Bruce’s Big Call Intel Tuesday Night 1-7-20

Bruce’s Big Call Intel Tuesday 1-7-20

Call Transcribed by WiserNow Emailed to Recaps

Welcome everybody to The Big Call; it’s Tuesday January 7th  and you’re tuned in to The Big Call  - Thank you for listening all over the globe as we count down what could be the last hours of this Pre Happening for our perfect release of everything we’ve ever hoped for - so let’s hope so

Well let’s talk a little bit about where our intel is and where we are right now -  as you know our last call was Thursday – here it is Tuesday and it’s been 5 days – in some ways a lot has happened and in some ways nothing has happened -The reason I say that is because for you and me that are a part of tier 4B – the internet group, nothing has happened yet – but for those that are ahead of us, tier 1,2,3, 4A  things are finally coming together

For example, the soft start; if you will, the RV, GCR started around 2:30 in the afternoon Eastern time yesterday (Monday) – The President spoke with Steve Mnuchin and said let’s do this – let’s get this thing started - let’s get it going - and they did make a decision to release the select accounts and were released at 10 am this morning (Tuesday) –

The CMKX  was to pay out a little after 11 am this morning, Eastern time(Tuesday)  and my understanding was by mid to late afternoon CMKX had completely paid out – So those accounts had been settled –

We needed for those accounts to be settled and the certain accounts we think could possibly, referred to as – fines & penalties, adjudicated settlements, could also include some of the farm claims, Indian claims  - some of them larger in groups in that sense needed to be completed and finished up – That we think is what has happened today –(Tuesday)

I believe the core groups (about 500 members) – we call it the core 30 because there are paymasters involved with it – in that sense – some of those people in those core groups have been notified at least by email to expect something and some other people in some of the other groups that are based out west have been advised that there are travel funds that they are going to receive to travel out west to take care of loose currency and their accounts – so that is in process

I really think we could very well see some of the groups settled out overnight tonight (Tuesday) where they actually get the emails to let them know that they have money in their accounts and give them accessibility to those funds because we’ve understood some of the accounts would have as little as 3% availability of funds and some heard 15-30% availability – to have access to that money

Beyond that it’s hard to say exactly how it’s going to flow but we do know that we did get started with some of these groups as a result of President Trump’s meeting with Steve Mnuchin yesterday (Monday)

So today (Tuesday) we believe, like I said CMKX was paid and completed – so this thing is started and there’s no turning back – Now, we that remain in tier 4B and the internet group are looking for our notifications to come out –

But I have to tell you, even the redemption centers do not know and will not know when this is going to start until 2-2 1/2 hours before it starts – So they are going to get a 2 – 2/12 hour heads-up on this and they are even keeping it quiet to them –

So they’re going to get the information – they are also on alert – to be on a moment’s notice – be notified and for the staff to be in – sitting at their desks – ready to go within an hour -- So that’s a pretty good alert status for them to respond to be ready to go –

Beyond that, we are just set – for us as far as we know all of the audits that we have received all of the security items have been handled and completed –

One moment please as I grab this ………. Hold on …….. so, where we are – is very very close – Now, I’m going to say one more thing – I said intel was going to be short tonight

Tonight is the 7th – tomorrow is the 8th - The Chinese love the number 8 - it’s the number of prosperity – new beginnings – and I think it could be very significant that tomorrow is Wednesday the 8th of January

 I’m trying my best not to call it cause I really can’t – but I know that this thing is in motion and I know that we are next - So the groups that went before us, tier 1,2,3,4A are being slowly paid out – it was sort of a slow start, if you will, but soft start, slow start, same thing to me  - I think things will pick up and things are definitely moving behind the scenes

So with that I am going to close – Let’s everybody, if you will, let’s believe that the attack on U S Army /Military bases in Iraq from Iran are minimized and it does not do anything to hamper the rollout of this blessing to us – that’s my prayer for tonight - Thanks everybody for listening

 The Big Call Replay Link      intel begins at 40:00 mark


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