Miracles Intel CC Tonight at 6PM PST/9PM EST 3-15-2020

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The next Miracles Intel Conference Call will be this SUNDAY NIGHT, MARCH 15, 2020 beginning approximately6 PM PT/9PM ET.


 The Coronavirus has now been officially labeled a “global pandemic” by the World Health Organization and it is creating fear, panic and chaos across the world and in America like we have never, ever seen before. Meanwhile, unprecedented and historic events are now happening — not by the day — but rather by the hour. 

 It is vitally important to realize there is SO MUCH more going on under the surface which is in reality, far more profound and historic than an outbreak of a virus. As a matter of fact, the Coronavirus in and of itself, is actually only a minor part of the overall big picture. 

 We have entered into the period of time in world history which many have predicted would eventually arrive upon the Earth. Some may believe these are the times the Bible has referred to as “the Great Tribulation”. Others have referred to these times as “The Event,”while still others have called these times “the Shift of Consciousness”. 

 “Q,” on the other hand, has informed us on numerous occasions these times are to be known as — "The Storm." 

It is going to be nearly impossible to cover all of the dramatic and profound events unfolding in the world right now on our upcoming Miracles Intel Conference Call, nonetheless we shall do our best to give you all of the latest breaking news. This will be our biggest call to date!!

• President Trump has officially declared a National Emergency at a press conference yesterday, Friday, March 13, at the White House. What this means is the President now has a great deal of leeway to protect the nation and to implement some of the biggest changes we have ever seen in America!


 • The National Guard has now been activated in all 50 states within the United States of America and we should expect to see NG troops in many American cities this coming week. 


• Late at night on Friday, March 13, the House of Representatives passed a Coronavirus spending bill, however, it still must be approved by the U.S. Senate this coming Monday, March 16.Nonetheless, President Trump has officially endorsed the House bill. 


 • The Trump administration has now pushed back the filing date for Federal Income Taxes (IRS) beyond April 15.This is a really huge development and it is likely signaling the end of the Internal Revenue Service as we have known it for good!


 • Secretary of the Treasury, Steve Mnuchin indicated today at a press conference at the White House on Saturday of many, many more economic measures which are forthcoming in the days to come. We will cover some of the more amazing details of what is about to be made available to the American people. 


 • Besides China, the nation of Italy has been one of the hardest hit countries in the entire world from the Coronavirus pandemic. Realize, it is not merely a coincidence, and there is a LOT more to reveal for what is really happening in Italy right now. 


 • Ladies and gentlemen, what we are now witnessing is a MASSIVE global military operation which has been years in the planning and is now being strategically implemented step-by-step in America, Europe, Asia and across the entire world. It is simply to say the most monumental and momentous series of events now unfolding the world has ever known. What a time to be alive!

• All of these events collectively, are THE STRONGEST CONFIRMATIONS YET we have seen which clearly indicate many of the major transformations we have been anticipating, such as: the Restoration of the Republic; the Quantum Financial System (QFS); the Global Reset; G.E.S.A.R.A.; and so much more, are well underway. 

 • Finally, President Trump has also declared Sunday, March 15, as a Day of National Prayer for Americans affected by the Coronavirus and for our nation.

We also strongly urge everyone to pray for our President, pray for our great U.S. Military, pray for our brave Patriots, pray for the Earth Alliance, and pray for our great and wonderful country. God Bless, America!


 Once again, we will have A LOT of breaking news to cover on this very important conference call. We really encourage you to join us this Sunday night!!

Scott M.

 Our conference call line is:

 Dial-in Number: 712-770-4598   Access Code: 767664#

 Replay Number: 712-770-5402   Access Code: 767664#/ followed by # again

 Backup Number:425-535-9162

Miracles & Inspiration :   info@miraclesandinspiration.com



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