Wednesday Night X22 Reports 5-13-2020

Optics Are Important, It’s Time, The Economy Is Coming Back Online - Episode 2173a

X22 Report:  May 13, 2020

The MSM/[CB] plan has now failed, more and more states are opening up, businesses are opening, the country is no long listening to the MSM and others.

As the country comes back online we are starting to see mortgage application pickup, the rates are at all time lows more people will be coming into the market.

Powell says no to negative rates, optics are important.

The Unmaskers Are Unmasked, Justice Is Coming, The Trap Has Been Set - Episode 2173b

X22 Report:  May 13, 2020

The [DS]/MSM cannot stop what is coming, they have tried everything but the people are now awake, they can see clearly, the shutdown no longer makes any sense.

Those who unmasked Flynn have been exposed, more declassified information is coming out and the trap has been set.

Nothing can stop this, nothing.


More News, Rumors and Opinions Wednesday Night 5-13-2020


Bruce’s Big Call Intel Tuesday Night 5-12-20