Tuesday Bix Weir Videos "Bailout, Lockdowns and Silver Rigging" 3-24-2020

Bix Weir

ALERT! India Goes on Lockdown as Trump Decides Our FATE!!

RoadToRoota:  Mar 24, 2020

India has just locked down the ENTIRE COUNTRY of 1.3B for 21 days...can you say Derivative Implosion?! All the large banks and hedge funds are highly invested in India.

And yet the stock market is rigged higher daily? What could go wrong?!


Bix Weir

ALERT! Bailouts For EVERYONE? Even the Silver Riggers?!

RoadToRoota:  Mar 24, 2020

We are very close to ANOTHER BAILOUT of the Criminal Financial System...but is it enough?

The $4T that Mnuchin wants to fortify the Exchange Stabilization Rigging Fund many not last as long as you think with a $2 QUADRILLION derivative market blow up!



Max Keiser, SRU and PIR Tuesday 3-24-2020


"Coffee with MarkZ" Tuesday Morning Chat "Digital Wallets" 3-24-2020