Bruce’s Big Call Intel Tuesday Night 3-10-2020

.Bruce’s Big Call Intel Tuesday Night 3-10-2020

Call Transcribed by WiserNow Emailed to Recaps

Welcome everybody to The Big Call tonight – it’s Tuesday March 10th and you’re listening to The Big Call – Thanks for tuning in everybody - all over the globe

Alright, Let’s do this, let’s talk a little about where we are in the grand scheme of things - I think what’s interesting is – I was watching the news to try to see if we get an official announcement from the President as far as the plans for stimulus - of income or stimulus economically whatever that was going to look like –

We got a pretty good picture from one of the economic systems that helps the President Larry Kudlow - I call him Kuds – Larry Kudlow did a wonderful job of explaining that we’re anticipating the President; I don’t know exactly when, maybe tomorrow – but he is supposed to come out with something official so that our payroll taxes if you’re an employee that your payroll taxes would be suspended in his opinion - through the end of the year – that’s a nice long time from now – that’s another 9+ months – to suspend those payroll taxes or more basically give us a moratorium on payroll taxes through the end of the yr - Than means you keep more of your money-

Bruce’s Big Call Intel Tuesday Night 3-10-2020

Call Transcribed by WiserNow Emailed to Recaps 

Welcome everybody to The Big Call tonight – it’s Tuesday March 10th and you’re listening to The Big Call – Thanks for tuning in everybody - all over the globe

Alright, Let’s do this, let’s talk a little about where we are in the grand scheme of things - I think what’s interesting is – I was watching the news to try to see if we get an official announcement from the President as far as the plans for stimulus - of income or stimulus economically whatever that was going to look like –

We got a pretty good picture from one of the economic systems that helps the President Larry Kudlow - I call him Kuds – Larry Kudlow did a wonderful job of explaining that we’re anticipating the President;  I don’t know exactly when, maybe tomorrow – but he is supposed to come out with something official so that our payroll taxes if  you’re an employee that your payroll taxes would be suspended in his opinion - through the end of the year – that’s a nice long time from now – that’s another 9+ months – to suspend those payroll taxes or more basically give us a moratorium on payroll taxes through the end of the yr - Than means you keep more of your money-

Now, I’m going to suggest something about that and there is more to the economic stimulus - but this is really interesting to me – because this makes it look this is dealing with our economy and making sure everybody has a job – keeps their job – no lost paycheck - everything like that, right? As a way to protect ourselves in an isolation status where we might not be going in to work or maybe limited times going to work or whatever – but work from home where it’s possible and works out with the employer –

But the thing that’s really interesting about this is - you know that NESARA / GESARA is coming into our lives very, very soon – To me this is the pre cursor and I’m even going to call it the “first fruits” of NESARA in terms of the idea – you guys know that part of NESARA is NO income taxes – NO Federal Income Taxes – that is supposed to go away under NESARA –

Now, I haven’t talked a lot about NESARA – I know a little bit about it but I will say this – to me by suspending payroll taxes for the rest of the year is a pretty good indicator that something is coming – and there is another tax plan that is 2.0 – tax cut 2.0 – there is another plan behind the scenes –

One particular Senator that was interviewed today – because President Trump had lunch with a number of Republican Senators – and this particular Senator - I don’t know if he slipped or whatever,  but he said in that meeting that the President would like for there to be no more payroll taxes – period –

Now, I don’t know if this means what I think it means – but I think it might be saying get ready for a whole new tax plan which does NOT include Federal Income Taxes – and that could have been a hint about that

Now believe me if I am way out on a limb on this but I think it is a really positive advancement - regarding what’s going on as you guys know in Iraq/ Iran – is really a hot spot for this virus and so is Italy – and you know Italy went from sequestering about one third of their people in their country to sequestering 100% of their people in the country – and not allowing border crossing or tourists coming in right now –

I saw something come through and I have not examined it completely but it was information in the form of a picture that talked about Italy giving a form of debt forgiveness in terms of not having to pay their mortgages – I don’t know if this is a temporary thing or part of GESARA - which would mean no more mortgage payments – other bills – household bills – were suspended and not have to be paid -

Like I said – it’s hard to say right now with what I know whether this was a GESARA move by Italy to sort of bring that out as one of the first countries to do so or if strictly based on a temporary type basis – we’ll see what it turns into –

I thought that was very interesting that came out this morning, today  and here we are looking at getting some help too in the way of suspending payroll taxes and other things that could come in – other industries like the cruise industry – airline industry – travel companies – all of these things that are being greatly affected might receive some form of compensation and some form of stimulus and we’ll see if that happens –

I know that he wants to strengthen what the middle class is going to get and I think that’s a very positive thing for us -I really do – I think that this is interesting to watch over the next day or so to see how that materializes

Now, let’s talk about where else we are in our process – we were looking for the Tier 4A’s to be notified over this past weekend and we heard they would be notified all the way up until yesterday at about possibly 1 pm in the afternoon – but I have yet to see any evidence that even the notifications to the 4A’s took place –

Then we find out, well, the CMKX packets are supposed to go out tonight – so we’re a little behind the curve in terms of where we thought those were – but it looks like they are supposed to go out tonight

Now, what about everything else? We have been told for a long time that Tier 4A and Tier 4B’s would go together – and it very well may be that happens – that the notifications for the groups that are based out west – the cores and everything else, the 120 – all of those groups - which there are a lot of groups - a lot of groups that we put under that category – Tier 4A –

We are hearing 346 groups but there may be 360 groups – but whatever it is doesn’t really matter – the point is – the paymasters have been lined up – they have their instructions – they’re just going to need the green light to go ahead and notify – and with notification of this groups comes by email in most cases – there may be phone calls also- but the notification will allow them to have access to 1 – 1 ½- 2% of their total exchange they did 5-6 yrs ago –

So this is something that we are looking forward to take place- My understanding is that is supposed to take place tonight  and I don’t know if that means by midnight tonight or overnight sometime in the wee hrs of the morning -  could be both

With that  and the notifications go out – and they have liquidity  tomorrow which would be the plan – they have access to funds – now would not be a lot – 1-2%; but hey listen – 1% of gazillions of dollars is A LOT of money – and we are talking about a lot –

So, here’s the point – if that happens tonight – that is my “if then” statement – if that happens tonight for them – it could very well trigger notifications for us – Tier 4B as early as tomorrow

This is not calling it – it is telling you what I am hearing from several sources that are pointing to activity that should happen overnight –

Obviously as in every call – Tuesday and Thursday I do learn more after the call is over from sources but I do have that to share with you today – I’m feeling very good about this going-

Now, I want everybody to be completely safe – because what good would it be if you pick up something and your older- say in your 60’s or 70’s or 80’s – you have a little higher proclivity to have other things go wrong in your body  - we don’t want to lose anybody over this is my point - 

I don’t like the word quarantine  - I’ve used the word sequestered – I’m using the term isolation - I want you to self-isolate yourself to an extent – I want you to obviously do all the things that you can – wash your hands in soapy water 20-30 seconds – pat dry - do this often – it’s going to help you –

Something like plastic gloves – surgical gloves you can buy in boxes – those are great ideas if you are going out - I like the idea of Clorox wipes – if you fly or go to a restaurant – you can wipe off your table and chair or bench -   

I would say to stay away from crowds – instead of shaking hands and fist bumping you can elbow bump – just basically stay what they are calling social distancing – keep the 5-6 foot social distance from people – don’t get into that European 1 foot social distance from people – I bet the Europeans are starting to move back –

One good thing I heard from a doctor today was that and she was referring to the flu virus that comes up every year and she said that when it gets over 60 degrees temperature outside that the virus tends to die – I did not know that they were temperature sensitive like that – and this was a medical doctor that said that and I am going to trust her – and let’s hope for a little more heat – we are almost into Spring –

We are in daylight savings time – let’s believe that we get a little more heat and keep this virus from spreading and maybe kill off and not be the pandemic that it looks like it is right now

I’m only telling you guys this because if we have come all this way 15-16 years now I’m in – for me – if I came all this way – I want to make sure my health is good enough so I can withstand this and any other attack – and this is our crucible – this is our time for refinement – for pulling out impurities in our hearts and minds and maybe even in our bodies – detoxify

We did have the market rebound today – I did not know for sure it was going to happen – it did go up 1100+ points – every day is a new day when it comes to the market – you know that –

I think oil has come back up to where it’s in the 33 dollar range from being down to 29 or 30 dollars a barrel – that could very well effect in my opinion the rate of the Iraqi Dinar and that’s why no rate came up this morning as we were told it would on the Iraqi Dinar –

I think they are still trying to let this thing settle a little bit but I do feel when it’s time for us to go Iraq will have their new rate – This could have affected the rate in their budget so that is another thing that they have to be looking at because the rate per barrel in their budget was set at $56.20  -

Now I’m not so sure what the rate would have to be changed to in their budget - they’re going to have to work on that – so we’ll see if this causes anything to come through for us in the next day or so –

One thing I wanted to tell you that Sue eluded to was that we did get a whole new protocol on the time of our redemptions – Our appointments use to be were going to be about a 55 minute to 1 hr 15 min appointment – that’s okay – probably enough time to get everything done we want to do –

Now, over the weekend I got the word that well, they really want to run us through much more quickly - our first appointment  you’re going to have the opportunity to do your presentation and everything – let me put it this way – the new appointment time is set to go between 20-25 minutes – that is quick – that is New York quick –

I don’t know how realistic that is but I know they want to cover these basic things in that 25 min period –

1 – know your customer time - passport – driver license – utility bill for address verification – then you’ve got to have time for the 12-15 min video – there’s not time for that now – forget about it – what they are going to do is  either 2 things – they had intended to  as of yesterday to play 4 minutes of the video – not the whole thing – just part of it – if you have been listening to The Big Call you know everything that is on that 4 min video – so don’t sweat that –

Here’s the other thing - they may when you call to set up your appointment they may send you a link on your email to a longer more seriously concentrated CD / DVD  that  you can then watch before  your apt

Now, obviously that would work in many cases and not work in others – that is what I heard today – that they might do - I don’t know if they’re going to suggest it or you have to suggest it if you call to set your apt - but when you do call you might want to be aware that they might be able to email you a DVD that you can watch before your apt –

If you do watch that it may mean you do not have to do the 4 min video during your apt – this is why I’m bring it up - now what else are you going to try to get done in 20-25 mins – You’ve got to pony up your currency – have it run through the delarue machine – each currency has a different setting - so they have to go through all of those – making sure it is all what it is –

You guys will need to have a total of each currency you’re bringing in – of how much of each denomination but each currency you have – you need to let them know – here’s what I say I have – and then a copy of it – you have XX number of Dinar – XX number of Dong – XX number of this – and XX number of Zim –

So they have an idea that you know how much you have - if you go in there with old wrinkled up paper bag of currency they ought to throw you out of there – Get it together!! – Get organized!!

What else do you have to do after they pony that up? Guess what? It’s presentation time – it’s time to give your show and I suggest that if you have 4 projects that your presentation last 4 minutes -  5 projects 5 minutes –

What about rates? Oh yeah, those – we’ve got to talk about the rates – there’s the negotiation portion that we have under Tier 4B – got to talk about the rates – you’ve got to talk about going in to a structured payout if you have Zim - they want to think in terms of 25 years but will they accept a 50 or 75 year plan for you if you ask them –

Then you need to talk about and get your interest rate agreed upon – that’s what you are going to earn on your money – and you have a range of things to work with on that –

Then you’ve got the ability to get – oh don’t let me forget about your debit / credit card -  yes you are going to get a debit / credit card – let’s call it a black card – that card will allow you to have up to 15 million dollars on your debit/credit card –

That is going to be based on your exchange totals -  what your needs are – they want to know who much money you’re going to need in the first 90 days – in the first 3 months how much are you going to need personally and how much do you need for your projects – Let them know how much that is and that should be available to you right then in your accounts –

By the way we need to open a new account for you  maybe 2 – at least one - if you already have your accounts set up – that may not be necessary – then  you’re going to say – well I’d like to deposit XX number of dollars into this account and that account – they will allow you to do 5vor 6 cashier’s checks at the time of your exchange - I don’t like the idea of cashier’s checks but I like the idea of wiring funds or so called ledger to ledger transfer – that you could do – I believe at least one – to an existing bank

There is another card we have talked about – made of titanium – what I call your “access card” - that is punched out and  used in conjunction with your thumb prints on the bio metric reader to give access to your master account – or mother lode account – when are we going to get that?

Does it come at that particular time - on the first appointment or later? They want you to come back to a second appointment within 10 days – I’m sure you going to set that up while you’re there – maybe not at the redemption center but at the Tier 1 bank where you started your exchange – you will go to a specific branch – meet with some specific people and get some things ironed out on your second meeting –

What would be covered in the second meeting? Obviously you’re going to want to have trust information started if you don’t have it completed – you’re going to want to have any other business opportunity like LLC – or any other things ready to discuss – you are probably going to talk about security – your own personal security – who knows what else will be covered in that second meeting –

You will probably talk about having a CPA or accounting firm to work with you – possibly a family offices it’s called by the bank - there are a lot of things that can be followed up on – but did you hear everything that I told you that will be done on the first appointment? Did you catch all of those steps? Do you think we can get that all knocked out in 20-25 minutes? This is a big question mark – I will be honest with you guys – I will be completely candid with you – I think it is a push – I think that is a slam bam thank you mam – I think it’s fast but that is what they want to do and cover more stuff in the second meeting alright - whatever

They do want to get the Zim holders in – they want to get the majority of them in – from what I understand before the 15th – today is the 10th so I don’t know how well that is going to work – if we do get started here in the next day or so – I know this much we u se to have a deal where the Zim contract was going to be honored through midnight on the 14th which is Saturday now that has been changed as of last Saturday – signed off on and the extension for the Zim contract is taking us all the way to midnight April 1st

So we have plenty of time – take a deep breath to get in and get your Zim exchanged – after that I think it’s game over – there won’t be anything after that that  you can do – under certain circumstances where you called to set  your appointment in the first 2 days that we can set appointments – if you were on a cruise -  out of the country – having difficulty getting back – in hospital – whatever it was – you could probably set your appointment for when you expect to get out – but you need to set that appointment in the first couple of days – no guarantees on that one – I’m just saying that is what I understood –

Now, that is a lot of information right there – this could be right around the corner – or it might not be – every indicator that we have – the market dropping – the significant amount yesterday – to satisfy what needed to happen – the price of oil dropped to touch below 30 dollars and settled to 30 for a 25% drop in the value of oil west Texas intermediate crude - that was sufficient

There are a few other factors out there – one factor that need to be done by 6pm tonight that I do not even know what it was but supposedly was accomplished – that may be nothing – I’m just saying that it appears on the face of it that we are in a new game and ready to enter in a new paradigm

I think it’s interesting like I said before about the payroll taxes going away through the rest of the year – I think that’s the first fruits of what we are going to see with NESARA –

Alright guys I’ve said pretty much what I wanted to tell you tonight and I thank you for listening to me for so many years – and want to encourage everybody

Bruce’s Big Call Replay LINK    Intel begins at 56:20 min mark

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Bruce’s Big Call Intel Thursday Night 3- 5-2020

.Bruce’s Big Call Intel Thursday Night 3- 5-2020

Call Transcribed by WiserNow Emailed to Recaps

Welcome everybody to The Big Call tonight – it’s Thursday March 5th and you’re listening to The Big Call – Thanks for tuning in everybody - all over the globe

Let’s go into where we are today on the RV – we were under the impression – especially today that this was coming – and I mean today - we had the impression that we were looking for a timeframe between 11 and 1 for notifications - and then we had a later time given to us that was brought by 2 different sources that mentioned 4:15 PM – 4:15 as a possible release time or a kick off time –

Now, what we didn’t find out was whether that happened or not for sure – we think it did but we don’t know what it was; and secondly, if there is a protocol to release – and I understand it could take up to 4 different stages or phases of release what exactly are those – and how do those come into being – how do those take place? And what is the timeline for those?

Is it something that is virtually immediate or is it something that could drag out and take a while?

Bruce’s Big Call Intel Thursday Night 3- 5-2020

Call Transcribed by WiserNow Emailed to Recaps

Welcome everybody to The Big Call tonight – it’s Thursday March 5th and you’re listening to The Big Call – Thanks for tuning in everybody - all over the globe

Let’s go into where we are today on the RV – we were under the impression – especially today that this was coming – and I mean today - we had the impression that we were looking for a timeframe between 11 and 1 for notifications - and then we had a later time given to us that was brought by 2 different sources that mentioned 4:15 PM – 4:15 as a possible release time or a kick off time –

Now, what we didn’t find out was whether that happened or not for sure – we think it did but we don’t know what it was; and secondly, if there is a protocol to release – and I understand it could take up to 4 different stages or phases of release what exactly are those – and how do those come into being – how do those take place?  And what is the timeline for those?

Is it something that is virtually immediate or is it something that could drag out and take a while?

Now, we knew last night that one of the international banks which was Royal Bank of Canada had not yet connected to the Quantum Financial system – My understanding was – I don’t know why they wouldn’t have been connected but they were told that they needed to do that and I believe they complied around 3 or 3:30 yesterday – so the final bank was connected – that was big –

We had a release when we found out at 3:40 pm yesterday that we had confirmation that the sovereign groups had been paid out and these are the groups we have talked about forever – the Fines & Penalties – CMKX - adjudicated settlements – Indian Claims – Farm Claims - Mormon Church - etc – those groups – because their rates were fixed fall under Tier 3 – but they were considered the Sovereign Groups-

The theory is those – at least we had verification – sufficient – to say that they have been paid – that puts us now to the point where – according to the World Court - everything should have been moved through – we made a certain time line – we were under a time pressure to get that started – it was started - that part was completed under ‘Tier 3 – Let’s see what’s next –

What’s next would be Tier 4 A&B – well guess what? The banks don’t even refer to Tier 4A and 4B – they just call it Tier 4 – so maybe that means essentially we are going at the same time as the groups – the Core and 120 that are based out west – is that possible?

Does that protocol exist where we start with notification at the same time – notifications from those multiple groups which are 346 groups – not including our internet group by the way – and that is apart from the sovereign groups –

346 groups would be contacted by the paymaster to let them know they have access to 1%  of their total exchange – which they did in many cases 4-5-6 years ago -  that puts them in a situation where they just need to receive that information and get into in some cases – get into banks to open up their new accounts –

In some cases they just need to receive that information and access those accounts and then possibly go to the bank and get their liquidity -  because they may not have the credit / debit card tied to the account and they may need to go to the bank and get that done -  

All of that is conjecture on my part – because I don’t have the actual layout of all of the steps that are required by those groups –

However, for us it’s a lot simpler - you know we have 401,163 emails or more, or less, on the Wells Fargo servers – that were supposed to blast those out – with the toll free number contained inside –

Also at the same time, my understanding is that the 800# would come out to me to be able to put out on our website and give out so that anyone who doesn’t have an email tied to this – they anticipate 24% or more people who do not have that they have – its either changed or they never got it – or did not buy currency from a dealer but were gifted by someone - 

Those people would need to know how to get in touch with a redemption center in their area so they could set their appointment and do their redemption of the Zim and exchange their currency - 

That’s what my job was and still is to do to put that info out – I am batting cleanup - I am like the guy cleaning up with bases loaded – we’ll see – but that’s what it looks like would be happening

Now, we had the impression that today was our “Go Day” - it wasn’t – at least it isn’t yet – and you know there is always more information that I get after every call – but for right now let me tell you what the traditional thinking is –

Tuesday- Wednesday – Thursdays are our most likely days to go - why? Because all banks internationally are opened all of those 3 days –

It could mean that it takes  Monday and Friday and the weekend out of play but it does not necessarily mean that – We could get faked out – it’s possible this goes over the weekend – but I can’t say that it will -

I can’t say that anything is going to happen tomorrow – Saturday – Sunday – Monday – until next Tuesday – which happens to be a Tues Wed Thurs timeframe again –

I look at this thing more on what is happening every day to move this thing closer to us going – and we had a lot of info coming in saying things were complete and now it was time to notify Tier 4 today –

Now, we have not been notified today – and as far as I know – the groups have not been notified – Tier 4A groups have not yet been notified – although their paymasters have been given the instructions to do the payouts – but that requires the green light to come –

No, there’s a number of individuals – over 2,000 – that will be tried in 5 different countries – sort of that total number being divided by 5 countries for prosecution – that is something the world court was to be approached about  this morning 3-3:30 am Eastern over in the Hague  Netherlands –

The theory was that subject had been broached and that movement was to take place - and we do not want to go into any details about it but that is something else that was done as far as we knew that was the last so called hurdle / obstacle – other than RBC coming late to the game with the QFS –

Both of those were handled as far as we know – I always tell you guys kinda what kind of things we know and we don’t know –This is a gray area – but we think it’s something that’s been spoken for –

Now, is there another thing in the way? – Is there anything – is there something in these 4 phases of release protocol that I don’t know about that needs to take place? –

Is there some time line there that may drag this through the weekend??  You know? – I don’t know guys – I am going to try to find out – but it won’t be on tonight’s call –

So, I think all we can do is to continue to do what we have and that is pray into this situation to do a complete restart or a reboot - for yourself- we want to do something positive to move us closer and closer to this event horizon  and I really think right now we are looking for brand new rates this morning to come up on the screens –

I know Iraq is not going to show anything – until we go - until we absolutely are going forward – starting with our groups – so don’t look for anything out of Iraq to make or break what we are doing

I think we are really at the point where – if there is anything else I sure don’t know what it is - but we will see what it is that – is either moving this thing forward or pausing - whatever – I know that there were six or seven 6 or 7 – people monitoring everything going in with the treasury – our treasury - to move this forward

We know that our treasury secretary – Steven Mnuchin was /had signed off on everything - on Saturday and therefore had completed what he was involved in and had stepped aside – essentially – in this process and so now it’s just up to whatever the DOD and Treasury agree to give the green light to move forward

We’ll see what that looks like – I know China has been ready for a long time for this to go – We know the Zim contract is good through midnight on March 14th – so obviously we want to get this thing started

We understand that the public – we call Tier 5 – is supposed to start on the 16th of March – so we will see if those times hold up - if those dates hold up –

In the meantime, we stick with plan A – we do what we can to be prepared

Are we further along? Yes – because we do have the sovereign groups paid – Are we ready for Tier 4A and 4B to go? Yes -- We do need to find out what the protocol is and is it moving forward – it did not happen today – so we’re just going to have to see when it does happen - Thank you all for listening


Bruse’s Big Call Replay LINK – Intel begins at 1:09:30

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Bruce’s Big Call Intel Tuesday Night 3- 3-2020

.Bruce’s Big Call Intel Tuesday Night 3- 3-2020

Call Transcribed by WiserNow Emailed to Recaps

Welcome everybody to The Big Call tonight – it’s Tuesday March 3 and you’re listening to The Big Call – Thanks for tuning in everybody - all over the globe

Alright Bob, it’s that time again – we’re going to talk about some intel and I’ve got a few things to bring up that I need to clarify and I’m going to do that first because last Thursday we had been under sort of a different protocol as far as the Zim was concerned – and you remember I got out there toward the end of the call I believe it was on Thursday and told you guys that the Zim rates were not going to be what we heard – and they have been compressed – and blah blah blah - and we were hoping to get 2-8 cents maybe even get to 10 cents by Saturday - realized that was all an effort by certain people to reduce the amount of people who got more Zim –

Now, I don’t know if that effort worked or not but I’m here to tell you that we had talked originally about the Zim being on par with the US dollar - meaning 1 to 1 – 1 US dollar equals 1 Zimbabwe dollar –

Bruce’s Big Call Intel Tuesday Night 3- 3-2020

Call Transcribed by WiserNow Emailed to Recaps

Welcome everybody to The Big Call tonight – it’s Tuesday March 3 and you’re listening to The Big Call – Thanks for tuning in everybody - all over the globe

Alright Bob, it’s that time again – we’re going to talk about some intel and I’ve got a few things to bring up  that I need to clarify and I’m going to do that first because last Thursday we had been under sort of a different protocol as far as the Zim was concerned – and you remember I got out there toward the end of the call I believe it was on Thursday  and told you guys that the Zim rates were not going to be what we heard – and they have been compressed – and blah blah blah - and we were hoping to get 2-8 cents maybe even get to 10 cents by Saturday - realized that was all an effort by certain people to reduce the amount of people who got more Zim –

Now, I don’t know if that effort worked or not but I’m here to tell you that we had talked originally about the Zim being on par with the US dollar - meaning 1 to 1 – 1 US dollar equals 1 Zimbabwe dollar –

Now, that is STILL  the possibility – I’m saying it is a possibility because that is still what you can ask for if you have the projects to support it -  Some people have 2-3 projects and some have as many as 8 projects – I’ve got 5 – all good size projects – I don’t think it’s a matter of “how many” you’ve got – it’s a matter of job creation – longevity – and being able to go fund your projects and have them last for a long period time – That’s really more of what it’s about –

Now, will additional projects come in as you go? Let’s say you start a project that only needs 10-20 years to go – and you’ve got more time to give and more money to give – Well, let’s say you couldn’t create another project 10-20 yrs from now  or even 5 yrs from now  - of course you could - and the projects Sue was referring to – there’s about 250 MAGA (Make America Great Again)projects that the President has created – that the banks have a list of – so if you didn’t have Rebuild America – or something else in your sight you could ask for one of those MAGA projects on the MAGA sheet - you could do that – 

That would be something that would take care of your projects and in that case you are no longer getting a default package which would include a Zim rate of 2-3 cents maybe but you would be getting a project package that would be worthy of a higher rate –

Now it might not be worthy of a dollar but maybe 20-25 cents maybe a little more – but major projects will command a higher rate on the Zim – and we’re supposed to have that flexibility as part of Tier 4 B, the internet group - that is STILL in play – so that is the clarification that I got a few days ago about the Zim and about our projects –

Now, let’s go back to what’s going on with the timing of this – we know that the virus that is going on – the Corona Virus – has been a little bit of an issue – we don’t know exactly where it came from – I have my idea where – but we know it has affected a lot of people in china and some other areas around the world – and here we had unfortunately 4 deaths to report in Washington State– I believe today those came in –

Now, has that slowed us down? Maybe – Is it something that has been created to distract us from going? Maybe – Will it work?  NO – and here’s why – because – even though we don’t know exactly what the origin is  at least nobody has told us definitively what it is – it has been a factor – is it still a concern –

I’m not going to play it down anyway – we need to be prepared for it – we need to wash our hands – we need to keep our hands off of our face and eyes like we’ve been hearing – the face masks aren’t really supposed to be doing a whole lot -  don’t get too excited about that – but the idea of self-isolation is something that’s been talked about  for a couple of weeks now –

It’s like putting yourself into a situation like you’re not thrown into crowd situations maybe as much as you use to be – and you might think twice about traveling areas that might be really crowded – that kind of thing –

Now, I want you to be aware of that and I want you to be prepared in the sense of make sure you do have plenty of fresh water at the house – make sure that you have plenty of stored food that you can resort to should there be something to disrupt the food chain entering into the system – I would say just be as prepared as you would be for something that might go on –

Now, we’ve not talked about this yet – we do have a self-preparedness manual on the website – on The Big Call Universe website – that should have been transferred over and we call it “Self-Reliance Manual” SRM – check and see if that link still works – if you haven’t ever seen it – we did it years and years ago  - and it has a lot of links that you can go to – probably about 100 – to get specific information in some of those areas - I have not seen it in years but supposedly it transferred over – so just a heads up you may want to go take a look  and see if you find anything there that could help you to be prepared –

Now, I think it’s important to realize that yeah obviously certain factions have been holding this up from going – I told you on the last call we had 251 times where this did not go under the last 2 presidents – including under our current President there were 9 times that it was held back from going and under President Obama there were 242 times that it was stopped or not allowed to proceed –

My understanding is now as a result of lawsuit that was brought to World Court – that we have very specific instructions – the Chinese – somebody in the Chinese filed a suit to get this party started – and we’re under the impression that that was a real thing and a real verdict came down to where the United States is under orders to proceed with this and there was a date given they wanted it started by – That Date was TODAY Tues March 3 –

Now, did some aspects of this get started even as early as Monday which is when they wanted it to go - that was yesterday? – The answer is, from our research, Yes, it did get started – We’re thinking it got started in the sense of some of the Humanitarian Groups or some of the Sovereign Groups as we have called them in the last week or two – Some of the Sovereign Groups we believe actually started –

I couldn’t tell you exactly whether CMKX was completed but we understood that it was at least started and we understand this could be some of the other sovereign groups

Now, further to that my understanding is that the core group and the other groups based out west are to be started this evening or if not this evening  which would have been by the time of this call – it would also be over night – now that could very well be the case - and I know you guys are thinking – yeah yeah Tier 4A’s – whatever – that’s right - but – the Tier 4A’s would be notified and those people in all those groups – which are quite a few groups – I believe  346 groups –

If I remember right – of those groups they’re supposed to get 1% liquidity – and I don’t know if liquidity day is going to be tomorrow – but I believe it’s going to be tomorrow when they get access to 1% of their funds – we will surely see

Now, based on that and the Tier 4A and Tier 4B theoretically going together could we be notified and start tomorrow? The answer is an outstanding YES – possibly – because we could very well start tomorrow – I will tell you this as we switch over in the intel segment to what’s happening at the redemption centers –

We know that by noon time today that all Tier 1 Tier 2 banks and redemption centers were to be notified with the latest update – now is this the last update? I believe it was to be the last update – it would have come by email – it would have reached all Tier 1 & 2 banks and redemption centers by noon today – Tues

Further to that, because I do not know the contents of that, unfortunately; however, further to that we understand that the redemption centers were to receive their schedules that would take them through Saturday March 14th until midnight –

In other words, us – the internet group – we would get started and continue all the way through midnight on the 14th of march – the so called Tier 5 John Q public will start on the 16th of March and there will be NO Zim redemption for the public –

If you know of anybody who you consider to be Tier 5 you better let them know there’s a number to call to set up an appointment by this 800 number to go in to redeem their Zim - enough said

Now, additionally, so we have a schedule that theoretically would take us to and through the 14th which is Saturday – a week from this Saturday – the 14th of March – okay – Do we have any other indication that we’re just about there? – We got an indication from the World Bank – yesterday – that talked about 2 days – today and tomorrow - then we heard further from the World Bank that there was emphasis on tomorrow’s date (Wed 3-4-20)

Now, obviously, at this point; do not have a toll free number; however, I think – I am not trying to call it; however, tomorrow is definitely in our sights – definitely a possibility – It could go Thursday -  we don’t know – it could go tomorrow - but we won’t know that until tomorrow –

I can tell you that redemption center staff is to be in and seated at their desks by 11 am Eastern – tomorrow - that might give us an indication that we could get notified – notice all the conditional tenses here - might could – get notified – before noon tomorrow - that’s what it appears to be – we don’t have that definitively though  - I wish I did –

It’s not absolute by any means and you guys know that what I’m giving you is the gleaned truth of what I am getting – as much as I am able – let me put it that way – “as much as I am able”  giving you what I understand to be the real deal – I’ve never told you anything but that – and so, obviously, things changed – this is a moving target – we love it when we get absolute – you know I’m excited when I get something that is absolute – and definitive – but that is a little hard to come by sometimes –

Really, we are down to the wire – if the information that we’ve got about the World Court is true – this is not going to last much longer – we need to get started  because they want Tier 4B, our internet group to be completed – to be gone - to be out of there – before midnight on the 14th - 

So all you have to do is the math and count backwards – if we started tomorrow --- that would be yeah - 11 days including tomorrow – so let’s see what happens let’s see what they do – many, many of you will get an email from the Wells Fargo server – with the toll free number – just make sure it's genuine – that’s important –

Now, what am I to do with the 800 number?  I am going to put it out on our website on the home page but will also do our own mailing – to the people that are registered

That’s the way I have been selected to  use – to put out the number – I’m sort of like clean-up – everybody should theoretically get it but  you know emails change – sometimes emails – like mine are no good anymore – it’s like people change and emails become invalid - so I am here to give the number in case they are not - I am here to back clean up – they estimate 24% that they don’t have emails for – or have changed - or the people that have been gifted that did not purchase the currency - all of that –

It may be more that 24% by now – but I am here to take care of that part – okay – that’s my role in this – so I want you guys to be aware of that – I thank you so much for listening to the call – yes we’re in our 9th year – and yes if this tarries much longer it will be 16 years that Bruce has been a part of this situation

I think guys we have what we need – remember you’re going to see a video – an orientation video – when you go in – oh I’ve got a couple little things – one or two more things - you heard about getting a black card – it probably will be black but it might not have to be black – that is going to have the benefit for you to put up to 15 million dollars on that card at the day of your redemption –

Also you want to let them know how much money you’re going to need personally for the next 90 days after the redemption as well as how much project money you anticipate using or needing in the next 90 days – the first ninety – because you figure after the first ninety days – if you’re on a structured pay out which most of us will be - you have Zim - you will be getting your first interest payment –

If you select to be paid quarterly - I personally like it – I am going with quarterly – I am going to take that and pour that interest into a spillover account that will probably be in the same bank that my mother lode account is in – just for convenience- alright – and then I’ll transfer whatever other funds I need from my spillover account into my various projects LLC accounts in my case – could be different kind of accounts for you that you could take that and transfer into your project account –

There is a card I told you about wanted to be sure to remind you  - there is a titanium card – made of titanium – that is used to access your mother lode account – it is NOT used to purchase anything with – it is used for you to go in to your mother lode bank facility which will probably be Wells Fargo - 

You will use that along with your thumb print on a bio metric finger print reader to access your account for money movement – to move funds from your mother lode account to another bank account –

Realize now under the QF System and under the Real Time Payment System - the RTP System – that will take funds and translocate those anywhere in the world in less than 1 minute – and when I say real time payment – that means in a minute your money is “there” and should be accessible “then” at REAL TIME - 

I have heard in 32 seconds - let’s just say – in less than a minute – globally – not just here  - anywhere -  those funds are being wired to – that is new – the other old system – The RTGS is part of the old system under the Rockefellers - under the Swift - all of that has been done away with - if not yet – it’s being done away with – all banks should have already been connected to the RTPS and connected to the QF System –

Let’s just believe that no other hindrance will keep us from starting and everything is set and Tier 4A’s get notified and paid out effectively and it will be our turn

 Bruce’s Big Call Replay LINK    Intel begins at 45:25 min mark

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Bruce’s Big Call Intel Thursday Night 2-27-2020

.Bruce’s Big Call Intel Thursday Night 2-27-2020

Call Transcribed by WiserNow Emailed to Recaps

Welcome everybody to The Big Call tonight – it is Thursday February 27th and you’re listening to The Big Call - Okay, let’s talk about where we are now and it shouldn’t take that long because there are some things I would like to bring out that are new since Tuesday night’s call –

First of all we did have a certain amount of resistance in the House and the Senate - Two members of the House, both Democrat - one member of the senate, a Democrat – that were resisting the release of everything - Believe it or not - it came down to that - whether they were on finance committees or other things – they just held this up –

They were given until 1:15 today to acquis and if not they would be removed – and I believe they ended up getting removed - That means clean up on isle 3 and you know what I mean by that - alright – that happened today –

Bruce’s Big Call Intel Thursday Night 2-27-2020

Call Transcribed by WiserNow Emailed to Recaps

Welcome everybody to The Big Call tonight – it is Thursday February 27th  and you’re listening to The Big Call - Okay, let’s talk about where we are now and it shouldn’t take that long because there are some things I would like to bring out that are new since Tuesday night’s call –

First of all we did have a certain amount of resistance in the House and the Senate - Two members of the House, both Democrat - one member of the senate, a Democrat – that were resisting the release of everything - Believe it or not - it came down to that - whether they were on finance committees or other things – they just held this up –

They were given until 1:15 today to acquis (?) and if not they would be removed – and I believe they ended up getting removed - That means clean up on aisle 3 and you know what I mean by that - alright – that happened today –

That cleared the way finally for the sovereign groups to be paid out which we have waited a long time to see some action on those - that is started with the I believe the Mormon Church Group -  was actually paid out today – and I believe this includes the Indian Claim / Native American Claim – The Farm Claims – The adjudicated settlements – The Fines & Penalties - all those other larger groups that were part of the sovereign groups or sovereign accounts were to be started paying out this afternoon sometime after 3 o’clock –

Now, we did have some good movement in that area today – but we also know for us that remain which is Tier 4 A&B – we’re hearing notifications could occur anytime tomorrow or Saturday – possibly Sunday –

The theory is if we got notified tomorrow we could start Saturday – some people say – no way we are going to get started on a Saturday – I’m hearing that if we even got notified on Friday afternoon we could start Saturday - If we get notified on Saturday we could start Saturday afternoon –

We probably won’t skip over Sunday unless we get notified prior to that and it could put us into a Mon-Tues start again – notified and start on Tuesday which is march 3rd – so this thing has really – really dragged out - to a very slow roll –

We know that some of the Zim platforms that are being done in Zurich and Hong Kong- Miami and other places are moving along but they need to get their contracts out to their individuals - get them to agree on a rate – and then send it back – and that’s really the next point I want to talk about –

We don’t normally get deep on this but it’s important enough for us to understand that what’s happening with the Zim – you remember back in the old days – it was not that long ago – several months ago – we found out that we were going to be 1 to 1 with the Zim – on par with the Zim – Well, found out last week that is no longer the case – we are NOT 1 to 1 with the Zim – we are not 1 dollar equals 1 dollar

We have been knocked down dramatically – to where towards the middle of last week and toward the end of last week – we were going to be between 1 cent  and 5 cents – 1-5 cents – on the Zim – there are no zeros coming off – forget that – but a penny to 5 cents per Zim dollar

Now, with this delay – this hold up – China, the US and Zimbabwe got together last night and decided  - here’s the over & under – here’s the background -  from the Zim exchanges we were going to be a situation – the US would get 60% and China would get 40% - I don’t think that’s going to hold up –

Sure enough they ended up settling each party – the US and China would each get 50% of the Zim exchanges - 50/50 – sounds fair right?  Then we found out today that the US would be giving 10% of their half to Zimbabwe – and China – this was agreed upon last night – China would give 20% of their half to Zimbabwe –

Okay, as a result of that change and update in the relationship the rate was extended from 1-5 cents to 2-8.5 cents with anticipation that it might go to 10 cents on Saturday – so we would be able to negotiate a rate between 2 cents and maybe 10 cents after Saturday

Now, that does not sound like a big deal – you guys going a big “wow” – well, guess what? If you had a 100T note – every penny increase in rate adds what? A trillion dollars - that’s right!!  (100 Trillion Zim dollar note times 1 penny equals 1 trillion US dollars) It’s very big!!

So the idea of moving – now what’s going to qualify you for getting a rate even over 2-3 cents – what’s going to qualify you?  It’s going to be how well you present your projects – How well  you are comfortable with the idea of your presentation – and doing your projects and maybe you could captivate a rate of 8-10 cents ok, which is huge –

Some of it will depend how much Zim you have -  the more you have overall – the less your rate will be – If you don’t have but a couple notes – and your projects are worthy you could go to a higher rate - 

Normally I do not zero in on this kind of thing on The Big Call but this is so important that these changes have taken place – that you understand the only way you’re going to get these higher negotiable rates is to be sure you are prepared to have a presentation like a world class presentation

We might have a little more time before we actually start – we might not start till Monday or Tuesday - but there is the possibility we could get notified tomorrow and start Saturday – I am not going to give the odds on it but that is a possibility –

It kind of depends realistically, it depends on how many of these sovereign groups get paid out – because they need to be paid out before we get notified along with Tier 4 A – we’re all going to get notified Tier 4 and Tier 4 B at the same time – the emails from Wells Fargo servers – the 401,163 emails and the toll free number to me should come out at the same time the Tier 4A’s get notified by their paymasters to the group participants –

Now, we’ll see how that all shakes out – that’s the plan – that’s what they are trying to do – but we’ve got to get these sovereign accounts knocked out – maybe that gets done by tomorrow – maybe it takes a little longer – all I know is they got started and got the Mormon Church paid out – so, that’s very positive-

Now, the other thing I was going to tell you is – remember I mentioned on Tuesday night that the central banks were being crashed – they were not knocking down the resources – you know the fiat dollar is going away – you know the USD we have now is no longer going to be used – rather our USN – our gold backed dollar is being substituted as part of the Global Gold System –

Now, the other system is the QFS – Quantum Financial System – is being connected – remember the RTGS – those “Real Time ? Settlements” – are going away – that is part of the old Cabal system – part of the fiat dollar – part of the Rothschild and Bilderberg design – that is all going away –

What’s happening is – all the banks around the globe are connecting to RTPS – Real Time Payment System – which should not take longer than 32 seconds to send a wire – which is essentially a ledger to ledger transfer – that is globally –

There is no more holding – there is no more hold and trading on your money while it settles – none of that – the settlement occurs immediately – that’s what Real Time means – that’s Real Time Payments –

Now, that is being transitioned into – and even the central banks – there’s 3 central banks that are not connected to the QFS and the Real Time Payment System - 3 to go of all the central banks around the globe – so they will connect up and we will have all banks connected by midnight Friday night  

Midnight Friday night all central banks and all banks around the globe have until midnight Friday night Eastern Standard time to connect to RTPS and to the QFS

Now, so our belief is that tonight and overnight tonight there should be some action taking place on the sovereign groups – if they get the sovereign groups knocked out we have a good chance of being notified tomorrow –

When I say notified – I’m talking about email notification from Wells and the 800 number to me and putting it out so everybody can set appointments and go – so we are either very very close or we might not get it until past the weekend and we start Monday/Tuesday -  That’s the latest I’ve got on that –

That overall I think will take us up to where we are today – I’m sure I will get more information after the call like I always do – but that’s enough to get you excited and motivated and know we’re just about to the end of the ride – You know this thing has dragged on guys – I know it –

How many times has this RV been stopped? 251 times!! That’s right 2 5 1 -- 9 times under President Trump – 242 times under Obama – I’m just saying …… that’s what it is – so – President Trump is negotiating – he’s negotiating – he’s knocked this thing out with China – he’s knocked out everything with Zimbabwe – it’s all going to be good and we’re going to have all the rates on the front and back screens through the 14th of March – Midnight I believe on the 14th the back screen rates disappear – they go away – ain’t happening - okay – 

So, if you know anyone that has Zim make sure they use the 800 number to set an appointment – there will be no public exchange of the Zim after the 14th – it’s gone – okay?

We are Tier 4 B – internet group – we are the only group that gets to privately negotiate our rates- alright? – You heard what I said earlier about the Zim - you will have some flexibility on the Dinar and Dong – the Rupiah and the Rial – the Iranian Rial is in the first basket –

I’ll just tell you this - we should have the Dinar at whatever rate it comes in – I don’t know where it’s going to end up – but the Dong should be 25-40 cents below the Dinar and the Rial should be 25-40 cents below the Dong – and the rest of it I don’t really know – don’t care – I don’t have – Let’s see what happens between now and Tuesday - End of Intel --

 Bruce’s Big Call Replay Link  --  Intel begins at 1:03:20

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Bruce’s Big Call Intel Tuesday Night 2- 25-2020

.Bruce’s Big Call Intel Tuesday Night 2- 25-2020

Call Transcribed by WiserNow Emailed to Recaps

Hello everybody and welcome to The Big Call – it’s Tuesday February 25th and thank you for tuning in all over the globe –

Let’s see if we can knock out this intel in about 12 minutes – I think we can - Here’s what’s going on guys – boy, it was relatively quiet over the weekend – we did get some information yesterday, a little bit and we did get some today – but it – it’s interesting – because – here’s what’s going on – President Trump with wheels up – Air Force One out of India at about 3:36 in the afternoon Eastern Time – on his way back to the White House – and we’ve got things that have been going on with the various Central banks –

You guys notice the Market dropped 1000 points yesterday – a little over -- and I did not see the final today – a 1000 points today – you realize these drops – these losses in the market were something that was talked about – you know I had to shake my head on it – because we had heard years and years ago and this is what the language was – that the Market had to crash before this went –

Well, I’m not calling this a crash – but these are definite dips a 1000 points one day and a 1000 points the next day – are significant losses – a 3000 point loss in the Dow represents about a trillion dollars in market value –

Bruce’s Big Call Intel Tuesday Night 2- 25-2020

Call Transcribed by WiserNow Emailed to Recaps 

Hello everybody and welcome to The Big Call – it’s Tuesday February 25th  and thank you for tuning in all over the globe –

Let’s see if we can knock out this intel in about 12 minutes – I think we can - Here’s what’s going on guys – boy, it was relatively quiet over the weekend – we did get some information yesterday, a little bit and we did get some today – but it – it’s interesting – because – here’s what’s going on – President Trump with wheels up – Air Force One out of India at about 3:36 in the afternoon Eastern Time – on his way back to the  White House – and we’ve got things that have been going on with the various Central banks –

You guys notice the Market dropped 1000 points yesterday – a little over -- and I did not see the final today – a 1000 points today – you realize these drops – these losses in the market were something that was talked about – you know I had to shake my head on it – because we had heard years and years ago and this is what the language was – that the Market had to crash before this went –

Well, I’m not calling this a crash – but these are definite dips a 1000 points one day and a 1000 points the next day – are significant losses – a 3000 point loss in the Dow represents about a trillion dollars in market value –

My understanding is these projected events need to happen to take the fiat dollar that is represented by these stock purchases and ownership – and they needed to change – essentially reduce the revenue in the market so as to get rid of the USD or fiat dollar and bring in the USN, our new gold backed dollar –

I did not do a very good job of explaining that but that thing that we witnessed yesterday and today – I don’t know what tomorrow is going to bring – I don’t know – I don’t know if this is an ongoing trend or the Market is going to dip like this – I didn’t think it would be overly significant as it did this –

The business channels are pretty much looking at China and the corona virus as the main reason for this – and I’m sure that’s part of it – absolutely - because the idea of not being able to get our suppliers – listen, there are places in China where people have been ordered back to work in these factories, manufacturing and they might not be quite so sterile yet to do that – in other words it might not be the safest thing in the world to get everybody back to work that way –

We don’t really know what the real truth is that’s coming out of China with respect to this virus – we don’t know still where it originated – I have my personal belief on that  - but it really seems like this is something that is spreading – so it needs to be quelled and it needs to be stopped – and we need to be able to make sure that the people who have the virus can get whatever will straighten them out/ fix them / and make them healthy – whatever that looks like – we would call it a cure –

But, that is something when it comes to the market, the stock markets, we always look to the DOW and the NASDAQ  - when it comes to the DOW,  it’s just going to be interesting to see whether or not we need to go through more of these downward adjustments on a daily basis or not –

What’s happening is – what we’re going to find is  the central banks around the globe are taking a hit based on this – and I think that it’s something that we want to see – in other words, this whole financial system – you realize that the Tier 1 bank – all banks – had until Sunday night at 9pm to be on the QFS (Quantum Financial System)  - If they were not connected to the QFS and some of it had to do with if they were Basel 4 or Basel 5  compliant – but if they were not connected they were not to open on Monday – (yesterday)

They were NOT to be open unless they were connected and part of the QFS – Quantum Financial System – and the RTGS  (The Real Time Global System)  - The RTGS allowing for the deposits to be credited immediately – for bank wires to become ledger to ledger transfers that are also immediate –

Those things really – you can wire funds now around the globe in less than a minute – 41-45 seconds – this stuff is moving way faster than it ever did before under QFS - It’s a very secure system - all banks were to be on it and my understanding was that  if Mom & Pop banks – Tier 3 Tier 4 banks – small independent banks were not on it they would not be able to do business this week and they would not be able to come back on line with the QFS until this Sunday March 1st

Now, let’s take a Iraq at Iraq – we’ve heard forever and a day that Iraq was going to post a new rate – put it in the Gazette - CBI was up - all of that good stuff - well, Iraq is basically waiting on our lead to go – for us to move forward – then they will essentially show their rate on CBI –

Now, I’m not worried about it because I think that they are so closely in step with us on what’s going to happen – I would not be surprised if finally overnight tonight and into tomorrow which is Wednesday  that Iraq finally has their rate - finally has their new Iraqi Dinar with a new rate on the front screens of the banks and also that the Forex with an update again in the 2:15 in the morning range with an Iraqi rate

Now I’ll tell you what I’m thinking about Iraq – next door is Iran – I heard a couple days ago that Iran was going to be in the first basket - so we would have the Iranian Rial in the basket – and you know – whatever that front screen rate is on the Dinar the Rial won’t be too far below it –

In fact let’s talk in general – the Dong is supposed to be within the 25-40 cents of the Dinar and then the Rial was supposed to be within 25-40 cents of the Dong – that’s sort of the progression -  so that’s sort of something you can check into  if you have those currencies –

I’ll say this – a lot has happened – late last week with the gold standard being affectional into play with the US and China – I think I mentioned on last Thursday’s call that China had agreed to a rate on the US dollar – the new USN dollar and you know I mentioned the US dollar index was probably the highest I had ever known it to be at 99.770 – and that is tremendous – a big number –

so - I tell you – I think things are coming together for us and I will say this – I have heard of major reduction in the value of the Zim dollar – This was something that has been all over the boards and that is why I don’t really ever talk about the rate – and I’m not supposed to talk rates anyway – I’m not – but I’m just saying that I understand that that has been reduced dramatically –

Now -  there’s still no zeros coming off the notes - it will be face value but the rate might be much much lower – like  2-3 cents – something like that –

Now, I did hear of a situation where somebody had gone in for a Zim exchange and found out they were only get access that day to 2% of their exchange total – and they were completely blown away and upset – so much so that they had to be dragged out of there - other words – escorted out – shown the door – was not a good situation –

So be prepared if you are a Zim holder - you are not going to get full amount – it could be - ?? I don’t know how long – I have heard 90 days – I’ve heard a couple weeks - I’ve heard several things – and if you’re going to be a structured payout like most of us will be take - up to 25 years - which is what I am going to do - then you’re going to be subject to getting paid quarterly or annually or semiannually with interest from that account -

I personally like the idea of getting paid quarterly – 4 times a year – and just working with those funds that  I’ve earned with projects  - You’re not really touching the mother lode account – which is creating that interest - You guys do what you want on that – but it won’t bother me if get 2% access - that’s still a lot – a lot of money –

Now the currencies – the Dinar – Dong – Rial – Rupiah – those currencies- my understanding is that you should have full access to the full exchange amount of those currencies from the get go - We will see if that is the case but I understand it’s a totally different game with the Zim and that’s why we always refer to it as “redeeming” - because it is a gold backed bond – it’s a bond  -

The currencies that we have – the Dinar – yes it’s going to be gold backed – I know but it is more of a currency – so we are going to get those rates and should be able to have access to those funds immediately- you’re going to need to let them know at the redemption center how much you actually need in the first 90 days – before you get any interest from let’s say a structured pay out –

Let them know how much you need for your personal – for your projects - you know and keep those separate and they may say – well you want to set up this account for personal and this account for your structured payout – however they help you organize and set that up – and make all of that work

We are under the impression from some very high up sources in the know that we are in a  24 hour window now – right now - it should end about 11:45 am tomorrow – Eastern Standard Time –

We’ve been hearing some good things about late tomorrow morning – we also know that Tier 4 A and Tier 4 B’s – that’s us guys – the internet group are supposed to go together – They don’t even use A & B in most cases – they just call us Tier 4 – we make the distinction that they don’t really make – but they’re saying I believe that we are to start the same time

My understanding is there were some emails that went out from Abbott Downing – I think 50,000 – there might have been 50,000 that went out from wealth management from it – Wells Fargo – but these are Not – I repeat – those were not the 401,163 emails on the Wells Fargo servers - that would contain the toll free number that my instinct is that those will come out at the same time I get notified with the toll free number

So, does everything happen at once?  Can everything go??  We don’t have evidence that the sovereign accounts have started  yet we’ve heard that they are – we have heard they are but I don’t have the evidence that has occurred – so that’s one of those “What we don’t know” –

We think and moving along but we don’t have evidence of it so I am going to say that is a question mark under “what we don’t know” 

But, is it conceivable  those could be released – the paymasters could release their groups – we could get release with our toll free number – Wells Fargo could release  the 401,163 emails all around the same time try to think so  – kinda think that’s where it’s going – so we’ll see

Now, what about the Zim – we had a cutoff date of March 1st  which is Sunday at midnight – and my understanding is that we literally have for them to make that and they don’t extend it which they have done  17-20 times – they’ve extended it – so –

But if it works out – where we could get started tomorrow we would have Wed Thurs Fri Sat Sun – we would have 4 -5 days let’s say to get the Zim in – is that enough time? Most of the banks think it is enough time – it could be a challenge – but we will see – let’s see what that looks like-

I think; finally, with everything that’s been done and happening behind the scenes – we’re moving in the right direction – we’ve got the gold  repatriated to the country – we’ve got the US dollar rate – everything is sort of lining up – we’ve got the central banks going away -  I just think we are really really just about ready to go –

I cannot call it - but you hear the information that I’m getting -  we are in the 24 hour window -  from 11 am today  till 11:45 tomorrow and as far as we know from sources we’re moving right on through –

We know we have major waves of clean up on isle 3 – continuing – I don’t know if it’s significant or not but the President was out of the country – that was always something we thought that needed to happen – of course on his way back – probably just about in – I would think by 10 or 11 tonight Eastern –

I was confused on whether he was on a Rally  maybe tomorrow night in SC – not positive about that – don’t hold me to that - I think that’s the case –

I think really guys, that is about everything that I consider important for us – Oh I’ve got one other thing, maybe two –

Starting this morning at 8:10 am Eastern we started something called the 12 Days of Disclosure – These may not be the actual announcements but they could be items – information -  that is disclosed to various agencies or various people –

The first one today – today was the first day – but I don’t know what it was – I don’t know - they are geared u for the second one tomorrow – I don’t know what it is – all I know is that things are moving to where we could have some kind of surprise – which we hope is the toll free number for us – that is what we hope it is

Things are really getting to the point where if they want that the Zim to be pulled in by Sunday midnight under the existing agreement with China and Zimbabwe  that – they kinda need to get this party started – and I believe we are – but I want everybody to be in Faith for this and pray it in – that tomorrow becomes our start day – Let’s hope so

Bruce’s Big Call Replay Link – Intel begins at 59:45 min mark

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Bruce’s Big Call Intel Thursday Night 2- 20-2020

.Bruce’s Big Call Intel Thursday Night 2- 20-2020

Call Transcribed by WiserNow Emailed to Recaps

Hello everybody and welcome to The Big Call – it is Thursday Feb 20th and you’re listening to the Big Call

Now you remember last time on The Big Call - on Tuesday nights call we did something called “What I know” and “What I don’t know” (laughing) things I know and things I don’t know - well, we’re going to play that game again tonight - try to have a little fun with this – and there’s a lot that’s been happening since Tuesday’s call –

Yesterday (Monday) was a very, very active day - Today (Tuesday) is a very active day behind the scenes –and I’m going to try to recall to the best of my ability what we know and what we don’t know –

Bruce’s Big Call Intel Thursday Night 2- 20-2020

Call Transcribed by WiserNow Emailed to Recaps

Hello everybody and welcome to The Big Call – it is Thursday Feb 20th and you’re listening to the Big Call

Now you remember  last time on The Big Call -  on Tuesday nights call we did something called “What I know” and “What I don’t know”  (laughing)   things I know and things I don’t know -  well, we’re going to play that game again tonight -  try to have a little fun with this – and there’s a lot that’s been happening since Tuesday’s call –

Yesterday (Monday) was a very, very active day - Today (Tuesday) is a very active day behind the scenes –and I’m going to try to recall to the best of my ability what we know and what we don’t know –

Let’s go back about 2 days ago – Tuesday - there were about 80-85 things on a list that needed to be accomplished before we went forward - and they were whittling these down to where they came to about a dozen and then we got it down last night and this morning down to about 2 more things that needed to be done - that is what we know –

Now, some of the things that were done had to do with the gold that was repatriated from other countries to the United States and that was accomplished and brought in and weighed and measured and the paper work generated for that and that was accomplished at 11:45 last night - the accounting of it – the measurement of it – that was a major deal – so let’s call it before midnight last night all of that was accounted for –

What did that do for us? What that did was it gave us the asset the resource that is backing our currency and effectively gold and other strategic assets are backing the currencies globally – all over the world - the gold – having a global gold standard started again is really very, very big –

If anyone has been watching the price of gold – yesterday it went up  $6.00 – then it went up another  $12-$15 – it’s just moving up – and I’ll tell you why - there’s several reasons but the one thing I think is – they know that these strategic metals – these gold – silver –palladium – these metals are really, really not at their actual value –

I am not trying to say go buy this or go buy that – I’m not saying that – I’m just saying that it looks like silver is way below where it should be – and gold is on its way up –

Now, what helps to make gold on the way up – in my opinion is the fact that you’ve got it being used as a basis for valuing our currency and the world’s currency – it’s not just the US – its China – a gold back yuan – obviously the Dinar is backed by gold and other valuable gems – metals and oil – and this is the case around the globe with other countries – even places like Zimbabwe that has tremendous wealth in the ground that they know about – in fact we actually believe the Zimbabwe dollar will be used as the regional currency for the continent of Africa – which is pretty cool –

Now,  let’s talk about the other things we know -  we know that the US dollar hit an all-time high today and we know that the US dollar index hit a number which  was 99.770 ……  99.770 –

I remember several years ago we talked about having the dollar at a US dollar index of 96 or 96 and above – high enough for us to go ahead and revalue for the GCR to take place from our perspective – we’re way beyond 96 – because we are at 99.770 and I’m sure that number will vary based on the strength – relative strength of the dollar with other currencies –

but what is really interesting is this is another thing we know – remember we’ve talked about derivatives – the bank derivatives - this is debt that was pushed and sold and re-sold and packaged – and re-sold and guess who that stuck with most of it? The Deutsche Bank - Deutsche Bank in Germany got stuck with holding a lot of that derivative debt – But we still had some I believe and other countries had some –

Bottom line – here’s another thing we know – Tier 1 – we talk about Tier 1 - Tier 2 - Tier 3 - Tier 4A & Tier 4B and Tier 5 – Tier 1 is comprised of  the countries and corporations that held these currencies – ok – that held these bonds and currencies – Tier 1 is part of their deal or the ones that paid off the derivatives – those derivatives  were paid off to where they evaporated from our balance sheet, if you will, at 11:00 am this morning (Tuesday) Eastern Standard Time – 11 am the derivatives had been paid for with USN not USD as we thought  but with our USN – new gold backed currency

Now, that we know, what do you think helped to get that dollar skyrocketed to its new highest US dollar index of 99.770?  That’s right – the evaporation of the derivatives from the balance sheet – that is one reason that the dollar went up –

Now, what’s so strange is - they were talking on FOX Business this morning – Gold is up - Treasury Bond 10 yrs is up – Stock Market is still up – it was not up all day – it was down quite a bit earlier – the point was there are a lot of indicators that normally – bonds – bond value was up – in other words these things don’t normally happen at the same time – the gold and the bonds – and the market – all of these markets – all of these indicators were really pointing high – pointing upward

What allowed these things to take place was what happened yesterday and I am going to from today, go back to yesterday – what happened this morning – there was sort of that one more thing to do – one more agreement they needed to be signed –

Well, what happened was around 4 am this morning we had the treasury of China – the Treasury of the US working with the Dept of Defense – they signed an agreement okay – between our Treasury and China’s Treasury to agree upon the RATE for the USN – our NEW dollar –

They agreed on the rate for the USTN – signed off on it – handed over to DOD -  and then DOD of course takes it and allows the green light to come on for the Treasury to contact the banks – let the banks contact the Paymasters – then Paymasters contact their participants in the groups –

So it is sort of a chain reaction – that started this morning with the Gold Standard with the USN becoming  gold backed and agreed upon – that not only allows the US dollar, the USN, to be gold backed but also to allow the Chinese Yuan to be gold backed –

Now, what is the story on those 2 currencies?  First of all, the fact that we are tied to – I’m going to say pegged to the value of gold that backs our currency – China being backed by and pegged to gold to back their currency – it doesn’t mean we are on par with China’s rate for the Yuan – But it did allow us to be equal – on an equal playing field by backing our currency to the value of gold -

The same thing happened for the EURO which might be short lived – to be honest – and not that I wouldn’t be honest – and the British Pound - all of those are now in a situation of being relatively but connected in that sense – by being gold backed in a Global Gold System or Global Gold Standard

Now, that we know – that moved this morning – that signed off – that propels us now to where – not only are – this is back to “what we do know” - the Tier 3 SKR’s are being paid out and that started somewhere in the 4-4:30 range this afternoon –

I told you that the derivatives are paid off with USN – digitally, I’m going to say digitally, at 11 am this morning – they vanished – so everything is moving to the point where now – in fact, let’s go back to yesterday – yesterday we were getting word in the midafternoon that the sovereign groups – this includes fines & penalties – sovereign adjudicated settlements – the Indian claims – farm claims – the larger church groups and so on - all of these groups started being paid out yesterday (Monday)

We are now looking for the Tier 4A – the groups based out west to be notified – and to receive notification – but I really believe that because they are Tier 4A and we are Tier 4B the banks refer to us all as Tier 4 – I believe their notification will come out when we get our toll free number to start setting appointments for our exchanges – in other words I think that release to those groups is going to occur pretty much simultaneously with the release of the 800 number that I am supposed to get

Now, that’s what we don’t know but that we believe is going to be the case - now let’s go further – in terms of yesterday’s start – whew, this is where it gets a little difficult to recover and pick up every single thing I’ve gotten over the last 2-3 days –

We know, we talked about this Tuesday – we know that the Iraqi Dinar revalued their currency and we know that it was traded somewhere in the $3.35 range but was trading upward and was over $5.10 yesterday (Monday)

Now, where is it now? I don’t know- Where’s the Dong?  I don’t think it’s lagging too far behind – because the front screen rate on the Dong is supposed to be between 25 – 40 cents below the Dinar on the front screen rate – I think they’re both going to do just fine – they are both going to get where they need to be – and I believe that is a very positive thing for us –

Trying to think if there was anything else – along those lines – suffice it to say that enough happened yesterday and a lot happened today to where we understand that things are being said – such as – good luck tomorrow – good luck for the rest of your life – what we don’t know guys is “are we as close as it looks”?

You know me – I am very optimistic – I tend to think it’s coming this day or that day – today was one of those days where if everything is accomplished – if we did get those 85 things down to 12 down to 10 down to 2 – down to 1- down to where we’re sitting on movement now happening – really happening - things going forward – I was told by one Treasury source that this could happen at any minute

My personal opinion is - and I’ve been told this by people in the know – that this is a daytime event – that the numbers will come out in the day time – we will set appointments during the day time and we will go in for first exchanges during the day time –

So do I expect it tonight or overnight? No, but is tomorrow in play? Very much so - We know that the intent is for us to complete this with Tier 4B that’s us – the internet group – by the end of the month – which is 9 days from tomorrow – the 29th since we have a leap year this year  -

That’s 9 days – to get in all the Zim and the rest of the currency is not as crucial but obviously they want to bring it in too – and so I’m going to say it’s kind of important that they get this thing started - if we are to have 8-9 days to bring in the Zim

I know some of you think well gee  it would not take that long maybe 4-5 days – well, maybe you’re right – some areas and some states you could bring it all in in 4-5 days – Don’t try to do that in Florida though – Florida has by far almost double  the Zim holders as the next closest state which is Texas –

So, yeah, if you are in Florida, set your appointments – if you’re in the hospital or if you’re on a cruise this week make sure someone sets an appointment  for you or you set your appointment within a couple of days after the numbers come out

If you do it within the first couple of days the understanding is – this is an “understanding” that you would have up to 90 days to do your redemption of Zim – “UP TO” that is if you have extreme circumstances such as if  you were in the hospital or something like that –

So, obviously, if you’re here – stay here – don’t be leaving on a trip in the next couple of days - I wouldn’t do it – but that’s just me

Everything is pointing toward this could happen at any moment – that we are that far along – finally we’ve seen evidence of things that have been waiting to happen - we learned a few more things today about why Paymasters seem to be paid over and over and over again – and we finally realized why that was and it’s something you wouldn’t imagine – I don’t really want to get in to –

I’ll just say this the Wells Fargo has a major role in this - they are the new Federal Reserve bank for the United States - under our new Restored Republic – they are tied closely with the Treasury also and this is just the way it’s been set up  -

I think we’re going to work with Wells Fargo very closely as our mother lode account bank and move money as we need from that mother lode account – the machines are all out that all redemption centers and Tier 1 banks to stamp out our titanium access cards, I’ll call them,  our titanium cards that give us access to our accounts – mother lode accounts – they also have the ability to stamp out other credit/debit cards at the exchange for us – which will be used to purchase things – the titanium card is not used to purchase something  - it is only used to access the account – the mother lode account at the bank and then move funds from that account  to another bank  -

We’ve talked today about the NDA - you realize that probably you will come back to the bank – that you did your mother lode account with and get back and communicate with them somewhere between 3 days - a week – maybe 10 – somewhere in that range after your exchange appointment so that you can go over the fine tooth aspects of your structured payout –

Make sure you negotiated to your ability the interest rate for your structured payout – the terms of that – all of the fine details that could be overlooked in that initial time with the bank during your exchange – and redemption of the Zim –

You’ll probably be invited to come back in and meet with your private bank individuals to go over the details – and maybe go over the details of what it is you plan to do with your humanitarian projects –

I think that’s about what I was going to bring to you tonight – I think that tells you most of which tonight of what we know – what we don’t know is - are we all set? Is there one more thing or did that do it? We know this morning about 4 am we had that meeting with the Treasuries of China and the US – that effectively started the RV / GCR – that effectively started it – because we’ve got gold backed currencies now that have been agreed to with rates of the US dollar agreed to and I’m sure the China Yuan was agreed to as part of this meeting this morning – that was the final signature or 2-3 signatures that were needed – now it’s just up to the DOD to release the Treasury -  the Treasury releases the banks – the banks release the Paymasters -- and BOOM  --

Oh and one more thing – this is what I was trying to remember before -  we did find that about 50,000 emails went out from Abbott downing yesterday afternoon and I believe another approximately 50,000  emails went out from wealth management offices of Wells Fargo –

This was NOT the 401,163 emails on the Wells Fargo servers we’ve talked to you about - which have the toll free numbers to send out by email - these were customers of Abbott Downing – customers of wealth management for Wells Fargo – that were being notified and spoken to about the currency and about Zim – that’s what that was – these were current customers – VIP’s with Wells and Abbott Downing –

That was unclear yesterday – we clarified it today - and that’s what I’m bringing you tonight - that’s another thing that we know –

So, with that said – I believe you guys are as ready as I can make you - Thank you guys for listening and being here once again -  

Bruce’s Big Call Replay Link – intel begins at 54:25 min mark  

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Bruce’s Big Call Intel Tuesday Night 2-18-2020

.Bruce’s Big Call Intel Tuesday Night 2-18-2020

Call Transcribed by WiserNow Emailed to Recaps

Welcome everybody to The Big Call to night it's Tuesday Feb 18th and you’re listening to the Big Call – thank you for tuning in once again

Let’s talk a little bit about where we are – we’re going to do it a little differently tonight – I’m going to talk in terms of what we know and what we don’t know - What we know is certain things that have happened that have occurred that we have enough evidence to say they have happened – and certain things we don’t know –

Fortunately we have a lot more of what we do know than what we don’t know - but this is an interesting time right now because – Let’s see what we’ve just finished – we just finished our 3 day weekend yesterday – (Monday) with President’s day - and you guys know over the Sunday the Daytona 500 - some of you guys saw that – some of you saw the news clips about it - some of you guys realize that our President and First Lady were there and made a great appearance – at the race –

Bruce’s Big Call Intel Tuesday Night 2-18-2020

Call Transcribed by WiserNow Emailed to Recaps 

Welcome everybody to The Big Call to night it's Tuesday Feb 18th  and you’re listening to the Big Call – thank you for tuning in once again

Let’s talk a little bit about where we are – we’re going to do it a little differently tonight – I’m going to talk in terms of what we know and what we don’t know - What we know is certain things that have happened that have occurred that we have enough evidence to say they have happened – and certain things we don’t know –

Fortunately we have a lot more of what we do know than what we don’t know - but this is an interesting time right now because – Let’s see what we’ve just finished – we just finished our 3 day weekend  yesterday – (Monday)  with President’s day -  and  you guys know over the  Sunday the Daytona 500  - some of you guys saw that – some of you saw the news clips about it  - some of you guys realize that our President and First Lady were there and made a great appearance – at the race –

President Trump was considered the Grand Marshall – He announced the race as in “Gentlemen start your engines” – and there were no women in this race at Daytona – so it was accurate to say gentlemen  start  your engines – and that was cool -  but I tell you  - before that - 

I’m sorry I don’t know the name of the woman that sang the National Anthem - I know she was a core person in – just not sure what branch of the military - Navy or what - all I know is – I have to tell you she did the best job I personally have ever heard on the national Anthem - that is a hard song to sing –

I don’t know if it is over 2 octaves but all I know is she carried it without going into falsetto – she did a beautiful job – I was very impressed with it – very impressed – she hit the notes and stayed on the notes and her tone was perfect – perfect pitch – perfect tone – I just thought it was wonderful – I recorded it and listened to it again I liked it so much - 

So that was a big deal - a big event - you noticed that the President made a victory lap in the Beast -  you say What is the Beast? - That’s the 22,000 lb limo that the President drives around in and the President and First Lady were cruising in the back of the Presidential limo as fit made its way around the inside loop of the track - I knew that was going to happen – I was told about it – it’s highly symbolic – they called it a victory lap at the race - they called it a victory lap on fox – even today –

I think it’s symbolic of two things – I think it was symbolic of the fact that the impeachment trial – you know that he was acquitted of that – that was a victory lap - for that – and I also think it was a victory lap in terms of the gold that was repatriated to our country that was ours that we got back – and we got it all back and accounted for by yesterday afternoon or last night – so that’s one thing that we know –

We know that amount – and it was a significant amount – 422 1/2 metric tons was restored and returned to us –

Now, what’s interesting is that was enough to back our – with what we had already and that was enough to back our dollar – and we know that the dollar – the USN – our new dollar is supposed to be at least 50-60 %  gold backed – I’m not sure we’re 100% but I know we’re highly backed by gold and other precious metals and oil and intellectual property – other things that make our dollar valuable – or will make our new USN dollar very very valuable –

We also heard that as a result of that repatriation that the world was going to go on a Global Gold System – Now we’ve heard – we don’t know this – this goes in the “Do Not Know” column – We don’t know if all 209 countries around the globe – we heard there was representation for those to actually be there with an official person to take part in the fact that we are part of a GGS (Global Gold system)

Was that to happen in Switzerland?  And we heard specifically the town of?? wasn’t  Zurich - ?? let’s just say in Switzerland – there’s supposed to be a get together of representatives of all these countries – I don’t know - that is in my “I don’t know” column - I don’t know if that happened –

I know the President was not there for that - but did he need to be there?  I don’t know – but could Mnuchin ? or Pompeo been there and through that at that time? Maybe – that goes under the “I don’t know” column-

So, we really don’t know whether our USN dollar is actually tradeable or live yet and to be used as our new currency – I know we are very close to that – We needed to have all of that gold repatriated which was done and completed by yesterday – but I don’t know if we’re as far as we need to go – with having that gold to back our dollar to where we can have the USN’s and go live – That’s a question – I think we should be there –

Now, here’s another thing we know – we know the forex updates in the morning – tomorrow – between 2 and 2:15 am – Eastern Standard Time – we are looking for new rates to show on all the currencies that we’re talking about - We believe the front screen bank rates will reflect the forex rates - the back screen rates are another issue entirely – because we know the Chinese Elders wanted us to have the ability to negotiate our rates – not just on some currencies but also the Zim – so we have back screen rates for those –

Now, we – this goes under “Believe I know” - because we’ve been informed by people that speak directly to Iraq and to some Iraqi’s that yes they did revalue their currency on Sunday – today is Tuesday – they had revalued their currency on Sunday – and there should be a new rate showing – but I don’t know if we can see it yet – on the Central Bank of Iraq website –

Now, that goes under the question mark column right now until we get absolute proof that it occurred – I believe it has - by what I’ve been told –

Now, today was supposed to be considered  “Freedom Day”  - today was going to be called – we heard this from several people – Was it Freedom Day ? Was it a day we were to start and get our toll free numbers – and get started setting appointments – I know this much - this morning – more like early afternoon there was a possibility of redemption centers for us to – if we did receive our toll free number - to set our appointments  and get started today – but it didn’t happen did it?

 Now, this goes under the column of “I don’t know” - We know that we have groups that we call the sovereign groups or sovereign accounts – this is the Native American claims – this is the farm claims - this is fines & Penalties - the adjudicated settlements - and some of the other groups like – the large church group - these groups that are considered sovereign groups or sovereign accounts – they fall under Tier 3 –

Have they been completely paid out? This goes into “I don’t know” - I cannot get any confirmation that has occurred - even though we were told that it would occur over this past weekend- that is what we were informed by Thursday or Friday when we did the call – actually I think when I did the call last Thursday – I think we had the impression we were to get the sovereign accounts paid out over the weekend

We also heard that the Tier 4A’s which are the groups that are based out west – the core and then the other groups – the admirals groups - would be paid over the weekend or would be notified to have access to 1% of their funds over the weekend – I have to put a question mark (?) on that –

I do not have that -  I don’t think that occurred - I don’t think it has occurred yet -  and today is Tuesday – So, where does that put us in regards to us receiving our toll free numbers -  there’s information  out – talking about those coming out early in the morning tomorrow (Wednesday) 

I’m not saying they couldn’t – they could but where are the sovereign accounts and where are the Tier 4A’s notifications? – now I’ve heard recently that they want Tier 4A the groups – the groups that went and exchanged already and are waiting for their notifications – I’ve heard that they may go right with us - that we may go when they go - Tier 4A Tier 4B going together – it would not surprise me if that’s what actually happens – because they have not been notified yet –

The Paymasters are upset – they are ready to go - they need the go ahead – the green light to release the notifications to those group members- so that is something that we know that has not happened yet – the release of those emails notifications to the groups –

Now, we know that the Wells Fargo Servers are all set with 401,163 emails unless they’ve added or subtracted since then – that’s ready to be released - and my understanding is Tier 4B the internet group and that is supposed to take place when at the same time I get the toll free number to release it to people that they do not have emails for - which there’s about 24% they estimate of people that don’t have emails for that have been gifted currency –

So that is one thing that we do know – Now, what about clean up on isle 3? Oh yeah – still going – and it’s going – there is a lot happening – even today - through the end of the month and into next month – there’s a lot of clean up to do – and we can’t talk about that – in any detail – as you can imagine – but the question is - Will Dept of Defense and Treasury - will the DOD give the green light to Treasury to give the green light for all of the groups to be notified and to get toll free numbers –

Has enough occurred to where we are prepared to see the green light go into effect for us?  That we do not know – When it gets as quiet as it’s been today - for the most part very quiet - we have to look at that as a good sign – it either means more people are under gag orders - or NDA – and we are just waiting for that to happen but we just can’t tell – what is going on behind the scenes – beyond what we are saying tonight –

On the one hand I feel like we’re obviously as close as we’ve ever been – that’s an understatement - but I do feel a lot of things have occurred – we did not have all the gold repatriated - we did not realize until this weekend that needed to happen - the victory lap that the President took I believe is very symbolic – the Global Gold System - that we are theoretically on - does it need to be announced? Does it need to be brought out “Iraq’s Dinar has been revalued Sunday” – where’s the rate? When are we going to see that?

There’s a lot of questions that we just don’t have the really, really good answers for – and so it’s frustrating – I know you’re frustrated – so am I – I am frustrated because I know that we are very close and you know what?  This is really trying our patience – it’s trying our faith - it’s trying our ability to stay with it – and allow this to happen – allow it to come to us - and that’s what we have to do  - we all have to do that –

Maybe we’ll get a surprise in the morning - maybe we get that – on the other hand maybe we don’t – but I am going to do the very best I can to glean the truth from whatever intel I get – I get a variety of it – let me just try to glean the truth and to take these various pieces and create a new puzzle every day from what we get –

So we are looking for new rates to populate in the morning   2:00 – 2:15 in the morning on Forex – maybe they will reflect on the bank screens tomorrow

We know the redemption centers were prepared today – and will be tomorrow - they are going in earlier tomorrow than today - so maybe – just maybe – it’s quiet for a reason –

I just want to thank everybody for staying with this and staying in the Faith – what other choice do we have - right?  Either step away from The Big Call - step away from blogs – I get that - many have done that and then come back - I get that – But I am just going to suggest that you hang in there with us on The Big Call

Bruce’s  Big Call Replay LINK – intel begins at 51:30 min mark

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Bruce’s Big Call Intel Thursday Night 2-13-2020

.Bruce’s Big Call Intel Thursday Night 2- 13-2020

Call Transcribed by WiserNow Emailed to Recaps

Welcome everybody to The Big Call tonight – it is Thursday Feb 13th and you’re listening to The Big Call – thanks for tuning in everybody yet again - we’ve got a lot to pass onto you tonight – lot of good information and I’m looking forward to it – welcome wherever you are –

Let’s take advantage of what we have to say in the way of intel - let’s start with Iraq – We use to start with Iraq and I think it’s good to do that - Has Iraq come out with a new published rate yet? No they haven’t - They have not - When will they? Will they ever? YES -

Last night – overnight the CBI website started some gyrations - they started to activate – they started to come alive – again – and the good news is - we understand Sunday – Sunday – Sunday - this coming Sunday – we should have a new published Dinar rate on the website – Now, will we see it? Here? In our banks?

Bruce’s Big Call Intel Thursday Night 2- 13-2020

Call Transcribed by WiserNow Emailed to Recaps

Welcome everybody to The Big Call tonight – it is Thursday Feb 13th and you’re listening to The Big Call – thanks for tuning in everybody yet again - we’ve got a lot to pass onto you tonight – lot of good information and I’m looking forward to it – welcome wherever you are –

Let’s take advantage of what we have to say in the way of intel - let’s start with Iraq – We use to start with Iraq and I think it’s good to do that - Has Iraq come out with a new published rate yet?  No they haven’t - They have not - When will they?  Will they ever?  YES - 

Last night – overnight the CBI website started some gyrations - they started to activate – they started to come alive – again – and the good news is - we understand Sunday – Sunday – Sunday - this coming Sunday – we should have a new published Dinar rate on the website – Now, will we see it? Here? In our banks?

Remember our Sunday – our banks are closed – Monday our banks are closed because of Presidents Day -  We have the 3-day weekend – so we will probably be more familiar with it on Tuesday – Now that is a significant day for us I believe –

Now, let’s talk about what else is going on – We were given the understanding that tier 4 notifications to some of the groups – well let’s put it this way – to the core 30 and the additional groups  that are based out west were to be notified as early as noon today (Thursday) - I don’t think we got started with that  -

I think the plan was to get them notified at some time today or tonight – all of these that were notified – group 4A - would have – and I am going to say – will have access to 1% of their total exchange that they have done already – the funds have already been ponied out  (ponied??) – they should have access to 1% -

Now, that is going to continue – that notification of those tier 4A account holders or participants will go probably through the weekend – I don’t think they all are going to get a total blast at one time – I think they will be notified in a pattern – in a way that makes sense

Now, it could take another day – day and a half - 2 days - to get them all notified  - but that is a good sign – that is moving in the right direction – We also know that – we’re getting word out of Zurich that the larger bond transaction – the pachelli’s – the super pachelli’s  (spelling?) - the boxes of bonds – those are supposed to finally transact and pay out through those various trustees this week – meaning the week we are now in -  that would mean Friday or Saturday – they should paid – that’s good that’s really good to have that happen

We know that there are Zim platforms – that there are Zim tabletop meetings that have occurred – that have created liquidity already for tier 3 individuals – and again 1% of those funds have been made available – some of them were all pre negotiated – not like our group – these were “pre” negotiated rates

Now, where does that put us? Where does that take us? Let’s talk for a minute about what is backing our new currency – our USN or as I use to say – and still say – USTN – United States Treasury Notes - because I believe that’s what the notes are going to say – that is what our money is going to say –

Now, those new notes – our new money -  is to be asset backed – a certain percentage will be gold backed -  so what has been happening and is continuing to happen through the weekend is that the gold that is backing our currency is being repatriated from other places – Let’s just leave it like that

It’s coming in – President Trump has been very good at trying to get what is ours back to us and that should finish  up around 4 o clock or so on Saturday –

Now, that’s a very good thing because it is the gold that’s going to back our currency and give it the most value – and you know what’s going to happen is there will  be – I believe – over the weekend a global gold standard achieved

We’ll see if we find out about it – we’ll see if we get any word on it tomorrow or Saturday but it will be a big deal – a global gold standard that all countries are going on – this is part of Global Currency Reset or GCR as we call it –


Now, we have a lot of activity happening with the Tier 3’s – Tier 4A’s over the weekend – I mentioned the 3 day weekend – there is still clean up on isle 3 taking place -  and it will continue on - 

I believe when we get the Tier 4A’s notified – when they can come in - some will not need to come in the banks – some of them will – we’re are all going to have a biometric card – is what they’re calling it – a titanium card that we use when we’re going to our master / mother lode account – and we’ll use that in conjunction with a thumb print / a biometric thumb print reader – and a card to scan –

We no longer need a password to remember – but we will have a titanium card that is not used to  purchase with – only to access the mother lode account and to move funds / migrate funds from one bank to another bank when we feel that is necessary

That is the only reason we will use the titanium card – try not to confuse that titanium access card – let’s call it an “access” card with a platinum or black debit card – remember they are separate things

The titanium card will be used – it will have a reader – it will read the chip and get the information from the chip on the card and it will be used for us to “access” the mother lode account and NO ONE – not even the banker will see the amount on the screen unless you decide that you want the banker to see your account information – that is completely up to you – there is no reason why the banker should know

After this all goes down and you’ve done your exchanges – you’ve done your redemption of your Zim – just to let you know – it’s for your eyes only - and you’re going to want to keep that titanium card in a  very very safe location- and where you remember where it is

It’s not like losing your keys – this is something you have to have to access that master account – now we will get all of that at the time of the exchange and redemptions or you’ll get that on a follow up visit in a day or so after you do your exchange –

What else is new that we need to talk about? Let’s talk about a question you might be asked during your redemption appointment – you could be asked – Do you intend to make a profit from your projects? Do you intend to make a profit from your projects?  Answer it honestly –

If your projects are set up as “for profit” business for you let them know – if not – let them know – No, I don’t intend to make a profit on these humanitarian projects –

If you don’t intend – it would give you a little more leverage in deciding what your annual percentage rate of return might be on your long term structured payout – up to 25 years – they dropped the 50 and 100 year and all that – I think the max they are saying we can do is 25 years – on a structured payout

My intention is to take that as interest paid quarterly –

Another thing you might want to know is – determine what percentage of your exchanges – especially if you are a Zim holder - what percentage do you plan to use for personal vs humanitarian projects

Now realistically if you are a Zim holder you should be in the 10% range 10-12 max for personal use – you should be – if you are doing any humanitarian projects – let the mother lode be for humanitarian projects

I’ve told you guys I don’t expect to touch the mother lode account – I’m expecting the interest that it earns to go into a separate spill over account – held by the same institution – that’s my plan -- that I will access the interest as I need it every quarter for my projects –

Any other currencies that I might have would be considered personal - I plan to use the Zim as a God Fund – if you will - for humanitarian projects – I’ll just say it that way – and I could use all of it – or 95-98 % of it- whatever –

Now, how much money are you going to need in the first 90 days? They’re going to want to know that – How much do you need to set aside – that you will actually use over the next 90 days?  You need to think in terms of your personal needs and think in terms of your project needs and try to come up with a number and let them know that because that amount would come out right away -  that amount you would have access to in the first couple of days -

You will have a debit / credit card at the time of your exchange- they’ll put pretty good numbers on it – I think 100 / 200 / 300 thousand – maybe all the way to half a million dollars on that card

My intention is to not really use a debit card as much as it is to use a credit card and just pay it off by clock work every month- and I might ask the bank – I’m sure I can arrange this if they can just take it and debit from my account and pay any of my credit card bills prior the due every month automatically – I’m going to ask them to do that – I think they can arrange that

Let’s see, what else? I think in negotiating your rate – you need to take a look at the amount you’re going to end up with – especially if you’re a Zim holder - see the numbers – you guys know what I generally told you – the minimum / maximum on the rates – if you are a project holder – you’ve done a really good job with your presentation – you have a chance of negotiating the rate higher – if you don’t have any intention of doing any projects – just want to get this done and live your life without being involved – then any projects – you’re looking at a minimum  rate -That’s what you’re looking at

You need to decide how much interest do I want this money to earn? They will give you a range – an idea – it will be somewhere between 2% maybe as high as 9 % per year – paid quarterly - you can do the math – If I said I would like 8% - that’s 2% per quarter – easy math – based on whatever amount goes in the spillover account – and then you take the money from the spillover account and you put that in the various trusts – that you have set up to actually do the work of the projects – to pay for the projects –

Now, I will say one thing right now about veterans – there are a lot of people that are helping veterans -  and doing a good job already – there are people who are building homes for veterans – that’s one thing that we are going to do – not only with our VRN – and Rebuild America – they sort of cross over there -  but if you are a veteran – it doesn’t matter from what service – what year – how old – whatever – if you are a veteran – and you can fog a mirror – you could have a job – you can be hired – at a good rate of pay – doing something – whatever it is you’re gifted at – whatever you are talented at – if you say infantry – I’m saying we can translate that into something else – you know – we’ll see –

We’ve got plans - basically in my opinion – Bob – and anyone else who hears this call – if you can fog a mirror – you can have a job – there’s nobody out there who’s a veteran who should not be employed – So we’re going to help that happen

I’m very concerned about the fact that our President is doing such a good job for our economy that we have such a low unemployment rate at  3.5 or 3.6 % unemployment that’s way past full employment which is usually around 5% - You know there’s not that many people that do not have jobs and we’re going to have to train people – cross train people with our apprentice program – our mentorship program for the kids and apprentice ship program tied to Rebuild America -

I’m very excited about what we’re seeing right now in the way of movement – we’re finally seeing it move in the right direction -  we know the plan that is set before us – we know that those of us in Tier 4B – the internet group are looking at next week and I think we can look forward to having a great weekend with President’s Day  and maybe we find out something about what’s going on from a currency point of view or a global gold system point of view – and we’ll just see what else might come through for us but I really believe that we’re getting just about to the finish line – we’re not quite there yet

Tier 4A’s are going ahead of us – that’s fine  ok – Tier 3’s are going gangbusters right now – and I’m looking forward to being a part of that group just like you are –

Thank you everybody for listening and have a great weekend -


Bruce’s Big Call Replay LINK    intel begins at 51:54 min mark

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Bruce’s Big Call Intel Tuesday Night 2-11-20

.Bruce’s Big Call Intel Tuesday Night 2- 11-2020

Call Transcribed by WiserNow Emailed to Recaps

Welcome everybody to The Big Call – it is Tuesday February 11 – and you’re listening to the Big Call and we thank everybody for tuning in – here we are once again and we’re looking forward to having a great call with you tonight

Ok let’s get into what has been happening and sort of recap where we are on our intel portion – So, let’s just start this way – We’ve had – first of all I want to say – I understood and I did not hear it - but I understood that Okie did a call on Sunday with Blondie and Texas Snake – who I don’t know – I don’t know either of those two - but I am glad that Okie is back – and I’m glad that we had something to do with that – with the kickstarter campaign we had to raise money so Okie could have stem cell injected and get back with the living –

Now, I know he is not out of the woods yet but I understand he has been home for a while - that’s good - and I am just thrilled that he is back in with the intel community and trying to find out what he can find out and so I am just glad that Okie who was one who was really early in this whole thing – primarily with Iraq back in the days – in the old days - I’m part of that because I’ve been in it 15 years – 16 coming up

Bruce’s Big Call Intel Tuesday Night 2- 11-20

Call Transcribed by WiserNow Emailed to Recaps

Welcome everybody to The Big Call – it is Tuesday February 11 – and you’re listening to the Big Call and we thank everybody for tuning in – here we are once again and we’re looking forward to having a great call with you tonight

Ok let’s get into what has been happening and sort of recap where we are on our intel portion – So, let’s just start this way – We’ve had – first of all I want to say – I  understood  and I did not hear it - but I understood that Okie did a call on Sunday with Blondie and Texas Snake – who I don’t know – I don’t know either of those two - but I am glad that Okie is back – and I’m glad that we had something to do with that – with the kickstarter campaign we had to raise money so Okie could have stem cell injected and get back with the living –

Now, I know he is not out of the woods yet but I understand he has been home for a while -  that’s good -  and I am just thrilled that he is back in with the intel community and trying to find out what he can find out and so I am just glad that Okie who was one who was really early in this whole thing – primarily with Iraq back in the days – in the old days - I’m part of that because I’ve been in it 15 years – 16 coming up

So Okie was one of the early pioneers in this and I’m just glad he’s back with us and I’m glad we have something to do with that – I am proud of all of you – really for caring enough about him to give to his campaign to keep him alive – that’s what it amounted to – so thank you for that –

What I’ve been getting is - yesterday - which was Monday the redemption centers are getting at 2 o’clock their final briefing - “final briefing” - from 2 – 5:15 PM – Now, that should have been occurring all over the country at redemption centers –

Today, (Tuesday) starting at 10 am in the morning, the redemption – this is for the banks and redemption centers -This was Tier 1 – Tier 2 – Tier 3 and Tier4 banks - all of the banks – okay – Got final instructions today – at 10 AM - that was by email and believe it or not also Fax - By email and fax the final instructions were given at 10AM this morning Eastern Standard Time –

Noe, that should be significant to us -  the fact that all banks have received their final instructions and the fact that yesterday the redemption centers and Tier 1 banks  have got their final briefing for a little over 3 hours – that put us in a position to be able to get started anytime now –

We know that the Dubai 1 account was to fund the Core Group that’s based out west - We know that Dubai 2 is to fund the rest of the Admirals groups –

We know that the Tier 3 was to be funded - all of these were to start in some form or fashion today – this morning – Now, I can say this – I believe we have some evidence of Tier 3 exchanges going on with some of our legislators today – and protection for them today - and I think that’s  what would be expected – as part of Tier 3 – that was happening in a big way –

So, Where are we???? Where is Tier 4 A??? – I think what I heard is that Tier 4A should get access to 2% of their funds due to their previous exchanges – they have already done - They should have access to 2% of that at about the same time that we could get notified for us – in that case Tier 4A and Tier 4B would be going almost together – at the same time -They are supposed to have access to it tomorrow mid to late morning-

Now, does that mean we have a start tomorrow mid – late morning? It could be – It could be that’s when we get notifications – on the other hand we don’t know it – it’s not absolute – I have not been given that heads up exactly – that that would be the case - but you know what? I may not get that heads until right before those numbers become available –

I have heard from another source entirely that this will be a week for us like no other – Now, I know we’ve heard things like that in the past – I’ve heard – this is one thing that is on the expression list with the line through it - “This is the week” - this is another one – “This is our week” - yeah, all of these things that we’ve heard that are going to be deleted from our vocabulary in the future – I can just tell you maybe this is a week like no other – It could very well be – we’re not quite half way through it – tomorrow would be the halfway point –

I will say this too - we have heard – you guys remember Kuwait – revalued their Kuwait dinar on a Wednesday – My understanding is Iraq wanted this to go for them to revalue on a Wednesday – Just saying

The other thing is we have heard that the Forex will  update their rates tomorrow morning  between 2 & 2:30 in the morning – and we understand that the Iraqi Dinar will be one of those which will  update to a new rate

Now, we’ve had their rates updated and on screens before but whatever they come up with the Iraqi Dinar rate it could affect obviously the rate of the Dong which has been agreed to already and it could affect some other rate –

Some of them in a way are tied to the Dinar – We know the Dong is supposed to be on the front screen now – on the front screens in the bank – no more than 25 – 40 cents lower than the Dinar – and we believe the Iranian Rial was supposed to be 25 - 40 cents lower than the Dong - So we will see how those come out  - we’ll see how they actually come out on the front screen –

We know that we are the only group – and the Chinese Elders set it  up this way – that we would be the ones who could privately negotiate our rates – all of the other rates so far in the groups Tier 2 Tier 2 Tier 3  and even Tier 4A have been fixed rates – pre negotiated or pre agreed on rates –

We are the only ones with the internet group that have the ability to negotiate their rates – Now, we can negotiate within a certain framework – we know that we have some longitude and latitude on how we negotiate these rates and some of it depends on how well you come across at your redemption center meeting and how strong you appear with your projects and what they look like and what they’re going to require –

No one in this group should be intimidated by going in and sitting down and having a really valuable session with the banks – I can tell you that the DVD that we’re going to watch - a friend of mine saw that DVD and basically knew everything that was going to be on it already – before he actually saw it – Because he was familiar with The Big Call and familiar with everything we have talked about

So, I think if you’re a regular Big Call listener when you see the DVD you’re going to be nodding your head and saying “yep I got that”  “yep I knew that”  “he said that on the call”  - you’ll just kind of acknowledge that  you are aware of what they will be playing on that DVD

Now, there’s one thing I have not talked about that I understand was on that DVD – and that is that when we go in and talk about our projects – they will have an opportunity with the algorithm – which searches for key words and so on after the exchanges are done – let’s say 4 or 5 - a week to ten days after the exchange – you could get called back into talk about your project – Now why would that be?

They will see evidently by comparing the algorithms from all the different projects that have been talked about – they will see whether there is too much duplication in any one project area - and that made me think – what about the thousands of people that want to do something with us on The Big Call regarding “Rebuild America”  or possibly regarding  the Veterans Retreat Network –

Well, I can tell you – here’s how I think we should handle that – it’s quite possible you could go in there and just say well I’m going to be working with some guys that have put together something called “Rebuild America” – That would be okay –

But what you need to let them know is – if you want to be a part of that – let’s say you are in Albuquerque – let’s say you’re in San Francisco – Let’s say you are in San Diego – or you’re in Phoenix – or another town – or another city- What you want to know is – What I do with Rebuild America is applicable to you in another city – another town - in another community across this country - and what I’m trying to do is to set up a plan whereby you will see what I am going to do in certain areas of the country – certain cities I’ll pick – certain towns - that I’ll choose – and what I’m going to do is create a template – a to do 1-2-3-4 -5 all the way down the list of how I’m going to approach it

So, what I’m asking you guys to do – we’re not going to be partners in a legal sense – but I think you could think of yourself as a n affiliate – as being affiliated with  “Rebuild America”  because you’re going to be doing basically - if you wish – all your choice – you’re going to be doing basically the same thing in your city – your town – or your community that you choose that we’re going to be doing in a town or city that I choose – We will let you know more about that as it comes out –

What I really want you guys to do after this goes and you walk out of the redemption center a new person basically – I want you to go pay your debts off – I want  you to have a little fun – do a little shopping – I want you to maybe take a little vacation - all of these things that you haven’t been able to do because of lack of funds – I want you to enjoy it - It could take you 2 weeks – 3 weeks – a month  2-3 months – whatever it takes for you  - that’s fine – we’re going to be going to work behind the scenes putting things together – we have to do the same things that  you do – we have to get with our attorneys- CPA’s - our bank personnel - whoever that is – if we need to move some money or open a new account – whatever we need to do for our structures - whether we’re using LLC’s or trusts – or whatever we’re using we need to create all of that and get it together –

From here to end more talk is about Bruce and his personal projects –  not Dinar Intel - not transcribed –

I want you guys to be prepared and I wanted you to know that we are very, very close – let’s just see what happens for the balance of the next couple of days and see if it comes through for us - I really believe we are about as far as we can go without having it – so let’s see how it goes - Have a great night everyone

 Bruce’s Big Call Replay LINK     intel begins at 36:40 min mark

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Bruce’s Big Call Intel Thursday Night 2- 6-20

.Bruce’s Big Call Intel Thursday Night 2- 6-20

Call Transcribed by WiserNow Emailed to Recaps

Welcome everybody to The Big Call tonight - it is Thursday February 6th and you’re listening to The Big Call – Thanks everybody for tuning in again and we’re glad that you’re here wherever you are listening whether it’s North America, Big Call Country, as we call it or whether it’s all around the globe

Let’s go ahead and talk a little bit about where we believe we are in terms of our currency situation  - This is one of those times when today we were getting  a (spattering??) of various types of information and they were sort of scattered all over the place to be perfectly honest with you –

We had a clear cut understanding yesterday (Wednesday) after President Trump was acquitted and after that vote took place and was completed at 4:37 PM Eastern Standard Time that things were going to start rolling even as early as 15-20 minutes after the votes - and when I say rolling we had heard that the go ahead would be given by Treasury and DOD to get things started –

Bruce’s Big Call Intel Thursday Night 2- 6-20

Call Transcribed by WiserNow Emailed to Recaps

Welcome everybody to The Big Call tonight - it is Thursday February 6th and you’re listening to The Big Call – Thanks everybody for tuning in again and we’re glad that you’re here wherever you are listening whether it’s North America, Big Call Country, as we call it or whether it’s all around the globe

Let’s go ahead and talk a little bit about where we believe we are in terms of our currency situation  - This is one of those times when today we were getting  a (spattering??) of various types of information and they were sort of scattered all over the place to be perfectly honest with you –

We had a clear cut understanding yesterday (Wednesday) after President Trump was acquitted and after that vote took place and was completed at 4:37 PM Eastern Standard Time that things were going to start rolling even as early as 15-20 minutes after the votes - and when I say rolling we had heard that the go ahead would be given by Treasury and DOD to get things started –

Now, what has happened since then is a little difficult to know because even this morning we heard that at 10 am this morning Eastern Time notifications were to start to go out and we assumed this of course meant tier 4A’s and we did not know whether tier 4B’s - that’s us – the internet group - would be part of that yet

We kind of get the impression 4A’s because they did this 6 or 7 years ago would get started before we started – so we will see if that happens – Right now we’re looking for those notifications though to still come through - 

We’ve heard one source say  that they expect the notifications to go out before noon tomorrow (Friday) – We’ve heard other people say that the  week before us is the week to complete the tier 4’s of A & B - when I say complete – I mean initiate – not only get the notifications out but the exchanges and redemptions of Zim started –

Now, does that mean we get nothing between now and Monday? Not necessarily – another source – a very good source in New York is talking about things happening overnight tonight (Thursday)

Now, we also heard that notifications could come as many as 4 different phases – I’m not quite sure how to interrupt that – I just want to see – like you guys want to see some movement for tier 4A’s & B’s

We know tiers 1, 2, 3, are complete- they’re set – We know people are doing Zim table top meetings but we know – which is good  but we know they have not yet been paid but they’re going to be told when they are to receive funds –

When are they going to receive those notifications?  Your guess is as good as mine – it could be overnight – it could be tomorrow – who knows when it is?

The point is there is action happening – there’s things happening behind the scenes – Paymasters are ready to go with funds in their accounts – ready to begin payout with groups – Group Leaders are being summoned out west to come together and get ready for everything to get started – It’s  just all moving – It’s moving –

Now, what about the global collateral accounts? Have those started yet? Have they begun? We understood they were supposed to start last night – I don’t believe they have begun funding at this time – but that could be something that happens overnight tonight – It’s sort of a, guys, a day by day basis – absolutely one day at a time –

I want you guys to understand I’m on top of it – I’m getting the best information that’s out there – and sometimes it doesn’t make it in time to give you a really good assessment of where we are by the time the call comes around – The Big Call –

So, I’m here to say things are in motion – We have heard some things that talk about everything opening up overnight tonight –

We’re hearing things about getting scheduling sometime tomorrow for next week – but at this point I don’t have that - I don’t know exactly what it is –

We know that the redemption centers have their schedules for the next 10-15 days in some cases but we don’t know exactly when the start is going to be – and you know what guys?  They don’t want us to know when it starts – They want it to be a surprise –

Well, if you’re like me – this is the kind of surprise you really don’t like – ha ha ha - this kind of surprise we could do without - We’ll just take it straight forward – We’ll take the information and the notification  when it comes and we’ll act on it - That’s what we’re going to do - That’s what I’m going to do

So, I can say this  - the President is vindicated  - he did a great job on his hour and half speech today I was able to catch – and you know, we are ready to rock & roll - He’s talking infrastructure – we know that infrastructure is part of the plan moving forward

We know that they have funds coming from the exchanges, meaning coming primarily from platforms like Zim platforms - bond platforms - some of which will go to pay for the infrastructure and we are ready to get it going - We are ready to get started –

My understanding was we were to get going pretty soon after President Trump was released or acquitted – ok – and that has taken place  - so we’re just sitting here waiting – ready and waiting – I’m going to say I will tune in and of course I usually find out stuff between our calls –

Thanks everybody for listening tonight and we appreciate your faithfulness  to The Big Call  - This is one of those nights when I don’t have specifics as far as the timing – it was a little more general but I’m on it and we’ll be letting you know what those are

Have a great night tonight everybody – let’s have a great weekend and see how this thing comes together for us – alright – God Bless you –


Bruce’s Big Call Replay Link – Intel begins 59:35 min mark

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Bruce’s Big Call Intel Tuesday Night 2-4-2020

Bruce’s Big Call Intel Tuesday Night 2-4-2020

Call Transcribed by WiserNow Emailed to Recaps

Welcome everybody to The Big Call tonight - it is Tuesday February 4th and you’re listening to The Big Call – We’ve started The Big Call about 5 minutes early tonight because we wanted to try to get into it and get through it so everybody can listen to the State of the Union Address as much as they are able – so we are going to do an unusually short call tonight

I want to remind everybody that we do feel like we are very, very close to this going  - one reason we are moving this call along a little bit is I want as many people to see the State of the Union Address as possible live –

What we are seeing is we had an opportunity to go either today or tomorrow (Wed) – it was put out very simply to me the times in late morning for both – so we don’t have -- obviously today was not our day and that puts the emphasis on tomorrow – (Wed)

Bruce’s Big Call Intel Tuesday Night 2-4-2020

Call Transcribed by WiserNow Emailed to Recaps

Welcome everybody to The Big Call tonight - it is Tuesday February 4th and you’re listening to The Big Call – We’ve started The Big Call about 5 minutes early tonight because we wanted to try to get into it and get through it so everybody can listen to the State of the Union Address as much as they are able – so we are going to do an unusually short call tonight

I want to remind everybody that we do feel like we are very, very close to this going  - one reason we are moving this call along a little bit is I want as many people to see the State of the Union Address as possible live –

What we are seeing is we had an opportunity to go either today or tomorrow (Wed) – it was put out very simply to me the times in late morning for both – so we don’t have -- obviously today was not our day and that puts the emphasis on tomorrow – (Wed)

We had heard that we needed to go either right before or right after SOTU Address and obviously we are not going right before because it’s in process now and the idea of going right after probably means tomorrow morning – late morning is the time frame I’ve been given

The main thing is the tier 4A’s have not yet received their information / notification – I understand from one individual today that they should receive their notifications tomorrow and the paymaster should release those funds tomorrow evening –

We need to be notified in the morning and which case we should get things underway for ourselves –possibly 1 1/2 hrs to 2 hrs after the phone numbers come out - meaning toll free number comes out to me - so all I can tell you is the redemption staff will be in tomorrow at 10:15 in the morning and I think they are going to be prepared for a late morning start for setting appointments for us

Rates are continuing to climb as the Dinar did come back up on the screen – we heard that from our Forex contact – and rates are continuing to come in to play and go up – up – up - we’re going to have no trouble with the rates we wanted to have

So to wrap around the intel like I said - the indication was that we had either today or tomorrow for this to go – and with these were suggestions from several sources – now we’re at the point where we are looking for something to move after the SOTU –

Now will anything happen overnight? Possibly – it could be that there’s some funding – some emails may go out – my theory is everything is going to start at the same time for tier 4A as it does for tier 4B – and that should be late morning – tomorrow (Wednesday)

There’s not a whole lot to tell when you’re at the end of the ride -  that’s pretty much where we are – alright, just to let  you know - I want everybody to catch the SOTU Address – be looking for – if President Trump has not mentioned it already - at this time – be looking for language such as spending trillions of dollars on infrastructure – that’s a key line that he’s going to supposedly say - which could possibly be sort of a trigger for the GCR to take place globally –

So everything is stationed – and ready to go – there are arrests that are continuing – there is some what I call pick  up / drop off / clean up on isle 3 continuing and will continue – but we are a a good high level for that to occur now

Other than that guys I say stay tuned and pay attention – have a good night tonight - Thank you for listening to our abbreviated call tonight - Good Night everybody  

 Bruce’s Big Call Replay Link -- Intel begins at 16:08 min mark

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