X22 Reports, Bix Weir, Pimpy and more Monday Night 11-9-2020


Samson:  The House of Representatives ignores the salaries of employees in today's session

9th November, 2020

The House of Representatives did not include in the schedule of its session for today, Monday, a special paragraph to discuss the draft law on financing the fiscal deficit (the borrowing law), which would contribute to providing salaries for employees

The Finance Committee in the House of Representatives believes that expressing its opinion on the bill will be after hosting the Prime Minister and the Ministers of Finance and Planning with the Governor of the Central Bank of Iraq, while members of Parliament agree to pass the law in an amount limited to salaries only

Committee member Jamal Cougar said, "After the second reading of the borrowing law, the committee called for a series of important meetings with the prime minister, the ministers of finance and planning, and the governor of the Central Bank to learn about the government's plan to adopt economic reforms," ​​according to Al-Sabah newspaper. He added, "We will discuss the loans and the draft budget for 2021, after that we will determine our position in the committee to pass the borrowing law

The House of Representatives intends to reduce the amount of borrowing from 41 trillion dinars to 15 trillion dinars, in order to secure employee salaries only   LINK

Samson:  Parliament gives the green light to the government to disburse salaries ... and the parliamentary finances reveal the date

11/09/2020 15:05:06

 The House of Representatives, represented by the Parliamentary Finance Committee, granted the green light to the government to disburse and release employees' salaries.

The reporter of the Finance Committee, Ahmed Al-Saffar, told {Al-Furat News}, that "the meeting with Prime Minister Mustafa Al-Kazemi and Minister of Finance Ali Allawi witnessed a dialogue and discussion on the draft law on financing the fiscal deficit (borrowing) and salaries."

He added, "During this week, we will pass the borrowing law and the government will start distributing salaries," likely "to vote on borrowing on Wednesday or Thursday of this week." "We agreed during the meeting to release salaries, and parliament in turn pledged to pass the law, but not with the amount requested by the government (41 trillion dinars)," Al-Saffar stressed. He explained, "We told the Minister of Finance that he will start distributing salaries until the law is approved this week."

Prime Minister Mustafa Al-Kazemi met today with members of the Parliamentary Finance Committee regarding the borrowing law. "There was a positive atmosphere dominated by a feeling of shared responsibility that prevailed in Prime Minister Mustafa Al-Kazemi's meeting with the head and members of the Parliamentary Finance Committee,"

Al-Waraa’s spokesman, Ahmed Mulla Talal, said in a tweet. He added, "The employee's sustenance and the need to secure it quickly was a common concern, and we look forward to voting on a law to cover the fiscal deficit next Thursday to start launching employees' salaries."  LINK

Iobey777:  praying that THIS IS THE WEEK! And they will Finally do what they say..because, IMO, they will need the Shiny New Rate to pay the salaries!!


Courtesy of Dinar Guru

Jeff  ...the election is not slowing this down.  The elections have nothing to do with this [Iraq dinar RV/rate change]...


Monday Night X22 Reports

[JB] prepares to reverse it all and put the [CB] back into power . Countermeasures in place.  Episode 2324a

The [DS] and the [CB] are now making their move to take back the system. [JB] has already made the announcement that he will reverse Trump’s policies, including trade deals, regulations and the [CB]. The [CB] is now trying to regain control of their system. Countermeasures in place.



[JB] Sends The Message, GSA Destroys The MSM Election Call, Trump Counterpunch Coming – Ep. 2324b

[DS]/MSM are pushing as hard as they can to convince the people that [JB] has won the election. This push has just failed. The MSM does not make the decision the GSA does, and they have to look at the election results. The MSM is now panicking, their flashy propaganda is now falling apart and they are trying to counter everything that is coming out. Trump is ready to use the constitution against them, the counterpunch is coming.


ALERT! Silver December COMEX Deliveries Maxing Out AGAIN!! (Bix Weir)

Nov 9, 2020

The next Battle Ground for the Silver Knight is the COMEX December Delivery month.

That contract expires in 12 trading days and the Bad Guys are currently MASSIVELY UNDERWATER....

Hang on Tight!


Iraqi Dinar News 11/09/20

Pimpy’s Investment Chat:  Nov 9, 2020



News, Rumors and Opinions Tuesday Morning 11-10-2020


Monday KTFA CC with Frank26 and Team "Copecetic" 11-9-2020