Wednesday Night X22 Reports 5-6-2020

Is Trump Using The [CB] To Cripple The Corrupt Banking System? - Episode 2167a

X22 Report:  May 6, 2020

Those in the MSM and who are pushing the idea that the economy will not recover will be exposed.

Trump and the patriots have put certain mechanisms in place.

The reports that are out now will feed into what the patriots plan to do, take this economy that has been pushed to the brink of destruction and brought it back to life.

Trump has control over the [CB], is he using it to pressure or cripple the banking system?

Targets Have Been Painted, Treason Doesn’t Pay Well In The End - Episode 2167b

X22 Report:  May 6, 2020

The [DS]/MSM are now pushing everything they have, if that doesn't work they will push a FF.

The patriots have now painted the targets, they are locked on, boom week coming. 

This is just the beginning, those who committed treason will be held accountable.


IQD CALLS Chat Wednesday Night 5-6-20


What Is A Money Story And How Can It Affect Your Finances?