Bruce’s Big Call Intel Thursday Night 1-30-2020

.Bruce’s Big Call Intel Thursday Night 1- 30-2020

Call Transcribed by WiserNow Emailed to Recaps

Welcome everybody to The Big Call tonight- it is Thursday January 30th and you’re listening to The Big Call - thanks for coming in on this Thursday night and we are jacked up and ready for a really good call tonight – I’m excited and I’ve got some good stuff to share with you – We’re going to have a good call tonight and I’m looking forward to it

Let’s get into the intel portion that we want to do - there are definitely some things we have to talk about that are important –

Now, there are so many different aspects of this – this is definitely a moving target – and Sue and her saying – it is like watching paint dry or watching grass grow - it has been very slow – But we also know that things are happening to make all of this to come together for us behind the scenes

Bruce’s Big Call Intel Thursday Night 1- 30-2020

Call Transcribed by WiserNow Emailed to Recaps

Welcome everybody to The Big Call tonight- it is Thursday January 30th and you’re listening to The Big Call - thanks for coming in on this Thursday night and we are jacked up and ready for a really good call tonight – I’m excited and I’ve got some good stuff to share with you – We’re going to have a good call tonight and I’m looking forward to it

Let’s get into the intel portion that we want to do - there are definitely some things we have to talk about that are important –

Now, there are so many different aspects of this – this is definitely a moving target – and Sue and her saying – it is like watching paint dry or watching grass grow - it has been very slow – But we also know that things are happening to make all of this to come together for us behind the scenes

Now, what is significant I think now is that we’ve got, as of midnight tonight, (thurs) the start of the USA Corporation – the USA Inc going away - starts at midnight tonight, Thursday night, and it completes about 24 hours later – which is midnight 01 Friday night – realize at midnight 01 – 1 minute after midnight is actually Saturday morning – ok –

That’s when the transition to the new Restored Republic of the United States of America is to occur – Between midnight tonight and 12:01 AM Saturday morning – Let’s call it 24 hours alright - or we can call it 24 hours and 1 minute

During this time, additionally, during the same time – that started a little earlier like 5 or 5:30 PM this afternoon we are transitioning out of the USD fiat dollar – transitioning out of fiat dollar to the gold backed dollar, the USN - I sometimes refer to it as USTN – United States Treasury Notes - that transition is taking place 5-5:30 PM today, Thursday all the way through till Saturday at 5:30 PM

So by Saturday at 12:01 AM we will have essentially in place a Restored Republic of the United States of America – and that same day, Saturday, later in the evening, 5:30 – 6:00 PM the transition to the new USN will have been made complete

Those are two huge- huge things - that are occurring before we get started

In addition to that – let’s go back and see what’s happening with the other things that have occurred this week - we did get yesterday the final official ceremonial signing of the USMCA - that was big – that happened yesterday (Wed) –

We had President Trump bring out the new Israeli – Palestinian Peace Accord Plan and offer that – that was very effective – a beautiful Plan that might need a little bit of work but it’s still been (still being?) pro_ _ _ ed? (propped? prompted?)   by the President - which was very very important and big –

We believe – and you guys have to check me on this – I believe Brexit is supposed to take place on Saturday or by Saturday which is also very important

These events, as you know, we had the first phase of the China Trade Deal complete- so there are some major things that have happened – almost as events - that have taken place – so very very positive for us moving forward –

Let’s talk about China for a moment - Notice, I believe yesterday, the Chinese, which would have been Wednesday, the Chinese stock markets closed – we looked at this and went well – because of the -trying to get a really good handle on the Corona virus – and trying to mitigate the outcome of the coronavirus – because the numbers of those infected and those who unfortunately passed away from this have gone up every day since it started –

I believe the Chinese believe they have a handle on this and of course we’ve offered help to come in and help if we could – so far they have not received that help – but we’ll see how that continues – 

What also  though is happening is the closing of the Chinese exchanges – it’s important because the currency itself – the Chines Yuan -  is also changing in value – I think some of this is allowing them to reconnect the new gold back Yuan to their financial system and the Quantum Financial System –

We are kinda doing the same thing right now as our dollar is changing from a fiat currency to a gold backed currency – we are decoupling from the financial system – and reconnecting back to the financial system over this 24 hour period that we talked about

So it’s a transition period and it sort of – you can basically picture what has to happen in your mind because it’s very difficult to know exactly the steps – we are decoupling from the financial system and reconnecting to the QFS Quantum Financial System in its entirety with our new currency -

 I’m almost surprised that it’s only supposed to take 24 hours to do that – but I’m encouraged that it should complete by 12:01 AM Saturday morning – which is Friday night “late” – think of it that way – still late late late over night – tomorrow night

Now, what could also occur – Is it possible that’s the time that the release actually takes place for tier 3’s and tier 4A’s & 4B’s at least? Uhhh, I think so - I think it’s quite possible that tier 4A’s finally get contacted by email and be able to see in their accounts for the first time with funds in them –

I hope that happens and I do hope they get to see those on Saturday –

Now, what about us? What about good ole tier 4B – What about the internet group? Well, I think that even though I would like to get this thing over night or Saturday early morning the best information we’re getting from our bank sources – is pointing more toward Monday for toll free numbers –

Now, the theory is the numbers were too come out early Monday, meaning in the morning we could possibly start Monday afternoon - If they come out after lunch time say 2 PM or so Monday afternoon – we would probably start Tuesday

So, it’s Monday / Tuesday again - that’s what it looks like BUT - under a NEW  government and a NEW financial system – and that is BIG -  that is why this has not happened before - we needed these other things to be accomplished and that’s what’s happening – that’s why this weekend could be a really interesting weekend –

Some people put out the possibility of a toll free number for tier 4B to come out during the super bowl – we’ve talked about that before - over the last couple of years -  I don’t know how practical that would be - 

I do not agree with that possibility - if it happens – great - if it happens – super - SUPER - but that’s not what I’m expecting - that’s not what I’m getting - I’m hearing it’s more like Monday - start Monday afternoon or start Tuesday –

Now, we know we’ve expected this thing for a long time – I know that you have – I have – and this is our 9th year of The Big Call - and I completing 15 years of being involved in this personally and I really think that we’ve been very patient  for something that is just HUGE to come to us – we’ve got large projects – we’ve got things we have planned for humanity –

We know that we can’t use all of this money for ourselves – nor would we want to - but there’s going to be some credible opportunity for us to move forward to help a friend – our family and those we don’t know and may never meet - 

But that’s what it’s all about – that is what this is about – that is why China is giving us in tire 4B, the internet group, the opportunity for privately negotiable  rates and that gives us sort of an advantage over anybody else that exchanges before us with fixed rates

So are you prepared for the idea of going in to the redemption center and asking for a privately negotiable rate as opposed to a front screen rate? 

I want to thank everybody for being there with us – supportive of The Big Call – Good Night everybody

Bruce’s Big Call Replay Link – Intel begins at min mark 1:04:30

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Bruce’s Big Call Intel Tuesday Night 1-28-20

.Bruce’s Big Call Intel Tuesday Night 1- 28-2020

Call Transcribed by WiserNow Emailed to Recaps

Welcome everybody tonight to The Big Call – It is Tuesday January 28 and you’re listening to The Big Call – I’m glad everybody is tuned in yet again and we’re looking forward to having a great call tonight – glad you’re here whether on the live call or the replay – either way – that’s fantastic

Ok let’s check in and talk about what is happening out there in the way of our intel – Let’s see we have had 5 days since our last call and it always seems we get quite a bit – sometimes everyday - not always – sometimes we get things every day and I think I have a lot to share – so let’s go ahead and get into it right now –

Bruce’s Big Call Intel Tuesday Night 1- 28-2020

Call Transcribed by WiserNow Emailed to Recaps

Welcome everybody tonight to The Big Call – It is Tuesday January 28 and you’re listening to The Big Call – I’m glad everybody is tuned in yet again and we’re looking forward to having a great call tonight – glad you’re here whether on the live call or the replay – either way – that’s fantastic

Ok let’s check in and talk about what is happening out there in the way of our intel – Let’s see we have had 5 days since our last call and it always seems we get quite a bit – sometimes everyday - not always – sometimes we get things every day and I think I have a lot to share – so let’s go ahead and get into it right now –

First of all – let’s talk about the weekend - On Sunday, redemption center staff went in around lunchtime for about 3 or more hours – and what they were doing in that period on Sunday – this past Sunday -  they were listening to and watching the DVD that has been sent out to all the redemption centers that’s 12-15 minutes – depending on whether you there as a Zim holder and get the full benefit of everything that’s on the DVD –

The other thing is – after each section - well you say  ”why would a 15 minute DVD take 2-3 hours to go through?”  Because every time they finish a point or a section  if there were any questions they answer those questions in full and then move to the next section – so there is a lot of pause – discussion – pause - Q & A – pause – etc all the way through it – for over 3 hours in some cases

So – everybody that’s in the redemption center need to be up to speed on it – completely - so that is what happened on Sunday -  Now all redemption staff – everybody – all staff – are on a 45 minute readiness program - that means – if they get an email – text or call – within 45 minutes they are to be in the bank – at their stations – ready to go – That’s sort of a first for everything -  it’s a continuous readiness program -  it’s a good sign for us - 

Let’s go to the timing we’re getting – let’s talk about this week – You know there were some things that happened last week big time - what has happened today - was we had Benjamin Netanyahu – in with the President – as you guys know -did a speech on the new Middle East Peace Agreement – that the President has put out - it is getting a lot of good copy – a lot of good press on it so far –

There is a little bit of resistance to it from what we understand but I think ultimately it’s an excellent plan and it should very well be going though and signed off on – it may need some tweaking but it’s an excellent first step by the President and his staff

So, that was today (Tuesday) - tomorrow is Wednesday we have NESARA and GESARA -  supposed to be coming out in some form or fashion - Now, obviously NESARA is  National Economic – oh shoot I’m losing it -  National Economic something and ??? can’t remember it - can’t quite remember alright forget it – you guys know what it is  (National Economic Security and Recovery Act) – NESARA & GESARA and GESARA is the Global version of it –

Our understanding is that GESARA will be announced or brought out in China in Turkey – its either Turkey or Jordan and in London and of course in the United States - it may happen in additional countries but we know of those 3 plus America - and it should be coming out tomorrow (Wednesday) - I don’t know when – I don’t know if it’s  going to be the President or along with the Treasury secretary or what – it could be just an initial  concept on it but I think it’s really going to be interesting –

Then on Thursday night at midnight the United States of America Inc Corporation as we refer to it US Corporation is supposed to go bankrupt and I believe they’re going to let it go bankrupt on purpose at midnight Thursday night because I understand that  12:01AM  which would be Friday morning that the new – uh – that we would be returning to a Constitutional Republic  and quite possibly that’s when the new USN our gold back dollar would be put in place and “live” –

So, they may talk about that tomorrow – I don’t know but I do know that this USA Inc has been propped up and continued for years after the 99 yr agreement was arrived at – and that was back in 2013 if I remember right - and then it was extended for five (5) more years - and then it was extended again – seems like a year or two years –

So, it’s going to come to a halt at midnight on Thursday night – that’s a good thing for us – exactly what we want to have happen

So there are things happening this week obviously that are good – there are a few things that are distractions that are out there – there are – we have gone through a whole new level of pickups and drop offs - clean up on isle 3 is reaching all new heights and has and is nonstop – it’s just going nonstop so that is behind the scenes and it’s reaching a new crescendo

Beyond that we do not have absolute proof of the tier 4A’s  eing notified yet even though we thought that could happen today – (Tuesday)  and it still may tonight –

We know that some of the larger groups and this included fines & penalties - CMKX – some of those larger groups – are in some form of being underway - We don’t know how far along they are – we don’t know if they are complete or are going to be complete by tomorrow but we really believe that at least the payout of those groups is going on – is happening –

We know that in the past few days that there have been exchanges by VIP’s internationally in other countries – we know people that had a good quality of dinar have had that redeemed – in other countries – we know that people as late as today are being asked by some foreign countries to exchange their Dong – at a reasonable front screen rate – and we know that this is occurring

Now, what does that really say for us?? The fact that these things are happening even in the Far East as we talked about on Thursday’s call  - and it’s working its way in to the country I mentioned that was outside-  really in Europe – and then today from another country – this is telling us this process “is underway” –

Now, we are receiving information – sometimes from the same banks – sometimes different banks and today we received some information that was pointing towards tier 4B getting started on either Thursday or Friday of this week

Now, we cannot say that absolutely but this is what was coming directly from a tier 1 bank and it may be exactly what’s happening – all we can do is say ok, that sounds good – that means that we will be notified either Thursday or Friday – if it’s going Thursday - Thursday morning – if it’s going Friday - Friday morning – if that’s when it happens –

Now, a question that I had - do we have to be out of the USA Inc, the Corporation, on Thursday night at midnight for this to g – I don’t think so - obviously Thursday morning that would not have happened yet – Friday morning – it will have happened - so – this is just a question I had and don’t have it answered yet

But we do know that things are looking very good for us – there’s a lot of distraction out there- as you know - there’s a lot of things going on – I also understand that tomorrow (Wednesday)  along with NESARA & GESARA being brought out that we have the USMAC Trade Deal to be enacted tomorrow –

Remember it was passed and signed off  by the President last Friday and I believe it’s going to be enacted tomorrow – so that’s a very good sign for us – that’s moving forward

And you know guys, there are things in these trade deals that deal with currency like there was in the China – first phases of the China Trade Deal - they had a whole chapter dealing with currencies – and we believe – in fact we know that China is backing not only the Zim but they are also backing the Vietnamese Dong by the gold backed Yuan –

They also have half of the – with us - fifty/fifty - the backing of the – not the rupiah – but the?  one of the other currencies -- I know that we – the US  are backing the Dinar - my gut is we are probably also backing the rial – and uh - I am sure we are also backing the Afghani - I would say the Afghani - I think China and the US  are both backing  50/50  the rupiah -  the Indonesian rupiah –

Ok, so that has been established and a lot of that language is probably in those trade deals – so, everything is poised for this thing to go down – it has rolled out – started rolling out extremely slowly  and we are in a dead slow crawl from our perspective – On the other side – behind the scenes – things are probably moving along much, much faster –

There’s a lot going on we just never see and it’s probably a good thing – to be honest with you - I don’t know that we would want to see everything that’s happening - but I feel like with what I’ve heard between the weekend and today  and where I think we’re going this week and the time frames that I’ve been given so far – I feel very good about where we are and where we’re going –

So, I just want to let you guys have that and know that with our projects coming up – we – this group the internet group tier 4B – the internet group is the group that will be able to privately negotiate the rates –

S0, that is something to keep in mind if you are interested in privately negotiating your rates you need to be in a position to do that with your projects & with your presentation –

I want you guys committed – Listen we are almost ready to break through that finish line tape – we are just about there and I know a lot of you are not ready – you are not even close to ready – cause you’re just not sure when it’s going to happen – Listen, it’s better to be prepared and be ready for this because I can tell you – “It’s Coming” and It’s Coming Sooner Than We think”

So, that is really what I wanted to say tonight – to give you some idea of what is happening and where we are going - Thank you everybody for listening

 Bruce’s Big Call Replay Link     intel begins at 51:45 min mark

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Bruce’s Big Call Intel Thursday Night 1- 23-20

.Bruce’s Big Call Intel Thursday Night 1- 23-2020

Call Transcribed by WiserNow Emailed to Recaps

Welcome everybody to The Big Call tonight – it is Thursday Jan 23rd  and you’re listening to The Big Call – Thank you for being here tonight – We look forward to having a good full call tonight not going to go super deep / long  but I think we’ll give you what we know and that’s a lot –

Ok, let’s get into the intel a little bit as this is Thursdays call, 2 days from the last call we did and we’ll just take it from where we left off - what’s interesting is – we’ve heard the concept that this was going to go from East to West – we’ve heard it for years – I mean 6-7-8 years or more we’ve heard that concept - things will be coming from East to West  --

Bruce’s Big Call Intel Thursday Night 1- 23-2020

Call Transcribed by WiserNow Emailed to Recaps

Welcome everybody to The Big Call tonight – it is Thursday Jan 23rd  and you’re listening to The Big Call – Thank you for being here tonight – We look forward to having a good full call tonight not going to go super deep / long  but I think we’ll give you what we know and that’s a lot –

Ok, let’s get into the intel a little bit as this is Thursdays call, 2 days from the last call we did and we’ll just take it from where we left off - what’s interesting is – we’ve heard the concept that this was going to go from East to West – we’ve heard it for years – I mean 6-7-8 years or more we’ve heard that concept - things will be coming from East to West  --

Now, realize this - the rest of the world got a head start onus Monday because they did not have a ML King Day that we have- this past Monday – and so they kinda got a head start on us – our markets were closed  - our banks were closed – so we were a day behind the rest of the world – and so what happened was – the rest of the world got started before us and that includes the Far East – Europe – and I have a feeling Canada and Mexico are pretty much with us -  and did not get started ahead of us - but I do know that some things have been happening in the Far East – regarding making yourself liquid as a result of exchanges and so on –

That was interesting – we got some more confirmation yesterday (Wednesday) about that – on exchanges done in Europe and they were exchanged and completely paid out – they had full liquidity and full access to funds - this was an individual – somebody who was a player – It was good to know that was happening over in a country in Europe – So, that’s really great

Now, what I want to say tonight is we have the indication that what we’ve said that was happening Tuesday regarding tier 3’s and their liquidity apparently was continuing through yesterday and may have finished up today (Thursday)  - That’s tier 3 getting access to 2% of their funds and having liquidity –

Now, in addition to that we knew that the military that have exchanged received SKR’s for their exchanges and they were made liquid and they I hope have finished – My understanding is they should have finished today along with the other tier 3’s –

We’ve also heard that the  groups – and these are the groups as in the Farm Claims – the Native American claims – some of the adjudicated settlements – fines & penalties – all of that has been in process but I don’t think even those have been completed yet – at least I am not aware of it –

And then we go to us – not only us but tier 4A which are the groups we’ve talked about out West -  we’re talking about them receiving emails – now we have heard that emails were to go out to them already – we heard last night (Wednesday) around 7:00 – 7:30 – we heard this morning (Thurs) around 3:00 – 3:30 am – and I can tell you if they have gone out – I don’t know it – I don’t have the proof of that –

I’ve also been told that – here’s what happened - President trump came back yesterday from Davos – he got in – somewhere in the 5:30 range – Eastern - he did get on the phone with 5 different countries to talk with them about everything and he did - after the Treasury had signed off on everything  to release this -  around 4:00-4:30 yesterday (Wed) – President Trump signed off the 7:38 PM last night (Wed) – yesterday evening - ok, so he made the calls he needed to make then he was able to sign off for us and get this to a point of being released

Now, China wants it all done yesterday – and some of it was - but they really want this thing to go by tomorrow – Friday 24th - 2x4=8 they love the number 8 

Now they want it to go by tomorrow because they are planning the Elders in Atlanta – San Francisco – and Reno are planning to fly back to China late tomorrow afternoon (Fri) for their Chinese New Year – For the Celebrations to start Saturday  -- I don’t know if it’s  Saturday here or Saturday there – just suffice it to say They Want This DONE -- They want it to be complete or not completely finished but initiated /started for all groups - except the public – the public won’t go until probably mid February – we have another 2-3 weeks to finish up groups – Zim platforms -  to complete the bonds and boxes of bonds that are being hypothecated in the 7 cities we talked about before – which would normally be - New York – Atlanta – Miami – Chicago – Dallas = San Francisco – and Zurich – and Hong Kong --  that’s probably more than 7 but you get the idea

We know there’s activity going on in Zurich – Hong Kong – and in one un named US city – take a guess which city that is - my guess is it begins with the letter “R” – now, I don’t know that though but I do know that the Chinese are ready for this to be done -- meaning “underway” -- President Trump signed off on it yesterday evening after he got back from Davos – so we know its underway – we know the process is going – we’re just trying to figure out when tier 4A’s will see their emails to witness their accounts and when tier 4B – that’s us – the internet group will see our notification which will also come by email and from me -  when I get the toll free number – ok -- 

We believe that’s going to occur hopefully that comes in at the same time  - meaning the tier 4A then tier 4B’s could quite possibly start at about the same time – what I mean by that is the emails that should go out tonight or overnight get received tomorrow morning (Friday) - quite possibly we get notified tomorrow morning (Friday) – I’m just saying -- and if that does happen – “IF” – If that does happen they could have their access to their funds and their liquidity as we start our exchanges and get access to our liquidity through our exchange and redemption centers

Now, this is all speculation on my part – I’m saying I have some other people that agree that may be the case - may be what the plan is – for  tier 4A those groups – inner core and the so called 100 group of 120 which is thousands of people that, as you guys know, are all part of another group or series of groups  - and if those get notified -  which they should be notified by email they have accounts – they have access to their accounts and the start of liquidity – maybe tomorrow – maybe tomorrow in that sense is the value date – and I don’t like that term - I hate that term - I don’t like it - it never seems to be valid - but if tomorrow is our start date we could be really really good to go – if we are to coincide – I do believe tier 4A’s will be notified between now and morning by email

Now, they may also – they may get an email as a heads up notification to expect the one they are looking for to come - You guys remember Wells Fargo has their own servers which have 401,163 at last count -emails ready to go – Some people say they have already been launched but with a block on the server to not  to complete the transmission to people quite yet – I’m not sure of the technology on that-- but I would say this - I do believe they are launched and ready - 

Could those emails from Wells Fargo also get a heads up email prior to the real deal – the real email that will give them the toll free number?  I think it’s possible – it’s conceivable that they would get that as well –

I am supposed to get a heads up call prior to getting the actual call with the toll free number –so I may get a heads up call – I don’t know when - I don’t expect it at night – I do expect it in the day time – So that would be a heads up I would get so – theoretically the 800 numbers coming from Wells Fargo – from their servers coincide very closely with the call I get with the toll free number to put it out

You say why do I need to get a number that’s coming in an email? Because some people were gifted currency and they have no record of them as having their email – they don’t have an email that’s been used yet and so I think that is why I am batting  clean up – I get to put the number out and some people that don’t receive an email from Wells Fargo may rely on me having that number to set their appointment- and I’m saying that we are supposed to get this party started here pretty darn soon and then go for about 8-10 days at the redemption centers and then after all of that the Joe Q public is going to get started probably around mid February

Now, the rates are obviously adjusting and they will adjust after tire 4A gets started for us – they will adjust just for us at the redemption centers – the redemption enter staff are all on a 45 min response now – that means once they get the call / text or however they are notified – they are to respond and be at their stations in the redemption centers ready to go in 45 minutes

So, that gives you some idea of just how ready everything is to go – and yes I did think we would get notified before – I thought today was  very possible – as it gets later tonight I am looking at the possibility of tomorrow (Friday) and also if for some reason we don’t get started tomorrow – I want us to consider that it may not be a Tuesday Wednesday or Thursday – it could very well go tomorrow (Friday) – Saturday – Sunday - Monday - all the way up to Tuesday morning

Now, we don’t want to wait 2-3-5 more days – we are ready to start right away and we hope because the President signed off on it yesterday evening at 7:38 and that China is ready and ready to head back – The elders that are here are ready to head home to China for the celebration – I hope – and they want to get the part started here –

So, I’m hoping that we are not – remember we have the go ahead – the green light from the treasury at 4:00 or 4:30 yesterday – The President signed off and gave the green light yesterday evening as I mentioned -- so we are moving – the question is are we going to move and get these emails out – out to the tier 4A’s tonight and overnight and possibly tomorrow maybe tomorrow morning for tier 4B- that’s us

Now, I told you that was hypothetical - this is speculation on my part and all I can tell you is that we have evidence that it has started in the Far East – it started in Europe – we are a day behind them because of ML King Day - and we’re looking like we should get started and join the rest of the world pretty soon

My understanding is NESARA and GESARA have started as well in some limited capacity – I believe we will get information on those – we will have the video as I mentioned on Tuesday’s call at the redemption center for between 12 – 15 minutes depending on which currencies you have – you’ll be able to watch those and get up to speed on a lot of things we’ve talked about –

You may watch the video and go  “oh yeah” Bruce talked about that – “oh yeah I’ve heard that on The Big Call” -  lol I’m being facetious  - but really I think we know a lot of the things that will be on that video and I’m excited for everybody – I’m excited for all of us – I’m excited for our projects –

I’m excited for everything up to getting this thing started and to begin creating a new heaven and new earth – In a sense ok  – look,  we’re going to be able to do a lot of things to bring kingdom living to this earth and I’m excited about it  - 

Thank you everybody for listening – I hope it’s helpful  - I’m telling you basically what I get with a lot of details and I’m excited I can share that with you and I look forward to this being over as do you 

Stay tuned and let’s see where this thing goes in the next few days maybe we’ll get a win tomorrow – we will see what happens – Everybody have a beautiful night and thank  you for tuning in to The Big Call


Bruce’s Big Call Replay LINK – Intel begins at 1:03:20 mark

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Bruce’s Big Call Intel Tuesday Night 1- 21-2020

.Bruce’s Big Call Intel Tuesday Night 1- 21-2020

Call Transcribed by WiserNow Emailed to Recaps

Alright everybody, let’s talk a little bit about where we are from the intel point of view – Here we are - today is the 21st – we don’t have that much longer to go we are already 2/3 into the month but do not despair because I believe we are moving through and we have some good news I believe it’s coming very very shortly --  

Here’s the plan – Let’s talk a little about what has happened between our last call which seems only a few days ago -  it was Thursday and today is Tuesday - 5 days ago – a lot has happened - you remember last week prior to Thursday’s call  we did have the first phase of the China Trade Deal complete – we had the USMCA  on Friday  I believe that was voted on and passed - actually it was voted on and passed on Thursday and President Trump signed it on Friday in the Oval Office –

Since then, well we found out that Russia had made a decision to decentralize their government to their outer most I call them provinces , Bob knows the correct term for it - 

Bruce’s Big Call Intel Tuesday Night 1- 21-2020

Call Transcribed by WiserNow Emailed to Recaps

Alright everybody, let’s talk a little bit about where we are from the intel point of view – Here we are - today is the 21st – we don’t have that much longer to go we are already 2/3 into the month but do not despair because I believe we are moving through and we have some good news I believe it’s coming very very shortly --  

Here’s the plan – Let’s talk a little about what has happened between our last call which seems only a few days ago -  it was Thursday and today is Tuesday - 5 days ago – a lot has happened - you remember last week prior to Thursday’s call  we did have the first phase of the China Trade Deal complete – we had the USMCA  on Friday  I believe that was voted on and passed - actually it was voted on and passed on Thursday and President Trump signed it on Friday in the Oval Office –

Since then, well we found out that Russia had made a decision to decentralize their government to their outer most I call them provinces , Bob knows the correct term for it - 

It’s a good sign because these things needed to happen before everything really got underway for us -  Since then  we know there’s been a decision to green light the emails to the individuals in groups 4A which we call  the groups out West - sometimes we call it the Core and then the remaining 120 Paymasters groups – known as the Admiral’s groups - those have been given a green light now to get underway with notifications  which we believe for the most part will be by email and then of course their ability to have access to their funds – see their funds in their accounts and then be able to get access to that -  

My understanding is that could take place tomorrow for those groups – In the meantime we know there is a lot of liquidity – right now – today (Tuesday) moving around – I believe it’s more having to do with the tier 3 SKR’s being made liquid and possibly the military SKR’s being made liquid and other possible groups that we’ve talked about in the past

There are things happening that are moving us closer and closer towards what we are looking for which is a combination – notification from 401,163 emails on the Wells Fargo server for the tier 4B – that’s us – the internet group as well as notification that I should receive to put out the toll free number to get it to Bob to put out on a series of emails that we have as well from our web site

So we will be doing that as soon as I get notified and my understanding is that some other things have happened for  us at the redemption center – Let’s see how many I can think of that are maybe new –

First of all you guys know that we’re going to have pages of “perks” – benefits - - perks are benefits to bank with a particular bank - these are things as far as I know are going to be considered “free” to us – I don’t know how many we get to pick from the perk list - but we know it is either going to be 96 different perks all the way to 106 different perks depending on the bank –

So you will want to get in touch with a banker that is at the redemption center – maybe more than one to see what the perks list is – I think they will be very similar – one bank may have a slightly better version of something that another bank but it’s a way for them to try to earn your business and retain your business

My understanding is the perks are not only just on a one time basis but they may be something you can renew in your 2-3-4 year ect – We’ll see how that shakes out

Now let’s talk about something else we  have not mentioned much of and that is the NDA”s - non disclosure agreements - we know that if you’re a Zim holder - say that’s all you have - in the way of something to redeem  there is a new 4 ¼ page NDA for you – and if you are any currency holder including Zim - you would get a new 5 ½ page NDA to sign  and adhere to – 

It’s very important that we do that – that we read those NDA's seriously and understand them – know what we can say and cannot say – or do after our exchange and redemption – Okay, so that is all new just in the last 2-3 days -the new NDA’s

 Now, here’s another thing that is new – for us  at the redemption centers - They have created a DVD for you younger people – a digital video disc and that is something they do have players connected to their desk top computers – they will have these available for us to play – a 12-15 minute DVD – depending on which sections are applicable to you 

It’s going to be played after we identify who we are with the bank – meaning with your license / passport / utility bill / your KYC phase of the redemption which happens as soon as you walk in the door - You’ll be doing that – then taken to a room – I understand and be able to watch this DVD

You say, why do that?  Because what they’re going to do with that is educate us about the process – about certain aspects of our future – I believe it’s going to include what is backing our new money – what is going to be -how our money is going to be held in the bank or how it’s going to be held and protected  

It will talk about the Quantum Financial System - and I believe it will also talk a little bit about upcoming changes to our tax system – We’ll see what they bring in about that

That DVD is designed to streamline the process and take care of a lot of questions that might be answered – this will answer before they get asked - That’s a really cool thing that should streamline the process even though it will take 12-15 minutes to play – it could help us run through the process a little more quickly and be more knowledgeable about what we’re doing before we even get to that section of the redemption

So that’s new and those DVD’s had just completed delivery by Fed Express to the  redemption center on Saturday - and that is fresh – I think that’s a great idea and something that we’re going to appreciate  - that aspect of it

Beyond that we know that - “NO” we did not get an official rate yet in the Gazette for Iraq last Saturday but we do know that the new Prime Minister of Iraq and the new Finance Minister along with Dr Shabibi and a total of seven (7) in that delegation - let’s call it - have made their way to Davos for the world economic forum

Our understanding is Iraq will have by morning which will be late tonight our time a new rate for the Iraqi Dinar as well as it will go into tomorrow’s official publication for Iraq known as the Gazette – More than likely it will go in at first light when they have their early morning prayers and the theory is it probably will be in the Gazette at that time –

So that is one of the things that is happening right now and through the world economic forum in Davos, Switzerland – Our President is representing very well - even though I did not hear this statement – my understanding is the President made an announcement –

I don’t know if this went to President in France or if it went to another group of people today but my understanding is he said we, the United States will be returning to a Constitutional form or law – to me that represents Common Law - it represents us returning to the original Constitution and Constitutional form of government – it implies a return to a Gold  backed currency  and it could imply additional things as well –

 But that is a very positive thing that was mentioned today by our President in Davos – Now, my understanding is  only 2 more days which would be Wednesday & Thursday before the end as far as I’m concerned – that is what I understand and we’ll see where that actually goes –

We are looking very strong for this to occur between tomorrow and the rest of the week – it’s looking very very strong and I would not be surprised if we do get what we’re looking for which is notification and the ability to go in for our exchanges as early as tomorrow (Wednesday) We’ll see how that goes

Obviously we have been very close before but I don’t believe we’ve been as far with everything that needed to be done as we are right now

Our understanding is that the DOD – Department of Defense - has released a report indicating they are content with where we are with what we’re doing right now and we don’t know if that’s the last of it or whether there’s anything else that needs to be done

I know the 3 things last Thursday still needed to be done are done and I just discussed those at the beginning of my intel –

So we are in very good shape we will have new Dinar rate tomorrow morning (Wednesday) and we should be able to get this party started – I’m going to call this a “pre- celebration call” tonight – Obviously it’s hard to celebrate when you don’t have it yet but I do believe we have this in spirit and the manifestation is coming very, very soon

So, everybody be prepared – I think you can go to sleep feeling good about where we are – Like Sue said – be a good steward of what God has entrusted you with - I think we are golden right now – I think we are all set and let’s see what tomorrow brings for us – Thank you everybody for listening for all these many years -  Have a good night

Bruce’s Big Call Replay Link    Intel begins at 42:00 min mark

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Bruce’s Big Call Intel Thursday Night 1- 16-20

.Bruce’s Big Call Intel Thursday Night 1- 16-20

Call Transcribed by WiserNow Emailed to Recaps

Welcome everybody to The Big Call tonight – It is Thursday, January 16th and you’re listening to The Big Call Thanks everybody for tuning in yet again – We’re happy that you’re here – We’re happy that you found us whether you’re listening live or whether you’re listening on the replay – Welcome to The Big Call

We are in our 9th year now doing this call and no. I didn’t think we would go quite this far, that’s for sure but we’re going to take you all the way to the end of this line – all the way to the tape – all the way through the finish line – we know the finish is close and we will get into that on the intel portion

Thank you Sue for that teaching – there was a lot in it – this is going to be a year of increase for us – major increase – the year of blessing and it’s a year of Jubilee – because we are going to see that Jubilee as part of the NESARA / GESARA for us – we’ve got some indications of that already that I can talk about in the intel segment -

Bruce’s Big Call Intel Thursday Night 1- 16-20

Call Transcribed by WiserNow Emailed to Recaps

Welcome everybody to The Big Call tonight – It is Thursday, January 16th and you’re listening to The Big Call Thanks everybody for tuning in yet again – We’re happy that you’re here – We’re happy that you found us whether you’re listening live or whether you’re listening on the replay – Welcome to The Big Call

We are in our 9th year now doing this call and no. I didn’t think we would go quite this far, that’s for sure but we’re going to take you all the way to the end of this line – all the way to the tape – all the way through the finish line – we know the finish is close and we will get into that on the intel portion

Thank you Sue for that teaching – there was a lot in it – this is going to be a year of increase for us – major increase – the year of blessing and it’s a year of Jubilee – because we are going to see that Jubilee as part of the NESARA / GESARA for us – we’ve got some indications of that already that I can talk about in the intel segment -

There are a lot of things I’m going to try to bring out in this intel segment – I am going to try to do it chronologically - meaning, since our last call this and that has happened blah blah blah - I’ll try to do it that way tonight - What we had Tuesday was pointing us to kinda of an any minute now - Wednesday – Thursday opportunity for this – 

We came to find out that we did have 3 things that needed to be done before we got started -  and we came to realize … this was  yesterday (Wed) we found that out - 

We were looking for something to pop yesterday or maybe today - and we got a lot of good information that was pointing towards it BUT  what has happened is  there were 3 things that we needed to have happen -- Now, all 3 of them have happened – Now, today (Tuesday) and they are ……. 

The first thing was to get the China Trade Deal officially signed – which happened yesterday – (Wednesday) around 12:20 – 12:30 Eastern time – which was a little late in the physical signing of it but it occurred ceremonially - 

Of course the agreement had been agreed upon and signed off in principal earlier – but this would be the “official” signing of it – that was done – that was one thing  and that was a Huge – HUGE accomplishment – that was phase 1 of  the China Trade Deal

The second thing was the USMCA - the Mexican / Canadian Trade Deal AGREEMENT – That was signed off officially - voted through the senate and officially went through today (Thursday)

So we had a China Trade Deal official yesterday – USMCA Trade Deal effective today – and what was the 3rd thing?????

The 3rd thing was that Russia made the decision and it went into effect yesterday to decentralize their government and they are letting some people go  and some are going to be arrested and some are going to just be let go or fired or released of their duty – and I think they are going to decentralize their government to the outlying areas and cities and towns throughout their massive country – 

I think they have 13 different time zones in Russia – at least 11 maybe 13 – so it’s quite large and you are going to see more power at the local level - That’s going to happen here in the U S as well – as we move forward in 2020 – you’re going to see a little decentralization of our government to an extent moving towards the states - so that was the 3rd thing that we needed to have happen

Now, china we believe that with that move that Russia made we believe that they are actually moving away from communism and moving toward a more democratic form of government – with elections and so on

Our belief is, sources that I talk to, our belief is that the same type of thing will happen for China when the 2nd phase of the China Trade Deal is signed off – whenever that is -- could be months and months away but I know the President is anxious to get started on phase 2 of the China Trade Deal -

My understanding is you may see China get away from their particular type of communist centralized government and more toward a decentralized democratic form of government – Let’s fall hope so

If anything is to be in our prayers – that is a huge scenario that we would love to see happen and we should be praying along those lines

Ok, let’s keep going – so that’s where we are in position for this to move forward for us – but the other thing is – you know we have the tier 3 SKR’s  - that’s who has the SKR’s - being made liquid – they had received some emails but there  are a number of tier 3 individuals,  that were trying to gain the system and double dip -  

By that I mean they had access to assets, bonds, currencies that they were holding back thinking they would have a second opportunity to come back in and possibly redeem or get transacted at a higher rate – really trying to gain the system – that slowed  us down from what I  understand about 4 days – So thanks a lot tier 3’s !!

Now they are moving through from what my understanding is with emails that did go out – we had 2 rounds of emails that went out yesterday evening (Wednesday) one between 5-6 PM and one between 7-8 PM  but was primarily  tier 3’s

Now, is there any liquidity? There is some liquidity out there, yes – some of these tier 3’s have received 2%of liquidity –

My understanding is that the tier 4A’s will be notified next – they have not been that I can see yet – not that I can testify to but I believe they will be notified tonight  / overnight and tomorrow to let them know that yes they have funds in their account – here are the coordinates - and then you know, they will be able to go in and access those funds – we think they will access to them possibly Saturday or even Sunday – and I know it doesn’t make sense on a Sunday  but  Saturday or Sunday –

So the information we had was close – it was sort of accurate but it wasn’t quite what we have right now in terms of the timing

So now we’ve learned that when we have something new like this – we just have to put it in position and change the piece out of the puzzle and put the new piece in - and that’s where we are –

When it comes to us tier 4B or the so called internet group , our group will be notified – but I’ve got to tell you this – we’ve got a 3 day weekend coming up – remember the old 3 day weekend scenario - remember 2 things –

1– Monday is Martin Luther King Day - we should all celebrate that day – banks will be closed and so for that reason I really believe we are being steered to a Tuesday start  and I know everybody’s looking  up and rolling their eyes  - and “here we go”  I know it - I feel the same way – I felt the same way – wait a minute – are we going to burn Thursday – Friday – Saturday & Sunday? Not really, completely  and I’ll tell you why

We are probably going to start Tuesday with numbers late morning and start of exchanges a couple hours later – that’s the scenario we’re hearing right now –

Now, what else is happening?  Saturday, should be alright with us – but here’s why - Iraq is supposed to finally RV  their currency Saturday and put their new rate in the gazette – FINALLY.  I know we’ve said that several times before – we’ve looked for it – we said Wednesday or Saturday - Wednesday or Saturday - we heard this a couple days ago  that Saturday was supposed to be the day - that Iraq will do a full revaluation and I will tell you why -  

We heard very specifically 37 hours from 3:15 this afternoon we would look for Iraq to RV their currency that would be about 4:15 in the morning our time Eastern on Saturday so I believe since with the time difference they will RV their currency – could be Friday night which is tomorrow night and it may make it into the gazette  as we expect on Saturday which comes out on first morning prayer - I’m calling  it sometime between 5-6 am time frame

Now, that’s great good for Iraq -- they need to do it – they need to be there  and by the way we don’t go in to the rates on the call any more but I will say we do expect – we did tell you that the forex rates changed a couple days ago in the morning and they will probably update again – but the rates we get as tier 4B the internet group  are privately negotiable rates on Dinar, Dong. Zim and maybe some of the others - but China wanted it that way – they set it up that way - we would be the only group that can actually negotiate our rates ok –

Now, that is supposed to allow us to have significantly higher rates than the so called  front screen of the Dinar, Dong and so on so be aware of that - 

I don’t know what they are yet because we have had ranges and ideas of where they are but we don’t know and won’t know but those should come up actually on Sunday evening before the Chinese markets open on their Monday morning - but remember our banks will be closed and our markets will probably be closed - China, the far east, Hong Kong  all of that will be open as well as Zurich ,London, etc-

 That’s  really the layout of what’s happening there – now the other thing that is also happening around the same time in that 3:15 – 4:15 am Saturday is we have a trust that’s part of the united states Treasury let’s call it US Trust that will be funneling funds out to the various member tier 1 and tier 2 banks over the weekend so the money that is going to be coming from the trust in the Treasury is going out to these banks to be ready for our start which we predict right now will be Tuesday

So, what else is going on? Don’t forget the G8 meeting  in Switzerland and President Trump will be going I believe it starts Tuesday – that’s another thing that is going to start on Tuesday – I believe the President will tweet from there with results – let’s look what could be announced out of that meeting - 

We could have a discussion about gold backed currencies – asset backed currencies – we could have a GCR announcement – we could have a NESARA / GESARA announcement – possible discussion about a tax jubilee - or debt jubilee - whatever it looks like could be announced – I’m looking for some major things on a global scale that would be announced out of Switzerland

The President will I’m sure talk briefly about the China Trade Deal – the USMCA - who knows – he could go into a lot of different things but it’s a perfect stage to bring out the idea of a new gold back dollar which we call the USN / USTN – united states treasury note - we know it’s primarily gold backed – we have other assets to back it –

By the way as a result of what happened today with the USMCA passed and announced when that occurs all of our banks become Basel 5 compliant that’s big – I don’t know that would be something announced but it’s certainly big for u s – it means that all of the assets that we have as accounts in the bank are mirrored by the same amount of assets held by the bank and that takes us to Basel 5 – pretty good to get there - and that’s what we’re going to have – really effectively I’d say it’s now – whether that will come out from Switzerland  obviously it will come out privately but it may not come out publicly -  but we will see

So we’ve got a lot going on behind the scenes between now and the weekend and Monday is the holiday  they are going to be doing things ready  putting those / wiring those funds to the banks for our start Tuesday and their going to be using the weekend and Monday to do it – I think we are really set to start

Now in so doing that should give us another 4-5 days for you to get completely prepared

Well, that’s pretty much the bulk of what I wanted to bring to you tonight - We’re in good shape – yes we did get pushed off a little further – thanks to the tier 3 shenanigans but they got all of that handled – everything’s cool – everything we understand is handled that needed to be to get started – now it’s just a matter of whatever I told you previously to get that integrated into our session so we can get started

I want to thank everybody for listening again tonight on this could be our very last call – we’ll see – keep the faith –

Bruce's Big Call Replay Link -- Intel begins at 47:27

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Bruce’s Big Call Intel Tuesday Night 1- 14-20

.Bruce’s Big Call Intel Tuesday Night 1- 14-20

Call Transcribed by WiserNow Emailed to Recaps

Welcome everybody to The Big Call tonight – It is Tuesday Jan 14th  and  you are tuned in and listening to The Big Call – From wherever you are listening all over the globe we welcome you and thank you for coming in – I hope the lines are clearing up for people to get in the call  – We did have an issue where a lot of people were getting busy signals – if you did and you are listening by replay now – there was nothing we could do to help  that - that’s just what happens – so maybe everybody that’s coming in listening live is able to get in and we’ll do this call the best we can – and hopefully everybody will catch it live or on Memorex

It’s a couple minutes before the top of the hour – lets go right to the intel -  I am sounding like this could be a wrap up call because it could be --  we never really know until the moment the blessing arrives but it feels like it could be our last call --  we’ll see –

Bruce’s Big Call Intel Tuesday Night 1-14-20

Call Transcribed by WiserNow Emailed to Recaps

Welcome everybody to The Big Call tonight – It is Tuesday Jan 14th  and  you are tuned in and listening to The Big Call – From wherever you are listening all over the globe we welcome you and thank you for coming in – I hope the lines are clearing up for people to get in the call  – We did have an issue where a lot of people were getting busy signals – if you did and you are listening by replay now – there was nothing we could do to help  that - that’s just what happens – so maybe everybody that’s coming in listening live is able to get in and we’ll do this call the best we can – and hopefully everybody will catch it live or on Memorex

It’s a couple minutes before the top of the hour – lets go right to the intel -  I am sounding like this could be a wrap up call because it could be --  we never really know until the moment the blessing arrives but it feels like it could be our last call --  we’ll see –

Now, I know many of you are going ohhhhhhhh and some of you are rolling your eyes like ohhh???  Ha Ha Ha Ha (Bruce laughing)  - You know it’s cool because we do get information every day sometimes it’s good sometimes it’s not so good – The information we got through the weekend was very positive we have fairly early on that we were looking at Tuesday Wednesday – I’m just going to tell  you  where we are right now and why –

 It seems like most importantly the Chinese Trade Deal with the United States which is Phase 1 of that is to be formally signed off tomorrow (Wednesday 15th) now it’s more, I believe we already had it completed but it will be ceremoniously signed off tomorrow

This morning on Barney & Company on Fox Business – Stewart Barney said it will be during his 11 o’clock hour ok I heard it would be sometime tomorrow morning -  ok – then later in the show he said it’s actually going to be at 11:30 – That is eastern Standard Time  and I thought ok  11:30 – good  - and I thought well how long does it take for that signing to take place and I was given an estimate of 7-8 minutes - ok --  that’s good –

So I’m going to be looking really close for a live coverage on FOX or Fox Business – I bet it will be on both at around 11:30  - Now, we’ll see if it’s on time or not on time but I think the President is going to do this signing tomorrow – now you ask, what difference does all of this make??

Because, even on an interview tonight before The Big Call that was recorded but it was with  Lou Dobbs and Steven Mnuchin – our Treasury Secretary - Mnuchin said that there was a chapter in  the China Trade Agreement – One chapter that dealt with currencies -  and foreign uh and currencies  -

In other words currencies so as to stem a manipulation – a currency manipulation which China has been doing for a long time – and this is a chapter I thought – well, we know there are some things in that agreement that deal with our currencies  - okay -  I thought it was interesting that he brought that up in the interview

So, what I’m saying is; When President Trump puts his presidential signature and seal to this agreement tomorrow that in effect is locking in everything for us to move forward into our redemption period

Now, what I’ve been told from several sources is, shortly after the signature takes place, the signing ceremony takes place  - I believe will be in the Oval Office in the White House tomorrow morning we could very well get notified – I’m going to say shortly thereafter –

It doesn’t necessarily mean within minutes – it could be – but it could take a little time for that to get activated but we do believe that we are on track for this to go for us tier 4B starting tomorrow – Let’s just leave it open

Now, I have been told that if we do get notified with emails and it’s emails that are already loaded – toll free number to me -  is already loaded – ready for dispersal -  and the emails coming from the Wells Fargo servers will have the toll free number in them -  as well as the number that comes to me will come by phone – and then we will put it out like I said on Big Call  and we will also be doing our own mailing from that site with the number

Now, that is supposed to happen at the same time – and without calling it ….. that is as close as I can predict  the possibility of the timing of this going for tier 4B – Us, the internet group - Tier 5 which is the public at large (Joe Public)  may not start till February sometime –

We’ve got 10-12 days to do our exchanges at the redemption centers – From whatever date we start – which could very well tomorrow (Wednesday) So we could take this thing close to the end of the month with our exchanges and redemption of our Zim -- and then they will reset screen rates and so on for the public after the redemption centers are closed –

The public will not use an 800 number that is put out online - they will simply get in touch with a tier 1 or tier 2 bank when they find out about this and they will go in with or without an appointment

Now,  we look for tomorrow to quite possibly be the start of a lot of things – We could get a NESARA announcement – A GESARA announcement – We could get some reference to restoring to the Restored Republic – At some point they are going to have to tell us about the new Gold backed currency – it may not be tomorrow – it could be tomorrow – at some point they’re going to let us know at least a day ahead of when we can get the new USN or USTN Treasury notes  at the banks - being in the tellers drawers at the banks – ready to disperse  to the public

I don’t know when that’s going to be – it may not be until the public starts – so it may not be until February – it doesn’t matter – the money that we get – even at the redemption centers in USD – I told you before it will be in 2,000 – 3,000 – 4,000 – 5,000 and 6,000  bundles – so you make some version of that –

A combination of bills and you’ll get up to $14,000 in cash – if you wish – you don’t have to take it – you can take a nickel - because you are going to have Debit & Credit cards  at the time of the redemption  that can and will be loaded with a pretty nice amount of cash – at least up to 200,000 – 300,000 400,000  500,000 – that will get some of your spending out of the way -

So, you be the judge if you feel comfortable - and I surely wouldn’t take cash and go right to the store after you come from the redemption center - this is something that you would maybe want to keep a little on your person but not that kind of money you want to keep in a safe place –

I told you the last time about the titanium card that you would have – the bio metric reader you would use when you went into your private bank situation and your password you would have to have and obviously you would write that down somewhere – keep that and the titanium card in a very safe place – NOT in a safe deposit box at the bank though – you want to keep it in a really safe place at home – or at the office – whichever is safer

Now, when it comes to what else is happening,  we know that the tier 4A’s have been in process for – over the weekend let’s say -  Saturday – Sunday and today and yesterday --  They are still not complete as far as I can tell  - They are getting a percentage – a 2% of their actual totals – then 2 days later they’re supposed to get – 48 hrs later they are supposed to get 20% of their total – That’s group 4A – that’s Admiral’s groups and Inner Core all of that – Core 30  and the 120 groups and others are supposed to be getting access –

It’s very hush hush - they are all under NDA’s -  and they want to stay that way – but I believe they will be made, most of them if not all; will be made liquid overnight tonight with access to funds tomorrow (Wednesday)

Now that’s from a paymaster – we’ll see if it’s true – we’ll see if that’s what happens – I think it makes sense if tier 4A gets access to funds while we’re going in for our redemption appointments – if that’s how it comes together – if that’s how it works out

Beyond that guys there’s not a whole lot else except rates are finalizing – and we already had the forex updated at 3 AM this morning  - and we’re looking for the Dong & Dinar rates to come in with where they’re going to be  between 3 and 6 in the morning tomorrow – Eastern Standard Time – So that should occur and everything should be set before the China Trade Deal is signed approximately  11:30 tomorrow Eastern Standard Time –That is the kick-off  for everything that we have been waiting for

So let’s all pray through the night tonight that this is “IT” and we get that result – We have the RV / GCR in our spirit – all we’re looking for now is the manifestation  of it which we believe could very well be tomorrow

Now, with that being said; I want to thank everybody for listening to us on The Big Call for now we are in our 9th year – thank you for that  thank you for making a difference -

 Bruce’s Big Call Replay LINK   intel begins at 52:20 min mark  

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Chats and Rumors, Calls Dinar Recaps 20 Chats and Rumors, Calls Dinar Recaps 20

Sunday Night Miracles Intel Conference Call 1-12-2020

.The next Miracles Intel Conference Call will be this SUNDAY NIGHT, JANUARY 12, 2020 beginning approximately 6pm PST - 9pm EST:

Our conference call line is:

Dial-in Number: 712-770-4598  Access Code: 767664#

Replay Number: 712-770-5402  Access Code: 767664# / followed by # again

We continue to have a massive amount of new listeners coming to our Sunday night Conference Call and we greatly appreciate your support with your donations. You will find links below to offer your support.

At this point in time, we are now keenly and unequivocally aware exactly what “Q” meant in stating on several occasions in December 2019: “Something BIG is coming.”

The next Miracles Intel Conference Call will be this SUNDAY NIGHT, JANUARY 12, 2020 beginning approximately 6pm PST - 9pm EST:

Our conference call line is:

Dial-in Number: 712-770-4598  Access Code: 767664#

Replay Number: 712-770-5402  Access Code: 767664# / followed by # again

We continue to have a massive amount of new listeners coming to our Sunday night Conference Call and we greatly appreciate your support with your donations. You will find links below to offer your support.

At this point in time, we are now keenly and unequivocally aware exactly what “Q” meant in stating on several occasions in December 2019: “Something BIG is coming.”

In point of fact, we are now clearly witnessing a MAJOR acceleration by the White Hat Patriots in their ongoing war to take down the Deep State. It is all getting very, very serious now!

We will cover all the latest breaking news regarding Iran, Iraq and the Military Action Plan, which is clearly moving aggressively forward as we have never seen before.

A series of historic and profound events continue to unfold very rapidly by the day — just within the first two weeks of 2020. And much more intense developments are poised to come.

• On Tuesday, January 7, at least 15 to as many as 30 missiles were launched by Iran at U.S/Iraq Military bases inside of Iraq.

Apparently, the missiles were in retaliation for the killing of Iran’s General Qassem Soleimani on January 2, near the Baghdad airpot.

• As Iran was shooting off their missiles, a Ukranian airline carrying at least 176 passengers was departing Tehran airport and subsequently crashed, killing all aboard including Iranian citizens. At first the Iran Government denied there was any connection between the missiles and the Ukraine airline crash, yet they have now reversed course and admitted that a missile did strike the airline “accidentally”.

• As a result, just today, Saturday, January 11, many, many Iranians took to the streets to protest their own government’s role in the catastrophic loss of life with the Ukraine airline crash. These protests were even reported by the official news agency of the government of Iran.

• And now a number of credible reports are emerging which are predicting the evil Iranian mullah/Deep State government is teetering and may be on the verge of collapse as more and more Iranian citizens rise up in a unified protest. And even President Trump has publicly thrown his full support behind the Iranian people by posting several tweets in the Farsi language.

• Meanwhile, back in Washington, DC, Speaker Nancy Pelosi has announced she will finally be sending over the articles of impeachment next week to the U.S. Senate, after attempting to play games with leader Mitch McConnell over the last 23 days regarding the impeachment trial.

• In addition, massive news is unfolding from the United Kingdom as the Windsor Royal family continues to implode from within in a very public fashion.

After Prince Andrew was ceremoniously kicked out of Buckingham Palace for his connections to Jeffrey Epstein, now both Prince Harry and his wife Meghan Markle have announced their intention to quit the Windsor family royal business and to relocate to the nation of Canada.

Is this yet another major sign of the impending total collapse of the British Monarchy?

• Finally, a big THANK YOU to all our supporters who joined us this past Friday evening for our Special Miracles Intel Conference Call on January 10.

Once again, we will have A LOT of breaking news to cover on this very important conference call. We really encourage you to join us this Sunday night!!

Our conference call line is:

Dial-in Number: 712-770-4598  Access Code: 767664#

Replay Number: 712-770-5402   Access Code: 767664# / followed by # again











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Bruce’s Big Call Intel Thursday Night 1- 9-20

.Bruce’s Big Call Intel Thursday Night  1- 9-20  

Call Transcribed by WiserNow Emailed to Recaps

Welcome everybody to The Big Call tonight – It is Thursday Jan 9th and you’re listening to The Big Call – Thanks for tuning in again – we appreciate you from all over the globe and we’re looking forward to having a great show tonight

Ok let’s talk a little about intel - what we’ve got happening now – as you guys know this intel – this whole thing with this blessing is a moving target – we get information and we think we’ve got a pretty close time line to what’s going on and then all of a sudden we get thrown a curve ball with something else or slightly different timing or – this is taking a little longer than we thought and so on – that’s sort of the situation we’re in now

We’ve got a good idea in the last few days of what’s happening – and what’s happening is the Dept of the treasury and the Dept of Defense have more or less signed off and authorized certain groups and certain financial groups, adjudicated settlements- fines & penalties and so on to begin a 4 step process or 4 phases of the payout situation -  

Bruce’s Big Call Intel Thursday Night 1- 9-20 

Call Transcribed by WiserNow Emailed to Recaps

Welcome everybody to The Big Call tonight – It is Thursday Jan 9th and you’re listening to The Big Call – Thanks for tuning in again – we appreciate you from all over the globe and we’re looking forward to having a great show tonight

Ok let’s talk a little about intel - what we’ve got happening now – as you guys know this intel – this whole thing with this blessing is a moving target – we get information and we think we’ve got a pretty close time line to what’s going on and then all of a sudden we get thrown a curve ball with something else or slightly different timing or – this is taking a little longer than we thought and so on – that’s sort of the situation we’re in now

We’ve got a good idea in the last few days of what’s happening – and what’s happening is the Dept of the treasury and the Dept of Defense have more or less signed off and authorized certain groups and certain financial groups, adjudicated settlements- fines & penalties and so on to begin a 4 step process or 4 phases of the payout situation -  

It starts with notification – then delivery of packets – then it goes to taking any information to a bank – setting up new accounts with the information and so on – it’s like 4 different phases for example –

Now, I have to say Thank You to Ron who sent emails to correct me about the information I put out back on Tuesday and the previous Thursday about CMKX – first of all, my understanding is it is properly said  CMKM??   I don’t understand where the CMKX came from I still don’t know that - 

but what’s interesting about that settlement is that it had not been paid and I realized that actually after last Tuesday’s call – I realized oops, sorry, it had not been completed and Ron sent me something that clarified that a little bit -- and, we’re in a process – that process, from what I understand is the hardest thing in the world to prove out or verify what stage it’s in or what phase it’s in but I believe it’s in the early starting phase of the pay out to those individuals  that are a part of that settlement

Now, in addition you’ve got fines & penalties - you’ve got the other adjudicated settlements and so on being handled – they are also in we think the 4 phases of completion  ok, so I don’t know what phase they are in right now  but we know they’ve started

Now, cut to the information that came in fairly late last night and that is that we’re looking at the go ahead having been authorized by the treasury for the key officer of the groups out west have been given authorization to begin funding those group participants by using the paymasters and in that particular case most of those accounts as far as I know have the money residing in new accounts and the people that are participants are just waiting to be notified as to that account information so they can see and have access to those funds –

The understanding was that they would have access to 2 % of the transaction amount and then in 48 hrs have access to the remaining amount – let’s call it the “mother lode” - as I tend to use the term “mother lode” for the largest account we have after we exchange or redeemed, in the case of the Zim

So, now that is coming for those people – Now getting evidence of it,  I can’t prove it but the understanding is clear that the authorization was issued yesterday and confirmed last night to have been received

Now, beyond that, I can tell you that there are Zim platforms about to be processed in 7 different cities – New York, Miami, Chicago, Dallas, San Francisco, Zurich, and Hong Kong – These are platforms that have been set up months and years ago well I am going to say at least a year or more ago -  Nothing that an individual Zim holder  at this stage takes part in at all -  it’s not for  us -  so you have to have been invited to be a part of that a long time ago and those are about –

Now here’s a bit of clarification I go today – those cities – and this is to just show the movement guys – this is to show the momentum and the movement forward in this whole blessing – this whole RV / GCR

What also is happening is the trustees for those Zim platform groups have been invited to go to the cities where those groups are based and stay in the hotels - and their hotels are being covered – their living expense - meals and so on - are being covered as they prepare to be funded so that they can move forward with the participants in those platforms those groups ok

I know that’s a little different, quite a bit different really than what we are going to be doing – I’m telling you this to give you an idea of what is happening out there – what is the timing and how we fit into it

The next part is we have major funds moving into place from both the (regrettus trust ????)??? and the Saint Germain trust – these could be used for some NESARA funding as you guys know or should know we are looking at some major debt jubilee  coming up for us here not only in the united states  but around the world – that would be under GESARA –

What WE are looking at is under NESARA – that would include some debt relief also include the funding from those trusts may also be for us in tier 4B – Now, it’s hard to say exactly and when huge amounts of funds are moving to central banks of countries; our central bank would be US Treasury which as you guys know the Federal Reserve has been completely reformatted and to become a part of our Treasury as well as the IRS – both have been reduced in staffing substantially - and will become a part of our US Treasury  so that is happening too

We’re in a position it looks like to have certain of these groups paid out  - the fines & penalties and adjudicated – CMKM paid out – perhaps that has to happen before we even get started –

I would say this is a time to get prepared – we’ve got a few days here and there left I think – I think we’re going to get started and they want this to be started before the 15th which I think is going to be Monday/Tuesday  which is 13th / 14th  - I believe that’s going to happen based on the intel we have now –

That pushes Joe Public tier 5 out to the 24th of Jan – ok, but we will still have at least 8 or 9 days when we start to do our Zim exchanges at the redemption center throughout the United States/ Canada / and even Mexico

 Now, trying to think if there’s anything else – oh, the other thing I wanted to mention is the concept of the QFS System – The Quantum Financial System is a new system that we, as far as I can tell right now has completely transitioned over to from the Swift System – We were running parallel with the Swift for about a year and I think we are completely off of Swift and onto the QFS

Two benefits for us - 2 benefits that come out immediately No 1 the speed of transfers and they use the term ledger to ledger transfers  for as opposed to sending wire transfer – but whichever way you say it, these transfers can occur in 28 – 52 seconds;  even globally – around the world – that is fantastic speed – 

No longer will the banks hold our money while a wire is coming in or say well it’s going to take 9 days or 11 days to get here – those days are gone - We are under a new banking system – We are going to see a lot of change in that –

The other thing we are going to see is with our accounts – and I am going to say especially if you’re a Zim holder; but with our accounts you’ll have 3 things to access your mother lode account

#1 you’ll have a biometric finger print reader to read your finger or thumb print – whichever it is which is security and access

#2 secondly you’ll have a titanium card that you will have to enter into the reader, the card reader  for information

#3 thirdly you’ll have a pass code that you’ll have to know to get it

Now, those 3 things are things for you only – they are NOT for the bankers to see – You’re going to be able to see a bank screen by  yourself when  you enter that information I just mentioned – that is for your protection and security – so no one else that you don’t want to see will see  - unless you want somebody that you absolutely trust to be able to access your account with  your card and with your thumbprint or fingerprint – that is up to you -

If you have 1 or 2 people  that you can trust with that and can see your account but it is designed for you to see it individually without anyone else seeing it and without anyone else having access or getting access to it

I am sure they will give you a complete tutorial when you get there just be aware that is what you’re going to be receiving if you set up a mother lode account – Certainly with Zim and maybe with other currencies as well

Now, that will give you security – you will not be able to access your funds on that account at home – you can forget about that  - You would only go to a specialized office with Wells or Chase or with HSBC or whatever bank you choose to work with and  you would only go to one of those private banking centers which we’re supposed to have a week or so after we start exchanges  -

We’re supposed to have about 2,000 locations for each bank; each of the major tier 1 banks  that we can go and access our accounts

The only reason you would access that mother lode account using those 3 things is when you’re moving money – that is the only reason you would need to do it – when you’re moving funds – from some place to some place else - moving to another bank or whatever ok -  

I’m sure they have ways for us to set up our accounts where our interest is paid automatically into what I call a spill over account from the mother lode account to the spill over account and then from there into other accounts – it could be used to pay bills – to purchase things - to pay off credit cards and so on

 You will set that up with your private banking team - just be aware of that specialty with the QFS o no body at the bank, no teller, no retail person, no private banker, nobody will have access to your account except you – unless you give that access to another individual -

You are going to want to keep that titanium card as well as your password in a very, very safe location – NOT in a safe deposit box in a bank by the way - NOT there – in another location only you know about

 Now, I’m going to say we are very close – I thought this morning (Thursday AM) we were closer than we may be but you know – it’s a long race – it’s a Marathon – you guys, we’re still in Mile 26 – we are just about to the tape – we’ve got to hit the tape hard – we’ve got to stroke and hit the wall hard if we’re swimmers and we’ve got to slam that backboard if we’re basketball players –

So, I really think this thing is coming – I gave you the timeline that I’m hearing - remember, I’m only giving you what I’m getting and trying to gleam the truth out of everything I hear – I feel good about it - I would have felt better if it had been today, yeah but I think we’ve made it this far we’ve got to tread water a little  bit longer and then we’re going to be home free – It’s all going to be worth it

Remember tier 4B is the only group that doesn’t have preset rates  - we have privately negotiable rates and that’s the way the Chinese Elders wanted it – that’s what they wanted us to have because they know we have the projects that are going to help humanity

So with that I am going to say thank you for listening, all over the globe; thank you for transcribing our call and thank you guys for praying for the prayer request sent in today – thank you for keeping the faith for this to happen  - Everybody have a good night

 Bruce’s Big Call Replay LINK   intel begins at 1:06:07 

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Bruce’s Big Call Intel Tuesday Night 1-7-20

.Bruce’s Big Call Intel Tuesday Night 1-7-20

Call Transcribed by WiserNow Emailed to Recaps

Welcome everybody to The Big Call; it’s Tuesday January 7th  and you’re tuned in to The Big Call  - Thank you for listening all over the globe as we count down what could be the last hours of this Pre Happening for our perfect release of everything we’ve ever hoped for - so let’s hope so

Well let’s talk a little bit about where our intel is and where we are right now -  as you know our last call was Thursday – here it is Tuesday and it’s been 5 days – in some ways a lot has happened and in some ways nothing has happened -The reason I say that is because for you and me that are a part of tier 4B – the internet group, nothing has happened yet – but for those that are ahead of us, tier 1,2,3, 4A  things are finally coming together

Bruce’s Big Call Intel Tuesday 1-7-20

Call Transcribed by WiserNow Emailed to Recaps

Welcome everybody to The Big Call; it’s Tuesday January 7th  and you’re tuned in to The Big Call  - Thank you for listening all over the globe as we count down what could be the last hours of this Pre Happening for our perfect release of everything we’ve ever hoped for - so let’s hope so

Well let’s talk a little bit about where our intel is and where we are right now -  as you know our last call was Thursday – here it is Tuesday and it’s been 5 days – in some ways a lot has happened and in some ways nothing has happened -The reason I say that is because for you and me that are a part of tier 4B – the internet group, nothing has happened yet – but for those that are ahead of us, tier 1,2,3, 4A  things are finally coming together

For example, the soft start; if you will, the RV, GCR started around 2:30 in the afternoon Eastern time yesterday (Monday) – The President spoke with Steve Mnuchin and said let’s do this – let’s get this thing started - let’s get it going - and they did make a decision to release the select accounts and were released at 10 am this morning (Tuesday) –

The CMKX  was to pay out a little after 11 am this morning, Eastern time(Tuesday)  and my understanding was by mid to late afternoon CMKX had completely paid out – So those accounts had been settled –

We needed for those accounts to be settled and the certain accounts we think could possibly, referred to as – fines & penalties, adjudicated settlements, could also include some of the farm claims, Indian claims  - some of them larger in groups in that sense needed to be completed and finished up – That we think is what has happened today –(Tuesday)

I believe the core groups (about 500 members) – we call it the core 30 because there are paymasters involved with it – in that sense – some of those people in those core groups have been notified at least by email to expect something and some other people in some of the other groups that are based out west have been advised that there are travel funds that they are going to receive to travel out west to take care of loose currency and their accounts – so that is in process

I really think we could very well see some of the groups settled out overnight tonight (Tuesday) where they actually get the emails to let them know that they have money in their accounts and give them accessibility to those funds because we’ve understood some of the accounts would have as little as 3% availability of funds and some heard 15-30% availability – to have access to that money

Beyond that it’s hard to say exactly how it’s going to flow but we do know that we did get started with some of these groups as a result of President Trump’s meeting with Steve Mnuchin yesterday (Monday)

So today (Tuesday) we believe, like I said CMKX was paid and completed – so this thing is started and there’s no turning back – Now, we that remain in tier 4B and the internet group are looking for our notifications to come out –

But I have to tell you, even the redemption centers do not know and will not know when this is going to start until 2-2 1/2 hours before it starts – So they are going to get a 2 – 2/12 hour heads-up on this and they are even keeping it quiet to them –

So they’re going to get the information – they are also on alert – to be on a moment’s notice – be notified and for the staff to be in – sitting at their desks – ready to go within an hour -- So that’s a pretty good alert status for them to respond to be ready to go –

Beyond that, we are just set – for us as far as we know all of the audits that we have received all of the security items have been handled and completed –

One moment please as I grab this ………. Hold on …….. so, where we are – is very very close – Now, I’m going to say one more thing – I said intel was going to be short tonight

Tonight is the 7th – tomorrow is the 8th - The Chinese love the number 8 - it’s the number of prosperity – new beginnings – and I think it could be very significant that tomorrow is Wednesday the 8th of January

 I’m trying my best not to call it cause I really can’t – but I know that this thing is in motion and I know that we are next - So the groups that went before us, tier 1,2,3,4A are being slowly paid out – it was sort of a slow start, if you will, but soft start, slow start, same thing to me  - I think things will pick up and things are definitely moving behind the scenes

So with that I am going to close – Let’s everybody, if you will, let’s believe that the attack on U S Army /Military bases in Iraq from Iran are minimized and it does not do anything to hamper the rollout of this blessing to us – that’s my prayer for tonight - Thanks everybody for listening

 The Big Call Replay Link      intel begins at 40:00 mark

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Bruce’s Big Call Intel Thursday Night 1-2-20

.Bruce’s Big Call Intel Thursday Night 1- 2-20  

Call Transcribed by WiserNow Emailed to Recaps

 Welcome everybody to The Big Call tonight – hope everybody had a Happy New Year yesterday and it is Thursday Jan 2nd and you’re listening to The Big Call – It’s 2020 and we have a vision for 2020 and I know you do too --

Our vision is 20/20 for the next decade and thanks everybody for tuning in from all over the globe – thank you for coming in and being part of our call – and as I mentioned we are in our 9th year now – starting our 9th years as of last Tuesday’s call - so, we’re happy to be here for you and like I said, I’m going to be here to take you all the way through / over the threshold – until this thing is DONE and DONE  - and that is another 4 letter D word that we’re not going to use anymore

Ok well let’s talk a little bit about where we are now since Tuesday’s call  - you know,  well some people are saying “well it’s awful quiet out there – not much is happening”  – well, it just all depends on who you have for sources -  

Bruce’s Big Call Intel Thursday Night 1- 2-20  

Call Transcribed by WiserNow Emailed to Recaps

 Welcome everybody to The Big Call tonight – hope everybody had a Happy New Year yesterday and it is Thursday Jan 2nd and you’re listening to The Big Call – It’s 2020 and we have a vision for 2020 and I know you do too --

Our vision is 20/20 for the next decade and thanks everybody for tuning in from all over the globe – thank you for coming in and being part of our call – and as I mentioned we are in our 9th year now – starting our 9th years as of last Tuesday’s call - so, we’re happy to be here for you and like I said, I’m going to be here to take you all the way through / over the threshold – until this thing is DONE and DONE  - and that is another 4 letter D word that we’re not going to use anymore

Ok well let’s talk a little bit about where we are now since Tuesday’s call  - you know,  well some people are saying “well it’s awful quiet out there – not much is happening”  – well, it just all depends on who you have for sources -  

Fortunately for you and for me we have some pretty good ones – really good ones and I can tell you I’ve got a timeline that takes us all the way through Tuesday – We’ve got it now and I mentioned this to you on Tuesday’s call if we did not get started by the weekend we’re probably looking at a Monday/Tuesday start

Now, I have to clarify what I mean by “if we don’t get started by the weekend” realize we’re talking to people all over the globe that some of which could be part of tier 1 - tier 2 - tier 3 – tier 4A or tier 4B which is the internet group – okay – If you’re in tier 5 you’re not paying attention – you’re just out there and have no clue as to what’s going on - That’s the “Joe Public” -

Those guys should get started – The Joe Public, around the 15th of January and we want – we, meaning China – US - they want this completed – I mean, TOTALLY COMPLETED  -  including the public, by the end of January –

There are 31 days in January – they want it completed by then – totally - not only us but the public – Now, for the public to and to start on the 15th we need to get started so we have our 8 or 9 days at least of time for exchange and Zim redemption okay –

So, here’s how it’s working right now – Notifications to the groups and that’s tier 1 – tier 2 – tier 3 and tier 4A and then we use the term the groups based out west - you guys know who I’m talking about there – all of those groups are going to be notified and started paying out so that they can see –

The funds have already be allocated to their new accounts – already been allocated - but what these groups don’t have is the coordinates yet where they can see and get access to their new accounts – that is supposed to start going out tomorrow morning (Friday)  around 9:30 –

Now, that should complete with the groups by Sunday- what’s been going on today is more of the same we’ve heard about – which is been, the fines and penalties – the adjudicated settlements – prosperity packages / deliveries – all of that stuff is going on today –

And like I said, groups that I just mentioned – tiers 1,2,3,4A will be started in the morning – let’s call it around 9:30 – the times I give you are Eastern Standard time -  

Alright, you can picture activity going on for them through the weekend, Friday – Saturday – Sunday - so well, where does that put us??  I believe it’s going to put us looking at either a Monday morning for numbers or Tuesday for numbers and the start of exchanges – We could start Monday afternoon – we could - but more than likely it will be a Tuesday start for those in tier 4B – the internet group

Now, what else is being done in the mean time? Finalized, first let’s go back – yesterday, January 1st, all rates were off all screens globally for 24 hours and they used the time of midnight eastern time – on New Years Eve so that took us through New Year’s Day all the way to midnight last night

And then the rates repopulated on the screens – Now, there will be new rates repopulating on the screen by 9:30 PM Sunday night which ties in to the start of trading in China and the Far East which would be their time 9:30 in the morning on Monday – 9:30 PM Sunday night Eastern is 9:30 AM Monday in the Far East –

So we will have all brand new rates on the screens including not only the Dinar which they know  that’s going to be – they’ve got that - they’ve got the Zim – they’ve got a lot of the other currencies – the one they’re working on and finalizing and it should be finalized over the weekend is the Viet Dong – and so that is being finalized

And as you know we have the formal signing / ceremonial signing of the first phase of the China Trade Deal – it’s set ceremonially for the 15th of January and at that time when it goes we should also have obviously, our USN or USTN – US Treasury Notes – our money, honey - 

It will be gold backed just like China’s – just like every other currency in the world will be asset backed primarily by gold also with other assets like oil , intellectual property etc etc  - other precious metals too  depending on which country we’re talking about – That’s what’s being used to establish values of those currencies around the globe

There’s going to be a much more level playing field especially regarding South East Asia and also South America and in a very real sense I would say Africa as well

So, look forward to a lot of new things happening by the 15th of January – for example – let’s say we get our new (money?) – the Public start around the 15th maybe even on the 15th which is on a Wednesday, right,  2 weeks from  yesterday (wed)  - let’s say we get that for the public when will the new money be announced?  You can’t just bring it out – you know, you got to talk about it –

My understanding is it will come out with an explanation of the new bills – our new money, the day before – So I would look for it probably  could be as early as the 13th  or maybe the 14th of January –

Now, when we go to the redemption centers, we will still get the fiat currency which will be fine, we can spend it – just get it and get it out and spend it – put it into the system – They’ll pick it up – the big box stores – have the dual drop boxes –

Everything you want to spend money in cash on – just spend it out and it will be picked up and turned back into the bank – and that will be the fastest way for the banks to get it – and they will get it back and eventually it will get shredded – they will shred it pretty quickly

I’m thinking what we should do is prepare to go to the redemption center – if you want some cash – they’ve got it bundled in 2,000 3,000 4,000 5,000 6,000 bundles - and you can get multiples of that and I believe the maximum is $14,000 that you can take without creating fen cen document, OK – So I don’t think you have to sweat the Fencen document

The other thing is the bills that they are using is what we have right now – if you look at your bills in the lower right hand corner – 10’s 20’s 50’s and 100’s you’ll see that the digit is in gold that’s what we’re going to be receiving at the redemption center – 10’s 20’s 50’s and 100’s with a gold in the lower right hand portion of the bill

Alright now, what else?  China is coming together – there is a so called back wall – I don’t like to use deadline or back wall because we know that has moved – but I believe this time we have what we have with absolute plans to complete this pretty much in the timeframe I’ve outlined

I’m excited about it – I think we are good to go – you’ve had faith to believe in this for so long maybe 15 years like me - I guess I’ve gone into my 16th year, yeah - I just think this is a great opportunity for us to just be happy with what we have achieved as a community and what we’re going to do in the future as a community – It’s absolutely unprecedented in history –

This is the great turnover of wealth that we’ve all heard about in the past – the wealth of the wicked laid up for the just - is the expression we have used in the past or laid up for the righteous

This is the time that has been set up for us to take advantage of this opportunity and to bring prosperity to all four corners of the earth and to get it out there – We’re going to do it here in the U S with Rebuild America and the Veterans - and for other projects that we’ll be doing we will be doing that

So here’s where we’re going – you’ve got the time line – you know the groups are supposed to pay out between tomorrow and the 5th - which is Sunday – so there’s your weekend

Now if you’re not in one of those groups tier 1 2 3 4A don’t worry about it – forget about it - you’re going to probably be process directly after they get paid

Now, could we get a surprise on Saturday? It’s possible – remember they still don’t know when – they don’t want us to know when so don’t worry about it – enjoy the weekend and be ready for the first two days of next week

Have a great weekend !! Take Care and God Bless

 Bruce’s Big Call Replay LINK  intel begins at 58:14 min mark

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Bruce’s Big Call Intel Thursday Night 12- 31-19

.Bruce’s Big Call Intel Thursday Night 12- 31-19

Call Transcribed by WiserNow Emailed to Recaps

Welcome everybody to The Big Call tonight – it’s Tuesday Dec 31 – that’s right New Year’s Eve - Happy New Year’s Eve - End of a Decade - The Big Call has been on – as of the 28th of December  for 8 full years – Tonight’s call starts  the first call of our 9th year - 8 is the number of completion – the number of prosperity - and with any success tonight or Thursday could be our last call – so we’ll see

Let’s go into some intel – this is why I wanted to have a call tonight – you say, what are you doing having a call on New Year’s Eve? Well I’m doing a call because I think you guys would want to know – and get the latest update -- It’s been 5 nights since we had a call - This is our first call of our 9th year – can you believe it?  We’ve completed 8 yrs -- 8 is the number of completion and prosperity - both of which we are about to walk into –

Bruce’s Big Call Intel Thursday Night 12- 31-19

Call Transcribed by WiserNow Emailed to Recaps

Welcome everybody to The Big Call tonight – it’s Tuesday Dec 31 – that’s right New Year’s Eve - Happy New Year’s Eve - End of a Decade - The Big Call has been on – as of the 28th of December  for 8 full years – Tonight’s call starts  the first call of our 9th year - 8 is the number of completion – the number of prosperity - and with any success tonight or Thursday could be our last call – so we’ll see

Let’s go into some intel – this is why I wanted to have a call tonight – you say, what are you doing having a call on New Year’s Eve? Well I’m doing a call because I think you guys would want to know – and get the latest update -- It’s been 5 nights since we had a call - This is our first call of our 9th year – can you believe it?  We’ve completed 8 yrs -- 8 is the number of completion and prosperity - both of which we are about to walk into –

Now, here’s the reason I say that – I found out today, I mean this morning, today, the 31st of December that the intent was to get this whole RV/ GCR done mid October but we weren’t ready for it – we could not make it – Then the emphasis was to try to get there by 13th 14th or 15th of December – and we could not make that happen – we – because the Chinese were insistent that we had moved farther along in the clean up process that we had started  -  that we had moved to a higher position in that process and we did not make it

Then the process was like – ok – we are looking at after the first of the year and I don’t mean long after either – I already told you that the Joe Public – which is our tier 5 – after us -- is set to start approximately the 15th of January - That means we need to be in and through by then - In fact, the entire process for us and the public they want to have completed by the very end of January  - totally DONE – DONE and DONE – COMPLETE -

So that gives you some idea of the timeline we’re on - They do want 8-9 days for us for our exchanges and for our Zim redemption – for tier 4B - and I can tell you this much – the plan is and the timeline is for the groups – those based out west - inner and outer core - other groups – all the fines and penalties and adjudicated settlements – all other claims – prosperity packages - all of that stuff we’ve talked about –

They want them to see the funds in their account and be notified and actually have access to those funds to the liquidity of those funds between the 2nd and 5th of January

Now I’ve given you the timeframe when everything is supposed to be liquid – we should be started within that same timeframe - If everything goes according to plan and as it is now we should be there by the end of this week –

Now, the biggest situation that we have is, as I refer to it, is clean up on isle 3 – there is continued clean up in progress now – it is continuing – it is working - and they have set certain goals and they have moved very well to achieving those - If those occur as they’re going  as they were today  I think we’re looking very , very good  before the weekend okay? – That’s as far as I will take that –

Now, I know that there are some things that are happening to give us negotiated rates capability on a couple of our key currencies – I know that China is more than ready - I know the contracts have been ratified and have been put into the Hague for a lot of the elders that have already been paid - 

We know that everything has been signed off – The President mentioned in his tweet this morning – President trump talked about the China Trade Deal being an accomplished feat - as of the 15th of January with signing ceremonies – and I think that is a wonderful for us to look forward to in the coming days

I also believe as a result that is why the Joe Public is looking for a start around or on the 15th of January

Now, when you’re down to the end of the game here and we’re just about to break through that tape at the end of this race - what do we do first of all? – We continue to have the faith to complete the race and finish strong and that’s what we’re doing on The Big Call – that’s what we want everybody to do that’s listening

Has anyone seen a swimming race?  Where they’re racing to the wall? And what do they do? They hit that wall hard – they hit it – they don’t just glide into the wall – you don’t glide in – you stroke until you don’t  have room to make a full stroke and then you touch the wall  and you hit it - you physically hit it and that’s what sets the timer and that’s how you finish strong  --

Same thing – when  you break through that tape - when your chest runs through and you hit that tape and break it at the finish line – that’s when we’re going to know we are there – and I’m telling you right now everybody needs to get ready and be prepared to hit that tape to touch that all okay   

because this is the time we’ve been selected for – we’ve been chosen for – for this particular time and if you have faded out and you’re coming back in and listening or maybe you’re even new to the call - maybe you’ve been in only1-2 months - you did not know any of this – or about the redemption centers - well, let me tell you the redemption centers and tier 1 banks will be notified very soon with the procedures – the actual information about the procedures on the release of notification of the 800 numbers - that is coming I’d say in less than 24 hours --  

The instructions are going out - we know that Wells Fargo servers have the emails to go out to the individual – which are well over 400,000 individuals – a lot of the people 80-90 % of us will receive that information by email if you bought currency they have your email - simple as that – if you bought from a dealer – a registered dealer they’ve got it - and you will be getting an email if your address is still valid

I’m here to get the number at the same time that those emails go out and when I get the number I will put it out and let you guys know – I will put it out on the site and also send out an email blast

The word will get out – not only through me but though a couple other people in the community and I’m sure we will all be excited to set our appointments and move forward

So everything - the full timeline is in plan right now – we have a pretty good picture of what it looks like and  suffice it to say that things are moving forward – there’s a lot happening behind the scenes okay

I want everybody to feel good about tonight – I want you to celebrate in a sober way – I don’t want you to go out drinking and carrying on, I really don’t – I want everyone to have a quiet but joyful celebration time - and this could be considered a pre – celebration call  because it is New Year’s Eve  and I want to tell you we are going to welcome in the New Year – We are going to bring in not only the New  Year 2020  but a New Decade –A New Decade of prosperity and growth and disclosure and all kinds of new technology – I’m excited

I want to thank everybody for the over 8 years now of having tuned in to us and listened and been there for us – thank you for your support and we appreciate you – we look forward to being in touch with you by email and we will send you whatever we will be doing in terms of projects and we’ll go from there

I look forward to taking you guys all the way over the threshold into the New Year – everybody have a blessed New Year be safe and stay in faith because we’re almost home – this is our graduation

Bruce’s Big Call Replay LINK  - Intel begins 40:15

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