Bruce’s Big Call Intel Tuesday Night 2-4-2020
Bruce’s Big Call Intel Tuesday Night 2-4-2020
Call Transcribed by WiserNow Emailed to Recaps
Welcome everybody to The Big Call tonight - it is Tuesday February 4th and you’re listening to The Big Call – We’ve started The Big Call about 5 minutes early tonight because we wanted to try to get into it and get through it so everybody can listen to the State of the Union Address as much as they are able – so we are going to do an unusually short call tonight
I want to remind everybody that we do feel like we are very, very close to this going - one reason we are moving this call along a little bit is I want as many people to see the State of the Union Address as possible live –
What we are seeing is we had an opportunity to go either today or tomorrow (Wed) – it was put out very simply to me the times in late morning for both – so we don’t have -- obviously today was not our day and that puts the emphasis on tomorrow – (Wed)
We had heard that we needed to go either right before or right after SOTU Address and obviously we are not going right before because it’s in process now and the idea of going right after probably means tomorrow morning – late morning is the time frame I’ve been given
The main thing is the tier 4A’s have not yet received their information / notification – I understand from one individual today that they should receive their notifications tomorrow and the paymaster should release those funds tomorrow evening –
We need to be notified in the morning and which case we should get things underway for ourselves –possibly 1 1/2 hrs to 2 hrs after the phone numbers come out - meaning toll free number comes out to me - so all I can tell you is the redemption staff will be in tomorrow at 10:15 in the morning and I think they are going to be prepared for a late morning start for setting appointments for us
Rates are continuing to climb as the Dinar did come back up on the screen – we heard that from our Forex contact – and rates are continuing to come in to play and go up – up – up - we’re going to have no trouble with the rates we wanted to have
So to wrap around the intel like I said - the indication was that we had either today or tomorrow for this to go – and with these were suggestions from several sources – now we’re at the point where we are looking for something to move after the SOTU –
Now will anything happen overnight? Possibly – it could be that there’s some funding – some emails may go out – my theory is everything is going to start at the same time for tier 4A as it does for tier 4B – and that should be late morning – tomorrow (Wednesday)
There’s not a whole lot to tell when you’re at the end of the ride - that’s pretty much where we are – alright, just to let you know - I want everybody to catch the SOTU Address – be looking for – if President Trump has not mentioned it already - at this time – be looking for language such as spending trillions of dollars on infrastructure – that’s a key line that he’s going to supposedly say - which could possibly be sort of a trigger for the GCR to take place globally –
So everything is stationed – and ready to go – there are arrests that are continuing – there is some what I call pick up / drop off / clean up on isle 3 continuing and will continue – but we are a a good high level for that to occur now
Other than that guys I say stay tuned and pay attention – have a good night tonight - Thank you for listening to our abbreviated call tonight - Good Night everybody
Bruce’s Big Call Replay Link -- Intel begins at 16:08 min mark
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 1-9-25
Transcribed By WiserNow Emailed To Recaps
Welcome everybody to the big call tonight. It is Thursday, January 9TH and you're listening to the big call. Welcome everybody that's within the sound of my voice. Thank you. Big call universe for tuning in again, all over the place, literally, in countries that the United States does not own or control. Yet, who knows, right? Still early – ha ha just teasing. Well, thank you guys for tuning in, yet again, let's, let's open up the call with a word of prayer.
All right, let us get into the so called Intel segment. So this is, this is where we are today. You know, we did Tuesday nights call, and I got a little information. I put Intel out that I really thought was pretty solid for Wednesday or Thursday. Then we heard that we would have notifications today or tomorrow. So I'll get back into that in a minute. But what was going on?