks sheet to read over –

Hopefully you take that sheet home – to decide on for second appointment – you then will negotiate your structured payout – which could be up to 25 years or more – if you request it – you will talk about and negotiate the interest rate –

We talked about the 80 / 20 rule – this is about the Zim - they want 80% of the Zim to be used for humanitarian projects and 20% for your personal both of which can be in a structured payout - if you have other currencies you can have full access / full liquidity to all of the money from them – dong – dinar – yuan – rial – rupiah – etc in 31 hours

I told you that I was going to keep those in separate accounts then the Zim account – that is just how I planned to do it - partly because the Zim is in a structured payout – and the other currencies will be in an account but not a structured payout -

So that is the over / under of what it’s going to look like - we have reason to believe that the groups are finally being paid out – I imagine this will continue overnight and maybe through tomorrow but with any success we could be there as early as tomorrow – based on this movement – based on the completion of these groups that’s what it looks like – we will see if it happens – if it doesn’t don’t shoot me

I do feel really good about where we are right now – even in the midst of this corona virus scenario – so called China virus –

Okay, let’s talk about a few things I forgot about – let’s talk about the checks that were talked about yesterday and today that might go out – remember the $1,000 + ? Well I have information that suggests those are going to go out starting Thursday – 2 days from now – by Fed X – UPS – USPS and also some will be direct deposit – like social security - I think that is what will happen for those people –

Now, here’s the thing – that has been talked about – maybe a little more than $1,000 – Over 18 qualifies – here’s the thing - the amount of that check my understanding is between $1117 -$1456  -

We are looking at that as the first fruits of Universal Basic Income - UBI – guaranteed monthly income – if that is true – which is part of NESARA – we are to see a second round of UBI payments going out starting the first week of April – I think this one single check going out if it’s a physical check it will be from the US Treasury – if it’s an official check or direct deposit the theory is it’s a so called one time check but look forward to Universal Basic Income to start in the first week of April –

Now, how much is the UBI? It’s supposed to start at $1750 all the way up to $4,000 per month – What qualifies you for the various amounts and they have a complete formula figured out – already calculated for every person - 

It has to do with how many mortgages you’ve had in the past – and possibly currently – how many loans you’ve had (car loans and other types) through the banks or whatever –

I get the feeling and understanding that the more mortgages / activity / loans etc that you have had and the longer you have been employed the higher the UBI might be –

This is in reference to the initial $1117 - $1456 – the so called one time check -

If you are earning over $200,000 or more per year I understand that check will be cut to $500

If you are a multi-millionaire you will not get a check – that is my understanding –

Realize that this is early – preliminary information – but what I am hearing - 

It’s interesting to think though in terms of the Universal Basic Income starting as a part of NESARA theoretically in April - let’s watch that – it won’t affect us either way if you’re exchanging and certainly if you are a Zim holder it won’t make much of a difference to you – so be aware of that –

Be aware of things happening that are a part of NESARA – there’s been over 300 thousand people that have been forgiven of student loans – they’ve been zeroed out - there are other indicators that we are in a debt jubilee – there was even a congressman on last night on the news that talked about going to China and asking them strongly to forgive our debt with them - which sounds to me like most of our national debt

Now, could that happen? Because China did not defend well against this virus and basically kept a lot of information from coming out early? I don’t know -- we’ll see –

I believe that the national debt will essentially go away – and will go away fairly quickly based on the exchanges of the Zim that are taking place – so let’s listen to see how it is on the news when it does come out – about either refinancing the national debt which President Trump talked about yesterday because the rates are so low or whether its refinanced and essentially goes away – that’s probably what will happen anyway –

I’m not sure but I understand that our tax filing date which is normally April 15 – it was suggested If I heard it right - that we would be able to use an extension like we normally would to maybe take our extension date all the way to October 15th - check with your CPA or tax attorney if that is doable for 2019 filing

Now the understanding that I have – if we do defer our filing date and extend it like that we won’t be charged interest or penalties on the amount of tax we owe to do that – that was preliminary – that’s what I got today from Treasury Secretary Mnuchin – so you guys have to kinda check on that on your own – don’t take it as gospel – just check with your own tax advisers / CPA whatever you are using – for 2019

We don’t know whether everything we’re going to get based on 2020 taxes could possibly come back to affect us for 2019 – It’s hard to say at this point – I’m just suggesting there is a possibility of something happening  - We will find out when it comes to our filing

We know the IRS is being rolled into the Treasury – it’s already happened – we’ve got 2-6 agents in the IRS that are positioned in each state – that’s already happening and that is to be able to collect the so called consumption tax of approximately 15% that is built into the pricing hopefully in boarded into the pricing of new goods – not used homes - not food - not medical prescriptions - drugs that sort of thing –

It’s similar to the value added tax but not exactly the same as they have in Europe – We understand there is a very good possibility that under NESARA that personal income tax will go away on the Federal level and at the state level - we’ll see how that rolls out – Just be aware that is what’s been talked about and in the NESARA legislation – we’ll see how quickly it’s enacted and whether or not that’s a truism or not

That is going to be really interesting to see – I don’t think that affect corporate taxes – I believe corporate and business taxes will continue so we will see how that goes – try not to draw an opinion about that yet

I think we are right here in the midst of the start of NESARA – debt forgiveness - transitioning to a gold backed currency – which we call the USN and I think everybody can take a deep breath and realize that we are finally there

We are in transition now and I would like for everybody to use their gift of discernment – to discern the truth from what you are reading – Here’s another point - we are not going to level 4 of Martial Law – at least according to my sources they are saying “No” we don’t need to –

You’ve heard some things or read some things about the internet going down – you’ve heard about the TV on cable or on satellite – going down or radio – No not happening – that is not true and you cannot believe the 12 days of darkness - it’s not going to be like that – they need Cable up TV up – the internet up -  and they need radio up – all for the Emergency Broadcasting  System to come out – they’re going to use it – it’s going to be there and maybe we’ll have some things disclosed on the EBS  but they are not planning to take down any of those media  - so breathe a sigh of relief about that –

They actually have a new band of frequencies that have been set up by the FCC to allow us to use doctors by telephone called telladoc (spelling?)– some of it might be with Skype - could be with other video platforms Zoom or something else – but we know that those band of frequencies are set up for the patient to talk directly to the doctor without going to the office and for the doctor to communicate to CDC  as well – Center for Disease Control

So you’ve got it working from the patient to the doctor and from the doctor to the CDC -  that separate band of frequencies have been set  up to do that – that’s another cool thing that’s happening –

So, guys, we’re in a good position – we just need to let these things come together for us and hopefully this is over the next 12 to 24 hours and we get notified and we get to start

Of course you’ve got to understand – under level  3 the military has been called in position in each state to monitor and help any activity that’s going on in each state – they are not to cross over any state lines – they are called for each individual state to stay there to monitor and defend the state – that’s good- it’s all good for us – it means far less disruption when we go – far less activity from any nefarious sources to come to try to do anything to us – and that is exactly what this corona virus has allowed to happen – it is a perfect smoke screen – a perfect opportunity for us to go in under that guise of the protection for the corona virus

Let’s be positive about how that looks for us and where we’re going and how fast we are going to get in and out – So I am extremely excited about where we are – I feel good about it – I think I’ve given  you everything I meant to bring tonight

I feel like we may have another call Thursday we may not – it could be a celebration call maybe not -  we’ll see – I am going to leave it open because we do want to take you over the threshold of redemption and we may want to be in touch with you through this period as the virus wanes

We’ll see what happens with restrictions – I wouldn’t be surprised that after this week they relax a little in some ways – part of that is because there’s a major, major effort for clean- up and delivery – you know what I mean by that – clean-up on aisle 3 - going on throughout the world right now – started Saturday- supposed to go through Thursday - let’s see what happens between now and then and I would say everybody if you need to for your own health of mind stay away from the news –

Stay away and take what you’re hearing with a grain of salt and try to glean the truth using your gift of discernment - as to what is real and what is not –

Remember those of us on this call – majority of which are believers understand that we walk by faith and not by sight – Having all to do – we stand – so listen we need to see this through the eyes of faith – we need to press into the things of God and realize that this is part of it – part of our crucible - going through this – the refining process

Everybody chill  make sure you prep – don’t overdo it – just buy what you need – thank you for listening – we are in a very acute period of things happening and of course I always learn more after the call than I know now  - Hang in there – keep doing well

 Bruce’s Big Call Replay LINK   Intel begins at 56:20 min mark

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Calls, Chats and Rumors Dinar Recaps 20 Calls, Chats and Rumors Dinar Recaps 20

Miracles Intel CC Tonight at 6PM PST/9PM EST 3-15-2020

.Emailed to Recaps

The next Miracles Intel Conference Call will be this SUNDAY NIGHT, MARCH 15, 2020 beginning approximately6 PM PT/9PM ET.


The Coronavirus has now been officially labeled a “global pandemic” by the World Health Organization and it is creating fear, panic and chaos across the world and in America like we have never, ever seen before. Meanwhile, unprecedented and historic events are now happening — not by the day — but rather by the hour.

Emailed to Recaps

The next Miracles Intel Conference Call will be this SUNDAY NIGHT, MARCH 15, 2020 beginning approximately6 PM PT/9PM ET.


 The Coronavirus has now been officially labeled a “global pandemic” by the World Health Organization and it is creating fear, panic and chaos across the world and in America like we have never, ever seen before. Meanwhile, unprecedented and historic events are now happening — not by the day — but rather by the hour. 

 It is vitally important to realize there is SO MUCH more going on under the surface which is in reality, far more profound and historic than an outbreak of a virus. As a matter of fact, the Coronavirus in and of itself, is actually only a minor part of the overall big picture. 

 We have entered into the period of time in world history which many have predicted would eventually arrive upon the Earth. Some may believe these are the times the Bible has referred to as “the Great Tribulation”. Others have referred to these times as “The Event,”while still others have called these times “the Shift of Consciousness”. 

 “Q,” on the other hand, has informed us on numerous occasions these times are to be known as — "The Storm." 

It is going to be nearly impossible to cover all of the dramatic and profound events unfolding in the world right now on our upcoming Miracles Intel Conference Call, nonetheless we shall do our best to give you all of the latest breaking news. This will be our biggest call to date!!

• President Trump has officially declared a National Emergency at a press conference yesterday, Friday, March 13, at the White House. What this means is the President now has a great deal of leeway to protect the nation and to implement some of the biggest changes we have ever seen in America!

 • The National Guard has now been activated in all 50 states within the United States of America and we should expect to see NG troops in many American cities this coming week.

• Late at night on Friday, March 13, the House of Representatives passed a Coronavirus spending bill, however, it still must be approved by the U.S. Senate this coming Monday, March 16.Nonetheless, President Trump has officially endorsed the House bill.

 • The Trump administration has now pushed back the filing date for Federal Income Taxes (IRS) beyond April 15.This is a really huge development and it is likely signaling the end of the Internal Revenue Service as we have known it for good!

 • Secretary of the Treasury, Steve Mnuchin indicated today at a press conference at the White House on Saturday of many, many more economic measures which are forthcoming in the days to come. We will cover some of the more amazing details of what is about to be made available to the American people.

 • Besides China, the nation of Italy has been one of the hardest hit countries in the entire world from the Coronavirus pandemic. Realize, it is not merely a coincidence, and there is a LOT more to reveal for what is really happening in Italy right now.

 • Ladies and gentlemen, what we are now witnessing is a MASSIVE global military operation which has been years in the planning and is now being strategically implemented step-by-step in America, Europe, Asia and across the entire world. It is simply to say the most monumental and momentous series of events now unfolding the world has ever known. What a time to be alive!

• All of these events collectively, are THE STRONGEST CONFIRMATIONS YET we have seen which clearly indicate many of the major transformations we have been anticipating, such as: the Restoration of the Republic; the Quantum Financial System (QFS); the Global Reset; G.E.S.A.R.A.; and so much more, are well underway. 

 • Finally, President Trump has also declared Sunday, March 15, as a Day of National Prayer for Americans affected by the Coronavirus and for our nation.

We also strongly urge everyone to pray for our President, pray for our great U.S. Military, pray for our brave Patriots, pray for the Earth Alliance, and pray for our great and wonderful country. God Bless, America!

 Once again, we will have A LOT of breaking news to cover on this very important conference call. We really encourage you to join us this Sunday night!!

Scott M.

 Our conference call line is:

 Dial-in Number: 712-770-4598   Access Code: 767664#

 Replay Number: 712-770-5402   Access Code: 767664#/ followed by # again

 Backup Number:425-535-9162

Miracles & Inspiration :


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Bruce’s Big Call Intel Thursday Night 3- 12-2020

.Bruce’s Big Call Intel Thursday Night 3- 12-2020

Call Transcribed by WiserNow Emailed to Recaps

Welcome everybody to The Big Call tonight – it’s Thursday March 12TH and you’re listening to The Big Call – Thanks for tuning in everybody - all over the globe

We did get a few things since last Tuesday hut the majority of it is just expectations- the fact that we are looking forward to the completion of everything – Guys, I’m not going to call it but everything that we’ve got is pointing to tomorrow (Friday) - I’m just saying, that’s what I’m getting –

Now, I’ll tell you why – I hope most of you were able to catch the President’s speech from the Oval Office last night at 9pm Eastern – It was a very short speech - way shorter than I thought it was going to be – but he covered some things that you guys should have heard if you were paying attention – and some of them were pointing toward - essentially toward us –

Bruce’s Big Call Intel Thursday Night 3- 12-2020

Call Transcribed by WiserNow Emailed to Recaps 

Welcome everybody to The Big Call tonight – it’s Thursday March 12TH and you’re listening to The Big Call – Thanks for tuning in everybody - all over the globe

We did get a few things since last Tuesday hut the majority of it is just expectations- the fact that we are looking forward to the completion of everything – Guys, I’m not going to call it but everything that we’ve got is pointing to tomorrow (Friday) -  I’m just saying, that’s what I’m getting –

Now, I’ll tell you why – I hope most of you were able to catch the President’s speech from the Oval Office last night at 9pm Eastern – It was a very short speech - way shorter than I thought it was going to be – but he covered some things that you guys should have heard if you were paying attention – and some of them were pointing toward - essentially toward us –

He talked in terms of this being a National Health Emergency – or words close to that - that is where we get the concept of national emergency – he talked about that – he also mentioned Martialing efforts – something to that effect in the beginning I was moving around – that was a reference to Martial Law - which essentially we are under now – 24 hours after he made that announcement about being in a health emergency

So, what does that mean? All that means for us we won’t notice anything different – all it amounts to is the way we are protecting the country – using our military against anything that could come in and disrupt what it is we are getting ready to do and also to keep everybody more or less in a very calm and panic free state of mind with a secure border – all of that stuff that goes with it –

It is a very positive thing for us – We understand that the President is due to make another announcement or speech of some kind on Saturday – I don’t have a time but my understanding is that it may be – specifically geared toward economic aid or help – something that we can look forward to – I think he may go into more detail about the moratorium let’s call it on payroll taxes –

We were right in the sense that – to delay payroll taxes for the balance of the year – I think is exactly what we thought and that was a lead in as the first fruits of NESARA –

The other idea of possibly deferring the tax due date which is normally April 15th - taking that out possibly, I don’t know when - maybe October  15th – I don’t know –

So, there is something that is going to be there or maybe some more things that come along with that - It’s hard to say exactly what they are but if they do come out  it could be making reference to what we know is in NESARA –

I just think that whatever comes out will be very positive for us when we do hear it – Now, the market dropped 2300 some odd points today – I believe – (2357 maybe) at the close – it was a major hit – 8% or whatever – and these days like this may continue – there has been some discussion in the past – you guys remember if you’ve been in this for a while – of the market needing to drop – as much as 50% -

That would be a huge drop even from where we are right now – a huge drop – and it could continue – longer – and that is part of the plan - really, believe it or not – It IS a part of the plan –

I have every reason to believe that the markets will go back up and it may take a while – and it could be pretty quickly after it hits bottom – whatever that “bottom” is - It’s hard to say where it’s going to be right now –

I would say keep an eye on it – don’t worry about it – don’t check  your 401K’s – just let it go – it’s not going to matter for you that are in the currencies anyway – but it’s obviously something you want to know about -  and you’ll probably stay tuned but don’t look right now – no sense in getting upset about that –

This is something that is part and parcel of something we are looking to do – this is part of it - Even the USD as the dollar – our current fiat dollar is going to take a major hit – and probably drop another 40% in value – but realistically – it’s going away – it does not really matter to us because it is going away –

What’s really going to make a difference is our USN – our new gold backed dollar - takes over and is put in – I know its digital but it will still be there for us to have as the basis of our dollar – the USN – the N stands for NEW dollar – I call it USTN because it’s also known as US Treasury Note

I can tell you this much – when we get on to our new tax plan you will have between 2 and 4 IRS agents per state that’s it – because the taxes are going to be collected at the state level as something similar to a value added tax - considered a consumption tax – somewhere in the 15% range –

My understanding is that the Federal Income Tax and the State Income Tax will actually go away – as part of the NESARA – let’s let the President bring that out in due season - but I believe that is something we are going to find out about in some form or fashion here pretty soon –

Remember when we may have talked about the 10 Days of Disclosure?  My latest understanding of that is that it is supposed to start on Monday – I mean 12 Days of Disclosure –

I don’t know if that is going to be on a PBS type channel  or what channels  exactly – but I think will continue with announcements for 12 days – starting Monday – let’s see how that plays out –

 This is designed for us to go even while the markets are dropping – we do not have to wait for these markets to drop all the way down to the 50% of market value - 

My understanding is things are really good – we know that the redemption centers are staffed and going in early tomorrow – like 8:15 - and I think we’re going to be in good shape if we just stay with this a little bit longer – may not be much longer either - 

I feel good about what I’m hearing – rates we don’t really talk much about – the Zim however is going to be …. Even the default rate is going to be good – meaning the very minimum that you get –

It’s important that you do a good job with your presentation – to be able to negotiate the rate higher – how much money you are going to need in the first 90 days – plan it out – let them know for personal and for projects –

My understanding is they have made a decision to treat our Zim exchanges similarly to the way they treat trading program or a Zim platform program in the sense of the 80/20 rule – I call it - meaning 80% of the proceeds go to humanitarian projects and 20% goes to whatever you want to do personally – 80/20 is what they are expecting I believe to set these things at –

It is still your money – all of it is your money - but they are going to help you designate the 80% toward humanitarian projects – If you do not have any – you do not want to partner with us in rebuild America - then you’re looking to use some of the projects that the banks have from the make America Great Again List - supposedly 250 projects – that is an option for you as well –

Will you need a billion dollars in 90 days? Probably not – Will you need a few hundred million? Maybe, yeah – We’re going to be buying properties that need to be completely redone - buying vacant properties -  existing properties that need to be restored – there will be a little bit of everything-

Remember that you will be able to get at least 3 Proof of Funds letters for buying real-estate – that’s really for your own personal real-estate purchase –

When you tell them what currencies you have – dong – dinar – zim etc – you let them know that – if you are a multi-currency person or Zim plus – they will be able to send you probably the full 10-15 min DVD video link that you can watch on your computer – supposedly they can send this as an email - a text – or a twitter feed - you just let them know when you call in which way you would like it sent

By seeing that video ahead of time that saves 4 minutes at the redemption center  where you just see a portion of the video – It may be beneficial to watch and more than once and learn something that you had not thought of before – so that when you go in – you will be doing a few minutes of Know your customer – proofing up your passport – driver license – electric bill - gas bill – so they see  you as a real person – then you go right into  counting the currency and verifying it – coming up with totals – then you go into your presentation - then rate negotiation – then setting up account – maybe one or 2 – then get the access card

By the way – if you have any other currencies besides  Zim  you are going to have access to all of the value of that exchange of currencies NOT ZIM – of currencies – in 31 hours – thirty one hours – from your initial appointment you will have full access to those funds

I am personally going to keep those funds separate in another bank in an account just as I will keep them in my mind to what I got from the currencies – the Zim is the 80/20 rule 80% humanitarian and 20% personal – will go in a structured payout – which could be 25 – 50 y ears – in my case I will ask for 50 and just take it all the way out - both the 80 & 20 will receive that interest and in my case pay quarterly – that gives me 90 days to figure out how to spend and invest it all – before the next quarter interest payment comes in

It’s a great problem to have and we’re going to figure out ways to do it believe me – we’re going to do the very best we can to get this money out there to help people without dropping it out of an airplane – that is not the plan – to just throw money out there – you’ve got to invest in people’s lives – with help – education – job training – programs – mentorships – apprenticeships – a part of rebuild America

That is pretty much of what I wanted to bring to you tonight – we don’t know for sure if this is it but it sounds like it is but let’s see what happens tomorrow – mid to late morning – hopefully this is finally it – thank you everybody -  keep the faith -

 Bruce’s Big Call Replay LINK  Intel begins at 56:38

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