Awake-In-3D: Look Who’s Officially Joining the Developing Big Boys’ Club!


Look Who’s Officially Joining the Developing Big Boys’ Club!

On August 24, 2023 By Awake-In-3D

In RV/GCR Articles

Saudi Arabia, the oil-slicked Cinderella, just got a golden ticket to the economic Oscars. Imagine being a regular Joe, then getting invited to a secret society where Elon Musk and Jeff Bezos discuss world domination over whiskey. That’s Saudi Arabia right now.

The BRICS group – the economic Avengers, if you will – just extended a hand to Saudi Arabia. Now, they’re not just rubbing shoulders with Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa, but also the United Arab Emirates, Iran, Egypt, and Argentina.

Why should you care?

Imagine if Pepsi and Coca-Cola decided to merge. That’s the kind of seismic shift we’re talking about. Saudi Arabia might just ditch its BFF, the United States, for this new, shiny alliance. It’s like Batman ditching Robin for the Justice League.

But there’s a twist: PetroDollar at Stake?

China, the persistent Romeo, wants Saudi Arabia to price its oil in Renminbi, not dollars. It’s a high stakes love triangle, with Saudi playing hard-to-get, and the US and China fighting for its heart.

This isn’t just about oil, it’s a global power play. Saudi Arabia joining BRICS could be its Rocky Balboa moment, catapulting it to global stardom.

Will Saudi play both sides or pick a team? Who knows? But one thing’s for sure, the world is watching, popcorn in hand.

BRICS and Saudi Arabia: A Power Play You Can’t Ignore

Saudi Arabia, the energy juggernaut, is cozying up to the BRICS nations (Brazil, Russia, India, China, South Africa). It’s like a colossal jigsaw puzzle, and the pieces? They’re falling into place. The result? A goldmine of developmental and economic opportunities.

Saudi Foreign Minister, Prince Faisal bin Farhan, used the BRICS summit as his soapbox. Picture a quarterback, laying down a daring game plan in the final quarter. Bold move, don’t you think?

And Saudi Arabia, the heart of the energy sector, is not backing down. They’re pumping life into the global energy markets, and they’re not about to let go of the reins.

So, what’s brewing? Expect new alliances, amplified cooperation, and a skyrocketing relationship between these powerhouses. It’s like watching a caterpillar morph into a butterfly – a breathtaking transformation is in the pipeline!

Stay glued for more updates on this global power play.

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