Bruce’s Big Call Intel Thursday Night 2- 6-20

Bruce’s Big Call Intel Thursday Night 2- 6-20

Call Transcribed by WiserNow Emailed to Recaps

Welcome everybody to The Big Call tonight - it is Thursday February 6th and you’re listening to The Big Call – Thanks everybody for tuning in again and we’re glad that you’re here wherever you are listening whether it’s North America, Big Call Country, as we call it or whether it’s all around the globe

Let’s go ahead and talk a little bit about where we believe we are in terms of our currency situation  - This is one of those times when today we were getting  a (spattering??) of various types of information and they were sort of scattered all over the place to be perfectly honest with you –

We had a clear cut understanding yesterday (Wednesday) after President Trump was acquitted and after that vote took place and was completed at 4:37 PM Eastern Standard Time that things were going to start rolling even as early as 15-20 minutes after the votes - and when I say rolling we had heard that the go ahead would be given by Treasury and DOD to get things started –

Now, what has happened since then is a little difficult to know because even this morning we heard that at 10 am this morning Eastern Time notifications were to start to go out and we assumed this of course meant tier 4A’s and we did not know whether tier 4B’s - that’s us – the internet group - would be part of that yet

We kind of get the impression 4A’s because they did this 6 or 7 years ago would get started before we started – so we will see if that happens – Right now we’re looking for those notifications though to still come through - 

We’ve heard one source say  that they expect the notifications to go out before noon tomorrow (Friday) – We’ve heard other people say that the  week before us is the week to complete the tier 4’s of A & B - when I say complete – I mean initiate – not only get the notifications out but the exchanges and redemptions of Zim started –

Now, does that mean we get nothing between now and Monday? Not necessarily – another source – a very good source in New York is talking about things happening overnight tonight (Thursday)

Now, we also heard that notifications could come as many as 4 different phases – I’m not quite sure how to interrupt that – I just want to see – like you guys want to see some movement for tier 4A’s & B’s

We know tiers 1, 2, 3, are complete- they’re set – We know people are doing Zim table top meetings but we know – which is good  but we know they have not yet been paid but they’re going to be told when they are to receive funds –

When are they going to receive those notifications?  Your guess is as good as mine – it could be overnight – it could be tomorrow – who knows when it is?

The point is there is action happening – there’s things happening behind the scenes – Paymasters are ready to go with funds in their accounts – ready to begin payout with groups – Group Leaders are being summoned out west to come together and get ready for everything to get started – It’s  just all moving – It’s moving –

Now, what about the global collateral accounts? Have those started yet? Have they begun? We understood they were supposed to start last night – I don’t believe they have begun funding at this time – but that could be something that happens overnight tonight – It’s sort of a, guys, a day by day basis – absolutely one day at a time –

I want you guys to understand I’m on top of it – I’m getting the best information that’s out there – and sometimes it doesn’t make it in time to give you a really good assessment of where we are by the time the call comes around – The Big Call –

So, I’m here to say things are in motion – We have heard some things that talk about everything opening up overnight tonight –

We’re hearing things about getting scheduling sometime tomorrow for next week – but at this point I don’t have that - I don’t know exactly what it is –

We know that the redemption centers have their schedules for the next 10-15 days in some cases but we don’t know exactly when the start is going to be – and you know what guys?  They don’t want us to know when it starts – They want it to be a surprise –

Well, if you’re like me – this is the kind of surprise you really don’t like – ha ha ha - this kind of surprise we could do without - We’ll just take it straight forward – We’ll take the information and the notification  when it comes and we’ll act on it - That’s what we’re going to do - That’s what I’m going to do

So, I can say this  - the President is vindicated  - he did a great job on his hour and half speech today I was able to catch – and you know, we are ready to rock & roll - He’s talking infrastructure – we know that infrastructure is part of the plan moving forward

We know that they have funds coming from the exchanges, meaning coming primarily from platforms like Zim platforms - bond platforms - some of which will go to pay for the infrastructure and we are ready to get it going - We are ready to get started –

My understanding was we were to get going pretty soon after President Trump was released or acquitted – ok – and that has taken place  - so we’re just sitting here waiting – ready and waiting – I’m going to say I will tune in and of course I usually find out stuff between our calls –

Thanks everybody for listening tonight and we appreciate your faithfulness  to The Big Call  - This is one of those nights when I don’t have specifics as far as the timing – it was a little more general but I’m on it and we’ll be letting you know what those are

Have a great night tonight everybody – let’s have a great weekend and see how this thing comes together for us – alright – God Bless you –


Bruce’s Big Call Replay Link – Intel begins 59:35 min mark


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