TNT, X22 Reports, Pimpy and more Tuesday Evening 10-27-2020


Tishwash:  Examining the origins of economic reform

In order to activate the principle of social and economic elite partnership in the forthcoming economic reform policy, a special consultation session was held in the Guest House Hall, chaired by the Council of Ministers, to examine the origins of economic reform.

The preparation of the white reform paper and the use of specialists in economic, financial and productive sectors were discussed for its rehabilitation, where it was supervised by 40 experts specializing in all economic sectors, and the conclusion of its conclusion (10 specialized consultants). 

Five main directions included reform of the administrative and financial system, evaluation and monitoring of government performance, productive and social sectors, services and corruption.

Finance Minister Dr. Ali Abdul Amir Allawi focused on the role of the private sector, which he promised not only the partner but is the main driver of any economic reform and construction approach, pointing out "the need to support the state funds for its development and support, and it is imperative to build a solid bridge between it and the executive to achieve the foundations of partnership."

He added that "the reform paper came at the request of the House of Representatives and do not claim to be an emergency treatment paper for the current complex situation, which may give the impression that it is the magic paper to save the country, but it helps to improve the situation, and faces the challenges of its implementation and the required radical revolution, for all the pillars and foundations of economic construction," pointing out that "the paper is far from political trends."

Dr. Hussein Jaber al-Khaqani, cultural advisor to the Iraqi Institute for Economic Reform, said: "During the session, inquiries were directed from most segments of business, industry, agriculture, tourism, banking, it, tax and customs, as well as the 2021 budget and monetary policy," he said, noting that "the Minister of Finance expressed satisfaction with the discussions of the special session, and therefore he looks forward to specialized sector papers."  link


Samson:  Financial Committee: Having 150,000 double-salary employees and processing them saves one trillion dinars per month

27th October, 2020

The Finance Committee in the House of Representatives, on Tuesday, reserved the amount required in the fiscal deficit law, which amounts to 41 trillion dinars, while it confirmed that Parliament could approve 20 trillion dinars to secure salaries for the end of the current year.

The committee's reporter, Ahmed Al-Saffar, revealed, according to the official newspaper, that "there are 150,000 employees with double salaries," indicating that "dealing with this issue will save more than a trillion dinars per month."

Al-Saffar said: “After examining the draft of the fiscal deficit law in the appendix of current expenditures that includes 38 items, we found that some items can be postponed to the 2021 budget to reduce the loan amount that exceeds 41 trillion dinars, stressing that it is impossible to approve it by the House of Representatives or the Parliamentary Finance Committee."

He added, "Seven items out of the 38 are obligatory to spend during the next four months, including (employee salaries, pensions, indebtedness and debt benefits, ration card, medicines and social protection network", indicating that they are necessary items that the loan should cover, and the rest of the items Current expenditures are transferred to the 2021 budget, to solve the salary problem as soon as possible by approving the fiscal deficit bill.”

 And he went on to say that “in the event that salaries are provided, the government is obligated to pay the debts resulting from the delay in salaries of employees. The first of the month of November is the distribution of the salaries of the month of October, and after a week they begin to distribute the salaries of the month (11), that is, the salaries are paid in succession because the government has no argument in the event that the amount of the loan specified for the next four months is approved.

To reduce the waste in spending, the Parliamentary Finance Rapporteur warned that "more than one minister has confirmed through the media the existence of double-salary employees, between two to nine salaries, since according to estimates, there are 150,000 double-salary employees." And that "addressing this issue will save more than a trillion Iraqi dinars per month, and if the emphasis is placed on other taxes, whether at border crossings and the revenues of local departments such as" public traffic, state real estate and the General Tax Authority", then the government will have a trillion dinars a month later.

Regarding the window for selling the currency, Al-Saffar explained that "approximately one trillion dinars do not enter the state treasury because of the unrealistic investments and receipts provided by some merchants who buy dollars from private banks through the currency window, and therefore they are not given to real importers, and they are not taxed and they do not express Real trade as goods entering Iraq, so the dollar must be transferred to the Ministry of Finance to collect real state taxes, amounting to one trillion Iraqi dinars.

 He concluded that the aforementioned cases, if dealt with immediately by the government, would have 3 trillion dinars available per month, reducing the monthly deficit in half.  LINK


Tuesday Night X22 Reports

Trump just signaled the Economic Card…Right on schedule. Episode 2313a

Each economic sector is now forming a V, the economy is recovering. US home prices are moving up, manufacturing is coming back and durable goods are up. Next card is the GDP numbers, this is coming at the exact moment. WTO on deck.


Recording Released Of [HB], [BO] Panics, DOJ To Sullivan Dismiss Flynn’s Case – Episode 2313b

The MSM/[DS] they have now lost the battle over the ACB, she has been confirmed. Most of the states now have to count their ballots on election. [BO] gives a speech and he is panicking. Recording of [HB] has been released and it shows the laptop is not Russian disinformation. The DOJ is now pushing Sullivan to dismiss the case. Welcome to the 15th round. The punches will start to get harder.

Vietnam Dong News 10/27/20 - Trump going after Vietnam once re-elected

Pimpy’s Investment Chat:  Oct 27, 2020


Pimpy’s Investment Chat:  Oct 27, 2020


More Iraqi News Tuesday PM 10-27-20


How to Live Like You’re Already Retired