Zig’s Place Chatroom News Saturday 10-30-21

Zig’s Place Chatroom News Saturday 10-30-21

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Butterfly   The government's financial advisor to / Nina /: Adjusting the price of the dinar against the dollar needs several requirements that the government must take

Saturday 30 October 2021 The government's financial advisor, Mazhar Muhammad Salih, confirmed that adjusting the dinar exchange rate in light of the improvement in oil revenues needs several requirements that the government must take.

Muhammad Salih said in a statement to the National Iraqi News Agency ( NINA ) that adjusting the exchange rate requires the foreign currency to cover the local liquidity, indicating that the superiority of foreign reserves over the cash reserve should not threaten the wealth of the country’s foreign reserves.

” He added: “Foreign reserves should cover at least A number of import months, including no less than 6 months, especially in the case of Iraq, which is adopted and very open to foreign markets. https://ninanews.com/Website/News/Details?key=936081

butterfly   Chihod: The current government is expired, and the next government will have great responsibilities

Saturday 30 October 2021 The former representative of the State of Law coalition, which won the parliamentary elections, Muhammad Saadoun Al-Sihoud, confirmed: "The current government is a caretaker, and it is not entitled to issue decisions, conclude agreements and conclude treaties because it is expired."

He added: "There are great and dangerous challenges represented in drawing the country's internal and external policy, restoring Iraq's prestige to the Arab, regional and international front, and the file of raising currency rates that exhausted the Iraqi citizen," noting that "this government has caused a heavy legacy in various fields, so it is our responsibility to Parliament to form a strong national government based on integrity, professionalism and independence, and to be headed by a shameless Iraqi.

Chihod said in a press statement: "The next government will have great responsibilities that are embodied in correcting mistakes and addressing violations, especially with regard to the file of positions that were overthrown by the abhorrent quotas, as well as with regard to the files of security, services, health, education, appointments, and confronting the Corona epidemic." https://ninanews.com/Website/News/Details?key=936008

butterfly   2021-10-30 03:44  Shafaq News/ Dollar exchange rates climbed today, October 30, 2021, on the Iraqi market.   The Kifah Stock Exchange recorded 147,800 dinars for $ 100.

•The Al-Harthiya Stock Exchange recorded 147,800 dinars for 100 dollars.

In Baghdad   The Selling prices at bank stores on local markets:

•Sale price: 148,250 dinars per $100.  •Purchase price: 147,250 dinars per $100. https://www.shafaq.com/en/Economy/Dollar-exchange-rates-in-Iraq-5-6-1-9

Butterfly   Iraq is pressing to recover its looted money: its value is estimated at 300 billion dollars

10-30-2021   Iraq is pressing to recover its looted money - its value is estimated at 300 billion dollarsThe Iraqi government continues its efforts to recover the looted and smuggled funds outside the country, despite its transformation into caretaker duties after the legislative elections were held on the tenth of this month, from which a new government is scheduled to emerge.

Officials and specialists estimate the money wasted and smuggled out of the country due to corruption operations at more than 300 billion dollars since 2003. Local media quoted informed sources as saying yesterday, Friday, that the amounts recovered since the formation of the investigation committee in corruption and major crimes cases last year until today exceeded 8.5 trillion dinars. Iraqi (equivalent to $5.7 billion), explaining that the accused are officials, businessmen and employees in various positions.

A senior government official confirmed to Al-Araby Al-Jadeed that the efforts of the investigation committee into corruption cases are continuing, and have nothing to do with the end of the government’s tasks, explaining that the committee frequently receives many reports of corruption cases, but implementation requires multiple procedures, including access to evidence. Verify them and obtain judicial approvals.

The Iraqi Minister of Justice, Salar Abdul Sattar, said that his country sent letters through its embassies around the world to all countries in which there are looted Iraqi funds, whether they were deposited in banks before the occupation of Iraq by the Americans before 2003, or resulting from money laundering that happened after this date.

butterfly   Traditional agriculture contributes to the waste water (Ahmad al – Rubaie / AFP)

Arab economy   Iraqi water crisis: tendency to skip the means of irrigation primitive

said in remarks quoted by the official newspaper “Sabah” to the formation of committees through the legal department at the Ministry of Justice in collaboration with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to directly address The authorities of those countries and the recovery of these funds.

This comes while the Iraqi presidency adheres to the law to recover the proceeds of corruption, which it had previously sent to Parliament in order to pass it. Adviser to the Presidency of the Republic, Abdullah al-Zaidi, said that “the law for recovering corruption proceeds was written in the corridors of the Presidency of the Republic by Iraqi experts, judges, lawyers and university professors, in addition to the contribution of advisers to the Presidency of the Republic by law.”

He explained to the Iraqi News Agency, “Conscious” that “the bill to recover corruption proceeds was sent to the House of Representatives, and went to the Legal Committee in the House of Representatives, but it was not voted on in this parliamentary session.”

He expressed his hope that the law will be studied objectively and extensively by the House of Representatives in the next session, with the possibility of amendment, making observations and sending it to the Presidency of the Republic again, pointing out that “the law for recovering corruption proceeds is important for Iraq and provides the state treasury with the money that was stolen, after the parliament votes on it.” Representatives.”

Mikati Al-Kazemi, Dalati, Nahra, Taqah,  Lebanon, asks Iraq to increase the quantities of oil derivatives.

On Thursday, the Iraqi authorities announced the arrest of the losing candidate in the elections, former member of the Sadrist movement, Sabah Al-Kinani, red-handed for receiving a bribe in Baghdad, explaining that Al-Kinani was caught red-handed.

butterfly   At the end of August 2020, Prime Minister Mustafa Al-Kazemi formed a committee to “investigate corruption and important crimes” headed by Lieutenant-General Ahmed Abu Ragheef, with the membership of officers from the Ministry of Interior, the Intelligence and National Security Services, and the Integrity Commission, which was granted wide powers, and the Counter-Terrorism Service was assigned a task Execution of decisions issued by investigative judges or specialized courts in matters pertaining to the investigation committee in corruption cases, in accordance with the law.

Al-Kazemi also authorized the Commission to investigate corruption cases, the right to request any information related to the cases it is considering, from ministries, or institutions not affiliated with the ministries, and to summon those whose conduct the investigation requires to be summoned after determining their capacity, with the exception of the accused who cannot be brought without a decision from the competent judge. .


butterfly   Al-Asadi vows to hold the commission accountable for fraud and forgery

Saturday 30 October 2021 | 11:05 am   Al-Asadi vows to hold the commission accountable for fraud and forgeryOn Saturday, the Secretary-General of the National Depth Coalition, Khaled Al-Asadi, called on the Independent High Electoral Commission to announce its failure, and otherwise we will take legal methods to hold it accountable, vowing to hold the commission accountable for fraud and fraud. Al-Asadi said in a statement, “There are widespread protests rejecting the Commission’s procedures for announcing questionable results,” noting that “there is a legal trend towards the judiciary to hold the Board of Commissioners accountable.”

 Al-Asadi held the commission “responsible for manipulation and fraud,” noting that “in the event that the commission does not respond, we will have legal methods to hold it accountable.” The State of Law coalition had earlier questioned the intentions of the Independent High Electoral Commission because of its insistence on not re-counting and manual counting of all stations.   aynaliraqnews.com

butterfly   2021-10-30 14:47

Shafaq News/ The leader of the Sadrist Movement, Muqtada Al-Sadr, indicated, on Saturday, that regional countries are intervening in the Iraqi internal affairs, calling it an "insult" to Iraq and its people.

Al-Sadr said on Twitter, "We receive confirmed news of regional interventions in the Iraqi electoral affairs and pressure on blocs and political parties for external interests that cause great harm to Iraq and its people,” adding, “I call on all countries who intervene clearly to withdraw their hand immediately. ".

"I also refused to engage in dialogue with them. The blocs should not resort to them and include them in our internal affairs. We are Iraqis and we solve our problems among us.” He concluded.. https://shafaq.com/en/Iraq-News/Al-Sadr-we-should-solve-our-problems-without-external-intervention

butterfly   An Analysis on Iraqi Parliamentary Election

October 30, 2021 - 1:41 PM https://en.abna24.com/news/an-analysis-on-iraqi-parliamentary-election_1193509.html?__cf_chl_jschl_tk__=pmd_9sD5UMc.GSUXKww_sIvj1h.xrGG858JiPd1ZFYhoS9M-1635632261-0-gqNtZGzNAmWjcnBszQil




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