Awake-In-3D, Economics Dinar Recaps 20 Awake-In-3D, Economics Dinar Recaps 20

Awake-In-3D: Impending Global Fiat Currency Collapse Will Begin with Japan – Here’s Why


Impending Global Fiat Currency Collapse Will Begin with Japan – Here’s Why

On September 2, 2023 By Awake-In-3D

In RV/GCR Articles, Fiat Debt System Collapse Articles

Explaining Japanese Yen Carry Trade and Why it’s a Ticking Time Bomb for the Global Financial Economy

In a world on the edge of economic uncertainty, a looming catastrophe threatens to unravel the global fiat currency debt system. A dangerous scenario around Japanese Yen (JPY) Carry Trades, once a profitable strategy is now a ticking time bomb.

As the doom loop of push-pull tradeoffs between supporting the JPY exchange rate, or keeping government bond (sovereign debt) yields low, continues at the Central Bank of Japan, the inevitable outcome for a government debt default grows closer by the week.  


Impending Global Fiat Currency Collapse Will Begin with Japan – Here’s Why

On September 2, 2023 By Awake-In-3D

In RV/GCR Articles, Fiat Debt System Collapse Articles

Explaining Japanese Yen Carry Trade and Why it’s a Ticking Time Bomb for the Global Financial Economy

In a world on the edge of economic uncertainty, a looming catastrophe threatens to unravel the global fiat currency debt system. A dangerous scenario around Japanese Yen (JPY) Carry Trades, once a profitable strategy is now a ticking time bomb.

As the doom loop of push-pull tradeoffs between supporting the JPY exchange rate, or keeping government bond (sovereign debt) yields low, continues at the Central Bank of Japan, the inevitable outcome for a government debt default grows closer by the week.  

If the Japanese economy tanks, a financial contagion will likely spread across Asia, Europe, and the United States, bringing with it the collapse of the global financial order.

In a global financial system already grappling with ever-growing economic uncertainties, an impending threat emerges, casting a dark shadow over the global financial system. The JPY Carry Trade, once seen as a foolproof strategy, now reveals its true colors, setting the stage for the worldwide collapse of the fiat currency debt system.

The Allure of the JPY Carry Trade

For years, investors were enticed by the JPY Carry Trade, capitalizing on the extremely low interest rates of the Japanese yen at a mere 0.2%. This approach involved borrowing yen at minimal rates, investing in high-risk assets, and reaping returns ranging from 5% to 10%. It appeared to be a win-win scenario, promising endless profits.

Learn what a Carry Trade is in simple terms here

Unraveling the Illusion

The seemingly infallible JPY Carry Trade is now unraveling, posing detrimental consequences. The first warning signs materialize as Japanese Government Bond (JGB) yields rise. As the value of the yen drops, authorities attempt to defend its foreign exchange price by increasing JGB yields. However, this inadvertently diminishes the incentive for investors to borrow yen.

The Collapse Begins

With diminishing liquidity and waning borrowing incentives, a disastrous chain reaction commences. Foreign capital inflows, once vital for the Japanese economy, experience a sharp decline. The ramifications are dire, as the third-largest global economy plunges into turmoil and eventual debt default.

Pariah Status of the Japanese Yen

The once-reliable yen, previously considered a safe-haven currency, now becomes a pariah on the global stage. Its value spirals out of control, leaving investors and nations in a state of panic. Japan, once an economic powerhouse, now teeters on the edge of an unprecedented default, sending shockwaves throughout the world.

Contagion Spreads to Asia

The contagion swiftly spreads across Asia, with China bearing the brunt of the financial tempest. Economic stability in the region crumbles, as financial markets succumb to insurmountable debt and mass sell-offs.

Eurozone Under Pressure

The crisis engulfs the eurozone, shaking the very core of European finance. Country after country will fall into chaos under the relentless onslaught, further threatening the stability of the global financial order.

Impact on the United States

Finally, the contagion reaches the United States, the epitome of fiat currency and global economic power. The nation, once considered immune to external turmoil, finds itself ensnared in an inescapable web of financial crisis. The ripple effects of the collapse of the fiat currency debt system leave no stone unturned, shattering the illusion of debt system invincibility worldwide.


As the world teeters on the brink of financial Armageddon, it serves as a stark reminder that even seemingly infallible systems are not immune to collapse. The JPY Carry Trade, once celebrated for its profit potential, now stands as a testament to the fragility of the global economy and the catalyst for a Global Financial Reset.

Will the world unite around this cataclysmic disaster and implement our Gold-backed GCR? Or will the central banksters and elitists push onwards to introduce their version of a financial reset based on CBDCs backed by Carbon Credits?

Only time will tell.

Related Articles:

A Tale of Two Financial Doom Loops – Japan Leads and the USA Follows

In an era of mounting financial challenges and escalating risks to global economies, the need for a stable and sustainable monetary system becomes increasingly evident. When we closely examine the economic landscapes of both the USA and Japan, the pressing need for a transformative approach becomes apparent. Spiraling debt levels, surging inflation, and the vulnerability of fiat currencies call for a viable alternative – Our Gold-backed RV/GCR.

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Japan’s Catastrophic Debt and the Inevitable Collapse of the Yen Fiat Currency

The Japanese Yen could be the first fiat currency to collapse and trigger a worldwide financial crash due to the country’s unsustainable debt problem, coupled with a lack of effective economic reforms and a dependency on aggressive, and failing, monetary policies. Given Japan’s position as the third-largest economy globally and its extensive international financial linkages, the collapse of the Japanese Yen could have significant contagion effects on other major economies. The inter-connectedness of the global financial system could amplify the impact of a Japanese Yen collapse, potentially triggering a worldwide financial crash.

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Awake-In-3D, Economics Dinar Recaps 20 Awake-In-3D, Economics Dinar Recaps 20

Awake-In-3D:  BRICS Alliance Forging Ahead with a Global Financial Revolution


BRICS Alliance Forging Ahead with a Global Financial Revolution

On August 24, 2023 By Awake-In-3D

In RV/GCR Articles

As the 2023 BRICS Summit concludes, is there a new currency on the horizon?

Envision what a world without the dominance of the U.S. dollar might look like. Imagine a new currency taking center stage, a currency formed by the combined efforts of Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa, the BRICS nations. While it may not be happening as fast as we would like, it certainly appears to be moving forward.


BRICS Alliance Forging Ahead with a Global Financial Revolution

On August 24, 2023 By Awake-In-3D

In RV/GCR Articles

As the 2023 BRICS Summit concludes, is there a new currency on the horizon?

Envision what a world without the dominance of the U.S. dollar might look like. Imagine a new currency taking center stage, a currency formed by the combined efforts of Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa, the BRICS nations. While it may not be happening as fast as we would like, it certainly appears to be moving forward.

Key Points

  • A revolutionary financial proposal from the BRICS summit

  • The push for a more sophisticated payment system

  • Russia’s alternative to SWIFT

  • Could a common currency for BRICS soon be a reality?

A New Financial Era Beckons

At the recent BRICS summit in Johannesburg, a game-changing idea was proposed. The leaders of the BRICS nations are considering a break from the U.S. dollar, in favor of local currency usage in trade and financial transactions.

Li Kexin, Director-General of the Department of International Economic Affairs of the Foreign Ministry of China said, “BRICS members should study local currency cooperation payment tools and platforms, and promote local currency settlement.”

Russia’s SWIFT Alternative

Russia, in response to being cut-off from the SWIFT messaging system due to western sanctions, has already created its own alternative. An alternative payment system is not just a Russian idea, but a promising area, according to Indian Foreign Secretary Vinay Kwatra.

Techniques for Implementing BRICS Payment System

  1. Strengthening cross-border payment cooperation

  2. Promoting local currency settlement

  3. Setting up alternative international payment systems

Unfolding Events to Watch

Russia: Despite being cut-off from SWIFT, they created their own alternative system, proving self-sufficiency is possible.

China: They are pushing for local currency settlement in global transactions, reducing reliance on the U.S. dollar.

Brazil: The call for a common BRICS currency for trade and investment between members, a bold move that could reshape global financial dynamics.

We Are Witnessing an Unfolding Financial Revolution

This development could reshape the global financial landscape. This is not just about a new currency, it’s about a shift in financial power and monetary system dynamics, a new era that could spark global awareness of a stable, sovereign non-fiat financial system offering fairness and increased prosperity for all of humanity.

…Leading to Our GCR Alternative.

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Ai3D Website:
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Ai3D on Twitter: @Real_AwakeIn3D

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Awake-In-3D, Economics Dinar Recaps 20 Awake-In-3D, Economics Dinar Recaps 20

Awake-In-3D: Buckle Up World! We’re in for a Banking Bloodbath


Buckle Up World! We’re in for a Banking Bloodbath

On August 24, 2023 By Awake-In-3D

In Fiat Debt System Collapse Articles

Not a doomsday prophecy, but a heads-up for a financial challenge like we’ve never seen.

There’s a white-knuckle ride developing in the banking world. Thanks to our government’s love for spending like a drunken sailor, we’re moving headlong towards a financial free-fall. This isn’t some half-baked theory, it’s a red alert from a highly successful, $254 million hedge fund leader.

I foresee an energy crisis, entwined in a banking crisis, swallowed by a fiscal and monetary crisis.


Buckle Up World! We’re in for a Banking Bloodbath

On August 24, 2023 By Awake-In-3D

In Fiat Debt System Collapse Articles

Not a doomsday prophecy, but a heads-up for a financial challenge like we’ve never seen.

There’s a white-knuckle ride developing in the banking world. Thanks to our government’s love for spending like a drunken sailor, we’re moving headlong towards a financial free-fall. This isn’t some half-baked theory, it’s a red alert from a highly successful, $254 million hedge fund leader.

I foresee an energy crisis, entwined in a banking crisis, swallowed by a fiscal and monetary crisis.

Harris Kupperman, CEO Praetorian Capital Management

Why should you care?

This is a serious warning from Harris Kupperman, the big cheese of Praetorian Capital Management.  His investment fund skyrocketed over 658% net of fees from its inception in 2019 through to Q2’s end. Now that’s a track record that screams ‘listen up’!

“I foresee an energy crisis, entwined in a banking crisis, swallowed by a fiscal and monetary crisis. This will birth epic opportunities, laced with risk and seismic volatility,” he prophesizes.

The Three-Headed Monster

Here’s the point: Kupperman predicts a fiscal crisis thanks to our government’s spending spree, a banking crisis because our financial institutions are up the creek without a paddle, and an energy crisis because energy demand is outrunning supply.

He forecasts the 10-year US Treasury’s yield will rocket to 6% in the next year, which, in his words, “annihilates a lot of things in terms of businesses.”

These looming crises will shake up our financial world like a snow globe.

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Ai3D Website:
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Ai3D on Twitter: @Real_AwakeIn3D

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Awake-In-3D, Economics Dinar Recaps 20 Awake-In-3D, Economics Dinar Recaps 20

Awake-In-3D: Get Ready for China’s Epic Property Meltdown


Get Ready for China’s Epic Property Meltdown

On August 24, 2023 By Awake-In-3D

In Fiat Debt System Collapse Articles

China’s “Lehman Moment”? Maybe.

Ever thought about China’s property market going belly up? Picture this: the world’s number two economy is teetering on the edge of its very own “Lehman moment”.


Get Ready for China’s Epic Property Meltdown

On August 24, 2023 By Awake-In-3D

In Fiat Debt System Collapse Articles

China’s “Lehman Moment”? Maybe.

Ever thought about China’s property market going belly up? Picture this: the world’s number two economy is teetering on the edge of its very own “Lehman moment”.

What’s Happening Now:

  • China’s property market disaster.

  • The “Lehman moment” – why you should be concerned.

  • Beijing’s desperate scramble to keep the ship afloat.

China’s Property Crisis: It’s Worse Than You Think

China’s real estate sector is a ticking time bomb. China Evergrande Group, a big-shot developer, is drowning in losses – a staggering 812 billion yuan (US$112 billion) for 2021 and 2022. And it’s not the only one. Country Garden, another property behemoth, is flirting with a bond default.

For once I agree with something the seriously flawed, fiat money economist John Maynard Keynes once quipped, “When the capital development of a country becomes a by-product of the activities of a casino, the job is likely to be ill-done.” Couldn’t have put it better myself.

Lehman Moment: It’s Not Just a Possibility, It’s a Promise

“Lehman moment” – a domino effect of financial catastrophes triggered when one company’s mess becomes everyone’s nightmare. While some may think that a full-blown Lehman moment is unlikely in China, the property sector’s mounting troubles are about to give Beijing a reality check.

Possible Short Term Band-Aids to Survive the Impending Meltdown

  1. Policy Intervention: Beijing might pull some tricks to steady the property market and dodge a crash.

  2. Debt Restructuring: Companies could beg their creditors to avoid default and rejig their debts.

  3. Bondholder Bailouts: The government could play the hero and bail out bondholders to avoid mass hysteria.

Asian Crisis Contagion Management – Been There, Done That

  • 2008 Financial Crisis: Central banks worldwide went all guns blazing with monetary policy measures to fight the crisis. This will only increase inflation rates to epic proportions.

  • 1997 Asian Financial Crisis: Governments did some soul searching, enacted reforms and groveled to the IMF to restore stability. Hopefully, they won’t end up at the IMF’s doorstep.

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© Awake-In-3D | GCR Real-Time News

Ai3D Website:
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Ai3D on Twitter: @Real_AwakeIn3D

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Awake-In-3D, Economics Dinar Recaps 20 Awake-In-3D, Economics Dinar Recaps 20

Awake-In-3D: Look Who’s Officially Joining the Developing Big Boys’ Club!


Look Who’s Officially Joining the Developing Big Boys’ Club!

On August 24, 2023 By Awake-In-3D

In RV/GCR Articles

Saudi Arabia, the oil-slicked Cinderella, just got a golden ticket to the economic Oscars. Imagine being a regular Joe, then getting invited to a secret society where Elon Musk and Jeff Bezos discuss world domination over whiskey. That’s Saudi Arabia right now.

The BRICS group – the economic Avengers, if you will – just extended a hand to Saudi Arabia. Now, they’re not just rubbing shoulders with Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa, but also the United Arab Emirates, Iran, Egypt, and Argentina.


Look Who’s Officially Joining the Developing Big Boys’ Club!

On August 24, 2023 By Awake-In-3D

In RV/GCR Articles

Saudi Arabia, the oil-slicked Cinderella, just got a golden ticket to the economic Oscars. Imagine being a regular Joe, then getting invited to a secret society where Elon Musk and Jeff Bezos discuss world domination over whiskey. That’s Saudi Arabia right now.

The BRICS group – the economic Avengers, if you will – just extended a hand to Saudi Arabia. Now, they’re not just rubbing shoulders with Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa, but also the United Arab Emirates, Iran, Egypt, and Argentina.

Why should you care?

Imagine if Pepsi and Coca-Cola decided to merge. That’s the kind of seismic shift we’re talking about. Saudi Arabia might just ditch its BFF, the United States, for this new, shiny alliance. It’s like Batman ditching Robin for the Justice League.

But there’s a twist: PetroDollar at Stake?

China, the persistent Romeo, wants Saudi Arabia to price its oil in Renminbi, not dollars. It’s a high stakes love triangle, with Saudi playing hard-to-get, and the US and China fighting for its heart.

This isn’t just about oil, it’s a global power play. Saudi Arabia joining BRICS could be its Rocky Balboa moment, catapulting it to global stardom.

Will Saudi play both sides or pick a team? Who knows? But one thing’s for sure, the world is watching, popcorn in hand.

BRICS and Saudi Arabia: A Power Play You Can’t Ignore

Saudi Arabia, the energy juggernaut, is cozying up to the BRICS nations (Brazil, Russia, India, China, South Africa). It’s like a colossal jigsaw puzzle, and the pieces? They’re falling into place. The result? A goldmine of developmental and economic opportunities.

Saudi Foreign Minister, Prince Faisal bin Farhan, used the BRICS summit as his soapbox. Picture a quarterback, laying down a daring game plan in the final quarter. Bold move, don’t you think?

And Saudi Arabia, the heart of the energy sector, is not backing down. They’re pumping life into the global energy markets, and they’re not about to let go of the reins.

So, what’s brewing? Expect new alliances, amplified cooperation, and a skyrocketing relationship between these powerhouses. It’s like watching a caterpillar morph into a butterfly – a breathtaking transformation is in the pipeline!

Stay glued for more updates on this global power play.

© Awake-In-3D | GCR Real-Time News

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Awake-In-3D, Economics, Gold and Silver Dinar Recaps 20 Awake-In-3D, Economics, Gold and Silver Dinar Recaps 20

Awake-In-3D: Calls for Gold-backed Dollar on the Rise Across USA


Calls for Gold-backed Dollar on the Rise Across USA

On August 23, 2023 By Awake-In-3D

In RV/GCR Articles

Our GCR, as an alternative currency system, is gaining public awareness.

Amidst mounting concerns over inflation and the waning influence of the U.S. dollar in international trade, lawmakers on both the federal and state levels are championing gold and precious metals as a remedy.

With growing discussions about the potential loss of the dollar’s status as the global reserve currency, proponents of a gold-backed U.S. dollar are making a compelling case for returning to the economic stability of the past.


Calls for Gold-backed Dollar on the Rise Across USA

On August 23, 2023 By Awake-In-3D

In RV/GCR Articles

Our GCR, as an alternative currency system, is gaining public awareness.

Amidst mounting concerns over inflation and the waning influence of the U.S. dollar in international trade, lawmakers on both the federal and state levels are championing gold and precious metals as a remedy.

With growing discussions about the potential loss of the dollar’s status as the global reserve currency, proponents of a gold-backed U.S. dollar are making a compelling case for returning to the economic stability of the past.

Key Takeaways from this Article

  • Amount of new debt added under the current administration: $5 trillion.

  • Growing concerns over escalating debt, inflation, and global efforts to displace the dollar.

  • Fitch’s downgrade of U.S. debt and declining purchasing power underscore need for monetary reform. A weakening U.S. dollar prompt discussions on returning to a gold-backed dollar.

  • Lawmakers advocate for gold and precious metals to stabilize the economy and protect U.S. interests. The Gold Standard Restoration Act (H.R. 2435) proposes redefining the dollar with fixed gold weight, exchanging paper currency for gold.

  • Texas Gold Depository promotes intrastate gold trade for economic stability. Increasing states recognize gold and silver as legal tender, facilitating trade and eliminating barriers.

  • Non-Western central banks buying gold in record quantities.

  • China and other nations challenge dollar’s dominance, prompting reconsideration of precious metals’ role.

The call for a return to the gold standard is gaining traction through diverse initiatives, ranging from congressional bills advocating for the dollar’s connection to gold to state-level efforts facilitating the use of precious metals in commerce. The implications are far-reaching, and even private-sector players are advocating for a return to the gold standard as protection against looming economic crises.

Lawmakers at both state and federal levels underscored the urgency of reestablishing gold as a foundation for the U.S. dollar. U.S. Rep. Alex Mooney’s (R-W.Va.) Gold Standard Restoration Act (H.R. 2435) is a notable example, proposing a redefinition of the dollar based on a fixed gold weight and mandating the exchange of paper currency for gold. Mooney argues that the U.S.’s staggering $32 trillion debt and unrestrained spending necessitate a return to a tangible standard.

While the path forward remains uncertain, the growing momentum behind the call for a gold-backed dollar is hard to ignore.

Mr. Mooney emphasized, “Returning to the gold standard would bolster domestic and international confidence in the U.S. dollar because its value would be tied to something of actual worth, not just the ‘full faith and credit’ of the U.S. government.” He added that this move would preserve the dollar’s global reserve status.

Texas Representative Mark Dorazio, a Republican, is advocating for intrastate trade in gold through the Texas Gold Depository. Dorazio contends that history’s endurance of gold’s value over millennia positions it as a reliable standard. He stated, “It is the go-to in economic crisis and instability—everyone knows you go to gold.” Dorazio’s proposal not only offers economic stability but also presents an opportunity for the state to generate revenue.

Ron Paul, a prominent advocate for the gold standard and sound money, concurs. Paul highlights the stability and inherent value of gold, which digital currencies lack. He asserts, “Gold and silver became money spontaneously thousands of years ago, and metals have worked well.” Paul’s perspective aligns with a growing number of states that are legally recognizing gold and silver as tender, facilitating trade by eliminating sales taxes and other obstacles.

As the U.S. faces escalating debt, inflation, and global efforts to replace the dollar, interest in precious metals is surging. Fitch’s recent downgrade of U.S. debt and the erosion of purchasing power worldwide underscore the urgency for monetary reform. With China and other countries actively challenging the dollar’s dominance, the return to a gold-backed dollar emerges as a potential solution.

Economists point out that for thousands of years, gold and precious metals have served as reliable mediums of exchange due to their durability, portability, scarcity, and intrinsic value. Until 1971, the U.S. dollar was officially backed by gold. However, policy shifts over the years led to the dollar’s detachment from gold. Now, lawmakers are acknowledging the critical need for a stable foundation in the face of economic and monetary turmoil.

Efforts to return to the gold standard are fueled by concerns over the dollar’s stability, the loss of trust in the government, and the potential displacement of the dollar in international trade. The urgency of legislation like the Gold Standard Restoration Act highlights the catastrophic effects of severing the dollar’s link to gold, including extreme spending and inflation.

Mr. Mooney underscores that restoring the gold standard is not merely an economic necessity but also a safeguard against geopolitical challenges. He emphasizes the vulnerability of the dollar to international competition due to its unstable value resulting from borrowing and money printing.

While the path forward remains uncertain, the growing momentum behind the call for a gold-backed dollar is hard to ignore. As experts and lawmakers reevaluate the role of precious metals in securing economic stability, the idea of returning to a gold standard gains traction as a safeguard against inflation, economic instability, and the potential loss of the dollar’s global reserve status.

Supporting Article: Epoch Times – Efforts to Protect US Intensify Amid Global Shift From Dollar

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Ai3D on Twitter: @Real_AwakeIn3D

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Awake-In-3D, Economics Dinar Recaps 20 Awake-In-3D, Economics Dinar Recaps 20

Awake-In-3D: BRICS Summit – No Gold-backed Currency Will Be Announced


BRICS Summit – No Gold-backed Currency Will Be Announced

On August 22, 2023 By Awake-In-3D

In RV/GCR Articles

BRICS is certainly exploring an asset/gold-backed common currency monetary system to divorce it’s allied members from US Dollar and fiat currency dependency.

However, all of the prognosticators claiming that BRICS will “announce” a new common currency this week will be severely disappointed.

The truth is, the BRICS Alliance is far from ready to execute such a bold plan. The most we can hope for is that several new member nations will be accepted into BRICS+ block. They will potentially announce an expanded intent to conduct cross-border trade in their local currencies as well.


BRICS Summit – No Gold-backed Currency Will Be Announced

On August 22, 2023 By Awake-In-3D

In RV/GCR Articles

BRICS is certainly exploring an asset/gold-backed common currency monetary system to divorce it’s allied members from US Dollar and fiat currency dependency.

However, all of the prognosticators claiming that BRICS will “announce” a new common currency this week will be severely disappointed.

The truth is, the BRICS Alliance is far from ready to execute such a bold plan. The most we can hope for is that several new member nations will be accepted into BRICS+ block. They will potentially announce an expanded intent to conduct cross-border trade in their local currencies as well.

What will be significant is the inclusion of Saudi Arabia, Venezuela and Iran into the BRICS+ block. This would tip the scales in favor of BRICS regarding control of the majority of global natural resources.

The distribution of global natural resources has long played a pivotal role in shaping geopolitical dynamics and economic influence on the world stage. Historically, key Western nations have held significant sway over the availability and control of crucial resources. However, a potential shift in this balance is on the horizon, driven by the prospects of new entrants joining the BRICS alliance. This article explores how the inclusion of “potential BRICS nations” – Saudi Arabia, Venezuela, and Iran – into the BRICS alliance could lead to a notable redistribution of global natural resource power.

The BRICS Alliance: A Natural Resource Powerhouse

The BRICS alliance, comprising Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa, has emerged as a formidable economic and geopolitical force. With their combined economic strength, population, and resource endowments, BRICS nations have already disrupted the established global order. Russia, for instance, holds the world’s largest proven natural gas reserves and significant reserves of gold and oil. China dominates in rare earth metals and coal reserves, while Brazil boasts substantial reserves of iron, gold, and hydroelectric power potential.

Potential BRICS+ Nations

As of today, Saudi Arabia, Venezuela, and Iran stand as potential BRICS alliance members holding vast natural resource endowments. Saudi Arabia is a leading exporter of oil and holds significant reserves of copper, silver, and sulfur. Venezuela, despite its economic challenges, possesses vast oil reserves and valuable resources like iron ore and natural gas. Iran, another resource-rich nation, ranks as a key player in global crude oil and natural gas production, while also holding reserves of copper, zinc, and sulfur.

Significant Global Resource Redistribution

The inclusion of Saudi Arabia, Venezuela, and Iran into the BRICS alliance could drastically alter the balance of global natural resource distribution. Currently, key Western nations such as the United States, Canada, and Australia hold substantial reserves of resources like coal, oil, natural gas, gold, and uranium. However, the potential BRICS nations collectively possess a staggering estimated value of $76 trillion in natural resources. This influx of resource-rich nations could reshape the global resource landscape.

Implications for Geopolitics and Economy

The shift of resource power from Western nations to the BRICS alliance would not only influence geopolitical dynamics but also impact global economic strategies. The increased resource clout of the BRICS alliance could strengthen their bargaining position in international trade negotiations, bolstering their economic independence and influence. Additionally, the alignment of resource-rich nations could potentially reduce their reliance on traditional Western markets and currencies, fostering new economic alliances and trade partnerships.

The global balance of natural resources is poised for a seismic shift as potential BRICS nations eye membership in the alliance. The inclusion of Saudi Arabia, Venezuela, and Iran as potential BRICS alliance members has the potential to significantly reshape the balance of global natural resource power.

Reference Data (from 2021 statistics): The Top-10 Nations with the highest value in natural resources

Top 10 Nations (not currently BRICS members) Natural Resources

United States:

  • Estimated Value of Natural Resources: $45 trillion

  • Resources: Timber, coal, copper, gold, oil, natural gas, lead, molybdenum, phosphates, rare earth elements, uranium, bauxite, iron, mercury, nickel, potash, silver, tungsten, zinc, petroleum, arable land

Saudi Arabia:

  • Estimated Value of Natural Resources: $34.4 trillion

  • Resources: Oil, copper, feldspar, phosphate, silver, sulfur, tungsten, zinc


  • Estimated Value of Natural Resources: $33.2 trillion

  • Resources: Oil, industrial minerals (gypsum, limestone, rock salt, potash), energy minerals (coal, uranium), copper, lead, nickel, zinc, gold, platinum, silver, natural gas


  • Estimated Value of Natural Resources: $19.9 trillion

  • Resources: Coal, timber, copper, iron ore, gold, uranium, oil, natural gas, alumina, nickel, rare earth elements, mineral sands, lead, zinc, diamonds


  • Estimated Value of Natural Resources: $27.3 trillion

  • Resources: Crude oil, natural gas, coal, chromium, copper, iron ore, lead, manganese, zinc, sulfur, arable land


  • Estimated Value of Natural Resources: $15.9 trillion

  • Resources: Petroleum, natural gas, phosphates, sulfur


  • Estimated Value of Natural Resources: $14.3 trillion

  • Resources: Iron, natural gas, oil, iron ore, gold, bauxite, hydropower, diamonds

Top-10 Nations (Currently BRICS Members) Natural Resources


  • Estimated Value of Natural Resources: $75 trillion

  • Resources: Coal, oil, natural gas, gold, timber, rare earth metals, industrial diamonds


  • Estimated Value of Natural Resources: $23 trillion

  • Resources: Coal, rare earth metals, timber, arable land, rice, oil, natural gas, metals (gold, aluminum), minerals


  • Estimated Value of Natural Resources: $21.8 trillion

  • Resources: Gold, iron, oil, uranium, bauxite, platinum, copper, tin, timber, hydroelectric power

Summary of BRICS Nation Resources Value (2021)

  • Russia: $75 trillion

  • China: $23 trillion

  • Brazil: $21.8 trillion

  • Total for BRICS Nations: $119.8 trillion

Summary of Potential New BRICS Member Natural Resources Value

  • Saudi Arabia: $34.4 trillion

  • Venezuela: $14.3 trillion

  • Iran: $27.3 trillion

  • Total for Potential BRICS+ Nations: $76 trillion

Non-BRICS Nations Resources:

  • United States: $45 trillion

  • Canada: $33.2 trillion

  • Australia: $19.9 trillion

  • Total for Developed Nations: $98.1 trillion

Top-10 Natural Resource Nation: What About IRAQ?

  • Iraq: $15.9 trillion

  • THE ORPHAN CHILD caught in the crosshairs between the West and BRICS…

Bottom Line

If Saudi Arabia, Venezuela and Iran are granted membership in the BRICS Alliance, 7 out of the Top-10 nations would represent a BRICS control of over $195 Trillion in global natural resources compared to the Western Top-10 nations only controlling $98 Trillion in natural resources.

A global game-changer indeed…

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Ai3D on Telegram: GCR_RealTimeNews
Ai3D on Twitter: @Real_AwakeIn3D

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Awake-In-3D, Economics Dinar Recaps 20 Awake-In-3D, Economics Dinar Recaps 20

Awake-In-3D:  From Bad to Worse – Commercial Real Estate Meltdown Unfolding


From Bad to Worse – Commercial Real Estate Meltdown Unfolding

On August 14, 2023 By Awake-In-3D

In Fiat Debt System Collapse Articles

I continue to follow and update the latest data from the Commercial Real Estate market since this will likely be the primary trigger of the US Dollar collapse and the beginning of the end for the global fiat currency system.

In a nation on the cusp of a recession (if not all out depression), a sense of hopelessness is spreading across the Commercial Real Estate (CRE) sector. The industry appears to be veering perilously towards an abyss of unprecedented proportions. A slew of disconcerting indicators paint a grim portrait, warning of a potential collapse that will send shockwaves through the United States financial system.


From Bad to Worse – Commercial Real Estate Meltdown Unfolding

On August 14, 2023 By Awake-In-3D

In Fiat Debt System Collapse Articles

I continue to follow and update the latest data from the Commercial Real Estate market since this will likely be the primary trigger of the US Dollar collapse and the beginning of the end for the global fiat currency system.

In a nation on the cusp of a recession (if not all out depression), a sense of hopelessness is spreading across the Commercial Real Estate (CRE) sector. The industry appears to be veering perilously towards an abyss of unprecedented proportions. A slew of disconcerting indicators paint a grim portrait, warning of a potential collapse that will send shockwaves through the United States financial system.

Summary of Current CRE Crisis

  • Growing vacancy rates, surging loan delinquencies, plummeting values.

  • Remote work and urban flight contribute.

  • Owners abandon properties due to underwater rents.

  • Imminent risk of economic repercussions.

  • CRE industry teeters on brink of disaster.

CRE Loan Delinquency Rates Surge:

  • July 2023: CMBS delinquency rate rises by 51 basis points to 4.41%.

  • Office delinquencies increase by 46 basis points to 4.96%.

  • Delinquency rate highest since December 2021.

Building Values Plunge:

  • Office occupancy rate less than 50% due to remote work.

  • Predicted CRE price decline up to 40%.

  • Potentially worse than Great Financial Crisis.

Loan Renegotiation and Rising Interest Rates will Initiate Disaster:

  • Over 50% of $2.9 trillion commercial mortgages need renegotiation in 24 months.

  • Anticipated CRE loan interest rate increase of 350 to 450 basis points.

Delinquency Rates Surge: A Ticking Time Bomb

The tumultuous journey of America’s CRE industry is highlighted by the alarming ascent of delinquency rates. The unraveling has been most vividly captured by the trajectory of commercial property loans packaged within the confines of Commercial Mortgage-Backed Securities (CMBS). In a gut-wrenching revelation, the delinquency rate surged by a disquieting 51 basis points, reaching an ominous 4.41% within a mere month.

However, the heart of the storm lies in the daunting rise of office delinquencies, a pivotal segment of the industry, which saw a staggering 46 basis point spike, propelling the rate to an alarming 4.96%. The once-stable pillars of the CRE sector are shaking, with the deterioration in the office segment accelerating at a pace that can only be described as alarming.

Values Plunge as Remote Work Prevails: A New Reality Dawns

With the relentless march of technology and the aftermath of the global pandemic, a new norm has taken root – the remote work revolution. This paradigm shift has sent seismic tremors through the office segment of the CRE industry. The dire predictions of Kiran Raichura, Capital Economics’ Deputy Chief Property Economist, cast a shadow over the future, as he anticipates a cataclysmic 35% plunge in office values by the latter half of 2025.

What’s even more unsettling is Raichura’s assertion that this abyss may linger, potentially remaining unrecovered even by 2040. Such a forecast is not just a warning bell but a resounding siren of distress, signaling a tectonic shift in the traditional office landscape.

Renegotiation Hurdles: A Looming Crisis of Repayment

As if these tremors weren’t enough, a looming storm is brewing on the horizon – the daunting renegotiation challenge. More than half of the staggering $2.9 trillion worth of commercial mortgages are slated for renegotiation within the next twenty-four months. An even darker cloud looms overhead in the form of anticipated new lending rates.

Experts prognosticate an unsettling surge of 350 to 450 basis points in these rates. This collision of renegotiation and elevated lending rates forms a perfect storm that could trigger a catastrophic wave of defaults, foreclosures, and ultimately, a deepening crisis within the CRE sector.

CRE Faces Deeper Decline: An Inescapable Abyss

Lisa Shalett, the Chief Investment Officer of Morgan Stanley Wealth Management, lends a chilling crescendo to the chorus of cautionary voices. Her ominous forecast of a 40% plunge in CRE prices casts an eerie shadow over the industry. This potential plummet is poised to surpass the tumultuous aftermath of the Great Financial Crisis. The gravity of her prediction is impossible to ignore. The CRE sector, once a bastion of stability and growth, stands at a precipice, poised to tumble into a chasm of uncertainty and upheaval.

The Contagion Spreads: An Unfolding Domino Effect

The creeping contagion that has infiltrated the CRE sector is no longer an isolated phenomenon. What began as a localized downturn has metastasized into an industry-wide crisis. This unraveling has the hallmarks of a domino effect – a single precipitating event, followed by a cascading series of repercussions that spread like wildfire. The once-vibrant landscape of CRE is now plagued by soaring vacancy rates, surging delinquencies, and plummeting values. Each element exacerbates the other, fostering an environment of uncertainty that threatens not only the CRE sector but the broader economy at large.

A Ticking Time Bomb with Global Implications

As America’s CRE industry navigates treacherous waters, the alarms are ringing louder and clearer than ever before. The tremors felt within this sector have the potential to unleash a tidal wave of financial consequences that would reverberate far beyond the confines of the industry.

With each passing day, vacancy rates soar higher, delinquency rates march upwards, and values plunge deeper into the abyss. The question no longer lingers in the realm of “if” but resonates as a resounding “when.” When will the CRE industry hit rock bottom?

When will the consequences of this spiraling crisis send shockwaves through an economy still grappling with the aftershocks of government-imposed closures and lock-downs? The once-stable pillars of the CRE sector now stand precariously, serving as a stark reminder of the fragility that lies beneath the surface of the Fiat Debt Currency System.

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Commercial Real Estate: A Likely Trigger for Fiat Financial System, then US Dollar Collapse

CRE (Commercial Real Estate) debt is a ticking time bomb for the U.S. banking/financial industry. It’s forming a perfect storm with serious implications for the Fiat Dollar. Here’s what’s happening:

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Awake-In-3D, Economics Dinar Recaps 20 Awake-In-3D, Economics Dinar Recaps 20

Awake-In-3D: Argentina’s Fiat Currency Crashes and the Looming Specter over Japan


Argentina’s Fiat Currency Crashes and the Looming Specter over Japan

On August 14, 2023 By Awake-In-3D

In Fiat Debt System Collapse Articles

Argentina’s recent fiat currency crash has set off alarms, drawing parallels to a potentially larger-scale catastrophe lurking in Japan’s financial landscape. The reverberations from Argentina’s turmoil could lead to a global contagion effect, shaking the foundations of the fiat currency system that underpins economies worldwide.

As Japan teeters on the brink of a potential crisis of much greater magnitude, the international community must act swiftly and decisively to safeguard against a domino effect that could reverberate across the world.


Argentina’s Fiat Currency Crashes and the Looming Specter over Japan

On August 14, 2023 By Awake-In-3D

In Fiat Debt System Collapse Articles

Argentina’s recent fiat currency crash has set off alarms, drawing parallels to a potentially larger-scale catastrophe lurking in Japan’s financial landscape. The reverberations from Argentina’s turmoil could lead to a global contagion effect, shaking the foundations of the fiat currency system that underpins economies worldwide.

As Japan teeters on the brink of a potential crisis of much greater magnitude, the international community must act swiftly and decisively to safeguard against a domino effect that could reverberate across the world.

  Argentina devalued its currency by nearly 18%.

·        The benchmark interest rate was raised by 21 percentage points to 118%.

·        The official FX rate was fixed at 350 pesos per dollar until the October elections.

·        The parallel informal peso dropped around 10% to a record low of 670 per dollar.

·        Argentina’s gross reserves stand at $23.8 billion, while net reserves, discounting liabilities, are over $8 billion in the red.

Argentina’s Economic Quagmire

Argentina, Latin America’s third-largest economy, has long struggled with economic instability. Years of mismanagement, political turmoil, and high inflation rates have culminated in a spiraling crisis. The shockwaves from the country’s recent primary elections, where far-right libertarian candidate Javier Milei garnered unexpected support, have jolted an already fragile economy.

The decision by the Argentina central bank to devalue its currency by nearly 18% and simultaneously raise interest rates to a staggering 118% reflects the desperate measures being taken to stabilize the situation. This move, triggered by Milei’s rise and concerns over economic viability, has deepened market uncertainties, causing the peso to plummet and the potential for further devaluation to loom.

Libertarian Candidate Milei: Anti-Central Bank. Pro Bitcoin

Javier Milei’s unexpected surge as a prominent figure in Argentina’s political landscape, marked by his far-right libertarian stance, has introduced a unique and potentially influential dynamic to the ongoing currency crisis. His radical economic proposals, including the abolition of the central bank and the dollarization of the economy, have fueled uncertainties among investors and market participants. Milei’s ability to secure around 30% of the vote in the primary elections demonstrates a growing sentiment for significant change in the face of Argentina’s economic turmoil. His emergence adds an extra layer of unpredictability to an already complex situation, as the nation grapples with devaluation, soaring inflation, and challenges in managing its central bank reserves.

Argentina and Japan’s Tenuous Fiat Currency Position

While Argentina’s situation is concerning, a more ominous storm appears to be gathering in Japan, the world’s third-largest economy and a stalwart of global finance. Analysts are drawing chilling parallels between Argentina’s plight and Japan’s precarious fiscal position. Both countries are grappling with ballooning debt, sluggish growth, and aging populations.

Japan’s public debt-to-GDP ratio stands at a staggering 265%, making it one of the highest in the world. The country’s central bank, the Bank of Japan (BOJ), has embarked on an unprecedented campaign of ultra-loose monetary policy, including negative interest rates and massive quantitative easing, to stimulate the economy. However, these measures have raised concerns about the sustainability of Japan’s financial system.

The Imminent Risk of Contagion

The comparison between Argentina’s currency crash and Japan’s predicament unveils a sobering reality: a potential contagion effect that could shake the foundations of the global fiat currency system. Japan’s economy is vastly larger and more interconnected than Argentina’s, which means that any impending crisis could have far-reaching consequences.

If Japan’s fiscal health deteriorates further, it will trigger a loss of investor confidence, leading to capital flight and a swift depreciation of the yen. This, in turn, might set off a chain reaction across global markets, where the interconnectedness of modern finance could amplify shocks. As investors seek safer havens, the vulnerabilities of other fiat currencies could be exposed, potentially leading to a domino effect that destroys the stability of the international fiat currency monetary system.

Supporting Articles:

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Japan finds itself teetering on the edge of a financial abyss, trapped in a nightmarish cycle of soaring debt, crippling interest rates, and a disastrous Yield Curve Control policy. As the central bank desperately struggles to tame the beast of economic collapse, the yen plummets, bond yields skyrocket, and the financial system trembles. Amidst a sea of uncertainty, can Japan break free from this deadly embrace, or will it succumb to the impending doom of a financial death spiral?

Ai3D Website:
Ai3D on Telegram: GCR_RealTimeNews
Ai3D on Twitter: @Real_AwakeIn3D

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Awake-In-3D, Economics Dinar Recaps 20 Awake-In-3D, Economics Dinar Recaps 20

Awake-In-3D:  July Financial Figures Released – The US Government is Spending its Way Into a Total Monetary System Reset (GCR)


July Financial Figures Released – The US Government is Spending its Way Into a Total Monetary System Reset (GCR)

On August 13, 2023 By Awake-In-3D

In Fiat Debt System Collapse Articles

Our GCR continues to draw ever closer. As the days tick by, the United States government’s financial landscape has been a cause for concern, as its spending patterns have led to an escalating debt crisis.

The recently published USA Federal budget numbers for July alone reveal a staggering deficit of $221 billion, highlighting the government’s unsustainable spending habits.

Moreover, the cumulative interest on US debt has reached a substantial $726 billion, underscoring the instability of the government’s financial trajectory.

This will lead to a total reset of the monetary system, paving the way for a new asset-backed currency and complete overhaul of devastating fiat system monetary policy.


July Financial Figures Released – The US Government is Spending its Way Into a Total Monetary System Reset (GCR)

On August 13, 2023 By Awake-In-3D

In Fiat Debt System Collapse Articles

Our GCR continues to draw ever closer. As the days tick by, the United States government’s financial landscape has been a cause for concern, as its spending patterns have led to an escalating debt crisis.

The recently published USA Federal budget numbers for July alone reveal a staggering deficit of $221 billion, highlighting the government’s unsustainable spending habits.

Moreover, the cumulative interest on US debt has reached a substantial $726 billion, underscoring the instability of the government’s financial trajectory.

This will lead to a total reset of the monetary system, paving the way for a new asset-backed currency and complete overhaul of devastating fiat system monetary policy.

Understanding the Budget Deficit

To grasp the concept of a budget deficit, it’s essential to understand the basics of government budgeting. Similar to how individuals manage their finances, governments create budgets to track income (receipts) and expenses (spending). When expenses exceed income, a budget deficit occurs.

July’s Spending Data Released

Last month, the US government spent a substantial $497 billion. This amount represents the total expenditure across various sectors, including defense, healthcare, infrastructure, education, and social programs.

It’s important to note that the figures provided are for a single month and not representative of the entire year.

Deficit in July

The deficit for July alone amounted to $221 billion. This means that the government’s spending exceeded its income by $221 billion during that month. The deficit arises when the government relies on borrowing or using previously accumulated reserves to cover expenditures that surpass its revenue.

Revenue (Receipts)

In July, the US government received $276 billion in revenue. This includes income from taxes, tariffs, and other sources of government income. However, despite this significant revenue, it still fell short of covering the total expenses for the month.

Interest on Debt

The US government has accumulated a substantial amount of debt over time. Interest on debt refers to the cost the government incurs in paying interest to those who hold US Treasury bonds and other forms of debt. The year-to-date (YTD) figure for interest on US debt currently stands at $726 billion. This indicates the amount the government has paid in interest on its outstanding debt throughout the year.

The Growing Spending Problem

The budget numbers for July highlight a growing concern regarding the US government’s spending habits. With expenses consistently surpassing revenue, the budget deficit continues to increase.

This trend supports a body of mounting evidence regarding the complete, unsustainable situation of the government’s financial position, leading to a fiat financial system crash and the introduction of Our GCR.

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Awake-In-3D, Economics Dinar Recaps 20 Awake-In-3D, Economics Dinar Recaps 20

Awake-In-3D: NESARA – A Tale Of Intrigue, Scams, And Hidden Agendas


NESARA – A Tale Of Intrigue, Scams, And Hidden Agendas

On August 12, 2023 By Awake-In-3D

In RV/GCR Articles

In the labyrinthine world of the GCR and all things purportedly related to the GCR, few have captured the imagination quite like the tale of NESARA – the National Economic Security and Recovery Act. Promising financial liberation, debt relief, and prosperity for all, NESARA’s origins are shrouded in mystery, its narrative intertwined with shady characters, fraudulent schemes, and the intricacies of the human desire for a better world.

In the more than 13 years I have been involved in Our GCR, I have seen many narratives born and evolve. I have also witnessed many related scams prosecuted and sentenced over this time.


NESARA – A Tale Of Intrigue, Scams, And Hidden Agendas

On August 12, 2023 By Awake-In-3D

In RV/GCR Articles

In the labyrinthine world of the GCR and all things purportedly related to the GCR, few have captured the imagination quite like the tale of NESARA – the National Economic Security and Recovery Act. Promising financial liberation, debt relief, and prosperity for all, NESARA’s origins are shrouded in mystery, its narrative intertwined with shady characters, fraudulent schemes, and the intricacies of the human desire for a better world.

In the more than 13 years I have been involved in Our GCR, I have seen many narratives born and evolve. I have also witnessed many related scams prosecuted and sentenced over this time.

In my view, Our GCR is a purely financial event that must happen as a result of the current, global fiat debt system coming to its logical conclusion. All Fiat Currency systems have completely failed throughout history. This one is no different except, this time around, it is a Global Fiat Currency System, rather than being limited to one particular civilization or nation.

I also believe that Our GCR will give rise to follow-on movements and reforms related to personal freedoms and recognized sovereignty. But Our GCR remains a purely financial and economic event.

Key Events in the NESARA Timeline

  • Late 1980s – Early 1990s: Harvey Francis Barnard, an engineering consultant and teacher, conceives the NESARA proposal, aiming to address economic instability caused by debt and compound interest.

  • 1994: Clyde Hood initiates the Omega Trust Scam eventually defrauding thousands of people of at least $12.5 million.

  • Late 1990s: Shaini Candace Goodwin, known as “Dove of Oneness,” emerges online, connecting NESARA to the Omega Trust Scam.

  • 2000: Federal investigators expose the Omega Trust Scam, indicting Hood and 18 co-conspirators for wire fraud, mail fraud, and conspiracy.

  • Early 2000s: Goodwin’s online presence grows as she fuels the NESARA legend, drawing followers with references to Ascended Masters, the Saint Germaine Trust, and global Prosperity Programs.

  • 2010s: NESARA evolves into GESARA, encompassing a global vision of economic reform and prosperity.

  • Present: The legacy of NESARA endures as a cautionary tale of how some GCR narratives give rise to fraudulent schemes that exploit human vulnerability and the desire for financial freedom.

NESARA Emerges – The Brainchild of Harvey Barnard

Amid the late 1980s and early 1990s, a seemingly innocuous man named Harvey Francis Barnard, armed with a PhD in systems theory, set the stage for NESARA. A unique amalgamation of engineering consultant and teacher, Barnard dared to challenge the status quo. He believed that debt and compound interest were suffocating the American economy, prompting him to pen the NESARA proposal. A revolutionary idea was born, aiming to restore economic balance by wiping out debt and ushering in fiscal reforms. Barnard embarked on a journey to Congress.

Barnard produced a thousand copies of his proposal, titled “Draining the Swamp: Monetary and Fiscal Policy Reform” (1996), and dispatched them to members of Congress, with the optimistic anticipation of swift acceptance based on its merits. His proposal was grounded in the belief that debt stood as the primary economic impediment to growth, with compound interest being the foremost “moral evil” and cause of debt. Expecting rapid passage, he found instead a total lack of U.S. Congressional interest, a reality check that humbled his expectations.

Failing to garner the desired political backing, he chose to unveil his proposal to the public domain and shared it on the internet in 2000. Subsequently, in 2001, Barnard founded the NESARA Institute and released a second edition of his book in 2005, renaming it “Draining the Swamp: The NESARA Story – Monetary and Fiscal Policy Reform.”

The Rise of “Dove of Oneness” and NESARA’s Transformation

Enter the enigmatic “Dove of Oneness,” also known as Shaini Candace Goodwin, a former student of Ramtha’s School of Enlightenment. Dove’s cyber presence ignited after Barnard’s release of NESARA. Claiming the law had been secretly passed and connecting it to the Omega Trust scam, Dove’s theories took flight. Her online following grew, with references to “White Knights” and benevolent aliens creating an aura of intrigue around NESARA. Her descriptions expanded Barnard’s proposal, intertwining it with grand visions of debt cancellation, world peace, and a new political landscape.

Goodwin claimed that the NESARA bill languished in Congress before finally being passed by a secret session in March 2000 and signed by President Bill Clinton.

Supposedly, an earlier “gag order” issued by the U.S. Supreme Court, had prohibited any official or private source from discussing it, under penalty of death.

Unmasking the Omega Trust Scam

Amid Dove’s rise, the Omega Trust scam emerged as a sinister parallel.

Crafted by Clyde Hood, a retired electrician, Omega played on people’s desires for financial prosperity. Hood’s tall tales of offshore trading and high-yield investments captivated thousands, making them invest in Omega “units.”

A network of phone lines and prerecorded messages maintained the illusion of progress. As victims’ hopes rose, Hood’s empire crumbled under the weight of his lies, culminating in his indictment for mail fraud, wire fraud, and money laundering.

The Omega Trust Scam robbed thousands of people of at least $12.5 million. However, federal attorneys and investigators who prosecuted Hood and his co-conspirators believed that the actual amount could have been greater, estimating it to be at least $20 million, and possibly as much as $50 million. The exact figure might vary depending on the source and the extent of the scam’s impact.

Federal investigators intervened in August 2000, indicting Hood and 18 co-conspirators on multiple counts of wire fraud, mail fraud, and conspiracy.

The Saint Germaine Trust and Ascended Masters

As the NESARA legend gained momentum, it wove a web connecting it to the Saint Germaine Trust and the realm of Ascended Masters. Goodwin’s narrative introduced channeled cosmic beings like “Hatonn” and “Sananda,” hinting at higher forces orchestrating NESARA’s destiny.

These beings were supposedly assisting in the announcement and implementation of NESARA, painting a picture of divine intervention in earthly affairs.

With “Sananda” linked to Ascended Master Jesus and “Pallas Athena” as Vice-Commander of the Ashtar Command’s galactic space fleet, the NESARA narrative took root within the realms of mysticism and spirituality.

GESARA – A Global Proliferation Emerges

Fueled by a global, viral fascination with all things related to the year 2012 (specifically the 12/21/12 date), the NESARA narrative evolved, giving rise to a global counterpart known as GESARA – the Global Economic Security and Reformation Act. This adaptation extended NESARA’s growth beyond national borders.

Followers claimed that East Asian groups like the “White Dragon Society” were championing GESARA’s enforcement worldwide. Allegedly funded by the successors of the last Chinese Emperor, Pu Yi, the White Dragon Society was said to play a pivotal role in this global reform. Bloggers worldwide fervently advocated for GESARA, predicting grand announcements and massive debt cancellations.

NESARA’s Aftermath and Legacy

As the 2000s marched on, the NESARA fervor began to wane. Goodwin’s predictions lost their shine as the promised announcements never materialized. Yet, the impact of NESARA’s allure persisted.

The phenomenon exposed the power of online communities in spreading conspiracy theories and captivating believers. The Omega Trust scam’s connection left a trail of victims in its wake, a cautionary tale of how people’s yearning for financial freedom could be exploited by fraudsters.

Today, the legacy of NESARA endures, casting a spotlight on the intricate dance between truth and fiction, between genuine economic reform and fraudulent schemes. It serves as a reminder that amidst the complexities of global finance and the human desire for a brighter future, there will always be those who seek to exploit vulnerability and channel it toward their own personal gain.

What Can We Learn from NESARA’s History?

The history of NESARA intertwines the aspirations of an honest engineer trying to make a difference, the imaginative musings of a channeler, and the greed-driven actions of fraudsters. From the humble origins of Harvey Barnard’s proposal to the convoluted narratives woven by One Dove and her cybercult, NESARA’s journey is a testament to the potency of ideas, both noble and deceitful. As we navigate the twists and turns of this saga, we uncover a tapestry of human longing, belief, and the intricate interplay of truth and deception.

The Motivations and Enigma that is NESARA

Behind the NESARA narrative lies a tangled web of motivations. Harvey Barnard’s intent was to offer a solution to what he saw as economic instability, but his proposal fell on deaf ears within the political sphere.

Dove’s motivations remain a blend of spiritualism, a desire for economic reform, and perhaps a yearning for influence. Hood’s motives within the Omega Trust scam were clear – to exploit the vulnerable and amass wealth through deception.

The allure of secrecy, benevolent forces, and promises of financial salvation proved a potent mix that fueled these narratives.

The rise of the internet era amplified the reach of these narratives and schemes. Online forums, chat rooms, and websites facilitated the rapid dissemination of information – true or false. Dove’s cybercult, for instance, created an echo chamber where believers fed off each other’s hopes and fears.

Shared narratives fostered a sense of community, while contradictory evidence was often dismissed as part of the grand conspiracy. This dynamic highlights the power of virtual spaces in shaping beliefs and perpetuating myth.

Lessons from the NESARA Saga

The NESARA saga offers a valuable array of lessons. It underscores the human susceptibility to appealing narratives, especially in times of economic uncertainty. It cautions against blindly following charismatic figures, urging us to scrutinize claims and verify sources.

Furthermore, it serves as a reminder of the need for critical thinking and discernment, even in the face of seemingly captivating narratives. Especially where Our GCR is concerned.

References to NESARA, GESARA, and their associated narratives continue to circulate, adapted to fit the ever-evolving GCR landscape of global events.

The legacy of NESARA reminds us of the ongoing interplay between truth, belief, and the allure of hidden knowledge.

What NESARA Reveals About Human Nature

As we peel back the layers of NESARA’s history, we uncover a story that transcends mere economic proposals. It’s a story of human aspiration, vulnerability, manipulation, and the power of collective belief. NESARA’s journey from a visionary proposal to a global conspiracy theory demonstrates the complexity of human nature and the enigmatic allure of narratives that promise a better world.

In this age of information, where fact and fiction often intertwine, the NESARA narrative serves as a reminder to approach captivating tales with a discerning eye. As we navigate a world where truth and deceit intermingle, I propose to let the saga of NESARA stand as a testament to the enduring human quest for understanding, change, and the relentless pursuit of a brighter future.

The NESARA phenomenon echoes across time, echoing the timeless human longing for prosperity, justice, and a life unburdened by financial stress. It highlights the potent cocktail of hope, fear, and charisma that can spark movements, even if they straddle the fine line between truth and imagination. I see NESARA as a mirror reflecting our deepest desires and anxieties.

The NESARA narrative beckons us to tread cautiously through the labyrinth of GCR narratives, to question, verify, and seek the clarity that distinguishes truth from hype (or worse). With each layer we uncover, we inch closer to understanding not only the NESARA phenomenon but also the complex tapestry of GCR-Land beliefs that shape the popular narratives.

In the end, the NESARA story is not just about conspiracy or intrigue; it’s a story about us – our dreams, our vulnerabilities, and our relentless pursuit of a reality that aligns with our hopes. It’s a reminder that in the midst of convoluted tales and hidden agendas, our collective journey continues, one that is ever-evolving, ever-searching, and ever-reflecting the complex nature of our shared human experience.

Ai3D Note: This article is a factual account based on available information and research. It aims to shed light on the intricate history and influence of the NESARA phenomenon, while encouraging readers to engage critically with their own research and discernment involving such subject matter and narratives that capture the human imagination.


PDF File of the proposed NESARA Bill that was never taken up by US Congress for debate or discussion:

NESARA Congressional BillDownload

Ai3D Website:
Ai3D on Telegram: GCR_RealTimeNews
Ai3D on Twitter: @Real_AwakeIn3D

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