Wednesday Night X22 Reports 7-8-2020

The Economic System Is Not Just Recovering, It’s Prepped To Transition, Watch Gold - Episode 2219a

X22 Report:  Jul 8, 2020

Gold is taking off, we are not seeing the take down of gold like we have in the past, why, who is in control?

The economy is coming back online, mortgages and refinancing shoot up, the 3rd and 4th quarter of this year is going to look incredible.

The MSM/[CB] are battling the recovery, but the US has been prepped not just for a recovery but a transition.

Darkness Is Being Driven Out By Light, Connecting The Dots, [DS] Empire Will Fall - Episode 2219b

X22 Report:  Jul 8, 2020

The [DS]/MSM they know they only have a certain period of time before the facts over power the propaganda, it is already happening and they do not know how to stop it, so get ready for another FF.

 [GM] was arrested and it is reporting that each has the pics and videos.

The connections are being made, the players are being exposed.

MLK says "Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that." Sound familiar.


Petra and MilitiaMan Wednesday Night "Where Are We At?" 7-8-2020


My Ridiculous Saga to Refuse Free Government PPP Money