What To Expect For The Pyramid, Ponzi Stock Market Casino in 2021?

What to Expect for The Pyramid Ponzi Stock Market Casino in 2021?

The Nomad Economist:  Premiered 2 hours ago

What to Expect for The Pyramid Ponzi Stock Market Casino in 2021 The stock market decoupled from the real economy a long time ago.

The stock market now has nothing to do with the actual economy. You would think over 70 million unemployed would reflect some distress to the stock market, but no. the stock market is an accurate survey of the average billionaire's state of arousal, it its a metric of their flaccidity and rigidity and little more.

Wall Street is like over 80% automated now, running on algorithms. Watch a stock like Kohl's, up 8 points one day, down 7 points the next, and then the following day, up 9 again, and so on.

Or maybe the Trillions of dollars the Federal Reserve is pumping into the market, including now directly buying individual corporate bonds, has something to do with it. My sense is the investors have internalized that if things go bad the Fed will spend whatever it takes to support the market, just as they have done to date.

A trillion a month from the Fed in 'emergency' financing probably helps...even though it doesn't go directly into the stock market, it certainly helps create a beneficial climate for it.

Republicans like to talk about the "moral hazard" of expanded unemployment benefits of $600 per week, while ignoring the literally trillions of dollars the Federal government is pumping in the market to protect their wealth.

Most stock investors have more or less made back their losses, with the NASDAQ setting new records, while millions of working people have lost their jobs and are lining up at food banks. And let's not forget how first thing our Congress did was to pass a 100 BIllion Dollar tax cut that went 85% to the top 1% of wage earners, and 95% to the top 10%. It's amazing what the government can do to protect their masters.

The stock market is holding up because the private sector really cannot fail. Modern capitalism is all about corporate bailouts and make the people pay to clean up the mess. After the Great Recession economies were bailed out and the people paid with lower benefits, cuts to services, and more flexible labour markets.

This cycle really has to stop, it is truly taking the hit. A fundamental re-think of capitalism with a bigger emphasis on the role of the government is long overdue. If the government has to keep bailing out the private sector, building astonishing debts, why not go the whole hog and nationalize industry?

 You might as well, the private middle men are doing nothing useful, except taking the profits for themselves. The Fed has made it clear they are not going to let the Market decline. They are buying the bad debt and equities and pumping in money.

 This is not a mystery. It's a no lose bet. It's a Zombie Cat Bounce.

For the full transcript go to https://financearmageddon.blogspot.com




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